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12754708 No.12754708 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: INTP (i.e. based) writers.

I guess other (less based) MBTI types can post in this thread too.

>> No.12754711

literally kill yourself

>> No.12754715


>> No.12755036

literally kill yourself x2

>> No.12755369

INTP here, literally and unequivocally kill yourself

>> No.12755405
File: 36 KB, 500x466, Oscar-Wilde.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12755418
File: 966 KB, 1500x1892, Leonardo Da Vinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know the ENTP is superior.

>Leonardo Da Vinci
>Alexander the Great
>Walt Disney
>Benjamin Franklin
>Based Mathew Perry
>Hugh Grant
>Catherine the Great
>Niccolo Machiavelli
>John Stuart Mill
>David Hume
>Martin Scorsese

Can you name a better type?

The ENTP is both innovative, highly intelligent with a mind for anything if he puts his mind to it as well as being just extroverted and sociable enough to interact within society and be a chad as well.

We are the Greatest. Debate me.

>> No.12755430


You know I'm not sure I have met many of you but from what I know you seem to often be shallow.

At least I can get along with ENFP's.

>> No.12755435

Horoscopes for people who think they are smarter than people who use horoscopes.

>> No.12755451

based, my best friend is an ENTP

>> No.12755452

Well I mean sociology although filled with bullshit and not accurate at all within the realms of unknowing prediction but once a type is certain we can get a few broad and still somewhat interesting ideas about an individual. But I cannot stress this enough, Jung was not for such boxing of people he believed in the differentiation of all individuals. It is just that his theories and discoveries were used by peoples such as the mother daughter duo Myers Briggs.

>> No.12755455

This is such a trite observation, as well as inaccurate. MBTI is an attempt to categorize personalities based on observable characteristics, while horoscopes are literally pseudoscience. You're a fucking pseud.

>> No.12755457

half of those aren't really ENTP
Scorsese and Disney are both ENFPs

>> No.12755462

Meant for >>12755435

>> No.12755470

>still beleives in the Meyers Brigg

>> No.12755478

Indeed, ENFP's although not overly rational they are indeed intelligent people but often controlled by that same annoying hand that plagues the ENTP, Procrastination. Still I find once you befriend ENFP's they are very nice people and can ignite that flame of joy as well as an intellectual interest. They can seem a bit stupid *SOMETIMES* from first glance.

I find ENFP's balance ENTP's from their over contemplation from life. ENFP's are based and good.

>> No.12755481

Well, what do you expect, the whole MBTI stuff was invented by two housewifes.

It is a rather curious thing that the people who subscribe to the MBTI are mostly those who obsess about being "rationalistic" and "scientific" and decry people, especially women, who haven't studied natural sciences or engineering, are politically liberal etc.

>> No.12755486

Hehe all good mate, I was a wee bit confused at first.

>> No.12755491

Any other anons like Don Mclean?

>> No.12755527

I do. The Grave is a very underrated song. Most people only know American Pie and Vincent

>> No.12755548


mmm based

>I do. The Grave is a very underrated song. Most people only know American Pie and Vincent


I was tempted to write down "Any other anons like Don Mclean apart from American Pie". Man the Grave is definitely underrated. It's like Don has about 10 to 15 really good songs, and the rest just average. I really like empty chairs and that one goes something something fate I can't remember the name. So many good songs, I would say Don Mclean himself is greatly underrated.

>> No.12755579

It is built on shaky foundations at best anon, it is pseudoscience performed with scientific appartus, that's the only difference. There aer far better personality models out there.

>> No.12755641

You know what, anon? I think we'll get along just fine... ;)

>> No.12755655

psychometrics is also "literally pseudoscience," and as someone who seems to unironically buy into it you actually are the pseud here.
I don't fault anyone who just does this stuff for fun. If you think it holds any water you are retarded and should read more.
Yeah it's because 4channel is full of narcissists who love anything that feels like a mirror. They were told STEM is superior growing up, hence they are STEMfans. If they were told arts and lit were superior growing up they'd be all about the humanities.
I say this as a level 50 stemfag.

>> No.12755709
File: 493 KB, 420x297, 1541471291268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people that still believe and shitpost about MBTI shit.
Only underages take that shit seriously. What tops it all are these same idiots that shitpost all day about their shitty MBTI type and almost make a cult about it, and go on days telling everyone how proud they are and who they indentify with and who better suits them. Its the equivelent of girly teens reading about zodiac signs in pink mags and getting exited over it and comparing it to celebs.

>> No.12755807

MBTI has some flaws compared to the theory it is based on. Jung did not even consider the 2nd and 3rd function. The 2nd function only becomes conscient when one has individuated oneself. It could also be that the proper way the functions work are:

(example based on INFJ)
Ni Fi Te Se
Ni Fe Te Se

instead of the MBTI Ni Fe Ti Se

>> No.12755822

>Astrology but for pseuds


>> No.12755829

t. people who never read jung or even studied mbti

mbti is a descriptive typology. it doesn't matter if the theory behind it is right, scientific, logical or not. the point is that it succesfully categorizes similar people under the same type

there are other typologies i prefer better though

>> No.12755847

even shakespeare wrote based on the 4 temperaments typology. what's your excuse? take the typologypill

>> No.12755907

>human traditions are wrong
>science dictates what's right!
the mind of the 21th century shitposter who can't live without his daily shitposting on an anonymous imageboard

modernists are disgusting

>> No.12755951

>the point is that it succesfully categorizes similar people under the same type
No, it doesnt do jack shit. More often than not, people think they have a diferent personality than what other people percieve, and those qualities are completly relative and are classified from various perceptions of reality. And lets not even step into the dumb questions it makes, like "hurr do you put your feelings first or are you a logical person?".
At best you can categorize a number of people that at the time they were doing the test they thought of themselves as something that uses those same highly relative adjectives. But in reality it doesnt imply they are in any way similar. It doesnt take any conclusions.

>> No.12756018

Who are some based INFP authors?

>> No.12756105
File: 32 KB, 450x450, AkCigf9o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Jungian cognitive function thread, fuck MBTI.

>> No.12756157

>Jung did not even consider the 2nd and 3rd function.
But he does, at least the second one.
>Ni Fi Te Se
this is an INTJ, Fi judges whether something is good or bad, Ti determines whether it is true or false (deductive reasoning), Se is present focused, Ne deals with possible futures, Si deals with the past (branching memory, almost tree like), Ni is harder to place or describe, Te users require external validation of what is true or false, Fe users require external validation of what is good or bad.

>> No.12756208

Fernando Pessoa

>> No.12756287
File: 166 KB, 777x1100, Cy4CNXQUcAAn1X-.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell whether he's an INTP or ISTP but definitely Fe inferior. His preoccupation with 'désinvolture' suggests a rejection of the present (Se) in favor of the past (Si) and the possiblities of the future (Ne).

>> No.12756673

Semi-related question but is there a modern Dazai? IE writes about his own fucked up but interesting life experiences from an introspective viewpoint, self critical, writing with feverish intensity like he's consumed by a demon?