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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 471x81, Screenshot_2019-01-17 (36) lit - Books on the nature of women - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12427114 No.12427114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do we solve this fucking problem of fucking faggots on this board

>> No.12427143

filter it and move on

>> No.12427150


the solution has been created for you already, but you're too stupid to use it. seriously, stop making threads and derailing threads with your bullshit.

>> No.12427159

This. You're at a point in 4chan history where filtering is an option. If anything we should be encouraging the annoying posters to take up trips so that we can filter them.

>> No.12427161

he's the average poster but if we could identify him

proving we all hate each other without knowing it

>> No.12427182

i see him and that namefag in everythread

>> No.12427223

Everyone put on the trip so that the board becomes completely anonymous again

>> No.12427235


Basically this. Guys LARPing as fat landwhores have long had their prime

>> No.12427255

I feel personally attacked.

>> No.12427265

I can't even look at its post in the archives because the search wont recognise the name, I am curious to see their first post - any links?

>> No.12427266

People just hate trips or names. I'd like to understand why.

>> No.12427274

search the trip on desu archive or the other archives FAGOOT

>> No.12427275

Because the entire point of this website is the anonymity
That's like the main thing that separates it from other websites
If you don't like it, or want to put a name on, go to reddit. Don't even mean that in a funny epic meme way, but go to reddit where that's accepted

>> No.12427281

Not on /bant/.
The big reason is that it goes against discussion, but the true reason is that you have to fully understand early 4chan's development because at one point in time EVERYONE used a trip or name. Blame shii for this, search him up to understand

>> No.12427286

The anonymity of 4chan is part of its social geography and appeal. There are limited situations where trips are useful but persistent trips are not, at least on any board I frequent. If you want to have a handle by which you can amass some pathetic amount of internet social capital you have other places to go.

>> No.12427298

because who you are should not validate or make your opinions/statements any better than anyone else. Your statements/opinions/ arguments should be good enough to stand alone without the backing of an identity. That shows that whatever you are saying has worth and resonates with the rest of the board

>> No.12427300

There's no reason for anyone to use a name/trip unless they are attention whoring.
The only exception is if you genuinely need to distinguish your posts for a particular thread to avoid confusion. But you turn it off after that thread is finished.

>> No.12427359

as I said, you get your opinions from Shii and those ideas are from other posters who got those ideas from Shii. It is a mindset that has been passed from anon to newfag ever since Shii wrote his article. The funniest thing is that the reason why 4chan hates trip-fags is because someone wrote an essay on why you should hate tripfags, I am talking about a full on autistic essay on anonymous culture which moot read - it is kind of like the 4chan bible.

Shii is also a weaboo academic, an actual one. He has published several articles on Japanese history, I think he even wrote a book. The he was everywhere on the internet, even as a janny on wikipedia, he was one of 4chan's early mods and he is massive pedo to put that in perspective.

>> No.12427373

the search engine of that doesn't recognise the name either

>> No.12427390

Who fucking cares where it started?
That's the way the culture has been for more than 10 years, and now that this is one of the only places on the internet that still retains anonymous posting it's more important than ever to maintain that culture.

>> No.12427453

I am not saying that we should trip-fag, I am only saying that is how it was. The problems that could have been solved by everyone name-fagging are unsolvable unless by mass-banning at that point anyway, so there is no point. There are a lot of good aspects of anonymity that are worth upholding anyway, especially in the discussion boards which is why I never namefag outside of boards like [s4s] and /bant/.

>> No.12427478

Stop falling for the bait, retard.

>> No.12427490

This board has a long history of namefags and tripfags, such as brownbear and OGTIS. Brownbear was pretty awesome.

>> No.12427502

By not paying attention to the name field. Respond as normal to the content of the message or don’t

>> No.12427507

You forget Sunhawk and CAPSGUY. One awful one patrician

>> No.12427510
File: 74 KB, 959x560, Dpt5GWwUwAEWTsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses name to get attention
>heh just don't pay attention to me bro

>> No.12427514

Hi rei

>> No.12427517

Dont remember them. I didnt visit here for like a year and a half. Just came back 6 months ago... holy moly it got bad.

>> No.12427543

Like half the posts now are you people impersonating

It was good way back when. Names and all

>> No.12427545

See, I'm a persistently fucking awful shitposter that writes massive walls of text, but I don't give you the opportunity to filter me by using a trip :^)
For the past few days there have been dozens of people using the name without a trip or using the same name with a different tripcode because their mere presence enflames the anuses of people like you
You're not talking to butterfly

>> No.12427556

He wants to be loved and adored as an individual. He sticks his neck out for inner security. Like a young dog, any attention is good attention, as long as he's still standing.

>> No.12427574

Tripfags and namefags are proof that bullying is an important feature of any society. When someone does really cringy shit that is so bad it makes you feel bad for them, you need some kind of mechanism to help them out. If someone would just strike Butterfly every time s/he posted s/he would eventually learn.

>> No.12427581


I’m here to help you lost puppies

>> No.12427588

Is lay you flat for this if I were next to you

>> No.12427589

Self-defense is not bullying. Butterfly is bullying others by posting.

>> No.12427650
File: 10 KB, 264x264, purple-butterfly1180878-prints[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the butterfly and deep&edgy (RIP) are the only tripfreinds I ever liked.

I like it when the butterfly posts pics of pretty women the most. I think we have the same taste in women.
If she wasn't gay I'd probably track her down and raid her trash for spent tampons

>> No.12427657

Look at it this way. The board has a problem. You have anons posting about how
> philosopher x BTFOd philosopher y

Without reading either. And without realizing theres a /his/ board.

The kids watch all these idiots on Youtube tossing around names like Jung and Kant like tennis balls, and the kids think theyre really engaging with them.

You have ridiculous comments about "Postmodernism" and "the Frankfurt School."

You have five "Is it worth reading/what am I in for/what do we think of it" threads for every "hey I just read this lets talk about it" threads

And these stupid "books for this feel" mini blog threads.

And I think the way to combat this is for certain oldfags who still post here to eschew anonymity and show by example that people here do read, people here can be humble and not speak with authority on things they dont know about, people can make quality posts and so forth. Posting with a trip keeps you honest. The point is to establish some sort of reputation, so you avoid shitposting.

Nothing ever encouraged me to be more serious about reading than noticing how serious others were.

>> No.12427665
File: 261 KB, 748x1100, 18EECA24-A3FE-4D99-9B0E-39422FCA8BD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12427667

>I ever liked.
Due us all a favor and off yourself

>> No.12427669
File: 6 KB, 259x194, E0276849-CC4B-49B4-A177-184581F2A399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips and names are so passé

>> No.12427672

>And I think the way to combat this is for certain oldfags who still post here to eschew anonymity and show by example that people here do read, people here can be humble and not speak with authority on things they dont know about, people can make quality posts and so forth.
This would work if the tripfags weren't just as retarded as the average posters.

> Posting with a trip keeps you honest. The point is to establish some sort of reputation, so you avoid shitposting.
And then they get a bad reputation, and they go into threads like this to complain that everyone hates them.

>> No.12427679
File: 465 KB, 1165x816, 1547623569754[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tripfags and namefags are proof that bullying is an important feature of any society

>he thinks a chan can be a microcosms of society and not an echochamber of sexually frustrated teen boys and manchildren

have you ever seen a naked woman irl, apart from your mother?

you fuckups fucking disgust me. I can almost smell your filth through my screen

>> No.12427690
File: 81 KB, 738x980, 01FF98E9-6ECA-448F-96CD-132CE3BF963F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427693

I will try to make good posts and have some fun with it. I dont think Im all that well read, but compared to these zoomers and /pol/ posters, I think I am a relatively good example. I hope others come along who are better.

>> No.12427697

i just mock him everytime his obese ass rolls up

>> No.12427720
File: 1021 KB, 500x500, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a compliment. I don't just raid any woman's trash for items that have been on contact with their genitals. I have standards.

What have you been reading recently?

>> No.12427736

Well you already have the reputation of being a faggot
So anytime I see you I'll make sure to ignore the content of your posts and just call you a faggot

>> No.12427747

haunted image

i like butterfly. she posts interesting pictures, and i adore bjork. otherwise i disagree with her most of the time and think she's dumb. but not egregiously so, like your stupid fucking ass.

>> No.12427760

please post yuri with every post you make, /lit/ would actually be 100% better in quality with yuri

>> No.12427820

>how to respond to tripfags.jpeg

>> No.12427831


Are you oinopa by any chance?

>> No.12427841
File: 114 KB, 980x980, BjorkRedShirt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12428174


>> No.12428245

sycophantic fuck

>> No.12428307

I took as such. Still gross though. Been reading Goethe’s Italian Journey, Cockshott‘s Towards a New Socialism, Le Guin’s Lavinia, on and on.

Am I wine-dark?

How’s the writing Gas-kun?
Saw this journalist named Charlie LeDuff a little while ago and thought of you for some reason

>> No.12428604
File: 1.51 MB, 1502x3076, EE205B09-883E-4768-9983-9C97543B1222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going slower than I thought I would. The holidays cut into my time and I’ve been playing Fallout 76 that I got for xmas (despite not asking for it because time spent with games is less time in front of a keyboard.) The query letter for the vampire book is finally tight so I feel confident to send it out. As it turns out Anne Rices agent is taking submissions so I’ll start there. And the new book (pic related) is over half finished.
What about you?