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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 130 KB, 600x450, bede_brown_news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11206446 No.11206446 [Reply] [Original]

>basedboy (4/25/2017)

>Jordan Peterson (10/30/2012)

>sjw (10/6/2012)

>Sadler (2/1/13)

>pleb (3/19/2010)

>brianlet (12/17/2015)

It has also been found through my various searches that the same opinions on the same memes have been constant since lit's inception.

>> No.11206449

note that "basedboy" is equal to s o y boy

>> No.11206453

Holy... I want more.

>> No.11206455
File: 3 KB, 125x112, 1499982861901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck, have we been arguing over that faggot for THAT long?

>> No.11206478

do some of these

dabbed on
culture of critique
nick land
my diary desu

>> No.11206499

nobody argued about him in 2012. He was just a professor who uploaded his lectures to youtube.

Nobody cared untill 2017 when he blew up.

>> No.11206519

>dabbed on (used three times prior to its now popular usage which was first used, in the popular sense that is, on 6/23/17)

>culture of critique (3/14/2010)

>Nick Land (7/19/2010)

>my diary desu (6/1/15) Usage EXPLODED around July of 2015

>> No.11206532

He got big during the US election. It spread from /pol/

>> No.11206561
File: 132 KB, 1086x723, jordan-peterson-metro.jpg.size_.custom.crop_.1086x723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the video that got him famous

Even /lit/ liked him back then because he just seemed to challenge "sjw" culture who pretty much everyone on 4chan was against

>> No.11206568

>He got big during the US election.
No. He first popped up after a video from october 2016, he gained some traction after appearing on Joe Rogan and Rubin, but he didnt blow up untill the interview he did with channel 4 in january 2018.

Is fame came way after the election and I really doubt /pol/ had anything to do with it as it seem they hate him just as much as radical leftists do.

>> No.11206578

I'm talking about his 4chan popularity not his mainstream popularity

>> No.11206601

Okay okay okay.


Holy... I want more
20 year old boomer
Chad vs. virgin

>> No.11206612
File: 25 KB, 362x362, 02OPENBOOK1-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Lin 2010 (probably started the thread himself)

I first checked out /lit/ around 2011 and I thought he was the favourite author around here because of some thread I seen

>> No.11206662

First mentions of obscure writers:

>Guenon (30 May 2010)

>Girard (16 May 2011)

>Evola (18 March 2010)

>de Maistre (29 April 2010)

>Kuehnelt-Leddihn (24 August 2011)

>> No.11206664

What year did /lit/ start?

>> No.11206698

Could be wrong, but it seems like from the archive that it started March 10, 2010.

>> No.11206703

this is the first post with the word "the" that is archived. It may very well be the first post on lit.


>> No.11206711
File: 132 KB, 652x573, 1444354809662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lists writers such as Girard

>> No.11206721

Literally never heard him mentioned outside of /lit/

>> No.11206733
File: 6 KB, 217x250, 1444003501631s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I haven't heard of him outside of /lit/ then he is obscure.

>> No.11206735

Shouldn't that post's number be like 000001 or something. Or how does that work?

>> No.11206736

While looking for an old post I learned that the word 'homeless' is used on this board almost every day. >>/lit/?task=search&ghost=&search_text=homeless

>> No.11206739

This stuff is fascinating.

>> No.11206770

Yeah like cuck queen and bugmen. I’ve been doing this with a pet word i made up. For weeks now i’ve been casually dropping it in conversations with my coworkers at the water cooler or their desks or meetings but no one seems to acknowledge i even said anything out of the ordinary. I’m going to keep trying for a few more months to see if it gets around. It’s a great a great word. I think people are just jealous.

>> No.11206774

Considering that I go to a Catholic university and that he, a Catholic intellectual, has never been mentioned, prompts me to think that he is obscure.

>> No.11206775

The first post mentioning Norm Macdonald is from 2010 and it is suggesting he should star in a Lolita adaptation. Interesting since he would go on to become a Nabokov wannabe. Maybe this poster was the man himself. He's definitely been on /lit/. But I have a hard time imagining he was such an early adopter. It's funny to imagine though.


>> No.11206808

yes, the archive doesn't go all the way back (it also has holes at other places)
that is the oldest archived post however
any oldfag here that can provide a screenshot of even ancienter history?

>> No.11206811

First instance of "sunset found her squatting"?

>> No.11206822

I'm on a wiki that presents a thorough-seeming history of 4chan and it says:
"January 25 - Six new image boards were added: /adv/ - Advice, /lit/ - Literature, /new/ - News, /int/ - International, /sci/ - Science & Math, and /3/ - 3DCG is brought back."

>> No.11206825

Oops. January 1010.

>> No.11206829

thats like...1.5 months of missing lit history. What could it mean????

>> No.11206830

*2010 fuck fuck

>> No.11206832

This is the oldest post where 'pseud' was used, July 26 2010. Amusingly it's in relation to debate about the lack of apostrophe in Finnegans Wake.


>> No.11206834

There's something They don't want us to know. I bet it has something to do with Pynchon.

>> No.11206840

absolute summer newfag

>> No.11206844

I first came here when an anon known as Iranbro was looking for a copy of Kharms's Today I Wrote Nothing. After many threads, someone eventually provided him with a copy.

Does anyone know when this was? Looks like it's gone from the archive.

>> No.11206848

what's the word anon?

>> No.11206854

Can somebody look up "boipussy" for my lazy ass?

>> No.11206855

Fitting that the first archived mention of 'postmodernism' is someone demanding that someone else define it. This is its legacy.


>> No.11206867

These people are abominations.

>> No.11206877

First example of "spook" I could find, in the stirner sense of the word. Before this there's hundreds of posts about some shitty speculative fiction book "Spook Country".


>> No.11206886

Found a definite Tao self promotion post. His favorite authors which no one but him would put together or lump him in with. No random /lit/ user would have compiled this list:

>> No.11206903

Nevermind, found a little more info. He was Iranman not Iranbro and he actually got his book 5 years and 1 day ago: >>/lit/thread/S3589973

He posted nearly every day for months. One anon posted his version on a scanner asking if it was a good display stand, just to taunt Iranman. Iranman got his copy and was paid $500 to translate it into Farsi. That was in 2013. He hasn't been heard from since 2015.

Iranman, I hope you're doing well.

>> No.11206922

lol no we've had threads on Ptah-Son for at least two years now
the boomer meme is new, it just appeared in the last few months you dumb fucking newfag

>> No.11206947

Possible first instance of someone requesting a pdf. And it was for some genre fiction nonsense:


>> No.11206980
File: 51 KB, 795x901, Tao Lin self promotion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Tao self-promotion hilarious

>> No.11206986

Guys /lit/ started in 2008 not 2010, a lot of comments got lost

>> No.11206996

3rd oldest archived mention of infinite jest references the meme trilogy

unless it's older than /lit/ this seems to be where pynchon is first called pinecone

>> No.11206998

What is that from?

>> No.11207005

Do you have evidence that it started in 2008?

>> No.11207029

/lit/'s birthday is January 25, 2010

>> No.11207043

t. 13 year old boomer

>> No.11207060

a 2013 use of s_oyboy


>> No.11207068

"mad garbo"

>> No.11207078

like when something is garbage?

Or garbonzo beans?

>> No.11207086

People mentioned him occasionally, offhand.

>> No.11207137
File: 56 KB, 781x414, dd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time brainlet was ever used was on /sci/ in the same month it was used on /lit/. Well, the oldest archive at least. I imagine someone has used it at some point, somewhere.

>> No.11207184

He is not obscure for a contemporary French intellectual.

>> No.11207210

Did /lit/ kill Salinger?

>> No.11207234
File: 57 KB, 1005x438, lit rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any oldfag here that can provide a screenshot of even ancienter history?
I have this. /lit/ used to all hate Rand (this was before half the board was /pol/) so naturally there was a lot of troll threads for lulz.

>> No.11207262

I'm not gonna look it up, but I can tell you that it goes back to the early days

>> No.11207632

Is inception a real word?

>> No.11207642
File: 50 KB, 170x170, 1510555044407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan Peterson (10/30/2012)

>> No.11207650
File: 4 KB, 95x72, 1507429441233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11207731

It was someone who scavenged and found an obscure psychology professor from UofT and probably got no one to talk about his ideas

>> No.11207757
File: 27 KB, 1867x255, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit.

>> No.11207825

at one point i was considering writing an adapted teleplay for a five-ten part Lolita series, and thought Norm would be perfect as a creepy innkeeper
i imagined Glenn Howerton as humbert

>> No.11208349

this is groundbreaking info right here

>> No.11208472

>my diary desu (6/1/15)
I could've sworn this has been around for longer.

>> No.11208476
File: 48 KB, 592x480, ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has screaming fits
>is such a joke that PhD graduates make fun of him
>has poor hygiene
>wears a cape while lecturing

Unironically tempted to leak this to the press

>> No.11208485


This is pretty funny, and its hard to tell if it's a real post or not but it sounds totally plausible lmao.

Include me in the screenshot. Hi mom. Hi dad.

Love you,


>> No.11208498

If you look at some of his lecture videos he still kind of bugs out when people open the door then leave.

>> No.11208622

So he was always a nutter.

>> No.11208711

Peterson has been around for a while. He was in Oprah magazine in the mid-2000s, taught at Harvard, and appeared on Canadian public television multiple times. He didn't pop out of nowhere

>> No.11208713

>the peterson psyop has been going on since 2012


>> No.11208716

You're taking the wrong courses then. Girard is very well known in Catholic intellectual spheres.

>> No.11208735

>he lectures in a cape
He's been videotaping his lectures since before 2013 and i've never seen this. Hilarious if true

>> No.11208738

None of those writers are obscure. Evola is kind of a footnote but not obscure at all, just too retarded to ever be anything besies a footnote.

>> No.11208742 [DELETED] 

Obviously, it was "my diary tb.h" before the filter

>> No.11208761

I'm certain people were saying "my diary t b h" beforehand, and that 6/1/15 was when the word filter came in

>> No.11209241

Do it.

>> No.11209497

Those are like a year old. Tops.

>> No.11209662

that's what I searched for my lad. I knew to account for the filter

>> No.11209664

big if true

>> No.11209684

Evola is fairly obscure, I highly doubt any of us would know who he was if it wasn't for the internet. Try to imagine getting a hold one of his books before Amazon existed. You would have to go to a right-wing bookstore or have access to an interlibrary catalog

>> No.11210735


>> No.11211868

This needs more research. Someone ask him about the cape rumours.

>> No.11211990
File: 73 KB, 960x720, DWPTRoxW0AIoJeE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling to imagine what it would even look like, something like this?

>> No.11212149

>he lectures in a cape
I'm picturing a red Superman-style cape, but it's way too small and only goes down to his ass

>> No.11212153

I'm curious as to when Lolita was first mentioned

>> No.11212172

Close to day 1

>> No.11212179

Someone do it.

>> No.11212194

Eh, this reeks of someone who was at the school and heard some bullshit rumor and passed it off as a firsthand account cuz it makes a funnier story.

>> No.11212199

Go to bed, Jordan.

>> No.11212205

But I need my mommy to tuck me in

>> No.11212211

He has videos of his lectures going back to the 90s. This would be known if it were true.

>> No.11212218
File: 31 KB, 600x750, iwanttobelieve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11212223

This is actually pretty interesting but it will probably incite some anger

>> No.11212233

Oops, forgot to clear out the name field.

>> No.11212237


>> No.11212553

he ties the short end of a bath towel around his neck

>> No.11213257

I love this leaked image from The Adventures of Jordan B. Peterson and Tommy Pincone.

>> No.11213447

holy cow that was 3 years ago

>> No.11213799

anon, i...

>> No.11213843

This is why anonymous posting is so important. If this guy's ID was known we'd have a shot show on our hands, now everybody assumes it's a LARP. It is true though.

>> No.11214825
File: 79 KB, 1766x993, boxxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's his dad

>> No.11214846

Oh my god

>> No.11214851

This has to be a time traveler whose only purpose was to troll peterson

>> No.11215179

Someone here has to go to UofT, right? You need to go talk to grad students or faculty and see if the cape thing is true. And if it is, it need to be sent to the media.

>> No.11215547

I have a feeling the poster actually did go to UofT but is just exaggerating. Surely something would come up on google if he was such an odd professor

>> No.11217258

>As if this isn't the future leftists want

>> No.11217279

haha thats great to hear.Spastic tendencies only makes his character that much more exciting. Pretty sure a lot of the well known philosophers where considered nutjobs.

About the cape thing, that is wrong. He mentioned in some talk that he did use a cape in some of his talks to demonstrate something about authority.. That made some of his students but hurt.

Yeah I watched that talk on depression as well. He really understands depression both from a clinical perspective and personal.

>> No.11217307

>as it seem they hate him just as much as radical leftists do.
this is only a recent thing

>> No.11217353

when was the first time some one used the word "nibwab-hibadab_mgrewxXxtencione"

>> No.11217355

His game is a very recent phenomenon, but he has already been a public speaker for years

>> No.11219102


>> No.11220077

big if true

>> No.11220115
File: 521 KB, 1052x1836, Screenshot_20180527-120509~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a 2013 debate about gender. Amazing

>> No.11220236

been here on and off since we were thinking of what mascot lit should have.

>> No.11221434

My goodness.

>> No.11221550

the first post on /lit/ was Pynch's dox, it was deleted about a minute later and everyone who saw it was banned.

>> No.11221635


>> No.11221684

i remember the book threads that used to get made on /r9k/ before /lit/ was created. i bought a bunch of pkd books and house of leaves because of those threads. if i remember things right the reason /lit/ was created was because of those book threads and us nagging moot to make a literature board and the madman actually did it !

>> No.11222208

I dunno about that specifically but the announcement at the top of the page when the board was created said "Here's you're fucking book board!" so yeah, I guess some anons were bothering him about it.

>> No.11222244

funny how everyone loved JBP when he wasn't famous, now that he's become mainstream the snobs in /lit/ just shit on him.

>> No.11222262

>funny how when JBP wasn't famous only people who liked him would post about him but now that that he's famous other's do too
not really
bery nice digits however

>> No.11223498
File: 949 KB, 2048x1365, 3463467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wore these style capes on occasion. Sometimes he brought in the mask but not always.

>> No.11225408

>Norm MacDonald
>star in a Lolita adaptation
That would actually be awesome 10/10

>> No.11225481

top kek

>> No.11225618

Jesus I remember those threads. I feel old.

>> No.11225655

he looks pretty based with these suspenders

>> No.11225658

Mods this round are insufferably thin skinned faggots

>> No.11225705

someone post it to the anti peterson subreddit XD

>> No.11225782
File: 9 KB, 1367x115, butthurt petersonian 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the archives it seems there was 1 poster shilling him and getting shit on occasionally and getting incensed over it

>> No.11225807
File: 20 KB, 906x427, peterson cape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He mentions the cape thing in this video. Anon here dropped a link without explaining.
also his subreddit confirms it
we did it r*ddit!

>> No.11226905

>1 poster shilling
If you search the archives a bunch you find a lot of cases of this. You look for some lesser known author and there's like six posts from 2012 with the same writing style and then no mention until one post from 2016.

>> No.11226915

I actually coined 'lanklet' around 2012 on /fit/, unless I'm mistaken.

>> No.11226934

I'm really convinced I came up with
>enjoy your gains
But I was also like 13 when browsing /fit/ around 2011-12. In any case the archives don't have everything because I used to trip and I can only find one post by me on /lit/ - I barely even posted on /lit/ back then.

>> No.11226939

>tfw I was 16 in 2011. I can't even count.

>> No.11228511


>> No.11228536
File: 81 KB, 383x500, 3008044922_3cd03cc173_z.jpg?zz=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. newborn boomer

>> No.11228548

Holy fuck this is amazing

>> No.11229907

t.aborted boomer

>> No.11231183

t. newly conceived boomer

>> No.11232011

t.unfertilized boomeregg

>> No.11232180

t. unejaculated boomerspermcell

>> No.11232854

t. random assortment of atoms in the world

>> No.11234336

Great work on this thread my fellow boomers!

>> No.11235729

What a big book
A big book for a man to read
A silly man reads the biggest book

>> No.11236335
File: 20 KB, 1299x252, Screenshot-2018-5-30 lit - Literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I believe in balanced coverage :^)

>> No.11237847

this seems to be the first Bleeding Edge thread where people have read it >>/lit/thread/S4086908

>> No.11237870
File: 11 KB, 1166x128, 9430600b4d1f5198444d20c17866052a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yecarthy Mar 5 2016

>> No.11237947

sorry for asking this but is there any possible way to view images in warosu or any archived threads? I am looking for charts threads..

>> No.11237988

No I think if the image is too old then it's impossible to retrieve the full size copy. There's a lot of charts on the /lit/ wikipedia though