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11851162 No.11851162 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11851166

Boehme was the antichrist.

>> No.11851179
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OP is the anti-christ

>> No.11851189
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>> No.11851238
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f-fellas, is the hegelian dialectic satanic?

>> No.11851241

Spinoza was Neo-Moses and Weil was Neo-Jesus.

>> No.11851256

Think about it this way.

Good + Good = Good
Bad + Bad = Bad
Good + Bad = Bad
Bad + Good = Bad

Now think about what the dialectic asks people to do.

>> No.11851270

Holy shit

>> No.11851630

Neo-Jesus arrives from the future

>> No.11851748

Fuck off Schopen

>> No.11851815

What about bad * bad?

>> No.11852103

>Hegel was the anti-christ
You can see everything in black and white to affirm that no one can serve two masters. That every single perceivable phenomena either serves god's oh so holy internal monologue or something *Other*

its simpler to see the phenomenology as extended meta sublimation. i doubt that anyone could read it and not find some line in there relatable to a personal self reflection.

but hey, every thesis has an internal contradiction that creates its antithesis? sounds like morning star falling from the heavens if you ask me

>> No.11852114
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, friedrich-hegel-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the part of the thread where I remind people, yet again, that Hegel was a practicing occultist and was extensively familiar with hermeticism. You can look it up.

>> No.11852122

Christ is the Christians all over the world, living the Logos or Dasein of their people and culture.
Antichrist is the opposing force with limited time and intention to destroy Christianity. Aka Jews.

>> No.11852126
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"that death is the painful feeling of the Unhappy Consciousness that God Himself is dead."

He was worse than the Anti-Christ, he killed God.

>> No.11852132

which philosopher wasn't? name one pre-modern philosopher who never looked into introspectiv- i mean occultism or otherwise put down some ideas on the relationship of perception and reality

>> No.11852133

Fight murderers by murdering them? Sounds positive

>> No.11852141

Finally people are waking up to Satanic Hegelianism. There have been underground groups since Hegel himself. By their account he didn't even die, he just burst into flame and descended back to hell.

>> No.11852142

Remember to pre-emptively murder those with murderous intentions, and don't forget to murder yourself once no one else remains.

>> No.11852148

There's looking into the relationship between perception and reality and then there's being an actual, LITERAL occultist. Hegel was the latter. He actively ran in practicing occult circles in Germany.

>> No.11852149
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The phenomenology is to the Bible what Satan is to God

>> No.11852161
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Reminder that they found a Satanic alter in a hidden maids room in Hegel's residence.

>> No.11852177

Name one pre-modern philosopher who didn't dabble or otherwise write something that paralleled an occult theme

>> No.11852181

not that i doubt you guys but could you source these statements?

>> No.11852204
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>All these newfags just learning about Dark Hegel

If you want to know the truth
Hegel was the first human since Adam to get into the Garden. Satan offered him a fruit from the tree of knowledge and he was unable to resist the temptation. God could not stop him this time from sharing his knowledge with the rest of man because we had already fallen from obedience once and already live with the original sin.

>> No.11852219

The Phenomenology is the hidden knowledge that God did not want man to find out about. Hegel essentially broke the secret that all spirit could reach the level of God qua Absolute. Accelerationist's like Nick Land are trying to speed up this process.

>> No.11852221

not just hegel
the whole spinozan branch of philosophy is very obviously the direct work of satan

>> No.11852232
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>> No.11852233

Philosophy itself is evil. Even Aquinas and Aristotle. God did not want man to use knowledge like this. The Bible is the only guide to the world we should be using.

>> No.11852235


>> No.11852263

in a sense
but the line between exegesis and philosophy isn't always so clear
(everything you said could even be construed as a philosophical statement)
we must depend on revelation for the discernment

>> No.11852268


>> No.11852300

I haven't read Hegel yet... what exactly does it ask people to do?

>> No.11852384

haven't had a good cringe like this in weeks, thanks fellas!

>> No.11852535

Abandon God and reason

>> No.11852542
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thank you too!

>> No.11852544

>rationalist christian philosopher
>asks you to abandon God and reason
?? https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lectures_on_the_Proofs_of_the_Existence_of_God

>> No.11852576

Socraticism even more so.

>> No.11852595

Why the fuck do posters on /lit/ never respond to actual meaningful comments.

Thank you for your response anon.

>> No.11852601


>> No.11852631
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Why, because it hems and haws and pleads for "nuance"?

>> No.11852635

>posts a kaballist system and talks of hegel


>> No.11852648
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I like the sound of this

>> No.11852651

No, because it locks the OPs topic, and brings to light that it is always black, or white when you look at the root of the issue.

>> No.11852675

Reminder Descartes, Newton and Leibniz were all probably Rosicrucians.
Funny how academic philosophy doesn't teach this at all.

>> No.11852678

Sources. Pseud

>> No.11852687
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Anno used this concept in Evangelion

>> No.11852704
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Human Instrumentality is techno-god, get in the robot Nietzsche! ! !

>> No.11852707

Check the /x/ archive

>> No.11852722
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This book a great story. You like your little faggoty stories don't you anon?
You can find some of Newton's occult writings online at the University of Jerusalem, by way of John Maynard Keynes, who was also in a secret society with Wittgenstein of course.
There are claims he was a 33rd degree mason as well.

>> No.11852756
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-ah-you-miserable-creatures-you-who-think-that-you-are-so-great-you-who-judge-humanity-frederic-bastiat-34-59-77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever noticed that the marxist and fascist intellectuals and their forebears are all surprisingly the most disgusting people imagineable?
> eugenicists
> unemployed grubs
> degenerates
> zealots
> elitist
> constant calls for division and violence
> think they are made of finer clay than the rest of humanity
As Tom Sowell would say, the vulgar pride of intellectuals leads to putting decision making into the hands of people that pay not price for being wrong.

Yet look at your Classical Liberal and Libertarian intellectuals, all virtuous hard working people, many fled from Nazi or Communist persecution, many actually worked and had families, focused their ideas purely on the betterment of humanity and never advocated for disgusting shit like eugenics even when it was all the vogue. Sang songs in pubs taking the piss out of tax collectors and then swapping the lyrics when the gendarmes rocked up. Fought through unimagineable scrutiny and alienation to stick true to their ideas. The most that can be levelled against is like "muh Rand took welfare and doesn't like aye-rabs". Come the fuck on people the thread of history is extremely clear when you take the time to look at these people.

>> No.11852767

>as le based black neocon would say

>> No.11852773
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>> No.11852775

That's le based black Professor neocon to you cunt. Probably THE most based uncle Tom this country has ever seent. Sit the fuck down.

>> No.11852798
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>muh liberalism is squeaky clean
Begone shill. This is beyond politics.

>> No.11852809

>/x/ archive


>> No.11852821

He's right to pick at Marxists, they are revulting.

>> No.11852841

I'm just comparing the people behind these ideaologies and the difference is stark and disgusting.

>> No.11852864

Wonder why anyone would try to derail this thread with pol bait? Makes you think. Now post books or fuck off.

>> No.11852869

Not really derailing, Hegel is a big lynch pin of this. Which is why I agree he kind of is the anti-christ, his ideas have had such disastrous conseqeunces.

>> No.11852879

Bro, it's not derailing, Marxism is heavily inspired with high degrees of philosphical ideas the reach into the boundaries of the occult.

>> No.11852892

>I serve both God and Mammon!
French revolution, Masonic roots of America, list goes on.

>> No.11852902

Has anyone read Hegel's poetry?

>> No.11852960 [DELETED] 

Ayyyy +1, anon

>> No.11852986

Ayyyy +1, anon

>> No.11852990

Marxism did not ispire occultism, you sound like a schizophrenic. You k ow what did inspire occultism? The fucking Bible. I really hope this is a new meme that's going over my head or something.

>> No.11853052

Riddle me this, anons:
How would the antichrist know he's the antichrist? If you want to be literal about satanic influence in regard to some ultimate script, how do you negotiate that?
What if that guy didn't even know the role he was born for? What if he knew or found out and rejected it? Doubly ironic, since by negating his functionality as end of all he'd be going against gods will.
Unless by trying to not immanetize the eschaton he ironically makes it happen, which would truly be a testament to gods ultimate will over all. Imagine being that guy. Someone work their language neurons on this

>> No.11853068

He said that occultism inspired Marxism, which it indirectly did through hegel's dialectic being appropriated by mystic conceptions of history along with his own dabbling into the occult.

If anyone really wanted to they could flip Marxism as a revolt for the conquest of heaven, only without explicit reference to polica because that would be boring. Although..... This idea does remind me of an old German movie of an ideal city....

>> No.11853201

>mystic conceptions of history
really? of all the Young Hegelians you claim Marx was influenced by mysticism/occultism? dialectical materialism is one of the least mystic metaphysics ever created...

>> No.11853207

*Marx appropriating hegel who appropriated mystical conceptions of time and history

>> No.11853210

Lol fuck

>> No.11853222

At it's basic appearance sure but they were hiding that as a facade for the Satanic underbelly.

>> No.11853223

I think there's a debate to be had on Hegel's occultism, but Marx excised as much of it as he possibly could as he was a staunch atheist and materialist. Literally any of the Young Hegelians (including Stirner) are a better fit for that charge.

>> No.11853231

paranoid delusions or did someone actually teach you this nonsense?

>> No.11853233

Hegel's diaries were full of references to Hermeticism, there's a whole book on it that's occasionally posted on /lit/

>> No.11853234

>this thing can't be contained most fully in its utmost opposite

>> No.11853242

I didn't say it inspired occultism. I'm saying it edges into the fringe of occultic thought, which it does - you cannot deny this.
And the Bible has been used for many purpose many, which are abuse of it's heritage. Used correctly the bible is very anti-occultic. Yes it dips into the profound, but that is not that same.

>> No.11853243

/pol/ and /x/

>> No.11853245

I'm not saying Marx or his dialectical materialism are occult, only that it's mildly there just by him using hegel's thought. One could say that Marx appropriating hegel is dialectical and therefore the next step as it were.

We'd have to get to the root of why he even cares about a grand story where his little guy finally gets the happy ending

>> No.11853255

Its sluggish schizophrenia caused by bourgeois idealism.
For two resources see:

>> No.11853258

No. Impression?

>> No.11853285

You realize it's the negation of the concept that is sublated right? The people in this thread have read Hegel, right?

>> No.11853287

Not me

>> No.11853290

Yeah, I said there's a debate to be had. Or does one book solidify a theory in your conception?

>> No.11853293

What's your point? Also,


>> No.11853303

It's an objective quality that hermeticism influenced Hegels thoughts.
To say this affected his writing then, would be truth.

>> No.11853312

A debate would imply you raised any substantive objections. A range of scholarly opinion means nothing when there are numerous books claiming Hegel was anti-metaphysical and other such preposterous crap.

>> No.11853321

He is dissembling without confronting the claims by alluding to the mere existence of objections.

>> No.11853331

Lol so this fun thread boils down to whether hegel was a materialist or not? W-which side gives the proper glory his name in the highest again?

>> No.11853345

The one that takes his own word for which he stood. Which are found in his personal journals.

>> No.11853371

I didn't make any claims about it affecting his writing, I said there is a debate to be had. You make a reasonable claim, but to what degree "affect[ing] his writing" makes him hermetic is the bigger question, one which again deserves a more nuanced debate. He wrote a ton about Jesus and lectured about the dialectical aspects of Christianity, so Jesus affected his writing too. He also wrote a lot on other philosophers, they affected his writing too. Kant was one of his most written about philosophers, he even mentions Kant by name in the Phenomenology, I wouldn't say he was a Kantian. See what I mean? There's a debate to be had, but one book doesn't solidify the theory in my eyes.

>> No.11853377

>Marx wrote poetry
shit obvious occult move there by Marx, good find

>> No.11853385

I'm not some godlike authority to prove anything in a debate, I meant academically you nonce.

>> No.11853391

Read the poems

>> No.11853406

>, I said there is a debate to be had
What debate may possibly occur that would prestige the truth that we search, among his hidden life?

> He also wrote a lot on other philosophers, they affected his writing too. Kant was one of his most written about philosophers, he even mentions Kant by name in the Phenomenology, I wouldn't say he was a Kantian.
Being a Christian writer he is in full embrace of the New Testament, and Christ, which he is not.
So we may not call him a 'Christian Writer'
Same with Kant, we may not call him a 'Kantian writer'

But, I will absolutely say he was affected by the studies on those topics, and it shows in his work and writing styles, this you cannot debate.

The term 'Occultic', is not as defined as which you try to make it appear to be. It's an umbrella topic, which engages in the personal relationship between, being and topic - Soul and it's philosophy.

>> No.11853410

>Hear Faust in the full authentic version;
>The Poet's account is sheer perversion.
>Faust was up to his ears in debts,
>Was dissolute, played at cards for bets.
>No offer of help from above was extended,
>So he wanted it all ignominiously ended.
>But was overwhelmed by a fearful sensation
>Of Hell and the anguish of desperation.
>He then devoted due reflection
>To Knowledge, Deed, Life, Death, and Perdition;
>And on these topics had much to say
>In a darkly mystical sort of way.
>Couldn't the Poet have managed to tell
>How debts lead man to the Devil and Hell.
>Who loses his credit may well conceivably
>Forfeit redemption quite irretrievably.
holy shit based, why did no one tell me Marx was a good writer?

>> No.11853418

>to be Christian or Kantian you must be "in full embrace"
>to be Occultic is just a loose umbrella thing
cool story man

>> No.11853429

I'm just saying much of the academic debate is characterized by the trifling modernist revisionism that buries the deep links of the occult and mystical in the foundations of philosophy and science, and by this omission only scratch the surface, as we can see here from your superficial posture of skeptical distance.

>> No.11853430

How can you deny this - refute this objective phrasing of language?
Do you understand occultism isn't a pinpoint of a topic?
Do you understand Christianity? You must be fully in marriage with Christ and his word to be considered christian.
If you where Kantian like Kant would aim you to be, you would also not deny a cent of his worth, nor a lick of his tongue.

>> No.11853462

>having your own subjective experience
>not satanic in and of itself
We are in original sin, and it has nothing to do with your petty actions in this realm

>> No.11853475

I am in agreement with you brother, but your words are vague, and ill for the modern man.
Perhaps, you should find how to be more elegant with your verbiage.

>> No.11853492

I'm pretty sure this thread full of zoomers is the antichrist.

>> No.11853512

well simply - Anti Christ is one who denies Christ.
The ones who pervert the very meaning of Christ.

>> No.11853521

No, just me I just want an impossible ideal of self sufficiency and self reliance ;______;

>> No.11853524
File: 90 KB, 1161x944, Lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacan was the real Anti-Christ. Hegel was the second coming of Judas

>> No.11853525

>self sufficiency and self reliance
Not possible anon.

>> No.11853532

Based Anno, how did he even know all of this stuff?

>> No.11853543

Who knew the antichrist is just the ultimate island, deluded in thinking he could be as alone above all as god is

>> No.11853562

Do you really think Kantians don't disagree with a single thing in Kant? Which Christian sect are you anon, so I can know who you 'no true scotsman'.

>> No.11853564

The island is impossible

>> No.11853581

Presbyterian, but I do not say it's the only way.
I'd be orthodox if my life took me that way.

>Do you really think Kantians don't disagree with a single thing in Kant?
Of course not, but if Kant had his way, I believe it would be the case.

>> No.11853624

wait, are you trying to say we shouldn't call Kantians Kantians because Kant (apparently) can't stand permutations of his thought? It sounds like you are arguing against your original point.

>> No.11853631

He probably just read into some western philosophy. There is even a part about Shinji learning about the multiple versions of himself (Shinji through Asuka's thoughts on who he is, Shinji's own thoughts about himself, etc) I think that is from either Hegel or Lacan.

>> No.11853632

No that's not what I'm saying at all. Go re-read.

>> No.11853669 [DELETED] 

Damn. Imagine if a guy was born in it and his environment and it took him his whole life to figure out how to integrate that self evident aspect of himself with mundane life on earth.

I thought the antichrist was some scary dude who does everything he can to fuck shit up, not a dude who just wants to kick rocks uphill so as not to be bothered by foreign pastures and their shades of green

>> No.11853683


The Biblical properties of antichrists are:
1) There are multiple antichrists (1 John 2:18)
2) They deny the father and the son (1 John 2:22)
3) Not confessing that Jesus Christ is of God is a sufficient condition for being an antichrist (1 John 4:3; 2 John 1:7).

Hegel wrote about Jesus in his early work in "The Positivity of the Christian Religion". In this work, he seems to speak of Jesus as a special person with insights into the will of God but who was not God, rather than God incarnate. By condition (3) Hegel was an antichrist.

>> No.11853692

Look at Nietzsche. He is an epitome of this persona, he thought himself as but man - yet above the rest with only the 'ideal God' as his enemy, and woe is me, chimes himself to thee.
Never understanding why he was damned, doomed to fall mightier, than the others.

>> No.11853707

What? The incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ provides a direct means (obedience to God) of experiencing salvation which allows union to the body of Christ forever-after.

>> No.11853723

rivers of ink were spent on the Kantianism of Hegel by mainstream secular scholars, while his occultism and even more mainline theology were usually treated as a footnote or ignored outright

>> No.11853729

>If you where Kantian like Kant would aim you to be, you would also not deny a cent of his worth, nor a lick of his tongue.
>>Do you really think Kantians don't disagree with a single thing in Kant?
>Of course not, but if Kant had his way, I believe it would be the case.
So, do you agree with Kant or with Kantians

>> No.11853741

>So, do you agree with Kant or with Kantians
What? This isn't the discussion, why are you going off topic?

> He also wrote a lot on other philosophers, they affected his writing too. Kant was one of his most written about philosophers, he even mentions Kant by name in the Phenomenology, I wouldn't say he was a Kantian.

I'm saying Hegel isn't Kantian, and comparing Kantian thinking and occultic thinking isn't a congruent way of comparing the two.

>> No.11853759

To discuss theology on 4chan... What the fuck would even be the point.

>> No.11853780

Well this isn't theology.
> To discuss theology on 4chan... What the fuck would even be the point.
>To be on 4chan..... What the fuck would even be the point.

>> No.11853796 [DELETED] 

Guy was coping until his breakdown. I'd say that in the end none of it was actually about God, dude just had to let go and (lol) get over his self.

That there is something, or rather, that there is perception remains the primal 'mystery' and as seen in all these long dead men one could go a whole life being no nearer to a final "aha!". As far as I can tell, potency comes from dropping and not from adding on, tho that's not going to stop me from looking into what these dead men were doing with their gray matter

>> No.11853809

And why do you think he was breaking down anon.
His entire life was devoted towards God, in a weird twisted, stalker kind of way.

>That there is something, or rather, that there is perception remains the primal 'mystery' and as seen in all these long dead men one could go a whole life being no nearer to a final "aha!". As far as I can tell, potency comes from dropping and not from adding on, tho that's not going to stop me from looking into what these dead men were doing with their gray matter
You have a distorted view on reality.

>> No.11853820

Wait, lets be precise here. You said Hegel had read Hermeticism, and therefore it "affected" his writing, which was used as a defense of calling Hegel occult. I claimed many ideas affected his writing that did not justify calling him X-ian. My example was his extensive work on Kant affecting his writing. You said he wasn't Kantian because he "den[ied] a cent of his worth [or] a lick of his tongue". So, through blatant assertion, you have created two standards of belonging, one for Kantians and one for occultism (with Hegel, this can really be reduced to Hermeticism, but I digress). The reason I am clarifying whether you agree with Kantians or Kant is that it is a central point in the difference between the two (at least according to your argument), that one is able to fail to live up to Kant, or the Kantian standard, so to speak, so obviously simple affection could not be used as qualification for being a Kantian. I'll even lay out the tension more formally for you:
If x is affected by Hermeticism, that is a sufficient qualifier for being occult
If x is affected by Kantianism, that is not a sufficient qualifier for being Kantian

>> No.11853866

>You said he wasn't Kantian because he "den[ied] a cent of his worth [or] a lick of his tongue"
No, to clarify. I said if you where Kantian, as he would have you be. To his full nature.
"If you where Kantian like Kant would aim you to be, you would also not deny a cent of his worth, nor a lick of his tongue."
Hermeticism is occultic substance!
You have to understand the fundamental before we carry on.
The occultic realm is much larger than a branch of say Kantian, or Christendom.
You cannot say those topics can be used to compare the undertaking between them, and the general occult.

>> No.11853908

Link to this paper?

>> No.11853932

>Hermeticism is occultic substance!
You are misusing the term substance from both Kant and Hegel's point of view which give me pause, but I'll continue giving you the benefit of the doubt.
>The occultic realm is much larger than a branch of say Kantian, or Christendom
Yes, I agree, and if it helps you, we can reduce it down to Hermeticism, the argument is still the same. Why does simple affection put one into the camp of Hermeticism? (Unless your argument that the affection of Hermeticism makes him occult but not Hermetic? Because if that's the case I'm even less sold.)

>> No.11853973

Hence, he needed to let go, hence some referring to him as actually being an honest to god Christian.

Need a system of sensory apparatuses to perceive a reality and distinguish a self. Can a self aware being exist without a distinguishable independent self? Its the price we pay for passing through this world. Interesting how we exist for nine months in the womb and then for a year or two outside of it before we go "wait a second...... me... you.... me.... you... huh" some spend the rest of their lives trying to make every other reflect their self back in the most gratifying way possible. So much is said about the preborn's oneness with the mother... which sounds familiar to the endgame of all this philosophical rumination...

There was one, now there's two, yet the two are only possible in the one.
I love you, you love me seems like a needlessly convoluted endgame in comparison to this world we're in. Us! Them!

>> No.11853981

>You are misusing the term substance from both Kant and Hegel's point of view which give me pause, but I'll continue giving you the benefit of the doubt.
That has nothing to with the topic at hand, my language was clear and you understood my phrase.

Look, I stated this before
"The term 'Occultic', is not as defined as which you try to make it appear to be. It's an umbrella topic, which engages in the personal relationship between, being and topic - Soul and it's philosophy"

I'm saying calling Hegel occultic should be a no brainer, an eye opener. He studied the topic heavily, understood it proficiently, and even tackled it academically.

>> No.11853989

Get on with it and cite some lines that may be hermetic

>> No.11853997

>He studied the topic heavily, understood it proficiently, and even tackled it academically.
You could say the same thing (only with much more evidence) about Kantianism. I don't even think you know why the standard doesn't hold, so I'll give up I think.
>my language was clear and you understood my phrase
err, yeah, substance isn't one of the most loaded philosophical terms in existence or anything...

>> No.11854006

I'm not arguing that either way, I was trying to understand anon's criteria. If you want citations check out: >>11852773

>> No.11854350

That would mean you would have to murder yourself due to your immediate murderous intentions

>> No.11854441

We could, but to much less of a degree than he would be considered 'occultic'.
I didn't bring up Kant, nor did I plan to. I'm simply pointing out to you, it is nigh impossible to do deny.

Sorry for the late response, I went out to get food. I am back, I hope you see this response.

>> No.11854639

What kind of bloodless pinhead takes these revelations of the forebears of modern thought being practitioners of the black arts and makes nothing of it but semantic pedantry?

>> No.11854651

KUNT failed to excise the CARTESIAN tendency from thinking but failed to overcome it properly...he left a "backdoor" for HAYGULL to hack into his system and subvert his ICE.

>> No.11854656

go back to /x/ ya nut.

>> No.11854685

>In 1658, Blaise Pascal had given up mathematics for theology but, while suffering from a toothache, began considering several problems concerning the cycloid. His toothache disappeared, and he took this as a heavenly sign to proceed with his research.
Explain this. The brachistochrone is illuminism in its purest form.

>> No.11854719

the pre-germ theory understanding of "HUMORS" and "SPIRITS" was basically correct...the CARTESO-SPINOZAN tendency wants us to ignore the fact that sensation can indicate the presence of SPIRITS. when Pascal was turned away from theology he was turned toward MATHEMATICS--the art of the DEVIL and his ARCHONS

>> No.11854752

There is a layer of basic truth to what you're saying but your obvious insanity makes us look, well, crazy.

>> No.11854759

where am I WRONG?

>> No.11854774

He's saying you're not being clear on how things are which they is.

>> No.11854778


>> No.11854784

Sorry, I was using irony.
Your thoughts are not clear, they seem chaotic and unorganized, disheveled.

>> No.11854786

Germ theory is correct. You can spiritually reject it because you find it repellant, an artefact of the antihuman weltgeist, but you have to work with facts to do anything about it.

>> No.11854787
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how would you like me to "SHEVEL" my thoughts?

>> No.11854791

I am no "DOCTOR." Quantum Theory is correct and proves GERM THEORY (according to which the "germ" is the smallest form of entity) wrong. The quantum realm exists.

>> No.11854792

Not capitalizing random words for emphasis.
No tangents of thought, connect the dots in topical order.

>> No.11854797

if I were interested in your notions of "proper formatting" I would submit my thoughts to a respected academic journal in essay form, FAGGOT!

>> No.11854803

Then why did you ask my opinion?
You're emotional and irrational.
No will take you serious.

>> No.11854804
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>brings up qm like it means anything
that's gunna be a yikes from me

>> No.11854805


>> No.11854806

You unironically need Jesus Christ.

>> No.11854809

I am seeking WISDOM/SOPHIA

>> No.11854810

>how would you like me to "SHEVEL" my thoughts?

I'm sure in your fantasy land your meaning is super clear, but here in reality you're vague and boring.

>> No.11854813

>I already possess REASON'/DISCOURS/ELOGOS
>I am seeking WISDOM/SOPHIA

Dude I'm fucking serious, lay off that shit. You're going down the wrong path. I pray for you.

There is only 1 God, not that gnostic-non sense.

>> No.11854814

again, if you were not "autistic,' you would comprehend the concept of a rhetorical question
I was MOCKING your use of the term "disheveled' in an improper mode while demanding of me propriety

>> No.11854815

You've taken TOO MANY redpills. They are NEUROTOXIC in high doses.

>> No.11854820
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you genuinely desire to be without wisdom? why should I take you "WORD" seriously?
There is only one RED PILL. read NIETZSCHE and the dead sea scrolls.

>> No.11854826

Do you understand how you come across as crazy? Stop getting offended, look at the truth.
I'm not even autistic, what's your problem dude?

>> No.11854828

Bruh, Nietzsche is the enemy.

>> No.11854835

NIETZSCHE is the only True Man to perform philosophy in the Kali Yuga.

>> No.11854839

>you genuinely desire to be without wisdom?
Now where did I say this?
>why should I take you "WORD" seriously?
Because your Soul is a very important topic, and I care for your well being.
Jesus Christ IS God.

>> No.11854845

>we must dissolve all binary oppositions into eachother and create the New Man
Hegel for the plebs

>> No.11854847 [DELETED] 

Ah, yes, it is "insane" to reject the germ theory on the grounds that it contradicts established physical laws.
You cautioned me away from the search for wisdom...you said it was dangerous for my soul...you are an idiot, your advice means less than nothing to me. IESUS KRISTOS is god but he is not man...he is an inbreaking of the LOGOS into the material world
NIETZSCHE'S occult doctrines are fundamentally Christic, HAYGULL'S occult doctrines are fundamentally Satanic

>> No.11854848

>we control the process of our becomming
Kierkegaard for sinners

>> No.11854849

I wasn't talking about the germ theory, this is what I'm talking about, you're paranoid.

>> No.11854856

you call it 'paranoid'
I call it 'a dedication to the act of truth'

>> No.11854857

>You cautioned me away from the search for wisdom...you said it was dangerous for my soul...you are an idiot, your advice means less than nothing to me. IESUS KRISTOS is god but he is not man...he is an inbreaking of the LOGOS into the material world
Searching, and admiring Sophia is idolization.
You're splitting your spiritual dichotomies, and creating a deviance in the pathway to God.
Please, I ask of you to to pray to Christ and repent for your sins.

>> No.11854858


>> No.11854862

your opinions mean less than nothing to me

>> No.11854865

No, delusion to your glorified illusion of truth.

>> No.11854871

We shouldn't have memed schizo catnip on public fora but what's done is done.
>the man who wrote the Antichrist is Christian
Come back to us Stannis, we need you here on Earth.

>> No.11854882

you do not know what TRUTH is
you do not know what the meaning of "OCCULT" is

>> No.11854883

That is not an opinion.
That is actual Fact.
You will be doomed to hell if you deny this.
Your soul will be twisted into oblivion.
Your mind will decay, and slip away
slowly, oh so slowly, the time will tick,
Without the filling light, and God's beauty,
Your circle will close, never to open again.

>> No.11854887
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>> No.11854893

you are an agent of the Archons, aren't you?
An example of "occult" symbology is not a definition of the word "occult," FOO>L:!

>> No.11854906
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I'm a follower of Christ.

>> No.11854909

indeed but you seem to put a lot of stock in material "reality"
again, read the dead sea scrolls...

>> No.11854914
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But your actions, and decisions on this place of being, do matter.

>> No.11854918

If you hate mathematics so much how come you love self adjoint Hermitian operators on a Hilbert space?

>> No.11855345

Although, he denies having relly read philosophy and psychology. He was apparently given a textbook on psychology that catalyzed evangelion

>> No.11856119

mathematics is something that can't be avoided in material life.

>> No.11857564

A part of something ≠ that thing

>> No.11857576

jewish hallucination

>> No.11857668

hahaha you're guilty just for being born! hahaha now spend your whole life moving shekels to make payments for your life! Oh, you didn't feel guilt, inadequacy or self loathing as a child? Don't worry, you will. Your imagination will be used against your self interest until you give up the ghost

>> No.11859400

Why are there a bunch of episodes that reference Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer then?

>> No.11859561

>spinozan branch of philosophy

What the fuck?

>> No.11859565

Well Hegel was into mysticism.

>> No.11859570


>> No.11859575


>> No.11859580

>(everything you said could even be construed as a philosophical statement)

Which only backs up his statement as everything man says is inherently evil due to original sin.

>> No.11859722

>was a christian
>was the anti-christ
jesus fuck are you special

>> No.11859736

descartes was also christian yet had to avoid getting thrown in fire

>> No.11859744

The wolf in sheeps skin

>> No.11859749

right and you 'know' this how

>> No.11859769

his philosophy brought him rumblings of heresy in his day, a buddy covered for him while he moved around to avoid getting murked.

unless we want to say that his circular reasoning for god was tongue in cheek and explicitly meant to parallel the cogito, everything about him seems to earnest for that type of thing, which i would do

>> No.11859826


the thesis-antithesis-synthesis triad was Fichte's idea, not Hegels you idiot

>> No.11859836

Fichte was the anti-christ

>> No.11859854

True but it is still widely used to represent the Hegelian dialectic.

>> No.11859872
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Hegel was the first Player Character

>> No.11859893

by brainlets who can't read Hegel

>> No.11859896

Him and Deleuze

>> No.11859907

Explain how it isn't a good way to explain the dialectics. He uses Antithesis a lot in his writing

>> No.11859909

I'm sure he had an influence but definitely not as much as Kant and the other German idealists.

>> No.11859912


>> No.11859920

Of course. His contemporaries were probably his biggest influence.

There is literally nothing wrong with wikipedia, if you disagree with what it says then edit it so it is correct.

>> No.11859940

Hegel was well versed in Fichte, if he wanted to use the terminology he would have. The approach is literally un-Hegelian:
>Of course, the triadic form must not be regarded as scientific when it is reduced to a lifeless schema, a mere shadow, and when scientific organization is degraded into a table of terms.

>> No.11859968

He is just saying it is unscientific, that it's basically just a simplification. It can still be useful for those who haven't read the entire phenomenology to grasp what it's somewhat about.

>> No.11860009
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It's no secret that he was into mysticism and the occult. Schelling was given one of his personal journals after his death and he said it was extremely dark.

>> No.11860027

Hegel would have been a Nazi. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11860032

concept - negation - sublation would be better. why bring Fichte into it at all?

>> No.11860035

Why does no one bring up the fact that he was gay?

>> No.11860086

Literally no one except Magee and Voegelin has argued this. There's no evidence he was a practicing occultist.

>> No.11860125
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Fun fact: Hegel invented Black Metal

"Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel recorded the first four Phänomenologie albums between January 1807 and March 1807 at the Geistes Hall in Leipzig. During this time, Hegel became a part of the early German black metal scene. He also allegedly took part in burning down four churches, along with other members of the scene. In August 1809, Hegel stabbed a Schopenhauerian to death outside his apartment in Berlin. He was arrested a few days later and, in May 1810, was sentenced to 21 years in prison for both the murder and the church arson.

The album was recorded under purposefully bad conditions in order to retain a raw lo-fi sound. No guitar amplifier was used; instead Hegel plugged his guitar into the amplifier of his brother's stereo and used an old fuzz pedal. For the vocals, he asked a sound technician for the worst microphone he had, and ended up using a headset."

>> No.11860132
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>Knowing Hegel for his Black Metal phase instead of his hip hop phase

>> No.11860444

This. "Live in Leipzig" is one of the greatest BM live albums of all time.

>> No.11860457

That’s the question! Evangelion is clearly influenced by those people, but I’ve been unable to mention those influences in academic papers because there are various interviews with him saying that he never read either authors

>> No.11860775

People he was friends with being into it, him reading books about it, hearsay =/= He was into it.

>> No.11862572

He ran a satanic chapel

>> No.11862975

>He ran a satanic chapel
cite something that demonstrates this

there are links itt supporting that hegel's writing was influenced by mysticism and the occult, that his writing in some sense mystic/occult. the extent to which he is a mystic or occult writer a separate topic.

but there are so many claims itt that he DID such and such sort of specific actions in his personal life with nothing to back them up