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11044335 No.11044335 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books like this? This was absolutely amazing.

>> No.11044349

your diary lmao

>> No.11044359

fucking degenerate trash. stop normalizing fag pedophilia

>> No.11044386

good book. ignore polknobheads.

>> No.11044401

The Symposium

>> No.11044482

Tell me what you liked about it, OP.

>> No.11044587

Boku no Pico

>> No.11045029


>> No.11045043

I was underwhelmed by the movie. They should have chosen a different actor for Oliver. Armie Hammer's portrayal of him lacked the charm he was no doubt intended to possess. I could never figure out why everyone was so attracted to him.

>> No.11045070

> grooming kids is bad except when we do it

>> No.11045081


>> No.11045091


Anyone else intensely dislike the so called lgbtsjw community, viewing them as devious agents of cultural marxist subversion? I can't respect someone who seems to wallow in victimhood.

>> No.11045095


>> No.11045103

Interesting fact. Before conditioning and subversion a normal and healthy male will feel the same disgust to seeing homosexual behavior as to seeing maggots. In other words we are biologically wired to be homophobic

>> No.11045122

swimming pool library - Alan Hollinghurst
boys own story - edmund white

>> No.11045131
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How does it compare to the movie?

>> No.11045255

I'm sure there's literature you can order from NAMBLA, anon

>> No.11045304

Gonna read this next, loved the movie

>> No.11045335

I think what pisses me more about the queers is how fucking smug they are, how they still pose as 'the underdog', the poor poor little victim, when they represent an objectively privileged victimhood caste that is constantly feted by the mainstream media and the ZOG machine establishment for an ability to promote atomizing degenerate lifestyles of pointless consumerism and promiscuity. these people literally believe they are better and more progressive than you and me because they get fucked in the ass. And they are quite openly going after your children. Are we supposed to stand back and watch, or are we to do something, are we to take Action in order to stop them?

>> No.11045368

Will someone please explain to me what is so good about it?

>> No.11045373

muh politically correct child abuse kevin spacey nambla hollywood elites

>> No.11045378

I don't know what that means.

>> No.11045383

Lolita probably, though this is much better. Be prepared for a lot of pretentious posturing.

>> No.11045395
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For everyone saying this is "pedophilia," the characters' respective ages are 17 and 24. While that is a bit of an age gap, it's not pedophilia. Elio is one year away from being an "adult" in the eyes of the law, after all. Get over yourselves.

t. bifag

>> No.11045402

Way worse. The book was mediocre as hell. The movie was actually pretty good.

>> No.11045407
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Damn, I didn't know there were so many fucking LITERAL fags on /lit/. Shouldn't be surprised though with all the R*ddit crossposting.

>> No.11045409

no one take this bait

>> No.11045411
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We all know what the GLOBOHOMO lgbtbbqsjw queer theory cabal is really after

>> No.11045421

who hurt you?

>> No.11045424

the Hollywood elite are largely Jewish and WASP pedophiles, the Military elite are largely germanic, WASP pedophiles, and the political elite are largely WASP, Jewish and Germanic pedophiles. Hollywood and the military are the worst offenders, politicians are especially bad with young women and rent boys and corporate world is all over the place with deviance, banking is more pedo, corporate is more torturing hookers to death in mansion basements. Your elite eat, rape and kill young beautiful people for fun and to get high. research the dutrox case, the franklin coverup, the westminster child abuse case and jeffery epstein/dennis hastert

>> No.11045438

Yeah just read the wiki summary. The book's ending sounds really stupid.

>> No.11045449

Fake, dishonest literature with a womanly conception of what constitutes life as an American in Europe. It's a pretend novel for teenage girls and middle aged gays to masturbate to.

>> No.11045451

It's a mediocre film but is one of those things you ''have'' to like in order to be a good liberal person according to the New York Times and NPR. Just like Kendrick Lamar, Hamilton, and the latest fat positive WOC twerkstar featured on Pitchfork. The actual quality of the film is a moot point, what matters is the implicit politics, the supposed 'empowerment' of the politically correct homosexual victimhood community. why are people suddenly presented as model citizens?

>> No.11045465

> who hurt you?
statistically, a homosexual male 1 degree of separation

>> No.11045470

The movie was actually fine. It's the book that's aggressively middle brow

>> No.11045499

the more i'm bombarded with gay propaganda, the more I hate them. gee, maybe my brain is all fucked up, or maybe i'm just normal

>> No.11045516

Fags aren't really the issue, the politicization of fags is the problem

>> No.11045526

there is just something inherently shrill and unlikeable about them imo. and the trannies too.

>> No.11045543

Conservative fags seem like normal people, idk. In real life I only seem to have issues with the overtly political ones

>> No.11045610

This thread really brought out the closet cases ahahaha

>> No.11045678
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the ''normal'' fags are useful to advance the agenda in a covert fashion, thanks to those ''normals'' we now get bluehaired lgbtsjws coming into our schools to teach children about ''fisting''.

>> No.11046054
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I understand why the age gap of the characters can seem off putting at first. But look at it this way: When you were 17 and a gorgeous 25 year old woman came onto you, would you have refused? Would you have been traumatized? Obviously not, in fact thats every 17 year old straight dudes dream.

Speaking from experience, I would have given my left nut to bang Armie Hammer when I was 17 and would remember it fondly forever. Stop trying to politicize everything so hard.

You're actually correct. The vocal minority of "LGBT" people are trying to normalize public degeneracy, the death of masculinity, and the dissolution of common value systems. I only ask that you remember that reasonable gay people exist who just want a private love life and some relate-able media sometimes. What do you think of Peter Thiel? or Douglas Murray? Alan Turing?

>we are biologically wired to be homophobic
Unless you're gay, in which case you're biologically wired to like men. You can pretend its conditioning if it makes you feel better but none of the science backs up that idea. Did you choose to find women beautiful? Were you conditioned? If you woke up one day in a world of homosexuals, could you develop an attraction to men to stay accepted socially?

Its funny how a lot of conservatives completely reject the "blank-slate" postmodern idea of social conditioning....unless of course it conveniently explains away the validity of homosexuality as a biological reality.

>> No.11046061

>Trying this hard to defend pedophilia
Ive reported you and this thread to the FBI. I'm sure you have nothing to hide on you hard drive

>> No.11046068

but it was specifically made to normalize middle aged men fucking teenaged boys in a climate where little boys are being dressed up as girls and advertised as sex objects and where 14 year old girls are fucking 30 year olds off of tindr and whoring themselves on IG

>> No.11046070


Thank you for making this post! I could not agree more. Armie Hammer is just in this business because his family is worth ungodly amounts of money... I actually met him and he seems like an unironic sociopath. He was great in The Social Network, but that type of film didn't require any charm. I mean, it's Fincher. Regardless - totally agree with (You).

>> No.11046097

So what you're saying is armie is just cara delevingne with a penis

>> No.11046179

Consider the idea that this movie was made only to give expression to a gay love story. Like the thousands of movies meant to give expression to straight love stories.

I'll ask again. If a gorgeous 25 year old woman came onto you when you were 17, are you telling me you'd turn her down?

>> No.11046209

>I'll ask again. Will you defend pedophilia
Ask as many times as you want. Most people aren't soulless ghouls like yourself that will defend the exploitation of minors

>> No.11046520

read Giovanni's Room

>> No.11046537

never read the book but the movie is massively overrated. it looks beautiful and the performances are great, but that's about all that one can say about it.

>> No.11046812

pol has really damaged some people.
no hope for them.

>> No.11047036

>morality is based on yank law
America was a mistake

>> No.11047104

was the feces ritual your favorite excerpt? weird it didnt make it into the fillm

>> No.11047111

Nice 'fact' lmao. The ancient greeks took it for granted that you could love someone of the same sex as someone of the opposite sex. No conditioning and subversion for them.

>> No.11047117

>think of the children
literally retard tier

>> No.11047123

>a 17 year old is a minor

Get real faggot.

>> No.11047155

How is the movie? Really want to see it but other than it being a gentle gay romance in a pretty location I don't think it's going to be anything special and Moonlight did the troubled gay thing last year brilliantly

>> No.11047180

This book was beautiful but it made me so sad. Sad for Elio and Oliver. Sad that I've never experienced a connection like the one they had. I don't think I could read it again.

>> No.11047304

You're right it's not.

>> No.11047414

well if it's nothing more than that well that's still kinda cool I guess will still watch it for afternoon tea time viewing

>> No.11047422

Prepare to be underwhelmed

>> No.11047426

Are you blind? He's a literal megachad, he only needs to exist in order for twinks and women to be attracted to him

>> No.11047518

>a gentle gay romance in a pretty location
This is exactly what it is. The dad's speech at the end is great though.
Also, Sufjan Stevens.

>> No.11047528


Oliver basically uses Elio's twink anus and then abruptly leaves him to marry a nice Jewish girl...

>> No.11048265

pretty much all of his charm came from his confidence and cockyness. i'm glad that he didnt try to do a gruff manly persona and instead he acted goofy and aloof. i got pretty wet for him

>> No.11048293

but that’s not the issue, the issue is its a subtle way of normalizing high school aged men having sex with adult males with power, which is something that already occurs extensively in DC and Hollywood. Why would i submit to a feeble comparison which has nothing to do with the intent of the book and movie which is to push pederasty and eventually pedophilia? its as bad as Lolita, another book/film i will never partake in because it normalizes pedophilia
morality is based on realizing that 15 year olds can’t make informed decisions about anal sex and S&M with 30 year olds.

see the thing with consent fags is that they are never ever arguing to fuck the group they say they are. its always a plot to push the age of consent down as far as humanly possible and then to relax standards for going below that. the target is of course pubescents and pre-pubescents and end goal is any age is fair game. that way rich homosexual pedophiles can openly show off groom and mind control little boys. its something that hollywood elites are already doing right now: brian singer, david geffen, spacey

>> No.11048977

>homosexuality as a biological reality
Then you’re saying that people are born gay. How can gender be fluid then? The “science” has flip flopped in recent years

>> No.11049045

The science is whatever is politically convenient for whomever is doing their mental gymnastics

>> No.11049107

Where in that post did he mention anything about gender? You niggers need to stop arguing with your mental strawmans

>> No.11049151

It's called a conclusion inogic you dumb retard. If you're biologically wired to like men then gender is a very real concept.

>> No.11049166

The film was so fucking boring. Just waiting hours for them to screw and then they do and its fucking disgusting, holy shit why did we legalize this shit.

>> No.11049591
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ignore the haters; although I haven't read the book, the film is great.
What makes CMBYN different and more interessing than most homo stuff is that the protagonist doesn't spend his time whinning about his misfortune or AIDS or something like that; Elio (the twink) does stuff and he's actually seducing Armie's character, not the way around. It doesn't matter if they are both men; it's a very comfy romantic story in my opinion.

>> No.11049623

Fucking degenerates, they want to normalise a biological error like the transexuals, sooner or later we will be able to prevent these by curing the errors in the developing fetus brain.

>> No.11049633

it's not biological doofus

>> No.11049640

>Implying there are not demonstrable differences in the brains of fags

>> No.11049664

That's a lot more than you can say for most movies.

>> No.11050060

mad degenerated nazis ITT. Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.11050088


>> No.11050134
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>> No.11050343

Is he angry about Call Me By Your Name or excited?

>> No.11050889

excited, the same people would ironically get very angry about lolita for being pedophilic and toxic masculinity, but if a homosexual does it then it is a beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress, because as we all knoww homosexuals are a vibrant and wise although marginalized community that can do no wrong you bigot

>> No.11050911
File: 394 KB, 631x553, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 8.34.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We just want equal rights. We're not going to brainwash your children. You're just being paranoid."

5 years later:


>> No.11050950

you fell for neolib meme
it makes everyone act stupid, not least the deusvulting fools

>> No.11051019

I see these pink haired freaks out there wrecking society and everything I ever cared about or found meaningful and I think this calls for radical measures. ANIMAL TO ANIMAL my deus vult skinhead army vs you pink haired freaks

>> No.11051025

Isn't Elio of age in Italy?

>> No.11051026


>> No.11051052
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>it's just a nazi conspiracy

>> No.11051061

That picture is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in my life.

That being said, people really overrate the influence of early ideas on the youth, but they ARE delicate, to the point where giving them terms like these is just fueling the hate fire coming from both sides of the political spectrum. If this continues, there will be blood.

>> No.11051086

We live in such weird times. I wonder how reactionary the next two generations will be

>> No.11051116

Yes there are OP. Read "Death in Venice" lol.

>> No.11051119

Yeah, but this has to be pointed out, because I don't even have to say that if it was a 17 year-old girl and a 23 year-old guy, people would say it was creepy and call it a pedophile fantasy.

>> No.11052541

>absolutely amazing.
>literally has a part where they watch each other shit and look at each others poop to be romantic
No, you degenerate faggot

>> No.11052578

No way

>> No.11052607

You think if there was a movie about some chad America. Coming to Italy and fucking 16-17 year old girls, people would be okay with it?

>> No.11052617

You make it sound like you were sitting there, cock in hand, ready to furiously whack off to it, only to be disgusted by your own arousal.

>> No.11052622

>We had never taken a shower together. We had never even been in the same bathroom together. "Don't flush," I'd said, "I want to look." What I saw brought out strains of compassion for him, for his body, for his life, which suddenly seemed so frail and vulnerable. "Our bodies won't have secrets now," I said as I took my turn and sat down. He hopped into the bathtub and was just about to turn on the shower. "I want you to see mine, I said. He did more. He stepped out, kissed me on the mouth, and, pressing and massaging my tummy with the flat of his palm, watched the whole thing happen.

>> No.11052626

why did I get a boner

>> No.11052628

Vomiting is also supposed to be romantic
>I opened my mouth. Before I knew it I was sick as soon as he touched my uvula. But what a solace to have my head held, what selfless courage to hold someone’s head while he’s vomiting. Would I have had it in me to do the same for him?

>> No.11052633

Woman spotted, gays don't do those things. I bet you are some kind of filthy yaoi-fag, too. Get out, roastie.

>> No.11052896
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>> No.11053036

But are you arguing that the movie was made for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia, or that it just does that anyway, regardless of intention?

I see where you're coming from though, pedophilia is obviously degenerate and immoral, but...the relationship from Call Me By Your Name doesn't count as pedophilia, and outside of any context of political agenda or ideology, the story still serves as a believable and moving love story.

Are you suggesting we avoid exploring certain areas artistically because of a potential slippery slope situation?

>> No.11053044

> If you're biologically wired to like men then gender is a very real concept.

Frog poster here. I agree with you and never said anything to imply otherwise. Did you just assume I was a leftist because I'm gay or something?

>> No.11053048 [DELETED] 



>> No.11053053

why was it amazing? never seen a homo movie before you little faggot?

>> No.11053058

this is a lie btw

>> No.11053072

No it isn't. Have you read the book? See>>11052622

>> No.11053081

I was just talking about the film. Never read the book but you're right thats pretty disgusting. From what I understand thought the book and the film deviate a lot from eachother.

>> No.11053384

I have never been able to fathom why The Catcher in the Rye is such a canonical novel. I read it because everyone else in school was reading it but thought it was totally silly. Now, looking back, I find that it is without any literary merit whatsoever. Why waste adolescents' time? Alternatively, I'd suggest Olivia, the story of a British teenage girl who is sent to a boarding school in France. It is short and written in a kind of levelheaded and deceptively straightforward style. Olivia eventually falls in love with her teacher Mademoiselle Julie T, who in turn, and without reciprocating that love out loud, is equally in love with Olivia. Julie never takes a wrong step, but there are signs for those who know how to read them. I read Olivia many, many times, bought it for many of my friends, and consider it the inspiration for Call Me by Your Name. —André Aciman, 'Call Me by Your Name'

>> No.11053440

dont reply to schizos

>> No.11053558

You unironically sound like you learned all of these words a week ago, from one post.

>> No.11053646

It wasn't a good film. It was certainly different, in that we haven't really seen pedophilia or grooming or young male masturbation in hollywood. The acting was okay. The script was campy and trite. The cinematography was above average, considering what passes for film today. Some of the scenes are beautiful, especially the grassy one by the roadside. But the emotional force behind the film comes from its novelty--young teen finds gay love, feelgood story all around, a validation for the lgbtq community. Except it's not those things. Oliver is using Elio, who deeply resents the fact that oliver will abandon him. Elio is using Oliver, who initially rebuffs the advances. None of the women in the film are real characters. The girlfriend is used for her body (for both Elio's and the audience's pleasure), then abandoned. At the end she conveniently "forgives" Elio for being a dick. Elio's mom is out of the loop, as revealed by the father-son convo. Elio doesn't speak to her for the entire car ride home.

The whole project smells fishy. It tries to deal with masculinity and sexuality in a real, visceral, jarring way. But instead, it just reinforces a lot of cultural bad behavior.

>> No.11053679

Fuck you buddy. Kendrick Lamar is sublime

>> No.11053715
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t. pasty ass white dude

>> No.11053767

I'm asian, but you're entitled to your delusions

>> No.11053980

t. deracinated azn who is exactly like the guy in pic related in every other way.

>> No.11054635

Its not in the movie but is in the book. Just like the downplayed peach scene

>> No.11054643

>just cara delevingne with a penis
so... just cara delevingne then?

>> No.11054646

Well those people would be wrong as well

>> No.11054718

>its as bad as Lolita, another book/film i will never partake in because it normalizes pedophilia
Oh, I see. You're retarded.

>> No.11054749

Fuk me that's real. Actually going to read now.

>> No.11054761
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trying to put this thread back on track

>> No.11054766

Literally everyone on this website sweaty

>> No.11055802

is that a good read?

>> No.11056482

yes, it's wonderful i would recommend cunningham to anybody

>> No.11056655

OP do you want gay lit, pastoral lit, or gay pastoral lit? Much Ado About Nothing lands right in pastoral but even though it's about straight relationships it's a pretty gay read

>> No.11057404

gay lit with mature characters would be interesting

>> No.11057718

Kenneth Branaugh's 'Much Ado About Nothing' is super gay even though it's him and Emma Thompson pairing off.

>> No.11057969

Jean Genet did it 70 years ago, and way better

>> No.11058144

For A Lost Soldier should be there instead of Lolita.

>> No.11058197

Imagine coming to 4chan of all places every single day and proceed to whine about how degenerate homosexuals are

That lack of self-awareness is what creates van crashers

>> No.11058261


seconding this person's Hollinghurst's recommendation. my personal pick would be The Line of Beauty (there's a great BBC mini-series adaptation, by the way) but you can't go wrong with any of his books.

>> No.11058275
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The Enlightenment was a mistake

>> No.11058399

>something inherently shrill and unlikeable about them

>people who love themselves and being alive
>something wrong

>> No.11058401

You should check out Blue is the Warmest Colour

>> No.11059830

This is a good post, if you could convey your ideas without using ZOG and other stereotypical verbiage of /pol/ indifferent readers may be more receptive to the ideas. But your heart is in the right place!

>> No.11059839

No don't do this
That movie is fucking garbage bullshit

>> No.11059842

Faggots disgust me, I don't think I'd be able to get over that if I read this

>> No.11059849

i thought it was a pretty accurate depiction of what it's like to fall in love as a teenager

>> No.11059880

So much anger.

There's a lot of self-loathing there right?

>> No.11059890

It's just a bunch of inflated bullshit
It does nothing to deserve the 3 hour runtime it has, it does absolutely nothing with that. We make fun of Harry Potter for wasting time that could be better spent on something else, well this fits into that category as well.
The sex scenes are completely useless and were only put it in for retards to think it's some super arty movie and to build up controversy.
It's literally babbies first art-house foreign movie that they feel cool watching because they notice the in your face symbolism and the fact that the color blue is literally in every goddamn scene

>> No.11060025

You need some loving boy

>> No.11060034

>uses maternalistic, pederastic, passive-aggressive language in every single reply
>wants to fuck/soothe everyone like they’re a mother
>is always in a state of arousal and incredulous displeasure
>gesticulating, flamboyant performance in every statement
mental illness

>> No.11060157

oh look its a smug gay. thank you for proving his point very nicely.

>> No.11060651

come down to davie street, then we'll talk