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/lit/ - Literature

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11598061 No.11598061 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I'm kinda a masculine guy, always have been. I like the simple things in life and I feel like a lot of books are written for limp wristed twink intellectuals.

I'm looking for some high test books filled with bloody action and graphic details about kinky sex, real alpha male shit written by alpha males, for alpha males. Got any recs?

>> No.11598073

stick to video games

alternatively read The Worm Ouroboros

>The Worm Ouroboros is a heroic high fantasy novel by English writer Eric Rücker Eddison, first published in 1922. The book describes the protracted war between the domineering King Gorice of Witchland and the Lords of Demonland in an imaginary world that appears mainly medieval and partly reminiscent of Norse sagas. The work is slightly related to Eddison's later Zimiamvian Trilogy, and collectively they are sometimes referred to as the Zimiamvian series.

but i'm not a man so take this at face value


>> No.11598074
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Ok class, say it with me now:

>> No.11598075

no book ever written is masculine, writing is inherently feminine

>> No.11598080

Hemingway was one larping repressed faggot who you'll probably love.

>> No.11598088

no thanks bro I don't really agree with the gays. Nothing personnel I just think they're bad for the economy

this seems like it could be true

I'll check it out my dude

this sounds like make believe crap

>> No.11598096

Kill yourself OP that would be so fucking manly and badass

>> No.11598102

i mean it was one of tolkien's favourite books so

it is pretty good

i have to say

>> No.11598103

>no thanks bro I don't really agree with the gays. Nothing personnel I just think they're bad for the economy
gays are literally alpha consumers, why do you think companies embrace them so? Gays don't have to worry about saving for their children's futures, they're shooting dead loads into dead asses

>> No.11598107

Storm of Steel is like an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie in ww1, except it is all true. The dude lacked any empathy whatsoever and just shot/stabbed his way through all four years of the war. The chapter called the "Great Battle" is very intense and describes how the soldiers going over the top were basically hysterical - laughing and joking while killing each other

>> No.11598108

>this seems like it could be true
of course it's true you faggot, you're being a woman right now by writing on the internet for narcissistic validation instead of pummeling your fellow apes into submission or letting them know they will be if they step up and thereby creating the same effect

we are all ethereal vaginas in this moment as we spout words into an abstracted plane to be penetrated by the dick of seeing

>> No.11598113

high quality b8 detected

>> No.11598127

Conor McGregor is insecure about his height poor choice for an """"""alpha""""""

>> No.11598132

for "masculine literature" in general just start with the fucking Greeks and Romans you pleb scum. it testafies to the general level of illiteracy that people even come here and ask this question.

>> No.11598142

shut up nerd

he is based

this sounds high test af

>> No.11598162

>this level of insecurity

>> No.11598181

you ommited my post in your replies like the bitch you are

you've never even seriously hurt anyone have you, and you're larping as an alpha male

>> No.11598193

I'd beat the fuck out of you OP

>> No.11598216

I doubt that

>> No.11598307


>> No.11598380

American Psycho will scratch that itch.
Also books like More Money Than God and Hedge Fund Market Wizards that talk about the history of hedge funds are great for that imo.

Steve Jobs and The Everything Store

>> No.11598405

Dude stfu and read whatever you like, i doubt anyone cares whether the writer of a good book is a faggot or a normal dude or a super masc bro

>> No.11598424
File: 328 KB, 935x1356, Screenshot_20180810-171121_Amazon Kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm straight chasing gay if you have any interest in exciting and experimental experience please visit >>>/soc/

Btw pic is quite masculine his manly writing style makes me wet.
Also it's a practical book about weight lifting. Being practical and lift is both manly thing, right?

>> No.11598548

Wow soc really went to hell.
All because moot got trolled over a girl

>> No.11598651

I don’t

>> No.11599454

I bet you're low t af
you should

>> No.11599519

Good job fitting yourself into a consumer-choice category for (((them))) with so much enthusiasm

>> No.11599530
File: 377 KB, 1200x1600, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was a mountain climber read all of his books.

>> No.11599570

>gays are literally alpha consumers, why do you think companies embrace them so? Gays don't have to worry about saving for their children's futures, they're shooting dead loads into dead asses

They can only consume as far as they have money, fags are not wealthy people or good customers for most of these companies. There are motivations at work here, for one this form identity politics has given various political clicks a lot of power.

For example, AIDS/HIV is the most research funded of any disease or syndrome yet there is far more profit to be gained from research into heart disease or the other top killers. Profit is simply not the main motive, and thinking this is how people delude themselves about politics and motivation

>> No.11599603

Wasn't he in a wheelchair most of his life because he was taking a walk while his city was being bombed though

>> No.11599638

>implying that isn't alpha

>> No.11599689

based and redpilled

>> No.11599696

Gravity's Rainbow is written for everybody :)

>> No.11599839

Daily reminder McGregor is a manlet

>> No.11600570

>being this conditioned

>> No.11600580

>we are all ethereal vaginas in this moment as we spout words into an abstracted plane to be penetrated by the dick of seeing


>> No.11600583

>fags are not wealthy people
lmao you are deluded

>> No.11600629

Read up on Gangsta rappers. Gangsta rapper got the nobel price last year.

>> No.11600662

>fags are not wealthy people or good customers
What rock do you live under?

>> No.11600727

Not a one of you fuckers told OP to stop being such a woman and go read the Iliad.
The memes are true, this board is full of pseuds who never read!

Faggot go read the Iliad.

>> No.11600753

You’ve gotta stop typing like that femanon friend

>> No.11600894
File: 51 KB, 552x442, brainwash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real alpha male shit written by alpha males, for alpha males

>> No.11600915

Rodger-my twisted World

>> No.11601001

This. Spartans were gay u know that right?

>> No.11601011

yeah OP this guy would kick your pansy ass. get off 4chan you neet larper, your mom just microwaved some fresh tendies for you

>> No.11601070


>> No.11601102

Blood Meridian
Gravity’s Rainbow
High Rise by JG Ballard
Anything Steinbeck

>> No.11601115

I'll have you know I'm basically the king of /fit/, 6'5" 300 pounds of muscle 11" dick and im here to kick your ass kid

>> No.11601135

The Wild Boys

>> No.11601158
File: 258 KB, 921x1080, 1530519546177755136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the Illiad and the Odyssey.

It depicts scenes of strong determined warriors through agonizing journeys, dwarf fortress tier gory descriptions of brain matter splattering onto the dust from sharp rocks being thrown, revenge and hatred, forcing women etc. There's too much to list. They're not memes, go read them.

>> No.11601177

I doubt that

>> No.11601215
File: 225 KB, 1273x591, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dwarf fortress
What the fuck am I looking at

>> No.11601342

"“Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron's ideal: the cultured thug.

The true alpha male is the cultured thug, learning about history, culture and philosophy is the most masculine thing anyone can do.

"Bloody action and graphic details about kinky sex" is the thug part of being an alpha but you need more then just that.

>> No.11602891

Holy shit Freud fags are getting insufferable

>> No.11602894

I doubt that you doubt that

>> No.11602900

Jesus how new are you

>> No.11602934

what's the best Let's Play on youtube of dwarf fortress?