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13067724 No.13067724 [Reply] [Original]


Over 2 and a half hours dedicated to proving how much a pile of bullshit pic related is. Enjoy!

>> No.13067740

> soiiboii american teenager voice

just gimme a transcript

>> No.13067802

We already know tho.

>> No.13067816

>Alt hype
literal white nationalist

>> No.13067821

>Jared Diamond
literal jew

>> No.13067836

literally not anymore actually, not that it'd automatically invalidate what he's saying

>> No.13067864

Really? What does he believe in now? I'm assuming he's still concerned with the biological superiority of white people given the subject matter of this vid and the comments section.

>> No.13067943 [DELETED] 

some form of civic nationalism.
to claim he's 'concerned with the biological superiority of white people' is either a disingenuous misrepresentation or a painfully ignorant misunderstanding.
for one thing, is it really 'white supremacy' if you acknowledge asian and jewish people above whites on the IQ hierarchy? acknowledging differences in traits between population groups that have been evolving divergently over tens of thousands of years doesn't mean to claim any one group is overall 'superior' to another, they all have different strengths derived from adapting to various separate environments.
you can't really objectively prove that one is 'superior' to another, it depends on the metric that you value.
this 'white supremacy' meme is facile and only serves to dismiss out of hand anyone who talks openly about race differences.

>> No.13067955

some form of civic nationalism.
to claim he's 'concerned with the biological superiority of white people' is either a disingenuous misrepresentation or a painfully ignorant misunderstanding.
for one thing, is it really 'white supremacy' if you acknowledge asian and jewish people above whites on the IQ hierarchy?
acknowledging differences in traits between population groups that have been evolving divergently over tens of thousands of years doesn't mean to claim any one group is overall 'superior' to another, they all have different strengths derived from adapting to various separate environments.
you can't really objectively prove that one is 'superior' to another, it depends on the metric that you value.
this 'white supremacist' smear term only serves to dismiss out of hand anyone who talks openly about race differences.

>> No.13067971

Regardless of politics, this books is clearly wrong. It was hastily praised to be used in the fight against rascism, but the book has many factually incorrect arguments I am surprised this book received so much praise. Even lefties are criticizing it now. Ultimately, if you want a book that explains the outcome of the world and why we are all equal, you need to search for another book.

>> No.13067996

Intelligence is highly valued by almost everybody in modern society. 'Idiot', 'dumbass', 'stupid', etc are ubiquitously seen as pejoratives. So when it is said that black people are dumber than white people because of biology, most people then translate that to meaning 'black people are biologically inferior to white people'. Not only that, people on the far right talk about crime differences, and attribute this to biological factors. Maybe you can find some people who don't value intelligence, but you'll be hard pressed to find somebody who doesn't value peace.
So yes, it is true that 'recognising differences' isn't white supremacist, but 'recognising differences' in intelligence and crime and attributing them to biological factors will lead to white supremacy. At least in a society that values intelligence and peace.
>if you acknowledge asian and jewish people above whites on the IQ hierarchy?
well people on the far right believe that Asians are just soulless collectivists who are biologically inclined to forming hiveminds, and Jews are cunning deceivers wanting to bring about the death of the white race.

>> No.13068046

read this instead, saved you 2 and a half hours

>> No.13068127

if you want to put it in those terms then fine, but realize that simply because you view an idea as unpalatable or even potentially dangerous, it doesn't change the facts.
i can just as easily make the case (especially since we're seeing it play out today) that the denial of these differences is dangerous, as it leads to people of minority communities blaming 'white privilege' for their failures when it's simply nature running its course.
this can lead to a lot of toxic resentment, and it's not just about white people either, but you see the same thing in malaysia with the ethnic malays believing that the han chinese have 'stolen' their wealth because of their disproportionate success.
i believe this is a large part of the reason as to why alt hype and others focus on the IQ issue, not because of some insecure need to feel 'better' because of their race.

>> No.13068230

btw in terms of crime asians and i believe jews have whites beat there too, so it still seems like we're looking at an asian or jewish supremacist society if intelligence and criminality are the 2 determining factors.

>> No.13068255

Why did I read this book and come away with the thought that blacks probably evolved from an entirely different species than whites and we’ll never know the truth because that would lead to chaos

>> No.13068293

Why do you guys completely ignore 200 years of context every time in these post. Anyway by the time you die you'll proably start to see country's in Africa be contenders in the top 10 spots.

>> No.13068384

what i'm getting from watching it is that Diamond made an argument that native americans were at a disadvantage compared to Europeans, which is why Europeans were so much more advanced than native americans.
essentially, "European dna is equal to native american dna, and it's more 'luck' that accounts for cultural superiorities/differences".

the youtube vid basically wrecks this idea, and reaffirms that native americans actually had a longer time to advance technologically than Europeans, and no disadvantages as claimed by Diamond.

>> No.13068447

because 'muh slavery' is totally irrelevant and doesn't have any bearing on how blacks are performing today? not to mention it cannot in any way explain why we see the same trends play out all over the world even where they weren't enslaved or subjugated.
we have the stats and we have the trans-racial adoption studies and we've controlled for all environmental conditions, it's not really up for debate that there's a significant genetic component involved.

and i wouldn't bet on it, no idea why you'd think that. they may continue to become more developed but they'll never catch up to first world nations. the IQ and GDP correlation is too strong.

>> No.13068534

Oh man; Does Jared Jewmond really make the claim in the book that the reason zebras were never domesticated by blacks was because they couldn't be domesticated or that blacks simply saw domesticating them as impractical? lol

>> No.13068726
File: 10 KB, 263x264, 1495733807486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basic premise of geographical differences and not cultural outlook as the reason Europeans conquered the world is wrong from the very beginning. Western Culture sees itself striving towards infinity and the Will to Power drove it to impose its Will on all four corners of the Earth, something no other Culture that came before it was interested in. Western Civilization is just another epoch in Cultural history, like Bede's sparrow in the banquet hall. Europeans didn't conquer the world and create modern technology because Europeans are exceptional or "geographically advantageous" to the Chinese or Indians, it was because Charles Martel won the Battle of Tours and Western Culture was allowed to realize its lofty spiritual ambitions unmolested.

>> No.13069062

It is still usually white supremacy because, even if Asian and Jewish IQs are higher, they always claim that Asians are some kind of insect-folk without emotion and that Jews are incapable of honesty or creativity or some shit, putting white folk at a 'just right' level of IQ where they're smart enough to thrive but everyman enough to be the scrappy protagonist of history.
Why is it that these counter-arguments always zoom in straight to Europeans? They don't seem to have any interest in the topic outside of justifying their own superiority like whenever there's something about a collective human race some autist has to pipe up saying 'you think that this ugly aboriginal lady is the same race as EVROPEANS?!'

>> No.13069222 [DELETED] 

these claims aren't discussed much in the HBD sphere from what i've seen but more so in more edgy alt right circles. there is some overlap between the two but also an important distinction.
it's worth noting though there is some evidence that the S allele correlates with collectivism and is seen at the highest frequency in east asian countries.
regardless, instead of impugning motives or name calling, actually engage with the arguments.that's all i'm saying.

>> No.13069272

Why do white people have to pay then entire world to breed them our of existence?

>> No.13069860


>> No.13069922

>like whenever there's something about a collective human race...
why do people keep trying to lump Europeans in with every other race?
why can't people just acknowledge that there IS diversity within the human species, just as there is diversity among dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, fish, birds, insects, etc.?

or are you next going to try to say that there is no such thing as diversity amongst different species? and that there is only one species, Earth species?

>> No.13069933

>It is still usually white supremacy because, even if Asian and Jewish IQs are higher, they always claim that Asians are some kind of insect-folk without emotion and that Jews are incapable of honesty or creativity or some shit, putting white folk at a 'just right' level of IQ where they're smart enough to thrive but everyman enough to be the scrappy protagonist of history.
that's the biggest and most committed strawman I've ever seen. Only unintellectual 14 year olds on /pol/ believe this unironically

IQ also predicts creative output

>> No.13069941

see >>13069933

>> No.13069966
File: 90 KB, 474x711, dumb wojak brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So yes, it is true that 'recognising differences' isn't white supremacist, but 'recognising differences' in intelligence and crime and attributing them to biological factors will lead to white supremacy.
>which is genocide.

>> No.13070003

The problem is you're all so arbitrary about race and so unaware of it. You screech when any similarities are suggested between Europeans and Africans, or even sometimes Europeans and European-adjacent peoples like West Asians with arguments of diversity, but then don't apply this idea to Europeans themselves, acting as if all white people are genetically identical. You disdain pan-humanist rhetoric while preaching pan-European rhetoric as if one category is more valid than the other and it's not just a question of scale.
I've seen that argument nearly verbatim on /his/ like two dozen times.

>> No.13070021

Can you at least familiarize yourself with somebody's opinions before you go about criticizing them? You're really embarrassing yourself.

>> No.13070053

Go on, tell me about your opinions.

>> No.13070075

>The problem is you're all so arbitrary about race and so unaware of it. You screech when any similarities are suggested between Europeans and Africans, or even sometimes Europeans and European-adjacent peoples like West Asians with arguments of diversity, but then don't apply this idea to Europeans themselves, acting as if all white people are genetically identical.

>I've seen that argument nearly verbatim on /his/ like two dozen times.
so literally anyone who ever brings up biodiversity and intelligence believes the arguments you've seen on /his/?

>You disdain pan-humanist rhetoric while preaching pan-European rhetoric as if one category is more valid than the other and it's not just a question of scale.
You could make the same argument to the inclusion of anything that has a brain, most mammals, and you would be right to do so. The issue is of practicality. $50,000 in some starving african village would feed them and make them a bigger burden in the future. $50,000 in a white or asian research facility gets us one step closer to quantum computers, or better medicine, or...

While I sympathize with everything that feels, not only do I assert my own right to pursue my own interests before anyone else's, I honestly think that is the ethical thing to do for everyone else in the context of western civ, because we're the ones who make technology and justice happen.

>> No.13070082

The channel is linked in the OP,. Go and watch some of his videos if you're so curious.

>> No.13070093

>technology and justice
let's not forget the unit of everything, money itself

another thing, not only do the brown masses not MERIT inclusion in white society for their low IQ and criminality, even if they were equal genetically as far as intelligence goes, their culture clashes with an intolerable noise. Their kids bully white kids at school at disproportionate rates; even if they are not bullies, racial and cultural differences make friendship and community much less likely and much harder. Diversity itself is bad.

>> No.13070102

>you screech when any similarities are suggested between Europeans and Africans
and you screech when any differences are brought up.
>you disdain pan-humanist rhetoric
where? It's acknowledged by everyone that Africans, Asians, Europeans, Hispanics, and even Muslims are "human". How is that anti-"pan-humanist"?
You seem to not understand the definitions of the words "race" and "species", or how things get classified and categorized.
Which makes you anti-science and anti-intellectual that you don't even understand such a BASIC CONCEPT.
It's even acknowledged that there are differences within different races, hence the arising of the word "ETHNICITY".

Seriously, get a dictionary, read up on genus, species, race, etc to gain an understanding.

>> No.13070146

so why do white people have to pay then entire world to breed them out of existence?

>> No.13070248

>there's no such thing as dog species, or human species, or horse species, etc, there is only the pan-mammal species
>dogs are humans, humans are horses, blacks are whites, asians are hispanic.
do you see yet how language works? how we use words with rather specific definitions that allow us to differentiate between different things when it's suitable, and then more general words (like "mammal", or "vertebrate") for when we want to be more inclusive?

guess what, we do the same thing with the human species: hence, the human races and ethnicities.

>> No.13070964

>but then don't apply this idea to Europeans themselves, acting as if all white people are genetically identical

He literally has a video on this very topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx5lABaziSM

>> No.13071292

Jews did 9/11

>> No.13071294

wow ebin how very redpilled

>> No.13071321

Haven't heard of this guy before, but this was a brilliantly researched and composed video; academic in quality. You dont see anything like this coming out "left-tube".

>> No.13071341

He's one of the only good political YouTube channels because he actually does original research and doesn't just engage in demagoguery.

>> No.13071342

You have to go back.

>> No.13071382

ITT: Chapofags seething that thoughtcrime is still allowed in the current year.

>> No.13071397

American Renaissance Podcasts is good too.

>> No.13071489

You know it's not like any significant numbers of white people ever got their rocks off for just being white in history, they've always seen themselves in terms of separate ethnicities, nations, and cultures. The only groups of people prone to see such a thing as 'white people' in the first place were other races, and now that those other races are among us in significant numbers, that's the exact reason why it's beneficial to be aware of the notion of white people as a white person, being amongst people who would class you in that group, a group we would be totally oblivious to the existence and general treatment of if we followed your advice.

>> No.13071510

Redpill me on the chapo trannies

>> No.13071577

You're so behind in the discourse that it's embarrassing. Watch Ryan's videos before spouting more of your boomer nonsense, thinking its veil-piercing revelation.

>> No.13071633

All I’ll say is that anybody on /lit/ who denies that either chapofags and or discord trannies exist is one themselves.

>> No.13072076


>> No.13072141

Why have they infiltrated /lit/? How is Deleuze involved? How do we stop them?

>> No.13072185

lmao that's bullshit
GG&S is gay for any number of reasons, and that ain't it. Mesoamericans advanced while NAmericaniggers didn't, despite having the same genetic history.

>> No.13072196

god fuck off with your /v/ tier boogeyman. you sound so weak.

>> No.13072346

He's not, but even if he was that doesn't discredit what he says

>> No.13072371

Feeling hormonal, tranny? Lay off the estrogen.

>> No.13072442

Here’s one now.

>> No.13072452

some other guy could make an even longer video debunking this guy's video, and it could be just as well researched, edited, thought out and valid. the book this video is debunking also seems well researched, edited thought out and valid until you watch this video.

social science is worthless masturbation, but worse because people actually form opinions from it, think they are right about them and enact on real life with consecuences to people around them

>> No.13072478

He's IQ-political supremacist, sort of nowadays. Basically in his view typical white doesn't want to fight for his interest so he cares about broadly speaking conservatives since for instance broadly understood black conservatives are heavily opposed to things like interracial marriage or gun control as opposed to liberal whites.

You can see it coming out of his stat autism desu. Normal person would go for more tribalist worldview, dumb person would be egalitarian/individualist, autistic person like Alt-Hype will be that kind of statistically-approximated tribalism.

>> No.13072596

>Environmental determinism
Who even believes in things totally being determined?

>> No.13073240

well to be fair there is some evidence to show that the S allele of the 5-HTTLPR gene correlates with collectivism and is seen in higher frequency among east asian populations, but these claims about asians and jews are not very commonly discussed in the HBD sphere, it's more the edgy alt righters/poltards that say that kind of thing.
regardless, all i'm saying is that rather than impugning motives and name calling you should actually engage with the arguments.

>> No.13073292

Guys guys we tried the whole white supremacy thing ... it went badly to say the least

Let's move along please

>> No.13073319

It's not a fact at all. In fact it is a hotly debated topic among intelligence researchers. Read this article: https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/6/15/15797120/race-black-white-iq-response-critics
If you're too much of an alt right bitch boy to read vox I'll give you the tldr

>environmental factors are known to have a huge effect on IQ
>the Flynn effect, an environmental phenomenon, raised the IQ of society by 15-18 points
>adoption of a lower class kid into a higher class family will raise the kids IQ around 4.4-18 points
>black IQ has (probably) increased
>the gap between whites and blacks is narrowing
>heritability of IQ is lower among the lower classes because they don't have the chance to reach their "genetic potential"
>social/educational programs have a positive effect on lower class communities

I read this a while ago so I probably got something wrong/omitted some important points

>> No.13073334

There are no facts in the social sciences. See also, replication crisis, grievance studies, p-hacking, zillions of biases...

>> No.13073399

yeah, white supremacism only built the modern world as we know it.

>> No.13074899

5. The anti-racists say: there are no races. There are no lions, tigers, cougars, jaguars, panthers: they are all just cats. There are no blacks and whites — we are all just people. There are no people and animals — we are all just lifeforms. There are no beings and things — we are all just parts of the flux. Which strictly speaking is true, but which, by depriving us of any possible words and concepts, in no way helps us analyze anything or even so much as communicate — by which fact the will of those who reason in this way stands revealed.

>> No.13075304

You have to go back.

>> No.13075448

>some other guy could make an even longer video debunking this guy's video
Yet no one will (for "reasons unknown").

>> No.13076050

>butthurt alt right whining for over 2hrs

Do you think this is /pol/?

>> No.13076729

You HAVE to go back, tourist.