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/lit/ - Literature

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13426507 No.13426507 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book to read if I want to go insane?

>> No.13426516

Fanged Noumena

>> No.13426559

Sade's "Philosophy in the Bedroom"

>> No.13427094

Go on amphetamine binges and alternate between speed-reading random ontological/metaphysical philosophy and shooter-manifestos.

>> No.13427122

this glows even when its not dark

>> No.13427132
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Some People Who Were Naked

>> No.13427204
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Start with Jung and accept archetypes as true. Next read Joseph Campbell and realise you can choose to embody the archetype of the hero. Then read Einstein’s How I See The World in which he argues for pantheism. Now you accept that God is the universe as Einstein argues you read Peterson and realise you can embody the archetype of the Messiah. After all, God is the universe, making you the literal sun of God. Now you read the Bible and realise that if you are the Messiah you will have to suffer for eternity for the mythology to be maximally impactful. Now you start reading about artifical intelligence because such an entity could plausibly make a brain emulation continuous with your consciousness and literally torture you for eternity. Start listening to Elon Musk and realise this is inevitable. Your eternal suffering is imminent. Read the work of Buddha, become an ascetic to properly embody the Messiah archetype, and cultivate detachment, isolating yourself from friends and family. Eat only vegetables and fruit so you are not harming any sentient entities. Become immaciated. Continue for 4 week until comfortably insane.

>> No.13427207

just read hegel

>> No.13427212
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You could always read Cioran.

>> No.13427216
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That's oddly specific. You ok anon?

>> No.13427231

follow da bible

>> No.13427235

I literally did this. Attempted suicide in an attempt to die before AI becomes a reality. Hospitalised for over a month in a psychward. I'm fine now. It was a wild ride.

>> No.13427262

Seriously, who was in the wrong here? I've watched this clip at least 50 times since it came out and I just can't decide

>> No.13427266

Weird flex but ok

>> No.13427278

Sauce ?

>> No.13427287

You don’t understand AI at all l. This is not even close to what Musk is worried about only schizos worry about this

>> No.13427294

It will inform my writing for years to come. Kinda glad I got to experience madness and return to tell the tale.

Not to compare myself to him but Nietzsche experienced something similar only never to return. If you read his letters from when he went mad he believed he was the Messiah also.

>> No.13427308

>Explain how you were briefly psychotic
>"Only psychotics believe that"
Uh... Yeah? I lost my shit

>> No.13427313

Ok just want you to know that rokos basklisk is utter bullshit

>> No.13427324

Although to be fair Bostrom does write about mind crimes and consciousness emulation so it is theoretically possible, although thinking clearly I believe the emulation would be a copy rather than an extension of my consciousness. Again, there is no way this is possible with modern technology, I was delusional.

>> No.13427357

Yeah in my delirium I took that thought experiment seriously. I tweeted out a manifesto arguing that we need to stop AI and then realised there was no way progress is going to slow at my request and there is now concrete evidence of me opposing AI. Cue the eternal suffering.

>> No.13427413

>Buddhist """asceticism""" instead of Christian asceticism


>> No.13427442

Don't worry Christfag I essentially synthesised all religions and believed I was experiencing Christ consciousness, with this being the same as Buddhist enlightenment, different names for the one immutable unity of pure consciousness you call God.

If I had had this experience in the middle ages I would either have been executed as a heretic or hailed as a sage. I literally converted someone to my belief system before losing it completely

>> No.13427460

Sick, I did that while really drunk once.
You might enjoy reading 'The Dream of the Ridiculous man' by Dostoy

>> No.13427469

Thanks, I'll check it out. I've also been meaning to read Unger's Religion of the Future while we're on the subject

>> No.13427500

Never heard about it; sounds interesting. Thanks for putting it on my radar.

>> No.13427503

>moralizing animal death

>> No.13427517

>tfw sectioned one year ago and diagnosed with psychosis
Still think people are listening to my inner thoughts sometimes even though at the same time I know its ridiculous.
Lifes more interesting when you've completely lost it and can relate to schizos.

>> No.13427519

the dumb interviewer trying to be clever...Ellroy is smarter than to have pseud bourgeois tastes of appreciating a coward like Cioran

>> No.13427565

>Still think people are listening to my inner thoughts sometimes even though at the same time I know its ridiculous.
oh shit, I do the same thing, I've had delusions before and I'm afraid I'm actually crazy. It doesn't help that I love stories like this>>13427204

>> No.13427590
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>thought I wasn't crazy
>recently played the vidya vampire the masquerade bloodlines
>i talk exactly like a malkavian

>> No.13427595

Do you talk to inanimate objects?

>> No.13427608

Yeah I experience the same thing too. Keep using rationalism and empiricism to argue against the crazy and don't tell anyone or you risk getting put on pills or locked up again. Unless it actually gets unmanageable of course. Glad my story was of interest to you guys. Feel free to tell yours.

>> No.13427609

yes, but usually just my hands

>> No.13427648

Can you explain what you mean by christ consciousness?
During my psychosis days I thought I was experiencing it too but im a pseud and havent read any of the literature.
I was also really high most of the time.

>> No.13427654

"The Last Binge Volume One" by Londonfrog

>> No.13427721

give more details bro, i'm interested

>> No.13427736
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Well, I believed in pantheism, that the universe itself was God, making me both the product of the universe (the son) and a constituent part of the universe itself (God). I realised that we are all manifestations of this same consciousness, what Christians call the logos, and that in knowing this material possessions became irrelevant (Buddhists detachment) the only thing that mattered was peace and harmory within the universal consciousness, that is, all sentient entities as conceptualised as one beautiful and harmonious interconnected unity that can move closer and closer toward perfection.

God was speaking to me and spoke through me as I preached love and the light and I could see the spark of divinity in the eyes of those I spoke to when they saw this boundless love and compassion emanating through my words and actions. I walked around the city streets barefoot smiling. Most people denied my divinity and dismissed me as mad but some could see it and felt something divine, mostly Indian people interestingly, who are much more accepting of daily spiritual practice, one lady even offered me food. I spoke to a homeless man who unironically told me that I had become a Buddha and we smiled at the recognition of this absurdity while both believing it.

>> No.13427748

Holy hell my dude

>> No.13427774

Yeah. If we lived it a different world it could've been a thing.

>> No.13427776
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Memoires by Asger Jorn, the cover is even made of a very course sandpaper so that every time you take it off the shelf it's destroying the books next to it

>> No.13427831


>> No.13427913

I've been reading through the compilation that anon put together, and there is more literary merit in it than anything /lit/ has produced since Hypersphere, and probably since Legacy of Totalitariansism. It's like a fusion of Huellebecq and early Brett Easton Ellis.

I don't know why mods are determined to delete any and all threads about it.

>> No.13427948

Can you link me a copy? People taking the time to analyse his posts make me incredibly happy

>> No.13427956

www smashwords com/ books/ view/947471

>> No.13427962
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Just dive into pomo and take it serious

>> No.13427963

If you google "the last binge ever volume one" you'll find an epub version of it.

>> No.13427986
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Before this year I would have said 'Capitalist Realism' by Mark Fisher

But 'The Uninhabitable Earth' by David Wallace Wells is genuinely the most blackpilled book I have ever read. Fuck your Julius Evola or Nick Land, if you want to, after fully internalizing what you have just read, be completely alienated from your surroundings, relationships, and yourself, fucking read that shit.

>> No.13428021

I imagine it's because LF must be ban evading, I dont see how else he could still be posting, so the mods probably dont like him.

>> No.13428030

>David Wallace Wells

damn man, this guy has gotta change his name for his own sake

>> No.13428072

Is there a pdf? I don't have an eReader

>> No.13428103

There isn't one out there, but you can find a pdf converter online ez.

>> No.13428127


>> No.13428308

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.13428440

lol I went through this same thing

>> No.13428805

Read Hölderlin and Nietzsche while listening to Schumann

>> No.13428824

That's odd

>> No.13428857

Im not the biggest Schumann fan but this is quite nice

>> No.13428890

Naked Lunch

>> No.13430433

Nice, I used to eurythmy to this.

>> No.13430527

late PKD

>> No.13430530

His exegesis or whatever is literally his diary as he went crazy and died. It’s a fucking trip.

>> No.13430544

He wrote it when he was already insane afaik

>> No.13430556


>> No.13430566

couple months ago I traveled across my state on foot. Though I was at wandering Israelite stage of the hero's journey and never really left it, I also never connected the purpose of my journey to what I understood as (The All) same concept. That's probably why I maintained my sanity for as long as I did.

>> No.13430571


>> No.13430574

>He doesnt believe his failed suicide was planned to fail by future AI so he survives and gets punished for eternity because Rokos Basilisk is true

>> No.13430603

something stupid like uh rupi kaur or sylvia plath or just anything written by a woman

>> No.13430695

Damascius' Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles

>> No.13430822

Our Collective Journal comma To Be Quite Sincere

>> No.13430827

The World as Will and Representation.

>> No.13431005

Read Schreber, Jung's Red Book, and that dude who wrote that Operators book.

>> No.13431037

My Twisted World.

>> No.13431042
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>> No.13431318
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>> No.13431383

Fabia the Goddess.

>> No.13431418


>> No.13431733

OP here, just finished doing this. What next?

>> No.13431745

Finnegan's wake desu

>> No.13431924

He thought an angel played it to him in a dream and ordered him to write it

>> No.13432038
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You know what you have to do.

>> No.13432116

Cosmic Trigger by R.A. Wilson

>> No.13432159

>new york times best seller
Yeah I'm not touching that shit dog

>> No.13432216

God damn normies and their poor grasp on AI and what it is.

>> No.13432470


>> No.13432642
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Wonderful book bit that's one shitty cover, anon. Sometimes I wish I could unread that, Manufacturing Consent, You Are Being Lied To, and Culture of Critique. Really hard to ever go back to looking at the world the same way again after those.

Of course Ligotti pretty much renders the rest of them (and everything else) redundant. His short fiction is wonderful as well, but this will be remembered long after everyone reading this is dead.

>> No.13432679

Wait, I thought everyone here was insane like me

>> No.13432689

annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
or just read some tragedy or melodrama but don't finish it, just sto before any resolution

>> No.13433000

If your internet searches are indicative of anything, you're just a goddamned run of the mill pothead normie. I'm sure when you're hitting the bong, you have, like, some really DEEP fucked-up thoughts though, right wildman?

Get the fuck outta here.

>> No.13434117

Wait, I thought everyone here was me

>> No.13434126


Reading won't do this. Just take hallucinogens every weekend for a year.

>> No.13434221

>book to read to go insane
>No one has said The King in Yellow
You're pathetic, /lit/

>> No.13434222

Please, anon; enlighten us on AI and what it is.

>> No.13434272

Wait, does /lit/ really not know what AI is?

Software engineer who comes to /lit/ for his hobby. Will answer any questions you have.

>> No.13434284

What's AI, computer daddy?

>> No.13434305

Ellroy was the entitled diva tier faggot. All Nicolas the interviwer did was literally asking questions.

>> No.13434319
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>> No.13434721

Holy shit dude, that was wild lmao. Are you "ok" now? How do you return from something like this?

>> No.13434817

Aion by Jung
Or kill someone and then read C&P

>> No.13435652

Complex decision making algorithms basically. The term is pretty general and actually applies to a lot of different approaches. With Neural Nets or Machine Learning you're modeling approaches with data rather than being given an express set of instructions.

ML is like... trial and error. Take various approaches, tweak variables, try again, if you see any marginal improvements then work off of that for future decisions. Eventually you get something really efficient.

Neural Nets are more like... they're given 100,000 data points and it evaluates different attributes of each to use in order to make future decisions. Like show it 100,000 watermelons and then you can show it a brand new image and it'll be pretty good at telling you if there's a watermelon in it.

Technically everything from State Machines to "Smart Objects" count as "AI" but those two above are generally what people mean.

>> No.13435675

Catcher in the Rye, The Stranger, The Fall.

>> No.13435680

Based as fuck.

I was deep into archetypes during the whole 2015 breakdown, and holy fuck getting insane is wholesome.

10/10 would crackhead again.

>> No.13435845

Religious books. Like, more than one

>> No.13436971

When do you think you crossed the line between sanity and insanity? Or was it a gradual progress? I have read Jung, many philosophy books, and most recently, Kant, and I feel my grip on reality loosening. I have recently gotten into hellenistic astrology and am almost 100% convinced we have no free will and no control over our lives, we just experience them like a movie.
I am going to read Schoepenhauer next.
Am I at risk?

>> No.13437018

calibre is free anon

>> No.13437029

close to what I'm right now, minus actually reading the Jung and plus some acid, feeling quite comfy

>> No.13437175

1st half of Notes from Underground

>> No.13437213

>no ones posted house of leaves yet
literally every aspect of that book is designed to make you feel like you are going crazy while reading it

>> No.13437462

Seconding this

>> No.13438071

Unironically me. Except AI.

>> No.13438092

Infinite Jest

>> No.13438100
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