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12175637 No.12175637 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.12175657

I lost my virginity to a whore.
2016 I guess.
Haven't fucked since then.
Convince me not to waste money on this again, /lit/

>> No.12175658
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This board is better if you block thumbnails with your ad blocker.

>> No.12175674

I know a guy who “lost” his “virginity” to a “whore” around 2016, and haven't “fucked” since then. What a faggot, don't be like him.

>> No.12175686

>convince me not to be a hedonist
Doesn't work like that. Go ahead and throw away more of your life and money on worthless pursuits due to your inability to control yourself. You might as well up the ante, and start using opiates.

>> No.12175690

>start using opiates
Don't do that, you won't be able(or willing) to fuck whores

>> No.12175691

just do it? lol? conceptualize your death - the world around you, slowly fading, the end of the trip - and in that moment youll see how petty your concerns seem right now.

>> No.12175692

Who cares? It's blind hedonism in either case.

>> No.12175694

First day of nofap.
Note not to browse the internet if you wish to avoid stimuli.

>> No.12175700

BLOCK thumbnails here, even temporarily.
Enable thread watcher to use catalog.

>> No.12175703

Are you a monk or some shit? It's just 1 (one) little fuck and we're golden

>> No.12175704

I know nothing.
Not even what I'm gonna do tomorrow

>> No.12175705

How much did you pay? Was she young and pretty?

>> No.12175707

Try to get laid for free at a club or some shit first, what do you have to lose?

>> No.12175713

His dignity and self-worth.

>> No.12175716

Got sore throat.
I hate it.
I don't enjoy eating and it distracts me.
Not to mention the pain.
It also lasts all winter ffs

>> No.12175719

Anon why are you doing it, there is no point. Just masturbate less?

>> No.12175730

It didn't just happen. Someone is to blame.
I hate idiots who get me sick. I think it should be illegal to go out in public, whether to work or store, whilst sick and you should face steep civil penalties, quarantine, and possibly jail time for doing so. I hate most people when they're sick. They think they're going to "miss out" on something and won't cancel any social affairs. I've terminated friendships before simply because someone showed up with a cold and later got me sick.
>y-yeah bro, I'm not contagious trust me!
It's almost a violation of the NAP. Get the fuck back, leper.

>> No.12175731

I paid something close to 80 USD.
She wasn't young, more like a MILF. I couldn't know at the time because I found her through newspaper ads.

I'm too autistic for clubs, trust me

>> No.12175732

This year my familly planned to reunite with some friends for Christmas Eve.
The son of this family friends is an asshole and always brags about about how much money he makes and how many bitches he slept with.
Glad that faggot was robbed last week, he begged for it dressing like some actor.

>> No.12175733

I mean not like he had much to begin with

>> No.12175738

I wouldn't do it again, anon.

>> No.12175740
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Americans are such pussies. "Let's peacefully protest that will change everything!"

Look at France right now. They are rioting over shitty neoliberalism. I hope they go further and hang the rich. Or guillotine them again.

>> No.12175742

>Anon why are you doing it, there is no point.
Of course there is a point. Sexual activity incurs a neuro/endocrinal/physiological costs. Abstaining from it, forgoes this penalty, and yields immense benefits for some people. It also makes your mind more inclined to obey reason rather than be a slave to constant and never ending calls for pleasure.
If you better understood abstinence, you would observe how there is a hormonal rebound following breaks of even moderate stretches of abstinence, which makes masturbating less often more difficult than stopping entirely.

>> No.12175745

I want to start practicing a sport again.
Not too sure what tho.
Nothing that involves teams tho, maybe swimming...

>> No.12175750

I wonder if I talk weird or something.
People often laugh or smirk when I talk for long, maybe it's just me being paranoic.
Hope I'm not weird

>> No.12175751

fencing. never practiced it. always wanted to give it a try but just assumed it was expensive and only accessible to the bourgeoisie.

>> No.12175754

I saw a reference to a site called 'The Modern Word' whilst reading ancient wordpress blog, but it doesn't seem to be online anymore.

After a bit of digging I was able to find it on the Wayback Machine (https://web.archive.org/web/20130114215357/http://themodernword.com/)) and it's actually brilliant.

It's a fascinating collection of resources on authors like Eco/Borges/Pynchon from the early days of the modern internet (think early 2000's). A shame that it's gone, but I thought /lit/ might be interested in what is preserved by the archive nevertheless.

>> No.12175757


>> No.12175762

>you gain superpowers if you don't touch yourself

>> No.12175771

>sexual activity is a biological free lunch

>> No.12175782

So you shouldn't exercise either, to avoid spending calories and sweat? You have any idea of how retarded that sounds?

>> No.12175874
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You admit the cost, and yet still deny that abstaining would potentially be beneficial. Just as it is inopportune to exercise before a meeting in a suit, or wear yourself out from doing it too much, the same could be said for the ad libitum indulgence in masturbation or sex. You ignore logical conclusion that if it did incur a cost, then by extension abstinence would be valuable.

Sexual activity affects the body in more ways than practically any other action. The sex act (masturbation included), from arousal to ejaculation to habituation has chilling physiological repercussions. Endocrinology and neuroscience show that shy of drugs, no other action affects the body so much, so suddenly--- hormones, neurotransmitters, are all profoundly affected. Upon arousal, dopamine is released, not only in the capacity of motivating you, as would be the impetus for wanting to grab that needle of heroin, but you are biologically rewarded just for the mere image of arousal!
Then sexual stimulation occurs, and opioid facilitated reward begins, as even more dopamine is released.
Finally, it culminates in orgasm. The final reward is there. Endogenous opioid peptides suddenly flood the brain, the love hormone oxytocin for bonding is released which also signals the conversion of T to DHT, 5-HT increases, and the anti-dopamine hormone prolactin rises sharply, gonadotropin inhibitory hormone is released, and that is just scratching the surface.
Prolactin has antagonistic effects on dopamine transmission which leaves you feeling lazy and spent, and while the refractory period lasts a mere 5 or 10 minutes, the elevated prolactin continues to exert adverse effects elsewhere in the brain.

>> No.12175875

Thanks for that site anon, had a nice time looking around.
I wonder what happened to it though, it was still going fairly recently. I wonder if the admin died and no one picked up the slack.

>> No.12175880

thom yorke and nick land have begun to merge in the disaster that i call my mind

>> No.12175901

I just found out I'm a jew and I'm having a crisis of identity.

>> No.12175925

I just found out I'm a black man.
And I always thought I were white

>> No.12175928

I'm not the same guy, but tell me something, friend
What the fuck do you do with all this mental clarity and energy you claim to have?
EVERY SINGLE TIME someone posts about touching their penises, you're here to post the same stuff, I can even recognize the writing style
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.12175937

hey man same

>> No.12175942

>You admit the cost
There is no cost. It's exercise. The human body is designed to engage in activity instead of doing nothing. There are scientifically proven benefits to sexual activity, and what you are saying only applies to people that are way dependent on sexual stimulation but that could be anything else. On the same reasoning eating is unhealthy as well because you might get addicted to its reward mechanism and develop a disorder.
I swear you celibatefags are retarded, it's all because of your stupid Christianity

>> No.12175951

I think he's replaced the dopamine hit he got from nutting with the dopamine hit he gets upon seeing "Oh hey thanks man, maybe I'll give up pulling pud for a few weeks, see how it goes" in response to his posts.

>> No.12176030
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Write, study, better myself. I've been browsing this site again lately only because of a cold.
>There is no cost. It's exercise. The human body is designed to engage in activity instead of doing nothing.
I just explained the profound physiological toll this act inflicts. Did you even read the previous post?
>There are scientifically proven benefits to sexual activity
These are from lifestyle questionnaires, ie surveys, that "prove" nothing. Usually an inability to obtain sex, shows that there are certain constraints (work, lack of partners, health issues, medications) likewise bring with them unhappiness whereas people able to indulge it more freely are happier, especially in a culture where it is celebrated heavily.
There aren't experimental studies that I'm aware of isolating individuals. Instead, we can extrapolate from studying the physiology of the act the potential toll that it can inflect. The opinion of medicine for hundreds of years before the 1940s was of the opinion that sexual excess was responsible for numerous ailments; suggesting that sexual activity MIGHT be costly to engage in is not an absurd premise and one that has existed for thousands of years.
>I swear you celibatefags are retarded, it's all because of your stupid Christianity
It's amazing that the only possible conclusion to all of this is that there has to be some sort of religious beliefs driving it. My opposition to indulgence in sexual activity stems from my own experience with adverse effects. I always noticed how I would be slower, read less and worst of all suffer from extremely low motivation. As the years progressed, I noticed my sexual frequency INCREASED which shows how strongly subject to habituation this was and how the urge to do it wasn't something of my will but habit and reinforced drive that followed.
I never believed in God. I have one shot at this this life the way I see it and I'm not wasting my experience reinforcing some primal drive to hijack what little agency I'm able to exert over it.

>> No.12176068

Good night everyone

>> No.12176070

Good night.

>> No.12176073


>> No.12176164

Life keeps reminding me that my standards aren't too high, that there actually does exist the kind of girl that I'm capable of loving
But they're all from across half the globe FUCK

>> No.12176170

She's probably getting plowed by Chad right now

>> No.12176171

In Japan, right?

>> No.12176186

I have yet to find a Japanese woman who's not too Japanese Society'd to be interesting. Sure that might be due to my inability to break through that shell only, but still.

Nah I'm talking about shit like Malaysia and Australia, and don't even try tricking me into an LDR

>> No.12176195

The French have always made us look like toddlers when it comes to the art of protesting. In the French revolution they got it over and done with in a matter of months, no need for a costly and drawn out war.

>> No.12176203

I have enough of my toxic flatmates
Alcohol, drugs and drama after drama

>> No.12176208

the french revolution was a disaster that led to decades of tyranny

>> No.12176209

Tennis gets fun when you learn how to make sound "POP" sound with the racket.

>> No.12176212
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Could you imagine how villainous this would be seen as to the average American cuckold? Americans are blowhards that do fuck all besides prop up the status quo.

>> No.12176229

I have a headache and I'm extremely depressed tonight. It gets worse everyday. I can't sleep.
I want to sink into my bed and have the mattress turn into water that fills my lungs. I would let myself be overwhelmed in peace, I wouldn't try to swim back to the surface. I hate this bed so much and all the time I spend on it doing nothing but waiting for the day to end.

>> No.12176245

>In the French revolution they got it over and done with in a matter of months

>execute a revolution
>enter a time frame so fucking terrible it literally went down in history as the terror
>full success lads

>> No.12176262
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>>enter a time frame so fucking terrible it literally went down in history as the terror

For bourgies.

>> No.12176271

the bourgies were part of the revolution m8

>> No.12176277

He's redpilling the masses

>> No.12176284


>> No.12176285

I'd like to go rioting next saturday but I'm torn between this and going to see my gf who lives at 3 hours from Paris. Sex or protest? It is a very hard choice

>> No.12176290

Go protest with her then smash a shop window and have sex on the cash register

>> No.12176317
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-t ignorant zoomer burgerfat berjewniebro who works at starcucks and reads true intellectuals such as Chojewmsky and Zijewnn
French swine protest something different every single year and their country just keeps getting worse for THREE AND A HALF straight centuries

>> No.12176331

i want to get divorced.

>> No.12176332


>> No.12176353

nofap is ok for ending porn addiction and improving your test levels, but it's not like a magical remedy or anything

>> No.12176354

Think about the ripple affect of your actions... paying some confused girl who’s lived a life that has conveyed to her that the only thing she is worth is her vagina, she splits her money with some man who is terrorizing her emotionally and physically for a portion of the cash, like her father did. And you, “innocent”, pathetic John Doe, supporting this vile circus of cheap thrill and black magic. If I ever met you I would fucking choke you and rape you. You weak willed, frail boned, COWARD. I hate you, I want to fucking kill you. Think about your actions and exercise some discipline you fucking faggot. Just because your mommy and daddy didn’t teach you emotional regulations doesn’t mean you get what you want, when you want, whenever you want. Man the fuck up and stop contributing to the filth and horror of this world. What you’ve done is evil, and I hope you kill yourself. Pussy.

>> No.12176356
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>> No.12176364

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12176367

That would be so nice
Stay mad :^)

>> No.12176369

Meh theyll just get another liberal stooge that gives slightly more gibs and wont do shit about the migrants, repeat next year. Who fucking cares anymore

>> No.12176374

very gay post

>> No.12176382

Change that ink roll

Olivetti typewriter?

>> No.12176383

>Prostitutes are too stupid to know better
>Women are equal

Choose one

>> No.12176397

Easy: Everyone is too stupid to know better

Didn't even have to try

>> No.12176402

Even you?

>> No.12176411

I feel insulted that you thought I was that low level

Yes of course; nothing I do can soil my soul, for I shoulder no sin. The universe made me what I am.

>> No.12176418

underwood, and i havent been able to find one to replace it with, though in truth i havent looked too hard

>> No.12176424
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>paying some confused girl who’s lived a life that has conveyed to her that the only thing she is worth is her vagina
a lot less confused than (you)

>> No.12176427
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Mowed grass is a sick perversion for the rape of land and enslavement of the life living on it.
Alvin and the Chipmunks were mangled by a country club death squad in the Parable of the Weeds 2, The Squeakuel. Sons of Satan want Life to grow into one global weed, salting the earth so the goods seeds cannot grow. Mr. Richards is out mowing the lawn again do you hear it? It is the weeping, and the moaning, and the gnashing of teeth.

>> No.12176430

I just don't like you and your kind because you're uppity faggots with no regrets for what you'e done. You can go back to bagging on me for not submitting to you and standing up for my own values like you're some fucking pristine upstanding citizen for saving me from the problem you caused. You shot me in leg and now you're bandaging me up while telling me I'm a fucking moron for not eating my greens and brushing my teeth twice a day and do so even more aggresively when I ask you why the fuck you shot me. Fuck you and your kind. You know where I live, come up and get me you fucking coward.

>> No.12176447

>why the fuck you shot me
I didn't know better

>> No.12176461
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I think it's about time for another book burning. The amount of mass produced, plebeian "literature" that clogs the shelves of any average bookstore is just shameful. 99% of it could burn and no real value would lost.

>> No.12176464

>Mowed grass is a sick perversion for the rape of land and enslavement of the life living on it.

I mow my grass because my dogs and I play in the yard. I dislike the deed and the waste but it does help. Us, at least. I also have a garden and an area set up outside our fence for animals and nature.

>> No.12176470

How is it shameful? What does it matter that worthless shit exists?

>> No.12176476

I don't think you'll get people to rise up against mediocrity anon. People will revolt against anything except the inoffensive.

>> No.12176482

The day of the fateful day came and along an unpleasant feeling too.
We got late to the movies, we were hungry as well after a long 4 hour jlpt examination test. To top it all, the guy at the ticket counter was having a hard time reading the QR on my cellphone.
We were discussing how we did and the mistakes we made. It went horrible for her, but I couldn't tell her that.

Finally got into the theater and the movie was 20min in, but the teasers had taken too long. Lucky for us.
Our seats were at the center slightly above the mid upper level, just the place I like to seat... but the seats next to those two were already packed with slightly overweight otakus. Color me surprise. In the middle of our stair climb, I told her if she would like to seat next to the corridor, since there were at least 5 more available. Not as high or centered as I would prefer, but being next to no one also had its merits.
The theater was pleasantly silent for an anime showing. Just a few laughs at nothing in particular here and there. Not the cringe fest my friend told me two days prior.
We were paying attention at the movie all right, but we were talking here and there and making fun of it along the way. I noticed she had her legs crossed and both arms holding one another all the hour and half of the movie run-time. Years ago, this super aggressive girl I invited to the movies went directly for my hand and intertwine our fingers together while Despicable me hadn't even reached the half mark. I don’t have many dates, but this was particularly forward. I figure I could use that same trick... but never had the chance. She never used the arm rest.

Movie was over and we were starving. I offered her a fancy Chinese restaurant just meters away. Not the ones where the Chinese-born woman took your order but choose whatever topping she felt like adding. This was "pricey", as she called it. She tried to hold back on the food by choosing one of the least expensive fried rice. I chose Lo mein and shared half of my servings. She did the same. We didn't finish any of our parts, it was too much.
We spent hours talking and eating. Mostly about her, about her family. She was very open calling out some relatives, as she was praising others. I was questioning her, agreeing with her on some things, and making her consider different points of views others were I didn't.
I made eye contact, a lot. And I was conscious about it too. For an average 20yo she was tall and meaty, although not quiet fat on the belly or face, not at all. However, her legs and breasts were mildly distracting.
It was almost 7pm when I offered her an ice cream, but she had to finish study for tomorrow’s exam (which was today). I asked if she wouldn't mind walk her home. It was dark at 7pm after all.

>> No.12176485

Think of the carbon taxes, anon

>> No.12176492
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>> No.12176494

What difficulty?

>> No.12176523

Then, came the long talk, because the walk was too as well, and during that walk were hints here and there. I noticed them. I heard them. I saw them in the flicker of her eyes. Was there gonna be a next date? I never considered there was gonna be one. She was a 20yo with a boyfriend. I knew this.

She told me we arrived at her apartment. I segued into a farewell conversation and immediately went for her cheek. She couldn't react at all, I saw her standing still, waiting for something, and one second later, we were parting ways. She kissed my cheek too; her lips were dead center on it when I said goodbye. I felt the warmth of her goodbye. I didn't kiss her cheek like she did though, for me was just a cheek sideways kiss like Argentineans do when greeting, but in our county that was a goodbye gesture.
I didn't leave right away because I felt I made a mistake. We look into each other eyes for two seconds that were painfully awkward. I was starting to believe that maybe she wasn't expecting this kind of farewell. That she wanted me to tell her I like her and I wanted to kiss her. I couldn't. I start talking again, encouraging her for her next exam, saying I had fun today and asking her to take another japanese course next semester so I don't feel alone in class. I wasn't alone, though, she knew that and wasted no time in saying it out loud. She said that most of the guys think good of me.
I waited for her to turn around and walk back home. She did and I started walking away seconds later. The first minute or so, I felt like rewinding those last minutes again. Felt like choosing another option in my life because a feeling of failure was walking home next to me.

I then returned home and the feeling passed. I was content an hour of two later. Not feeling like I dodged a bullet, but not feeling I wasted an opportunity either.
At midnight she typed “Hey,私たちのデートが好きです”
I answered with an “in love” emoticon and typed “よかった”
Then she said, “Sorry to panic at the end… won’t happen again.”
Today i might see her in class. I hope it does not get awkward.

N4. Lectures and time killed me. I might not pass this year.

>> No.12176542
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>saw a picture of my crush
I'll never get over her will I

>> No.12176544
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I think it would be immense fun to be in a biker gang. I find myself wondering if I could make it work. Regardless I'm definitely going to write a story about bikers at some point.

Would I be of any use to bikers? If they wanted another stooge they would pick someone dumber than me to be a bodyguard or bouncer or bagman. I'm not trustworthy enough to be a gunman, hitman, or enforcer. I don't care for riding motorcycles.

One thing I do have is planning and strategy, and can help a man see the world in a different light. This is a very powerful skill in its way and in the right positions can have outsized impacts on events. I would also be perfectly willing to commit the crimes and would get my teammate's backs when shit needed to go down.

Of course, I would probably grow to hate the scuzzy underworld and sin of this lifestyle. The long nights drinking and partying until someone has to die. Or the trampy women whose fishy snatches and gin and cigarette breaths can be smelled from across the way. It's an evil, ultimately sinful life, but it has its benefits and its pleasures. And you feel like a man doing it for once!

>> No.12176555

Day 1 one of my nofap and I already feel my desire kicking into overdrive. I blocked all porn sites on my computer but ended up driving to a red light district to gawk at the half-naked whores instead.

>> No.12176558
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>The day of the fateful day came

>> No.12176562

How many times a day did you mash your cock before?

>> No.12176564

Ah now I remember who you were.
Well don't worry about the test, anything but N1 is a meme anyways.

So what's the problem with her? Do you already like someone else? Is she not hot enough? Are you looking for some edgy girl off the internet instead?

>> No.12176565

It takes away a lot of their power when you can just pay for sex, doesn't it?

>> No.12176566
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I bought a new computer mouse to replace my broken one.

>> No.12176569

Depends on who you ask

>> No.12176579
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You failed. Take this advice and start over again. This was due to your own licentious mental wandering which caused you to drive there which may have been initially provoked by something as simple as an attractive woman on a news website. If you continue from this point, aroused, you'll just be fighting against yourself which is pointless. Don't go there again or if it was a thumbnail here, block all thumbnails.

>> No.12176580

Just one, not even every day. I just have an extremely sexualized mind and I'm constantly looking at porn, thinking about fucking, or thinking ways to be able to fuck more. I don't even particularly like the act of fucking or jerking off, it's almost entirely mental.

>> No.12176586

Yes, but it also makes them a lot more unpleasant to deal with since they compensate for this loss of power in other ways.

>> No.12176587

Here comes celibatefag with his sermons, holy fucking shit

>> No.12176597

Yeah looks like you have a dependency. More than not fapping you should stop looking at porn, that's what actually causes dependence

>> No.12176598

there never wa a need

>> No.12176600

If one tells oneself the ends justify the means, but the ends don't ever come to fruition, what kind of despair does that leave one with?

What level of bad prose can be covered by plot?


>> No.12176608

pretty obvious sign you should try again

>> No.12176611

He wants to over come this. You're free to ignore it. He clearly needs help and wants advice like he mentions here >>12176587

>> No.12176621

The bombs are going to drop soon. I can feel it in the air and the mystique of the culture--the ham-fisted corporate culture which has everyone idealizing and fetishising the commodity as some abstract ideal. But it isn't abstract. Real blood went into making that dopamine rush. And everyone else in the world hates you for it. Yes, they hate you--not just the politicians and the corporate overlords. They hate America for the people who live here, and for good reason. America has become a joke, filled with the grave, the slothful, the obedient.

Yes, the bombs are coming. The Great Replacement is a joke, of course, another viral meme. But the effects of culture-mixing a country are very real. They undermine the stability and structure of a nation, and soon this country will fall.

>> No.12176622

>like he mentions here >>12176587
Not there. Here* >>12176580

>> No.12176626

This will just reignite the neuronal pathways that were instilled by pornography in the first place.

>> No.12176629

Condescending piles of shit will never me leave me alone whether or not I submit. You really think you can hurt me at this point? Go for it. Honestly, give it your best shot. Fuck you and your uppity kind and your neverending powertrip.

>> No.12176632

It's shameful because while some people like to think we live in an age of enlightenment, the existence of this trash proves that most people are still ignorant, superstitious creatures like they always have been. It matters because those bookshelves could be filled with books that actually inspire one towards greatness, but the workings of capitalism have decided that it is more profitable to cater towards the lower rather than the higher. I can find plenty of plenty of copies of wash your penis in any average bookstore but I'm yet to find a copy of Fanged Noumena, for instance.

>> No.12176634

Try not think of me when you masturbate

>> No.12176645

>Well don't worry about the test, anything but N1 is a meme anyways.
I have never seen anyone passed N3 and not become a some sort of weaboo. My friend and 2 teachers i know around my age have become the "In japan this, in japan that" type of person. Also, same friend translates Japanese conversation out loud during movies where they forgot to add subtitles. I didn't know it annoy me this much.
Anyways, I know I'll never get N2 and be myself as i am right now at the same time, but studying for a year and not pass the exam, as easy as N4 was, disappoints me.

Nothing, she is perfect. By writing i'm trying to repress this unnerving feeling that invades my head sometimes. That maybe, and just maybe, she is slightly interested in me and i deserve a girlfriend like her.
I use this type of thread to straight myself out and kill them.
Also, she is 10 years younger. So yeah, probably just daddy issues.

>> No.12176721

You should've answered with "*でした"

>> No.12176729


>> No.12176740

try again and then what? i'll just keep on failing during the first week at this point

>> No.12176742

Had the chance to ask her out and I was a coward. I didn't take the chance. What the fuck is wrong with me? Now I have to suffer the pain of regret and heart ache until I see her again. Maybe this is the only way to coerce myself into doing what I have to do.. that and the fear of dying alone.

>> No.12176748

Try meditation when you feel horny

>> No.12176775

it does get much easier after the first 2 or so weeks
just try over and over until you make it, I used to be super addicted but eventually managed to go several months clean and then maintain a once every 1 / 2 weeks routine
it's also important that you go completely cold turkey

>> No.12176781

also try channeling your sexual energy into sports

>> No.12176788

Reminder that the likes of Freud practiced semen retention because they believed it would help them productively.

>> No.12176789

I agree for the most part, but not entirely on the cold turkey. If you do happen to do it again while cold turkeying it, you'll beat yourself up all the more. An important mindset to have when tackling any addiction, this included, is to think "nah, not this time," when you're about to.

>> No.12176793

>the likes of Freud
is that supposed to be en endorsement or a condemnation of the practice?

>> No.12176814

>Also, she is 10 years younger.
There it is


>> No.12176843 [DELETED] 
File: 579 KB, 2000x1252, header_essay-final-freud-aeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True indeed, friend.
>Sigmund Freud Psychologist, founder of Psychoanalysis: “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate “in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes.” – according to his biographer Ernest Jones.

>> No.12176846
File: 790 KB, 906x976, 17536508953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing posts like this -- that America is doomed and it's only a matter of time. I'm the first to agree this country's fucked, and things are only going to get worse, but I don't know where it goes from here. And these kind of apocalyptic predictions sound very disconnected from reality to me desu.

Take your scenario: Who's dropping these bombs? Where are they being dropped? What are the warring factions/sides in this scenario? How would any kind of civil war logistically work unless the corporate and political elite are completely on board? I have seen no convincing answers to these kinds of questions.

>> No.12176863
File: 579 KB, 2000x1252, header_essay-final-freud-aeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True indeed, friend (quoted correctly this time).
>Sigmund Freud Psychologist, founder of Psychoanalysis: “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate “in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes.” – according to his biographer Ernest Jones.

>> No.12176878

that seems pretty autistic desu

>> No.12176904

Realistically, in the event of civil war, the U.S. is just going to fracture into smaller countries, more or less along the regional territories, like the Midwest and the Deep South. Cali better be scorched earth though.

>> No.12176939

Not if you've ever experienced the productive flow states that abstinence confers.

>> No.12176969

34 days of nofap about to be broken, right here and right now.

>> No.12176983

The problem with that is that the division is less between states than urban vs. rural regions. Like in the event of a secession how would Texas deal with Houston, Austin, San Antonio, etc. all being liberal strongholds? Besides, the corporate and monied elite would only be hurt by a balkanization, and I don't see how any effective legislation could do the job and also gain enough support given how divided Washington is. I can see there being more political violence, but for all their political extremism zoomers are just as soft as most Americans and would not give up their comforts for possible jail or death. So even that's overstated to me. Also Texas v. White in 1869 establishes a state cannot secede.

>> No.12177010

don't do it

>> No.12177049

Resorts to name calling because he’s too afraid to live by higher principles and respect himself and others. PUSSY
People live lives that imprint upon them their perception of not only themselves but others... when you grow up being sexually, physically, or emotionally abused, these self and world view patterns become very difficult to break, especially growing up in certain environments pre disposed to poverty, drug addiction, and sexual crimes... of course you may say the same about the counter part, John Doe... he too has grown up with negative perceptions of self that are difficult to break... however 9/10 times he has the correct environment to be educated or educate himself and make a positive change. Source: have worked in addiction and sober housing and seen a lot of this sort of thing.

>> No.12177064

why do you want to control a woman's choice so much?

>> No.12177074


Niggers chimp out and destroy things all the time in America. No one cares. I envy the police officers who get to tear gas them and beat them.

The act of protesting itself is a meme. Evil needs to be rooted out at its source. If different militia were mobilized to combat local police forces and the national guard, then maybe that would be a revolution. The precedent established by incidents like Waco, Ruby Ridge, and even the American Civil War make it seem very difficult. Truly the American federal government is monstrous. I guess completely defunding it would be a good place to start. Previously, the French might have stormed an armory and beheaded the king. Today all they can do is chimp.

>what is the reign of terror

Btw, the American Revolution wasn't really a revolution. American government was already headed towards the course of representative democracy they just removed the retarding effect of having the center of decisionmaking reside in an overseas government. Even if there was no "revolution", America would probably have just had a parliament. No big deal. Seen from this lense, there really has never been a revolution in America such as the likes in Russia and France.

>> No.12177119
File: 373 KB, 426x240, american police1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in America the police are trigger happy motherfuckers and will put you in the ground for anything perceived as an aggression or wrongful offense. Vid related just got into an accident and was escaping his vehicle, he was completely innocent.

>> No.12177135

Turns out creating an army of bloodthirsty Paul Blarts isn't that great of an idea.

>> No.12177152
File: 117 KB, 734x500, DtBkKsCXcAEAy-T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost makes me want to go to the last remaining porno shop in nyc and buy a hustler...

>> No.12177155


There are more non-police than police. They are horribly outgunned in America. Too bad all Americans are divided by arbitrary and intentional reasons or are just plain cuckolds of the state. Yikes.

>> No.12177162

I’m sick of wasting what little precious time I have on earth working to line the coffers of some rich fuck

>> No.12177166

dude there was one of those in my city, the cops were chasing a dude in a stolen car or something, he got into a crash, and the guy he crashed into's car exploded and the dude crawled out on fire and the cops ran up and started kicking him as he burnt! its on youtube somewhere...i'm not a rabid cop hater, but bro...

>> No.12177169

>Niggers chimp out and destroy things all the time in America. No one cares. I envy the police officers who get to tear gas them and beat them.

Imagine being this much of a twat and thinking like this. I find it so hard to empathise or take seriously any brainlet that says this kind of tripe.

>> No.12177170

>There are more non-police than police
holy shit

>> No.12177173
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>> No.12177182



>> No.12177184


It's never about "justice" it's about the state making you recognise its authority.

>> No.12177186

I want to finish my dark fantasy novel or at least make some progress on it. It explores themes of morality and I think it'd be pretty good.

Yet I am stuck. I don't know what to write in the novel, what to make the characters do. Instead, the only thing I seem to actually be able to write is furry erotica.

>> No.12177190

21 years old. decided i'm gonna write some books and try to find happiness. if i'm not satisfied with life by 30 i'm checking out

>> No.12177191
File: 188 KB, 841x750, 1524141698552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obscenity isn't free speech.

>> No.12177194

the only way to have prosperity and wealth is with a state, dont be a baby

>> No.12177198


The police, in the scenario of race riots, are only doing their jobs and containing a social problem. I would prefer to not be ruled from the slums.

But please, tell me why race riots are such beautiful things so we may understand and empathize with you.

>> No.12177205

>race riots

umm excuse me those are "rebellions" or so my stalinists comrades say

>> No.12177206

Tips on marketing furry erotica? Sounds like relatively easy money. Also, I'm working on a novel too. Ironically, I know how to write character and what to make them do, but I can't write a proper setting for shit. Guess I just need to go out and explore more.

>> No.12177210

You make a lot of assumptions

>> No.12177215

it wasnt a big conspiracy directed from the goldman sachs tower to defend capital, the cops were high as hell on adrenaline from racing all over town at high speeds and decided to fuck up the first dude they saw

>> No.12177217

Cucked by capitalism

>> No.12177222

grow up

>> No.12177267


Cucked by capitalism

>> No.12177303

Since the end of 2015 until August of this year I lived in complete ennui. I had completely given up on myself and the world. It was a terrible period and the lowest, worst state I’ve ever been in. Nowadays I’m attending college, have a few friends, and have been working out, sleeping and eating well. For someone who spent days feeling too weak to get out of bed, this might seem impressive.

Now, here’s the thing: I feel like shit. Feel like there’s no progress. Feel alone and isolated all the time. Feel inadequate due to a fuckton of things. Feel like I’m unworthy of love. Feel like I’m the lowest. Working out gives me a bit of happiness, as does reading and drawing, but that’s far from enough. Just fleeting moments of calm between terrible storms. This december I’ll start boxing and taking drawing and piano classes, and if things go alright I’ll ask a girl from my class out this week, even tough I feel insecure due to barely having any relationships and being a virgin and think she’ll probably say no. I’ll help my mother with a charity event a few weeks from now, and go after a job even though the chances of me getting one at this moment being slim. I’ll put bracers to fix my crooked teeth and buy some new clothes. I’ll go driving with my uncle and lose my fear of it.

The point being, no matter how many things I do or plan on doing, I still feel like trash. For fucks sake, for the first time in my life I have a profile pic on something, am the healthiest I’ve ever been and doing studies that I might even conclude. But I still see myself as some subhuman. When does it go away, anons? I’m tired, and every day the tiredness pools, day after day since I was a kid. Why? Why? Why?

>> No.12177306

why are liberals so completely incapable of imagining building a better society?

>> No.12177318

I am so scared of getting old. Seeing people lose their sanity and vitality as they age is one of the saddest things in the world to me. Even in their late 50s my parents admitted to me that they feel as if their best days are behind them. I already feel it myself. Each year I get further away from the simpleness and innocence of childhood, a beautiful state that I will never feel again.
Although I waste my youth by staying inside and never participating in life so perhaps there will not be such a decline as I age.

>> No.12177327

Giggity giggity go to therapy

>> No.12177341

It sounds like you still don't have much of a purpose or goal with all that. You still need a reason other than "I don't want to be miserable anymore."
>a man with a why can suffer any how
or however it goes.

>> No.12177349


I'm just getting into it and haven't done commissions or anything. Write what makes you horny, that's all I do. Marketing I don't know.

>> No.12177392

Tried it twice and both were incompetent.

>a man with a why can suffer any how
Nice phrase. I realized the purposelessness of my living a good time ago, but the thing is, it’s not like I can go to the store and buy a purpose. The best I can do is keep myself going and trying despite whatever happens, even if it is futile in the end.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, anons.

>> No.12177473

>it’s not like I can go to the store and buy a purpose
Yeah, that's the trouble. But you are going about it the right way it sounds like. All I can say is keep suffering the how, despite whatever misgivings you have. Listening to them is what made you miserable in the first place after all. Just trust that there is a why, even if you don't know what it is, you'll be better for it.

>> No.12177496

Fair enough, fair enough. Good luck with your journey and may any divine's blessing be with you.

>> No.12177528

Most of that stuff is quickly forgotten and replaced by something else within a year of publication. You can burn as many pleb books as you want, they'll keep growing back.

>Would I be of any use to bikers?
>I don't care for riding motorcycles.
I think you answered your own question.

>> No.12177575
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1543525044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read book from late nineteen or early twentieth century
>author is optimistic and sure that humanity is on the verge of establishing a beautiful society that, while not a utopia, would enable every person to work towards self-actualization and the enrichment of humanity as a whole
where did it all go wrong?

>> No.12177619

Thank you, anon. It’s nice to hear from someone else I should keep going, even if it’s on a laotian basket weaving forum.

>> No.12177621

Moving to grorious Nippon in 2 days to be an ESL teacher. Starting to get nervous as fuck. What can I do to calm my nerves /lit/ bros?

Do they not have a pretty rigorous set of psychological tests that they use to weed out all the psychopaths?

>> No.12177663

Do something that you've never done before, or really done a lot. Something different. I like to just dance like an absolute retard when I'm feeling nervous. It's funny as hell to me, and it gets me up and moving.

>> No.12177689

Winter break is gonna start soon and I don't know what I want to do. I don't want to spend it playing vidya and rotting away here like basically every break in my life. This is especially important this time around because I'm in a major I hate and I don't know how much more time I will have to do something I want to do. Anyway, I want to choose before the break starts because otherwise I know I'll slip into doing nothing. It's between starting to learn real analysis, reading philosophy for the first time (plato aristole etc), learning algo trading, or writing things (never written creatively)

>> No.12177695

Of course, I also have the problem of being indecisive and my mind bouncing around to completely different interests whether on an a moment to moment basis like now or on a week to week or month to month

>> No.12177697

Same boat anon. Going to spend my time writing and drawing I think, maybe hang out with some high school buddies a bit if I can do it without seeing certain people.

>> No.12177700

Honestly, bro, I'd read and write. Some of the easiest things you can do, and both are fulfilling once you actually get into them.

>> No.12177755
File: 10 KB, 355x220, c_kirchner_ernst_ludwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn be a late 19th, early 20th century aristocrat
>ywn drink laudanum with Aryan occultists, phrenologists, and fortune tellers on your way to the Paris World's Fair via zeppelin
>ywn sip tea with fashionable qts, decorated tsarist cavalry officers, and Leo Tolstoy on a first class luxury railroad compartment on your way to the Winter Palace
>ywn throw peanuts at Zulu tribesman at a human zoo
>ywn spitroast a princess in a picturesque Austria castle with Rainer Maria Rilke
>ywn fuck Chinese catamites in your opium den/brothel "Little Shangri-La"
>ywn go on an exotic bird safari with young Theodore Roosevelt
>ywn get drunk with ur m8s at the pub then pee off the Great Sphinx
>ywn drink absinthe with your live-in 15 year old prostitute after your lifestyle leads you to a mountaintop Swiss sanatorium

there's very little question that humanity reached its peak during this period

>> No.12177769

See >>12177049 for more details. 9/10 times it’s not a choice. It’s something forced upon them or it feels like it should be done out of necessity based on a life style they’ve been born into. Just because you were born into a sheltered suburban life and now you think you’re “smart” (lmao) because youve read some lit core doesn’t mean everyone else has too. It’s sickening how many people believe prostitution should be legal. All of those hot political opinions from middle class faggots like you who’ve never seen a glimpse of how dark the world can really be. Whining and moping about how hard it is to be a beta and needing to hire prostitutes... please, you people have every tool at your command.
Why don’t you make an actual argument, you shit eating, simpering little faggot.

>> No.12177874

Checked, everything went downhill after WW1

>> No.12177995

I love my room, I'm getting used to sleeping.

>> No.12178005

Going to stay up and listen to music for a while, I think. Maybe write a bit.

>> No.12178013

Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm which even though intermittent is better than nothing but not so fast and considering what is more that as a result of the labours left unfinished crowned by the Acacacacademy of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of Testew and Cunard it is established beyond all doubt all other doubt than that which clings to the labours of men that as a result of the labours unfinished of Testew and Cunard it is established as hereinafter but not so fast for reasons unknown that as a result of the public works of Puncher and Wattmann

>> No.12178019

>homo pedo sex
waste of digits fren

>> No.12178022

it is established beyond all doubt that in view of the labours of Fartov and Belcher left unfinished for reasons unknown of Testew and Cunard left unfinished it is established what many deny that man in Possy of Testew and Cunard that man in Essy that man in short that man in brief in spite of the strides of alimentation and defecation is seen to waste and pine waste and pine and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the strides of physical culture the practice of sports such as tennis football running cycling swimming flying floating riding gliding conating camogie skating tennis of all kinds dying flying sports of all sorts autumn summer winter winter tennis of all kinds hockey of all sorts penicilline and succedanea in a word I resume and concurrently simultaneously for reasons unknown to shrink and dwindle in spite of the tennis I resume flying gliding golf over nine and eighteen holes tennis of all sorts in a word for reasons unknown in Feckham Peckham Fulham Clapham namely concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown but time will tell to shrink and dwindle I resume Fulham Clapham in a word the dead loss per caput since the death of Bishop Berkeley being to the tune of one inch four ounce per caput approximately by and large more or less to the nearest decimal good measure round figures stark naked in the stockinged feet in Connemara in a word for reasons unknown no matter what matter the facts are there and considering what is more much more grave that in the light of the labours lost of Steinweg and Peterman

>> No.12178028

it appears what is more much more grave that in the light the light the light of the labours lost of Steinweg and Peterman that in the plains in the mountains by the seas by the rivers running water running fire the air is the same and then the earth namely the air and then the earth in the great cold the great dark the air and the earth abode of stones in the great cold alas alas in the year of their Lord six hundred and something the air the earth the sea the earth abode of stones in the great deeps the great cold an sea on land and in the air I resume for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis the facts are there but time will tell I resume alas alas on on in short in fine on on abode of stones who can doubt it I resume but not so fast I resume the skull to shrink and waste and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis on on the beard the flames the tears the stones so blue so calm alas alas on on the skull the skull the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of the tennis the labours abandoned left unfinished graver still abode of stones in a word I resume alas alas abandoned unfinished the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of the tennis the skull alas the stones Cunard tennis... the stones... so calm... Cunard... unfinished...

>> No.12178091

Ya'll know anymore emotional bangers?


>> No.12178123

yeah give me a minute to thing of something gud

>> No.12178142

Noice dude gonna post a few more and go to bed, hopefully you think of those tunes and I'll have something nice in the morn
This last one is some good shit

>> No.12178180

I'm not sure what to make of /lit/.

Whenever I browse this board, despite whatever I may be in the moment - I am overwhelmed by the potency and madness of it all. There are too many ideas. Everything is deconstructed and put back together over and over. I cannot encapuslate the meaning into myself. It is too much.

I read a post and think "hmm, what an interesting perspective." Then someone shits on it and I think, "hmm, also interesting." It's not that my mind has changed. Nothing is convincing, only expanding; but the stretching, what is it doing to me?

What have I learned from reading so many posts? I see that no idea or system is strong enough to stand alone. Thinking forms layers, crystals inside crystals, fractals of energy. Like crabs in a bucket, competing perspectives endlessly crawl on top. Of course to even see it this way is nothing more than to be another crab.

Is it better to hide in my castle? All alone it seems so clean, well-kept, familiar.

>> No.12178194

the short story I'm working on is really good

>> No.12178197
File: 382 KB, 978x978, 1537018199502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking to my first and only love about her first and only love (and some other stuff too), including how his friend raped her and she came out of it traumatized but still fantasizing about her first love and I completely get the feeling

>> No.12178222
File: 80 KB, 900x814, pierogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you said you want me to write a 350 word sentence well I got news for you buckaroo. End of sentence. What do you think about that. And what do you think about not putting question marks where you think they should go. Well, tell me, 2+2=4? Really. What a crock of shit? Eat shit? What am I supposed to do. Mixing up placement of periods and question marks? Get on my level? Talk like a valley bitch? Match your edge to mine? I’m right on the edge? Looking down the valley. It’s so far away. Look a little lower. There, just a few steps in front of you. See that edge. See that cliff. Look at all that air between that edge and the bottom of the valley. Valley. Valley? Too soft of a word, canyon is what it is. Wily E. Coyote territory. Go ahead. Get a running start and leave this earth. Just don’t look down. Remember lessons Looney Tunes taught you. Reality kicks in when you see, not when you feel or smell or taste touch or think, just when you see. And when you see something that makes sense logically, well, you’re screwed, if screwed is what reality dictates you should be.

>> No.12178236
File: 15 KB, 197x280, (...................).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12178343
File: 14 KB, 380x380, 1543898959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone lives vicariously through narratives they create for themselves. Even this observation is me casting myself into the story of a philosopher. The points were people are most alive are precisely those where the boundary between character and observer grow indistinct.

>> No.12178350

yeah whatever man

>> No.12178366

This reads like an insight someone would have under the influence of tobacco. A calm, clear, meditative ponderance. Sitting back and lucidly thinking. Not fogged by euphoria, or bogged down by DUDE-tier drugs like cannabis and ethanol, or some sort of restless energy. No, this is something better, more refined.

>> No.12178371

this is your brain on mass media and literature
>we're characters
>storytelling is an actual mechanic inherent in the archaic homo sapien CNS

>> No.12178380

sorry dude i cant think of anything too close to what u post but this is nice


>> No.12178383

it is tho once you have language everything becomes text

>> No.12178384

I don’t think he meant it in that western ego centric way. Look into some eastern tradition regarding ego, and authors like Robert Anton Wilson and the New Falcon Press Crew. “The Master Game” is a great book that goes into these realms of thought as well. These sources will provide some clarity on what I believe anon was trying to reference

>> No.12178397
File: 120 KB, 316x320, AF638CDE-B3FC-49E6-9EF1-3BB405F52E5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your head is just a shell or container of consciousness. As soon as you close your eyes you realize this consciousness is behind your face. You are behind your face. Your face and body isn’t apart of you. It’s covering you and you simply control it. All you are is consciousness.

>> No.12178483

yo this is fuckin insane


>> No.12178567

>You ignore logical conclusion that if it did incur a cost, then by extension abstinence would be valuable.
Abstinence has its own price.

>> No.12178593

Post motivated me to get back on my no fap. Working out and doing yoga gives me a lot of sexual energy, and it’s hard to not take it out, but it’s worth it.

>> No.12178759

>but it’s worth it

>> No.12178805

Since a guy I know died, I began to try to write something about him. The problem is that I notice I often exaggerate things. I used terms such as "unique", "like no other", or "that kind of talent is forever lost to us now". In fact I never read anything he wrote and didn't know the guy well, and haven't seen or talked to him years before he died. Yet I wrote like I knew exactly what "contribution he was about to make to the world".
He was a popular guy and quite a few people wrote eulogies for him. I guess I was trying to compete with the eulogy. But even when I knew this mentality of competition is distorting my writing, I noticed that I began to summarize things other people wrote, in such a way that those things sound like my personal understanding of the deceased. I was fucking plagiarizing on an eulogy.

Finally the mentality was broken, when I actually heard from a person who actually knew him well. As he was complaining about the shortcomings of the deceased, I began to realize that the deceased was just an ordinary person I didn't know. My mind was at peace and I stopped wanting to write something about him.

>> No.12178850

Not him but helps with motivation to read and focus. Main reason why I do it. Also think about sex much much less after a while and random arousal stops. Makes it easier to plan my life and go after my real interests.

>> No.12179212
File: 54 KB, 397x457, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go the library and chat up some girls about random literary trivia and then try to have sex with them because I'm a nerdy virgin. I'm scared though for some reason. I wish I was like Diogenes of Sinope--he didn't care about the opinions of others and felt no shame masturbating and defecating in the Athenian agora. If my life was a novel, it'd make an interesting chapter.

>> No.12179260

Cut off your hand if it causes you to sin.

>> No.12179270
File: 244 KB, 1169x779, 1529333845211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My faith feels like a guitar string gaining and losing tension constantly.

>> No.12179274

Bible, pls

>> No.12179455

>Endogenous opioid peptides suddenly flood the brain, the love hormone oxytocin for bonding is released which also signals the conversion of T to DHT, 5-HT increases, and the anti-dopamine hormone prolactin rises sharply, gonadotropin inhibitory hormone is released, and that is just scratching the surface.

And the whole room clapped.

>> No.12179473

>The Commission contends that the proliferation of filthy books and plays has no lasting harmful effect on a man's character. If that were true, it must also be true that great books, great paintings, and great plays have no ennobling effect on a man's conduct. Centuries of civilization and 10 minutes of common sense tell us otherwise.

Neither does the second sentence follow the first, nor does the third one follow either of them.

>> No.12179536
File: 2.20 MB, 1386x869, Grainy faded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think about what it means to be a person in their teens and early twenties, coming into the world as an adult and trying to make sense of it all.
I think about how much the world has changed even since I left mandatory education at 16, and how in 8 years the world is so much different to how I imagined it would be and not for the better.
I think about the different spheres - the economy, environment, society and it appears that across every sphere things appears to be crumbling. Social Media, Austerity and the need for constant 'profit and growth' seem to be tearing countries apart and pitting people against one another. The unthinkable has become to the norm to a point where rather than being outraged we just laugh in despair.
I wonder if the world has always been as openly shitty and chaotic as it appears to be or due to increased interconnectivity and constant stimuli we have merely become aware of it through peering at our screens.
I wonder if i'll look back at this period in time and think whether my pessimistic thoughts towards the future is was me just being a raging faggot or if i'll look back and wonder why I didn't do more to prepare for a life with genuine struggle when the internet gets cut, the power goes and the supermarkets run empty.

>> No.12179706

You are a faggot but you're not wrong, a steady and inevitable decline is currently underway. Look forward to a significant drop in your quality of life in the coming decades. Unfortunately I doubt we'll experience an actual collapse in our lifetime, just increasing drudgery and discomfort.

>> No.12179724

Life will continue to get worse, but remain above the level required to cause revolution. There are no roads in the UK's future that don't lead to a radical authoritarian government somewhere down the line. Maybe there'll be war, but I think that's a long long way away.

>> No.12179725

i'm sorry you had to be born from a crackwhore mother but women are free to use their bodies as they see fit

>> No.12179836
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I am if anything, aware of my faggotry.
I think this constant drudgery is already underway, here in the UK we've had a decade of austerity and it's continuing. In London they're screaming for more police yet they've already announced there's going to be more cuts and less officers. This is the trend across the UK on the whole and across all public sectors. As a graduate, alot of my peers are struggling for work and those in public services face long hours with fuck all pay - my gf is on <£16k for a role that requires a degree in a dysfunctional council as they're struggling to hold everything together due to cuts.

Combine that with a mix of an under-employed underclass, struggling working classes (zero-hour contracts) and middle classes squeezed and under pressure even more with living costs/luxuries. People here are fucked off already, I believe Brexit was a direct consequence of that - ignoring all the outcomes, the predictions and models, and any route stemming from Brexit currently is that we either we take the decision back which will alienate 52% of the country that voted for it, or we have a no-deal that'll have the same effect as an immediate depression.

I assume you're in the UK from your post, but do you not get the feeling that the clock is ticking before something big happens here? As in a mattter of when, not if. I'm not sure about the authoritarian side, but I do think Brexit regardless of outcome is going to lead to a shitstorm in the next months. There's no good outcome from it all.

>> No.12179884
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Hey, /lit/
I just had this great idea, so hear me out:
You CAN fap
However, you can only do it if you talked to a girl on that day (face-to-face, mind you)
Sounds like a good incentive to stop being a sperg, imo

>> No.12179891

Like hell.
I'm on my second day of nofap and this girl that was sitting behind me started playing with my hair all of a sudden.

>> No.12179920

I met with her at the college cafeteria an hour before class. She was with her usual friend, the one who replaced the company of her boyfriend when he realized he couldn't keep up with two years of japanese just to be with her.
It was awkward like I predicted. It was hard for me to hold her gaze this time around. I dunno why. The conversation continued and eventually her eyes eased out. Like they became gentle over time, and I could endure her stare longer.

We got to class and she sat beside me again despite she had walked next to her friend all the way to class. I guess it’s becoming a habit now to sit next to the same person at the end of the semester.
The class continued and the partner exercises encouraged me to keep talking to her normally. However, I noticed she was being more inviting, like asking me every time she took notes which color should she write now. She kept writing text and happy faces on my notebook when I was talking to the classmate who sat in front of us. Finally, she left a question that evolved into a written conversation between the two.
"コーヒーが好きですか" she wrote on my notebook.
あまり飲みません。I responded out loud.
She asked me why, I said it was too lazy to make me some. I do drink it, but I regularly don't.
The class continued. Another opportunity and she grabbed the notebook and wrote again.
And i responded out loud again "Um、いつ。", I wasn't doubtful, i made an agreeable gesture.
I tried felt like an asshole this time, like this guy >>12176721 and responded on the notebook too.
"明日はどうですか。", and added a * mark next to her text. She gave me the look, and I apologize with a smile.
I finally added "ええ、行きましょう"

The class ended and I already knew I wouldn't walk next to some classmates and our teacher to the parking lot. They were heading to where I normally head, so we normally walk together after class. But I wasn’t this time around. I walk next to the 20year-something to the opposite side until we reached the college library where her club was about to gather. It was 9:30pm, cold, almost raining and the classes were already over for the semester. I wanted to ask what will she do at this time, but i didn't. Instead, we talk were should we go tomorrow and when. She named many coffee places around the campus while holding her arms to her body to mitigate the cold. We agree to an hour, I needed to come during lunch break. I felt bad for letting her stand outside when she didn't have any sweater on, so I hurried her to her club gathering, and we said goodbye.

Mere ten seconds later after parting ways, I realized I should had gave her my zippered sweatshirt.

>> No.12179961

>integrating you elementary japanese lessons into your work
absolute, ball-numbing cringe my dude.

>> No.12180132

sounds like a good deal to turn into a worm

>> No.12180157
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>cute Japanese girl grins and patiently explains the different bento for me in the sushi shop
I... feel...

>> No.12180178

because karma, my dear. think about your daughter

>> No.12180247

I've been with my gf a little over a year now and I get all sorts of feels about the thought of having children with her - I want it really bad, but we're poor college students, and from religious backgrounds, so we have to work hard and find some way to afford a nice wedding and home to raise them in first. Which will probably take 5 years or so, and I get sad she's not carrying our son or daughter now, and scared of everything that could go wrong in that time and wreck our dream ;--;

>> No.12180256

>Convince me not to waste money on this again, /lit/
Not the worst thing to lose money on desu

>> No.12180269

There is this small, cute co-worker sitting 1 meter in front from me that i want to hang out with during the company's christmas party.
But i cant help to think that maybe she will say no because; she is busy during that day, or because i'll should go with developer groups and she will with hers (she has told me what she does, but i can't recall exactly what), or because she plainly might not want to go with me.
I know i should i just go and ask her. Easy, right? but this feeling of insecurity is too powerful.

>> No.12180317

Impregnate her now.

>> No.12180323

>tfw you feel depressed today but still summon up enough courage to make yourself a sandwich


>> No.12180354

Another day I spent entirely in bed. I tried to walk around the house but there was nothing for me to do, so I went back to bed. I wish I could sleep and never wake up

>> No.12180358

I take the GRE in 3 hours

>> No.12180371

Good luck

>> No.12180402

Going to buy a prostitute today

>> No.12180403

I just now discovered Christopher Langan, the man with a documented IQ of 200, and am pleasantly surprised. This man is the anti-pseud. In his possession is a genuine curiosity, and top-rate intellect, and never hides behind an air of authority. As most pseuds prize their education I commend him, in making a shew such displays, and being so bold and open as to admit his ignorance of many topics. This is the mark of a wise man.

>> No.12180457

Sometimes I wonder if I have the true capability to go full insane, I might be a bit sociopathic though.

>> No.12180500

Oblomov, is that you?

>> No.12180525


benis y/n?

>> No.12180533
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, take that please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I have to deal with those student loan cocksuckers. I've been avoiding with paying with gusto for a few months now, developing a belief system about it, waiting for politics to collapse before I decide whether to commit to paying it. But I've been noticing a rather curious increase in random phone calls recently leading me to believe they have unleashed their collector goon squad.

The student debt system in this country is transparently unjust, injurious to socioeconomically disadvantaged (meaning most) young people, and rife with malpractice and corruption.

Just look at Navient, the fools I need to straighten out in a minute. They are facing lawsuits for criminal malpractices as we speak for fucking over poor students, even despite having a sympathetic administration and Betsy Shillvos as Head of the Department of Education. Let me just say these people are lucky I can handle all my business with them online because I'm through with being polite.

The laws should change immediately so that all interest is wiped out and the government recoups its original investment. This would save students thousands and thousands of dollars they will never pay back anyway and the government isn't completely financially screwed either. They didn't make any money but didn't lose any money minus inflation which wouldn't be that bad over a period of a decade.

Can you please wake up America?

>> No.12180534

Oblomov doesn't kill himself

>> No.12180566

I don't know if it's just a characteristic of my country, the university i'm in and the subject i'm studying but I can't help but feel that college education is simply not serious. It barely exceeds high school in depth the only difference being the subjects are more specialized and the assignment routine much more stressful, born out more of a desire to complete rituals that signify productiveness than any real intellectual worth. Is this the case elsewhere too?

>> No.12180595

I just saw her talking to the web designer sitting next to her, and it was kind of painful seeing her smile to him like that to be honest.
Then she got up and came with a printed single sheet of paper. Immediately they start talking again.
I also printed a single sheet of paper too, the reservation of the party.
Given that i decided to post here because I received an email reminding me that i should reserve my spot in the Christmas party, as she must have received too, makes me assume they are both going together to the party.
So fuck the previous post and fuck life while at it.

>> No.12180597

Dammit dude why every workplace have to have someone who is smelly ad fuck

>> No.12180604

I'm confused, do you have to go with someone? You can't just show up and talk to her at the party? This sounds like a school dance sort of thing.

>> No.12180608

>tfw your office party has a strict no singles policy

>> No.12180611

wow you cant even remember what she does, and you wonder why you fail with women

>> No.12180617

what's the point of such a policy? i mean, i'm thankful for any reason to not go to an office party but it still seems like an odd rule.

>> No.12180619

> do you have to go with someone?
I wanted to, but isn't required. Just a regular end of the year party were everyone in IT is invited.
And i could show up and talk to her, the thing is that you need to reserve 1 out of the 3 days the event lasts.I guess if i coincidentally choose the same day as her, i walk up and start a conversation. Might do that, actually.

Having high expectations sucks tho.

>> No.12180620

It isn't serious and when you finish and set out applying for things you realise how much of a lie it's been which is why you see so many grads travel abroad, find shit work they would be able to get without a degree or put it all off for a year and go for a master's instead.

>> No.12180626

anyone else when looking to rent a room look at a listing and be like "theres no way ill be able to fap in that space" and have to turn it down? there's a nice room for cheap that i want, but idk if id even get a chance to get a nut off, walking around horny as hell with a semi all day defeats the purpose of moving to a quiet space where i can work in peace

>> No.12180628

>what's the point of such a policy?
Further removal of unsuccessful people from society

>> No.12180634

Would make a cool album cover

>> No.12180637

kubrick's "paths of glory" redpilled me on this when they chose that whiney unmarried guy to be executed because everyone else had a family who would miss them

>> No.12180650
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Am burger,
This is true, the people here are fuckin spineless. We haven't had a good deadly riot in years, like roof Korean bad.

>> No.12180664

You're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.12180682

>Then someone shits on it and I think, "hmm, also interesting

that´s why you have to gather more information about a subject, so you don´t have to worry of being an ingorant

>> No.12180685

I think he's saying everyone's selfperception is inherently faulted because the conciousness can't observe itself, and to realize selfreflection means you are both the observer and the observed is to abandon the need for selfdefintion, forgoing the notion of personal identity and truly living in the now.

>> No.12180710

You're going to be alone for a while my friend.

>> No.12180716

>felt like an asshole this time, like this guy >>12176721

Anyway, to me it looks like you're so stiff around her because you're worried about what would happen if you let down your guard, so to speak, and voiced your genuine desires/feelings/opinions. Which puts us somewhere interesting: What is it you're hiding from her and, presumably, yourself? Have you tried looking?

>> No.12180719
File: 357 KB, 818x1428, 15421535991321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.12180720

>have to gather more information about a subject

I really hope it was worth what little time you invested

>> No.12180725

What if I display my ignorance in certain topics to trick people into thinking I'm a wise man?

>> No.12180732

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

>> No.12180734

just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just

>> No.12181175

Do I need to somehow delude myself in order to get motivation?

>> No.12181192

I have a massive headache and I feel incredibly depressed, like there's a void into my chest. I can't even cry. I've been sleeping all day and so yesterday. I can't take this anymore, I want to either die or get better, now

>> No.12181207

Is it delusion if it works?

>> No.12181220

My issues is: What does it mean that it works?

>> No.12181231

Abstaining from masturbation/sex is the only cure. The moment I ejaculate, all motivation dies. At the same time, you can't allow yourself to become horny at all because that kills productivity too. You need to walk a tight rope, practice strict abstinence, mentally and physically.

>> No.12181238

Look at what it means for it not to work
And don't waste both of our time; dissect it enough and you're just carried along by fate without free will, but what's that gonna help you? You know it works if you deem it as having worked, and it works if you deem it as working

>> No.12181253

Celibatefag being a massive turd again

>> No.12181255

Not my issue at all, I only masturbate every 15 days since I read it's good for you. I'd rather not do it at all, but I do get messed up dreams if I don't.
It's really not helpful when I could just deem whatever I'm doing right now to work.

>> No.12181267
File: 69 KB, 590x595, uhmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I get motivation?
>politely answers

>> No.12181280

I'm going to sleep earlier today, I'm very tired.
Took some pills they gave me as a sample at the chemistry that will help me fall asleep.
Nofap day 3 will be though, I can tell

>> No.12181290

With that attitude it will be. Once you make it past the first 24-48 hours, it becomes much easier. If it isn't, you either are still exposed to erotic stimuli/thoughts or aren't filling your newfound time with more activities to distract you from any residual habitual inclinations to return to the habit.
I didn't experience this at first but after a while, I'd say that my general horniness decreased after as short as 24 hours of abstinence relative to my sexually active baseline. This is one reason why I have found it so valuable. Scratching that itch fixes the problem for a half hour at best. This is a means to get rid of it completely.

>> No.12181291

>It's really not helpful when I could just deem whatever I'm doing right now to work.
Why are you pretending you can? You're literally taking conscious action towards demotivating yourself, what complex are you satisfying here?

>> No.12181299

Should I just start reading at my cube ? I cant stand this inane shit anymore

>> No.12181307


>> No.12181312

I don't know.
My map really is blank, why not write down "you are there!"?

>> No.12181313

>It's a celibatefag literally can't stop thinking about (not) touching his peepee episode

>> No.12181319

I see your point, but what I mean is that tomorrow I hit the gym, which means pawgs in leggins and bouncing tiddies.
I either have to skip the session or just kill the vibe grossing me out someway which I don't look forward to.

>> No.12181321

Because your map isn't blank, no one's is, and if you tried that you'd know in the back of your head that you're wrong, and it'd lose its effect. Pick a spot you like from among the spots available to you.

>> No.12181348

I'm really not discontent is the issue.
Maybe when the neet life starts completely falling apart and I face homelessness I'll see I was naive and it will reveal me that the map wasn't blank. I'm not seeing it though.

>> No.12181351
File: 37 KB, 729x729, 46514059_2269540119959850_1488363363867033600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had multiple GFs since my first about 2 and a half years ago. Right now I'm in pretty much a perfect relationship, yet I get reminded of my first relationship which was abusive from the GFs side with such wistfulness it's insane.

Whenever I remember a smell, I visit a place we used to hang out at or remind myself of the moments we spent together, I just feel like puking. I have never felt as many emotions as then, negative, positive, whatever, but it was like a shotgun blow every time and the amount of time that has passed makes it so I pretty much only remember the good stuff. I feel like I've grown SO much since then, became jaded in a way; yet not cynical. I don't know, I'm just typing nonsense, yet I'm almost certain I'll never ever feel such strong emotions ever again. Maybe if I get off zoloft? Who knows.

>> No.12181379

>Smoking is bad
>ur dumb for smoking

Spare me the after school special you stalker pile of garbage. I dare you to leave.

>> No.12181382

How can people be so cruel as to worship a god that only inflicts pain and suffering, then have the audacity to proclaim him good?

>> No.12181401
File: 255 KB, 450x731, 1534189242032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, you're free to ignore it. There's something that bothers you fundamentally about these posts because you know if they're true, you're undermining your potential and that just eats away at you. That's the only reason why I can see someone so hostile, so venomous toward the idea of abstinence having a beneficial effect and those who advocate it. Well, I have some good news for you, I won't be visiting this website too often if at all in the future. I'm nearly better now. I've seeded this idea enough for at least a handful of people to take advantage of it. My work here is done.

>> No.12181403
File: 25 KB, 452x480, 1539967051609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I:

>prove I'm smart
>go out of my way to make somone mad
>draw a circle around something and label it fittingly while standing outside of it smugly
>go out of my way not to do any of the things listed here

All in the same post?

>> No.12181416

I'll give you my perspective which I've gotten via my own mystical experiences.
Suffering is of no ultimate importance and is the reason for any beauty at all.

>> No.12181452

go for a run and don't even think about going home until your chest and legs hurts more than your head, then shower and laugh at how shit and absurd your life is

>> No.12181494

By self-referentially using breadth of interpretation of individual words, like I used to when I was young

>> No.12181542

Based go-getter boomer

>> No.12181581

Everyone mocks chaste anon but I really struggle to go more than a day without jerking it and it does concern me.

>> No.12181642

I wish they still made CRT monitors

>> No.12181650

>breadth of interpretation

What does this mean

>> No.12181679

Do you really want me to give you two example sentences of one word conveying two different things?
Do you realize that any two different sentences with the same word would work?

>> No.12181696

but why does beauty needs to born out of savage suffering. why God in his omnipotence didn't make it so beauty could be born from an inherently good world.

>> No.12181697

I have work to do this evening but I also have a good chance of getting good and properly laid. I wouldn't care but people come and go so quickly, and in a flash, I could never hear from them again. Attention spans like goldfish. And unfortunately my line of business doesn't enable me to do both at the same time.

I guess it doesn't matter. But there is something divine about the body contact, and I dare say the sexual. The Hindus had this part down pat.

Everything just comes and goes in such an unconcerned way. And I'm sick of being lonely even if it means I can only escape it for just a little while.

>> No.12181717

Getting off zoloft certainly helps

>> No.12181732

Suffering isn't a side effect, it's the exact same thing as beauty.
Contrast is not secondary, it's fundamental to everything.
Please carefully consider in detail what you mean when you say an "inherently good world" and see what it entails.

>> No.12181734

you must have never heard of brahmancharya.

>> No.12181735

The mathematician Kurt Godel had this one comment that is one of the more bitter and sadly beautiful truths about life. He said "99% of beautiful things die in the germ" --in other words, much is lost to this world in its early stages. That is true of both beautiful people who die but it is also true metaphorically: a great idea that never got off the ground, a promising love interest that went up in smoke, a canceled holiday, a thousand other slings and arrows of misfortune.

In this universe complexity and life can only grow to high stages if there is some struggle and conflict in the process. Adaptation is a response to environmental stress. But look at all the beauty that effloresces from that process. The flowers and glow worms and butterflies and puppies. Without it, life would be strictly microbial and steady state, closer to equilibrium.

We must accept that god or nature, deus sive natura, or whatever it is must out of some hidden necessity spring good out of evil. Evil is other than God. God is not all powerful if there is a fracture in existence, the chaos opposed to order. What is the source of that fracture? Sin! Moral vileness on part of a sentient life acting out freewill to commit devastating wrongs. Rampant bad karma. Call it what you want.

>> No.12181739

18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch!
Big hard throbbin cocks wantin to be sucked!
18 naked cowboys wantin to be fucked!
Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch!
On their knees wantin to suck cowboy cocks!
Ram Ranch really rocks!
Hot hard buff cowboys their cocks throbbin hard!
18 more wild cowboys out in the yard!
Big bulging cocks ever so hard!
Orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch!
Big hard throbbin cocks rammin cowboy butt!
Like a breed a ram wantin to rut!
Big hard throbbin cocks getting sucked real deep!
Cowboys even getting fucked in their sleep!
Ram Ranch … it ROCKS!
Cowboys love big hard throbbin cocks!
Yea young Wrangler cowboy … got ya in the back of my Ram truck! You're butthole … I'm gonna fuck!
Suck this big hard 12 inch studcock deep down ya throat!
Suck it up n down up n down up n down n up n down!
Plunging deep down ya throat! Grabbin the back of ya head and rammin big hard studcock deep down ya throat!
Slappin ya mouth with big meatcock! Suck it! Suck it! Suck it! Suck that big hard 12 inch meatcock!
Rammin deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep!
Rammin this big hard 12 inch meatcock deep! Rammin this big hard cock deep in ya!
Take ya Wrangler rodeo boy blue jeans n cowboy boots off!
Spread those butt cheeks wide - fingering your butthole!
Sliding big hard 12 inch studcock deep inside! Spread those legs wide -lift ya butt high …!
Deep inside ya -- rammin ya American cowboy butt!
Riding your butthole! Big hard cock ramming ya American soul!
Deep inside ya -- rammining ya cowboy butt!
Kissin ya wild cowboy mouth! Tongue rammin …! Lips meltin!
Lick that 12 inch cock it n drink it … every drop … hot American cowboy!
Swallow every drop …!
Want ya in my bunk! Wantt ya for my bitchboy to feed ya n fuck ya!
Want to fuck ya with this 12 inch cock! In ya butthole it will dock!

>> No.12181744

Not until you mentioned it and I looked it up. Seems boring. Of course there is going to be many varieties of viewpoints from Indian philosophy and spiritualism. It's a very linguistically and culturally diverse country.

>> No.12181745
File: 70 KB, 609x336, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuals should be euthanized..

>> No.12181755

I am an aromantic but sexual, does that make me a psycho?

>> No.12181758

What if the world is perfect in god's eyes, but you with your dumb evolution-based dopamine addicted sex crazy brain can't see why

>> No.12181762


>> No.12181763

Silly dualism!

>> No.12181768

What if the world is just better for women than it is men?

>> No.12181785

it has to be on average the same
it's like a law of evolution or something, except for special animals like ants, where they reproduce weirdly so the ration is like 1 to 3 or something

i guess different human societies in different eras could be better or worse for one sex or the other

>> No.12181786

Yes, though the sexual part doesn't matter. Being aromantic is synonymous with being pyschopathic.

What if the world is equally fair to women and men, but you with your dumb 4channel-based porn addicted spiteful brain can't see why

>> No.12181795

That sounds like a cop-out. If God is all-knowing, all-good and all-powerful, there was absolutely no reason of Him to make suffering the same thing as beauty. If he knew what the suffering he created would cause in his creation, if he had the capacity to do otherwise and was indeed good he would have spared all life in this world from its terrible fate. It follows that either this whole world is being punished, or one of those assumptions we make about God is wrong.
If God in his infinite power chose to saturate the entire essence of life itself with the most repellent of all things, with its own negation. The world didn't had to be this way, unless God is ignorant, God is powerless, or God is malicious.

How could it be otherwise when we are created to register physiological and emotional responses that directly contradict the perfection of the world? If it is perfect then why were we created by default to be unable to see it's perfection? What kind of creator makes a world that is perfect and then blinds it's inhabitants to that perfection? Why is he hiding it from us? Why must we be tested? Why couldn't he make growth come without the necessity of suffering?

>> No.12181798

Loving this. Great song. Ur creative

>> No.12181806

Disprove dualism right now boy.

>> No.12181820

>If it is perfect then why were we created by default to be unable to see it's perfection?
Because being in constant bliss is bad for survival

>Why must we be tested?
Because your [...] brain isn't satisfied with the beauty around it unless it has to suffer for it. See above for why.

>Why couldn't he make growth come without the necessity of suffering?
What use does an immortal race have for concepts like pain, suffering, joy and bliss? Do you want to be one of the everlasting dragons from dark souls?

>> No.12181831

An all powerful god also includes its negation.
It isn't a cop out though. An "all good" world is static, it can't exist. Existence is inherently impermanent, this impermanence brings suffering when you get attached to beauty.
Stuff is also defined by its context. Anything outside the context doesn't exist.
In other words f something is in existence, it also defines the very nature of everything else that is in existence.

>> No.12181854

Please without homosexuals you'd be living in the stone age babe. At least this homosexual will blow your brains out only to walk home and write about it in my diary desu over a glass of Shiraz. Bye sweetie ;^)

>> No.12181868

But why it had to that constant bliss is bad for survival?

Why didn't this all powerful God made an universe where "all good" would be static and impossible?

I think you are all dishonest peddlers of convenient lies. I can respect more claims such as "God works in mysterious ways" as it least it does away with any claim of knowing the intentions and nature of God and it's only implication is that He is several degrees in power above us, which should be clear enough. None of you claiming to speak for God can support your own claims without cop outs. You don't want to deal honestly with the questions that inevitably follow them.

>> No.12181873

>Stuff is also defined by its context. Anything outside the context doesn't exist.
Yes, but in a perfect circle there is balance even in division. You can't have context without more than one thing. You have the foreground and the background. Context cannot exist without duality in the same way the subject is conditioned by the object.

If for instance god is the universe and pantheism is true, monism is true. But even then, there is no context with a single-entity phenomena. It must be relative between separate components for there to be context.

>> No.12181880

I should add that Hegel understood this point quite clearly. His whole system of oppositions is based around dualistic antagonisms reconciling and completing each other by meeting at an inflection point.

>> No.12181897

>historical revisionism, the post
False. They've done nothing significant.
The stone age wasn't that bad and should have been prolonged, it would have enforced eugenics so that the species would be more fit assuming it would have reached this present stage of development. Instead, it's been a gradual decline. The increased reliance on technology enables the continued perpetuation of undesirable traits through self-domestication, only expediting this process.

>> No.12181904

>Why didn't this all powerful God made an universe where "all good" would be static and impossible?
It did and you are experiencing it right now.
My point being that is that there's no background without a foreground, therefore they are the same thing.

>> No.12181907


>> No.12181990

where is the new thread?

>> No.12182026

uh, here.

>> No.12182027

If I could choose between all or you dying or not, I'd definitely choose yes

>> No.12182089

>this bad at recognizing shitposting

>> No.12182143

>But why it had to that constant bliss is bad for survival?
Wittgenstein would slap you for that question. You don't understand what this "survival" there entails. Maybe this approach will help: God didn't make it possible for everyone to be happy without knowing unhappiness, because there would be no point in doing that. God doesn't know happiness: we only know of it due to evolution, something god wasn't exposed to. As I said at the start, what if god considers the world perfect as is? The only reason we feel entitled to eternal bliss is because we think it's a good thing, and the reason we do is because of the reasons I've already listed.

>> No.12182168

>You don't want to deal honestly with the questions that inevitably follow them.
You've received a lot of perfectly valid answers to many of these questions, but here's the thing: You either go as deep down these questions as you can, knowing you'll never reach the end, or you stay at the surface and don't bother in the first place. No one claims to know the truth behind god, you would have to be a fucking idiot to unironically believe you do, or that anyone else does. Know what that tells you? That you're a fucking idiot. Why are you upset we can't tell you the truth behind god? Why are you pretending we're claiming to be able to? Did you literally realize the incomprehensibility of god just today and now feel a need to demonstrate your newfound wisdom? Piss off.

>> No.12182187

lucky... easy on the thinking

>> No.12182210

>Each year I get further away from the simpleness and innocence of childhood, a beautiful state that I will never feel again.
Iktf. It's so bizarre I got to live in a state that is paradise in any comparison to my happiness or fulfillment now, where time passed so slowly it seemed like an eternity, yet it's also so far away and I'm just supposed to not think about it or long for it.

>> No.12182218

I wish I just more of these things in all the free time I've had in the past. Now I'm on the verge of barely ever having free time and I need to come to terms with so many potential topics and hobbies becoming things I'll never do.

>> No.12182241

So, God is essentially static, and created something which is not, and our concerns are now completely foreign to Him due to this? Am I correct into thinking then that humanity became a creation of God that somehow "grew" an aspect that is independent of God?

Where do Wittgenstein talks about this?

>> No.12182279

I mentioned Wittgenstein because your question was a classic example of a philosophical question that was actually just a linguistic misunderstanding.

>So, God is essentially static, and created something which is not, and our concerns are now completely foreign to Him due to this?
Yes. God doesn't have consciousness; why would something at no risk of death/change bother developing it? Therefore you don't matter to him.

>independent of God
How are we independent of god when we literally do not have free will? If you meant to say we managed to go beyond god in terms of existence, then sure, let's start discussing what it means to exist. I subscribe to Parmenides standpoint, what's yours?

>> No.12182303

I didn't imply independent in the sense of free will but as in something God himself did not create. I don't have a viewpoint on this. I'm trying to understand.

>> No.12182343


See chart on page 70