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/lit/ - Literature

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1316963 No.1316963 [Reply] [Original]

/mu/ here, does /lit/ have any charts like this for books?

>> No.1316968

remember when threads like these happened once every day instead of once every week

>> No.1316970

Hello fellow /mu/tant, you'll find nothing as fulfilling as most of the /mu/ essentials lists here, but this is the best we've got, which is still pretty bad for the most part:


>> No.1316971

Yes it does, but why would you want them? WAKE UP SHEEPLE, THINK FOR YOURSELVES. They're books, not some stoner trendy music shit, they're meant to be read as an involved and personal experience. The amount of time and attention paid to literature, the amount of focus they receive versus some song, makes it far more valuable to choose books for some other reason than, that's what other people tell me to like.

Go back to /mu/ you poser.

>> No.1316974

jesus man i just wanna find some good reading

>> No.1316975

read everything on this list and nothing else http://interleaves.org/~rteeter/grtbloom.html

>> No.1316977

anytime someone comes here asking for a list... I just think, "why?' and, "here is a person who has read so little, that it hardly seems worth recommending them anything, because they probably won't get around to reading it anyways.."

>> No.1316978

anon has been trolling people with the sheeple thing for a while. thinks he's clever. don't let it bother you.

>> No.1316979

That's what's wrong with this generation, everyone wants to be told whats good. Sit back and let the media dictate what's good. People used to make up their own minds.

>> No.1316980


OP, MFAg here. Read Montaigne's essays.

>> No.1316983

Also, /lit/ is full of pricks who think they're better than everyone because they "read"--which usually means they read paperback fiction.

>> No.1316984


Did Montaigne have something to say about canon?

>> No.1316985
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>> No.1316987

so /mu/tant, do you have friends irl? any of them into books? most likely they will give you a better guide to what you might like then any of us

>> No.1316988

Not explicitly, no. He's just part of it.

He was also very well-read himself, and a master troll.

>> No.1316989
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>> No.1316990

i dunno. i think i would prefer the suggestions of seasoned readers such as yourselves over my friends

>> No.1316992

your loss.

>> No.1316994

What kinds of subjects are you interested in?

Do you prefer fiction, nonfiction, or poetry?

I could recommend a ton, but it'd mostly be nonfiction and poetry.

>> No.1316996

Eh, fine. What do you typically enjoy reading? Bear in mind that posting "Give me new music" on /mu/ is equally as vague as saying "Suggest books" on /lit/.

>> No.1317003

But everybody does it. Our exposure to art(all forms) is largely determined by the channels by which they arrive to us. It's in fact inescapable. That's what Andy Warhol's art was about. Look at Harold Bloom(>>1316975), there's no way he constructed his list by reading all those books. He had to determine which works fit in purely by their reputation.

>> No.1317004

well i usually enjoy poetry and historical or realistic fiction, but i also love books and stories relating to dystopia as well

>> No.1317012

Gore Vidal

>> No.1317109

Whenever that happens, /mu/ usually recommends teh /mu/core (see list, music everyone has or should have a hardon for) or just personal favourites.

>> No.1317122
File: 87 KB, 344x615, gorevidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gore Vidal

>> No.1317124


That chart is pretty pathetic and screams 16 year old hipster. I hope /lit/ wouldn't have anything like that.

>> No.1317158

Doesn't /mu/ have a site with all the music charts?

Someone have the url handy?

>> No.1317210

OP, if you're into Dystopia, I can tell you the obvious
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
The Man in the High Castle

But you know those are good Dystopian books already.


>> No.1317237



>> No.1317245

>implying a hipster would be caught dead listening to Fleetwood Mac, Jethro Tull or Rush

>> No.1317267

Yeah, it looks like /lit/ isn't the only board with a lack of understanding in regards to current vernacular. oh well.

>> No.1317273



>> No.1317281

/mu/ is a little ahead of /lit/ not only in post count by also spiritually. From OP's pic I take it that /mu/tants don't feel butt hurt from being labeled hipsters.

>> No.1317285

It is less a 'hipster guide' than a general music recommendations guide, a sort of entry-level introduction to /mu/. It's also a pretty terrible guide, but /mu/ has put together similar guides for a multitude of genres and subgenres. If you're interested: http://mu-essentials.blogspot.com/

>> No.1317316
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>mfw no yeezy taught me