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/lit/ - Literature

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12515166 No.12515166 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss books

>> No.12515173
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>translation never

>> No.12515176
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Just started this tonight. I finished Revolt about a week ago, it was a tough read.

I'm not totally sure on Evola's worldview though. I'm not really interested in living as a fucking Serf in a "tradtionalist" civilization. His writing is still interesting for historical reasons though.

How is that Legionaries book? Been thinking about picking that up

>> No.12515186

Revolt is a tough read if you havent read his other works first
You should try his Men Among The Ruins, or Ride the Tiger is also good.

Legionaries? You mean For My Legionaries by Codreanu? Good book its worth reading. But I'd read up on Italian fascism before going into the Iron Guard or Nazis personally.

>> No.12515216

I have skimmed over the fascist manifesto and the life of marinetti with the futurist movement.

What is a good book on Italian fascism? I find that much more interesting than Nazism (which I find repulsive)

>> No.12515275

The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini
The best starting place
Its short and well written

But after that;
The Philosphy of Fascism by Mario Palmeri
The Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile
The Coming Corporate State by Alexander Raven Thomson
Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered by Oswald Mosley

>> No.12515279

>democracy elects men without morals
>t. dude who hanged jews on meat hooks

>> No.12515291

You know nothing about Codreanu I see.

>> No.12515296

The pogroms didnt happen until after Codreanu was killed you retard
The worst Codreanu did was assassinate a corrupt Police Captain

>> No.12515307

Here's an audiobook of the Doctrine of Fascism

>> No.12515314

What's the contradiction?

>> No.12515406

>>t. dude who hanged jews on meat hooks
Did this actually happen?

I saw this on the wikipedia page but then when I googled it all that came up was links to the Holocaust encyclopedia and Hareetz. You'd think if something like a major "Romanian Holocaust" happened where Jewish 5 year old girls were skewered on meat hooks, there would be some books about it or something.

>> No.12515416

Yeah I read the Gentile and Mussolini PDFs and thought neither of them really said anything about anything

>> No.12515467

rromanians can't write retard

>> No.12515480
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Declutter your home
Declutter your nation

>> No.12515493

youre "living as a fucking serf" in a consumerist civilization, the nobles being bankers and financial workers, and royal class being the buisiness magnates and CEOs

>> No.12515580

The Iron Guard was so at odds with the political class at the time, to the point that corrupts wouldn't get out of their homes fearing they could be assassinated. So I wouldn't be surprised if the meat hook story is fake. On the other hand, while Codreanu did not really promote extreme violence (he wanted to put the Guard in control of Romania by convincing people to vote them), some of his subordinates were pretty fanatical in their thinking, and mutilating people like that is not something they wouldn't do.

>> No.12515628
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Jewish lies, never happened

>> No.12515635
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What some right wing books?
Read what Jews wrote, pic related

>> No.12515649


>> No.12515652

>On the other hand, while Codreanu did not really promote extreme violence (he wanted to put the Guard in control of Romania by convincing people to vote them), some of his subordinates were pretty fanatical in their thinking, and mutilating people like that is not something they wouldn't do.

Weren't they a theocratic group? Like, skewering people on meat hooks isn't Christian lmao.

But yeah look at what they do to Trump today, and then imagine that they were doing this to all right wing people 100 years ago and you didn't have an alternative media.

>> No.12515668

No it didn't happen.
It was a fantastical story concocted by Jewish people in the same vain as their 'nazis turned jews into soap and lampshades', 'masturbation machines', 'holocoaster' etc. etc.

>> No.12515840


>> No.12515879

When we come to power, all of you are going directly into a lime pit

>> No.12515885

Motherfucker, you're never gaining any power. You're too stupid and worthless. Dumb cocksucker.

>> No.12515903


Castrate yourself now and save us the trouble

>> No.12515924
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She is the Right-Wing Gramsci.

>> No.12515947
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>> No.12515951

Why such a fucking stupid suggestion?

>> No.12515954
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>> No.12515960

The sad state of the left.

>> No.12515963
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>> No.12515971

There is a great French translation, éditions La Pléiade.

>> No.12516011
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Very good.

>> No.12516015
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if you understand French, obligatory


>> No.12516040
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>> No.12516047
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>> No.12516048

>not learning German
I'll be checking this out.
I need to get back into reading Evola.
Guess I'll be learning to read French too.

>> No.12516055

Morals can mean many things.

>> No.12516252

What does that mean? They go into detail on pretty much everything.

>> No.12516264

Where does it say that on the wiki? I've read his wiki before and theres nothing like that on there so it must be a new addition.
Its 100% bullshit anyway. Under Codreanu the Iron Guard were far less extreme than after his death.

>> No.12516275

What book? Fucking burned lol

>> No.12516282

I would love to learn German but its an extraordinarily difficult language to learn and I already have to manage a full time job, university in the afternoon, reading and playing vidya

>> No.12516287
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Clean your room, race and country.

>> No.12516304
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Someone explain this meme to me
If you want to read a right wing Nip, read Mishima

>> No.12516305

>playing vidya
There’s your problem

>> No.12516313

This may help.

>> No.12516314

Yeah it is a problem. I'm planning on moving countries in the next few years and starting fresh, so I'll try to kick the habit then by not getting a computer.

>> No.12516318

Also: https://itsollkorrect.com/blog/2017/05/the-most-reactionary-book-ever-written/

>> No.12516320

People like Anglin make all of us look bad

>> No.12516323

Another article: http://www.amerika.org/politics/western-europeans-want-to-clean-house/

>> No.12516327

The headlines of DS are hilarious.

>> No.12516336

But also this. The articles are funny as fuck.

>> No.12516347

I will admit the mutant batboy one got a chuckle out of me

>> No.12516355
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You know that the daily stormer is not a serious site. Right?

>> No.12516357

Anglin takes himself seriously enough to go on live debates about things he knows literally nothing about

>> No.12516443
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I wish white people could have traditions.

>> No.12516482
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>> No.12516490 [DELETED] 

You know what right wing movements lack? Masculinity. I can just feel the estrogen seeping through these posts. Have fun fantasizing about killing off all the ethnicity groups that made fun of you in middle school. Also, imagine if a fascist government did rise to power: do you honestly think you'd join in with them? Have you convinced yourselves that you're not the degenerates fascist parties would toss from helicopters? One book by a greasy wop who was hanged by his own people, or a couple of faux-esoteric ramblings does not a true fascist make. These things require action, something I know for a fact none of you have either the balls or the will to do.

>> No.12516491

i could do but you need to pay me

>> No.12516502
File: 23 KB, 376x499, mancorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm looks like lots of people were being killed and eaten by the Anasazi
>racist..t..t those bones were just boiled after death for use in healing ceremonies
but it looks like they were broken to get the marrow out and the victims died violent deaths
>RASCIST! how can evil whitey say these things, our oral traditions have remained unchanged for 1000 years and we have no memory of these acts!
the bones have "pot polish' on them, a clear sign they were carefully stirred in a pot to prepare for eating.

>> No.12516505
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I just started the newly translated "The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism" and it's pretty good so far. The second chapter is a rather light-hearted critique of spiritism/conjuration type stuff, like Ghost Hunters type shit. It's interesting seeing him go so in depth critiquing things that usually just get dismissed out of hand by our science-ism zeitgeist.

>> No.12516507

Who the hell is talking about fascism and killing off ethnicites? You're a delusional bastard.

>> No.12516525 [DELETED] 

You'll not get the chance. You can try and deflect but I promise you this seemingly harmless discussion of right wing literature is a fucking hornet's nest.

>> No.12516541

>Did this actually happen?
People who saw the results reported so.

It wouldn't even be anything extraordinary for the area, just read about what hohols did to Poles.

>> No.12516545

She is the elephant in the room. The kikes can't ignore based Kondo anymore.

>> No.12516550
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and that's a good thing

>> No.12516559

What do you think of the reactionary writer Marie Kondo?

>> No.12516566

>Lacking masculinity
Literally everything is lacking masculinity in 2019, other political movements are far worse
>killing off ethnicity groups
This has never been part of fascism besides skepticism of Jewish elite power, which even Marx was aware of
>do you honestly think you'd join in with them?
What do you mean "Join in"? You mean like join their paramilitary unit or something? No probably not, I know some people who definitely would though
>degenerate fascist parties would toss from helicopters
That usually happens when there's an internal conflict

Why are lefties so over-dramatic and upset all the time. Just chill bro. That's like me rage posting against marxists like "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE NEXT LENIN!?!?" when most lefties want to wake up in their commie block and walk to free art school

>> No.12516570

>It's interesting seeing him go so in depth critiquing things that usually just get dismissed out of hand by our science-ism zeitgeist.
Like what?

>> No.12516573

>just read about what hohols did to Poles.
Who? What're the hohols?

>> No.12516579

>Why are lefties so over-dramatic and upset all the time.
Have you ever visited /pol/ in your entire life? Half of the thread OPs are shrieking frogs and wojaks

>> No.12516580 [DELETED] 

Again, keep dreaming bro. This is all a fantasy, I know from experience. You can only enact your visions of power in your head for so long, then you legit start losing your mind.

>> No.12516589

Killing a corrupt police captain that was torturing his fellow comrades in a time where honor killing was a thing.
And he was also acquitted from it lmao.

>> No.12516592

You lack conviction. Make all the excuses you want, but nothing good, for you or your communities, will come of it. This is all a miasma of decay, nowhere can one find anything of value here.

>> No.12516600
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>> No.12516632

you mean you succumbed to the void, instead of using knowledge of the void for spiritual transmutation? fascism in 2019 is a self-improvement book club. defeat the jew within. etc.

>> No.12516633
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Khokhol is a slur for people of Borderlands. It's based on turkic haircut they wear to distinguish themselves from Moskals. How much of a newfag are you?

>> No.12516635

>you lack conviction
Ok boss
>This is all a miasma of decay, nowhere can one find anything of value here.
Good heavens Edgar Allen Poe is in the house

None of us are planning on launching a fascist coup. We're reading about alternatives away from liberalism, which is actually in decline right now. I personally have no desire to rule over anyone, I just wanna do music and go hiking.

>Have you ever visited /pol/ in your entire life? Half of the thread OPs are shrieking frogs and wojaks
Not really, it's mostly a lot of smug shitposting. You might get some rageposting when something dramatic happens though

>> No.12516641

You know, I'm actually okay with it being "self-improvement." As long as you're all aware that fascism is a rotting corpse with no signs of vitality or creativity than I think we'll get along fine.

>> No.12516644

I don't know a ton about history, I just found out about the Romanian fascist party today.

So what'd the Borderlands people do to the poles?

>> No.12516648

>do music and go hiking.
By all means bro, please do But if none of you are planning to do anything productive with regards to the political ideology, then why even bother? YOu can do both of those things, music and hiking, without recourse to bullshit politics. Or, on the other hand, why would you want an alternative to liberalism if you're not going to do anything to actually change it?

>> No.12516658

Are you an American?

>So what'd the Borderlands people do to the poles?
If you think few Jews on meathooks are something extraordinary in the area, you are deeply ignorant.

>> No.12516673

fascism is the only modernist political theory i find morally tenable. even if it isn't viable right now the knowledge is a torch that should be carried and passed on. until then i choose to live my life as a 'fascist', disciplining myself in ways that a collective that relies on my effectiveness and well-being would discipline me.
the reason fascist literature is so appealing is that it draws a clear bridge between modernity and old-world wisdom. it is politicized aesthetics & nostalgia. you can draw inspiration from the aesthetics & nostalgia without the politics.

>> No.12516691

Yeah I'm American

Shit nigga what the fuck. Why were they so nasty and sadistic?

>> No.12516855

>choose retards with messiah complex instead and have death squads roaming the countryside

>> No.12516885
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Instead of changing the economic system that caused your dissatisfaction in the first place u should scapegoat everything instead, yep, that will fix it.

>> No.12516947

I will start to read Codreanu and Kondo this week.

>> No.12516950

Nice description of the Left.

>> No.12516985

>Why were they so nasty and sadistic?
Because they weren't used to the ridicolous amount of comfort that you take for granted.

>> No.12517051

Daily reminder that you can't call yourself right wing if you are not fit.

>> No.12517058
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>> No.12517062

>Right wing suddenly losses 86% of supporters

>> No.12517075

Why is potion seller such a badass?

>> No.12517080
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>> No.12517100

Not everything can be boiled down to economics.

>> No.12517138

Oh really who knows Why.
Perhaps because since 2016 It's been under a state of Eternal fucking raid?
Fucking subhuman. How happy I'll be when You bite the dust.
You mean liberal socialism?
Yes We should

>> No.12517150

>Study done on USA, Denmark and Argentine
>Let's ignore the countries where socialism actually rules

Majority of people aren't "physically fit", anon.

>> No.12517155
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>> No.12517161

Like argentine and denmark and the USA in a vaguely lesser fashion?

>> No.12517217
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>Like these three capitalist countries presided by liberal-conservative authorities
>vaguely lesser fashion

Now you've reached "marxist calling USA fascist" levels of delusion.

>> No.12517247

Have you guys read de Jouvenel's On Power? Somehow a jewish frog published a sensible book in 1945

>> No.12517368

That is a good book.

>> No.12517388

>countries where socialism actually rules
people don't eat there

natsoc >>>>>>>>> liberalism = socialism = communism

>> No.12517398


>> No.12517526

read this in college arcaeology course.

its a pretty big redpill

>> No.12517593

There's nothing "capitalist" about Eternal debth spending. There's nothing capitalist about central banks, bailouts and mafia-like money laundering as done by modern """""""""western"""""""" countries.
They all absorbed What was useful of Marx to rule you more efficiently.
The world is communist and communists get napalm and helicopter rides. That's all there is to it.

>> No.12517719

what about kantbot?

he's part of the jolly-chub falstaff right

>> No.12517769 [DELETED] 

I'm amazed at how few people on the right even know about the existence of this man, let alone his work.
Then again, he was a Pro-European Brit. He had the Gall to tell you to put down Byron and pick up Goethe!
Sure, you've never even picked up Byron, but it's the principle of the thing dammit.

>> No.12517794
File: 303 KB, 312x500, Carlyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed at how few people on the right even know about the existence of this man, let alone his work.
Then again, he was a Pro-European Brit. He had the Gall to tell you to put down Byron and pick up Goethe!
Sure, you've never even picked up Byron, but it's the principle of the thing dammit.

>> No.12517907
File: 658 KB, 756x516, whiteroastieonKondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See my pic, albeit unironically: besides her books and comments on modern culture, she destroyed liberal women in her new show on Netflix (which I'm sure netflix did not mean to show intentionally). It's why the "roastie" meme is starting to gain alot of traction (I could see it going the way of NPC last year, where propaganda outlets start condemning it).

>> No.12517914

I'm going to give this a shot

>> No.12517962

This isn't fascistic though it's monarchic reaction.

>> No.12518001
File: 290 KB, 353x519, Carlyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should, Carlyle is highly underappreciated.
He's also got a commntary on the French Revolution, and a novel called Sartor Resartus.
And he compiled a collection of letters and speeches from Oliver Cromwell, but that's more /his/.

>> No.12518012

idk if youre unaware of this but Carlyle has become a huge meme on the far right internet because of a guy called Mencius Moldbug

>> No.12518013

I'm definitely going to - someone in yesterday's thread posted his stuff, and I ended up spending 30 minutes reading about him and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. I play to dive into their stuff this weekend. Thanks for the rec

>> No.12518031

Why call kondo a bitch? Really rude!

>> No.12518048

I've heard the name, wasn't he part of the dark enlightenment?
It's good that he's more recognised by the right outside of the cesspit on /pol/. I only heard of him about a year back, through Jonathan Bowden.

>> No.12518060
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Which reminds me...

>> No.12518061

I tried to read Carlyes book on the revolution but it was near impossible to get through. is this any better?

>> No.12518069
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>Hasn't heard of transgender-strasserism

>> No.12518071

Poor disappointed rabbi :(

>> No.12518099

I dunno man Mussolini was a bit of a joke compared to Hitler and many of the enthusiastic fascist collaborationist who joined the nazi spent most of their times entangled in bureaucracy.

>> No.12518102

If you mean the writing style he's always like that, I find it entertaning as fuck. As a sidenote if you read a bunch of Carlyle you'll find yourself inadvertently aping his style

>> No.12518138

I have two collections of his essays which I absolutely loved but that french book just murdered me idk why, likely because he jumps in to the middle of things and im pretty ignorant of the french rev

>> No.12518244

>Weren't they a theocratic group? Like, skewering people on meat hooks isn't Christian lmao.
To be fair, neither was the Spanish inquisition.

>> No.12518556


>fascists and nazis believing they are fighting the plutocracy

Talk about cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12518569


Based and redpilled books.

>> No.12518592

what the fuck are you even talking about
fascism had nothing to do with killing anybody
uneducated pseud alarmist poster

>> No.12518633
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>> No.12518676


/pol/ dont read
they look at infographics and anti-semitic memes and think they're educated on a matter then they call themselves nazis when they couldnt tell you a single policy or concept that Hitler had beyond "muh white skin" and "fuck joos"
only when you actually read whats out there do you realise fascism isnt what they or the popular culture think it is at all
t. former /pol/tard

>> No.12518688

>talking about yourself in the 3rd person
I guess in your case there's probably enough lard to warrant talking about yourself as three people.

>> No.12518704

Name a single rich and powerful fascist

>> No.12518714

Plutocracy is Leftism, moron.

>> No.12518737
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If you havent read this what the fuck are you doing

>> No.12518986

>capitalizing random words

>> No.12519232

Bump. Good thread.

>> No.12519504 [DELETED] 
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Not so fast monsieur

>> No.12519514 [DELETED] 
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Pussy is like the redistribution of wealth, only commies get it

>> No.12519521 [DELETED] 
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Have you noticed how all the good women are left-wing?

>> No.12519527 [DELETED] 
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Fun fact: all fascists are trying to cover up the fact that their prom date fucked another guy

>> No.12519531 [DELETED] 
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Fun fact: fascism has never worked

>> No.12519548
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>> No.12519778

oh look, leftypol still vomiting up le 'nazis were the real capitalists' meme

>> No.12519865
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Who's read it?
I'm 50 pages in so far and liking it a lot.

>> No.12519874


>> No.12519902

Man corn hand hook car corn

>> No.12519973

Best translation?

>> No.12520080

Good book

>> No.12520109

>Because they weren't used to the ridicolous amount of comfort that you take for granted.
What does comfort have to do with splitting your neighbor's 5 year old kids in half with scythes lmao dumb faggot shutchob bitch ass up

>> No.12520128

>they look at infographics and anti-semitic memes and think they're educated on a matter then they call themselves nazis when they couldnt tell you a single policy or concept that Hitler had beyond "muh white skin" and "fuck joos"

t. also former /pol/tard

>> No.12520129
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are god tier hair genetics a romanian thing or just an iron guard thing?

>> No.12520234

I really wanna pick this up, Mussolini said it was one of his biggest influences

Been wanting to. It's about building a fascist super state right?

>> No.12520266
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A serf with a few more consumerist luxuries, but the catch is you have to endure the pain of sitting back and watching your entire country degenerate and be conquered. If you speak up about it, you could end up in a cage (see: UK and Germany).

>> No.12520307

What’s wrong with killing soulless Jews?
t. Arab

>> No.12520319

Reading this now. Very good.

>> No.12520324

>skewering people isn’t very Christian
Worked for vlad

>> No.12520475

It's a balkan thing

>> No.12520479

Nice, she used a shitskin hand to not get her own dirty

>> No.12520556

Yeah a European Imperium, supposedly.
So far it has been about the philosophy of history and it's really interesting.

>> No.12520575
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Kill yourself ho-lee shit

>> No.12520674

It really is the original fascist work

In my experience Jowett is the most accurate
Some editions censor certain passages about racism

>> No.12520712

So he was killed by the FBI right?

>> No.12520739

I'll pay you in eurobeat cd's

>> No.12520805

Is there any "third positionist" literature/philosophy that isn't absolutely retarded? I like the idea of class collaboration, the dignity of work (all work), the obligations to family and community, the rejection of modernity, and believe in tradition as the collective, inherited wisdom of generations. I guess this makes me more of a reactionary than a fascist. I read these views and study the historical movements and they seem like they're onto something, then there's something retarded like anti-semitism, racism, wanting to kill degenerates, surveillance states, etc. What are some goods reads for someone sympathetic to third position ideologies, but unable to swallow them?

>> No.12520962

>then there's something retarded like anti-semitism, racism, wanting to kill degenerates, surveillance states, etc.
You sound like somebody who hasn't read anything
Fascism never advocated for racism, anti-semitism, "wanting to kill degenerates", or "surveillance states". Those last two are pretty fucking hilarious.
Hitler and Codreanu were anti-semites, and obviously Hitler was for a racially based state, but they are offshoots of fascism, they do not represent the core.
None of these movements supported "killing degenerates" or "surveillance states". At least not during the pre-war period, and especially not in their doctrines or literature. You're watching too much Hollywood.

>> No.12520978

>None of these movements supported "killing degenerates" or "surveillance states". At least not during the pre-war period, and especially not in their doctrines or literature. You're watching too much Hollywood.

Ehhh Hitler has a womanly obsessive hatred for Jews and Poles and did sign off on eugenics projects. Also hated Christianity and was a Pagantard

>> No.12521004

I repeat; Hitler was a National Socialist, he doesnt represent the Fascist movements in Italy, Romania, Britain, Spain, South America, ect.
Even so, he barely talks about the Jews in Mein Kampf despite popular belief. And I dont remember him saying he hated Poles in that book. I could be wrong, its been a few years.
Lastly there is literally nothing wrong with eugenics. Unless you're conflating the term with something else. All societies should practice eugenics.
Hitler wasn't a pagan. He tore apart neo-Paganism just as much as he tore apart Christianity.
Where are you getting this information from?

>> No.12521021

To better illustrate my point, if Hitler hating jews means all Fascists hate jews, then because Oswald Mosley supported suffragettes, does that mean all Fascists are feminists? Of course not.
Fascism is best described as a nationally organic system of thought that changes depending on the racial/ethnic/cultural values of each nation. But the core philosphy stays the same. Socially and economically Fascism can differ greatly between different countries, but as long as the core "faith" is the same its still considered Fascist.
To best get an idea of what the "faith" is, check out Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism.

>> No.12521045

>I'm not really interested in living as a fucking Serf in a "tradtionalist" civilization.

You missed the point.

>> No.12521082

We're deep in the hole of socialist policies, m8.
>Yes daddy State please become bigger and more bloated with each term, we'll just print money for the gibsmedats

t. Argie

>> No.12521132

Allan Bloom

>> No.12521150

We did

>> No.12521329

>b-but real Fascism has never been implemented!

nigga this is the kind of dumb shit i'm talking about. if there's some more redeeming fascist tendencies, literature, etc. that we should learn about, then recommend them instead of immediately jumping on the defensive for your shitty racist beliefs.

>> No.12521344

What's wrong with racism?

>> No.12521427

>nigga this is the kind of dumb shit i'm talking about.
You dont know what the fuck you're talking about
>if there's some more redeeming fascist tendencies, literature, etc. that we should learn about, then recommend them instead of immediately jumping on the defensive for your shitty racist beliefs.
If you read my actual post, I did.
Back to your discord channel you shitposting loser.

>> No.12521618

>Jowett translation being most accurate
>Plato's Republic says literally anything about racism

Holy fuck you are an idiot.

(Read the Grube/Reeve translation btw).

>> No.12521634

>Plato's Republic says literally anything about racism
It does in the original greek.
"ὅρα δὴ kαὶ εἰ τόδε πρὸς τρόπου λέγω. φημὶ γὰρ τὸ μὲν Ἑλληνιkὸν γένος αὐτὸ αὑτῷ οἰkεῖον εἶναι kαὶ συγγενές, τῷ δὲ βαρβαριkῷ ὀθνεῖόν τε kαὶ ἀλλότριον."
"Ἑλληνιkὸν γένος" translate over to "Greek kin/folk/people"
I've read versions that replace "Hellenic Race" with "Human Race", which kind of destroys the meaning of the sentence.

>> No.12521637

And I dont claim to be an expert on it, I've read 3 different versions and Jowett was the best of those. I'll check your recommendation out.

>> No.12521648

>lists countries
>explains nothing
>still mad that niggers are fucking his white sisters
>still no books recommended on the books board

>> No.12521673

You discriminate against a portion of people that could be useful for your society. See the definition of "white" that became increasingly larger in America.

Hitler's racism also caused increased resistance by the russian. Since his goal was their complete extinction they didn't collapse after their crushing military defeat.

He barely talk about the jews in Mein Kampf but that doesn't mean he doesn't throw completly schyzoid insults at them. As for Pole they were basically reduced to an african colony, and those who were vrought to germany to work as slave received low food rations and were forbidden to have relation with the local population.

>> No.12521681

The Greeks didn't think of γένος the way we think of race. "Race" is a decent translation of γένος provided that we don't laden it with all the modern baggage that the word has today; to the Greeks it meant something more like "type". Since you know Greek, you know that the distinction here is not between separate "races" but between the Greeks and the barbarians (ie, everyone who wasn't Greek). And what makes the Greeks Greek is precisely their language and method of life (the polis), not their skin color. Any racist (or anti-racist) for that matter looking to Plato for support will be sorely disappointed. Any general elitist or aristocrat of the soul, however, would do well to read Plato, and a lot of Plato, very carefully.

I'm curious, what other translations did you read besides Jowett? I guess he's not exactly terrible, just archaic. I'm also not sure how careful he is about, for example, making sure he translates the same word in the same way. I used to prefer Bloom's translation but he makes some misleading mistakes. Bloom, for example, calls democracy the "fairest" of all regimes meaning that it's the most beautiful (ie, the archaic usage of fair). It's technically an accurate translation, but a misleading one. The only translation that you should absolutely avoid at all costs, though, is Cornford's. Cornford glosses whole passages and bowdlerizes the part about the noble lie. I haven't read Waterfield's, but I was put off by the table of contents: the book has been divided into ten books since the middle ages, and Waterfield thought that he was smarter than 1000 years of commentary and tradition and did away with that.

>> No.12521711

I probably misspoke, I dont mean "racism" as expression of hatred for other ethnicities or anything like that.
I mean it in as in he distinguishes the greek race between other groups and assigns importance on his own race over others. I think its a bit of a stretch to assume Plato didn't "see colour" and only cares about their language. Probably better not to assign modern ideas to ancient people. But I misspoke first so I apologise.

As for what versions, I've been looking around online for one that I read that had some ridiculous translations but I cant seem to find it. All I know is I read it online.
The other one thankfully I own a copy of, its Christopher Rowe. Overall I dont think it was too bad but there was one part (the "noble lie" part) where he replaced the "guard the purity of the race" sentence from Jowett's translation with "observe these metals in the souls of their offspring" or something vague like that.

>> No.12521730


Run along now, you bitter, pathetic troll.

>> No.12521799

>Run along now, you bitter, pathetic troll.
Mussolini is an obvious buffoon and his Doctrine of Fascism is opportunistic shit. It's a pale imitation of integralism and social Catholicism for edgy modernist despots.

>> No.12521802

Thanks for your worthless opinion. I highly doubt you even took the time to read it.

>> No.12521804

He was either killed by the FBI or committed suicide to supposedly 'protect his sources'.
Hard to know whether this would be a legitimate reason to kill yourself.

>> No.12521805


Nice slogans, go fuck a goat.

Yeah, if you want to be a nazi, please be a nazi, but do it because you're racist and lonely and not because you think you are "fighting the system".

>> No.12521835


>Yeah, if you want to be a nazi, please be a nazi, but do it because you're racist and lonely and not because you think you are "fighting the system".
What the fuck are you even talking about? They quite literally "fought the system" in something called World War 2.
And no, the Nazis weren't Capitalists. Hitler was against Capitalism and criticized America for its system even before the war. His main influences were Gottfried Feder and Anton Drexler, two big anti-Capitalists.
Anything right of Marxian Socialism isn't Capitalism. There are various forms of Socialism.
The Nazi economy was largely centrally planned, and even the private sector was overseen and guided by the state. More than just the actual industry side of things, the system of education was completely overhauled. The Nazi economy adapted situation to situation, sometimes controlled, sometimes allowed the market to play out.
However you're ignoring the economics of Italy and focusing on the Nazis, as all "critics" of Fascism love to do. Easier to attack the racist regime that murdered its own people and brand all Fascists as the same.

>> No.12521839

Mysterious how he just happened to have a cyanide capsule on him that somehow got through inspection

>> No.12521845


And still, you lost.

>> No.12521850

Sorry what did I lose? I dont remember fighting in WW2

>> No.12521852

>Easier to attack the racist regime that murdered its own people and brand all Fascists as the same.

Well to be honest, the anglo fascist guy never went anywhere and the italian fascist regime cucked out by bowing to Hitler.

Was Portugal fascist by the way?

>> No.12521858

>Well to be honest, the anglo fascist guy never went anywhere and the italian fascist regime cucked out by bowing to Hitler.
I dont disagree with you. But how does that justify branding multiple people with different views under Hitler's views?
The actions of men during the war have no impact on what was written and done in the pre-war era. Shit happens.

>Was Portugal fascist by the way?
Estado Novo right? I dont know much about them but I dont see why not.