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12329041 No.12329041 [Reply] [Original]

is she right?

>> No.12329043

She's a w*man

>> No.12329057

The reason you always see women dropping this line is because they read shitty genre fiction for plot. If you read literally anything else you want to have a copy of the book for reference and / or notes.

>> No.12329059

>REEEEEEEEEEEEE stop buying books


>> No.12329062


>> No.12329069

Who even buys books anymore now you can create your own digital library for free.

>> No.12329074

glorified hobo showers, just build showers instead

>> No.12329080

>wanting a copy of Lolita other readers have already masturbated into

>> No.12329081

I know the situation is terrible in the US but here in Sweden the system is great. Your local library might not have the book you’re looking for but most libraries in Stockholm share the same system so you can order it to your local library and you pick it up.

I never buy books as it’s far too expensive. 20$ a book on average, about 20 per year, thats a lotta money

>> No.12329089

thats actually really not a lot of money lol

>> No.12329090

if she’s referring to YA series and migrant memoirs and other shit of no real lasting value that’s being pumped out like crazy she’s probably right

thing is i grew up with the internet and libraries are simply too fucking slow. i have no desire to wait for a book when i can order it on bookfinder and keep it or, if i’m really desperate, get the epub directly. the libraries around me rarely have what i’m interested in anyway, and the english language sections are a joke. and if you’re stingy with editions/translations it’s an even bigger issue

>> No.12329107

If buying more books than you can read is dissipation what about clothes? You can't wear all of them at once anyway

>> No.12329120

>I participate in leisure activities which cost money
>reading books isn’t social, so I deem spending money on it fruitless
>I probably spend more money on drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes, etc
>yet spending money on books is pointless
Damn son, you’re intelligent

>> No.12329132


Me, of course, because I have a fucking job.

But who will use the libraries? Niggers, hobos, and the other human rats who plague our cities. It'll be yet another burden on my tax bill from which I get nothing. The libraries will be small, run-down, and in bad locations. Then they will be closed.

And for what? So some fucking smelly Shailja Pajeet can feel good about fighting "naked commodity fetishism" on the largest and most vacuous forum of social media dribble?

I'm not opposed to helping people who need help. I think that charity ennobles us, and am a relatively wealthy and fortunate man who has benefited enormously from a genetic lottery that leaves a lot of people in shitty situations. But if there's one thing I absolutely fucking hate, it's dumb and ineffective policies trumpeted by people who have never spent a single fucking minute studying policy implementation or what makes for effective policy who think that their half-an-hour's worth of thought on a complex topic has uncovered some new and groundbreaking ideas. You are not a genius you currynigger. I actually am a genius, and even I don't think I could design a single worthwhile policy without a team, and their expertise, study, and research.

And if there's another thing I absolutely fucking hate, it's throwing good money after bad.

You know what might be an effective policy? If the government bought the rights for books too modern to end up on Gutenberg but still important and made them available online for free. Or if the government made scientific journals accessible for all people - or even just fucking journalists, so that they could look up the research themselves instead of relying on press releases. Those MIGHT achieve something.

But fucking LIBRARIES?

I'd rather spend the money on better inter-city freight rail so that I could get this stupid fucking pajeet to the gas chamber that little bit quicker.


>> No.12329136

Why make shit up the guy didn't say?

>> No.12329141

based anon

>> No.12329142


>> No.12329144
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>> No.12329160

Yeah nah american libraries have and will continue to suck rather just spend ten bucks and get exactly what I want

>> No.12329177
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I agree with the jist of your message, but are libraries really that ineffective. Can you measure their cultural and external effects? Sure, when you look at it as bluntly as you do there is a lot of crap there going on, but I also can hypothesize many scenarios in which a library is helpful to society at large.

>> No.12329181

I have a massive digital library that I've paid nothing for and still I've dropped a couple hundred in the past year on physical copies.

I spend too much time on my laptop as is and paper and ink is comfy. Also, I can prop my books up around my apartment after I'm done and it makes the place feel cozier.

>> No.12329185

i've never heard of anyone i know ever using the library in our city

>> No.12329188

Another anon, but libraries becoming hang-outs for people who shouldn't be there drives those that should to just order online instead, or simply not read as much as they otherwise would. When libraries try to open up and accomodate people who use them as a daycare, they lose their purpose as a institution.

As much as I dislike my (popular) city library for its modern floorplan with rows of computers everywhere and low bookcases, making you feel like you're intruding on other peoples workspaces every time you visit it, making it impossible to browse in peace as every visit turns stressful; atleast it's full of people with purpose, people who benefit from having a neutral area to do their work in.

>> No.12329192

That's a mighty big projection you got there pardner

>> No.12329206

>I don’t do an unnecessary activity that costs money
>missing the point of the post
Sorry I listed the big three unecessary expenses in a typical person’s life. Perhaps you would be so kind as to share what you spend your money on?

>> No.12329212


>> No.12329214

Why do niggers write so uppity on the internet?

>> No.12329220

My local library is full of old people, high schoolers looking for a quiet place to study, and parents with their children trying to instill a habit of reading. Only encountered a mentally ill homeless guy this one time while I was reading the idiot. I think he latched onto me because it was winter and I was dressed like a hobo too. He kept saying that it was a nice place to get warm but the rest was incoherent schizo ramblings.

>> No.12329225

i suspect that this lady wrote her own wikipedia article

>> No.12329228

Not drugs, you fucking burnout junkie

>> No.12329233

>But who will use the libraries? Niggers
Should we tell him?

>> No.12329240

she literally is, but you'll keep on complaining about it just because she's a woman of color. if it was some white dude you'd be calling him "based and redpilled" right now.

>> No.12329250

based and redpilled

>> No.12329260

Sure shes right on paper but we all know it will never play out that way. YAS MY FRIENDS OF ALL COLORS *HIGH FIVES* I FUCKIN LOVE READING AND SHARING THIS KNOWLEDGEEEE

>> No.12329263

weak bait, unless you can elaborate

>> No.12329264
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I utterly despise libraries and the #SaveOurLibraries shenanigans you find infested in the internet, namely on the site Reddit.com. These are mere AstroTurfing campaigns to make people feel good about backing a cause which receives little to no opposition, as "surely", they think, "surely, who could be against libraries?".
This narrative couldn't be as morally wrong as it obsolete.

Libraries are worthless institutions, occupied by beggars, homeless, sex offenders, 'but alas', sayeth the Librarian, "think of the children!" Alright then, let's take a tally of these children, shall we? These snot-nosed little brats are taken to the library by their parents who think their bastard progeny, in their vernacular, 'is the next Einstein'. Wrong Mr. Mom and Ms. Dad, your little Johnny and yourselves included, yes, the whole lot of you, are pseuds.

Indubitably, you could give every child an e-reader loaded with enough books to last their lifetime, for a fraction of the price to maintain community library, yielding much greater dividends, as the depth and scope of the material will far exceed the "My friend has two dads" tier drivel that will infect their minds as maggots a carcass until there is nothing left. Liberté, égalité, fraternité, themes for the children, and pop-books for Mom and Dad, like Michelle Obama's recent book. Young Adult selection abounds too, lest we forget. To what end? The books, are limited to convey tepid neoliberal viewpoints that support the misappropriation of limited societal resources The only libraries of worth are substantially large university/city libraries.


>> No.12329276

I came across a superficially bright Swedish boy in the Public Libraryhe worked in the "stack" where the books were kept and invited him to the house to broaden his mentality (I was fifteen and he was about the same, though he was smaller and seemed younger.) I thought I had uncovered a mute inglorious Milton (he professed a great interest in my work), and despite maternal protest entertained him frequently in my library. I believed in equality then, and reproved him when he called my mother "Ma'am"I said that a future scientist should not talk like a servant! But ere long he uncovered qualities which did not appeal to me, and I was forced to abandon him to his plebeian fate. I think the experience educated me more than it educated himI have been more of a cynick since that time! He left the library (by request) and I never saw him more.

>> No.12329292

transactions never existed before capitalism

>> No.12329301
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Totall cost less than a weeks pay at laborer's salary.

>> No.12329316

this sounds like a subplot from a hundred year old bildungsroman, and eventually you would allude to having done something forbidden with the naif in a dusty wooden attic, sweat glistening in the noonday sunbeams, and afterward he abruptly disappears from the narrative, despatched with a strangely brusque line about him having to go stay at his aunt's estate in a faraway german province and never mentioned again after that.

>> No.12329401

A’s a librarian I can say with absolute authority you don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about, you even undermine yourself by betraying your genetic privilege and wealth, there’s no possible way you can understand the value of free sharing of information and knowledge if you’ve always had everything handed to you on a silver platter. Can’t speak for what it’s like wherever you are but where I work libraries are being systematically underfunded and downgraded which leads people to lose faith in public libraries, same with all public institutions. If governments actually listened to library staff and frontline employees on what could be done to improve them then many advances could be made. What’s even more retarded is that it takes very little of the taxpayers money to run them, you’re literally making mountains out of molehills because you’re a greedy jew

>> No.12329408

>400$ is a lotta money
>in sweden

>> No.12329410

Fuck off, incels.

>> No.12329420

>Someone on the internet disagreed with a woman therefor they must be an incel

>> No.12329427

>to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail
>It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it
and so on and so on

>> No.12329443
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>> No.12329447

>I don’t need libraries therefore no one needs libraries
This is your brain on neoliberalism.

>> No.12329451

Hello Mr Lovecraft

>> No.12329455
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People that can't afford books should not be reading them, I'm sorry.

>> No.12329457

I pity Americans

>> No.12329467

>muh 000000.5% of poor people who might MIGHT give a shit about reading

>> No.12329474

Google the definition of neoliberalism. Then see if it feels right calling other people pseuds.

>> No.12329476

>You can't wear all of them at once anyway


>> No.12329481

I spend between 50 cents and 2 dollars on used copies of books 99% of the time. When I can pick up 5-10 interesting books for less than the cost of lunch, of course I'm going to wind up with more books than I can read.
And then my money goes back into the community because the thrift shops and used bookstores I frequent donate to charitable organizations, and I can feel that warm, quiet comfort from sitting in my easy chair and gazing upon the shelves filled with my book collection.

>> No.12329484


>> No.12329486

>he thinks putting zeros before the decimal point does anything
>he feels intellectually superior to anyone
Seriously, how do you manage to post this shit without your drool short circuiting your keyboard?

>> No.12329493

Ok I made an error, now prove me wrong

>> No.12329517
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I steal more books than I care to read

>> No.12329527

Dude, it's a fucking four year old copypasta, how is this point going over your head?

>> No.12329530

You haven’t made a point. You’ve made a baseless assertion that libraries shouldn’t exist because poor people won’t read. Even if that were true, which it isn’t, you’d be neglecting all the other public services that libraries provide. You have revealed yourself as heartless, misinformed, and - worst of all - a pseud of the highest order

>> No.12329544

Libraries are so much more than merely their stock of books. The number of people who depend upon the library for their free internet access is staggering, you have no idea how much the lack of a computer impairs your ability to find employment. Also there are so many elderly people who simply want to understand how to use the technology but are incapable of doing it on their own, which is why many public libraries hold free computer training courses. I get that reading is a dwindling pastime in the modern age, but that doesn't mean the right to information and knowledge should be a privilege of the wealthy.

>> No.12329548

Just fucking pirate you corporate cocksuckers.

>> No.12329557

Unfortunately my library does not have anything by the Greeks and they couldn't order in shit either because nobody in the country cares.
I've met her halfway though. I only buy withdrawn library books.

>> No.12329559

I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you suggesting I'm misunderstanding the other poster because I depend upon the library service in order to keep myself afloat, or that he misunderstands the value of the library because he is concerned only with ensuring parts of his salary isn't wasted (in his mind, at least) on pointless public services?

If it's both then I'd certainly agree with you, but that doesn't mean my job is entirely self-serving, I took the role more than anything because I value what the library should stand for in civilised society.

>> No.12329564

Those notes on Hobbes sure come in handy, huh? Are those Hegel notes helping you? What contribution have you made based on your insightful Gravity's Rainbow marginalia?

Shut the fuck up, nerd.

>> No.12329568

Exactly its becoming a glorified daycare, which is fine people just dont want to admit it

>> No.12329579

This is a fairly admirable practise, but it still doesn't devalue the other services which the library provides. Also your post has an air of commodity fetishism about it, you buy second-hand books and feel moral gratification because your money goes towards charitable causes, but its a narcissistic pleasure that simply encourages you to consume more. You're paying in order to absolve yourself of the responsibility to act ethically, especially when so many of the "charitable" organisations you support have a seedy, corrupt underbelly.

>> No.12329587

That's a very derogatory way of putting it, but why is it such a bad thing? Why should self-improvement be reserved only for those who can afford it?

>> No.12329592

So basically half of your job is literally pointless and the govt would be much better off just setting up small computer labs and teaching some associate’s degree community college kids how to use word properly so old people can figure out how to send an email. Because quite frankly every library I visit Im usually the only one even looking at the books and not using wifi or a public computer.

>> No.12329616

Simply because the way libraries are used is changing doesn't mean people don't still use them in the traditional way. The majority of my job is processing book reservations and sending them to other libraries for collection. I also host a lot of community programmes, especially for school children or toddlers, like reading groups or baby rhyme time sessions. There's a lot of community-based activities which parents are incredibly grateful for, mainly because its something they can do with their children that don't cost any money. Besides, why would you set up a completely new service when the library is perfectly capable of handling it already? It'd be a waste of taxpayer money, more than anything else.

>> No.12329617

Because it's a giant waste of tax payer dollars. There are always tradeoffs in these scenarios. It would be better to spend this money on decent infrastructure so that the "oppressed" peoples can travel farther to higher paying jobs. Public libraries are just places for homeless people to shit, niglets to use the internet, and white liberals to smell their own farts.

>> No.12329641

this new wave of hatred for anything government controlled is not very epic at all
capitalism must keep up the illusion that it's a meritocracy and access to free knowledge is a big part of it

>> No.12329652

But people literally blame everything but them self always, nobody think is a meritocracy even though it is, that's why new year exist.

>> No.12329653

Euros are just better at it tbqh, public services suck shit in burgerland

>> No.12329658

A true meritocracy would abolish inheritance, take children away from their parents at age 0, and raise them all under the exact same conditions

>> No.12329666

There isn't absolute nothing, if one can seize something then they will.

>> No.12329670

None of this really shows the need for the number of libraries we have. My county has at least a dozen and quite frankly sending all the books out of 9 of them and just converting that space into an actual usuable community center space would be enormously useful. Most library goers arent there for the books and the ones who are wont mind going a little further for a much better stocked library. Another solution in my mind is to convert them all into community centers and force the universities in the area to allow public access. If my tax dollars subsidise public unis, then why the fuck can’t I use the library there? The libraries at unis are typically massive and much better stocked than any county library. Outlawing town libraries and forcing them all into a county/state system would be even better. The only decent public library in the area is exclusively fpr citizens of that town. Quite frankly man there are a lot of ways to improve the system and make it better for what people actually use it for rather than what it was used for.

>> No.12329674

This is a common argument but its totally misguided. Libraries in America are funded by a tax of $0.0675 per $1000 assessed property evaluation, which is nowhere near enough to keep them afloat (many cities do go above this, but as a minimum it is still grossly inadequate and barely a blip on the taxpayer). I work in the UK which is certainly much better off, but its still a fact that the amount of funding for libraries dropped a staggering £25 mil in 2016 alone, and even with all the cuts to other public services the recession has barely improved anything.

>> No.12329682

If you have ever been to an inner city public school, you would understand why public libraries are a waste of space.
They're both full of niggers who don't read and drag down other kids to prevent them from learning. The worst offenders radicalize the rest because they're all physically concentrated in institutions they don't have to maintain, understand or even appreciate.
If you want to virtue signal, go back to plebbit.

>> No.12329683

>I actually am a genius, and even I don't think I could design a single worthwhile policy without a team, and their expertise, study, and research.
Then you are no genius at all desu senpai

>> No.12329690
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Just be a fucking retard like me and pirate your books.

t. scum gang

>> No.12329693

I disagree. If anything those amounts are too much. I don't mind being stupid and obstinate like the bible thumpers who want to defund planned parenthood because muh abortions. They actually elect representatives who implement their shit-tier policies. Death to libraries.

>> No.12329697

Yeah, if you didn't buy deadtreeware what would you post in the stack threads? I though so sonnie.

>> No.12329698

I actually agree with a lot of your points, primarily because the angle of your argument isn't opposed to public libraries in their entirety, just the poor allocation of resources and the use of space. You're especially right to suggest uni libraries should be accessible to the public outside of a paid membership, this is something that really irked me after I graduated and was expected to pay through the nose in order to get continued access to it.

However, the public library service (at least in my local constituency) was bought out by a private enterprise, so many of these issues are to do with the bureaucracy of the company rather than the library sites themselves. I only started working for the service after it had changed hands, but both my parents worked for the library service when it was in public ownership and hearing them lament about just how much has changed in the past 20 years is incredibly indicative of how and why they're being run into the ground.

>> No.12329704
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>posting in stack threads
>flexing a bunch of books you just bought to show off to internet literature autists

>> No.12329709


>> No.12329714

Surely having a more educated populace (or at least give them the tools to educate themselves) would be better to tun things? Even having a common area helps to build community spirit

>> No.12329736

You're dead wrong. Go talk to these "people" you want to empower.
>>12329682 is right that these areas become de facto hotbeds for young hoodlums to recruit.
I'm sure libraries in Scandinavia do everything you want them to do but that simply does not work with delinquent youth culture of the States.

>> No.12329741

>community spirit
That would be deeply unamerican. It won't earn you no money and just think about all those lost sales on anti-depressants!

>> No.12329749

How you going to call someone on /lit/ a nerd, where do you think we are?

>> No.12329752

Kek dont euros also eat that shit like candy? Face it the community spirit is pretty much dead everywhere.

>> No.12329757

Libraries are a good idea in principle, not so much in practice.

They would be good if they just banned from entry noisy children, bums who use the computers to look at porn, braindead teen kids playing videogames on the computers, and other examples of human trash.

>> No.12329758

Better educated for what purpose?
A community spirit for whom?
These are not downtrodden folks who want to improve their lives but can't afford to. These are parasitic children of sub 80 IQ cretins who don't understand birth control but do understand the government will provide for however any more mouths to feed they pop out at an alarming rate.

Public libraries do not support your intended outcomes.

>> No.12329764

>They would be good if they just banned from entry noisy children, bums who use the computers to look at porn, braindead teen kids playing videogames on the computers, and other examples of human trash.
That would cull such a large percentage of public library patrons that the resulting silence would be astounding.

>> No.12329767

The first anon is trying to save a few pennies from his probbaly shit job.
The other wants to fund a information sharing system which benefits society as a whole.
Stop bringing your retarded protestant slogans into the real world because protestantism was never about the real world.

>> No.12329769

They literally do you low IQ redditor

>> No.12329771

At this point, nothing a white knight does should surprise anyone.

>> No.12329775

This but unironically

>> No.12329780

Sounds just perfect.

>> No.12329782
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this curry bitch think i am willing to share my books with *smirk* poor people HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

>> No.12329789
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> Libraries aren't for everyone REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.12329792

I use my library all the time. It's way better than buying books.

>> No.12329802
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Nah. Maybe the Americanized countries, here in Easter Yurop we have alcohol.

>> No.12329803

ex-inner city comprehensive student and librarian here, this is absolute twaddle. The worst offenders in libraries are drunks, crazies and the homeless, usually exacerbated only because they're looking for warmth and shelter, particularly in winter, and even then they just use the library as a public bathroom or a space to nap. Maybe in America where the underclass is all sorts of fucked up you might have a problem, but I live and work in SW London and rarely is it young (black) kids who are causing the trouble.

>> No.12329816

>You know what might be an effective policy? If the government bought the rights for books too modern to end up on Gutenberg but still important and made them available online for free. Or if the government made scientific journals accessible for all people - or even just fucking journalists, so that they could look up the research themselves instead of relying on press releases. Those MIGHT achieve something.

i hate when a good point is buried in a shitpasta full of "fuck niggers lmao"

>> No.12329817

>These are parasitic children of sub 80 IQ cretins who don't understand birth control
All the more reason why libraries are necessary to educate them. My local library gives out free condoms and has a sexual health seminar every couple of weeks. Surely you want these "cretins" to stop reproducing– isn't educating them on the benefits of contraception a valuable outcome?

>> No.12329828
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It never ceases to amaze me how an American can state that a thing couldn't work in reality with such absolute certainty that I can hear the sound of his hand patting his back an ocean away. And yet, across that ocean, not just me, but anons in neighbouring countries also, are surrounded by a reality where a thing works without any of those horrendous consequences Americans panic about.

>> No.12329835


>I don't want to pay taxes for libraries
>the government should decide what is "important" knowledge and control access to it

Cognitive dissonance at its fucking finest

>> No.12329848

>Maybe in America where the underclass is all sorts of fucked up you might have a problem
No shit, Sherlock.
And it isn't black people that's the problem. It's niggers of every color that bring down everyone else.

My library host similar events as well. That resulted in the first time I had ever seen someone assaulted with a used condom.
You can't teach these people to become decent or civilized. Anything you give to them is corrupted and thrown back in your face. It's futile in that these welfare policies only make things worse because of subsidized awful lifestyle decisions.

>> No.12329850

>what if North Korea was a utopia and WE were the oppressive dystopia

Also what the hell Australia? You guys got sunshine and fosters, don't let the chinkazoids get you so down. I like you guys. :(

>> No.12329855

I somehow doubt "Korea" meant the North one. It would be kinda hard to get reliable statistics on that one, you know.

>> No.12329891


>> No.12329894

In a country where the overwhelming majority of the poorest people have smart phones capable of downloading and storing hundreds of freely accessible books from internet, libraries have become obsolete.

>> No.12329904

>In a country where the overwhelming majority of the poorest people have smart phones
what country is this, and where did you pull this statistic from? It couldn't be directly out of your ass, could it?

>> No.12329910

You can't take shit in a smartphone.

>> No.12329936

Who the fuck cares, just make college "free" does the same shit and probably more direct benefit

>> No.12329937

75% of blacks and 77% of hispanics in the United States own smartphones and that statistic will only increase as the years go by. The U.S. government also subsidizes companies to give low income people cell phones, including smart phones. Furthermore, older smartphone and tablet models are becoming relatively inexpensive to buy and internet access is readily available at wi-fi hotspots.

>> No.12329938

The taxpayers should just fund a massive library with copies of every known book they can get their hands on, just for my personal use.

>> No.12329943

Cringe off topic low quality poster

>> No.12329951

>"the majority of the poorest"
>cites a study that examines race, rather than class
try again, that doesn't back up the argument you were originally making.

>> No.12329956

Where the fuck are you guys pirating books from? Or do you just mean shitty books that every faggot poser reads? I've never been able to find actual useful textbooks on subjects I'm interested in. But I can find Twilight and other shit that has been made into an official ebook

>> No.12329965

Google has free books and you can also get free books from the Internet Archive. There is literally no excuse for anyone to not read at least one book every few months.

>> No.12329966

You're being a fag by ignoring the rest of his post. His premise is not at all controversial.

>> No.12329970

>Stockholmer that literally has Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.12329976

I will translate for you, OP
"Keep paying those fuckin taxes, goyim" -t some hideous mud whore with a (((blue checkmark)))

>> No.12329980

Are they actual good books though? I try to pirate marketing & semiotics books I want every so often and usually end up having to go to my old uni to use their copies. Any academic text that isn't extremely well read like Marx just isn't scanned or as an epub

>> No.12329983

What are you even doing here?

>> No.12329989

If only there was a sticky, and for academic textbooks if only there was a massive russian site.

>> No.12329999

Check the stickied thread then.

>> No.12330006
File: 276 KB, 403x325, 1542619600990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libraries are shit. A controversial opinion but undeniably true. I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes.

How did Amazon become one of the largest companies in the world selling books when supposedly you can get books for free at the library?

The answer is simple: libraries have an awful selection of books. They stock thousands of terrible books by literally who tier authors and somehow don't bother with the classics. Walk into your average library and I'd be surprised if you can find even half of /lit/'s top 100 in stock, or a decent variety of philosophy, or must-read STEM texts, or anything else that actually matters.

So what the fuck is on all those shelves? Genre fiction. Shitty horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fills these buildings. And cookbooks. For some reason we need every country's dumb cuisine represented. Your average leftist argues that libraries are good because education of the public is important. Tell me exactly in which way reading this crap is preparing the next generation or educating anyone?

Second point: libraries are for bums -- homeless people go there to charge their phones and use the bathroom. With the price of books now so low, especially in second hand stores, only the homeless are poor enough to need libraries. Start an drug addiction help programme if you want to help them, don't give them a place to nod off when it's too hot outside.

Lastly, there used to be a good reason for libraries to exist. The law should be accessible to everyone, so a good place to store legal records and legislature was the library. But today with information being so easily accessible via the internet, why are we still printing and taking up with space with books? For octogenarians?

I hate libraries so Goddamn much.

>> No.12330007

I've been to libraries with books that haven't been checked out since 1998. I don't steal because I'm not a leech but if I did the librarian probably wouldn't notice or care

>> No.12330010

Is that the only resources you have? I frequently come up short on the sticky suggestions

>> No.12330011

unironically based and also I'm >>12330006

>> No.12330014

That's not the only thing that comes short on you, eh, learn how to search you fag.

>> No.12330021

I wasn't ignoring it, just addressing the inconsistency of his posts. His premise isn't controversial, but regardless, the idea that internet access = equality of opportunity is not as simple as he makes it out to be. see for reference:


>> No.12330028

>How did Amazon become one of the largest companies in the world selling books when supposedly you can get books for free at the library?
>The answer is simple: libraries have an awful selection of books. They stock thousands of terrible books by literally who tier authors and somehow don't bother with the classics.
Do you honestly think Amazon makes it's money from classics and not genre fiction?

>> No.12330042
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our library loan system is the exact same moron
USA isn't the worst place in the world go suck off ur government

>> No.12330065

Just seems like another leftist getting mad that people like to owm their own shit

>> No.12330067

>recognizes that capitalism is destructive for social and environmental reasons
>ignores these reasons
>let’s cut down mass amounts of forests so I can fetishize commodities how I like

The fact that this was posted in a digital forum boggles the mind.

>> No.12330070
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These days I simply instantly dismiss anything said by someone who is not a straight while male. Gotta keep to your own.

>> No.12330071 [DELETED] 

There is literally nothing wromg with what she said I don't know why burgers are always on the defense whenever capotalism is mentioned.

>> No.12330078

dumb curry poster

>> No.12330079

You can feed all of Africa with only 1$. Think of this

>> No.12330083

There is literally nothing wrong with what she said I don't know why burgers are always on the defense whenever capitalism is mentioned.

>> No.12330085

The fact remains that having a wi-fi capable device provides far greater access to reading material than does a library. Someone with a phone capable of using wi-fi can download from a vast selection of books of their choosing from IA and Google Books without having to wait for someone else to return the book or have to worry about returning the book themselves. Almost all of the classics are freely available. You don't need high speed internet to download pdf or epub files and such files are more easily disseminated. The only people who aren't capable of getting a cheap wi-fi capable device to download books are homeless people who have far bigger problems in their lives than whether or not they can check out books at a library.

>> No.12330101

Here's a good list of resources my lad:
mirc channel #bookz

now, here's what none of those shitposters who refused to help you told ya: those places are ALSO very incomplete and you'll very often come off short if you're looking for anything more esoteric or specific. Granted, aaaarg seems to be full of very specific shit, but none of MY specific shit.

>> No.12330107
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>you have to enumerate every single contention you have with a social/cultural/political/etc. phenomenon, every single time, and especially on a platform that limits you to less than 300 characters, otherwise you just don't fucking get the REAL ISSUES dude

>> No.12330113

One of said bigger problems in people's lifes, and they don't even know it for the better part, is how completely railroaded their online experience is. If say, a movie some guy wants to watch is only available on a streaming service he's not signed to, chances are he'll either sign up, try to get an account from a friend or simply give up because the sad truth is most people can't torrent a fucking marvel movie, let alone FIND free ebooks, something people on this very board seem to have a difficulty doing a lot of the times despite there being a sticky teaching you how to do it.

>> No.12330114

>reading from a mobile phone

There's a good reason why physical books are still a thing.

>> No.12330126

What happens if there is no internet anymore, smartass?

>> No.12330137

what happens if there's no earth any more, retard?

the fact that you thought that was an argument worth typing tells me your IQ is below 70.

>> No.12330142

scandinavia’s going to shit as well. a month back i was at one of my country’s biggest libraries to kill a little time and, aside from being pretty much the only one reading a book, witnessed people drinking, people sleeping, people taking pictures of the people sleeping, security guards being called in to remove all these people who were by then fighting, afghan/moroccan youth recruiting fresh drug runners for their enterprise, and a whole bunch of people generally treating the library like a free cafe in the old country. it was as if i’d walked into a /pol/ greentext

>> No.12330162

What happens when there's no power grid anymore? Now I'm scared!

>> No.12330175

I'd finally be free

>> No.12330184

Most people who don't read don't do so because they simply don't want to read. If you can't find a book on IA or Google Books, let alone a pirate site, then you're probably not going to find it at the library either. Anyway, I know many people who are broke but manage to successfully find bootleg movies on the internet, and this stuff will become more ubiquitous as time goes on. The era of libraries is coming to an end.

>> No.12330192

what, is the existence of the internet intrinsically tied to the existence of earth? can you really not imagine a world without the internet? is such a scenario akin to a literal doomsday extinction event? the fact that you thought THIS was an argument worth typing tells me you're a fucking american, and i hope you eat a nuke you fucking mutt NIGGER

>> No.12330195

>tfw you realize libraries are a code word for commie communal rent-free living space

only the homeless and lefties use libraries fuck them buy more books

>> No.12330208

>I know the situation is terrible in the US but here in Sweden the system is great. Your local library might not have the book you’re looking for but most libraries in Stockholm share the same system so you can order it to your local library and you pick it up.
The US uses the exact same system. Lol, Euros are so desperate to find someone to look down on while Ahmed fucks their wives.

>> No.12330209


>> No.12330216

you won't need books

you can still rent books. it takes more time tho

but will you get laid?

>> No.12330224

dumb fuck i'm actually going to bother replying to your dumb ass because i actually pity you.

do you understand the concept of a "master copy"? if the entire internet infrastructure were to get destroyed, then master copies of wikipedia, of the law, of works of art including literature, would still be available in various formats/

the possibility of the destruction of the internet (?) does not warrant or justify the existence of libraries all around the world being paid for by tax payer money to home the homeless and babysit the kids of single mothers.

stupid fucking teenage liberal cunt. also i'm european.

>> No.12330234

What If I burn all the books my lad?
Because fags like to post their tacky tasteless stacks and shelves? there is a reason why books exist, because there wasn't internet.
Denmark? I really hope so.

>> No.12330240

>but will you get laid?


>> No.12330247

>Because fags like to post their tacky tasteless stacks and shelves?

That's the reason OP's pic speaks about. The actual reason is that physical book offer much greater comfort, allow for hours of concentrated reading and won't fuck up your eyes.

>> No.12330260


>> No.12330261

The public library here is worse than the univ one, especially regarding right wing literature

>> No.12330286

be honest
when was the last time you were actually at a library?

>> No.12330338

Fuck off, incels.

>> No.12330446
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First of all.
>Taking advice from a poo-in-loo.

She also forgets that if we all stop buying books then authors lose a huge revenue source.

I've lived near the main library in two cities (San Francisco and Santa Monica) and in both cases they were basically functioning as homeless shelters. (While I lived near the main library in SF, one person overdosed and died in the bathroom, another person was stabbed there, and another person jumped off one of the upper stories in the main lobby's atrium and went splat on the hard floor below.) I've mostly shifted to using my university's library, though sometimes the public library is more convenient. (The university library is nice though since the loan period is so much longer—3 months compared to 3 weeks. Also interlibrary loans through the university sometimes have loan periods of 11 months to a year.)

For a number of years I was buying a lot of books, but during a period that I was trying to save money I started getting most of my books from the library. Part of me is sad that my collection isn't growing like it used to, but when you start trying to relocate then packing and moving books is a huge pain in the ass. Now I typically only buy books if they're rare or they're a book I know I will want to own. If you're doing research work there isn't much of a point in owning a bunch of books that you'll just use for a project and then never look at again.

>I know the situation is terrible in the US
Which part?

>but here in Sweden the system is great. Your local library might not have the book you’re looking for but most libraries in Stockholm share the same system so you can order it to your local library and you pick it up.

Most of the libraries I'm familiar with in the U.S. (both public libraries and universities libraries) are part of a collaborative system where they'll order a book for you from part of a nationwide network of libraries if the location you're at doesn't have it. The only time I've had this not work is if I'm looking for something incredibly niche such as a print-on-demand or self-published sort of book.

>> No.12330449

For urban plebs. I need to make my own research Library unfortunately.

>> No.12330465

You're mostly right. In my experience, living in a large urban city on the east coast, urban libraries are full of degenerates. While suburban libraries are exactly as you described.

>> No.12330484

>She also forgets that if we all stop buying books then authors lose a huge revenue source.
It's not like most of those authors are alive or that "losing a huge revenue source" poses a threat to the society.

>> No.12330501

>She also forgets that if we all stop buying books then authors lose a huge revenue source.
ah yes, all those dead authors and authors who, at best, get 10% of the profits from books that are unlikely to sell more than 100k copies sure are going to be hit hard by this

>> No.12330502

It's your fault for living in such a fucking dump. We don't have junkies in my library because this is a nice town.

>> No.12330515

Sounds like you're overdue for a diverse migrant population. Prepare to be culturally enriched ;)

>> No.12330540

t. lives at home and scrounges off his daddy

>> No.12330549

You don't need a physical copy to take notes. In fact it's much easier to do so with a digital copy.

>> No.12330614

>If the government bought the rights for books too modern to end up on Gutenberg but still important and made them available online for free
ouch, that's a thin plank you're standing in

>> No.12330618


>> No.12330641
File: 10 KB, 206x255, 1533133972876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it isn't black people that's the problem. It's niggers of every color that bring down everyone else
why do you need to come out as the "i'm not racist but" faggot type on this site? fucking why?
>b-but anon, not all blacks are stupid
goodness lad you're right, let's forget the 90% of them that are, god if you're going to unironically use the word nigger, don't pussy out mid way

>> No.12330669
File: 54 KB, 582x607, 1505514161823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to steal books all the time
>have a court case upcoming for another crime so I can't steal shit anymore because of the risk of getting caught
>broke my heart today spending nearly 30 euro on 3 fiction books

>> No.12330685

If you had written "people" instead of "women" your line would have been perfect, Are you sexually frustrated, anon?

>> No.12330725

>implying women count as people

>> No.12330758

He's not a volcel

>> No.12330766

>People who need or like public spaces use them
What a fucking surprise!

>> No.12330775

> 20$ a book on average, about 20 per year, thats a lotta money

$400 a year is a lot of money, for something as important and valuable as books? People spend that much on toiletries. What forum are you on?

>> No.12331183

Euros pathetically cling to anything to make themselves feel superior, but then they just embarrass themselves.

>> No.12331215

That's not even what commodity fetishism means. Maybe she should have bought some books

>> No.12331218

how much is the government paying publishers for the right to loan their books to masses anyway? do publishers let them do it for free?

>> No.12331237

>The first anon is trying to save a few pennies from his probbaly shit job.
Then waste would be even more impactful.
>The other wants to fund a information sharing system which benefits society as a whole.
Implying the internet hasn't made people more ignorant on average.
>Stop bringing your retarded protestant slogans into the real world because protestantism was never about the real world.
Nice slogan, dummy.

>> No.12331297

>They would be good if they just banned from entry noisy children, bums who use the computers to look at porn, braindead teen kids playing videogames on the computers, and other examples of human trash.

so you want privatized libraries. we already have that. let me know if you can make it past the counter clerks of elite university libraries

>> No.12331303


>> No.12331316

have you ever stepped foot in a public library? people who own smart phones and have the know how to download are the last people who use or need a library, you nincompoop. educate yourself

>> No.12331325

>same book
>produced in the same way by the same people under the same economic conditions
>But now it's not yours and filthy children and homeless people can touch them
wow great

>> No.12331359


Not that guy but to be fair, librarians are usually pasty, physically weak types, so yes, I think I could take most of them and then access their collections.

>> No.12331402

>let me know if you can make it past the counter clerks of elite university libraries

You know, a lot of times if you graduate from a prestigious school you are still allowed to access their library collection provided you just sign up for the alumni association or whatever.

>> No.12331433

>where I work libraries are being systematically underfunded and downgraded

They should just stop putting computers into libraries. They're probably the most expensive thing in there and only hobos use them.

>> No.12331482

how do you expect hobos to find employment if they don't have free access to technology and the internet? you're not suggesting they should just die without a helping hand from the government, are you?

>> No.12331533

>muh noble job searching hobos

M8 theyre trying to look at porn or some shit 99% of the time

>> No.12331709

>whiteknighting for bums
lol fuck all of them. Theyre homeless cause they dont wanna work. I say line them up and kill them

>> No.12331762

>uppity minority NPC #3648368462F telling me what to do and how to feel
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12331872
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Chicago anon here. Currently in my last year of university, use the public libraries regularly to borrow textbooks, philosophy, and fiction.

Harold Washington (the biggest in the city) is astonishingly clean and well-kept, and has all sorts of useful material. Academic journals, expensive reference books, even paper copies of most stuff that's public record. The building itself is a bit gaudy, but the institution is well worth the tax money.

Many of the other libraries are much smaller, but still have good selections and after-school programs for kids with no place to go. I've volunteered at the maker space (fancy way of saying "workshop") and taught middle-schoolers how to use saws, sandpaper, and 3D printers. Also a great investment on the city's part. If more parents were aware how good the libraries were, I think a lot more kids would go.

>> No.12331897

Who would ever want to rent a book when Amazon exists and sells everything Steinbeck has ever written for pennies

>> No.12332415

Blacks are such a small portion of the population that it isn't fair to attribute all of these problems to them. There are way more white niggers and Latino niggers. Just giving the devil his due here

>> No.12332441

You're fucking retarded. Proper annotation helps you internalize what you read and writing down questions you have about texts allows you to look those questions up later.

>> No.12332456
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I learned a new word, and I'm going to use it!

>> No.12332494
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>I actually am a genius,

>> No.12332511
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Daily reminder that in America it is illegal to feed the homeless and yet any non-corporate space is considered a communist war on LIBURTUH.

>> No.12332516

why doesn't he just eat the dog

>> No.12332528

Some of the best books hardly even get checked out in university libraries.

>> No.12332541

(((Library))) as in (((you will read exactly what I put Infront of you))) should be burnt to the ground. A second-hand book shop with reasonable prices and will buy your books back from you is the go

>> No.12332550

Can you get one of these for Australia? I'll plaster the streets with it. There will be a civil war

>> No.12332585

What library does this?!

>> No.12332590

>fuck funding authors, just create a stagnant well of information that is never built upon because capitalism

>> No.12332615

Libraries are great for when you're travelling and need some wifi to do work.

People really need to get some perspective. The public budget for libraries is insignificant compared to the epic overspending and waste in the healthcare sector, military industrial complex, and educational system.

>> No.12332616

The librarian orders the books, they have an obligation to go with the rules of whatever is pushed by the UN agenda. Most of it is manipulated by the kikes.

>> No.12332621

Yeah, lack of funding is why you haven't written your groundbreaking novel.

>> No.12332622

They only offer a certain leftwing perspective

>> No.12332639

You fucking retard. No one is going to write anything new if people just stop buying books.

>> No.12332650

My library has fucking rush Limbaugh in it.

>> No.12332656

t. shill

>> No.12332659

When I lived in Woodlawn I loved to steal books from the University of Chicago library

>> No.12332669

Literally 95% of books I read are out of print and not available in any public or university libraries within a 100 mile radius. Bitch is just projecting her own shallow reading habits onto everyone else. Not everybody reads disposable fiction trash for entertainment and have never done any deep research into anything.
Also, is terms and ideas like 'commodity fetishism' the most basic bitch (((intellectual))) stance that exists? Nothing is more psued than these fags saying this shit as if it's not a hot take every 14 year old goes through

>> No.12332698

But does it mein kampf? Though not

>> No.12332714

I've gotten it out before, you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.12332724

Imagine sniffing your own farts this hard

>> No.12332725

not him, but my major Canadian city library has 10 copies of Mein Kampf, and 1 of them is on reserve.
Also a French copy.

I couldn't find any other controversial books I could think of though

>> No.12332738
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>> No.12332835

I've been to Fiji and Papua New Guinea and was surprised to see that almost everyone had smart phones. I went to a village in Fiji where they only had power from 6pm til 9pm and still most people were messaging each other on facebook messenger.

>> No.12332840

Every library I've ever been to has had that book. Most people who read it aren't nazi larpers

>> No.12332855

But does it have My life and work by Henry Ford though?

>> No.12332977

Evola Is nonexistent though. Was trying to get informed on the meme and found nothing in every library and bookstore in my area. Even online getting a copy wasn't that easy

>> No.12333295

the first part is right, the second part is retarded.

>> No.12333397

>how do you expect hobos to find employment if they don't have free access to technology and the internet?

That's not what they're using the computers at the library for. I was in there the other day and one of them was just watching Thursday night football while sitting on the floor.

>you're not suggesting they should just die without a helping hand from the government, are you?

That'd be a start.

>> No.12333426

That is left wing though.

>> No.12334098

Bitch, even in the poorest places on Earth where clean drinking water is scarce people have HD TVs and smartphones. It's easier today to aquire mass produced but prestigious electronics and brand clothes than own a patch of land or get proper education.
That's the world you live in.

>> No.12335359

libraries pound

>> No.12335905


>> No.12335963

>”is commodity fetishism the most basic bitch intellectual stance?”
>doesn’t justify this claim and accuses others of being pseuds

>> No.12335980

When something belongs to everyone it looses all value

>> No.12335986

Thanks makes it better tho

>> No.12336009

>implying the true value is in a piece of paper and not the text it contains
stop being sentimental
books are made to be read, not to sit around on a shelf for years

>> No.12336017

thats not what comodity fetishism means. what a stupid hole

>> No.12336030

People buying more books than they probably should is probably super insignificant and if they actually are reading them eventually not even that bad. Theres probably way way way more printer paper wasted and consumed by offices by comparison.

>> No.12336036
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How does a fucking twitter thread have 250 replies

>> No.12336044

You create your own value from any given object

>> No.12336074

>starts "I know the situation is terrible in the US but here in Sweden"
>describes a situation identical to the one in the U.S.

>> No.12336116

Libraries do have e-books not on Gutenberg and journals subscriptions available online that you get to access for free with a library card. All without having to step foot in a physical library. Even that alone is worth the fucking paltry amount of taxes you're paying.

>> No.12336130

Why can't we have libraries and our own personal books? Libraries are great but they don't have everything I want to read...

>> No.12336181

She isn't implying never buy your own books, she's saying don't pointlessly buy more shit than you can read. What the fuck happened to /lit/? A few years ago there were 3 threads a day making fun of instagram morons posting their shitty bookshelves full of overdesigned poorly made specialty covers for their awful YA novels and covered in fairy lights. Did 2016 really fuck us all that much? I want to go back.

>> No.12336307

I hate when some faggot still gets bothered by "fuck niggers lmao" when he's on fucking 4chan

>> No.12336386


>> No.12336396

she aight

>> No.12336449

Absolutely completely utterly and infallibly based

>> No.12337491

I grew up in a household that didn't read. I make minimum wage and live in the trap. I like to ensconce myself in books to feel like a person of substance. It's naked commodity fetishism, but who gives a fuck. We're all guilty of that.

I wonder if Patel has ever tried to START a library! I have.

>> No.12337530
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99% of my books are bought with bookstore gift cards from my family who know my only hobby is reading, and I still can't read books faster than I acquire them. My unread pile grows evermore and haunts me at night.

>> No.12337541

>Are those Hegel notes helping you?
It got me my teaching position, faggot

>> No.12338226

Stop spending so much money on candles

>> No.12338239

modern libraries are nothing but immigrant social resource centers.

>> No.12338819


my parents live in a rural USA town of 7,000 people and they can get any book shipped to their library within 48hrs you retard

>> No.12338842

libraries smell weird

>> No.12338850

Maybe their libraries aren't daycares for the mentally ill though

>> No.12339861

Under fucking rated.

>> No.12339881

>libraries have an awful selection

This. Forget the classics, they don't even have a good selection of genre fiction. Good fucking luck finding any Gene Wolfe.

Libraries nowadays are just blockbusters for boomers who still watch dvds

>> No.12339922

I support librarians because they support our freedom of speech and fuck censors in the ass.

>> No.12339928

I annotate

>> No.12339958


>doesn't have a gene Wolfe novel stolen from library circulation

Just gotta wait brah

>> No.12340173

Public access to university libraries isn't too bad of an idea, but it is possible that the rabble will ruin the area as a study space for the actual students

>> No.12340186

You are like the most reasonable person on /lit/

I am very happy you exist

>> No.12340192

Im sorry anon, but your local is complete shit tier compared to America. You're just projecting your Euro inferiority towards American.

>> No.12340572

Solution: Defund minorities and other socially defective types until they can do nothing but work.

>> No.12340902

Are you saying that as soon as anyone gets past English 101 the completely forget the basics? tbqh I still remember things from high school and college, I don't think I'm an outlier

>> No.12340942

>published author

>> No.12340981

I live in Norway and i can ordner almost any book online from bookdepository with free shipping for less than the cost of a single beer/drink at a bar/club here in Oslo. Staying books are too expensive is bullshit

>> No.12341010

Is this comparing how much the US Gov gives to the Homeless vs. How much the Gov gives to Israel overall, and then broken that down to per capita? Because the US Gov does not give welfare to the individual Israeli, and the Gov also provides many amenities that the Homeless can use, far in excess of $133 per month

>> No.12341606

Us libraries work like that too. Sometimes they'll even just buy the book to have in the library if it's requested enough.
America isn't a third world shithole like most Europeans and "Easterners" are indoctrinated to believe.

>> No.12341613

Most of the books I've read were either pirated or stolen, why would I spend money on them? She is completely correct.

>> No.12341614

My aunt who lives in near-third world tier Greece, has read more than 50 books from contemporary fiction and classics from her local library in Athens, in the past 2 years.

Sounds like a Burger exclusive problem where the idea of a commons goes entirely over their heads.

>> No.12341659

Double dropped

>> No.12341661

Are you that poor? Wtf that”s not much money. They really tax you to death over there don’t they?

>> No.12341662

The capitaka of most Yurop countries have great selections, the problem is the rest. I come from a small-ish town of 100k people in Sweden and our library was shit. The one in Stockholm is great, but ours had essentially no non-swedish authored classics, I.e. basically just Moberg and Strindberg. You could essentially not order books since it would take them months. Its not even being stingy about editions, they didn't have a single copy in any translation of the Histories. The few classics they had were translated by literal who swedish translators.

>> No.12341677

>free sharing of information and knowledge
You mean like the fucking internet, which everyone basically has access to?

I'm so sick of seeing people complain about education and bad facilties. Its almost always americans/leafs, in other countries people don't let that stop them from improving their fucking lives and getting an education.

Type libgen.io into your fucking browser and download what you need. Don't wait for politicians to help you and don't try and sell this idea to people that they are just fucked because of where they live.

If you have internet there is no excuse. If you have the privilege of getting fucking welfare, use it on a cheap computer instead of the new iphone15.

>> No.12341685


Yes. She is. Booktubers and books about the perfect bookshelf are symptoms of the same fetishism, as are bookshelf threads here on /lit/, and the reason why /lit/ is ree'ing at it is because it hits too close to home. Book fetishism is the convenient way to signal erudition. It is superficial in its core. This >>12329057 is the case for an absolute maximum of 5% of /lit/ users. If this was actually a place where people who sought erudition hung out, there'd be actual discussions instead of non-stop shitposting and faggy memes. But there isn't, so /lit/ isn't comprised of these people to any noteworthy degree.

>> No.12342013

Finn in Sweden here, I think our libraries are generally quite bad. Full of immigrants and hard to find a lot of books, simply because they never got translated to Swedish.

>> No.12342025

keep seeingpeople buy films

>> No.12342053

Fuck off commie

>> No.12342059

yes having more than 3 books you own as unread just screams insecure and a pseud

>> No.12342091

A room without a book is a like a body without a soul. -MikeTyson

>> No.12342094

Sure but is psueds buying more books than they should really enough of an issue? I would bet this poo hasnt stepped foot in a library in years

>> No.12342486

>It's almost always americans/leafs
I'm English you invalid, and given that I work in the library I should be far better equipped than you to discuss whether or not the service is being funded adequately. Also, your assumption that "everyone has internet" is just as retarded, given that so many people below the poverty line depend upon the library service in order to access it. On top of that, your argument hinges on the idea that everyone can readily and easily get online, but it doesn't even consider the extent to which people actually know how to use it. At work I run a bunch of computer training courses and you'd be amazed at just how much people struggle to even use google. You're just another deluded zoomer who thinks everyone has it as easy as you do, welfare is not a "privilege"

>> No.12342510

Unfortunately you are. Colleges have become so degraded in an effort to appeal to women of color that the early English classes at my state University genuinely were reading at a lower level of literacy than my high school classes 10 years earlier.

>> No.12342517

Ultimate /lit/ blackill right here

>> No.12342540

>go to library
>try to find scientific journal
>receive Dean Koontz and fifteen books about Nazi Germany

>> No.12342575

You're retarded. He's not saying he's against paying taxes. He's against wasting money on worthless shibboleths that are only effective in areas where the vast majority of people can afford to purchase their reading material anyways. I'm fine with funding libraries in areas where people are actually going to read, but the two libraries in my city literally need armed guards to keep homeless drug addicts and mentally ill street niggers from shitting the place up.

>> No.12342665

buy used books, calle

>> No.12342750


>> No.12343086


>> No.12343229

utterly and unequivocally based AND redpilled

>> No.12343238

>thirdie name
No. she is not right.

>> No.12343245

based and redpilled

>> No.12343258

As an actual virgin who never has been in a relationship, I find that people like this a very likely faggots who had girlfriends and sex before - the most boring people on earth who only talk about boring relationship things. Ordinaries shall be purged, women are fine as long as they aren’t ordinaries as they are pretty to look at and desire for.

>> No.12343389

>but when you start trying to relocate then packing and moving books is a huge pain in the ass.

I moved to another country and had to let go of most of my collection, donating, selling, shipping, and carrying some with me...it was pretty shitty actually, I'd definitely not go through this hassle again

>> No.12343719


>Are those Hegel notes helping you?
It helped me to get a Phd and my job as a professor. So yes, they were really helpful.

>> No.12344780


>> No.12344827

I remember when /lit/ used to be a leftist board and a bastion of intellectualism.... god this site has gone down the shitter

>> No.12344841

/pol/ trying to be /lit/ was the end of /lit/, /sig/ and /his/ caused this. We should have never recommended them anything.

>> No.12344884

>a leftist board
>a bastion of intellectualism
pick one and only one, comrade

>> No.12344901

As a left winger I can admit that a right winger can be an intellectual, why do you have to be a special snow flake with a dildo up your arse?


>> No.12344903

>wah my circlejerk was replaced with another circlejerk

Nothing is making you stay

>> No.12344904

>le /pol/ groupthink is the only valid ideology meme
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.12344942
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, pepetuxsmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345007

>But who will use the libraries? Niggers, hobos, and the other human rats who plague our cities.
This is actually wrong. Libraries are used mainly by people who actually can afford to buy books. It's called the Matthew-effect, look it up.
Anyone with a working internet connection can already get almost any book for free, but who ends up actually making use of this endless stream of information? People who are already into books anyway, plus who have the know-how to get them. It's exactly the same with libraries. Pajeet and Tyrone down the street who have never read a book in their life aren't suddenly going to dive in the library and work their way up to Heidegger.

>> No.12345049

>you could give every child an e-reader loaded with enough books to last their lifetime, for a fraction of the price to maintain community library,
Based. Get the e-reader, pirate the essential classics, most which are available for free on Gutenberg anyway, and off you go.
Libraries are the dumbest thing ever in the internet age. Books are free now! No need to pay people to maintain a building, no heat or electric bill, and no physical books to buy.

>> No.12345066

Might as well go all the way and randomize the male-female couplings.

>> No.12345138

Fuck I hate english faggots so much

>> No.12345258

That's it the right wing are all scum who should be shot

>> No.12345262

oh fuck, forgot to take off my name for /bant/

>> No.12345381

my library has treadmills people can read & type on while they move.
it also has a recording studio

>> No.12345863

most people across history who wrote anything worthwhile didn't own the books they read, they spent their time in libraries or talking with the people who wrote said books in the first place