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1344377 No.1344377 [Reply] [Original]

>Like reading
>Always been painfully slow at it
>Turns out I had ADD
>Will get meds for it
>My face when I have never been more excited about reading my book in my entire life


How fast do you guys read?

>> No.1344395

>How fast do you guys read?
Read a 300-page paperback the other day.

I'll be honest, the more interested I am in a book, the quicker I'll tear through it.

>> No.1344402
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If I really try I read about 100 pages in a day. But if I do that most of it will be forgotten and I will have tried so hard that it's not even fun reading.

I can barely read a page of a book without having to at least half of it again.

>> No.1344404

On average, about a 400 page novel a month sadly.

On the days when I actually do some reading, anywhere between 50 or 100 pages.

I really need to get down to business...

>> No.1344407

I know the feeling man. But, interestingly enough, I read better without my pills. With my pills, I don't feel like I can get as immersed in the story as I would be without them. I was already a voracious reader before I was diagnosed though. But that's probably just me. I bet these pills could really help you. There is no doubt that it has helped me immensely in my schoolwork.
Do you have ADHD-I or the hyperactive kind? (I have ADHD-I)

>> No.1344411

ADD is no excuse. I have ADHD and I still managed to consume a 632-page book in 4 days. Your attention span is only limited by your interest in the content.

>> No.1344413

20-100 pages a day. depends on how much i love the book. if i love i'll lounge around all day reading.

>> No.1344414
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>> No.1344415


> mfw this post makes OP realise he could read all along

>> No.1344420

>Do you have ADHD-I or the hyperactive kind? (I have ADHD-I)
I have ADD, which is like ADHD without the hyperactivity. It's mostly my mind which is restless at all times.

>> No.1344422

100-225 pages a day

i read like 7 books at a time to get around the whole losing interest thing

>> No.1344423
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I got over my ADD with sure willpower and can read 800 page books in one day easy

>> No.1344425

PROTIP: You don't have a disease. You're normal. Speed works the same for everybody.

...and I wish I had some.

>> No.1344428

>Since everyone at this earth is just like eachother everyone else has to be able to do what I can do

I've tried for YEARS. It's just not books, it's everything. I have tried so hard to train my focus that I've cried. This fucking sucks. Believe me, I wouldn't take the medicine unless I felt the need too. I can barely shave myself because I space the fuck out and pull the razor sideway without thinking.

Yeah, it's THAT fucking bad.

>> No.1344429

Yeah, well, we can't all be as great as Kamina.

>> No.1344432

The ADD you're describing and ADHD-I (predominately inattentive) are the same thing. ADHD-I is like, the technical term for it I think. It sucks when people think we're hyperactive spazzes or something.

>> No.1344435

Can i get this medicine from the NHS for free? Like say to my doctor i just want some for school work?

>> No.1344437

>i am an individual

Another problem is that you're clearly giving it too much thought. I think if you actually have a problem, it's that you've convinced yourself that you're thus disabled.

I don't take any medication(even though it's prescribed) and, like I said, I get by quite well.

>> No.1344446

i find i can read a novel extremely fast if it's really interesting, however the more lack lusture i feel about the subject the longer it takes me. Which, in turn, annoys me and makes me put down the book because i'm now aware of just HOW uninterested i am.

if you understand what i mean.

for example i'm reading The God Delusion atm and it's taking forever because he's basically saying everything i already know in an extremely long-winded and unneccessary way.

However a normal 300+ page book usually takes me a few days because i mainly read before going to sleep

>> No.1344449

To be honest I didn't even hear of anything called ADD until earlier this year. I didn't even consider that I had ADHD since I was thinking of mongoloids when I heard the name. So I thought that I was just lazy and tried the hardest I could to improve my focus since I enjoy reading.

Then earlier this year I spoke with a psychologist about how my depression makes it really hard to get anything in my life done. He then told me it sounded a lot like ADHD, which then by another doctor (or another psychologist, who gives the diagnosis?) corrected and told me about a thing called ADD.

I'm not the kind of guy who usually takes medicine. I have never touched a painkiller in my life and I've turned down anti-depressants several times since I feel that my depression is something I have control over.

>> No.1344461
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Not with that attitude you wont

>> No.1344463

To be fair, when I was younger(I'm now 23), I actually did have a problem with focus and the meds did help.

It's hard to relate to that years after conquering it to the point of not needing meds.