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11184951 No.11184951 [Reply] [Original]

Books on fringe topics like cults, pedophile rings, ZOG conspiracies, anything that's outlandish and conspiratory.

Preferably if it's believable stuff.

Let's try to keep it apolitical (I know, I know).

>> No.11184970
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I'll post the books I've read on the topic. Most good information can be found on the internet, however.

Pic realted is very good although a bit dated and not 100% reputable, but large parts of it were factual and very interesting.

>> No.11184987
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Informative, if a little silly and contains unverifiable claims. If you want to learn about secret societies, occulted 19th and 20th century history, and NWO plans this is a good book for you. Sadly the author insists that Jews are not to blame.

>> No.11185002

weird how all the smartest people from the conspiracy movement don't blame everything on Jews and praise an Occult Theocracy funded by Anglo-American banking elites

>> No.11185104
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Nah that guy is kinda dumb, he's an Israel bootlicker. I don't blame everything on Jews in the same way that others do, but it's not something to dismiss entirely.

Here's another one. He focuses mainly on how the western elites created the opium crisis in China and then used that experimental success to import drugs into the US and Europe. He claims to be an ex-MI6 agent, which I haven't verified. He's a bit of a dunce at times, especially with grammar and page structure, and he uses all caps sometimes. Good info nonetheless.

>> No.11185130
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This one specifically focuses on the growing push for sustainable development, and how it factors into a global trend towards urbanization, which she ties to the UN's agenda for homogenization of global society in a scientific and utopian vision. She talks a lot about her experiences fighting rezoning laws in her rich California suburb, and says "What's wrong with not wanting to live in a 10,000 per square mile population density?". Despite her womanishness that is clear in her writing, it's pretty good for learning about the way that American society is being restructured under the guise of "green" or sustainable development.

>> No.11185141
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Similar to the last one, but this takes a much broader scope and describes how globalization is creating a new world order based on utopian planning. School, work, business, family, law, entertainment and even food and water are being transformed to lead to the end goal of a single world society governed by technology first and foremost, with liberal idealism as its guiding force. Probably the most scientific and sophisticated of any of the books listed. It's not really conspiratorial, really just listing facts, but he is clearly opposed to the NWO.

>> No.11185150

I already know all the conspiracy stuff anon, I was just teasing my anti-semite counterparts who I love sincerely and pray for their safety (rooting for you guys :3 )


russells, Jardines, keswicks, perkins, delanos, forbes, astors, sassoons, possibly kennedy's and bronfmans (if we include alch) all made money off of drug peddling, there's that other kike family that makes a lot of oxycontin who are probs involved with Mossad-Russian mafia afghan-iranian drug smuggling

>> No.11185169
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Manly P. Hall is pro-NWO, and here he lays out how secret societies planned to create America as a blueprint for the future New Atlantis, as laid out by Francis Bacon. It's a bit lazier than his other works, but here you have it right from the hoses mouth: there is a freemasonic/messianic group of people who are working towards a New World Order based on liberal idealism.

>> No.11185178
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Same shit except more recent. He's very pro-NWO and spends much of the book talking about how important it is to push for this outcome. He offers very good insight into the philosophical origins of liberal idealism, going back even to the ancient Sumerians and the dawn of civilization itself.

>> No.11185185

fire in the minds of men is about freemason influence, among a lot of other things, on the french revolution

>> No.11185190
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The other book he wrote. America was founded by freemasonic zionists and that's a great thing. Everyone bend over and get ready because we never had a choice in the matter and this has been in the works for centuries, if not millenia.

>> No.11185191


You are a fucking moron, OP.

>> No.11185217
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>> No.11185235

I said try to keep the thread apolotical, you can produce an apolotical account of Trump, Nazism or Communism, you subhuman baboon.

>> No.11185253

i think he is implying that the idea that israel controls America and the West, more than just influencing middle east policy, is laughable because of the wealth distribution being in favor of Whites and Whites manning most of the important posts in Government and Business (also Obama’s Iran deal, Kissinger ignoring Israel; Us helping Egypt in the 6 days war; US arresting Israeli spies constantly; UN not going along with Israel; Soros warring with netanyahu; other things) That’s all. I agree they should have been adaptable and ignored the slight contradiction, but this is what they meant.

>> No.11185296

I don't think that makes any sense at all, you're attacking the justification of ZOG conspiracy theories, something I haven't even voiced my opinion on.

I wanted to reply to the poster >>11184987 about how ridiculous it actually is to pinpoint all blame on the Jews, but I feared this would initiate a political debate.

Either way, prioir to this post I'm making right now I successfully avoided bringing actual politics into this.

Your post makes zero sense, he didn't bring up the quality of the ZOG conspiracy, he merely pointed out that I'm being political by mentioning it.

>> No.11185308
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maybe he didn't mean to reply to you either

>> No.11185341
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Good thread OP can I find most of these books in PDF format?

>> No.11186052

>The Devil's Chessboard
>The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

>> No.11186072

when prophecy fails
making monsters