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1372936 No.1372936 [Reply] [Original]

Damn I love my Kindle

Kindle owners unite!

>> No.1372947

inb4 butthurt from people complaining about not being able to smell the pages

>battery lasts a month
>mp3 player
>3.5 gb is more than enough
>lightweight as fucking aerogel
>screen doesn't strain the eyes
>I posted on /sci/ yesterday with it

Truly one of my best purchases. I got it in friday and can't drop it.

>> No.1372951

>smell the pages

I'm going to invent a line of scratch and sniff stickers for the Kindle that smell like paper. Don't steal my idea assholes.

>> No.1372952

honestly one of the best purchases i've ever made
took it on a long plane ride and read 5 volumes of manga and finished a novel convenient as fuck

>> No.1372959

Hell Yeah. I've said it waaay too much on here already, but:

Kindle 3 + Public Domain Content / Pirated Content + Calibre = FUCKING WIN.

>> No.1372962

Bought a Kindle 3 on release, and I've used it pretty much every day since, a huge improvement over just reading pirated ebooks on my phone. (Both are more convenient than real books for the sole reason I can read whatever I like immediately without paying or going outside.)

>> No.1372964

Do you get used to the pages being so small after a while? I dunno, I've tried to use it for manga, but I inevitably just go back to my computer screen each time. Of course, I realize that the kindle is probably much closer in size to the actual publication than my computer screen is, but still feels like it's easier to understand what's going on on the big screen.

>> No.1372966


Well, you can always rotate the page, but that's as good as it gets.

>> No.1372970

I'll get one once Amazon stops deleting ebooks from people's personal devices.

>> No.1372972


or you could pay extra for the Kindle DX, which has a much larger screen

>> No.1372978
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>I like having a bookshelf.
>I like the tactile feeling of books.

I'm not saying your toys aren't fun honeys, but honestly, I genuinely like books.

>> No.1372986

i love it. i just worry i'll be mad when Kindle 4 comes out, sort of like i am when every new ipod comes out >=(

>> No.1372993
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Fuck yeah kindle.

>> No.1372999


We have a functional browser too

>> No.1373002

hi guys where can I pirate books?

>> No.1373006


irc: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Bookz

>> No.1373005

Amazon is the Apple of ebook readers. When they first released the Kindle their marketing reminded me so much of Apple.. down to demonstrations of people gently touching the device with their extended index finger like it was brain surgery

>> No.1373004

hopefully that'd be in 2 years

>> No.1373003

Master race reporting in.
Nook Color here.

>> No.1373010

Also manybooks.net for classics. They use Gutenberg but the site looks good and they come with covers

Also Nook user here and enjoying the fuck out of it.

>> No.1373011

As long as they don't release a new version every year, I'll probably upgrade. They're not that expensive here in the UK, especially when you factor in the saving on books.

I've posted here from a Kindle without any probs.

Demonoid has a tonne of books.

>> No.1373025
File: 285 KB, 1190x1063, 1292547045306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys, just looking to get a head start on el best american essays while I wait for them in the mail before my class starts.

have some revolting/amusing nazi shit

>> No.1373030

>Amazon is the Apple of ebook readers.
Except it's reasonably priced and offers the same, if not better, functionality than other e-book readers.

>> No.1373031


>> No.1373033

alright guys, I usually just lurk, but since this is a Kindle thread, I'd like to ask you guys if they are *worth* it. I love holding a physical copy of the book in my hand, but since it's so much cheaper for a Kindle and then to pirate books, I was just thinking I would buy the books I truly enjoyed, and pirate everything else (just to show my support in a monetary way.)
Either a Kindle or Nook, someone care to post stats or something?
If it helps, I dont travel a lot. When I read, it'll be in my house in the midst of my bookshelves.

>> No.1373058 [DELETED] 

Well, it depends. If you buy the ebooks I'm not completely sure if it's worth it or not, since the books themselves aren't really much cheaper, and you're only paying for the convenience of instant access, and the Kindle itself if you like the interface better than a real book. (I personally do, but it's debatable I guess.)

If you pirate or read public domain books, however, I think it's a great value. I mean, I figure value with things like this is a ratio of enjoyment received over money spent. For example, you could spend ten bucks, and go watch a movie for a couple of hours. (Of course, you could pirate that too, but it's just an example.) Or, you can spend $150 (or $190 for the 3G version), and get something you'll enjoy every day, for months or years. Let's say you read half an hour a day, and your Kindle lasts you a year, for the sake of this example. That's 182.5 hours, or close enough to $1 per hour if you went for the 3G version. Of course, you'd probably be reading either way (though personally I've found myself reading a lot more since I got my Kindle) so it comes down to whether the convenience and comfort of reading on a Kindle VS reading on a smartphone or computer monitor (leaving real books out for now and assuming you're all filthy pirates) is worth $1 per hour to you.

Though if you read more than half an hour per day, you'll get more "value" out of it. I personally read at least 1-2 hours most days myself.

>> No.1373065

Kindle 3 and Nook are really about the same price. Kindle 3 has the Eink Pearl screen which has better contrast but when you compare it to the Nook they both look just as readable. Kindle if you can, but Nook's just as good and you won't regret either one.

Now for the Nook... you have cover flow only on Barnes and Noble purchased books while all your pirated shit goes under MY DOCUMENTS. Your cover shows up at the bottom when reading it of course but you don't get a neat cover flow. You'd need at least a 128MB microsd card if you want to root your Nook.

Kindle is pretty sleek, newer screen (only difference being contrast which I personally didn't notice a difference comparing the two in a store) and if a boycott comes along Amazon will be glad to remove shit off their shelves.

Nook has user-replaceable battery..

I have the Nook.

>> No.1373071

>Implying that Apple do not already make ebook readers in the form of the iPad.

>> No.1373077


If you think an iPad is a comparable ereader, to the Nook and the Kindle, then you're out of your fucking mind.

>> No.1373079

Nook and Kindle is the two good ones I've noticed.

Sony Reader seems to have fucked themselves up by adding a touchscreen when they really shouldn't have. Nook's small touchscreen on the bottom is pretty ideal if you have to have one at all.. and because Sony put in a touchscreen I've noticed the text is a bit fuzzy and lighter. Shit sucks seeing how pocket edition would've been perfect as fuck

>> No.1373084

Why is that?

>> No.1373087

Easy to read Eink screen > a giant iPod Touch

iPad is not a dedicated reading device.

>> No.1373095


This. If you only want to do the occasional spot of reading, with more emphasis on music / video / internet / apps, then an iDevice (ipod touch / iphone / ipad), is the way to go. If you're after something that's primarily designed for reading, with some of the above (music, web browsing) included, then a dedicated e-reader is the way to go.

>> No.1373114

I'd probably get the nook, but essentially I was wondering if it's really worth it? Like I said, I dont travel around so it's not really a matter of "being convenient to travel with."
I was going with a "saving money, still is badass" as compared to owning shelves of physical books.

>> No.1373177

I've been with the Kindle since it came out and I lvoe it. had to replace my Kindle 1 once (it started showing a black bar across the screen) but Amazon replaced it when I'm pretty sure it was outside warranty. Recently upgraded to the DX, I have to say the smaller Kindle designw as a little more convenient because it could fit in my jacket pocket but I really enjoy the larger screen. haven't tried out manga on it though, never thought to bother with it. I really fucking love the fact that I can organize my books into personal categories, mostly in the form of the series name.

>> No.1373188

Instead of starting a new thread I'll ask this here: does anyone know if there are any Dostoevsky novels available for ebook that aren't translated by Garnett? Specifically The Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.1373200

Kindle is $139.. $10 cheaper than the Nook and the screen's slightly better. Go for the Kindle


>> No.1373204


#bookz irc channel

>> No.1373209

Also forgot to mention:

Kindle battery lasts for a month on a single charge
Nook lasts for 10 days.

>> No.1373219

I know a guy who works at a tech site who reviews tech stuff.

He's reviewed both Nook and Kindle. He says get the Kindle. Apparently not only battery life and screen is better but nook store is a piece of shit.

>> No.1373321


If you're going down the public domain / pioracy road, the part about the Nook store doesn't really matter. The battery life and screen, however, clearly does.

>> No.1373346

I'm getting one for christmas. I've been a nice guy this year, so I thought I should reward me, even though I can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. That, and I don't have my own personal library.

>> No.1373446

I have a Sony Reader >_>

>> No.1373464
File: 146 KB, 289x424, overview_safari20101116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished reading a book WITHOUT A SOURCE OF LIGHT, maybe now I'll browse the web with Safari, watch a few youtube videos, and play a few games now that I've booked my plane tickets.

Having fun with baby's first e-reader, /lit/?

>> No.1373471



Damn Charles Guislain threads - that's what happens when you're trying to type one handed.

>> No.1373473
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>> No.1373476


Enjoy your eyestrain, troll.