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11236194 No.11236194 [Reply] [Original]

Nick Land, professional philosopher.

>> No.11236204

He's not wrong

>> No.11236481

He's right you know?

>> No.11236508
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How much of /lit/ is active on reactionary/accelerationist/interesting Twitter? Serious question, it seems like the place to be these days.

I keep track of that, and also Weird Catholic Twitter, because that seems incredibly important to me as a Catholic.

>> No.11236527

I actively lurk them

>> No.11236532

>actually following brainlets like owen cyclops and logo

Also the best poster on WCT is gone, RIP WSJ

>> No.11236568

But there’s still a priest putting more effort into selling pierogi than God, so all is well.

>> No.11236574
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>> No.11236578


I've cultivated a reactionary following by posting almost exclusively about ancient Greek philosophy. Feels good.

>> No.11236580

If Land genuinely wants humanity to accelerate into AI technocapitalist hell, should we do the opposite of what he says to avoid that? Is he anticipating that and accounting for it and changing his message to avoid that? Is he trying to trick humanity into following the path he wants us to follow or does he just say it's inevitable amd describe it?

>> No.11236588


Don't overthink it.
Land embraces the inevitable.

>> No.11236613

As long as China exists, it is inevitable. High IQ professionals will inevitably flee to East Asia after the West is overrun with low IQ Third Worlders and meld into a white-Asian super race, completing the prophecy.

>> No.11236631

I only pay attention mainly to Spandrell and Land since I'm a Chink. Followed many others too but merely as accounts to go to when I have really have nothing to do.

>Logo is brainlet
His good point is when he talks about McLuhan, but i think that's all.

He doesn't "want" per se. I think his idea on this is that humanity has already reached a singularity point where what's supposed to be happening next is just an exponential explosion of what's going to be inevitable.

>> No.11236767

Only if you think Land is right. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter what he wants, because he doesn't really know how to get there.

>> No.11236770

Whats Weird Catholic Twitter

>> No.11236771


>> No.11236786

gay faggots just like everyone else on twitter

>> No.11236795

>reactionary/accelerationist/interesting Twitter

Can you please recommend people to follow who are a part of this sphere? very interested in nick land's work

>> No.11236833

>le ebin twitter cliques
pseud cancer

the latter brainlet is in his 30's, desribes himself as "nabokovian aesthete," and stans death grips

>> No.11236848

How did you arrive at that conclusion, just followed him recently and it seems that he's a very well-read guy?

>> No.11237046

stop going on twitter

>> No.11237100

Stop going on 4chan.

>> No.11237140
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the media are lying pieces of shit. even before trump appeared no one trusted the media. My first memory of the media is them lying about WMD's in Iraq.
There is no such thing as fake news. It is an invention that appeared the second trump won because the old media had realized they no longer had any control of the narrative.
The only thing the capitalist media is interested in is taking out threats to their masters, fueling wars, and making profit from clicks by publishing listicals about white privilege in the lion king.

The internet allows people to get thier media from people on the ground, from tweets, youtube videos, blogs, etc.

Recently there has been a big push by the old media to censor anyone who doesnt tow the neoliberal status quo line on social media.

Three major events that were blows to the old media

1. trump winning
2. the american government losing in syria
3. the proles being allowed to troll the bourgeoisie in the comment section

>> No.11237160

>reactionary twitter
why does this sound so goofy? "atheist church"

>> No.11237182
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RIP Content Creator

>> No.11237218
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just made this

>> No.11237220

The media won't tell you this but Nick Land is a pedophile. Tell that to the jury.

>> No.11237221

desu this timeline isn't as boring as it seems.

>> No.11237227

He won't make it to his 60th birthday, so it doesn't matter anyway, he has too many health problems before the authority will get to him. Pneumonia, blood clot, fried nervous system etc.

>> No.11237230

>High IQ professionals will inevitably flee to East Asia
Bullshit. East Asia, especially China, is very hostile to immigrants. Especially intelligent and educated ones. It's very hard to do anything there, and business/corporations/academia amount to stringent native hierarchies.

>> No.11237240

Not only China, Japan too does this, just take a look at Olympus scandal for a small example. But this secures a way for the asians to actually make something out of themselves that are outside of our knowing, which is interesting in many ways.

>> No.11237378

>in the early 90s Land was unquestionably one of the brightest and most influential philosophers in the Anglosphere, penning a number of impressive papers and monographs offering radical re-readings of continental thinkers and single-handedly turning Warwick into a mecca for applied philosophy
>now is Shanghai NEET shitposting all day on twitter about 80-IQ mouthbreathers like Tommy Robinson

It's fucking sad, honestly. Everything up to and including Meltdown is literal genius. Speed is a hell of a drug.

>> No.11237403

What did he say that's wrong?

>> No.11237434

This. What happened? He's become a decadent /pol/poster....

>> No.11237717

>Can you please recommend people to follow who are a part of this sphere? very interested in nick land's work

If you're into weird Landian stuff, I'd take a look at these two:


>> No.11237735

@nishikiprestige and @0xa59a2d
They also blog at nishikiprestige.wordpress.com and synchroni.city, respectively.

>> No.11237736


His work with the New Center was quite good, and that was a short few years ago.

>> No.11237774

Why did Land stop writing for Jacobite?

>> No.11237856
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one of the things that makes land unusual is that old nick seems to think things today are just accelerating into dystopia ('plutocracy in communist drag'). capital has this unbelievable potential for social and cognitive re-engineering as teleoplexy but i think he's vexed at having watched it become captured by the Cathedral. i think this is why he gets so cynical. young nick, fanged noumena nick, doesn't have much to say about the Cathedral outside of Transcendental Miserabilism (which still holds up). old nick, xenosystems nick, emphatically joins the right. i don't know what the future holds for reaction these days.

i think he's in a kind of spiral now. he can talk about protestantism and the Anglosphere and so on but to me it seems less like marxist historicism and more a kind of embittered worldly wisdom. even the decay of the mind-control apparatus he describes doesn't necessarily lead to Okay, Okay, That's Enough. my guess is that he would say it just leads to less ironic forms of mind control, the mind control you know is mind control, and which is indistinguishable from a general culture of hysteria. neo-victorian.

if you look at post-anathema there's always this mysterious divide: part of it ultra-cold cyberpunk aesthetics, and part of it tradition. that's just a zeitgeist. the fact that it's divided doesn't mean it's paradoxical or contradictory, it just means we're at a place in history where paralysis sets in from two contradictory fantasies that hold each other in place. what they have in common is (ironically?) a total anathema towards the present. which is understandable...

but this is history also i think. there is no way that a mimetic society doesn't put turbo-boosters on robotics and cybernetics for these reasons. land himself says this in 1997: capital loves the ferment and the chaos. maybe it's just me but you can feel Enlightenment 2.0 on the horizon because of this. that we really are proceeding towards some kind of general semantics about people and society, however counter-intuitively we get there. the thirty years' war chopped up europe once, maybe this is all the redux. and it's not like the occident was historically weaker for doing so then. what everyone could agree on was rational trade...and for us, the fact that this is kind of what drives the revolt and hysteria in the first place is only so much more evidence that if god exists he has a sense of humor.

>the empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide.

here are some accelerating murphys as well.


>> No.11238005

isn't he like the co-boss of the magazine or something?

>> No.11238014

I agree with Anonymous

>> No.11238023

Can someone translate what NL said into a human language?

Also, who the fuck is Tommy Robinson?

>> No.11238042

The neo-Hegelian sphere is where to look to these days, some of those people are nuts. I've never seen Hegel interpreted to such extremes.

>> No.11238047

manufacturing consent doesn't work anymore now that any retard from his basement can reply back to the elites on twitter

the progressive project was built by a small minority making the vast majority of the population believe that there was some kind of "consensus" which never existed, the progressive project is dying

>> No.11238058

>Also, who the fuck is Tommy Robinson?
some football hooligan that was talking and protesting against muslim grooming gangs about 10 years ago and got laughed at his face by the polite society

now he livestreams on the internet and has a big following of lower class english people

>> No.11238063

What's least slavish way of studying?

With alcohol and heavy metal?

>> No.11238070

>can someone translate what NL said into a human language
you can't get an unbiased perspective on the news because entrenched ideological forces within media are so committed to being unbiased they in turn produce a bias so vast and profound and deeply internalized it becomes a pravda-like echo chamber.

it's like the heisenberg effect in news. how do you cover the news without changing what it is? the horror of ideology leads in turn to ideology. so at the risk of delegitimizing your own in-group's aura of intellectual hygiene you simply suppress that which cannot be easily reconciled into the larger and entrenched narrative. in ways that become increasingly rote and predictable.

>who the fuck is tommy robinson
here he is in his best possible light.


>> No.11238082
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I thought this was the better exchange.

In England, news outlets aren't allowed to talk about court cases until the cases are finished. This is ostensibly to prevent the jury from being tainted with bias or misinformation. This Tommy guy was live streaming outside the courthouse, and fell afoul of these strict anti-broadcasting laws. The whole thing struck a nerve for a number of reasons, not least of which is the nature of the case.

Land's point is that an unswayed Jury is pretty much an illusion.

>> No.11238086

He's a dumb, lower class mother fucker but his heart is in the right place.

>> No.11238102
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a published lower class mother fucker

>> No.11238110

has anybody read this? is it worth reading?

>> No.11238114
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Is he right?

>> No.11238146

haven't read it, i don't know that much about the guy but his Oxford speech was breddy gud, the guy is lower class but he is not that retarded

i'm sure the guy has some dirty past from what i've seen, but he seems to have been right about everything he was talking like 9 years ago

>> No.11238151

You know what's kinda sad? he isn't actually dumb, he's uneducated and despite that he doesn't go down easily when paired against Eton educated establishmentarians.

>> No.11238167

Has Land not read his Nietzsche? The reason the UK has stuff like these media restrictions, or the House of Lords is so that the establishment/elites have more power over the jury/politicians and ultimately over the masses than would otherwise be the case (which is a good thing!).

What Land perceives as an illusory justification (e.g. that a jury is unswayed) is not in fact something so idealistic. To take the jury tampering example, "unswayed" is just a manner of speaking and it does not equate to some form of purity; like all things, jury bias is a spectrum, and these laws keep the jury closer to the establishment side of the spectrum than to the media side.

Though at the same time I recognise Land's perception that such laws and lords will not always exist, but I'm not sure if he knows the reason why. The reason why is that the establishment has even more subtle ways of ordering the country, which can involve the idea of throwing a bone to the masses, allowing them more freedom, like more press coverage. At the moment though, these things still seem very ignoble suggestions and desires, only sought for by the resentful.

Already exists, just people like him would wish that more of society was involved in the battle instead of just the heavyweight elites/experts.

>> No.11238178

A lot of foreigners aren't aware of the class divide in England especially when it comes to the media, "Muslamic Ray Guns" was the epitome of how badly the under class is treated in society.

>> No.11238180

there was that infamous interview like 8-9 years ago where he just went into a tv program, talked about grooming gangs, and basically got laughed at by smug liberals as if he were a retard conspiracy theorist

>> No.11238185


>> No.11238187

>so that the establishment/elites have more power over the jury/politicians and ultimately over the masses than would otherwise be the case (which is a good thing!).
it would be a good think if it were a dictatorship or a monarchy, it is not a good thing in a democracy because nobody has to take responsibility for anything because everything that happens politically is just """the will of the people"""

>> No.11238194

Smart people are allowed to waste their time on dumb stuff too.

>> No.11238206
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i would say yes, but maximally-distributed cross-tampering is also more or less why people are sequestered in small rooms to argue about things tho. we put people in there to cross-tamper with each other and hope for the best.


>> No.11238217

That's nothing, British Sikh's have been warning against grooming gangs since the 90's and as a result have been literally erased from public perception by the BBC.

>> No.11238240

yes, i think Sikhs have some great self-funded organizations that try to actually help groomed girls and take them out of those environments.

instead the government gives money to muslim organizations that "raise awareness" against grooming gangs but have not met one single groomed girl, makes you think

>> No.11238249

that's an interesting clip, thanks anon.

>> No.11238251

He works for the Chinese Government m8.

>> No.11238254

>capitalist media
Fuck off comrade.

>> No.11238256


>> No.11238266


>> No.11238279

How would a NEET live in fucking Shanghai anyway?

>> No.11238281

I remember seeing him on some sort of bbc Q&A type show. Just an entire room of people bullying, talking over him, laughing, yelling character attacks at him.
I didn't know who he was but holy shit i hope those fuckers die from an unlicensed potato peeler stabbing.

>> No.11238296

Logo is a lot younger than that, he's like mid twenties

I don't get what's wrong with the things you mentioned, been following him for a while now and while some of his takes are overly provocative dogshit (that he justifies with "muh attention economy") most of his tweets I think are insightful and interesting.

Most of those frogtwitter dudes are well-read, the problem is that they're all more or less philosophically illiterate, and are too attracted to attention grabbing takes versus actual content, but that's a function of the medium

>> No.11238321

Twitter philosophy couldn't cut it in academia. But academic philosophy would be considered "insightful" if it was presented in a trendy style.

>> No.11238323

Falling for the "critiques capitalism so must be a communist" meme is the worst thing a person can do

>> No.11238325
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okay, but when i think of somebody like land Working For The Chinese Government i imagine something more sinister than a tourist guide. it was probably fun for him to do and he needed the cash.

this is not to say that in his twisted heart perhaps some part of him plays out demented fantasies of being the forward arm of sinofuturism (unlikely, given that he seems to prefer moldbug > xi jinping). no doubt this is possible. but i suspect that the ending of that vision comes with some enigmatic meeting with a gov't rep saying, your services are no longer required. and perhaps he knows this to be true and goes back to losing his shit in dilapidated spiral staircases.

christ what the fuck happened to me, i used to have fantasies about myself. now i only dream about dreams land might have.

seriously tho Neuromancer In Shanghai would be a good story tho. make it about a demented burnout visionary who stumbles into some conspiracy by accident while writing a tourist guide for the expo. my body is ready for Ex Machina Over There.

>> No.11238332
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It may not be a sure indication that someone is a communist, but when you consider it at the deepest level, it's proof someone is a decadent.

>> No.11238340

>critiquing the most decadent system ever conceived means someone is decadent

>> No.11238345

>the problem is that they're all more or less philosophically illiterate
They aren't, you just don't understand their applied antiphilosophy.

>> No.11238349

Not quite. >>11238206 gets it better.

We already have the means for greater cross-tampering than ever before with the internet, but what happens is that people voluntarily seek to reinforce their own POVs, putting themselves in echo-chambers without need for state or corporate propaganda.

>> No.11238351

>But academic philosophy would be considered "insightful"
i'd be very wary at judging how well would academic philosophy fare against memes and being called retarded, i'm afraid not as well as you seem to think

>> No.11238356

>seriously tho Neuromancer In Shanghai would be a good story tho.
doesn't he also write horror books to earn a living? i'm not so much into the Land memes to actually read his fiction though, only curious about his political vision

>> No.11238361
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>which is a good thing!

>> No.11238362

You romanticize academia yet obviously haven't participated in it, you' probably confuse journals with academia.

>> No.11238388
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he does but i find them kind of weak. tastes vary, of course. but it's the same with the CCRU stuff. necessary i guess as a part of his gestation
>gestation, eww
>that feel when you start thinking about starcraft and the Overmind
>maybe it's the right word tho

but his philosophical stuff is just so good.

>Templexity is indistinguishable from unbounded real recursion, so it cannot be lucidly anticipated independently of a historical completion – or ‘closure’ (apprehended in the multitudinous sense noted in the text to follow). There could only have been a beginning – a prolegomenon to the rigorous formulation of templexity as a question – and the topic itself retracts this, even before its proposal. The real process is not the resolution of the problem at the level it appears – dramatically – to have been initially posed, but its re-absorption into the alien cognitive matrix which inherits it. ‘Templexity’ – as a sign – marks the suspicion that, if we are waiting for this to happen, we still understand nothing.

>For over a century (but less than two) Shanghai Capitalism – despite dramatic interruption – has been building a real time machine, which Rian Johnson, among many others, stumbled into, and tangentially fictionalized. Although the detailed workings of this machine still escape public comprehension, its intrinsic self-reflexion ensures its promotion, as an object of complex natural science, of spectacular dramatization, and of multi-leveled commercialization. It enthralls East and West in an elaborate exploration of futuristic myth. At its most superficial, where it daubs the edges of the mind with its neon-streaked intoxication, it appears as a vague but indissoluble destiny. What it is becoming remains to be recalled.


it's part of why i love land so fucking much. he just *moved the plot forward in so many ways.* in so many different ways that his head exploded (and now many other heads come to explode as well when they start to follow him out into those weird vistas). he says a lot of weird and cringy things now sometimes in his Venerable Crusty Old Bitter Guy phase but he found something to love and be fascinated by. even if it was capital and horror. i'm weirdly envious of the man.

>> No.11238389

>You romanticize academia yet obviously haven't participated in it, you' probably confuse journals with academia.
wat. the very same individuals engage with both.

I'm surprised how easily you swallowed that hook, sad!

>> No.11238399

Has Land played Resident Evil?

>> No.11238401
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>okay, but when i think of somebody like land Working For The Chinese Government i imagine something more sinister than a tourist guide
Is this sinister enough?

>> No.11238442


This rhetoric seems banal. I've looked at his twitter and was pretty surprised to find how average he seems. Like this tweet: >>11238082 seems pretty bizarre in how it reduces the attempt to guard a jury to a belief in the total purity of the jury. Nobody who studies law thinks a jury is completely pure. They do try to insulate them from the news, especially in high profile cases, because they don't want sporadic, poorly researched headlines that are trying to get quick paper sales (or these days clicks) to influence the jury. You could say a similar desire underpins the worries about unprofessional media (non-credentialed, not inducted into the institutions, etc.), but the procedures of a court are much more controlled than simply voting based on whatever information you are consuming out of the media landscape. I'm not sure if the implication is we should have no procedural control of information in a courtroom, as we should have no notions of institutional media legitimacy?

>> No.11238448

Land is an avatar for the same immaterial entity that possessed Terrence McKenna- it wants us to unite with it. Same message, different times, different means.

>> No.11238465
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the chinese don't fuck around, if treat like pic related some random guys doing Tai Chi in the park (Falun Gong), imagine some serious religion with political pretensions

i guess they had their issues before and don't want to try they luck anymore:
>A self-proclaimed convert to Christianity and brother of Jesus Christ, Hong Xiuquan led an army that controlled a significant part of southern China during the middle of the 19th century, eventually expanding to command a population base of nearly 30 million people.
>Total dead: 20–30 million dead (best estimate).[4]

>> No.11238470

i don't know man, people who take acid are way more annoying that people who take amphetamines

>> No.11238487
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>Has Land played Resident Evil?
that's a good question. my guess is that it probably looks like a scrapbook or photo album from his late-80s/early 90s prime.

he has enormous meme potential, which may or may not already have been mined out completely, or maybe the overton window for it has simply closed. memeing anything is a way of kind of killing tho. horrorcore marxism is pretty easy to see once seen. but maybe we're getting maxxed out on horrorcore too.

he's not out there rounding anybody up or writing tracts is what i'm saying. he knows China has nothing to do with him, and that it is going into the 21C with a completely different cultural and political prerogative than the west is. twitter gives him an opening to say what he wants about these things without needing to publish in journals or maintain any semblance of an academic career.

don't get me wrong. i don't want to put myself in some kind of position where i have to agree with or explain everything that he says. i don't agree with everything he says, and i can't explain a lot of it either. confirmed NRx-er Old Nick seems to be a lot more content to talk about politics instead of the metaphysics of capital and schizoanalysis. which is fine. he's jettisoned the West and relocated. now he says crusty old guy things on twitter like your drunk uncle at thanksgiving. the only difference being that your drunk uncle at thanksgiving was also, once, a fucking rock star and kind of likes to let it hang out once in a while.

he's earned the right to shitpost.

>> No.11238503

I don't understand how you risk biasing the jury by reporting outside?

>> No.11238537

Read Nietzsche. In Britain jury cases are rarely concluded in one day so after the court is done for the day jury members can go home and look at the reporting.

>> No.11238544

>Is this sinister enough?
so what ?
in the west it will be soon 'reeducation camps' for everyone who opposes the multiculturism / islamisation / anti white agenda

>> No.11238581

He wasn't even reporting, he was livestreaming to a couple of hundred people, the law was weaponised against him based on a technicality.

>> No.11238671

>pretty surprised to find how average he seems

He often uses the medium in a very casual way which can be disarming. Have a look at his recent likes. You'll find what looks like a very loose engagement with those currents flowing around him.

Depth is to be found his use of deliberate ambiguity or in those places where his thoughts are densest. Some of the more elliptical posts also provoke much thought.

>> No.11238677

Please answer.

>> No.11238682
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Guys. guys. What if Hegel was an Accelerationist?

>> No.11238684
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>He wasn't even reporting, he was livestreaming to a couple of hundred people, the law was weaponised against him based on a technicality.
Praise power.

>a brave, proud, working-class hero walks into Oxford University and screams "REEEE" about being victimised by a society which has itself wrapped itself in the flag of victimisation
Lol, how low on the pecking-order can you get?

>> No.11238686

Kantbot and Cam.

>> No.11238692
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which neo-hegelians > this?

>> No.11238693

An entertainer for pseuds

>> No.11238695
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Land against Zizek when?

also when did Zizek turn so lukewarm?
this is kind of embarrassing even for a meme philosopher

>> No.11238700

Hegel's philosophy was just working out everything. How it should be applied to the real world was a different question. That almost sounds like Marx who did talk about accelerationism.

>> No.11238704

>>>a brave, proud, working-class hero walks into Oxford University and screams "REEEE" about being victimised by a society which has itself wrapped itself in the flag of victimisation
>Lol, how low on the pecking-order can you get?
i mean the problem is that any resistance or self organization of the english working class will be labeled "far right extremists" and crushed by law

>> No.11238718

>i mean the problem is that any resistance or self organization of the english working class will be labeled "far right extremists" and crushed by law
Good. Even more decadent movements than the prevailing culture should be crushed.

For example, as decadent as this >>11238695
might sound, he at least has courage to speak openly and clearly unlike Land. And it is no surprise that Land is the more decadent of these "philosophers" (more like pop philosophers).

>> No.11238719

That's a place for clickbait journalists and afro-americans. I don't want to be where they are.

>> No.11238723

>speak openly and clearly unlike Land.
how brainwashed are you? he is just a run-of-the-mill Utopian globalist that doesn't confront any of the empirical issues of multiculturalism

>> No.11238725


>> No.11238736
File: 120 KB, 1024x393, tothemarx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Land does speak of an accelerationist fragment in Marx.

>> No.11238738

>Marxist utilizing christian cuckery when it suits him, eg, against Hungary's stance against mass immigration
I really would've expected more from him

>> No.11238745

>stop pointing out our hypocrisy please

>> No.11238751

how can one man be so wrong

>> No.11238771

>The paradox is thus that the problem of populist fundamentalism does not reside in the fact that it is too identitarian (against which we should emphasize fluidity and contingency of every identity) but, on the contrary, in the fact that it lacks a proper identity, that its identity clings onto a denial of its constitutive Other.
that's sounds just too convenient that as soon as people feel attacked by anything, then by that same token lose the privilege of feeling attacked because by feeling attacked it just means that their identity is meaningless in the first place

>> No.11238799

>you will never submit to your post-Landian instincts and move to Singapore, make a shitload of money, pay for cold storage of your sperm for the next 20,000 years, and let technogenetics work itself out, with even just one piece of your DNA being melded into the hyperstrand that will make flesh the AI god of Second Capitalism

>> No.11238812

so nietzsche was a decadent?

>> No.11238822

he's only had two commissions from the chinese government, one for an international trade expo in shanghai and the other a guidebook to xinjiang province

his wife works at a university in shanghai

>> No.11238832

This is boilerplate Zizek on identitarian ideologies. There is nothing new here.

>> No.11238837


there's plenty more of marx on machines. it's all in his notebooks, not much in his published works

>> No.11238840

what about this?
Zizek monarchist

>> No.11238844

Hegelism and Marxism are mostly useless today because they originated from the industrial revolution, pre-digital age and where unable to envisage virtual currencies,machines or AIs constructing AIs

>> No.11238849

I'm not "active" but I have an account with 3 followers that I use to lurk.

>> No.11238850

Christianity is a millenarianist religion, it has a teleology; the point is if you truely beleive in it, you know everyone is judged. you end up in heaven, they end up in hell, and Jesus still comes abck to earth. It’s only a collapse in that metaphysical beleif that allows fear of the Other to come into play. Daniel wasn’t afraid of the lions, anon.

>> No.11238851

What's the problem with it besides the fact Zizek has been making those same arguments for a long time?

>> No.11238857

Philosophically, Land thinks that China is going to bring about the singularity. Personally, he's fucking pissed that his homeland is ruled by villains from a C.S. Lewis novel.

>> No.11238867

good poster

has good taste, at least in terms of literature.

>> No.11238876

>all these twitterfaggots
no wonder the quality of this board is so abysmal

>> No.11238881

that quote wasn't about christianity

it's empty posturing about universalism without saying anything, and it's a standard that is always only strictly applied one way, so it's not a standard at all, just a leftist tool

>> No.11238883


I find it fascinating that many of these thinkers keep coming back to the idea of factory workers owning factories.

This idea has somehow become very alien. We speak of Amazon workers toiling in Amazon warehouses, but no one wants them to own or control the warehouses, not even the workers.

wat happen

>> No.11238903

"The ‘neo-‘ of neoreaction is more than just a chronological marker, however. It introduces a distinctive idea, or abstract topic: that of a degenerative ratchet.

The impulse to back out of something is already reactionary, but it is the combination of a critique of progress with a recognition that simple reversal is impossible that initiates neoreaction. In this respect, neoreaction is a specific discovery of the arrow of time, within the field of political philosophy."

>> No.11238906

>wat happen
We had a century of attempts at socialism and they all failed

>> No.11238910

yes, progressivism in neoreaction is simply political entropy

>> No.11238931


So many workers still think they know better than their owners, and in many cases they do (at least in certain respects). And yet, none of them would do away with or somehow replace the owners in the day-to-day affairs of work life.

The repeated failures of socialism brought this about?

>> No.11238933

The communist party still rules china, bro. They really don't welcome anyone mow, and prolly won't in the future, except under some draconian requirements. Enjoy being a slave for the communist agenda.

>> No.11238965

Not that anon, but he does admit it himself ;)

>> No.11238966

The media didn't lie about WMD. That was 100% republican propaganda. Fake news/propaganda has been in 'Murikan politics from the inception. Study the campaigns when Jackson and Lincoln were elected. Same shit, different day.
>The internet allows people to get thier media from people on the ground, from tweets, youtube videos, blogs, etc.
It also allows massive distribution of misinformation, false flag attacks, random propaganda, and outright lies to be perpetrated on an industrial scale. Social media/internet is just as manipulated as any other media outlet, if not more, since that's where the newer generation seek information, or, more likely, info-tainment.

>> No.11238980

>A slime queen denied her #LesbiaNRx patchwork | Once called the father (sic) of accelerationism | Inorganic Mother Hellcrypt of #cavetwitter

>> No.11238989

>The repeated failures of socialism brought this about
I'd say yes, paired with the fact that workers overall aren't in that bad of a condition today

>> No.11238990

>The media didn't lie about WMD. That was 100% republican propaganda.
How does propaganda get spread without the media?

>> No.11238993

being the boss takes effort and responsibility, being a wagecuck is easier, they want the power of a boss but not the responsibility of going to shit when the factory fails

>> No.11239009

Is Outsideness really Land?

Seems pretty tame, like stuff you'd read in /pol/.

>> No.11239017

the WMD shit was propaganda, and Saddam was a CIA asset from the first. Anyone who doesn’t understand Iraq needs to read Baud and watch Hypernormalization. You will quite clearly see what was going on. Saddam was CIA, Assad’s father and Gaddafi were CIA, they just turned them into permanent enemies as a ritual betrayal so they could “war” against them for decades

>> No.11239019

Land likes model minorities though

>> No.11239024

only when pol magically raises its IQ by 100 points

>> No.11239027

You don't need to read a shit, retarded ass faggot French philosopher to understand Iraq.

Fuck the French commies.
<Communism fails terribly.

>> No.11239037

>Ant-people 1 desert expansion, dam burst or famine away from brink of a collapse
>Bringing singularity

>> No.11239047

incredible display of autopoietic debasement, this is the shadow of death dancing in the moonlight

>> No.11239051

nice fucking poetry dude, publish it.

>> No.11239054

"Nick Land openly states that in the war between Skynet/AI/Capitalism and the human race, he is against the "monkeys""

>> No.11239067
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>> No.11239074

>Nick Land openly states that in the war between Skynet/AI/Capitalism and the human race, he is against the "monkeys

>> No.11239083

What about the man-machine hybrid option

>> No.11239096


>> No.11239118

why ruin a perfectly good machine with meat?

>> No.11239129

Most people want stable income and don't work harder than necessary to keep their jobs. Being liable for the profitability and social and environmental obligations of a large enterprise is too much pressure for most people.

Unfortunately, this does mean there is an overrepresentation of anti-social tendencies (low risk-avoidance, short-term preference) at the very top of management (executives) much like at the very bottom of society (marginals).

>> No.11239163

Protein strands can hold more information per cubic area than can microchips, and they can be coded and decoded by exponential self-replicants that use some of the most avaiable elements as building materials.

Also, you can have electronics and biologics as backups to each other, since you have both informatic and living malicious code (viruses) to worry about, but these don't really crossover.

>> No.11239205
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life comes at you fast


just for fun i checked out the site doing the interview and confirmed that i no longer really understand how the world talks with itself anymore

>this all-natural thirst trap is the perfect way to reel in some eco-friendly D this summer

what is the D
is it penis
is this how people talk
is the D being reeled in this summer
can i understand this with deleuze
is eco-friendly D the new thing
do i now compare things by saying that they are the new eco-friendly D

my mind is going dave

>> No.11239243


>being a wagecuck is easier. That is why people don't want to collectively own the businesses that employ them.

Yeah, the whole western world is starting to become split electorally between a resurgent interest in 20th century labor parties and reactionaries because everybody feels their life as a wagecuck is easy and secure. I'm sure the large amount of individual workers making less than $30,000 in America are consciously making the choice "I could run this business with my coworkers, but choosing an executive sounds hard" instead of just going to work every day like a normal person because that is normal and it is harder to conceive of somehow taking the ownership away from the owners.

>> No.11239258
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>> No.11239356

it's probably one of these degenerated tumblr trannies

>> No.11239360

>tumblr trannies
"A slime queen denied her #LesbiaNRx patchwork | Once called the father (sic) of accelerationism | Inorganic Mother Hellcrypt of #cavetwitter"

>> No.11239403
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not so much

>The first point belies my second, however, and my primary objection with where anarcho-nihilism takes its critique. Despite claiming to be nihilists, they just like every other post-left tendency cannot get past post-phenomenological concerns. Their interests are regressive and humanist to the core, as they are ultimately only concerned with recapturing some idealized and long-gone narrative of experiencing the world authentically — something which the primitivists have most astutely out of everyone ran with and taken to its fullest and most thoroughly regressive and repugnant conclusions. I’ve spoken at length and will continue to write further in my cyber-nihilist series about why holding onto humanism and the desire for authenticity is a useless endeavor, and a deeper critique of it would require a post of its own. But I will say here that ultimately, the post-phenomenological line of thought is a trite inheritance from Kant. It is only human to fear the Outside or Other or Noumena with irrational fervor, and do anything we can to hold dominion over the realm of phenomena that we’ve been given, but ultimately it is only denying us other possibilities by clinging to the familiar.

>We are, in a very Nietzschean sense, sickly to the core in trying to stave this off.


and she knew what a clownshow the interview with murphy was anyways.


frankly i i think like this slimegirl

>> No.11239443

whatever it is, it seems more CCRU than todays Land

>> No.11239471
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mos def

and maybe the right place to be too. you just never know what's going to come out of there

>> No.11239517


Nick Land is fucking retarded. To some extent he is right - old systems of control are lapsing. He sees the world in a very cl;ear-eyed way. But when it comes to the question of where things are going, why all this is happening, you begin to see him swerve off into delusion. He fried his brain with drugs and actually thinks that all of history is being pulled toward some kind of cyberpunk meatgrinder. He thinks everything is the work of "Gnon". Of course people will accuse me of misunderstanding him but his worldview is fundamentally manichean, with the forces of technocapital against the "cathedral". why is technocapital some kind of inevitability? Why should we choose it over the cathedral? Once you try to figure this out you get into the real schizo burnout shit. There's nothing worthwhile with land because at the heart of it he's just a mystic, and his whole belief system is a type of theology. It's fun if you want to write a cyberpunk book but its nonsense when applied to the real world, it's like trying to analyze geopolitics with astrology

>> No.11239551

I don't know anything about Land but isn't he just a generic libertarian? He likes Sowell, Hoppe, and Hayek. Why does he seem to view capitalism from some weird Marxist standpoint?

>> No.11239577
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Land takes Misesian economics as a starting point. See my attached picture for a good introduction to Land on 'libertarian' economics.

>Why does he seem to view capitalism from some weird Marxist standpoint?

What do you have in mind here?
Do you have examples of this that we might look at?

>> No.11239585

his entire point is that the time to make a choice has passed, and we chose capital

>> No.11239631

AI and decentralization actually are potential tools for saving us from the dystopian singularity. Decentralized autonomous organizations working with AI analyzed big data where humans only vote. I'd unironically have this instead of governments.

>> No.11239636

>AI and decentralization actually are potential tools for saving us from the dystopian singularity
no they're not,
>Decentralized autonomous organizations working with AI analyzed big data where humans only vote. I'd unironically have this instead of governments
yes, we know you're a dumb fucking socialist leaning pleb thank you

>> No.11239646

This is just jargon. What's his point here?

>> No.11239653

that's old land, his stuff since he found moldbug has presented the forces of capital pitted against other forces. he used to express it as an inevitability but now he constantly tweets throwing doubt on that point, wondering if we will ever reach "level 2" or whatever you want to call it because of a long, slow "dysgenic" breakdown

which, in order to believe, you have to buy into the nrx bell curve stuff about dysgenics

>> No.11239654

Welcome to Land and his tribe

>> No.11239658


Land diverges from Austrian economics because it presupposes conditions that no longer prevail.

>> No.11239683


Land can be elliptical, but he doesn't really use jargon. You're seeing technical vocabulary where there is none.

>> No.11239691

Look into this stuff. All this has to do with trust. The tech doesn't care if it's used for socialist or whatever else purposes. Identifying yourself or someone else with a political idea (or any other idea) isn't very clever in my opinion. Does it make you feel safe? Asking out of curiosity

>> No.11239696

They spread it unknowingly but did not create it. They reported the officially disemminated Truth without the ability to verify it. The origin of the propaganda was in the government's outright lying.
Overall I think what that other anon said is right - the internet and equality of opinions is in the long run much, much worse for staying truly informed because it is very easy to manipulate, it produces isolating echo chambers of every possible orientation, and it makes it very very easy to lose any worthwhile signal in the overwhelming noise.

>> No.11239697

Which are?

Yeah call it whatever. This still makes zero sense.

>> No.11239716


>Which are?

Those of a liberal order--understood as non-interference in economic affairs.

>> No.11239720

>>They spread it unknowingly but did not create it
The naivete..

>> No.11239753

When had there ever been, in all the history of mankind, a time when there was no government interference in economic affairs? I'm not sure you get his point either.

>> No.11239762

The neolithic

>> No.11239783


It was a lot more hands-off in the 19th century.
You'd be a fool to think otherwise. You could speak of laissez-faire and actually mean something, whereas today the expression is a joke.

>> No.11239789

I also (maybe around 6 months ago, a while after kantbot and so on hit the peak of their popularity, and as the artistic creativity of the scene began to dissipate) used to be pretty into the hashtag frog twitter stuff. unless you're nick land, and you can participate in the platform by just saying whatever you want as it comes to you without having to engage with the cliquey political drama that goes on below, twitter is pretty much the mind killer. The brainspace that accommodates remembering the handles of accounts-- and so on-- is a sunk cost, whose opportunity cost is stuff like remembering the names of historical figures in books you read. Keep that in mind. I'd unironically recommend deleting your twitter if you have one.

also remember that both the NRx and u/acc people on twitter aren't academically relevant (please DON'T get the idea that Austrian economics is considered respectable or worthy of discussion by those in economics that do even know about Mises. Also don't get the idea that Mark Fisher, Sadie Plant, Land, etc. are widely respected within continental philosophy, or that their stuff is the most challenging, enduring, or thought-provoking content modern philosophy has to offer), they're met with derision from a majority of mainstream internet politics, a bunch of what they write is going to be unreliable or straight-up bad readings of philosophers' / political theorists' / economists' works, and probably a majority of it is just disguised aggression from the right (NRx has a libertarian background) and the left (u/acc has a post-left background), respectively.

>> No.11239796

>Also don't get the idea that Mark Fisher, Sadie Plant, Land, etc. are widely respected within continental philosophy, or that their stuff is the most challenging, enduring, or thought-provoking content modern philosophy has to offer

What is? genuinely curious.

>> No.11239799

Well, in Aristocratic times? Feudal times? There wasn't government in the modern sense? Though that's different kind of interference..

was East India Company fully private? Then again they worked for Brit Empire so that's interference.

There was probably never such time

>> No.11239802

seconding this

>> No.11239804

>or that their stuff is the most challenging, enduring, or thought-provoking content modern philosophy has to offe
Please give me the most challenging, enduring, or thought-provoking content modern philosophy has to offer. Please.

>> No.11239810

fuck philosophy, go science, read about physical chemistry, shits fucking wacky yo

>> No.11239814

i think that youre that slime "girl", """nyx"""

they're literally a tumblr thigh high socks tranny. seriously fucking gross

>> No.11239815

What crimes against humanity does Chomsky deny? He seems too soft to do something that edgy.

>> No.11239819

*he's literally
my bad

>> No.11239824

>thigh high socks tranny

Our vanguard

>> No.11239825

Yeah i see that you don't know what you're talking about. Austrian economics is just that, an economic theory. Austrian economists think that life would be better if everyone was left to their own devices. It doesn't presuppose any certain conditions. You can take an austrian economist to Liechtenstein and he would still find things to complain about. Just because we have more regulation nowadays doesn't mean that things are different or that the theory needs reconsideration. It's not like you can apply libertarian reforms only to countries with low government interference. What would be the point then?

>> No.11239834

>Austrian economists think that life would be better if everyone was left to their own devices
> It doesn't presuppose any certain conditions
Yes it does..

>> No.11239840


Take sound money as an example.
However true the notion may be, it ceases to make sense when you detach cash from scarcity which is what happened when the gold standard was abolished. The ideas are still valid, but they no longer apply to the world we live in. This is what Land and Moldbug are pointing to. They are saying that Austrian economics is limited because it no longer describes anything. This isn't remotely controversial. Even enemies of Austrian economics can agree.

I would go on, but you seem intent on misconstruing my position.

>> No.11239884

I know it's a silly question but how many Rothbard books have you read? What are the Austrian economics books that you've read? Please answer honestly.

>> No.11239886
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This is the most embarrassing fucking pseud edgy shit

>> No.11239916

Too far behind.

>> No.11239942

What do you mean?

>> No.11239973

lmao no one gives a fuck what you think dude, get a personality. rather read a thousand articles on "gender-fucked chaos" than sit through another reddit thread of betas and their asinine s o y humor

>> No.11239990

Hey nyx no need to anonymously have spergy meltdowns over people dunking on your hilarious shitty blog

>> No.11240001

Wouldn't know where to start. Or how to get there. And my scientific education ended with chemistry. Even then, wouldn't know where to go afterward. If I had some idea, I certainly would pursue it.

>> No.11240016

>Wouldn't know where to start. Or how to get there
>my scientific education ended with chemistry

It's a long, hard road, but the road exists and can be traveled.

>> No.11240827

too many bright minds are confined into scientific NEEThood, the world needs men of discernment to be more practical right now.

>> No.11240849
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>> No.11240850
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WSJ's demise was really the end of an era for Catholic Twitter, that's when the tradinistas started to lose ground and the throne-and-altar types started to make up more of the population.

Nowadays Weird Catholic Twitter is full-on monarchist and integralist, which I find very interesting in its implications for the future of the Church. They hardly speak for a majority of Catholics, but then, it's never really the majority that determines the direction of an institution. It's always the minority with the strongest zeal that leads the way for others.

>> No.11240863

you hav no idea what you’re talking about at all having no experience on twitter without protection of a credentialed bio or bluecheckmark. the bovine academics come out for slaughter
logo is a retarded sociopath you undiscerning animal
they don’t hav applied anti-philosophy at all, someof them are extremely intelligent most of them are midwit internet socialites. its not a power house of anything besides nihilism. their leader is the smartest one and he ignores half of what the others say because its so embarassingly vapid and attention seeking

>> No.11240866
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I lurk on Lands twitter pretty religiously desu. I honestly think the whole NRx/accelerationist online sphere is the forefront of political thought

>> No.11240885

trannies are subhuman

>> No.11240886

>I honestly think the whole NRx/accelerationist online sphere is the forefront of political thought

you are a brainlet then. it's more controversial than nazism and obscure

>> No.11240889

still think the idea of patchwork was the best thing to come out of nrx. and still a bit unexplored dare l say

>> No.11240893

he's autistic

>> No.11240906

>you undiscerning animal
>midwit internet socialites
Good carefully un-problematic internet insults my guy. Really wonder why you're angry at right wing groups online

>> No.11240909

i agree

>> No.11240914

So this... is the power... of cyber nihilism...

>> No.11240915

>weird catholic
aka larpers

>> No.11240916

>friendly reminder that people who reject the contemporary mind-virus aren't high social status
holy fucking shit you're blowing my mind right now dude, thank God you came along

>> No.11240919

How does Land reconcile Austrian economics with his hard-on for the Asian Tigers and contemporary China, which is probably the final nail in the coffin of the Austrian school?

>> No.11240921

shadow boxing reactive mitwelt helminth go stew in your notis overstim those dopamine circuits im sure there’s something interesting to squawk about on the TL today man

>> No.11240926

all great minds were and are autistic
neurotypicals are incapable of profound thinking :^)

>> No.11240932

just search cavetwitter

>> No.11240935

He's on record for (somewhat) defending the Khmer Rouge.

>> No.11240965

remember that 2017 trend with disdain. readin that shit was like revisiting my 14 yo """philosophical scifi""" period

>> No.11241115
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I only post on ironybro bodybuilding twitter

>> No.11241119

Nrx actually is the best contemporary philosophy around, previous anon was just being a faggot about the fact that "The Cathedral" doesn't respect those who say that The Cathedral is full of shit. Who woulda thunk it.

>> No.11241174

Normal and cool behavior

>> No.11241186

i don’t care at all about your gay frat social ettiquette faggot, fuck off to the dm groups nigger

>> No.11241204
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>> No.11241243

Weird Catholic and accelerationist? You spend too much time on /lit/.

>> No.11241281

You need to check it out, man, there are some weird-ass ideological pairings on Twitter. I've seen Marxist monarchists on Twitter.

>> No.11241289

is this board just pol but 5 years behind

>> No.11241293

pseud chantards who never went on twitter during the migration+reddit is more accurate way of putting it

>> No.11241298

I doubt /pol/ even knows who Nick Land is.

>> No.11241299

They’re just attention seeking teenagers. There’s absolutely nothing good or interesting that comes out of political Twitter, I know from experience.

>> No.11241303


>in the early 90s Land was unquestionably one of the brightest and most influential philosophers in the Anglosphere

You've got to be shitting me.

>> No.11241306

pol is where I learnt about Land back in 2013
pol have also been larping as ironic Catholics since they first appeared

>> No.11241307

wrong, 5 years into the future. prepare for the synthesis.

>> No.11241319
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in ironically savage

>> No.11241354

Yeah, but what intrigues me is the ways they're going about their attention seeking. A decade ago you never would have had teens LARPing as monarchists. There's been an unmistakable rightward drift in the sorts of ways that these kids are rebelling. And, sure, most of them will grow out of it and become normies, but what about the ones who don't?

>> No.11241407

You seem pretty emotionally invested in your nihilism. That's not very nihilistic of you, sweetie :^)

>> No.11241671

that's not really the point. The point is that u/acc NRx frogtwitter "weird" twitter are farcical excuses for cliquey shitshows. Most of the people that participate in these things aren't *low* social status; they're college kids, middle or upper-middle class, grad students, tech savvy, etc.
I'm not here to demean *them*, I'm here to decry participation with them, at least for your own well being. The real mind virus is twittereddit.

>> No.11241721

>but what about the ones who don't?

who cares

>> No.11241750

>holding anti-Foucaultian conceptions of power and society while literally submitting yourself to the digital panopticon he presaged

Anyone that willingly uses Twitter or social media in general is a fucking brainlet and should be ignored

>> No.11241753
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>Browsing twitter in any capacity

>> No.11241779
File: 104 KB, 320x487, Fanged-Noumena-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this crazy nigger use approachable, everyday speech on his twitter account, but then his essays are the most pompously written thesaurus-tier amalgamations of unnecessarily bloated language known to modern literature? did he really need to try THAT hard??

>> No.11241781

When I was a teen I was one of those edgy "trigger the sjw tumblrina" types back on /new/ and pre-gamergate /pol/. I still believe most of the ideas I learned from this place and if anything have moved even farther right, but now instead of trying to piss people off with my beliefs I hold them silently while I advance through my life ready to throw all of my accumulated wealth and life experience into any comparable political movement the second it springs up.

>> No.11241788
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>why aren't academic papers written like twitter posts

>> No.11241808

pisses me off that twittertards browse here desu. fuck weird twitter. fuck frogtwitter. fuck cavetwitter. fuck rhetttwitter. twitter literally internally kills you and makes you a gay zombie

>> No.11241813

twittards btfo

>> No.11241819

I think it's the other way around for the most part desu. They didn't start out on Twitter and come here, they started here and went to Twitter probably.

>> No.11241835

is it not a valid question? is the target audience not the same, or at least similar, with maybe a generational gap? is it admittance that millenials are more retarded? is it mature realization that he need not try so hard? is it laziness? or, perhaps worst of all, is it maybe that he himself has become retarded due to using twitter?

>> No.11241848

interesting. although i dont think the erudite effortposters that occasionally make a long, scholarly, good ass post on here also have twitters (maybe @evanplatinum and kantbot, but thats it). its just gay people who r attracted to it (or can accrue other gay people to, like parasitic leeches congregating on moldy patches [FUCK twitter desu baka senpai], listen to them) in the first place........................................................

>> No.11241854
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>the erudite effortposters

>> No.11241885

maybe ur new. there used to be a ton years ago. threads would take a week to prune sometimes

>> No.11241896

And sometimes, though rarely, they still do, thank God.

>> No.11241899


>> No.11241911

No it's not a valid question, it's a stupid one. Twitter obviously doesn't allow for the same level of discourse as writing a paper does, or even writing on here. Land still writes the occasional online article but he's hardly an academic anymore. He doesn't have direct access to other philosophizers like he did back in Warwick with his students or the CCRU so why wouldn't he go on Twitter, where he has a fairly large following? But just because Twitter limits discourse doesn't mean you should write like a retard all the time.

>> No.11241939

go to bed, Nick

>> No.11241997

It's 1 in the afternoon in Shanghai

>> No.11242020

well, hope the weather is nice. it's cancerously hot here in midwest usa

>> No.11242039

>ironic Catholics

I call them Crusader Kings Catholics, but those ones have always been separate ideological travelers from the huwhite males that advanced alt-right ideology, who are instead predominantly English or English-influenced (ranging from reactionary monarchists to American republicans and libertarians). Then there is a fringe group of Orthodox Eurasianists (which Spencer apparently is), and finally the mostly Irish and Scottish clans that get on the actual street at things like Charlottesville.

These movements are so far removed from one another and disparate in what they actually want that they would kill each other if anyone aside from the Englishmen had the capacity to articulate what exactly that *is.*

>> No.11242058
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god i wish there was some vidya i could play that would let me play out a civil war between tech-comm accelerationists, Crusader King Catholics, alt-right Fuck Yeahists and whatever else struggling for power in the ruins of post-cathedral america

>xenofeminist DLC available for pre-order now

>> No.11242092
File: 64 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would happen if i walked into Walmart tomorrow dual wielding claymores, with a backpack on, and simply stated that i was here to take a few bottles of rum from their shelves, and would not cause any problems provided no further resistance was met with

>> No.11242104


>> No.11242207

>because everybody feels their life as a wagecuck is easy and secure
the issue is that most people won't ever get to live as secure wagecucks anymore, that world is finished

>> No.11242209

almost certainly a Highlander duel with the police

there can only be one

>> No.11242210
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/lit/ official drawthread

>> No.11242345

>their leader
i dont use twitter, is it that chubby cheeked fella ranting about thule in that one video?

>> No.11242444

Da Shan rules china with an iron fist now

>> No.11242509

twitter is fucking gay i'd heem all you little bitches

>> No.11242557
File: 303 KB, 1024x1365, fangednoumena1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a slimegirl in an nrx context?
is it just a tranny?

>> No.11242563


>> No.11242613

Tradical > WSJ

>> No.11242732

what's WSJ?

>> No.11242788

Links pls

>> No.11242992

LOL He/she whatever shoud've sticked to Lands slogan 'Coldness be my god'
Emotion makes you weak even when you try to hide it behind nihilistic edginess

>> No.11243053

theyre the accelerationist (NOT nrx) version of catgirl memes

>> No.11243118

From what i read about Sadie Plant she was a prototype of todays Anti white/ male hating feminazi types but somehow infused with a cyberpunk attitude . Correct?

>> No.11243198

I think I only like Land so much because the way he expresses himself reminds me of DFW. The turn of phrase and such.

>> No.11243235

Writing a blogpost about the evidence for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in humans and I have to say, when you really dive into the data... there is none.

>> No.11243247

fucked if true

>> No.11243273

what blog?

>> No.11243274

This kills the white men.

>> No.11243281

She's based

>Modern capitalist society is an organization of spectacles: a frozen moment of history in which it is impossible to experience real life or actively participate in the construction of the lived world. The alienation fundamental to class society and capitalist production has permeated all areas of social life, knowledge, and culture, with the consequence that people are removed and alienated not only from the goods they produce and consume, but also from their own experiences, emotions, creativity, and desires. People are spectators of their own lives, and even the most personal gestures are experienced at one remove. This is also a world which insists that every moment of life must be mediated by the commodity form, a situation which makes it impossible to provide anything for oneself or act without the mediation of commodities. A spectacle can only be watched and enjoyed at a distance, from where it appears glamorous and desirable; participation may be possible, but its form and extent will be predetermined by the context in which it appears. The promises of self-fulfillment and expression, pleasure and independence which adorn every billboard are realizable only through consumption, and the only possible relation to the social world and one’s own life is that of the observer, the contemplative and passive spectator. The commodity form places everything in the context of a world organized solely for the perpetuation of the economic system; a tautological world in which the appearance of real life is maintained in order to conceal the reality of its absence

>> No.11243320
File: 57 KB, 550x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep noticing these increasingly desperate and pathetic pop philosophers, like Richard Kulisz, the transhumanists and HBD morons, the "dark enlightenment" dudes and the retardosphere scribblers. Like pop musicians, who have no musical training and talent whatsoever, no rigor, no real and sustained discipline and drive in what they do, so do these "casual philosophers" and pop philosophers seem to me to be related to the domain of actual thought. "Self-taught hobbyism" is the most benign label that I could apply to them, and they all take such great pride in being self-taught! (whereas, among all the genuinely educated, having no teachers in such an advanced culture as ours counts, not as an honor, but as an intellectual death sentence). And like pop musicians, who borrow concepts, instruments, styles and techniques from real music, but never getting any far with them, never producing anything lasting, forever mired in and condemned to an eternal primitivism, so do these pop philosophers fare in the realm of thought. One could say the same thing for their writings as for Osho's poorly written and conceptually detestable mishmash of third-hand accounts of Western and Eastern philosophies: they are all, more or less, equally irredeemable and worthless. These pop philosophers show not the slightest acknowledgement in their writings that a philosophical tradition even exists, and that the intractable problems with which they are so incompetently grappling have been discussed ad nauseam for millennia by all the geniuses. — The aforementioned, by the way, should be distinguished from characters such as the French "New Philosophers", who at least acknowledge the philosophical tradition in their works, but simply SUCK UNFATHOMABLY in doing anything with it, thus restricting themselves to expensive shirts and fine dining, straight up bad philosophy like the "analytic" Anglo-Saxons, or a mix of both like Nick Land and so on. — All these efforts, at the end of the day, are obviously inherently abortive, since contrary to what all these people seem to think, you can't defeat a beast by RUNNING AWAY FROM IT. There's only one solution: to GRAPPLE with the beast, which is to say, WITH THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, which of course presupposes that you have at least some inkling of it! In short: Don't be a pseud. Don't abortive. Be a man. Be a genius. — Or at least try to be one, the first step of which attempt would be... to see how you measure up against past geniuses, by making at least some kind of an effort to read them.
Or keep scribbling mountains of stuff that will be washed away and be forgotten the moment you stop scribbling so much and some other blog starts getting more popular than yours. Whatever makes you happy, I guess — I am just sayin'.

>> No.11243326

true, but then again that is true for this place as well

>> No.11243329

can' see anything apart from almost text book marxism there.

>> No.11243421
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when philosophy and history of philosophy dont have any distinction in your mind.
you are literally encouraging fanphilosofiction when you do this.

you and the people like you are the problem of philosophy or even literature.

im not trying to defend the position of the people you criticize anyway.

>> No.11243592
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BAP is our leader.

>> No.11243618
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The "counterculture" and radicals' embrace of social media is pretty ironic desu. They might use the ol' revolutionary excuse of "use your enemy's weapons against them" but that's not how it works out in the end. They get relegated to their little echo chamber and the spectacle goes on unperturbed.

>> No.11243640

NRx is shadowbanned by the cathedral

>> No.11243963

Thomas777 > BAP.

>> No.11243968

hello icy

>> No.11243990

is this some paywall icy shit btw or did you just now come up with this
put it in orgy you filthy mediterranean nigger

>> No.11243994

Who do I follow to get the most out of this?

>> No.11243996

this guy gets it

>> No.11244010

it already is in orgy. except the part about land

>> No.11244032

I was not aware of the rise of these Dark Enlightenment people, but how pivotal is Nick Land within this movement, in comparison to Moldbug?

>> No.11244083
File: 22 KB, 1133x549, pizzagate_crushing_fake_news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no such thing as fake news. It is an invention that appeared the second trump won because the old media had realized they no longer had any control of the narrative.
"fake news" as a term came in to common parlance solely in order to suppress pizzagate.

>> No.11244103


Both have been supremely influential, and yet neither really have any true followers. You could point to some "movements", but these deviate greatly from Moldbug and Land.

>> No.11244105
File: 61 KB, 314x500, 51DqfHk8-4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how pivotal is Nick Land within this movement, in comparison to Moldbug?

he's a big deal and almost the only legit interesting philosopher there is. moldbug is a whole other thing but their interests line up over patchwork. they're both pretty central to whatever intellectual map you want to draw. NRx was the place where they lined up but much of this was sort of pre-2016 also. since then i think the Dark Winds have died down a little bit

the Dark Enlightenment is like a Darker Version of the Intellectual Dark Web
>such Dark
>many wow

moldbug's book on Patchwork is good too. you'll be able to see why they had their bromance.

>> No.11244121

dark enlightenment is Land's autism, nobody else calls himself that.

Land is sort of important, but nobody knows how serious he is about it, or if he is just doing it for laughs, or just cares about it strategically to build the AI that will rape him for eternity as fast as possible

>> No.11244124

they’re not brainlets, both the frogs and nerd social darwinists are smarter than most of the posters on this board
because this is how high iq people communicate, you dumb fucking pleb
extremely bad taste in accts fag
no he doesn’t like people putting his stuff on 4chan because you people are insufferable and he has the tism
BAP is their mascot

>> No.11244128

fuck off Nick

>> No.11244199

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.11244294


>> No.11244311

tired, annoying, self indulgent, presentious rehashing of Adorno and Debord
Modern marxists are fucking retards

>> No.11244322

Doesn't mean she's wrong. And here ideas pretty out of step with contemporary marxism/critical theory, at least in the anglo world.

>> No.11244349

>"fake news" as a term came in to common parlance solely in order to suppress pizzagate.
pizzagate is fake news, that's why they take off at the same time.

>> No.11244357

and her ideas are*

>> No.11244441

You fit the definition of "follower", according to Authoritarian guidelines. Enjoy serfdom.

>> No.11244459

It's from a book about the Situationist International, you goof.

>> No.11244467

>I honestly think the whole NRx/accelerationist online sphere is the forefront of political thought
That's only because you're a believer, on the inside looking out, not capable of seeing with an objective viewpoint. From the outside, it aint what you think it is.

>> No.11244468
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>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a literal serf

>> No.11244479

This is why nobody likes psychologists, you can reduce everything to human psychology but that just ends up in lots of arbitrary ad hominem attacks, as in you couldn't have arrived at your point of view without having this disorder that I've constructed. Complete sophistry.

>> No.11244499

Right? Like it's so arrogant and condescending: "you don't agree with me because you're mentally ill and people who think like me are obviously the only sane people". They feel they're so intellectually above everyone that it couldn't ever be possible that others just value different things than them. No, other people must have some kind of "toxic" or "problematic" behavioral complexes.

>> No.11244722

>You're a follower because you don't hold the fashionable contemporary worldview
lmao @ ur llife
just because you can vote doesn't mean you're free, retard

>> No.11244810

freedom is a spook

>> No.11244873

the concept of spooks as put forth by spook-posting is a spook

>> No.11244997

nevertheless "muh freedumb" retards should be gassed

>> No.11245003

I agree, and so should spookposters

>> No.11245022
File: 59 KB, 640x635, DdqyWe1V0AABXFm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best twitter coming thru

>> No.11245025

that's not dan quinn

>> No.11245096

Is that Clairo

>> No.11245524

Moldbug is much more influential than Land. It is hard to even overstate how much of an impact he had on that particular variety of autist.

Nobody else has the breadth of sources that Moldbug does, he may be an autodidact, but he actually had a philosophy developed through years of reading history, he wasn't just posturing.

the entire NRx movement is a fringe of a fringe to begin with though so Moldbug remains basically inconsequential in the larger sense

>> No.11245524,1 [INTERNAL] 

vitamin k2