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12920888 No.12920888 [Reply] [Original]

>The Kingdom of God Is Within You

>> No.12920898
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>> No.12921016

What? This is the most neitzsche thing ever written in the bible

>> No.12921020



>> No.12921023

And I wish to expel such nonsense from within me.

>> No.12921026



Nietzsche was a sophist, so some of those random darts are going to hit home

>> No.12921048

Reminder that Tolstoy denied the Resurrection.

>> No.12921058

Sooo jewish?

>> No.12921105

>There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

>We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar.

>> No.12921113

>reads one Shelley book once
Nice trips but it's a shame Tolstoy had to go down that route to anarchy. Anarchy is rootless.

>> No.12921128

Why did Tolstoy, apparently a monster in his personal life (r*ped his serfs, even m*rdered them from what I've heard), suddenly become a preacher of moral behaviors towards the end of it? Was it purely guilt, or ego-driven hypocrisy?

>> No.12921131

Does god respect Americans?
Does he like niggers?
How does he deal with roasties?
Why did he leave B*ttefly behind?

>> No.12921139

Was he really a monster?

>> No.12921160

Anons here told me some horrific stories, about his treatment of serfs, and if they're true, he certainly was. (in my books)

>> No.12921162


>> No.12921168

>ignoring me
You can’t keep this up forever

Btw you lied about the sex like your age. Plain as day

>> No.12921179

You guys are too cute together, listening to Bowie and having qt long running injokes between each other. <<3

>> No.12921189

Say something interesting, and stop calling me a liar.
I have a couple of friends I have sex with on occasion. A couple that are more into each other and now this divorcée. Stop even barging into my sex life. You’ll never be a part of it.

>> No.12921195

>God is love
So based

>> No.12921208
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>tranny tripfag sockpuppetting

>> No.12921211

>they share their fourierist cuckoldry from the highest levels of the hierarchy
Omg I'm dying of politically correct kawaii

>> No.12921212

>having lesbian sex
I’m trying to save you from the pit of hell, for sure.

Casual sex is also a definite no go.

But let’s just say you stretched the truth. Did you actually seal the deal with the divorcee? The age is a lie. You admitted yourself it was a lie. I’m not calling you a liar. That’s something you called yourself.

Therefore I have reason to believe you lied about the sex. If you confirm that’s real and you did indeed HAVE ACTUAL SEX with this woman, then fine, I’ll leave you alone. But just don’t lie

>> No.12921252
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The age was a mistake (and why does a woman lie to make herself older?) the year was a lie to cover the mistake. I am 46, born in 73. Which is all irrelevant since I am not the right sexual orientation for you, anymore than your theistic brain fungus.
Lie or not, I am telling you constantly to fuck off. And that’s enough

>> No.12921278

>and why does a woman lie to make herself older
I don’t know, why would a woman lie about the sexual encounter?

I THOUGHT WE WENT OVER THIS. Something bigger was going on. If you RECALL I asked for your BIRTH YEAR, not your age. You made a mistake on the YEAR OF BIRTH. Something NO ONE DOES.

I know it may be ridiculous but I think you have the wrong idea about this site. You’re constantly accusing me of being disingenuous but you know I’m genuine. You sure have some issues.

I think you’re cute, butterfly, and I can see how I affect you on a day to day basis. It’s wonderful.

>Lie or not
And my heart leaps because I know that means you’re lying about something. A single tear rolls down your eye butterfly at the thought! Over an anonymous forum, I am receiving meaning from you not having sexual relations with others. And deep down you know, that’s why you don’t want me to stop. Did you really want this day to go any differently? Think about that.

Think about me

>> No.12921297
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>I know that means you’re lying about somethin
No. That means I could be 21, straight and Christian, but I’m still telling you to fuck off and die

>> No.12921307

please check into a mental institution this isnt healthy

>> No.12921316

this is some Lolita-tier lecture

>> No.12921320
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Butterly. Did you or did you not forget your birth year? If this is what you were referring to it would be no deal. But you do not look 46. Regardless, no one who hasn’t lied would say ‘lie or not’.

Butterfly, what motive would you have for lying about a sexual experience on the Internet?

Wasn’t I asking you to abstain from sexual intercourse? Did this make you feel constrained? Did it make you feel reluctant to do this? Day by day you COULD be ignoring me all day if you wanted to, but there go entire days where we will have discussions, then all of a sudden you get nervous and back away. It looks to me like you COULD be 21 for all I know. Is that supposed to be a hint at your real age?

Here is what I think is going on: I AM having an effect on your personal sex life and even your philosophy but there’s nothing you can do about it, since we both constantly post on this medium. We both see it as a means to express ourselves but recently you’ve started attacks on everything I enjoy: The Holy Bible, Theology, And today even attacking Plato, the cornerstone of philosophy just to distance yourself from the obvious and inevitable effect I have.

Just relax. Don’t worry, I’m not here to duel you, but please PLEASE stop being an asshole to me if I didn’t ask you to.

>> No.12921327

... nigga

>> No.12921329


>> No.12921333
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And you. I have a bone to pick with people in general usually but the scrap pockets are the worst. I assume butterfly doesn’t even appreciate you butting into this. You are lower than low. You should be ashamed of insinuating I’m the crazy one, when without my logic we wouldn’t have any evidence she lied at all.

>> No.12921342

Scrap pickers

Holy threes :3

>> No.12921345

so this is the power of lit...

>> No.12921354

dont give them attention, retards. another thread burned to the ground.

>> No.12921381
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>burned to the ground
Fuckinglol man

>> No.12921386



>> No.12921452

All I know about Tolstoy's personal life comes from wikipedia, and the most it says is that he had sexual relations with one of his serfs, who bore him a son. The way he describes peasants in his books suggests to me that he has a measure of respect of them, and wouldn't treat them like shit. But then again, I know he was cruel people in his life, even though one would assume him to be an empathetic human being from reading his books.

>> No.12921459
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>> No.12921508

i didnt say a good thread lol

>> No.12921512

Thank god, butterfly is never gonna procreate

>> No.12921531
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God had nothing to do with it.

>> No.12921533

Funny thing is, we’re gonna end up fucking
He has something to do with everything.

This situation is progressing just fine. We have fights like we’re in a relationship and you’re abstaining from sex. You want something on your end? Fine. You’ve changed me a little too.


>> No.12921542

So he was as bad as an atheist, maybe worse. Dosto truly is the superior Russkie.

>> No.12921572

have sex

>> No.12921741
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I'm still glowing from the last time. Was pretty intense.
She got a lotta family obligations though
And she might just write it off as a one time thing. Which is fine. There's no obligations for our friendship.
Resembles this girl. Only after age thirty and having two kids.

>> No.12921986

He realized he couldn't be Shakespeare, so he pivoted and decided to become a saint

>> No.12922187

>There was only one Christian and he died on the cross

>> No.12922208

I wanna post in this thread but don’t wanna bump a thread that derailed into a tripfag tranny fight.

>> No.12922602

> He doesn't know
> He doesn't know
> He doesn't know

>> No.12922810



>> No.12922824

Stop. You did this DIRECTLY after I asked you not to have sex with anyone :3

Don’t you see how fucked up that is. Can’t you see what an asshole you are being to me? Ah well, you’re not even in your 40s and you habitually say you are so you are a methodical liar. I am guessing you are lying about this even but I am starting to get worried

>> No.12922902

>majority of posts in this thread
Imagine having an autistic relationship with a attention-seeking tripfag exhibiting amalgam of extremely vulgar and low-brow views, and claiming to be an old dyke.
My dear, this tripfag is obviously too lonely to be able to admit that it needs your attention to sustain itself, it clearly needs it, but it is also trying to appear smart and independent to fall into the anon chan culture.
You're evidently just as lonely as the tripfag, and you seem to be imagining you're helping it, that you're leading it to some type of awakening and self-admittance, and you may very well be, but what you don't foresee is that there is nothing beyond that, there's an empty husk of a very damaged person with nothing interesting to say, and no wonder given it spends hours on end every day shitposting in a manner so disgusting that it surpasses trolling in its profanity.

>> No.12922921

Have Sex

>> No.12922934

I’m glad you agree that she’s lying. :3

>> No.12923662

>the kindom of god was within us all along
Really Tolstoy?

>> No.12923981

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.12924004
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