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1356186 No.1356186 [Reply] [Original]

I've asked for Game of Thrones for christmas. I've only read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, but I want more fantasy. I'm headed to Borders in a bit. Is there anything worthwhile I should pick up? Perhaps another of Tolkien's works? I'm looking for something in vein of the aforementioned novels. No Science Fiction please. Just some well-written, well-regarded fantasy series (or standalone books).

Thanks in advance.

>> No.1356188

Consider these books - look them over and decide if you like them.

- Joe Abercrombie's First Law series
- R. Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing series
- Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series

in addition, check out Jack Vance, and Glen Cook (Garrett PI), and Gene Wolfe for some good standalone books. Gene Wolfe is a little more heavy than any of the others on this list...

>> No.1356190

Thank you kind sir

>> No.1356195

Good recs, but I think a relative newcomer looking for the "epic" variety of fantasy would be better off starting Cook with his Black Company books.

I'll add Zelazny and Tad Williams. William's Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is a little slow-paced, but I think it's solid stuff.

>> No.1356197

Wizard of Earth Sea -Ursula Le Guin

>> No.1356199

Yeah but the Garrett PI books are better

Zelazny is a freakin' great recommendation, although I always associate him with Moorcock and a certain non-traditional style of fantasy.

>> No.1356203
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OP, fucking get THIS

>> No.1356213

Stay away from the wheel of time OP. Only 6/15 books are good the rest are pretty bad and the first is just a tolkien rip off. Even the good books in the 15 are too god dammed long.

>> No.1356214



Anon is feeling generous.

>> No.1356216

I will have to disagree with you both. I think it's quite good - in fact, brilliant, despite its many flaws.

But I respect your difference of opinions.

>> No.1356232

I would recommend the Sword of Truth series. It's a bit darker than LOTR, with some rape and BDSM, but it's still an amazing collection.

>> No.1356248
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fritz leiber! fafhrd and the grey mouser series (titles start with 'swords...')

theres a brief graphic adaptation by mike mignola to get you started. speaking of graphics, _cerebus_ by dave sim is the best fantasy epic ever written.

>> No.1356251

The Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.1356323

Do not start with Robert Jordan, I beg of you. Try instead Terry Goodkind (The Sword of Truth series) or maybe even better an introduction to the scene would be David Eddings.

>> No.1356331

The Sword of Truth is very, very bad. Poorly written, lots of questionable sex stuff, but the big problem is that it's straight up objectivist propaganda, the heroes are dickheads, and it's basically literally insane.

>> No.1356332

Legend, Waylander - something by Gemmel. These are great fantasy books. The kind of thing you can just read for enjoyment but is still not too shallow.

Good decision to get GOT.

>> No.1356333
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>> No.1356348

I'm cool with not liking Wheel of Time, whatever. But Goodkind is fucking execrable, one of the worst examples of fantasy in recent memory. There is nothing about it that is good. Being dark is not a virtue, it is simply a quality; and in the case of Goodkind it is a real detriment. Because in Goodkind it's all either for shock value or for creepy sexual purposes.

For God's sake, this is a series where a character literally gets into a fight with a chicken who is not a chicken, but the embodiment of evil! And it's serious! She's supposed to be in danger, fighting an evil chicken! Jesus! This is a series where the protagonist massacres a crowd of peace protestors, QUOTE, "armed only with their hatred for moral clarity." AND IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE RIGHT! These books are INSANE! Books like this - they are the reason that everyone shits on fantasy all the time! Terry Goodkind is everything that is fucking wrong and vile and terrible and tasteless about modern fantasy!

Don't care about Eddings.

>> No.1356350

the children of hurin

>> No.1356362

first law isn't the finest fantasy there is, i'd say its a romp rather than a "well written, well regarded fantasy series". Worth reading though.
Along the same lines, i rather like sabriel and the and the second one, i must get round to reading the third.
Thirdly Conan. Conan is fookin ossum. The best one i would say is hour of the dragon.

>> No.1356383

Well, yeah, but I'm kind of suggesting somewhat more introductory works as OP hasn't read much fantasy (and I assume is just beginning the wonderful journey of reading in general). Don't want to scare him off with something like Book of the New Sun.

>> No.1356384

Try Robin Hobb's Farseer-saga. I've read it countless times and I've never been more satisfied by a book. Ever.

>> No.1356495

meant nothing by it, i ruv the series