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/lit/ - Literature

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13033042 No.13033042 [Reply] [Original]

CHRIST ANNOUNCED THE DAWN OF THE PROLETERIAN COGITO: salvation was impossible before the New Testament because “men were wicked”: that is, men were not cognitively equipped to realize their freedom, or anticipate anything like the soteriology of the Christian mysteries: that what saves the soul from sin is the discrepancy between the soul and sin, between the fullness of Love and the silence that betrays it (as dramatized on the Cross): Christ liberated reflexive self-awareness from matter, from genes, tribe, and blood, the tyranny of the factical flesh: the rejection of the biological, material father – only the poor, “demiurgic” weaver of the body – for the ideal Father, guarantor of all transcendent longing: this is what Nietzsche and Heisman both saw as Christianity's enduring contribution to the West: from the economy of blood and expiation in Fiore's Age of the Father, we come to the economy of faith in Christendom and the Age of the Son: the “socialization” of the absolute and gelding of the primordial man, Nietzsche's “blond beast”... with the Age of the Son comes civilization at its apogee, empathy is a force opposed to the entropic freefall of atoms, the scandal of their affairs in the void.. with Christianity emerges the awareness of a genuinely newfound and radically inward dimension of being, with Christianity the dialectical cascade initiated by the first “I AM” spoken by the first hominid could only have culminated in an ineradicable awareness of his ontological destitution: in other words, Zapffe was right all along: Christ represents a transcendence from material things (“mother and father”) that is so thoroughgoing and uncompromising in its diagnosis of the human condition that its corruption by time can only be a testament to its truth, and to catastrophic misinterpretation... THE PLANET IS A NEST FOR THE SPIRITUAL BODY: the unreflective pursuit of satisfactions is the condition of all evil and decrepitude in the universe, contentment is a sap: subjectivity the termite of natural law: Christ, as a symbol of the irreducibility of the spirit, could only have emerged at a time when the masses were receptive to him: could only have emerged at a time when the masses were conscious enough to recognize in their seeing a grain of eternity, but not conscious enough to know (like Christ) that it was SEEING ITSELF THAT MAKES IMMORTAL: because history can only negotiate with “dead objectivities”, the messenger (and message) of Internality could only be diluted by his diffusion into the socius: Zizek's Holy Spirit as a community's reflexive participation in its own deadlock: the soul wears history like a snail its shell, at death the face is shed and our debt is to our insides alone: but Hegel calls God the corpse that feeds a rose: that God can only be what grows from all the bodies of history: history is a mold: OUR DEBT IS TO OUR INSIDES ALONE.

>> No.13033068
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IMMORTALITY IS ASSURED: EVEN DEATH CANNOT PASS WITHOUT REGISTRATION: the horror is not oblivion but more life, eternal life, and an infinite responsibility to the self that must live it: precisely what Parmenides means by Being being all there that can be: THE TRAP OF THIS UNIVERSE IS PRECISELY OUR RATIOCINATIVE CAPACITY TO PERCEIVE IT: this paradoxical character of Christianity, its status as a landmark “declension” in the cognitive history of our species (the diffusion of rationality as brain stem parasitism), /and/ as standard-bearer of the light opposed to everything this declension presents, is the split that traverses consciousness: the war is not between the Circle and the Spiral, but Inside and Outside, or inner, “subjective” (Lemurian) time and the temporal gravity of the Omega Point, which can only forgive the immense suffering in the universe /retroactively/: that is, after it has passed, as some can only forgive their parents when they're in the ground: naturally, this makes capitalism the machine that eats time, the war with the modernity is basically a war between orders of time, and Hegel's disgust of what he perceives to be the onanism of Oriental thought speaks to this: the absolute cannot and must not “self-swallow” into an autoerotic singularity, it must explode into history and the manifest: recall Jung's distinction between the “universal” and “personal” Abraxas: the personal Abraxas is the goal, the universal Abraxas, a twin-faced God wreathed with dusk and dawn: Christianity mourns complexity's coincidence with its own passing-away: Christ-as-entropy hung on the Cross of his own metabolism: on Anaximander's great penalty, the first law and as such the first jurisdiction = Lichtung: “being is a wound in nothingness”: existence is a whirlpool: the Father agitated by his Son's seeing into a logic of accommodation and release... This is why Hegel is the enemy: Christ on that Cross is subjectivity infinitely estranged from the whole, from any and all outside, any and all alchemies of meaning: Hegel's dialectic was the final alchemy, not Mind released to its Notion, but whole enslaved to its self-registration: subjects pledged to the fatal logic of death and (pseudo-)rebirth, “I” an eternal Bacchus, disemboweled again and again by the titans of the hours and centuries: Hegel chokes on Deus Absconditus, the suffering that forsakes the return to the dialectical transparency of “mother and father”: the identity of the dialectic with itself = Absolute Knowledge: ultimately, Hegel's thought proceeds from the deadlock that results from differentiating between two points in empty space, and the (eventual) realization that the principle of differentiation must be consciousness itself: with Christ, this “mere contradiction” becomes lacerating: the paradox of love's coexistence with void: and the eventual realization that the void's difference with itself could only ever be measured by love.

>> No.13033150

what a lot of hooey.

learn something about Catholic theology before popping off at the mouth, dummy.

>> No.13033181


>> No.13033214
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Am I autistic for saving all of these and compiling them into a google doc? A lot of the time they make no sense are pretty obviously satire about the current state of the board, but sometimes, somehow, I get the feeling that he's actually onto something. Feeling conflicted.

>> No.13033259

Maybe you are autistic, but I'm sure any /lit/ regulars would appreciate a downloadable archive. I know I would.

>> No.13033269

Could you upload the doc somewhere?

>> No.13033361

Here you go. I usually clean them up and get rid of any spelling or grammar errors, arguably that goes against the whole schizo vibe, but it makes it much more readable IMO.

PDF: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wj7wxu96brwr8if/_lit__Schizo_Ramblings.pdf/file

Also, here is a archive of most of the original threads: >>/lit/?search_op=all&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_del=dontcare&offset=0&ghost=yes&search_filename=ww&search_res=op&task=search2&search_capcode=all

>> No.13033370

Much appreciated anon.

>> No.13033371

Thanks anon, saved to my memes folder. It will continue into posterity unto the ending of the world.

>> No.13033417
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Wow, really liked this one. I don't think that the principle of differentiation is consciousness though. Rather it is the lack of consciousness, and love is the process of unification across the void. 2, becomes 1 and 1, becomes 1+1. Maybe this is just what you were getting at, it's always hard to tell with you.

>> No.13033811

Yeah differences in discussions like this are usually just linguistic, the point was to communicate the intuition of actually being this difference to the root

>> No.13034008
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>mfw the triumph of subject over structure is implicit and immanent in christianity
>mfw french clowns can't even compete

>> No.13034012
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>> No.13034777

>based yawn poster
>never fails

>> No.13035652


>> No.13035664

I’m Catholic and I appreciated it. I disagree, but it’s better than most of the bait on this board.

>> No.13035914



>> No.13036429

>memorize 100 phone books explicitly contrary to the gospels that amount to being a teacher's pet and worshiping yaldabaoth instead of thinking for yourself as per the christian principle

This is what Catholics are actually like. Thread deletion inbound.

>> No.13036477
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I have one also. Word file with 50 868 words, on 126 pages.

>> No.13036686

would you mind uploading this aswell?

>> No.13037740

You are correct.