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/lit/ - Literature

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10975580 No.10975580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Show don't tell

>> No.10975585

So true. Borges tells, Bolano tells, even the inimitable John Williams tells.

>> No.10975590

You have to learn the rules before you can break them

Most of you idiots who are telling instead of showing are just being lazy

>> No.10975594

this is advice for beginners so they won't be lazy while they're learning (not that im an expert)
better advice is to learn attentiveness, so when one or the other is called for you know which to use

>> No.10975601

Ernest Cline tells.

>> No.10975647
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>the hero's journey

>> No.10975712

There's nothing wrong with the Hero's Journey as long as you're not some fucktard who literally copies everything

>> No.10975717
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>You have to learn the rules before you can break them

>> No.10975733

What exactly is /lit's fascination with this Wojak meme? I have never seen a board use so many unique versions of it yet also post the same ones over and over.

>> No.10975734

keep this shitty meme out of lit please

>> No.10975745


>> No.10975746
File: 8 KB, 442x500, 1508578810973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly is /lit's fascination with this Wojak meme? I have never seen a board use so many unique versions of it yet also post the same ones over and over.

Because its the easiest way to mock someone for being a retard and discredit them.

>> No.10975775

Okay then I'll rephrase.
What exactly is /lit's obsession with mocking others? I have never seen so many people think so highly of themselves because of their compulsion to put others down.

>> No.10975780
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>There's nothing wrong with the Hero's Journey

>> No.10975785

>What exactly is /lit's obsession with mocking others?
They think they're smart because they read books. No, really. That's why most threads here aren't about books but about how much people here read or why [popular book X] is shit

>> No.10975815

this board is full of teenagers mixed in with bitter oldfags and when you're a bitter 30-year old reading the sort of things you yourself used to think when you were half your current age arouses in you such intense contempt that it cannot be put into words. hence the grotesque visages attempting to somehow express just how fucking retarded you kids are.

>> No.10975830

Why does typcial 4chan banter and shitposting become "putting others down" just because it's smart people doing it?

>> No.10975841

go to /his/
literally 90% of communication there is through retarded wokak memes
if you see someone on /lit/ using them they are crossboarding /his/ scums and also a retard

>> No.10975844

>when you're a bitter 30-year old reading the sort of things you yourself used to think when you were half your current age arouses in you such intense contempt that it cannot be put into words hence the grotesque visages attempting to somehow express just how fucking retarded you kids are.
what if I'm 21 and I think the same of everything I read here

>> No.10975854

As a 21 year old I can confirm that you're also a retard.

>> No.10975862
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>using language as artistic medium
>not telling

>> No.10975868
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>> No.10975872

Well I have no doubts about that but that's besides my point

>> No.10975967
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>> No.10976092
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>> No.10976165

It's the only way for this board (and image boards at large in a way) to retain their culture and mitigate the eternal september effect. Elitism, rudeness and mockery hold the hoi polloi at bay and are the only reasons that make /lit/ slightly different from a place like reddit or goodreads.

>> No.10976275
File: 76 KB, 730x521, 1501335551560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this one of Jordan Peterson's infographics?

>> No.10976334

can one of you Jodarn Peterfuck expertz explain this graph

>> No.10976337


>> No.10976400
File: 307 KB, 1111x597, 1497969243386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the most successful book franchises, film franchises and video game franchises copy the hero's journey verbatim
> implying there's anything wrong with taking people's money

>> No.10976403

I try to avoid it when I can, anon. A thread like this I'm not staying in here for long, I'd rather lurk in a literary confessions thread or talk about books I like. If I'm going to procrastinate on the internet I'd rather it be something that was more engaging than just posting visual equivalents to chuntering grunts.

>> No.10976430

Archetypal son = you
great father = state
great mother = nature

hero = exploration into chaos
adversary = no exploration = absolute conservatism as in no progression at all
--> exploration means freedom to discorver something not the exploration itself

order = well structured state (exploration possbile, no suppression)
tyranny = overly structured, tyrannical state, no fun (exploration) allowed (dictatorship etc.)
--> explored territory until this point because the state is built by people

destruction = nature's destroying something
creation = nature's building something (stuff you can use)
--> beyond nature is unexplored territory, everything metaphysical, unknown etc., death for example

>> No.10976442

>Sending dickpic
>Not writing a trilogy about it called 'The blue left', 'The sloping tower' and 'The red right' followed by an separate published epilogue entitled 'The taint that ain't because it's too faint, ~t. the jar'.
[related wojack would result in a ban]