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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 323x425, liberalmulticulturalshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11018473 No.11018473 [Reply] [Original]

>at least a third of the literary agents are kikes
>at least 1/2 of literary agents asking for erotic interracial literature
>a lot of them prefer to represent lgbt, lesbian, gay, and women studies stuff
>many want "underrepresented minorities"
Goddammit. Cultural Marxism is real.

I'm really not exaggerating. Buy the book and look over it yourself.

>> No.11018476

Fuck off back to pol. Lit is a chapotraphouse/leftypol board.

>> No.11018477

That's good news for me
Sorry for leaving you in the dust op

>> No.11018482

You know what to do people
Is that way

>> No.11018504
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>cultural marxism

>> No.11018505

You fucking bastards are part of the problem. There is something WRONG with the publishing industry, and if you can't see it, then I don't want to say. I really am not exaggerating.
I honestly hope you people are slaughtered. Not even joking here. I used to "sympathize" with you, but after reading through this book, I understand why the right is growing. Go. to. hell.

In fact, slit your throat and film it live for my satisfaction.

>> No.11018512

>then I don't want to say.
then I don't know what to say*

>> No.11018517

Let's be honest anon the reason we all aren't published isn't because we're straight, white males, it's because we aren't motivated enough to actually do it and even when we do we're mostly bad. I try to write all the time but I can't finish stories and I'm shit with grammar so it becomes a jumbled mess, there is no conspiracy by the kikes to keep me from getting published.

>> No.11018522

biological leninism

>> No.11018524

I'm not exaggerating. Buy the book and read it.
>there is no conspiracy by the kikes to keep me from getting published.
They are only two percent of the US total population, yet they have such a huge presence in the publishing industry. This makes no fucking sense.

>> No.11018531

It's funny that I had never heard of cultural marxism until right-wing lunatics started plastering it all over the internet, and now that I've looked into it it makes sense as a sociological concept to go with Marx's political activism. You can't adequately raise the proletariat's class consciousness if they're busy hating one another for racial/religious/cultural reasons, so the best way to bring down the bourgeois is to start by destroying prejudice. Ironically enough the conservative conspiracy theorists are creating their own boogeymen.

>> No.11018532

Nothing I've said in this post is an exaggeration, you buffoons. Buy the book and look over it yourselves. It's literally a caricature of everything the right is saying about modern society. I wish I were exaggerating, but I really am not.

>> No.11018536

You are the bigger lunatic, you goddamn piece of shit. Nothing in my original post is an exaggeration. If you just flip through the book, the you'd see how what I am claiming is absolutely true. Like I'm saying, I wish I were exaggerating. I swear to God that you people are clueless and full of shit.
>conservative conspiracy theorists are creating their own boogeymen.
There's no conspiracy theory. Just buy the fucking book and learn to make inferences.

>> No.11018541

>the you'd
then you'd*

>> No.11018549

>they're lunatics for pointing out something that verifiably exists
The power of the Marxist mind

>> No.11018558
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>> No.11018562

same reason jews are big in the recording industry now. when hippity hop came along many of the big record labels at the time didnt want to record or try to sell what seemed to them a colored people's fad due to expire in a few years time. some of the only people willing to give them a shot were jews. little did they know it would kill rock and roll and take over mainstream. wa la, jews have a huge presence in music production

>> No.11018569

It's one of the main books to find literary agents, and the trends I'm noticing are quite pronounced, you retarded piece of shit. I'm not exaggerating or making any overgeneralizations.

>> No.11018576

They seem to have a huge presence in many important sectors of society: media, Hollywood, FED, publishing industry, real estate, etc. It's batshit insane. Each time I tell myself, "Stop thinking about the Jews..." I see something lead me right back to them. They are only 2% of the US population, yet I feel like they are everywhere important.

>> No.11018582
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Naw I'm too busy reading interesting stuff

>> No.11018592 [DELETED] 

Whatever, faggot. I've read plenty of high lit too. Most of the books in that list are trash, especially Alan Watts and Crowley. Why not read something substantial and scholarly like Red Pine (Bill Porter) instead of New Age crap? Regardless, that's not what this thread is about and stop derailing it.

>> No.11018597

Cool, I'm writing about hot black lesbian slaves and a plantation owner's daughter.

>> No.11018602

Whatever, faggot. I've read plenty of high lit too. Most of the books in that list are trash, especially Alan Watts and Crowley. Why not read something substantial and scholarly like Red Pine (Bill Porter) instead of shallow occult or New Age crap? Regardless, that's not what this thread is about and stop derailing it.

>> No.11018604

Just accept your bump, fnord

>> No.11018606

Can someone explain the greenpill to me?

>> No.11018614

Head over to >>11008828

>> No.11018696

The book [I am] referencing is one of the main resources writers... directed to in order to find an agent, which is a necessity if the writer does not know his or her way around publishing house legalese.

My friend said:
"I've got writer's market books dating back to 2013 at least, and there's a serious trend of more and more agents being Jewish and publishers turning more and more hardline SJWs. Before what was being solicited were Young Adult novels, now it's pandering immigrant shit and gays."

You Jews better be afraid. You are exceeding your grasp here. It's even starting to piss off non-Whites like me.

>> No.11018754
File: 28 KB, 450x320, ohlookitspol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I read a post and someone says "Jew" in a derogatory tone I imagine the person typing it is close to >pic related

>> No.11018762

>ignoring the substance of what I am saying
I wish I were exaggerating, but I'm not, you stupid piece of shit. All you are going to do is fuel resentment by denying the reality of the situation.

>> No.11018776

>prometheus rising
>joseph campbell
pseud alert

>> No.11018777 [DELETED] 
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This is why jews must be purged.

This is why a purge or jews is inevitable.

This is why jews have been purged from everywhere they've been allowed to obtain power, from ancient Egypt to Russia last century.

They are parasitic propagandist con artists, bar none.

>> No.11018780

It's funny that you people care about accurate demographic representation when it comes to minorities taking too large of a role in something but never when minorities are being excluded from groups.

>> No.11018781

>joseph campbell
Aren't you a smart one

>> No.11018786


Do you hear other voices in your head? Do you have delusions of grandeur? in b4 /pol/ infographics about schizophrenia

>> No.11018795

What? I have no interest in equal demographic representation. I want jews to be forcefully zionized and the mudblood pets they've let in to my nation returned.

>> No.11018797

Being a condescending prick isn't going to make the reality of the situation go away.


Goddammit, you stupid piece of shit. Like I've said, I wish I were exaggerating, but I really am not.

>> No.11018808

>i'm too lazy to present an argument but an argument exists just look bro believe me

>> No.11018809
File: 308 KB, 1280x782, baiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lit is a chapotraphouse/leftypol board.

>> No.11018817

I did give an argument. It's in the OP. I can type out a bunch of the listings of the literary agents to defend my point, but that would take too long. Unless you read the book yourself and make an impartial inference, then you'll most likely won't believe me. However, I swear, I am not lying.

After I read this book, it made me want to donate to some White nationalist group even though I'm not White myself. Let me repeat: I'm not White myself. Goddammit. I wish I were joking.

>> No.11018828

>i'm too lazy to present a counter-argument to your counter-argument but if you look at some place somewhere someone has presented an argument i wish i was joking haha

>> No.11018839

I'm not him but you didn't provide a "counter argument". You just dismissed him based on your intuitions about him. He's right not to argue with you.

>> No.11018846

the publishing industry makes sense because Jews have a massive lead on whites in verbal iq, others its more questionable, like music industry or banking where there isn’t as big of a disparity

>> No.11018849

my god stop being so trollable you polnigger

>> No.11018852

>i'm not him but i'm just as lazy so i wont prove a counter-counter-argument to your counter-argument even though i inserted myself into the argument in place of one who failed to present any counter-counter-argument

>> No.11018854

Lit is a catholic traditionalist board my man. Both capitalism and degeneracy must be opposed

>> No.11018855


They’re so sensitive and weak inside it’s hilarious. They’re like the stereotype for women but instead beta “men”

>> No.11018877

>left wing
The entire goddamn site including /lgbt/ is right wing and everyone knows it.
Every board is politically incorrect compared to the rest of the web. /pol/ is simply the only one allowed to discuss topical politics you idiot(s).
Fuck off r/philosophy and newfags.

>> No.11018886

Listen, you imbeciles. I have lost my goddamn patience. I have the book right in front me, and what I said in the OP is no exaggeration. It makes no sense to me why Jews, leftist agenda, and the things I specified in the OP would have such a large presence in the publishing industry. It is too fucking pronounced to be ignored, and there is obviously some significant degree of nepotism and, maybe, even social engineering at work here. Even if Jews have high verbal IQ, there is probably some large degree of nepotism at work considering they are such a small percentage of the population, yet they dominate this industry pushing forth a certain agenda. Trying to gaslight me, in order to dismiss the pronounced trend I see (which is so fucking apparent to anyone that just flips through the book -- I kid you not), isn't going to change facts, you idiots. Just buy the fucking book and see for yourself, but stop trying to dismiss the legitimacy of what I am saying because it doesn't fit into your worldview. All your condescending tone will do is further resentment.

I encourage everyone to buy the book, since it's cheap, and see for themselves that I am not exaggerating.

>> No.11018893

Let me repeat: I encourage everyone to buy the book, since it's cheap, and see for themselves that I am not exaggerating.

>> No.11018899

>right wing
The entire goddamn site including /lit/ is an anime board and everyone knows it.
Every board is weebshit compared to the rest of the web. /a/ is simply the only one allowed to discuss animes you idiot(s).
Fuck off r/4chan and newfags

>> No.11018902

this is some unprecedented autism
not reading your /pol/prop btw

>> No.11018914

Go to /a/ and go to a Legend of the Galactic Heroes thread and tell me how much leftism you detect faggot

>> No.11018918

Go to hell, you retarded stupid piece of shit. Nothing I am saying is false. If you buy the book and read it, then you'd see how I am not exaggerating. Stop with your goddamn gaslighting. It won't work on me because I have read the book, and it is literally a caricature of everything the right says is wrong with modern society. You have to be a fucking idiot to not see the trend pointed out in the OP.

>> No.11018923
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Yeah probably time to kill yourself champ

>> No.11018926


>> No.11018933
File: 803 KB, 1218x1015, averagepolposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i'd buy your irrelevant 'muh jews' book

>> No.11018936
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>legend of galactic reddit

>> No.11018942

The book [I am] referencing is one of the main resources writers... directed to in order to find an agent, which is a necessity if the writer does not know his or her way around publishing house legalese.

Go to hell, you stupid faggot. Nothing in OP is exaggerated.

>> No.11018972
File: 58 KB, 525x503, HMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses brackets & shoddy ellipses to cover his inability to write a basic sentence
>thinks this will entice me to read his /pol/nigger retardation
oh my bad i'm sure it's the jews right hmm...

>> No.11018994

no offense but if u had to buy one of those books ur a no hoper anyways, jews or not

>> No.11019007

this is true as well

>> No.11019008

I'm not a Jewish conspiracy guy, but the state of modern literary agents really is pretty deplorable. Check this website out:


You don't even need to get through ten agents' profiles before you realize that it's all a massive joke.

>> No.11019020

stop jewing your book op

>> No.11019035
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I appreciate you taking the time to give this book some scrutiny and present the information to others here. I wish more people would take the initiative and do the same.

Any white man with an IQ above room temperature and access to the internet will start looking into the jewish problem if we keep putting the information in front of them as you have.

The jews who attack us for doing this are a necessary obstacle, but even they are beginning to realize their time is yet again running out, and that they will be yet again run out.

>> No.11019040
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>muh back to /pol/

>> No.11019049
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>> No.11019052

News, Google and Facebook as well.

>> No.11019060

The Jews are said to be "the tribe that runs the West". But if you are going to go that far, why stop there? Why not say that they also run the East? At which point they might as well run the North and the South too, while they are at it, or the entire solar system and galaxy, as they'd certainly be said to do if those making the accusations had ever heard of astronomy and astrophysics. And if you get that far it's only a short step further to say the Jews run the universe itself, which would be tantamount to regarding Jews as gods, as a race of divine beings! But the funniest thing of all in this absurd business, is that the central assumption in the conspiracy theorists' "accusations" is that claiming someone is powerful is an insult. That's how you realize the kind of resentful, vindictive scum you are dealing with, when you hear of such absurd bleatings.

Why do subhumans believe that claiming that someone is powerful is an insult? Because hatred of power — which is to say reaction to it — is the very essence of the existence of subhumans (like yourself). The finger-pointing followed by the damning cry of "Power!" is their call to arms: the rallying cry that gathers together all the subhumans, like the cry of "Brains!" does to zombies in zombie apocalypse movies, and sets them loose on the destruction of whatever strong, healthy and proud human or group of humans has lately enraged them and provoked their fury. In our times, this may be the rich (the "capitalists"), the beautiful, the intelligent, the Americans or the Jews: any human group whatever that has turned out well, that has managed to distinguish itself and achieve something. And that is how, through their near-automatic, almost-instinctive opposition, the subhumans make it harder for those successful groups of people to become even more successful. Subhumans, in other words, as far as our planet is concerned, are the sentient component of ressentiment/reaction/reversibility, or whatever other name you want to call the built-in, automatic difficulty-adjustment mechanism of the universe; of the "videogame" known as "Life".

Anti-Semites: "Jews! Listen up and listen well! You are the most powerful group of individuals on the planet!" — Jews: "Ummm, not quite true, but okay. Thank you?"

>> No.11019067

post some screenshots for proof

>> No.11019104

Obviously OP is correct and it's part of the overall sly agenda. Nepotism will come to an end when people become aware of it.

>> No.11019107

>said to be "the tribe that runs the West"

Only jews say that in attemp to make absurd the notion of jewish power. The rest of us say jews are a authoritarian tribe from the middle east that forcefully pursues its group interests, plays victim, and attacks whites who speak in favor of their own interests or against those of jews. And since white people are moral and nice, since white people are honest and jews dishonest, since white people are individualists and kikes hyper-tribalists, whites lose out. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11019183

>wa la
Its people like you who make me embarrassed about being american

>> No.11019253
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the absolute state of /pol/

>> No.11019272

But wait. I don't want to change my shit to match (((their standards))), but at the same time, /lit/ shits all over people who want to self-publish.

>> No.11019287
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>> No.11019323

Are you a good writer and have you written something that is decent? If so, there are several outlets that would happily support and promote your work that get hundreds of thousands of monthly page views and have waiting financial supporters. There's no need to grovel to the jewish publishing industry anymore, and white men who wish to be writers will find their efforts more appreciated by their fellow whites in the new nationalist movements on the rise.

>> No.11019406

When did I say I was white?

>> No.11019413

If you aren't you shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.11019428

>picks out one instance where I made a few hiccups while typing
>dismisses me
Listen, faggot. Ignoring any political implications, everything I said in the OP was true. You acting like a condescending faggot isn't going to makei it go away:

>at least a third of the literary agents are kikes
>at least 1/2 of literary agents ask for erotic interracial literature
>a lot of them prefer to represent lgbt, lesbian, gay, and women studies stuff
>many want "underrepresented minorities"

I was able to make these inferences after reading such an important book in the publishing industry. How you interpret the implications of these facts is your choice, but stop trying to gaslight me.

>> No.11019447

Lol, I'll post where I want faggot. /lit/ will always be a multicultural board.

>> No.11019471

see >>11019060
absolute btfo

>> No.11019514

You are an edgelord and idiot. It is simple: Artists should be judged by their own merits and not how well they live up to an agenda. As my OP makes clear, there is significant nepotism and shilling of agendas occurring in the publishing industry. Simply whisking your hand and justifying it on the basis of "might makes right" is retarded and would lead to even more erosion of culture and justice.

The way you describe "subhumans" is much like how hate-filled elitist Jewish literature describes the "goy". You also create a straw man acting like I hate the Jews because they are powerful or this and that. No, I hate the Jews because they are elitist, nepotistic scum who spread degeneracy and do not value justice.

The more you ignore the issue of ethnic nepotism among this very parasitic group of peoples, the more this issue will amplify. I'm not saying we should kill Jews, but there ought to be some kind of limits imposed on how much power they can have; at this rate, it may reach the point where a mass exodus of them is necessary in order for the communities to stabilize once more. They've continuously been kicked out from countries for a reason. Moreover, the publishing industry needs to seriously be fixed, no joke.

>> No.11019515

>makei it go away
so this is the power of informed publishing

>> No.11019523

just asking: is english your native language? maybe taking a few more esl classes could've helped you out and you'd be a published author instead of /lit/ scribbling polnigger, pablo.

>> No.11019526

>keeps focusing on inconsequential bullshit that's not relevant to my main point
I am speaking in a conversational tone, you condescending idiot. Honestly, people like you need to get their skulls caved in. It's the only thing that can teach you.

You'll never look at sensitive topics impartially, and you just rely on demeaning others to try to "win".

>> No.11019531

My OP were based on reading an important book for publishing. They were more observations.

I'm not being ironic here: I genuinely hope people like you are murdered in cold blood. Is this what you want, you provocative piece of shit? I'm only detailing the trend I've read.

>> No.11019535

>My OP were based on
My OP was based on *

>> No.11019539

It's recommended you leave. Non-whites are not welcome on /lit/ and we know very few muds and mongrels read anyway, so you only make the discussion here worse. Make a swift exit, thanks.

>> No.11019541


>> No.11019543


here you go kiddo

>> No.11019561

Kekked and checked. I mean, this OP guy is hilarious.
He's joking, right?

>> No.11019565

Is that all got pussy? Once again /lit/ is a multicultural board (always has been) and it'll take more than some autistic screeching from a shithead nazi like you to change that. Cry more about it though schizo.

>> No.11019568


>at least a third of the literary agents are Jewish
>at least 1/2 of literary agents asking for erotic interracial literature
>a lot of them prefer to represent lgbt, lesbian, gay, and women studies stuff
>many want "underrepresented minorities"

>> No.11019570

I've been looking at some of the smaller publishing houses also. Some members of a writers group I hang out with have self-published, but quite frankly, the results / the final product don't look very good.

>> No.11019573

I am the OP, and I am not White either. I'm just stating the obvious from reading this book.

>> No.11019574

>It's recommended you leave.
No it isn't. Everyone is welcome here. If you feel different you should really post elsewhere and I think you know where I mean.

>> No.11019582

fuck off multicult shitskin

>> No.11019585

I don't understand. Didn't you read >>11019060?
You've already been btfo'd mein friend. It's time to give up the act.

>> No.11019592

Are you joking? His English in that post was nearly perfect. He even used semicolons correctly, which non-English speakers never do.

Re: that post, though:

>it may reach the point where a mass exodus of them is necessary in order for the communities to stabilize once more.

This is the only and inevitable solution. What we in the west should fear most is that this inevitable crackdown on jewish power goes the way it did in Russia, where a million or so jews are allowed to stay behind and continue their influence, however weakened.

The west faces a more dire situation demographically and whites must push for full jewish expulsion measures to make sure we rid ourselves of this problem in the long term.

Thankfully we have genetic testing capabilities these days that have the potential to limit crypto-jewish involvement, but there's a long road ahead for whites.

>> No.11019594

Why don't you go ahead and make him? We'll all wait.

>> No.11019599

>he even used semicolons correctly
damn myb didn't realizing i was responding to virginia woolf
(btw i haven't read a word of what he's written because he's racist)

>> No.11019623

Right-leaning publishers? Self-publishing isn't terrible if it's your first go and you're just trying to make a name for yourself. But if you can polish a product and the material is pro-white I think you could find an audience easily.

The jewish publishing industry is already collapsing and hemorrhaging readers as they exclude white men and bathe themselves in kikery and anti-white nonsense. We should not participate in this racket, and there are enough of us that we can pave our own way now and find a significant readership elsewhere.

Whites should be familiar with Counter-Currents.com, arktos, and others. Here's a new online thing from a guy that was on Sam Hyde's YouTube show recently:


Wild west here, stuff that is stuff anyone can do, lot of opportunities here, and whites who wish to be writers should be striving to make their own inroads instead of relying on these jews. Let them burn. This is our culture anyway.

>> No.11019627

That is unfortunate.

Everyone is not welcome here. This is a board for high white culture. Non-whites, sorry, are not a part of that.

>> No.11019664

My dad is a Spaniard, so I have a Spanish last name. Would I be able to get published by pretending to be an "underrepresented" Mexican?

>> No.11019673

You seem to have some sort of mental illness or learning disability that prevents you from taking in new information but that's okay. I'm very patient. Once again /lit/ is a multicultural board on a multicultural site made in a multicultural country. You can tell yourself different if it makes you feel better but you should realize you're embarrassing yourself and exposing how new you are here. Hope that clears things up and will prevent any further confusion.

>> No.11019692

You need to go back.

>> No.11019703

>/lit/ is a multicultural board
"Lit" stands for "literature," which is a European high art form. While I acknowledge that for the time being anyone *can* technically post here, we encourage non-whites/non-Europeans to not, and to migrate elsewhere, for obvious cultural and racial reasons.

>> No.11019734

lol, there goes your schizoid brain again. The only person you speak for is yourself and just like in your real life no one gives a fuck what you think. You should really take a hike until you can understand the most basic rules about this place or better yet not return at all. No one will miss you.

>> No.11019739

I would appreciate it if people don't derail this topic. This topic is about the issues of ethnic nepotism and leftist agenda in the publishing industry. The writings of individuals are not judged on their own merits, but instead, they are accepted based on how well they serve certain social and political agendas. This is a problem regardless of one's personal political beliefs.

>> No.11019747

So much resentment in one post. Bloom turns in his grave my friend

>> No.11019757

Sorry. *We* (meaning the whites who are here to discuss the relevant aspects of our literary culture) encourage you to leave. You are not welcome here.

>> No.11019761

That resentment will just continue to grow on a large-scale the more people turn a blind eye to these problems. Instead of demonizing the Right, I believe it is necessary to understand where they are coming from. After reading this book, I see they have a point: There is a problem with ethnic nepotism and pushing forth leftist agenda in the publishing industry. It is so blatantly clear after reading the aforementioned book that you'd have to be blind to deny it.

>> No.11019773

>Bloom turns in his grave my friend
Bloom is a jew who has no place here.

>> No.11019777

lol there he goes again. The only one not welcome here is you shithead.

>> No.11019789

ontological guerilla

somehow th niggers of this board have understood it as hegel dick-sucking

>> No.11019791

I think this is a noble goal, but unfortunately OP is a retard and is being heavily trolled while not realizing it.

I too would like to talk about the way kikes corner markets and ruin cultures in a forum of civilized whites like myself but it seems the cultural marxists leftists won't leave us alone and unfortunately OP keeps responding to them.
What we really need to do is figure out a way to just isolate ourselves and perhaps secure our position as posters so we won't experience such heavy derailment.

Have you heard of this place called >>>/pol/? Apparently they take people like us, cultured whites bereft of Jewish mind control, and don't derail threads of high merit like this; perhaps if we move there we won't be bamboozled?
What do my fellow whites think about this?

>> No.11019793

Everyone has a place here. Especially people who have out-read and written you by miles.

>> No.11019797

Was responding to >>11019739, silly me!

>> No.11019798

Wonderful idea. Let's teach these cultural Marxist cucks a lesson and go there and never return. That'll teach them.

>> No.11019804

Nonwhites are not welcome here; this shouldn't have to be repeated, they should just get it. They are attempting to take part in a culture that isn't their own. It's unnatural for them and it brings down the level of discourse on the board.

>> No.11019811

You were responding to me, the OP, while unknowingly calling me a retard. Please fuck off already. I care about justice and not pushing any political ideology down people's throats. I agree with /pol/ on a lot of stuff but not everything. This thread isn't about that, so please, don't co-opt it. I repeat: My OP details a problem regardless of one's personal political beliefs.

>> No.11019821

I mean it's self-evident that the publishing industry has a liberal-bent. But that's the fault of people on the right for never learning to grow up and appreciate the arts.

Look if you write something good, you'll find someone who wants to publish it. There aren't a shortage of straight white dudes getting published and receiving critical acclaim. If you're a straight white dude and you aren't getting published, it might be because your work isn't that good. That's totally fine! You have to work hard to make something good--but don't blame it on a cultural Marxist conspiracy. Grow up. Make something better. That's what good artist do instead of wallowing in resentment.

Straight white dudes have grown up in a generation of porn and video games, if you're wondering why they have less to say, it's because they have lived less of a life then maybe the black women who is in the middle of all this discourse on black lives mattering and what not. It's not a conspiracy to get rid of the white race--if you have something important to say, someone is willing to listen, no matter where you come from. First you need to find something important to say.

>> No.11019822

>Nonwhites are not welcome here
For the thousandth time, yes they are and only one saying they aren't is you, a low IQ schizo who has no say here.

>this shouldn't have to be repeated
I wholeheartedly agree. Never say it again. Thanks.

>brings down the level of discourse
Jesus, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.11019826

You have to go back. This is not your culture, I'm sorry you were misled to believe otherwise.

>> No.11019837

but admitting your flaws instead of blaming it on whatever boogeyman you have would need self awareness, and the lack thereof is what got them into the right in the first place

>> No.11019841

No YOU go back and stay there please. You're not welcome.

>> No.11019843

nice bubble you got there

>> No.11019844

>You were responding to me, the OP, while unknowingly calling me a retard
Oh dearie me, my apologies!

I'm happy to know that this thread is about justice, and I too hope to see justice done to those filthy cultural Marxists one day. But I'll calm down my political fervor as requested.

I just want to know, personally, how you can keep your cool after the slew of insults slung your way? I often go in the workplace and have the Jews & sheboons who call themselves my "bosses" talk down to me, only to limp home and vent on 4chan, where for a brief moment I can forget my low society-hierarchy while increasing my e-one. But these insults are just so unacceptable and hurt me so much because they remind me of my condescending majority minority superiors. This trolling is just NOT ok; if it were me, I'd ignore it, but you've persisted & persevered with your vision: How?

>> No.11019853

If only your faggot bitching actually intimidated anyone. Alas...

>> No.11019860

You know what? I'm so tired of white supremacy, ironic or not, so tired of America first, Ben zyklon posting, incelfags, alt right retards quoting Generation Kill out of context, that I don't care that whites are represented less than their 80-some percent majority in this country. You're the superior race, maybe write better lit and I'll pay attention. Until then quit bitching. Popular lit is popular, but i never agreed it was good. I'm on the lookout as much as you are for good writing.

>> No.11019864

things wont change just cause they irk you, you better learn to let stuff go

>> No.11019870

Remember the time the liberals swept in and took all our AR15s? Then they banned Shakespeare and melville from all universities? I remember that day fondly. It was the beginning of the second American revolution. We fought for our culture, man...

>> No.11019874

Nothing irks me. I'm not the one who started this jewbaiting circlejerk piece of shit thread. In fact I quite like modern publishing, I think I'm gonna go buy a contemporary book of poetry tomorrow. And put it next to my Riverside. How's that make you feel, polster?

>> No.11019878

what can we do about the jewish problem?

>> No.11019883

kind of amused

>> No.11019885

There's no conspiracy, you fucking moron. These people are open about leveling the field and there's nothing bad about that. If you're a good white male cis writer your novel will still get published.
Bait, but Chapo is based.

>> No.11019887

Tbh, I noticed a similar kind of trend in my country. Anyway, after reading this whole conversation and seeing all this left vs right vs jews vs paranoia memeing I have decided to leave 4chan after I have already left reddit for similar reasons. Where can I discuss literature without this whole political shitstorm? I need a new forum. Guys?

>> No.11019891

You present good questions that are difficult to grapple with. I suppose I value the Stoics like Seneca. He provides mental strategies to remain inwardly balanced. However, nothing is a substitute for a proper income and nice job, and if it's within your means, then I recommend trying to either gain new skills or find a new job. We can only do our best, really. I find focusing on my interests, such as reading, during my spare time to help cope with life's contingencies.
I find it funny how you conveniently ignored everything in the OP and this discussion.
>Look if you write something good, you'll find someone who wants to publish it.
From reading this important book that compiled literary agents, that's not what I've come to conclude. In fact, literary agents seem more intent on pushing forth an agenda rather than judging works by their own merit. There is a huge trend of this, and your overly optimistic views do not change such a reality.
>If you're a straight white dude and you aren't getting published, it might be because your work isn't that good.
This is the perfect way to create resentment in people. Listen, this whole topic is about one of the main resources used to find an agent reflecting a large trend of leftist agenda and ethnic nepotism. If you find this unbelievable, then buy the goddamn book yourself. Our current society is not fair in any way, and in its attempt to be inclusive and "diverse" it relegates the importance of merit.
>if you have something important to say, someone is willing to listen, no matter where you come from. First you need to find something important to say.
That's not how it works. That's not what I've gathered from reading this book.
As I've made clear, numerous times, I am the OP and not White. I have a sense of honor and am pointing out injustice in this industry.

>> No.11019894

you cant

>> No.11019895

The right wing scum has really ruined this board for good. At this point even the /lit/ subs in reddit are better.

>> No.11019897

this board was always crap, anything that involves taste is just crap in this site and everywhere else

>> No.11019899

Having browsed critique threads on /lit/ for quite some time, white male identity is gonna be the last thing that will prevent the "authors" from there getting published.

>> No.11019903

Fuck. You Sure?

>> No.11019907

/r/chapotraphouse and /leftypol/ while not focusing in literature are decent places to talk about literature without having to tolerate /pol/tards.

>> No.11019910

>These people are open about leveling the field and there's nothing bad about that.
No, they're not. If they were open about leveling the field, then they would place more emphasis on good writing or illustrations instead of fixating on pushing forth a leftist agenda. Moreover, it is peculiar that a minority, which is only 2% of US population, has such a huge presence in the publishing industry, and they are trying to push forth certain political agendas and curtail freedom of expression. It is obvious they reached such a position based on ethnic nepotism and not merit. This is a problem for many reasons.
>If you're a good white male cis writer your novel will still get published.
That's not how the real world works for the reasons specified here:
The point is, these literary agents are not placing "good writing" above "identity politics". This is why they first and foremost obsess more about what someone's sexual orientation and minority status than the content of their actual writing. No amount of hammering this into your heads will convince you until you read the goddamn book.

>> No.11019914

you will always have to deal with biases of a group you are interacting with, if you wanna have more than that you can see their biases as another form of literature and enjoy it without falling into the trap

>> No.11019915

On one level, true, but on another level, fuck off. At least the zizek posts and dave memeing were funny at one point. At least Kolsti was trying. At least gaskun and Austenposter had things to say. Now, every other thread is /pol/vasion and unironic Rand or HP threads. What the fuck? It's not even funny anymore, it's just fucking r/books and r/theredpill. Be advised, if you think it was always this bad, you're clearly a newfag and are shitting the place up with your illiteracy.

>> No.11019919

You are worse than /pol/tards because you are in denial. You people claim stuff like LGBT, pampering minorities, and etc. leads to true all-embracing society, but you censor any views that critique them; you ultimately become hypocrites in denial. At least /pol/tards know what they are and aren't afraid to show it. You bastards operate based on the pretense of being "inclusive" and "all-accepting", but at the suggestion of any minor disagreement you become even less approachable and condescending. The fact you cannot even understand where the OP is coming from points to how you have more of a mental problem than any /pol/tard out there.

>> No.11019926

This. That other anon is probably some centrist piece of shit who think all political sides are equally bad. Fuck him.

>> No.11019927

Can you fuck off already? Everyone knows you're shilling this fucking book, we get it, but we're not gonna buy the book. At best, one of us will find an epub and pass it around.

>> No.11019929

literally started by the lit userbase proving itself trollable by the way it answered to pol requests for books, looong time ago

>> No.11019930

lol you retards arent "political sides" you are one of two political extremes

>> No.11019931

Eh, they'll eventually leave and spread their bullshit somewhere else. They always do. There was actually almost zero polshit last week. There was a Judaism General in the catalogue for 7 days and no one attacked them so either they weren't here or they have better restraint than I thought. It actually seemed like old pre-election /lit/ was making a comeback but...here we are.

>> No.11019934

Any white man who is still left wing is a complete moron. Mulattos and other browns who are too stupid to realize they're doing the jews' bidding have a loose excuse, but no white man in his right mind supports the current jewish agenda, and should only support policies that send the muds back home.

>> No.11019935

Maybe but we have learned our mistake. It's time for the mods to start banning all the /pol/tards before it's too late. Literature and the arts have always belonged to the left and we shouldn't compromise our space to appease some minority scum who doesn't even read an only come to ruin our board.

>> No.11019938

The book I am referencing is one of the main resources writers use to find an agent, which is a necessity if the writer does not know his or her way around publishing house legalese.

I have read this book and scoured the Internet enough to see that the vast majority of literary agents are driven by leftist political agendas, and that among them, there is a large presence of Jews who are driven by their own interests rather than impartially judging the content of works.

Rather than engaging me, you tell me to fuck off. Like I've said, such an approach will merely embolden the far-right because you refuse to consider the possibility they may be correct to some extent.

>> No.11019940

no you havent, you keep responding

>> No.11019947

That would be great but you know very well all the centrists would start crying about the mods censoring MUH FREEZEPEACH. This place is done. Most people here don't have the balls to stands against the right wing raids.

>> No.11019949

>Literature and the arts have always belonged to the left
This has been the stupidest thing I have read all night. You are by far worse than any /pol/tard I have ever encountered because you are in denial. There have been many good writers with differing political views, and to subsume all good literature underneath the Left validates the OP. Writings should be judged based on their own merit and not on how they serve any political agenda. This is what my OP is criticizing, yet you come here and, unashamedly, promote the very thing I am criticizing.

>> No.11019951

thats a common line used to bait pol

>> No.11019955

>You tell me to fuck off
>such an approach will only embolden the far right
Did i hurt your feelings or something? Are you gonna bring your personal army here and #rekt us?

>> No.11019965

The fact that you've misread (or misused) the Stoics clues me in on your lack of insight on Western literature. The Stoics would classify a proper income and a nice job as a 'preferred indifference.'--i.e. something which can be substituted.
>From reading this important book that compiled literary agents, that's not what I've come to conclude. In fact, literary agents seem more intent on pushing forth an agenda rather than judging works by their own merit.

Yes, that's how the market works: literary agents push the agenda they think is important to them. This has been a problem for a long time: you think back in the medieval ages that the Church didn't circulate literatures that advanced its agenda? Even in the Enlightenment, what was being written and pushed for advocated an agenda. Everything advocates an agenda--there was never an artists' utopia where artwork was judged by its own merits. That's sort of what The Recognitions is all about.

>Our current society is not fair in any way, and in its attempt to be inclusive and "diverse" it relegates the importance of merit.

No society was ever fair. Meanwhile all societies act as if they are fair. That's life. No society has ever valued merit qua merit. Artists always had to play through the system. Again, read the Recognitions, written way before any sort of diversity quotas in society: Wyatt's character faces the same struggles we all face as artists.

I'm not saying, if you make something good, suddenly you will become rich and successful. I'm saying, artists are artists. We make because we understand the importance of creation. Real merit always shines through--when we read something which is really good, we feel it in our fingertips. But you gotta fight for merit. You always had to fight for merit. In that fight you make meaning. You got to wrestle and suffering for your work: that's how you make something great and that's all you should care about as an artist. Anything else, and you've missed the point of art.

>> No.11019966

>hurr durr liberal arts can be conservative too
The arts are for the free of spirit and the vast majority of artist are leftists. There are some exceptions of course but you can make the argument that just because an artist may be right winger doesn't make his art non-leftist as art is always liberal, otherwise is propaganda and therefor the concept of right-wing art is an oxymoron.

>> No.11019967
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he's gonna nae nae us libtards epic style
after all, the right is winning the culture wars

>> No.11019972

I'm fucking loving all the right wing tears ITT. We need to take the trash out. The scum doesn't belong here.

>> No.11019973

you are being fallacious

>> No.11019974

This isn't real is it?

>> No.11019976

You are only interested in demeaning those who do not share your political sensibilities. I am pointing out something obvious and empirically verifiable. Instead, you make it about /pol/ vs. /lit/ when in fact it's more about identity politics and ethnic nepotism driving publishing industry moreso than judging a work based solely on its own merits. You can take your holier-art-thou attitude and shove it up your ass. There's a difference between a literary agent specializing in certain genres or subgenres versus "literature from underrepresented minorities", "interracial romance", "lgbt, lesbian, gay lit", and etc. I am pointing out an issue in the present publishing industry, and the more you deny it, the more the far-right will grow. Moreover, like I've said, it is odd how Jews, an elitist group of individuals, have such a huge presence in the publishing industry, and I believe their ethnic interests conflicts with being impartial. I can tell based on their preferred literature.

>> No.11019980

>Most people here don't have the balls to stands against the right wing raids
Get a load of this faggot. As if counter-ironic shitposting required any effort at all. You sound like those guy fawkes-toting neckbeards who warn people to "watch out, bee is coming and we don't take prisoners."

>> No.11019989

>The Stoics would classify a proper income and a nice job as a 'preferred indifference.'--i.e. something which can be substituted.
Seneca was a bit different. In some of his letters he makes it clear that one needs to secure a decent living.
>Everything advocates an agenda--there was never an artists' utopia where artwork was judged by its own merits.
You are sweeping the current issues under the rug by simply referencing history and saying, "It's always been like that!" Well, it doesn't have to be like that anymore, and the more people turn a blind eye to it, the more this problem will exacerbate. Moreover, I'd argue that during some time-points during the Enlightenment, works were judged largely by their own merit. Consider how Schopenhauer ultimately became popular afterall.
>You got to wrestle and suffering for your work: that's how you make something great and that's all you should care about as an artist. Anything else, and you've missed the point of art.
You are overly optimistic and naive. I am pointing out unfairness, and your response is to simply sweep it under the rug. Why not make attempts to rectify the issue instead of becoming complacent? I find it very odd you are urging me to be complacent rather than work to fix the system.

>> No.11019995

>hey, guys, I'm not some right wing scum and my hateful opinions are totally reasonable
Look, man, no one here gives a fuck about you or your conspiracies. Maybe there's an imbalance in the editorial world right now but people like you are a much bigger problem than any editor or publisher. Minorities being a priority for first time in history is something so terrible?

>> No.11019998

>stop disagreeing with my f a c t s
>take your bad vibes and cram it!
Oh god, lol. You're so clearly a visitor. Lurk more, newpleb

>> No.11020000

You are a fucking idiot. Each piece of art is its own self-contained universe, but to claim they are all intrinsically leftist is retarded. It is so retarded that I am baffled on how to respond. The only thing I can say is: You should shut the fuck up and stop trying to sound smart.

Plenty of fascists have created great pieces of art. Is such art leftist?

Even in Lovecraft's amazing short stories we frequently see racist undertones. This is fine, since it doesn't degrade the overall quality of his work, but can we truly call his work leftist?

Seriously, just go KYS, you stupid piece of shit.

>otherwise is propaganda
There is no greater propaganda than your shit-tiered mind and insipid posts.

>> No.11020004

>your conspiracies
There is no conspiracy here, you stupid faggot. Just buy the book and read it. You'd see I am right.
I've lurked and posted a lot, in fact, but I was trying to have a constructive discussion before forcing you leftards onto a helicopter ride.

>> No.11020008

>Minorities being a priority for first time in history is something so terrible?
A work should be judged based solely on its merit, not on whether the person is gay or a black. Stop making this about other topics, you scatter-brained piece of shit.

>> No.11020012

The only one forcing anyone into anything is you into a rage induced stroke. It's okay though I'm getting bored of fucking with you, time to return to my life and automatically dismiss every thing you just shillposted

>> No.11020016

Whatever, you brainlet. I was only arguing a work should be judged based solely on its merits and how the current publishing industry is not true to this ideal.

>> No.11020018

That's a... healthy way of looking at it. Teach me.

>> No.11020020

Fixing the system isn't so simply. We tried fixing the system--May 68', The Berlin Wall, the Cold War--it all failed. Neoliberal multicultural capitalism is here to stay. There is no rectifying issues--if you want, we can take every rich person's liquid assets and redistribute it to people well-trained enough to understand what good art is. But that won't happen. Communism failed and it had the full-force of the intellegensia behind it plus a strong theoretical basis to work off of. Whatever ideology the reactionary right is proposing (which is weaker than the radical Leftist theory), it's just going to fail as well. The cultural logic of capital really exceeds everyone's control at this point: for example, so much of our livelihood is dependent on stocks which are controlled entirely by algorithms.

The best thing to do is improve yourself. Things won't structurally change--the university system exists to passify radical left voices that are too smart for their own good (there's a passage in Stoner which talks about it). People in the publishing industry too are pacified: it's easier to keep people complacent by letting them publish books which no one reads (because the masses have stopped reading..) then for these hyper-intelligent radicals to go into politics where they could disrupt current power relations. The system will soon learn how to deal with radical right voices--although they are not too big of a issue because they are not as intelligent as people on the left. Still, it's only a matter of time. Best to jump ship and produce what is truthful to yourself as a work of art.

>> No.11020031

Okay, we are getting off-track from this topic. Fixing this present issue may seem intractable, in many ways, but the first step is to acknowledge the existence of the issue. Otherwise, the issue will compound over time as people remain in denial. If you agree that the vast majority of literary agents are currently driven by leftist agenda and ethnic nepotism, then there isn't much more to discuss. At this, point simply accepting the reality of the situation is enough, and with greater awareness, then change will most likely occur incrementally or, perhaps, overnight.

>> No.11020040

No, you were implying much more than just that. We are not going to fall for your antisemitic discourse. You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.11020042
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>> No.11020051
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>> No.11020056


>> No.11020094
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>> No.11020112

Why should I read less just because of my race, sexuality and gender? Bitch can't tell me what to do

>> No.11020124

How do you that they're jews though?

>> No.11020145

You misunderstand though.

The phenomenon called "cultural marxism" is not about destroying prejudice. It is about the redeployment of the oppressor/oppressed narrative of proletariat v. bourgeois, in order to create and manipulate new political constituencies. The end goals are utterly incomprehensible: Redistributing maleness to females. Redistributing straightness to LGBT and gender minorities. Redistributing whiteness to racial minorities.

It is actually a really unhinged notion, and the ones imagining their own bogeymen are those who believe in the unique tyranny and supreme social status of white/male/straight people. By attacking this abstraction so rabidly and consistently, you will inevitably cause an equal and opposite reaction that only reinforces political divisions that serve the end of creating a constituency for useless leftists who long ago betrayed and abandoned trade unions and workers.

>> No.11020359

>campbell is not an hack
He is only admired by people who don't do their own research. The Hero with a Thousand Faces is just the 20th century's The Golden Bought - makes a big splash in literary circles, but actual anthropologists have poked enough holes in it to make it Swiss cheese.

>> No.11020691


>> No.11021539

Keep fighting the good fight, OP. Some people will insult you and call you an idiot while refusing to recognize the facts. Don't be discouraged, though.

>> No.11021548

What is chapotraphouse

>> No.11021581

I wish we had id's so samefags would leave

>> No.11021745
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>> No.11022031

We need to bring back bullying.

>> No.11022660
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I always imagine them like this.

>> No.11022804
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>> No.11022814


>> No.11024050

Fucking jews. Gotta get rid of these fuckers soon.