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10940240 No.10940240 [Reply] [Original]

If I self-publish on amazon but I barely do any marketing besides a twitter page for my novel, is there any chance ill get to at least 10 readers? It has a nice cover at least.

Any amazon self-publishers, please tell me your experiences. Also share your books if you want.

>> No.10940278

>amazon self-published """"""""""""author"""""""""""
>anime picture for OP
Please delete this thread and never return

>> No.10940303

ok will try again with another pic that doesnt trigger if this doesnt work, i really need answers.

>> No.10940477

When I day dream about publishing my novel that I still haven't written, I usually refuse to self publish.

Id rather shop it around to 100 different publishers than accept defeat with Amazon

>> No.10940568

In my case I would try but the book itself is a fantasy saga. And I have lost my will to write anything else so the idea of "write non-saga books and make yourself a name with traditional publishing" is out of the question now, sadly. I just want to get a few readers to tell me what do they think about my novel with honesty.

Of course, I tried presenting the saga to different editorials from here but they told me they wouldnt publish a four book saga from a no name author. Which is a rather obvious thing, but I had to check.

>> No.10940578

Anyways, is not as if im tried amazon because my inspiration fucking died (which did), but because I highly doubt ill be able to get an editorial to accept to publish this kind of novel without me having other publications before (which I dont, cause my inspiration fucking died last year and I cant get it back). I want people to read what I wrote anyway. At least 10.

>> No.10940584

*I tried not "im tried", pardon my shit english

>> No.10940593

I ddint mean that as an attack on you, id be desperate for 10 readers too. At least you actually wrote something, thats far more to say than most people.

Im just think im too weak a person to accept that what I write wouldn't be considered a classic right away

>> No.10940616

I put a book up there, have done exactly zero advertising, and have gotten about 8 readers, none of whom paid for it because of the free giveaway promotion. It's also got a really bad cover.

>> No.10940652

Ah, that gives me some hope. Did anyone give you criticism? Ratings?

yeah well, im far beyond those kind of ideas. Is just an adventure story, I expect it to be fun and nothing else. No fucking way a book published on amazon can be considered a classic, the medium itself kills that idea imo.

>> No.10940658

Nope, no criticism or ratings at all. I even had one other self published author I met offline, and we agreed to swap reviews of our books, and he never actually reviewed mine even though I read his and genuinely liked it and reviewed it positively. This is my book btw:


>> No.10940713

I can't even tell if your book is satire or not.

>> No.10940716

that's sort of the point.

>> No.10940733

is it though?

>> No.10940740


With a description like that it sounds as if this gender-neutral fellow here is trying to capitalize on the non-binary market without being so obvious that they'll catch on.
If the book looks like it could be genuine, people will probably think that it is.

>> No.10940744

You know.....Yeah? I dunno. Listen, it could be it's just a joke that isn't funny to anybody but me. If I 100% believed in the idea, I wouldn't have self published it on amazon, I would have put way more energy into it and sent it around to actual publishers.

So...I dunno. It was something I did over a summer to make myself laugh, and kinda poke fun at wacky leftist psychos, but you could probably take it seriously too...

>> No.10940754

I want to read your book but I cant help but get internal waves of hate, even if im pretty sure its ironic.

Anyways if you swear its good i might try it. I wont bother sharing mine because its not in english.

>> No.10940755

Along those lines, I guess my big point in all of it is I seriously wonder if the actual, living, breathing, transgender rights people are serious or not. It's like, they can't really be that crazy can they?

So...I wrote something that's way crazier than all of them, with a total straight face. Just to play with that notion I guess.

>> No.10940763

What language? POST IT not everybody is American

>> No.10940764


I dunno, depends what you mean by good. It's purposefully awful, I mean, I was going for something that's enjoyably awful, insane, and offensive. Whether or not I was successful or not, I dunno, haven't really gotten any feedback.

>> No.10940778
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I have a fear that once I finish this novel Im working on - rather, if I finish it, that no editor will accept it, no publisher, no agent, nothing. Im afraid for that step. Its like an abyss.

I think its some fantasy in the back of my head that Im going to be the next Pynchon or Wallace or something and I know thats not happening. But I'll dream on...

I dont write for an audience,I do write cor myself but I think were lying to ourselves if we dont crave that affirmation that we created something worth reading.

Welp goodluck OP. I truly wish you the best and you can attain your goal. Keep trying even if you have to shove it in peoples faces for them to read it.

>> No.10940787

If you're writing for yourself, and not even pleasing yourself, then yeah I'd say you're definitely going down the wrong road.

>> No.10940822

Spanish. Also I literally CANT post it cause I havent uploaded it yet, ill do it in a week. Want to check for typos a last time to be sure.

>> No.10940826

Its a pain, but you might get around 20. I did and struck lucky and got 50, and made a little.

>> No.10940854


I hope you do well, anon, because I've been thinking of incorporating that into the novel I've been brewing.

>> No.10940866

Well so far it's gone basically nowhere. So...

>> No.10940895


How long have you been out, Anon?
What kind of marketing have you really done?

>> No.10940899

It's an unbelievably overplayed joke because of the preexisting ridiculousness of the tumblr crowd. I think they're stupid too but this started getting old in like 2011.

>> No.10940905

It's been out like 2 months. Also, like I said I've done 0 marketing. Not really sure what kind of marketing I could do. The best I thought of was to get into my fictional author persona, and go on twitter and start flinging shit and espousing all these insane views the book has. I've tried it, and it's kind of boring, because people take it really seriously when I think I'm being completely absurd, and I also feel kind of dirty afterwards.

>> No.10940927

>post in every forum possible
>write up press kit and send it to reviewers
>literally give copies to friends if you have any
>post on all the social media
>spend money on adwords and other shit

Like how have you not just googled how to market a book?

>> No.10940938


Well, get going anon. Listen to this guy.

>> No.10940950

>>post in every forum possible
what do you think I'm doing right now...?

>>write up press kit and send it to reviewers
I think the ridiculousness and purposefully shitty packaging is going to put off any serious reviewer.

>literally give copies to friends if you have any
Have done so

>post on all the social media
have done so

>spend money on adwords and other shit

Nah...I'm at the point where above all, I'm not spending another dime on this thing. I've already spent way more than I wanted to, which is next to nothing, and yet I'd still have to sell like 100+ copies just to break even, and I know plenty of books who do all this stuff and don't even get close to that.

Also, above all this project was me just trying to figure out self publishing, and see if i genuinely like it, and see if it would be worth it to put some of my serious work on there, so far I don't think I really care for it.

>> No.10940958


So....you've given up on worrying more about the book, and writing in general?

>> No.10940979

What? Are you nuts? I write every day, I mean I do have actual published self stories, and I have like 3 serious novels I'm trying to get published, so...I mean this whole thing has been a goof from the start, I'm not sure how much energy I want to even put into it.

If you're concerned, read it, tell me what you think. If people generally like it, sure I'd put more effort into promoting it and stuff.

>> No.10940981

Great, then get on to your next project.

Maybe try writing something you give a shit about more than a personal joke you’re ashamed of next time.

>> No.10940994

What do you mean... ? Whats the right road to take?

>> No.10940997

I've probably written one book and about a dozen short stories, a few that got published, over the passed year. That's not really a concern. The entire fun of this thing was that I really didn't give a shit about it, or even if it goes anywhere.

>> No.10941007

Well dude, If you're just writing for yourself, and you're disappointed in your work, then you're definitely doing something wrong. Step one would be producing something you actually like.

>> No.10941022
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>> No.10941023


Misread "I don't think I really care for it" as referring to serious writing in general, not that particular book. My bad.

>> No.10941033

Nah, I'm going to keep writing until I die, even if nobody else really cares about my stuff. I just mean KDP in general, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes of it that they really don't tell you about, even though you'd think they should if you're supposed to be working for them basically. You're basically trusting them to do a ton of work for you, and they won't say how any of that works...or if they're actually doing it.