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/lit/ - Literature

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12314206 No.12314206 [Reply] [Original]

>your best memory of 2018
>current book

>> No.12314250

>Seriously cannot think a moment that stands out at all
>Confusions of Young Törless

>> No.12314292

>walking back from university on the last day of the semester
>Swann's Way (again)

>> No.12314326

>hiking on Mount St. Helens
>The Magic Mountain

>> No.12314345

>Got kicked out of a party for saying nigga to a Kanye song so I did cocaine at the park and looked at the stars until 3 in the morning
>The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas

>> No.12314363
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>moving to a new city so I could date my oneitis
>pic related

>> No.12314386

>tie between proposing to my wife (she said yes) and the birth of my son
>bottom's dream by arno schmidt

>> No.12314392

Congrats, anon!

>> No.12314423

>marriage and childbirth in the same year
You're not wasting any time, are you?

>> No.12314425
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You better have married her before conceiving that child, anon! I'm warning you, if i find out you've been engagin in premarital sex I will personally smite you.

>> No.12314439

Congrats, anon.

>> No.12314442


>> No.12314452

>getting married AND having a kid
Haha, holy shit.

>> No.12314458

>a gay guy hit on me
>essays and aphorisms by arthur schopenhauer

>> No.12314490

>nutting in my gfs mouth on christmas morning
>killing comendatore

>> No.12314500

>spent a week in Bavaria
>The Savage Detectives

>> No.12314522

Going on a two-week trip to Japan with a friend.
Currently reading Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.12314538

>visiting my families ancestral castle, standing where they stood as they looked out on the Loch upon the hills and glades, meanwhile being blown by a girl I had met in a pub not three hours earlier
>Distant Star

>> No.12314546

>this hit me hard
>Foucault's pendulum

>> No.12314563
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discovering a new hobby
finnegans wake

>> No.12314587

>Passed a job interview despite being under-qualified and inexperienced at it

>> No.12314605

>hiking up gros morne
>a clockwork orange

>> No.12314627

whats your new hobby anon?

>> No.12314628

>was admitted to study philosophy at the best uni in our country
>Bleeding Edge

>> No.12314647

Taking mushrooms in Thailand and floating in the ocean by myself
America, the Farewell Tour

>> No.12314659
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>gf looking me in the eyes and saying she's never loved or trusted anyone as much as me
>pedro páramo

Congrats! Hope all goes well for your young family.

Underrated post.

>> No.12314666

vulgar garbage

>> No.12314676

That time I dropped a full tab of acid
The Man Without Qualities, and Ficciones

>> No.12314686

>falling in love for the first time, going to kyoto or when I went surfing at sunset the other day
>the picture of dorian gray

been a nice year :)

>> No.12314693

>moved to my dream city and still havent killed myself
>death on the installment plan

>> No.12314694

> Had three different threesomes this month with a tinder girl and my girlfriend of two years while living in an English Language school in Fes.
> Anton Chekhov, collected short stories.

>> No.12314698

>sex and drugs
so much for the intellectual board

>> No.12314708

>Older than most of you
>Miserably drunk and smoking a cigarette with a bartender in Venice while staring at the Grand Canal. She told me about her failed dream of becoming a professional dancer. It would be a great short story if I could actually write

>> No.12314716

yeah i was thinking the same thing
this thread is pretty embarrassing

>> No.12314723

Congrats for breaking the chain all anons live with

>> No.12314729

congrats, man!
>walking on the beaches of South Portugal
>Zadig, or the destiny

>> No.12314736
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>why aren't are all these people incels like me? How dare they have lives outside of weeb shit and social anxiety

>> No.12314741

itt: everyone pretends to care that some nigger bred because it makes them think they can do it

>> No.12314745

>taking LSD for the first time with a friend and listening to the sounds of my sheets during the comedown thinking about how I will miss these sounds when I die
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.12314755

>hung out in downtown San Diego with my girlfriend
>we were never modern, Buno Latour

>> No.12314757 [DELETED] 

>tie between leaving my former psycho girlfriend and having a 9/10 qt facesitting on me after eating pot brownies
>On the Genealogy of Morality

>> No.12314758

>It was a consistently decent year but there were no highlights.
>The Captive

>> No.12314761

acid and pussy count as a life? woah bAsEd

>> No.12314766

>Literally nothing good has happened to me all year
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.12314772

>walking around in a forest for 5 hours before collapsing into sleep
>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.12314789

It’s just the best memory you fucking virgin, what was your best? You have none because you are a boring fuck just as everyone else but at least they fuck and have friends.

>> No.12314819

wow you know me so well

>> No.12314850

then post your best memory of this year then

>> No.12314855
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my anon

>> No.12314875

why? to disprove your sour grapes argument? no thanks

>> No.12314895
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well I guess that solves that riddle. All that nothing sure is compelling, what a year you had anon

>> No.12314897
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>Losing my virginity, but I'll probably not have sex again before I finally kms
>Mythology, Edith Hamilton

>> No.12314907

if the highlight of a person’s YEAR is an orgasm, or the memory of them needing to snort coke in order to enjoy the night sky then I’ve got nothing but pity for that person.

Happy new year

>> No.12314913


>> No.12314915

>When I stopped wanting to actively kill myself
>Speed Limits and Diamond Age

>> No.12314925

How’s Musil?

>> No.12314936
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guy getting blown in a castle is pretty damn kino t b h. If all you've got in your repertoire is spite and disgust for other people's lives its speaks more about you than them

>> No.12314951

>finally making progress overcoming my ocd
>the ramayana

>> No.12314962

this is 4chan. the whole point of the thread is to have your post judged, so I’m judging the posts. as are you. I think a lot of the posts are juvenile and embarrassing. that’s all.

>> No.12314970

>Sitting outside with my father on the porch drinking and smoking cigarettes after a long day at work, 2018 was an extremely stressful year and these small breaks in between were fantastic
>War and Peace

>> No.12314991

you didn't even post your own so who are you to judge?

>> No.12315072

mine was snorking coke out of a hooker’s asshole


>> No.12315088

>fun Halloween party in which I met current gf
>Temple of the Golden Dawn

>> No.12315091

>Getting married
>Otherland: Mountain of Black Glass

>> No.12315108

whoever hurt you, I'm sorry

>> No.12315113

lol ffs

>> No.12315114

>Foucault's pendulum
Yo dog, quit that shit it. It starts strong but gets garbage quick.

>> No.12315139

>randomly found 6 oxys under my car seat
>Iron kingdom (book about Prussia)

>> No.12315146

>I told my wife I was working a double-shift, that I would be gone all day. Then I called into work and drove, alone, to the coast. Went surfing, and when I got tired I hiked along a nearby cliff until I found a nice vantage for watching the sun set over the ocean.
>“Inherent Vice” and “Confessions of an Advertising Man”

>> No.12315147

Based and wholesomepilled

>> No.12315154

>Disney World with the gf
>Blood Meridian

>> No.12315161

Comfy, anon. The only reason I’d ever get married is to be able to lie to her and pull stunts like that

>> No.12315167

Truthfully this sounds encredible, try and write some up

>> No.12315171

>Some students pulled money together to buy me a present (The Magic Mountain)
>Nine Profane Pieces by Angela Carter

>> No.12315177

Ah that’s nice! High school teacher?

>> No.12315195

>made love to my girlfriend while listening to all along the watchtower on a Persian rug in my living room.
>crime and punishment.

Good luck for next year friendos, throw away all your hate and start fresh, unless you hate the Jews then that’s fine.

>> No.12315199

Thanks. Also, that’s smart of you. I intended to have a very wholesome and fulfilling marriage, but that has not been the case. Now the time I spend alone is unbelievably precious. Be smart; stay single.

>> No.12315211

>passing all four exams that I've written last semester (also working in our garden in spring was very nice as well)
>Lovecraft's dream cycle

>> No.12315212

Yeah I’m 26 and an asshole so it’s best for everybody if I stay single. I truly don’t mind it most days. And the whiskey helps.

How long have you been married?

>> No.12315345

I don't have any "good memories" from this year, last year or the year before that one

>> No.12315371

try heroin

>> No.12315375

Since May, actually. She was an old friend, been close for about four years. A romance happened in 2017. I figured, hey, she’s a good girl, and I’ve known her for a long time, so why not say “fuck it” and get hitched? Besides, I was bored of whiskey.

There’ve been a lot of ups and a lot of downs. Some ugly fights, some good moments. But even in the good moments, I feel neither happy nor connected. I do not feel married at all, actually.

Maybe what made us good friends doesn’t make us good partners. Maybe in friendship we never had to dig deep enough to realize our incompatible values. Maybe I thought I knew her better than I did. Maybe I underestimated how much I “loved” her. Idk. I’m not enjoying it and I’m too honor-bound to leave, so I’m here for now. I hate to say it, but I feel like I’m inadvertently friendzoning her.

>> No.12315420

>going to Japan or making friends at college
>none ;(

>> No.12315483

>Absolutely nothing but a wonderful dream in which I visited some kind of island with a perfect sunset over the ocean. Real life is just studying in a big city
>How the mind works (S.Pinker) & "Keys and texts from Japanese literature" (in Spanish)

>> No.12315506

>nothing, the entire year's been nothing but anxiety
>The Theaetetus

>> No.12315512

>I was bored of whiskey
God I hate white people

>> No.12315516

high at disneyland
werner herzog interview book

>> No.12315570
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>> No.12315592

dude drugs lmao

>> No.12315620
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Congrats anon, hope you don't live in a shit country

>> No.12315674
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>climbing up to the top of a mountain in france with my gf and proposing to her watching sunset then having sex on an expensive picnic blanket and climaxing just when an orchestra began playing a(beethoven )nd she said i was the best person she'd ever met and she's now pregnant and we're marrying tonight and i lover h we're all gonna make it bros :)

>How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.12315690
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>cried after confession and just felt really close to God for the whole night
>blood meridian

>> No.12315694

>rough casual hookups in my last semester of college already fading into dimly distant memories

>> No.12315720
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>> No.12315724


Taking care of step-nieces and nephews and being the tickle monster chasing them around and carrying my step-niece around the house when she clung to my shoulders just the other day at Christmas

>Count of Monte Christo, The Idiot, Silence or The Canterbury Tales.
War and Peace and Ulysses have been amazing but am not finished with either

>> No.12315737


>> No.12315739

>smelling the salt air of my childhood vacation spot in the summer
>Levinas' Totality and Infinity

>> No.12315765

Well done for not saying Lolita

>> No.12315774

yeah pretty much lol

>> No.12315816

>going to see Rigoletto with a friend
>Decline of the West

>> No.12315864

>england's world cup run
>the odyssey

>> No.12315867
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>moving across the country after recreating a facebook account to message a girl from high school and starting a relationship
>Moby Dick

>> No.12315876

>I bought graphic card(250$) all by myself
>Infinite Jest, 110+page.

>> No.12315886

Congrats, Anon. Hope 2019 is good for you too

>> No.12315895

>Taking my GFs virginity
>The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.12315928

>Taking his GFs virginity
>infinite jest

>> No.12315934

>sodomising 895 and 928 sequentially
>finnegans wake

>> No.12315962

>threesome with an 8 & 9
>invisible cities

>> No.12315996

hells yeah

>> No.12316000


>> No.12316418

>working with an attractive coworker and laughing the whole night. She's engaged now
>House to house

>> No.12316449

I'm 23, made friends with a cat that appeared in my garden one day in summer, unlike most cats this one's a real charmer, and he's a male so he won't breed like the bitches usually do, and I just purchased The Illuminatus! Trilogy second-hand for the second time in my life last week and I've been skimming it, trying to decide where to begin.

>> No.12316888
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>croatia getting into world cup finals
>growth of the soil


>> No.12317235

>spending time with my family
>something by Houellebecq, I can't actually remember...

>goes to best uni in the country
>studies philosophy
Oooohh Aaaaahhh, how do I break this to you anon... WHAT A WASTE

>> No.12317242
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>my best memories are generic memories!
>my favorite book is a verbose sexually degenerate pseud book.

>> No.12317403

>losing my virginity
>Infinite jest

>> No.12317439

>falling in love with a 17 year old girl
>the brooklyn follies

>> No.12317456

>friends wedding + holiday with his family
>napoleon - andrew roberts

>> No.12317461


>standing on the dunes in Scheveningen, Netherlands
>The Yiddish Policemen's Union

>> No.12317488
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>Making the choice to leave college and parents, reached out to a contact and got a decent job and living semi-comfortably
>Children of Time

How is reading a book any different from watching Netflix or playing video games? Both are isolationist activities. Call yourself an intellectual all you want and jerk off to that title. I just enjoy books and marijuana.

>> No.12317504
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>falling for a data-mining thread
>98% of people under the age of 25
>all these banal memories
>shit tier books
Absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.12317507

>Sir our cunning data mining trick has revealed that 4chan is populated by 20 year old pseuds

>> No.12317538
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>Finding a church home
>pic related, been reading it for a couple days and I'm almost done.

>> No.12317627

>falling in love with a 16yo girl
>the decline of the west

>> No.12317641

>climbing Mt. Olympus
>HG Gadamer, Truth and Method

>> No.12317730
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>I don't remember a single thing that happende to me this year, either good or bad. I might as well have been in a coma
>Yu Hua- To Live

>> No.12317777
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>spending an autumn night with a girl that emotionally supports me and teaches me the intimacy that I have never felt until now
>Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane

>> No.12317782

What the fuck are you still doing here anon?

>> No.12317784

drinking vodka and taking codeine

>> No.12317809

>Starting a job that I loveand am really passionate about
>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.12317815

cooking with the gf
Nausia by Sartre

>> No.12317819
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>getting more nudes from my girl
>Children of Dune book 3

>> No.12317820

>adopting a puppy
>Kant's Prolegomena

>> No.12317833
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>Drunkenly stumbling out of a Wetherspoons on Xmas Eve singing Feliz Navidad all the way home also almost getting off with a girl I liked for the first time
>A Hero of our Time

>> No.12317845

>friendzoning the most beautiful girl I've ever met. actually that's my worst memory of 2018
>L'Art de Jouir by La Mettrie

>> No.12317851

he said current book you npc retard.

>> No.12317864

It has been a bad year.
In Cold Blood.

>> No.12318023

>drinking on christmas eve

>> No.12318122

>How is reading a book any different from watching Netflix or playing video games

>> No.12318154

Statistically speaking, having a kid and marrying at an age lower than 25 is a good indicator that his life is fucked up. That his kid was born before they were married supports my suspicion. On top of that, he reads a meme book about the author's self-insert lusting after a teenage girl that would be 5000 pages as a normal paperback, so he's probably unemployed and retarded. I really don't see why everyone pretends that guy leads some kind of admirable life.

>> No.12318170

>sucking the huge titties of a vietnamese-french hapa girl then putting clothes pins of them so they would cause discomfort while we fucked
>Leaves of Grass

>> No.12318175


>Proposed at the end of October
>Anna Karenina

>> No.12318207

>getting married
>Doctor Brodie's Report

>> No.12318217

>My trip to Florence was maybe the highlight of the year, seriously can't remember much else
>I'll start Stoner tonight while at work

>> No.12318234

>sitting in uni library during my last semester, realizing that I spent the majority of my 4 years cooped up in the library, late nights, early mornings, weekends, summers, studying and reading on the quiet floors, and knowing then, at that moment, that I was going to miss it all, terribly, I’d become nostalgic for a time that was yet to pass
>Crying of lot 49

>> No.12318236

And I assume your highlight was landing on the fucking moon?

>> No.12318239

>Getting out of an autistic school hellhole or many of my calming walks
>Game (Roosh V)

>> No.12318245

What did you study?

>> No.12318258

"The average frustrated chump will benefit more from a gym membership than from seduction manuals" - Pook

>> No.12318271

I'm not reading it for advice actually, I was more curious about the controversy around the book, as it has been banned from Amazon and other retailers.
The quote has the right idea mostly, other than paying, when working out at home or going for is what's going to do me the most good (plus eating better).

>> No.12318298
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>Birth of our family's first child
>St Cyril of Alexandria and Christological Controversy

>> No.12318332
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>Lit a cigar and reconsidered my actions on a beach shore, decided not to be either an incel or MGTOW and became a Kierkegaardian Christian
>The stranger by Camus

>> No.12318341




>> No.12318489

>that night I dreamt that I had a gf
>portrait of an artist as a young man

>> No.12318525

>I’d become nostalgic for a time that was yet to pass
any books about this feel?

>> No.12318689
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>hard to say, but probably drinking atkepeshie and dancing with local villagers under the moon by Lake Bosumtwe in Ghana. was totally alone out there and the next day i had some misadventure trying to find the chief-priest but i did and he poured libation for me
>Jane Eyre. it's pretty good, i like victorian gothic lit

>> No.12318815

>I guess not the best memory, but the memory from 2018 that will really stay with me was taking a young man dying of heart failure to a hospice across a couple state lines.
>The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.12318858

>I somehow managed to gather up to 10 persons at my birthday party and I somehow felt that I belonged somewhere
>The white sheep in the black flock by Larry Watts

>> No.12318902

>just turned 30 a week ago
>just getting fucked up with good friends in this weird place i moved to
>trout fishing in america

>> No.12318903

>Schonnbrunn palace with my girlfriend
>The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

>> No.12318912

>Trout Fishing in America
I thought this was your favorite 2018 memory at first and thought “hm that sounds like it would be a good book title”

>> No.12318921


>> No.12318932

It feels as if any pleasant memory from 2018 has been overshadowed by the fact that I was admitted into a psychiatric on two occasions. I guess being home again, but it's rather bittersweet.
>Invisible Cities by Calvino

>> No.12318937

It's the chillest night of the year for a drink with friends really. Everyone is in a good mood and no one gets properly bladdered in anticipation of waking up for Christmas Day relatively fresh.

>> No.12318939

*psychiatric hospital

>> No.12318965

thabks bud, didnt know this song and its pretty good

>> No.12319016

There’s also a version by low, so if you like slowcore you might dig that too :)


>> No.12319025

>visiting the ruins of Eleutherna in Crete
>Submission by Houellebecq

>> No.12319034

If this is real, our redemption is still possible

>> No.12319037

Congratulations, anon.

>> No.12319148

>did acid a couple times
>naked lunch

>> No.12319257


>> No.12319417


>Being told by my penpal that the letter I wrote about my brother's alcoholism brought her to tears not just initially but also upon a reread. Catharsis I didn't realize I needed.
>Don Quixote

>> No.12319424

Accounting, good student, but failed recruiting because I Could Not Relate (socially inept tard). Would study Literature, but too stupid.

I’m a special kind of loser

>> No.12319434

>watching my dreams become reborn in the soul of the zoomer
>my diary desu

>> No.12319491

>>trout fishing in america


>> No.12319668

>I don't know, but I made progress in funtioning in social relations (litteral autist here), general learning, and recently I dated with collegue girl for prom
>Penal Colony - Kafka, Demokratie: Eine Analyse - Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Short Stories - Katherine Mansfield

>> No.12319680

We try to reject our millenial mentality

>> No.12319691

>probably the other week when my truck started after pulling the engine and doing a top end rebuild&etc
>Libido Dominandi

>> No.12319730

>Looks like we'll be running less ED ads based on these results.

>> No.12319767

>First time ever feeling someone care for me genuinely and spontaneously

>> No.12319786
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>first kiss with the girl who is now my gf :) (honorable mention to the absolute joy of reading both the "Brother Ivan Fyodorovich" part of below, and the entirety of Don Quixote!)
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12319792 [DELETED] 

>I got a girlfriend and kissed her
>The Stranger, Camus

>> No.12319797

You’re such a pathetic beta lol

>> No.12319828

>Visited Chicago
>Taking a break from reading, Gonna start a new book tomorrow

>> No.12319866

>Spending time learning to cook
>The Long Ships by Frans G. Bengtsson

>> No.12319874

gotta try two out next time. acid is fun though.

>> No.12319884

nice, congrats on the progress.

>> No.12319893

i also choose this guy's virgin girlfriend

>> No.12319931

Why were you admitted into a psychiatric hospital?

>> No.12319934

love that memory

>> No.12320236

>summiting Toubkal
>King Leopold's Ghost

>> No.12320588


Kill yourself you AIDS ridden Redditor faggot.

>> No.12320778


Which DQ translation? I'm 100 pages from the end of Robin Buss and I'm going to try like fuck to finish by midnight.

>> No.12320911
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>this one night when i got back from walking the dog in the snow and i went to make hot chocolate for myself but completely forgot how a teapot worked so my parents and i were crying laughing as they explained it to me, calling me an idiot savant and all that
>them and us by danny vendramini

>> No.12321096

>Traveling across the country on a whim and eventually deciding to stay in Seattle WA (I actually made a thread on here about going on a road trip with nothing but my clothes, guns, and books - I ended up doing so, minues the guns because of faggoty ass states with strict gun laws. Im from Baltimore btw.)
>Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms: an Introduction to computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

>> No.12322789

>doing a collaborative dance show with a french choreographer(yes there were niggers)
>not reading anything, i'm doing heroin

>> No.12322792

losing my virginity last night :)
letters from a stoic

>> No.12322795


>> No.12322798


>> No.12322799

>reading women
>living around black (((people)))

>> No.12322807

>discovering I'm into crossdressing
>true grit

>> No.12322809

>graduated Uni with deans honours and got a job I enjoy after my relationship with gf falling apart and getting wrongfully fired from my previous job
>sometimes it does work out
>Ubik - Philip K Dick

>> No.12322818
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Riding from Perth to Sydney on a bicycle by myself and not getting bitten by a snake. The ride was was 4000km long and mostly through complete, uninhabited wilderness, pic related
Late Fame

>> No.12322827


How does it feel to be an AIDS ridden basedboy faggot?

>> No.12322835

pretty good

>> No.12322839

>25 years young
>Trump being president
>The Art of the Deal

>> No.12322846

Getting a big blood nose during a date and the date rolled up tissues for me. It lasted for quite a while
One hundred years of solitude
Feel like a drink

>> No.12322850

Good job avoiding all the abos, mate

>> No.12322873

>nothing, I hated every moment of it
>German Philosophy 1760-1860: The Legacy of German Idealism

>> No.12322941

>Last day of school
>'1Q84' - Haruki Murakami

>> No.12322944
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>Brit/pol/ fight 10/1/19
>Mein Kampf

>> No.12322972

>either passing all of my classes for the first time since 1st grade and getting over what was basically a fake depression or going on a lot of walks and reading in parks near me
>the essential Goethe

I have a question about my book! How does translated poetry even work? I’m going to start learning German next year, but I’m reading Goethe’s poems in English now. Am I being scammed? Is it possible to translate aesthetically focused writing? What happens when someone translate A Clockwork Orange or -god forbid- Finnegan’s Wake?

>> No.12322982
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>> No.12322991

Abos are the most red pilled imagine mocking them

>> No.12322996

Success in hardest competitive exam
Gide, L'Ecole Des Femmes. This faggot can write

>> No.12323009

>nothing because my life is awful
>rings of saturn

>> No.12323012

>got secretly engaged with GF
>Jitterbug Perfume

>> No.12323017

t. bloomer af


>> No.12323037
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>moved in with my online gf
>Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy

>> No.12323121

Imagine imagining me mocking them when in reality it's national sorry day

>> No.12323326

I've only read a little Goethe in German, but the little study I experienced told me that there are grammatical ambiguities to Goethe's writing as poems like the Erlkönig and Heidenröslein demonstrate: the pronouns are capable of refering to several nouns making it ambiguous which he means (allowing more interpretation). This is incapable of being translated, however that does not discount translated poetry imo, you just get a different view from the translator. I think translating well is possible however you may "lose" something depending on the language, ideas, and purpose. But you also gain knowledge and beauty in your language. Once you learn a second language you will probably understand better with a frame of reference, you will also learn more about your own language!

Germans are known for translating lots of Shakespeare and performing it in German, this is interesting because it allows for the language to be updated to the "contemporary" without actually doing it in English. I haven't seen much of this however, and I think the only German Shakespeare that I've watched was a dubbing of Romeo + Julia with Leonardo DiCaprio. So my assessment is one from hearsay, less so than experience when it comes to Shakespeare since I've mostly studied him in English. Anyways, excellent choice of languages fellow friend, if you study German make sure to READ READ AND READ, perhaps you can find television shows, pen pals, and music (there is some good German pop like Nena and Nico, although it's rare, but that's just my taste, they are too political imo). Wann kommt die Flut is a good somg and some the music that guy (forgot his name) did... anyways don't give up because it's hard to find conversation partners. Viel Glück!

>> No.12323337

Don't feel down, it is better you learn literature on your own instead of the rigid and standardized setting of a university

>> No.12323853

>meanwhile being blown by a girl I had met in a pub not three hours earlier
Fucking how. Give me a detailed chronology of how this came to be

>> No.12323968

>losing my virginity last night

>> No.12324015

Went to this gay club with my bros as a joke, got really drunk, then this cute girl(male) offered me coke, took me back to their place and fucked me. Not gay tho

>> No.12324081

Nice memory, anon

>> No.12324085

>probably losing my virginity to my first gf, followed by getting third in my first bjj tournament. Not that third is that great but because I put a lot of time and hardwork into training.
> V. By Pynchmeister

>> No.12324145

>getting a job
>Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey/Mythology by Edith Hamilton

>> No.12324148

we're all cheering you on anon, good job

>> No.12324208

>I don't have one. The first half of the year was dull and uneventful then my mental health took a sharp decline in September and things have just been getting worse.
>Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman

>> No.12324240

>Probably doing my former hs's production of Cymbeline
>The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.12324281

>When I thought I had found something I wanted to pursue (Ended up losing interest)

>> No.12324320

t. Holden Caulfield

>> No.12324418

>visiting Norway, Sweden and Denmark // Going on vacations with friends
>Jerusalém by Gonçalo Tavares

>> No.12324494

It’s the literary lifestyle, anon.

>> No.12324848


i remember on a fine summer night a drunk simpleton trying to breathe fire like the skilled performers that came into camp earlier that night.he filled his mouth with white gas and sloppily expelled the substance in a mist towards a flame he held.his whole face erupted in fire and he tried to play it cool and then some people clapped thinking it was an act then he started slapping his burning face then he clapped his hands to his face and fell to his knees with flames still consuming fuel and flesh alike.someone yelled from the back HELP HIM! and a cloth was thrown over his head smothering the fire.i saw the man in the morning and his beard was burned patchy and some of his flesh was blistered.

current book is some dialogues of plato

>> No.12324899

>been a pretty bad year, but watching First Man at a fancy theatre during a film festival was pretty cool. otherwise it's been a fucking terrible year, some of my family are lucky to make it out alive.
>No Longer Human

I'm trying to read 24 books in 2019, I read a total of 5 in 2018. Wish me luck lads.

>> No.12324977

>Discovering God
>The Prose of Sir Thomas Browne

>> No.12325067

Grossman. It was an extremely fun read and the footnotes about informal/formal address were right at the bottom of the page so you don't have to keep flipping back and forth

>> No.12325127

>Hadji Murat

For me, it's Tolstoy - the best Russian writer

>> No.12325142

oops, misread best memory as best book
Well in that case it'd have to be a particularly beautiful sunset I saw over the sea in August, or some of the colours I saw in the evening sky in the month of May

>> No.12325233
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>Hard choice between reading Giacomo Leopardi, a stunning girl at the bookstore checking me out during a brief conversation, being able to play the vast majority of American Pie by DonMcLean on my bass guitar, talking to my Dad about cars and eating alone in a Yorkshire field.
>pic related OC (favourite book, I keep re-reading it)

>> No.12325234

>Reading and playing video games on summer vacation in Newfoundland
>The Odyssey

>> No.12325378

>first kiss
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.12325509

>19 (20 in a month)
>seeing my brother again for the first time in a year, discussing my current book with my dad (it's his favorite)
>Team of Rivals

>> No.12325630


Patrician answer. This was a year for night skies for me, since I'm living in a rural area for the first time in five years. One night, perfect rainbow halo around a full moon as it was shining through a thin bank of clouds. Another, most alien sky I have ever seen: fat crescent moon, dark red, hanging low over the lake with a red star (maybe Mars?) as the only other thing visible in an otherwise pitch black sky.

>> No.12325697

>my ex begging me to fuck her behind her new boyfriend's back
>just finished high rise

>> No.12325711
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That's it, I'm getting me crucifix

>> No.12325715 [SPOILER] 
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>not green texting

>> No.12325721

Judging by his pic related I'm hoping it's amateur abortions

>> No.12325726

> Joining a fraternity. Getting wasted and embarrassing myself in front of a bunch of strangers.
>Fanged Noumena

>> No.12325728

what was so great about walking back? I am interested

>> No.12325735

Suicide, self-loathing, overwhelming emotion and so on.

>> No.12325744

>Doing acid with the girl i am in love with, and falling asleep in her arms.
>The Plague by Camus

>> No.12325816

seriously shit tier year, extra boring, nothing really
physics 1

>> No.12325819

>my first kiss
>kafka on the shore

>> No.12325823

tha is literally my grandpa looks

>> No.12325832

>Teaching undergrads. It's actually interesting
>Regards sur le monde actuel by Valery

>> No.12325869

>Just doing acid alone and listening to good music, which is fun as all hell but not the most fulfilling thing one could do
>Heat by bill buford

>> No.12325872

>Kind of shit year, but recently i found out the girl i like has a crush on me too, so...
>Neil Gaiman's American Gods (It's pretentious as fuck, but some parts are real cozy)

>> No.12325942

Neil gaiman? Yeah i fucked him

>> No.12325973

>meeting a girl named yani
>infinite jest

>> No.12326094

That's pretty hot desu

>> No.12326227

Doesn't anyone have anything better than sexual satisfaction? The book is perfect for the moment because you've done nothing but settle into a primal need

>> No.12326352

> 29
> asking husband to check the pregnancy test and seeing the look on his face
> The Essential Rene Guenon

>> No.12326362

>Sunrise of July 19th
>Man Without Qualities

>> No.12326367

>Making it into a paid competition
>The Gambler

>> No.12326405

>Joshua we still aren't pregnant! I'm scared, maybe the doctors are right and we just can't conceive
>don't get discouraged, we'll keep trying. I love you Samuel

>> No.12326407
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>noticing how special girl i was with was, in mid august. She broke up in November
>Internet Addiction: Kicking the Habit: 30 Day Plan To Take Back Your Life

>> No.12326447

I know that feel bruddah

>> No.12326456

>Fucking my former FWB bareback in the shower
>A Treatise on Human Nature by David Hume

>> No.12326463

>getting my first fortnite victory royals
>phenomenology of spirit

>> No.12326466

how hard is it to move across the country

>> No.12326480

Not hard at all. I’ve done it once and you should too if you’ve got nothing better to do.

Gives you an experience worth living for

>> No.12326505

We were on the beach and it was hot and she was lying on just a thin towel, and underneath it were some stones, and her body was so hard, she couldn't have been comfortable. The sun was reflecting bright white light from the glistening sweat on her abs, and she had pulled the top of her bikini down to expose her bare shoulders, and I was lying there next to her, staring, sunglasses hiding my glance, and she was staring up at the sun, eyes shut tight. It wouldn't be long now.

Finally, mercifully, she'd had enough sun. She put her sandals on and we clambered along the stones back to the path, and then down the little alley to our hotel. We got in the elevator and I pressed the number for our floor, and we made out and her lips tasted salty from the sea, and then the door opened and we got out, I fumbled for the key to our room, let her walk inside first, pushed the door shit, and now I was finally alone with her.

I locked the door and wrapped my arms around her thin hot waist and kissed her hard on the lips, pushing her towards the bed. I ripped her bikini off and sun was pouring through the window, I could see every pore of her pussy, and I slid my tongue slowly up and down the length of her opening, and she moaned, held a pillow over her face and moaned louder, and I was admiring her body in the bright light, and when I finally couldn't take it anymore, I took over my swim trunks, climbed even with her, and put myself inside her.

That was my favourite memory of 2018, gentlemen.

>> No.12326727

That might be the best work of fiction I've read on /lit/, bravo. The way you weave the words into an almost believable story, I'm amazed

>> No.12326748

Visiting the Golden Gate Bridge
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.12326759

generation x by douglas coupland
hiking on acid at night

>> No.12326888

>Finally making friends in college and stopped being a lonely delusional Marxoid
>Deleuze's Logic of Sense, Stirner's Unique and its Property, Tao Te Ching

>> No.12327155

old enough to know not to voluntarily give personally identifiying information

plato's complete works

>> No.12327199

>Finding out the girl i met online lied to me for over year and never cared for nor respected me.
>Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.12327207


>> No.12327374

>getting high off weed for the first time
>Among The Fallen

>> No.12327380

>Trip to Seattle
>Anna Karenina

>> No.12327381

>Iceland with family or first date with a girl

>> No.12327385

>Taking DXM 30 times in 90 days
>Anna Karenina

>> No.12327400

>Being dismissed from jury duty
>The Dispossessed (Le Guin)

>> No.12327500

>Being dismissed

>> No.12327551

A trip to MI to see am old friend
Against the Day

>> No.12327579

Dismissed meaning that I wasn't selected but was still marked as having served so I can't be called up for another two years.

>> No.12327729

Are you me?
My best memory is probably from the lsd trip I had over the summer.

>> No.12327876

>completing my credits for my degree and actually beginning a plan for ten years down the road.
>Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

>> No.12327885

That sounds like ecstasy, pure unadulterated bliss

>> No.12328011
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Going tubing with my then gf

>> No.12328015

>Venting about my mental illness at a party to a girl who I liked, who turned out to have the same thing

>> No.12328024

Other way around, fella.

>> No.12328032

>hope you don't live in a shit country
I do

>> No.12328047

> 20
> Got a scholarship for first choice uni
> If on a winter's night a traveller

>> No.12328048


>> No.12328066


>> No.12328069

>getting laid for the first time ever
>Calculating the Cosmos

>> No.12328096

>2018 wasn't too great but whatever
>people's history of the united states

>> No.12328229

Holy kek

>> No.12328715
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Got invited to my first full time job as designer
One hundred years of solitude

>> No.12328768

>driving with my friends through a quiet forested canyon at night
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.12328783

you'll be 46 before your second

>> No.12328803

We did it, Reddit!

>> No.12328897

you sound gay as fuck

>> No.12329150

>getting life lessons from recovering addicts in a psych ward, which led me into becoming a more stable person
>Brothers K, Confessions of a Mask and Swann's Way (fr)

>> No.12329163


>> No.12329201

Damn that sounds lovely

>> No.12329222

>In May, when I received my first paycheck ever that was above 800euros
>Oblomov by Gontscharow

>> No.12329226

now you should consider to change to reddit

>> No.12329366

Starting part 2 of Rance 10
Infinite Jest

>> No.12329526

lol the state of this board

>> No.12329543


>> No.12329551

stop the heroin
find love