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/lit/ - Literature

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13505303 No.13505303 [Reply] [Original]

>what you do for a living
>what you wish you did instead
>last good book you've read

>> No.13505325

>Electrical engineer
>Electrical engineer

>> No.13505336
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>Don Quijote

>> No.13505339

why is it always like this?

>> No.13505344

like what

>> No.13505353

>Code monkey
>the bible

>> No.13505358

Isn't coding for pajeets?

>> No.13505363

>Work in a factory, CNC machine operator
>Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.13505368

>History teacher
>History teacher but in a better country
>Short Stories by Maupassant

>> No.13505379

> 23
> PhD student in Physics
> PhD student in Physics
> The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.13505382

dating mining thread #2

high quota this month, faggot?

>> No.13505391

How do you know I'm not Indian?

>> No.13505402

>what you do for a living
minimum wage jobs
>what you wish you did instead
ive always wanted to live off the grid, survivalism and such
>last good book you've read
life is a dream by calderon

>> No.13505444

>a better country
where are u right now

>> No.13505453

what went wrong

>> No.13505479

> PhD student in Physics
holy shit what kind of autism lead to this path

>> No.13505481

>what you do for a living
I travel and find a job when I run out of money. I'm at mile 1219/2193 of the Appalachian Trail now and plan on wwoofing somewhere after I summit
>what you wish you did instead
I just wish I could do what I do now and have time for hobbies
>last good book you've read
The Immoralist by André Gide

>> No.13505505

Music theory lecturer and undergrad in Politics and Philosophy
Concert Pianist

>> No.13505538

>>East of Eden

>> No.13505539

>Games people play


>> No.13505550

new teachers are basically fucked in every posible way, from wages to scholar responsibility of the kids and everyone's pointing a finger to the educative system has the one to blame for our 40+ years streak of being shit

>> No.13505556

Teach high school english
Teach high school english + some entry level teacher ed classes at a college
Dot in the Universe by Lucy Ellman

>> No.13505558

>Internal Medicine Resident
>Successful writer, but not good enough
>The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.13505561

>I Dreamed I Was A Very Clean Tramp

>> No.13505580

>Home Remodeling
>Storm of Steel

>> No.13505618


>I’m a lawyer
>I wish I were a playwright of success writing plays for a major Broadway or London theatrical scene: a Tom Stoppard like figure.
>Last good book I read was Angels in America. I though modern playwrights were mostly bad, but this work was quite poetic; there are a lot of great speeches. I also reread Anna Karenina and War and Peace and I honestly think Tolstoy is the best novelist I ever encountered.

>> No.13505639

>I breath
>be a musician
>I can't remember

>> No.13505653

I am not really attracted to law as a career, but I am attracted to what studying law can do to me.
I am have been said that I'm guaranteed a lifelong good writing hand, and will be able to make my way out of any possible argument.
What do you think about these claims and should I go for law if I am just attracted to this part of the field?

>> No.13505661

>Music theory lecture
you're a lecturer at 19?

>> No.13505693

>oooh yes daddy mine my data

>The Secret History

>> No.13505696


>Cyber security student
>Man and His Symbols

>> No.13505765

>unemployed atm
>whatever a biologist does, or doing psychotherapy or a composer for indie videogames
>flowers for algernon

>> No.13505773

>what you do for a living
Staff engineer for a biotechnology lab at a university
>what you wish you did instead
Graduate student
>last good book you've read
Peace by Gene Wolfe

>> No.13505776

I had the good fortune of having the right parents who knew the right people, so I was able enroll into a conservatory early and graduate early and spend my latter high school years qualifying. I've only been one recently though.

>> No.13505812

You should try your hand at writing. If you're set that early, you could easily have the time and money to afford it.

>> No.13505885

I will definitely consider and it fits well with the demands of my current studies. Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.13505925

>Studying math
>Studying math, but with my courses planned out better so I could take more lit classes
>The Godwhale

>> No.13506106
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>hotel maintenance
>Youtube job
>War & Peace

>> No.13506213
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>law school student
>practicing law while being /fa/ and going on adventures outside on downtime

>> No.13506265

>comp sci student + working in IT in a car production plant
>anything else, don’t care about all the money I make, don’t enjoy IT anymore, wanna make music again, run marathons for a living, read philosophy and math books
>programming and metaprogramming in the human biocomputer

I‘m on my way to become the caricature of a suicidal office drone, the one thing I despised all my life, but how will I survive without working?

>> No.13506269

Can you reply to this post >>13505653

>> No.13506303

>Work as a Chef, still studying
>Actually lived
>The Complete Works of Arthur Rimbaud

>> No.13506309

different guy here
i used to think so but i ended dropping out of law school
if you cant get yourself to be interested in it it will be living hell, law is not something that you can buzz through

>> No.13506446

>what you do for a living
software engineer (currently finishing my degree)
>what you wish you did instead
studying psychology
>last good book you've read
the trial

>> No.13506454
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>what you do for a living
>what you wish you did instead
Lived in mid 19th century America on my cotton plantation with my wife who was a virgin when I married her and our 3 children
>last good book you've read
The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.13506468

>Philosohpy & Psychology
>I want to be a Philosophy professor so still wish to major in that but I wished I majored in something more useful that psych like Neuroscience
>Geneology of Morals

>> No.13506481

>3 children
What would their names be

>> No.13506482

Sure man but i dont think im the right one to ask, ill give you some of my rambly thoughts.

Im sharing in your feeling that the study of law will "do good" for you. Im from eu so its very different here than other places. Manageable debt, extremely broad career choices, guaranteed clerkship at court if very good grades out of school etc. Alot of good things if you put in the time well enough.
If you are like me and did not have a set goal, and could see this as an opportunity to grow as a person while also studying something that has a good job market (again, eu) id say atleast try it out.

>> No.13506490

>Student NEET
>No longer human.

>> No.13506497

>I dont really have any ambition, musician i guess
>Mason & Dixon

>> No.13506498

>John, David and Simon for boys
>Mary, Anne and Elizabeth for girls

>> No.13506514

gay and jewish

>> No.13506521

It's fun to read these threads tho. Kind of figures out where people are at, plus it's a hella of easy to lie in these threads

>> No.13506543

love Maupassant

>> No.13506564
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Why are so many anons NEET here?
You really didn't fall for 'capitalism bad', 'wageslavery bad' memes right?

>> No.13506580

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.13506585

getting a day job is kinda hard where i live but god knows im tryin

>> No.13506597

>Writing Tutor
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.13506903

airport job with cargo and luggage
youtuber with massive following and a fat patreon
battle royale

>> No.13506926

>Professor of English Literature
>Salty sailboat captain who talks to, at most, three people a year (one of them is a bartender)
>The Phantom Tollbooth, which I missed reading as a kid but is fantastic and what all YA "lit" should strive to be

>> No.13506937

>I'm good
>Cities of the Red Night(reread)

>> No.13506940

You’re 36 and still at home? How have you not committed suicide yet?

>> No.13506944

could be neetbux of some variety

>> No.13506957

>shitposting on twitter
>dissolved in to Capital

>> No.13506966

I live alone
Also this>>13506944

>> No.13506978

>Assistant at American Real Estate Development
>Own the business (eventually)
>As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner

>> No.13506994

NEET but with enough money to not be at risk of homelessness in a few months (which is current situation)
Moby Dick

>> No.13507004

>law school
>My Struggle vol. 2 (Knausgaard)

>> No.13507030
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>government whistle-blower
>Nature by Emerson

>> No.13507087

NEET but have a ba economics so can change my situation whenever
Focused on grades for top 14 law school or full ride to GWU.

>> No.13507116

>Geographic Analyst for en environmental company
>Wish I was a tractor mechanic

>> No.13507135

Sacks' River of Consciousness

>> No.13507151

why? as someone who is thinking about both I am wondering

>> No.13507155

>software dev

>> No.13507244

Neurology seems more intellectually, emotionally, and fiscally satisfying. A psychology bachelors gives very limited job prospects, and master's programs are not worth either the time or the money investment, and PhD's produce a passable career but they take 4-6 years to complete and you get trapped as a professor or psychotherapist; all of this on top of the terrible statistical ambiguity of psychological diagnosis, the dubeity of psychotherapy, and the superiority of preventative methods in fostering population happiness. I've come to feel that gross neurological problems are more interesting, more scientific, closer to the pulse of our developing understanding of the human mind and human condition. A "true" psychology would necessarily be more complex and thorough than mere gross neurology, but the field of psychology is only a pale shadow of that aspiration, ruled by arbitrary romanticists and statistical artifacts, which is why it's easier to be a psychologist than a neurologist. I also studied neuroscience, but neuroscience as a career path primarily involves exhaustively studying slug motor neurons for meager academic salaries, and neurology appeals to me insofar as it is construable as "applied neuroscience," especially given that neurologists can do research too if they feel like it.

>> No.13507351

>but neuroscience as a career path primarily involves exhaustively studying slug motor neurons for meager academic salaries
that's what I thought neurology was, i mixed up neurology and neuroscience.

>A psychology bachelors gives very limited job prospects, and master's programs are not worth either the time or the money investment
as someone wrote in another thread, it seems to depend on the country. in europe you can do most stuff with a masters apart from begin a clinical psychologist.

>> No.13507385

>in europe you can do most stuff with a masters apart from begin a clinical psychologist
You can in the US too, but for insufficient compensation given the price of master's schooling especially when contrasted with the prevalence of fully stipended doctorate programs if you meet admissions requirements. I've worked with too many trapped psych MA's over the past year or so to have any respect for the degree. Just being legally allowed to give therapy is an extremely low bar.

>> No.13507399

>Translator/Secretary at a foreign consulate
>I read "How the Irish saved civilization" yesterday. It was very fun but the last really good book I read that will be on my mind forever is probably The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.13507436

If you release anything, be it some lecture or writing, can you shoot me an email at tenshi@masterlawlz.com ? I'm invested in this now

>> No.13507542

i meant to write "except from being a clinical psychologist", you need additional training after doing a masters

>> No.13507572

>electrical engineering student/office monkey
>electrical engineering in space (or history)

>> No.13507698
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Do you mean that you can't even give therapy with a psych MA in Europe? What's the point, then? Are you >>13506468 ? I'll let you, or both of you, in on a secret: most neuroscience isn't useful, and also isn't as exciting or rigorous as it's popularly perceived to be. But hey, if you're pursuing philosophy too you can find a niche arbitrarily applying the neuro- suffix to different schools of thought, like neuro-phenomenology or neuro-epistemology or neuro-semiotics. Laymen love that stuff nowadays.

>> No.13507746

>forest hermit

>> No.13507762

I don't think you can run marathons for a living.

>> No.13507786

>Pretty happy with what I do now
>Anna Karenina

>> No.13507917

no, i am >>13506446

at least in germany you need additional 3-5 years training to call yourself a "psychologischer psychotherapeut"

>> No.13507941

> 23
> cook
> an hero
> Beneath the Wheel

>> No.13507955

Those are god fearing Christian names you fucking degenerate hippy.

>> No.13507983

>smashing bathtubs with a sledgehammer
>university professor
>Kokoro, by Natsume Soseki

>> No.13508008
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>literature translator
>story of the eye

>> No.13508011
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>political science major headed to law school
>I'm not unhappy about my life goals
>The Red and the Black by Stendhal

>> No.13508035

>Fat allowance, so nothing

>> No.13508115

>Retail at Macy’s
>Progammer, Technical Drafter, or Helpdesk
>Blood Meridian

>> No.13508188

>City government reporter
>Federal government reporter
>Jesus' Son

>> No.13508198

>i’m currently a student who also works a part time job
>studying civil engineering
>pride and prejudice

>> No.13508259

>History/English Teacher in a selective school
>The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.13508281

>something more creative
>Brooklyn by Colm Toibin

>> No.13508330

Go to Austria, it's only 1-2 years there

>> No.13508336

The salior who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.13508423

Medical student
Medical student
Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.13508433

>Work in a movie theater
>Wrote and directed movies
>Madame Bovary (how depressing)

>> No.13508461

I also read phantom toll booth recently and really wish I had as a kid.

>> No.13508543

I can see how Neuro isn't as useful as proclaimed to be and personally I am not a fan of any reductive argument that follows "hurr we're a bunch of chemicals and all human life can be boiled down to that" but I don't really find that the psychology department at my school is particularly far off from that, instead opting for the reward system's approach and presenting it more as a definitive science rather than empirical attempt to measure the mind. I only majored in Psych because I enjoyed the psychoanalytics and I hope to study them more, but they are treated more like a joke by the psych department while being endlessly enraptured in B.F. Skinner and CBT. For clarity, im the philsophy fag

>> No.13508548

What is IM like? Do you really solve puzzles all day or is it boring as fuck

>> No.13508944
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>Illustration and comic authoring
>The Trial, Franz Kafka

>> No.13508946

I've read this aeticle just this morning. What do you think about the app, do you use it?


>> No.13508962

>Electrician's Apprentice
>Journeyman Electrician (huehuehue)
>Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
i like my job but i wish my coworkers were more... interested in abstract ideas

>> No.13508983

East of Eden

>> No.13508988

Soullessness. Physics is the most reddit academic path

>> No.13508996

the whole thing?!?

>> No.13509019

>literally thinks god is a jew
lol the mental gymnastics of kikeworshipers is unreal

>> No.13509063

>Data Engineer
>Five Proofs of the Existence of God

>> No.13509204

>Literature Student
>lit prof/scholar and writer
>White Noise

>> No.13509270

Behaviorism is only popular because it's conveniently empirically measurable. They're enamored with Skinner, CBT, etc. /because/ they're making an empirical attempt to measure the mind. You may find psychophysics more interesting, with Fechner as a historical example and contemporary neuropsychology as the modern clinical application of it, but that's still much more about cognitive-behavioral capacities than how a person "feels" per se. But if you're studying philosophy you should be familiar with the epistemological problems and probable ungeneralizability inherent to introspective modes of studying mind such as psychoanalytic theory. I actually think that reductionism is more honest, and the misleading of laymen comes in when journalists and "educator"-popularizers falsely portray inchingly crawlingly tiny steps in research as massive leaps in our understand of mind. But hey, neuro-psychoanalysis is a brand lately too, so if you sell it someone will buy it.

>> No.13509435

what's the most /lit/?

>> No.13509467
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>what you do for a living
Assistant manager at car wash

>what you wish you did instead
Welfare neet

>last good book you've read
100 years of solitude

>> No.13509471


>> No.13509513

and then living a broke life?

>> No.13509564

>VP of private school
>luthier (mostly violins)
>The Vagrants

>> No.13509568

>the Trial

>> No.13509601

>hvac development engineer
>not sure, wanted to be an archeologist or an astronaut as a kid
>all quiet on the western front

Genuinely not sure what I’d rather do, work is fine, all I can think of is childhood dreams that always seemed based in fantasy.

>> No.13509632

have you seen /lit/?

>> No.13509731

yes they're broke

>> No.13509736

>Hospital security guard
>Studying anthropology
>Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.13509756
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>> No.13509766

>maitenance man
>full time musician
>The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.13509774
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>Something to do with Russian/Soviet lit
>Life and Fate

>> No.13509795

>IQ84 I guess

>> No.13509798

>what you do for a living
Freelance writer/editor
>what you wish you did instead
Full-time writer/editor
>last good book you've read
Eastern Approaches

>> No.13509916

>tax/audit stuff
>compose film scores
>Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.13510064
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>6th year uni student (finance)
>Underground Man

>> No.13510121

>something creative
>radical alterity

>> No.13510206

>Eastern Approaches
Excellent choice, anon.

>> No.13510272

>handyman at construction site
>lived in a shack, while hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming
>A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

>> No.13510284

>Eastern Approaches
why is it worth reading?

>> No.13510294

>Drywall hanger and finisher
>A scanner darkly

>> No.13510345

>dead end office jobs (i have a very happy and blessed life regardless)
>paleontology or archeology
>crime and punishment

>> No.13510367
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Unemployed ICU RN
Employed ICU RN
D. H. Lawrence - The Rainbow

>> No.13510388

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
I dropped out of uni because of depression but I'm going back in september and I can't wait.

>> No.13510413

>nothing (last year of uni)
>be a hippie

>> No.13510425


>> No.13510442

Sorry, no.

>> No.13510463

>green eggs and ham

>> No.13510818

Server/FT University student
I’m fine with this
Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.13510917

> Law and Politics student
> writer (lol)
> trial by Kafka (reading Diplomacy by Kissinger atm)

>> No.13511283

Agriculture R&D technician
Research Scientist
Le Morte Darthur

>> No.13511426

>Aesthetics editor
>Urth of the New Sun

>> No.13511429

>Software Developer in academia
>Freelance software developer in a coop and living in a sailing boat
>Fiction: Spring (Knausgard). Nonfiction: No Sense of Place (Meyrowitz)

How are you liking the series so far? On the process of reading vol 6

>> No.13511513

> 25
> polsci phd student
> forest hermit, trust fund baby or leader of the global anti-productivistic proletariat revolution
> The death of ivan illitch

>> No.13511565

Can you reply to this post >>13505653

>> No.13511569

Why would you even change this

>> No.13511573

>customer service team leader
>destruction and sorrow beneath the heavens

>> No.13511587

>nuclear engineering
>professor unrat

>> No.13511675
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>State job
>Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.13511966

>I'll get my law degree soon
>diplomatic, work for a NGO, or something /lit/ related
>Moby dick

>> No.13512015

> 24
> stemlord
> I dunno academia maybe
> blood meridian

>> No.13512078

>Drilling rig hand
>Ecological/taxonomic survey, applied research, wanna be like Darwin on The Beagle
>Siddhartha (last literary book)

>> No.13512095

>Advertising Copywriter
>Film Director
>Clement of Alexandria: Selections from the Protreptikos by Thomas Merton

>> No.13512102

You have any positions for English teachers, lol?

>> No.13512175

>Translator Deutsch > Spanish
>I'm a PhD in International Rel., but junior university positions are often underpaid
>Der Zauberberg

>> No.13512184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13512203

>civil engineering student
>forest NEET
>Cat's Cradle

>> No.13512548

The kind of person who wants to be a forest hermit does not want to lead a revolution. I suggest you reconcile these career aspirations and determine which one is false.

>> No.13512558

>I run a clothing store
>I'm really content with what I do
>White Noise

>> No.13512574

>neet, schizo
>park ranger at Glacier National Park
>The Eye of The World

>> No.13512794

>capitalizing in my family and the state's money to finance my studies
>suck dick in gas stations
>that I finished? Anna Karenina

>> No.13512809
File: 174 KB, 649x864, 40FCEB33-00CA-4B19-B20F-6E452E67C765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petroleum engineer
>Good money, plenty of time off to self study, and work I enjoy, I can't complain
>No Logos

>> No.13512810

Working at a plant is a lot more fun than working in an office. Cherish it. I work with PLCs so I (am supposed to) hate you IT guys.

>Teacher / Lecturer
>Player of Games (Banks)

>> No.13513326

>because one "l" is not aesthetic, thanks for asking

>> No.13513383

>Forest Hermit

>> No.13513591

Sind heutzutage Positionen offen als Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzer?