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13903935 No.13903935 [Reply] [Original]

>loved pagan mythology
>hated Beowulf and Arthurian legends because they were too christian
>wrote books that celebrates pre-christian pagan Europe

>> No.13903940

What? How. How is this even a question really, he was one of the most devout Catholics there were. He pretty much turned C.S. Lewis by nagging him to death about it - though he ultimately chose something besides Catholicism. LOTR themselves have such deep catholic themes that I don't even know how these baits threads can be considered, I suppose if you only read them on the surface though, you might miss out on a lot of it.

>> No.13903948

Pegan revisionism is pure cringe. Just because you like myths does not make you a pegan. But that is a statement vargcucks don't understand.
He was also a big linguist and believed you can find truth in the entomology of words , does that make him a new age language worshiper.

>> No.13903973

>LOTR themselves have such deep catholic themes

Forced meme that's been debunked

>> No.13903986

Arthurian legends were essentially pagan, just like knights and crusaders they only had a christian skin.

>> No.13903989

varg is so cringe bros

>> No.13903994

Pagans are the most degenerate and deprived group of people. Just brainlets who impute human actions to the gods so as to justify their own wickedness.
>lmao this god drinks lusts and fucks, daaaah so will i!

>> No.13904049

It was acceptable to be non christian in Tolkien's time he had no need to larp.

>> No.13904053

He literally forced his wife to confess her sins almost every day, and was deeply disappointed by Lewis returning to his old religion (he was expecting him to become a Catholic).

>> No.13904057

Why does it matter?

Mind ones own business.

>> No.13904064
File: 61 KB, 604x499, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't people accept that european christians are just pagan larpers?

>> No.13904066

Why is Varg literally the whitest nigger possible?

>> No.13904069

Metal """"music"""" destroyed his brain.

>> No.13904070

Extremes meet

>> No.13904129

He also forced his wife to become Catholic, which made her unhappy for much of her life.

>> No.13904137

Tolkien's only issue with arthurian literature was its frenchness. But this thread is just varg baiting for (you)s anyway.

>> No.13905486
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>bagan iz deshenrate

>> No.13905542

>>hated Beowulf
Nigger that was a major focus of his academic career. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.