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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 338 KB, 738x536, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11008032 No.11008032 [Reply] [Original]

First, I'd like to begin by issuing a request to all board members. Please do not post pictures of girls as attention grabbing images for a thread. Lots of us on this board get very uncomfortable when we see a picture of a girl, and sometimes we get very sad. So please, be empathetic and consider this...

>> No.11008041

I'd like to see more threads about writing.

>> No.11008058

everyone knows /lit/ is the thotposting board

>> No.11008060

i would like to see less /pol/ posters.

>> No.11008065 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180410-160930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a girl?

>> No.11008071

This. They hurt my feelings too much.

>> No.11008073

>Lots of us on this board get very uncomfortable when we see a picture of a girl, and sometimes we get very sad. So please, be empathetic and consider this...
I recommend closing your eyes.

>> No.11008094

I'm the son of rage and love
The Jesus of Suburbia
From the bible of none of the above
On a steady diet of
Soda pop and Ritalin

>> No.11008104

How is that possible? I want to browse lit because almost all of you are my friends, but then sometimes you betray me
Come on man, it's just that they are always talking bad things about women and I think they are racist sometimes

>> No.11008107

Fewer ">tfw no gf" threads would be nice.

>> No.11008123

I'm just trying to stop getting thrown into a crying session because someone posts a cute girl...
This is not bad, the worst is when someone posts a face

>> No.11008124

threads that are not /lit/ related but have something like
>books for this feel

at the end should be removed immediately.

>> No.11008140

Yeah, racism, misogyny and antisemitism should be kept off /lit/. Global rule 3 should include all forms of phobia (currently just says racism) and be enforced.

>> No.11008145
File: 20 KB, 225x168, lac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, too many people use /lit/ as some kind of confessional booth with the big Other.

>> No.11008156

Not everyone has enough money for a psychoanalysis session.

>> No.11008158

These are posts looking for book recommendations, so they are related. I would argue for moving them all into one more broad recommendations thread, though.

>> No.11008185

this board is absolute garbage i hate you retarded faggots threads on muh weeemeeen get 300+ replies while threads on actual literature don't get any
there was a thread the other day where an anon asked a bunch of morons the definition of "poetic" and no one could respond
embarassing board, i'm unironically going to search for a literature group on normiebook
goodbye faggots

>> No.11008192

The point of a Lacanian psychoanalysis session isn't to be able to confess to the big Other either

>> No.11008205


>> No.11008212

>there was a thread the other day where an anon asked a bunch of morons the definition of "poetic" and no one could respond
that sounds like a retarded thread

>> No.11008217

the psychoanalyist has knowledge the analysand doesnt have, thereby functioning as a simulacrum of the big other... also the whole point is for the analysand to confess and verbalize

>> No.11008233
File: 396 KB, 700x1050, gita_hadizadeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you on come here to be amongst the elite and discuss important topics that normos cannot into, no more lewds allowed on this board.

>> No.11008237

stack threads should be banned

>> No.11008240

it was a thread on bolano

>> No.11008245

i fucking hate the writing threads, this is a board about literature, not support forum for wannabe writers, no one cares about your god awful self-published novel or sappy short story

>> No.11008254
File: 106 KB, 1080x1341, a88ed02fa32ea94d817ef027b7f0ca82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is getting out of hand and whoever is posting those images of women needs to step forward now and accept responsibility for their actions.

>> No.11008255

>reality should be kept off /lit/ because it makes me uncomfortable
This is retarded. Writer's have tackled these issues in works of literature. We have to be able to discuss how they did it freely from all sides of the argument.
If we're only allowed to analyze a writer from a 21st century WOKE perspective there is no point in having the board.

>> No.11008259

The thing that gets me is that 90% of the crit threads and the novel threads are shitty genre fiction.

>> No.11008264

Yeah just think about how much our minds have been enriched by hearing the same tired "evidence" for why the holocaust didn't happen in every thread even tangentially related to the existence of jewish people.

>> No.11008267

>Lots of us on this board get very uncomfortable when we see a picture of a girl
Blue boards are literally meant to be safe for work. Safe for work doesn't mean some naked chick where you can just can't see her nips or vag. Safe for work has failed if the blue boards are not safe for work.

>> No.11008268

i don't think that stuff should be censored, but when someone is clearly spamming shit like 300 anti-semitic conspiracy posts maybe ban them for a couple days

>> No.11008269

Yeah this. They're always fucking cancer. Come back when you've actually read some of them.

>> No.11008270
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Not me, I would never do such a thing

>> No.11008272

I don't think anon was saying that, only that people here are needlessly aggressive. This board is supposed to keep a strict psuedo-intellectual persona, and the added hate doesn't contribute very well.

>> No.11008278

>Unironically thinking the Holocaust happened

>> No.11008281
File: 32 KB, 400x400, QNo33Ml7_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, no one really cares about what some random anon owns, they just want to post their own and try for some justification against some kind of big Other.

>> No.11008282

idk i never read those but whenever i see someone posting their shit in a thread i do read its usually sentimental bullshit about being an alienated lonelydude in a cruel world, give me a fucking break, if you're gonna go there it has to at least be better than my twisted world, otherwise save it for your facebook or whatever

>> No.11008287

That have their own general. Considering the shitty quality of most of this board I don't care if we have one space for wannabe writers.

>We have to be able to discuss how they did it freely from all sides of the argument
>We should be able to seriously consider the world is flat on /sci/

>> No.11008296

exactly, its like you wanna have a "culture of critique" thread once in a while and try to sort out "the jq" ok cool its 4chan go for it, but when you fucking starting tirelessly posting that bullshit in every god damn thread it gets to be a fucking problem

>> No.11008300

they can't do that on /sci/ because it would take up a spot from another high school calculus hw help thread

>> No.11008304

>browsing an anti-semitic cesspit at work

dude, tits and ass are the least of your problems

>> No.11008305

I'm at the point where I'm so enraged at being an incel I might start talking to strange women and trying to flirt with them.

>> No.11008312
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Agreed. The thinking man does not need all these distractions that only stand in the way of the higher pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.11008313
File: 181 KB, 736x942, renoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are no more your friends than any other place in this world. I don't know who anon is.
I was friendly for not attaching the picture of a female to my initial reply, but you never thought of that.

>> No.11008314

I'm sure they could remove some of their daily iq threads, they probably don't need 6 at a time anyways

>> No.11008319

are /sci/ the ones behind the retarded iq threads here
you would think they would be smart enough not to fall for that meme

>> No.11008321

>anyone other than the person using the computer can read that tiny ass text
No, it really is just the pictures of girls.

>> No.11008324
File: 92 KB, 800x667, lacnnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, sorry too break it to you anon but your desire is only the desire for the big Other with unfortunately doesn't exist.

>> No.11008326

oh ya i fucking hate the iq fags i dont get how anyone who read anything from the 20th century could believe in that bullshit

>> No.11008331

god i wanna marry her

>> No.11008339

>implying the corporate firewall isn't logging every instance of "gas the kikes" and pepe gif

i hope you browsin with encryption on

>> No.11008343
File: 74 KB, 633x950, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad sweetie :)

i know you're probably being ironic, but you gotta stop making such a big deal about women, being afraid of them is just going to make you miserable

>> No.11008351

>Only people who work in big IT companies can use computers at work

>> No.11008362

The /pol/edditor poster is really easy to identify if you know the signs (and if you're not a newfag you know the signs)...

Firstly, the reddit double spacing (as displayed in this post) is almost a dead giveaway.

The /pol/ poster is someone who has migrated within the last 1 year from /pol/, posts anything related to jordan peterson, culture of critique, posts pictures of "patrician" roman/greek statues, starts "Where do I start with Evola/Guenon" threads, arguments against socialism (when it is discussed on this board) include "muh 100 million" and "muh human nature", they are obsessed with self improvement and will take any opportunity to look down at someone (just yesterday there was a thread with a greek statue and it was a list of literally 10 entry level books saying "if you haven't read this, you aren't patrician and you are beneath me", the thread was just kids making their own lists and patting people on their back), writes using /pol/isms, shits on women anytime they're mentioned, the list could go on

But by far, the easiest way to recognize a /pol/ poster is his shocking lack of intellect

>> No.11008365

>racism, misogyny and antisemitism doesn't exist in literature

>> No.11008383

>talking about things inside books is the same thing as arguing for said things

>> No.11008395
File: 566 KB, 1263x1891, 124125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People aren't posting girls as attention grabbing images for a thread. They are posting them as a way of trying to justify their desire to the Other. You only desire what you think the Other desires so if you post a picture of a woman you think is cute you are doing so in hopes someone comes along and makes comments expressing their approval of that lady.

>> No.11008399

You guys have great taste.

>> No.11008405

are you sure that isn't some girard ish not lacan, sounds like some memetic desire not big other

>> No.11008406
File: 494 KB, 2048x1536, anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is completely accurate.

>> No.11008407

>arguing for things inside books should be censored if I don't agree with said things

>> No.11008416

>spreading your resentment towards minorities and calling it 'white genocide' when white girls don't want to fuck you

>> No.11008419

stop you fucking MORONS

>> No.11008428
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>> No.11008434
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kak dela

>> No.11008435

it is pretty lacanian, theyre kind of similar.
i don't think the desire is FOR the big other, but
>Man’s desire is the desire of the Other

>> No.11008437

i'm sure i'd have a problem with thotposting too if any of the whales anons post were attractive

>> No.11008443

my desire is for a feminine woman other that I can protect and care for in order to consolidate the object of my masculinity. Lacanify that pls

>> No.11008446

we need more /lacanposting/, as in performing psychoanalysis on anons, and also we need more sincere anti-thot posting.

>> No.11008447
File: 242 KB, 1328x950, 403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get me a gf then, jerk

>> No.11008451

its probably a chick, only women think men care that much about big tits

>> No.11008454

you might be on to something anon

>> No.11008460

big tits that the girl is obviously self conscious about in a professional context and covers up in a turtleneck are god tier though

>> No.11008462

How to spot a /leftypol/edditor:
>Doesn't know what reddit spacing is.
>Attempts to write long-winded scathing critiques of his right wing counterparts.
>Fedora tier intellectual superiority complex.

>> No.11008463

Because your father also did and to you your father represents the big Other.

>> No.11008471

holy shit, that's pretty accurate in terms of my father caring for my mother as a stay at home mom.

>> No.11008472
File: 5 KB, 300x168, 1523685938348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pol boogieman

pol is kind of dumb, but it's right about most things too.

>> No.11008475

Look you forgot one >>11008462, accusing everyone that doesn't like them of being from an obscure board on 4chan for people who are too autistic for 4chan

>> No.11008482

What is it with /pol/edditors and calling /pol/ pol

>> No.11008495

>implying I have any interest in white sluts

Listen man, I don't necessarily hold these beliefs myself. I'm just saying that it's impossible to discuss a lot of the Western canon if you remove all discussion on what is today considered misogyny, racism and antisemitism.

It won't be a fun board if everybody has to immediately jump in a Picture of Dorian Gray thread and denounce Wilde for being a terrible antisemite.

There are plenty of cozy political echo-chambers elsewhere if that's the kind of thing you're looking for.

>> No.11008497

I'm not phoneposting. What I wrote wasn't an attempt at a "scathing critique", it was just a list of the signs to look out for. Now, what is reddit spacing?

>> No.11008498
File: 51 KB, 600x572, 090ashsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there lewds of that semen demon situationalist you posted?

>> No.11008500

I am literally not giving a shit about racism in old books, it doesnt matter to me... once again, as >>11008383 said, the only thing that is annoying are the /pol/yps who argue for those things.

>> No.11008503

>I'm not phoneposting.
>the list could go on
>his shocking lack of intellect
Does your . key not work?

>> No.11008505

question, who is typically the big other in the female mind? I'd imagine it's their mother, but im not sure

>> No.11008510

you.. .... got .. me . . .. .. . .

>> No.11008521

yes, you would be right, the child tries to understand what the mother desires in its early years, but keep in mind at the end of the day the big Other is purely virtual.

>> No.11008526

just wiki'd big other (inb4 pseud, I'm just doing some self analysis not trying to understand Lacan). Does the fact that I cannot identify nearly as much with my father as I can with other people play a role in him being my big other?

>> No.11008541
File: 43 KB, 900x548, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have no big other

>> No.11008558

So you don't give a shit when the writers themselves espouse these views, but you're absolutely fuming when others find those views appealing?

> the only thing that is annoying are the /pol/yps who argue for those things
Yeah, I also get super annoyed when people disagree with me. Sadly, that's the price of admission if you want to interact with other people.

>> No.11008569

>So you don't give a shit when the writers themselves espouse these views, but you're absolutely fuming when others find those views appealing?
Usually there is artistic merit/we can overlook the views of authors who are products of their time...
/pol/-posters are just a subliterate species.

>> No.11008585
File: 17 KB, 350x200, cropped-Lacan-descifrar-psicoanalisis_CLAIMA20120407_0015_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid thats all we have time for today anon. That will be 400 francs please

>> No.11008622

The real plight of /lit/ are:
1- Too little or too lazy mods that allow obvious non-related threads. From threads that has nothing to do with literature like an r9k feels story to more "subtle" ways of posting thots or feet with a "What do you think of the illustration?"
2- Philosophy ought to get its own board. I enjoy philosophical discussion as much as you guys but a lot of phi threads are too vague to actually talk about philosophy and end up becoming pol-tier discussion with no books being mentioned as the rules clearly *suggests*

There is also the stagnation of the board culture because of this board being slow and because we regurgitate the same memes over and over. But that is not a functional problem just a *sigh* 4chan culture thing.

Get more, stricter mods and create a /phi/ board.

>> No.11008627

having a /phil/ would just lead to both becoming dominated even more by /pol/

>> No.11008630

I completely disagree. I like being able to discuss things that are only vaguely literature with the people here. 4chan's boards are segregated by the community and the type of people who go there just as much as topic.

>> No.11008661

What makes you think you're not a product of your time, maybe a worse time? What makes you qualified to decide which views are legitimate and which we must overlook? I'd prefer to discuss a book based on my own honest perception of it. If that goes against your values I couldn't care less.
This board will go to shit immediately when some faggot decides to dictate what views are acceptable or not.

>> No.11008674

Women are seriously some black magic shit. Could you imagine having this women as your wife? Could you imagine that?

>> No.11008684

A new philosophy board would mean a new board culture. Id rather discuss it here if the alternative was something like /pol/ or /his/

>> No.11008690

/his/ seemed like a good idea, but what came out was one of the worst boards on 4chan, you never know how these things are going to turn out

>> No.11008691

No, it will lead to people discussing philosophy outside of lit. Once the board is created a culture will emerge which will probably be right wing but who cares about board culture.
If you want to bantz go to s4s or b/r9k/pol
This is a board for literature discussion
Once inside a thread talk about whatever you like, but to create a thread you should be obligated to create a route of literature discussion

>> No.11008692

>her crusty fucking aunt and mother trying to demand to stay at your fucking place
fuck that fucking latino horse shit

>> No.11008693

the /crit/ threads are really bad man..
I've only seen a good handful of good writers on there. My biggest pet peeve are the fucking incomplete sentences from the narrator's POV. makes me furious

>> No.11008777

Imagine a positive outcome, they do happen sometimes.

>> No.11008805
File: 157 KB, 516x702, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>her fucking crusty ass mother and aunts show up randomly at your door
>"you are the man now miho, you have to provide"
>mooch worse than a fucking drug addict, demanding to take the guest room permanently
>snoops through all your fucking shit
>contributes nothing while she seats on her ass all day despite being on social security
>trys applying for credit cards and welfare in your name
>"whats that last 4 digits of your social miho?"
>end up getting audited because she declares you as a dependent despite the fact shes on SSI and staying at your place
>does nothing but stink up your brand new couch with the stench of mole and guajillo peppers because she dumps cream sauce and queso fresco on everything despite being lactose intolerant
>you end up tieing her up and dragging her to the border drowning that bitch in the rio grande because she isnt worth the effort of throwing over the fence
no matter how pretty, 3dpd still has fucking cancerous in-laws
2d forever

>> No.11008809

She's Iranian I think.

>> No.11008812

Agreed. They are bitter malign fucks who get pleasure from spreading their delusions.

>> No.11008873

Can the mods stop killing William Gaddis threads within hours of the OP post while allowing (incredibly) thinly-veiled /pol/ threads to go on for days?


>> No.11008924

/pol/ posters are always right

>> No.11008966

Can mods either stop completely, or actually do their fucking jobs and get rid of /pol/ shit. Including any Peterson threads.

>> No.11008969

peterson shit is probably paid shills so they wont touch it

>> No.11008978

This. We get it, you haven't learned to think outside of ingroups and outgroups.

>> No.11009062

antisemitism is a moral imperative

>> No.11009064

Yes, but we don’t need to fill the board with it.

>> No.11009077
File: 203 KB, 634x466, 157115f1e1bbf459138ebaff281e32a8dddf81f9b096e7ce6dc468c7d43199e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op actually attracted like minded posters who arent being ironic

>> No.11009093
File: 24 KB, 544x350, anxiety-time[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know you're probably being ironic, but you gotta stop making such a big deal about women, being afraid of them is just going to make you miserable
I was unironically on OP's side but then I remembered that you're right. Pic related.

>> No.11009128

link me breh

>> No.11009150

Underrated post

>> No.11009218

I'd pursue her knowledge

>> No.11009251

What is this from? Anyone could just whip up a chart saying the opposite and no one would bat an eye

>> No.11009264

It was. Some anon asked how Bolano's prose could be described, and one autist took issue with the description "poetic" because he had no concept of connotation (obviously poetic means heavy use of metaphors, similes and metonymy, with special attention paid to prosody).

>> No.11009270

Thats retarded, it needs to be taken case by case. Polposters are awful and I dont fucking like racism on the board but I come here rather than >reddit because shit doesn't get censored.
If one guy is doing really blatant polposting to the detriment of the board or is spamming, yeah ban him for a few days, but once you start banning more and more kinds of speech then you give too much reach to the mods.

>> No.11009417

You're saying /lit/ is God. But how

>> No.11009426
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, pyt82nd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"meta thread about the board"
>meta thread OP contains absolutely no meta statements about the board
>only some reverse psychology nonsense about not posting feeeeeemales

meta goes on >>>/qa/ and I hope you get banned

>> No.11009429

The old lurkers need to post more.

>> No.11009434

Honestly this. objective reality is way too harsh for my sheltered bohemian sensibilities

fuck drumph and fuck white people.

>> No.11009442

>angsty loneliness is now objective reality

>> No.11009463

me in the op pic btw

>> No.11009485

>sheltered bohemian
How would this work?

>> No.11009613

Politics(either right or left) and Philosophy should be banned.
Most of those thread aren't really about literature, just a shitty excuse to talk about those things.

>> No.11009943

No one but a tranny, actually, lol

>> No.11009960
File: 47 KB, 500x598, 41A76B8F-AC8B-454B-B1EA-ADED0B8D0F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re going to shitpost about an author, you have to prove you actually read him/her

>> No.11009966

We really need a /phil/. It’s clean up /his/ too.

>> No.11009997

Gib milkies, mommy

>> No.11010053
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>> No.11010143
File: 11 KB, 214x236, donotforgetmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i was the first reply

>> No.11010148

There has been an increase in mod activity recently which has been good, even if a few threads that don't deserve to be deleted end up being. We seem to be finally free from the incessant Peterson posting and other pseudtuber threads. The biggest problem right now is:
/mu/ posters asking if rap is literature
/r9k/ losers who post about how they can't read
/pol/tards im every thread talking about Jews
Twitter/News headline bait threads
But other than that I think things are actually improving for once.

>> No.11010160


If you post in stack threads or bookshelf threads you are no better than a booktuber and should be banned. Better yet if you do that you should kill yourself.

>> No.11010173

That guy was such a disappointment

>> No.11010186

If we could gag the London Frogposter it would be a considerable improvement for the board.

>> No.11010202

threads like these >>11007631 should be made on regular basis
everyone who responds with a frog or a wojak and "tfw no gf" should be SILENTLY banned
a similar scheme should be devised against /pol/cucks

board quality guaranteed to soar

>> No.11010214


This. I see no problem with people posting about books in relation to their personal lives. You'd think we're all robots judging by how much we try to deny the link between our personal lives and books. Threads about personal lives should be deleted but not if they're actually about books.

>> No.11010265

Autism flare. Everyone was clearly shitposting and OP or whoever took it to heart. Some Anons actually answered and he was still reeeing like a mad man.

>> No.11010332

It's very apparent that most on /lit/ probably can't into aesthetics or even discussing prose. The shit anon was reeing about I see all the time. Vacuous and imprecise posts.

>> No.11010386

where do you think we are? Why so people expect high concept discussion in this place?

>> No.11010400

Why not?

>> No.11010668

is there any anti-Semitic literature that doesn’t suck, or is it a meme

>> No.11010848

/lit/'s overall quality would jump if you weren't allowed to submit a post under 500 characters. And yes obviously durrr they'd have to implement anti-spam detection.

>> No.11010855

fuck that i aint tryna write a motherfuckin tome to post

>> No.11010871

And that's why /lit/ is garbage now. Phoneposters have ruined this website. Yeah I know I'm doing it too but you know what the frick I mean, nigger.

>> No.11010882

Good. Only /pol/ posters have to fear

>> No.11010890
File: 308 KB, 631x800, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thread recently was the writing motivation one. It was interesting to read what anons were working on, what they were struggling with, etc. Another decent thread was "write a poem in five minutes". More threads like those please, they actually produce original content.

Also mods need to crack down on threads that clearly aren't /lit/ related but tag on "books for this feel?" at the bottom the post. Almost all of them belong either in /adv/, /pol/, or /r9k/.

>> No.11010891

That would have been a good april fools joke.

>> No.11010895

oh, wait thought it said 500 words.

>> No.11010900

Mentioning the following should result in silent autobans
>Bob Dylan
>Kanye West
>Jordan Peterson
Basically any non-/lit/ figure who is regularly spammed. I qualify Peterson as non-/lit/ because he's known primarily for his youtube videos. If anyone who's written a book qualifies as /lit/ then I should be able to put up threads about OJ Simpson's football career

>> No.11010908

>starts "Where do I start with Evola/Guenon" threads
except those are the only good threads in /lit/ in ages, with people who are actually interested in a certain area and want to expand on it, the rest of /lit/ is mostly low quality bait and low quality memeing

>> No.11010909

> Lots of us on this board get very uncomfortable when we see a picture of a girl, and sometimes we get very sad.
We should poll this.

>> No.11010933

It should be a literature board, Peterson hasn't written any
>inb4 psychology literature

>> No.11010961
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Does this mean no more tapirs, too?

>> No.11011044

Unitonically everyone who disagrees with this should kill themselves

>> No.11011321

Literally everything would improve if /pol/ was removed or at the very least relegated to a different site. The quality of discourse would improve. Better advertisers would come. Fewer plebbitors would come over.

>but they'd just throw a tantrum and shit up all the rest of the boards!
Then shut down the whole fucking site for a week or a month or whatever. Anything to get rid of the cancer.

>> No.11011446

I haven't been to /pol/ since 2014 or thereabouts. I've been on and off 4chan for years before. Has it gotten worse or better in any way? I've noticed the quality of /lit/ has decreased since 2015.

>> No.11011461

This is 4chan. It isn't an intellectual forum. If you want that then join SA or find one centred around discussing literature. All we do is shit post here, anon. Are you new?

>> No.11011490

>Has it gotten worse or better in any way?
you can't even begin to imagine

>> No.11011498

Range ban Israel, NY, and LA, and anyone who whines about pol, and this place will be a much more intelligent place. There are too many nonwhites posting here as well, who don't read or seem to understand that literature is not a part of their culture.

>> No.11011499

No, I've been coming here off and on for years. I'm under no illusion that it's the pinnacle of discourse, but the quality has dipped even between 2015 and now. I've found a number of good books thanks to this board, and I've made some effort posts from time to time. I don't know why it's frowned upon, though, to push the place to be better.

>> No.11011505

>hurr durr this site is shit anyway why would you want to improve it

>> No.11011520

the issue is there's no balance any more. we're in some third-order shitposting where newfags can only make reference to second-order shitposting, and then reproduce it in an infinite cycle. Hence, everything since about 2015 or so has been one massive shitpost and it's not really fun anymore I dont trust you fuckers. I have no reason to suspect that anyone other than the po-mo bros is being ironic when they make these godawful threads/posts. And the po-mo guys have always been around and havent contributed anything to board culture anyway since wraith guy and not-bill murray

>inb4 be the change you want to see

>> No.11011536

I've posted several threads, each time selecting a lewd photograph of a woman with the sole purpose of getting you retards to click on my shit thread

>> No.11011545

But I'm an idiot and also a liberal, so my shocking lack of intellect would likely be confusing.

>> No.11011552

I have never posted a single >500 post that wasn't some stupid as fuck pasta

>> No.11011563

It only got worse in so far as it grew exponentially in size, and brought a boatload of retards over from reddit

>> No.11011568

This is the funniest and best post in the thread.

>> No.11011591
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>> No.11011594


>inb4 be the change you want to see

I'd suggest doing that but every time I post about a book I read with the intention of discussing it it usually gets about one reply. I've seen plenty of times were others have done the same thing.

At this point, I don't think there's anything controversial in saying the majority of /lit/ doesn't like discussing books outside of the top 10 meme books we see every day. If everybody here were a voracious reader, even reading a book every two weeks, then it'd be a completely different environment even with the general 4chan atmosphere. As is, it's not because y'all are some lazy ass niggas.

>> No.11011598


That post had some spelling and grammar errors. I apologise.

>> No.11011606

that's not reddit spacing. for reddit spacing your post would need to start
>The /pol/edditor

this is a literature board, you shouldn't be this wrong about orthographies.

>> No.11011614

People like the idea of reading, and the feeling that it separates them from the "normies" who read Rupi Kaur and YA, when in reality they're intellectually inadequate, and so can only muster up the ability to post feels threads, or whine about their inability to read. A lot of people, too, are still into the activity of buying books without reading them. Then of course there's the thinly veiled /pol/ threads where posting about Somali poets or what have you is just an excuse to end whining about the joos again.

>> No.11011873

Me too tbhon

>> No.11012003


>never actually admitted to not being from reddit...

>> No.11012038

Let's be real, /lit/ is more pleb than the Goodreads community.

>> No.11012169

>tfw sassy black lady gifs pack more intellectual heft than the average /lit/ post

>> No.11012200


People come here for things other than memes??

>> No.11012216

>but Latinos can cook bhabi ;^)
>afraid of some spice?? hotchachacha

>> No.11012238

I think ur cool.
Who cares what momma thinks.

>> No.11012279

Oof. Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.11012286

I'd say rangeban north america

>> No.11012296 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 708x1083, 1523915570912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who responds with a frog or a wojak and "tfw no gf" should be SILENTLY banned
I used to love fbf, then hated pepe, then loved pepe, now loathe the unholy union of wojak and "pepe".
We truly were not meant to have nice things.

>> No.11012309

you are what's wrong with copypasta

>> No.11012814

Who's the semen demen in op pic? Thanks in advance

>> No.11012823


>> No.11012883

Can we keep New Brunswick?

>> No.11012943

What makes you think /lit/ won't be slower if a new board is made?

>> No.11012963

I've been thinking about moving there because of the low housing prices. is it a /lit/ province?

>> No.11012987


>> No.11013004
File: 1.46 MB, 1530x1284, 463457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing pretty girls give me a reason to live

>> No.11013031

>he doesnt know the dude in ops pic
>being this new

holy moly, get with the program

>> No.11013045

Marxism needs to be banned from lit discussions.

>> No.11013061

Fredericton is home to The Fiddlehead, an internationally published literary journal, as well as Goose Lane Editions (Canada's oldest independent press), and the city is known as the Poet's Corner of Canada. New Brunswick has produced Bliss Carman, Charles G.D. Roberts, Alden Nowlan, David Adams Richards, and some other writers. Not a lot of them are probably known outside of Canada, though. UNB and other places often host poetry readings (not slam). The weather is shit, however fall is cozy. It's a nice place to visit.

>> No.11013067
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>> No.11013075

Thanks fella

>> No.11013083


You start a meta thread with an image from the most slobbering retarded dialog ever recorded?

>> No.11013089

>shoulders too broad
>dat chin

Definitely has benis.

>> No.11013117

It would be, but less repetitive. /out/ has a more dynamic culture than /lit/ at this point.

>> No.11013142

Still kilometers better than anything you read here

>> No.11013151
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Everywhere they leak into gets worse instantly. /tg/ is my home board and nothing stands out more and derails genuine conversation quicker than a /pol/tard trying to fake ttrpg knowledge so they can say something angsty about orcs being niggers or something equally inane.

>> No.11013167

desu it's like one thread mate. newfriends sometimes make whole threads for their gay ass poems or post shit in the sci-fi general, but they are appropriately lynched and redirected. sometimes there are a few like >how's that novel coming along? but these are rarely about writing and they are usually just a nice bit of funposting and a chance to play around.

>> No.11013169

The /pol/tards and the people who respond to them with overironic humor are both such fucking cancer

>> No.11013177

Same with the people who complain about it and same with me for complaining about the complainers.

>> No.11013179


That's not saying much. A Japanese whaler manifest is probably a better read than the average lit thread

>> No.11013186
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If I read this book would I understand what this Belgian dude is trying to say?

>> No.11013324
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leave my beautiful /lit/ jeopardy waifu alone

>> No.11013367

It's okay, anon. We're on 4chan. We've all been trapped one time or another.

>> No.11013441

>people who are seeking to improve their wiring don't write that well
What a terrible thing that is

>> No.11013503
File: 137 KB, 1120x1124, Unattractive thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't show things that make me feel bad
If I have to feel this way so do you.

>> No.11013574


god i hope thats ironic.

ill be posting pictures of girls FNO if i remember.
suffering either destroys or strengthens.

>> No.11013580

Fuck this board, you guys are all just a bunch of turbo-pseudo-faggots that don't know the first thing about literature and just try to name-drop shit all the time just so you can sound all smart and wise, fuck that, fuck all of you, i'm tired of entering this piece-of-shit-blue-board where there are literally only five topics you idiots seem to understand, "any books for this feel" after greentexting your whole fucking life for no purpouse, "is X /lit/", seeking validation from strangers in the internet like a fucking pussy, "click-bait tweeter/facebook post about degeneracy" go to fucking /pol/ you assholes, i'm done with this kind of shit, all the jews and gas the kikes and so much idiocy spouted here, just go the hell back to that shitfest, there's the obligatory stupid "which translations are better for dostoiévski" mano vai tomar no meio do CU com essas merdas, we literally have this kind of thread every fucking day, and to top it all off, the horrible, stupid and absolutely macaqueagem that you people do in regards to philosophy, posting the dumbest ideas it's a wonder you people can fucking read, like some sort of muh existentialism or muh christianty, it's so painfully obvious you assholes just skim a wikipedia page and feel like you know EVERYTHING about that given author, i'm just fucking done with this place, it's impossible to discuss something without a mentally retarded person saying something about the jews, it's frustrating, and now, after that thread about bolaño where fucking no one was capable of explaining or describing his prose just made me realize that you people are dumber than /b/ posters, então vão todos pra puta que pariu

>> No.11013583

Sweet god damned lord mother mary of babby jesus WHOM IS SHE

>> No.11013607
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>dat punctuation

>> No.11013637
File: 74 KB, 1128x2156, 1523049482974-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fugg herr with my digg

>> No.11013916

>Lots of us on this board get very uncomfortable when we see a picture of a girl, and sometimes we get very sad
How have men become this pathetic? This cannot be real.

>> No.11013930

why is this so funny

>> No.11013936

>mexican kid getting triggered this hard

lmao adios amigo, nice of you to self deport

>> No.11013942

Mostly philosophical works go to /his/, overt political discussions go elsewhere, Jordan Peterson threads go into a sticky because fuck all those unnecessary threads that pop up. But who am I kidding this is 4chan, everything is the same rhetoric and shitposting patterns set in different clothing and topics.

>> No.11014061
File: 82 KB, 960x960, 325F5CE4-8A0C-401D-A8C9-38120A178D9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all you faggots from reddit come here if all you want to do is turn it into reddit? It’s so painfully obvious that you’re from reddit. You’re not fooling anyone. Just stop. If you want over-moderation of everything you don’t like you can go back to one of your thousands of subreddits. Meta belongs on /qa/ by the way, redditfags.

>> No.11014069

> /qa/ is for meta
Ducking newfag leave. /qa/ is for frog v anime feuds.

>> No.11014085

>Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer.
>This is a board for the discussion of meta topics and … other things.
>Outside of meta, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.
Hiro only briefly allowed on-board meta threads but it was disallowed not long ago.
>maybe if i call him a newfag he wont think im a newfag

>> No.11014112

Is no one going to call out OP on posting a boy as an attention grabbing image?

>> No.11014116

I have yet to see a decent philosophical conversation on /his/

>> No.11014198

> but who cares about board culture.
> but who cares about board culture.
> but who cares about board culture.

>> No.11014296

Google(actual site: https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-guide/cbt-for-anxiety)) but there's some research on this kinda thing.

Other sources:
>However, when you have to deal with the situation the next time, you are less confident that you can cope with it because you avoided it the last time or become dependent on safety behaviours. So you feel more anxious.
>baseline avoidance coping was prospectively associated with both more chronic and more acute life stressors 4 years later

It also doesn't seem rational to conclude that:
Not looking at pretty girls for years because anxiety -> Feeling better than you did before the next time you see a pretty girl.

Desensitization or at least becoming comfortable with something through exposure make more sense.

>> No.11014422
File: 305 KB, 1152x2048, DawqUz4UQAA2fq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically.

>> No.11014461

I'm opening every single image I see of a cute girl now because of this, it hurts but I think it's getting easier.

>> No.11014687

The board has improved massively since /pol/ and Peterson threads are getting deleted. Keep the good work, mods.

>> No.11014730

/pol/ isn't even a functional board now. You could see the decline, it did happen gradually but the last 3 years have been the four horseman.

>> No.11014737

Less /pol/shit would make this board a lot better desu, at least there's no culture of critique threads anymore. Also reduce the amount of londonfrog posts please, i'm seriously starting to think that guy is one of the mods of this board.

>> No.11014746

>sheltered bohemian
Please elaborate on this for everyones entertainment (and your expense).

>> No.11014748

You know the answer.

>> No.11014753

he means lefties have fun but don't see too many brown people

>> No.11014848

>Please do not post pictures of girls as attention grabbing images for a thread

>> No.11014854
File: 31 KB, 330x440, Eboli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John green pls go.

There are currently 2. 1 about writing and 1 about publishing, and 1 about first stories cringe thread.

>> No.11014864

then why are u here.

>> No.11014911
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>Fewer plebbitors would come over.
Wrong. Sad.

>> No.11014923

Literally everything would improve if right wingers just disappeared from the world but sadly it looks like we're stuck with them. Even if /pol/ disappeared /pol/tards would only be replaced by less obviously retarded but still retarded right wing scum. The only thing that could truly save this board is heavy moderation but MUH FREEZEPEACHers would throw a tantrum if that happened.

>> No.11014929

/leftypol/ is still /pol/

>> No.11014935

internet should never be non-neutral (or at least a FFA) therefore, anti free speach shilling is pro fascism.

>> No.11014947

There is no /leftypol/ just morons.

>> No.11014985
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>every board complains about /pol/
>cant jut ban people for "racism", would have to ban all political discussion
>this is impossible especially on lit where many works are political n nature

Honestly the people who piss me off the most are the people who are "anti-pol" even when the right wing "pol posters" are on topic, like in an Evola thread of whatever. It's fine to get political and argue as long as it has a connection to the subject, that's what I say.

>> No.11014988

>It's fine to get political
No, it's not if you're a fucking right winger.

>> No.11015004

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/2040116