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/lit/ - Literature

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12525337 No.12525337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Who's your favorite African writer, anon?
>You read African writers, right?

>> No.12525343

You start OP.

>> No.12525351

Not at all, they're subpar. Worse than Europeans, Americans, Latin Americans, and Asians. Africans are subhuman in every aspect including and especially art and literature.

>> No.12525397


My God, that girl is perfect.

>> No.12525400

the yams man

>> No.12525435
File: 101 KB, 497x599, 497px-Tertullian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I read Tertullian.

>> No.12525437

I tried to, but I had trouble making out the words under all the smeared banana, fingerpaints and chomp marks.

>> No.12525446

Camus counts, right?

>> No.12525454
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, 1544465008621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, no. Actually, I hate niggers.

>> No.12525460


>> No.12525462
File: 23 KB, 480x480, E5E829CC-1C47-4FF5-8C12-26C7A40458EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this meme being pushed so hard recently? Black women are disgusting

>> No.12525466
File: 34 KB, 1200x675, 1547946408265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies finna boutta get dabbed on

>> No.12525469

He's busy race-baiting.

>> No.12525477


>> No.12525486

Tolkien and Camus. What? Did you expect actual niggers? lmao

>> No.12525490
File: 264 KB, 350x408, Portrait_of_Alexander_Pushkin_(Orest_Kiprensky,_1827).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushkin :^)

>> No.12525506

In the distant future, eugenics and genetic manipulation will fix the black race. In this fictious potentiality lives a black girl(male) who writes the best books. Looks strikingly similar to OP's pick too, but even better.

>> No.12525510

black women being disgusting is the real meme, anon.

>> No.12525512

Is this what passes as literary discussion around here?

>> No.12525520

Kikes arent allowed on this board

>> No.12525532

/lit/ is shit

>> No.12525536

God, I really really love black girls. They have always treated me the best and I love them.

Actually a really great response. You could say Augustine as well.

>> No.12525545

Ignoring African-American literature, where do you go after Achebe - genuinly would like some recommendations
>inb4 recommending I don’t read any

>> No.12525551


>> No.12525554

Have you seen their cunt IRL? I did. No way I'm getting inside of it.

>> No.12525558

I'm confused by these answers. They are obviously intended to express your dislike of postcolonial literature written by people with brown skin color and are attempting to trigger the "evil SJWs," but in reality you are just drawing attention to the fact that Africa is just a lump of land that people of different skin colors lived in at various points of time and that certain historical authors of color don't get brought up being as such because it usually did not come up in their writing, and any SJW would be more than happy than to give credit to Augustine, Pushkin, and Dumas as writers of color.
Amos Tutuola - The Palm-Wine Drinkard, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
Ngugi wa Thiong-o - A Grain of Wheat, Wizard of the Crow
Ben Okri - The Famished Road

>> No.12525566
File: 1.29 MB, 1079x1087, eyeEf0L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William Attaway even though I have only read Blood on the Forge

>> No.12525573

African writers and nigger/black writers are different categories, though. So, I'm not sure what you're asking. Using terms like "PoC" or "people with brown skin" are a disservice to unambiguity and are problematic.

>> No.12525581

wtf is this schizo post?

who even thinks in terms like "SJW" anymore?

>> No.12525588

Thanks for the recs anon, Tutuola sounds interesting

>> No.12525591


If black girls wore their natural hair more, I'd have jungle fever. Sadly, I just get turned off.

>> No.12525593

They aren't disgusting, but I find them less interesting than women of my own ethnicity (German/Polish), who I already find pretty uninteresting.

>> No.12525596

>who even thinks in terms like "SJW" anymore?
99.99% of this board?
What about my post sounded schizo to you?

>> No.12525597

they have ugly hair, I prefer the hair from OP's pic related

>> No.12525635

The average black woman is less attractive than women of other races but the peaks are still great.

>> No.12525638

The fact that you think recommending Tertullian or Augustine has anything whatsoever to do with "postcolonial" or "sjws" or anything like that.

Tertullian was from North Africa and a great theologian (nuts, but that's part of the charm), and since I mainly just read early church fathers and poetry, if someone asked what African authors I like Tertullian or Augustine would definitely be my answer.

I don't understand why you think it has any political connotations at all. Not everyone is looking to surreptitiously "stick it to le evil sjws" and it annoyed me that my genuine response was treated like a /pol/ shitpost by someone who probably hasn't even read a page of Tertullian.

>> No.12525657


You might be gay, m8

It's ok though

>> No.12525660

natural straight hair > afro > weave

>> No.12525717

Does Coetzee count or does it have to be a dark skinned person?

>> No.12525729

Are you asexual by any chance?

>> No.12525796

No. Asexuality is retarded self-prescribed shit. All the people I've known who refer to themselves as asexual unironically follow horoscopes too.

>> No.12525921

Amos Tutuola is based. There is a reason why Queneau and Gaddis respected him.

>> No.12525932

she's indian

>> No.12525980

get this half breed bitch away from me and give me a real dark skin queen

>> No.12526162

Fact is niggers are disgusting. Women in the OP are the equivalent of anime girls to asians

>> No.12526241

Are there any black writers that delve into ideas that goes beyond being black or oppressed?

>> No.12526422
File: 358 KB, 1024x512, Cardinal Sarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12526429

No, even their sci-fi authors make it about muh race

>> No.12526430

>tfw had a qt indian friend in high school with a nose stud
>tfw I was a total loser but she seemed to like me anyway
>tfw I moved away
Now I'm a total Chad compared to myself then. Still think about her from time to time. What a loss.

>> No.12526463

George Ayiettey.

>> No.12526534

i'm living in leicester right now and some of the indian girls are really unbelievable. i don't like piercings and things like that though, for some reason i always think those girls have hiv

>> No.12526551

I'm a straightlaced conservative who's anti-piercing as one can be, but I've always had a soft spot for nose studs because of that girl. It looked cute on her. Nose rings like OP's picture are still a no-go, though.