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12365901 No.12365901 [Reply] [Original]

I’m reading the Talmud and I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed so much with a single text before. I find nearly every point made in it baffling. I’m not trying to start an anti-Semitic discussion, but the Jewish perspective seems both very unique and disagreeable to me. What is it about the perspective that makes it the way is? I’m trying to wrap my head around it but am having a hard time. I appreciate literally any insight you can offer, because I am lost. I just thought I would naturally take to it since I love the Old Testament so much.

>> No.12365923

Jews are the original contrarianfags.

>> No.12365924

Doubt it. The Talmud takes like six years to read.

>> No.12365929

You doubt what?

>> No.12365933


What, specifically, have you found to "uniquely disagreeable" in the text? I am strongly resisting the urge to go to the obvious jokes/truths/true stereotypes, because there's a non-zero chance that this thread might have some real discussion for a few posts at least. Is it the content of the ideas (what are they?), the method of argumentation and response, other?

>> No.12365943

That you're actually reading it.

>> No.12365957

It’s a faggy enough rhetorical strategy to put someone’s phrase in scare quotes when recounting it but to do it with a phrase they didn’t even use is irredeemable. You deserve a broken jaw.

>> No.12365962

Did you know that Jews aren't allowed to conduct business or do really anything outside of the home on the Sabbath so they encircle their Jewtowns with string to make it count as a "home" so as to loophole themselves out of the religion they choose to follow? They are LITERALLY trying to Jew God.

>> No.12365984


>> No.12365995

I hate them so much.

>> No.12365996

That's more funny than it is inflammatory and this point I'm not sure if that was the intention.

>> No.12366055


Whoever you are, you've completely misread the post that you just replied to, which I wrote.

1) I did not use the quotes with the actual intent of conveying a prejorative scare-quote context. I actually, simply wanted to paraphrase the OP. Still, I do see how they could be construed as you did.
2) The two phrases "unique and disagreeable" and "uniquely disagreeable", as used in this thread thus far, convey nearly equivalent senses, which you would know if you had fair reading comprehension. I augmented the phrase in my post to
3) So, your apparent anger over perceived prejorative intent and/or "misrepresentation" in my post is demonstrably unjustified. I actually want to hear from the OP as to what's so awful in the Talmud, apart from the go-to boiling semen stuff and the kill the goys and so on, obvious stuff which I was avoiding earlier because everyone knows about it and I wanted to read something more interesting.
4) At this point, I also wish to state for the record that I am not jewish, which is probably the next place you'll want to go to. I would be very disappointed to learn that you are the OP (I hope you're not) as the OP actually raised an interesting question.

>> No.12366065


*augmented the phrase in my post to suggest a slightly different but still pretty-much-the-same-thing sense, to invite the OP to elaborate in this direction.

>> No.12366157

Fuck off with this anti-semitic bullshit pseudo argument /pol/!!!

>> No.12366244


>> No.12366261

really? i read it and agreed with nearly everything and thought it was hella based! are you gay, OP?

>> No.12366327

Could you give an example and elaborate a bit about why you disagree with that particular point?

>> No.12366668

Jesus, you're retarded.

>> No.12366758

Unless you can cite a specific point, instead of making vague references, no meaningful discussion is going to occur. Unless you're just a provocateur trying to stir /pol/.

>> No.12366772

>scare quotes
They're called quotes. You do it when you quote someone. It's more convenient to use quotation marks than meme arrows mid-sentence. >>12366668

>> No.12366776

can confirm, live in brooklyn

>> No.12366911

Read the first chapter of Mimesis by Auerbach for insight.

>> No.12366923
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>> No.12366942

And quotes, OP. Would give the thread some context.

>> No.12367035

I can't believe this shit. fucking jews, man.

>> No.12367039

If I were to try to read the Talmud, then where do I start? What is a good translation? What else do I need to augment my study?

>> No.12367046

>single text

>> No.12367057

>Many of those living in areas without an eruv are accustomed to life without one and have adapted their Shabbat practices accordingly. However, those who live in a place that has an eruv and are visiting a place without one, or if the eruv is temporarily out of service (perhaps due to wind or snow damage), may have difficulty making adjustments.
It's a fucking string. Comedy gold. Thank you for this one. Dare I ask for something more?

>> No.12367067

Can they not be read one at a time? Do they need to be read in parallel or something? I honestly may be missing something.

>> No.12368714
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>> No.12368724

You aren't reading the Talmud

>> No.12368734

I can tell because what you wrote doesn't make sense, most of the book is about religous laws or prayers and the rest is debate/discussion between Rabbis. You can't "disagree with every point" with the Talmud, that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12369034
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Hello /lit/
While on the topic, what book would you recommend that criticizes the aspect of the Talmud as a manual of finding and exploiting loopholes?

>> No.12369069

Fucking Hell. This is ridiculous, amend the rules or discard the religion you so obviously don't hold in much regard.

>> No.12369109

>It is rabbinically forbidden for a Jew to tell a non-Jew to do an activity forbidden on the Sabbath, regardless of whether the instruction was given on the Sabbath or beforehand. The reason is that otherwise, the sanctity of the Sabbath would be diminished, as any activity desired could be performed via proxy. It is also forbidden to benefit on Sabbath from such an activity, regardless of whether the non-Jew was instructed to do so or not. However, if the non-Jew does an activity for himself, a Jew may benefit from it.
>Both "instruct" and "benefit" are defined here strictly. This gives rise to the following leniency: One may hint a non-Jew to turn off a light interfering with one's sleep, since eliminating a nuisance (the light) is not considered a benefit. Hinting may be done, for example, by saying: "The light is on, and I am forbidden to turn it off." Another example of a non-benefit is turning on a light if there already is a minimal amount of light present. This is because an increased ease of function is not considered a benefit.

>> No.12369116
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>> No.12369117


>> No.12369328

You don't get it. While the rest of the world's religions are about absolute truth the jews decided they would pull and drag in everything. They decided to make a point out of going against absolute truth and make a mockery out of it.

Every other religion and most philosophies seek Purity in some form. The jews seek Corruption.

>> No.12369355

To elaborate: When the jews are jewing their own book this way they are in fact practicing the philosophy espoused in the talmud...

Jewish religion is not about truth. It is about lies...

>> No.12369808

truth is lies imo, jews have this figured out.
why do you think they do so well?

>> No.12369825

He wasn’t quoting him though, retard. He made up a phrase. And no, they’re called scare quotes when they are being used to create an arch tone. Faggot.

>> No.12369854

Nice try

>> No.12369863

>I’m reading the Talmud and I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed so much with a single text before. I find nearly every point made in it baffling.

The Talmudic scholars were grotesquely intelligent, there's no doubt about it, but it was an utterly alien collective intelligence. Matters both recondite and quotidian were twisted and deformed under their withering scrutiny. The whole thing prefigures the horrors we will see with artificial intelligence I think.

>> No.12369885 [DELETED] 

Here is a lightswitch designed to circumvent the rule of not "making fire" on the sabbath. The Kosher Switch


>> No.12369923

It's not all that different from more traditional Christian places, really. I live in Slavland and it's common for people to use this sort of logic - I'll get drunk and party like an animal for a while, and then I'll go confess to the priest, God will forgive and all will be fine and I'll remain being a good Christian.
It's ossified, meaningless religion, reduced to materialism.
Though that Sabbath rule is completely retarded in the first place.

>> No.12370347


>Mesirah (or mesira, Hebrew: to turn over) is the action in which one Jew reports the conduct of another Jew to a non-Rabbinic authority in a manner and under the circumstances forbidden by Rabbinic Law. This may not necessarily apply to reporting legitimate crimes to responsible authority, but does apply to turning over a Jew to an abusive authority, or to a legitimate one who would punish the criminal in ways seen as excessive by Jewish community, though "excessive" punishment by non-Jews may be permissible if a precept of the Torah has been violated.

>The term for an individual who commits mesirah is mossur. A person who repeatedly violates this law by informing on his fellow Jews is considered subject to "Din Moser" (law of the informer), which is analogous to "Din rodef" in that both prescribe death for the offender, and according to some, in some circumstances he may be killed without warning.

>in that both prescribe death for the offender, and according to some, in some circumstances he may be killed without warning.


>The response of the Haredi Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York City, to allegations of sexual abuse against its spiritual leaders has drawn scrutiny. When teachers, rabbis, and other leaders have been accused of sexual abuse, authorities in the Haredi community have often failed to report offenses to Brooklyn police, intimidated witnesses, and encouraged shunning against victims and those members of the community who speak out against cases of abuse.

>> No.12370359

Well fuck.

>> No.12370372

A lot of ovens have a secret "Sabbath mode" too.

>> No.12370392

honestly kind of based. why am i supposed to hate them again?

>> No.12370396

This... makes a lot of what pol says make sense

>> No.12370490

wow truely evil
>An eruv allows Jews to carry, among other things, house keys, tissues, medication, or babies with them, and to use strollers and canes. The presence or absence of an eruv thus especially affects the lives of strictly observant Jews with limited mobility and those responsible for taking care of babies and young children.

>> No.12370500

Good point--Is it really unethical to trick the Demiurge? It's not like Jews worship God or anything.

>> No.12370685

Well first you've got to tell us what exactly you disagree with and why.

>> No.12371033

According to wikipedia it's 6,200 pages long in standard print, which fags on this board would finish in about a month or so

>> No.12371048

The spirit of the Pharisee is one of pure sociopathic malevolence. They deny the existence of truth and view language merely as a weapon. Morality does not exist for them. They hate God.

>> No.12371316

Netanyahu just visited my city for the first time (it was Shabat) and I told him "mind the Eruv" I have no idea if he was alerted that he was outside the eruv for a couple of meters or if he even knew that there was an eruv in that specific part of the neighborhood. He smirked at me.

>> No.12371692

Anyone who is hating on jews for circumventing their own rules, but is a christian, is a fucking moron. It's not like you guys avoid wearing different fabrics or stone adulterers because of your dumb ass rules.

>> No.12372188

>Finding and exploiting loopholes
So this is why jews are such good lawyers

>> No.12372215
File: 953 KB, 1271x949, jewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post resources


>> No.12372226

it gets better (worse)

>> No.12372230

Jesus shielded Mary Magdalene
fabrics, huh?

>> No.12372243

Those are in the old testament. They don't apply to christians, dummy.

>> No.12372255

little Alan Dershowitz’s grease the Hell out of the Talmud in the viper pit, then go straight to law school

>> No.12372254

You see all the text in the margins of OP's picture? That's the commentary on how to get around the much smaller actual holy text in the middle.

This is why they are hated.

>> No.12372263

a rabbi drives around Manhattan at 3:30am to make sure the string is intact

>> No.12372269

Would cutting the string be a hate crime?

>> No.12372293

And an act of terrorism.

>> No.12372337
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Is Judaism the most autistic religion?

>> No.12372682

>Jewish perspective seems both very unique and disagreeable to me
Conquering the rest of your local pagan pantheon with your national war god, tell me more

>> No.12372747

are they allowed to own droids? and are they allowed to tell droids to do work on the sabbath?

>> No.12372751

They'll lie themselves a new loophole either way.

>> No.12372959

reading the talmud made me anti semitic

>> No.12373736

it isn't about the spirit of the law, it's about the practice of the law in judaism

>> No.12373749
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>take a pair of scissors and snip the thread
>every Jew inside is cursed by God forever

>> No.12373756

The Ceremonial and Judicial Laws were handed down specifically to the Hebrews, not to Gentiles. Christians are Gentiles, and so aren't bound by those specific laws, but rather by other laws not handeddown specifically to the Hebrews. 2000 years of church history there for you read and you keep bitching about the same garbage.

>> No.12374109

> on how to get around the much smaller actual holy text in the middle.

No it isn't you fucking nong. The belief that Jews are constantly trying to find loopholes is just entirely incorrect.

>> No.12374121

Posts earlier in the thread make your statement doubtful.

>> No.12374124
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that page looks like a failed attempt at tetris.

>> No.12374291

>I’m reading the Talmud
no you aren't

>> No.12374305

why does this upset goyim so much? also it's not doing business, it's just carrying things.

>> No.12374318

(American) Atheist education.

>> No.12374341

that's the goyim, anon

>> No.12374343

it's not the length. it's literally unreadable unless you have a preexisting encyclopedic knowledge of the topics and references.

this is what your average passage of talmud without supplementation reads like:
>But how can you say
>found it
>saw it?
>But didn't the rabbis say
>"and you have found it" indicates it became his possession?

and this is all a single """""sentence""""". it doesn't follow standard grammar and assumes you can fill in the gaps that are necessary for it to actually parse which are themselves several times longer than the actual passage.

no one on 4chan claiming to have "read the talmud" is telling the truth.

>> No.12374365

Hitler had ovens like that too.

>> No.12374367

Shifty Jew language

>> No.12374371

sounds like classical chinese

>> No.12374378

muslims seem to do a version of this too.

>> No.12375082

Yes, small text in middle is the holy text, surrounding it like an army of Orcs are Woody Allens proving their Chutzpah while banging their daughters!

>> No.12375310

>Who are you, that you should say these things to us?"
>You do not realize who I am from what I say to you, but you have become like the Jews, for they (either) love the tree and hate its fruit (or) love the fruit and hate the tree.

>> No.12376199

All I know is the formatting of that book annoys my brain.

>> No.12376313
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>Crowdfunding at the end

>> No.12376342
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>> No.12376871
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Will this book give me enough chutzpah to read like Talmud Jews who go straight to law school?

>> No.12376909
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>> No.12376930

lol wtf this nigga did this stole from house of leaaves?

>> No.12376939 [DELETED] 

oh yeah at one point the whole
Lower East Side was one of those, probably still is

>> No.12376951

Don't forget about the massive amounts of child molestation that they cover up.

>> No.12376982

>lol guise, I am reading the penguin classics version of the talmud xD, it's stupid! I told you
>One of the first responses is asking for specific reasons why it is stupid
>OP never answers
>rest of thread is people agreeing with OP and then asking for specifics, which are also never answered
>Half the poeple in this thread just assume it is like a normal book that you pick up and read and totally understand

this is /lit/

>> No.12377026

Do it

>> No.12377205

Yes, the ovens at auschwitz has the incredible capacity to cremate 60,000 bodies per year!

>> No.12377485
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>he hasn't kept up with the news
It's 15,000 jews per day, you monster.


>> No.12377490

You haven’t seen shit until you have to serve a Jew on the sabbath.

Because they’re not allowed to do business, they call you (an electrician) and say things like
>“oh gee, it appears my garage door has jammed. If only there was someone who would fix my door for me...”
At which point you “volunteer” to help them fix their door, and “gift” them some new batteries for the remote. They then “gift” you some money, and god doesn’t spite their children with a plague

>> No.12377591

He's probably skimming through the wikipedia article, don't give people here any merit.

>> No.12377596

holy fuck is that what that was? I thought I was being fucking prank called

>> No.12377620

>nd I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed so much with a single text before
Guess you don't read much.

>> No.12377877

This is such a weak post...

>> No.12377890

The Alpha Jew vs The Virgin god

>> No.12377909

How is it different from the OT?

I've been meaning to read it

>> No.12377932

Note that it's fitting that a board full of morons would shit on a post like yours.

The guy is clearly insinuating OP is an Anti Semite. Yes those are scare quotes

>> No.12377948

Derrida’s Glas is like Talmud, text from Hegel next to text from Jean Genet
Talmud gives Jews an edge in law school, you’re arguing about strings around Manhattan
cross-referencing and debating everything with partners, then the rabbi comes in like law Professor with Socratic method

>> No.12378652

>Jews write and rewrite the TLDR of Hammurabi until, 1900 years later, it's a tome unto itself
>If the common folk, the baser man of Jewry, sits his clown ass down and fucking studies something for once in his damned petulant life, he'll learn to feel deeper emotions for his kin, a better sense of community and bond of trust with what he believes to be "his people," and a generally better rational comprehension of the world
>Some dickheads spam a copy of a copy and copypaste the fuck out of local beliefs and random legends, stealing from dozens of different sources, then attribute everything to some impotent fag's hoe's baby
>"miraclewhip the miracle baby" ensues
>several hundred years later, mudslimes rip off the books that ripped off their ancestors' religious beliefs and attempts at law
>shit gets rewritten and altered by inbred caucasian slackoffs mis-interpreting every god damn thing for another 1200 years or so
>enter the revised Kabbalah, c.1880's - 1900's
>enter the new and improved loopholes and workarounds so Jews can Jew their own God, who was Jew'd from some fags who Jew'd other fags out of their cult deity
>Now whenever someone follows the texts and oral tradition just enough to develop a rational detachment to life itself, they're on average 40% better than the best naturally gifted wankers coming from every other p.o.s. ethnic group
>They band together loosely to help local communities more out of obligation, so they can stay "within the community" as a whole
>Jews rise to upper echelons of global production within a single century, can assimilate like the borg bcuz "well ur mom was actually jew" and "ur blood says so, see, dna test positive for Jewry"

And y'all niggas wondering how you got Jew'd?
Man, go watch Spice and Wolf. The Merchants know only the better man can one-up the other in a deal, while staying within legal confines.
It's not some conspiracyfag shit, it's competition. Your own fucking fault if you don't get it.

>> No.12379568
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I'm fucking dying

>> No.12379635

yes goy, it is simultaneously your fault that we dominate the levers of power and institutions of your society and also purely a result of our own superiority. now sign this bill giving $38 billion to Israel.

>> No.12379726


I unironically do this every month, i can't fucking stop

>> No.12379738

look up shabbas light switch. there is a really funny commercial for them should be on youtube

>> No.12379750

post yfw

>> No.12379773

>shabbas goy

>> No.12379779
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>quantum jewry

>> No.12379791

they can't keep getting away with this

>> No.12379793

They technically(certified kosher) didn't do anything.

These people lie to god every time they turn on the fucking lights and people wonder why nobody likes them.

>> No.12379802

For those unaware the woman in the beginning is wearing a wig. Married Jewish women are supposed to cover their hair (like Muslim women), so they cover their hair with more hair

>> No.12379814
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This is the pharisees on steroids

>> No.12379817
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>and i thought: 'it's the 21st century, there has to be a better way to cheat my god!'

>> No.12379892

All Jews should be kept in New York City.

>> No.12380284

how is this not an MDE sketch

>> No.12380297
File: 63 KB, 193x136, kdw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you are so jewish you have to lawyer your own jewish laws

>> No.12380300

>we're god's chosen!
>yet we suffer??

Unpack that sentiment and you get almost all your answers.

>> No.12380321

That was an elaborate way to say "nepotism"

>> No.12380878

You tell this guys a Jew because of his contempt for Jesus Christ

>> No.12381019

And yet they still lost to one man who didn’t finish shaving his moustache. Remember kids, even the smartest, brightest geniuses in the world is one good punch away from being a vegetable. All you have to do to win is be willing to do what the other person won’t.

>> No.12381022

*are one good punch