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/lit/ - Literature

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13905372 No.13905372 [Reply] [Original]

How do I communicate a conversation with normies regarding interesting literature? I'm in a third world country and discussing literature with them is barely plausible, despite their country having a reputation for passionate or intricate literature. Do I need to be associated with academics or something to even talk about this, or are third worlders just slightly evolved ape people?

>> No.13905592
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Just keep talking to educated and intelligent people, and read increasingly difficult that relate to your interests.

>> No.13905598

*difficult books
By the way, how many of me are there? I've seen at least 2.

>> No.13905610

go to where people that like literature gathers.

not necesarelly, things like libraries or groups of reading people.

there's always people who like literature on every shithole.

You can use movie adaptations as a bridge to talk with plebs about literature.

>> No.13905629

>Do I need to be associated with academics or something to even talk about this, or are third worlders just slightly evolved ape people?
Yes & yes. As a brazillian I can say that nost third worlders are too busy trying to survive working on shitty jobs and living in terrible neighbourhoods to read something. Also, education in general is terrible on third world countries, so most of them left school barely knowing how to read anything more than a basic text. In what country you are staying, anon?

>> No.13906379

This feels like a legitimately shitty excuse to me, most people in today's world warp themselves with digital media overdose, and tend to watch bite size popcorn junk for entertainment. Literature amongst the working class has always had a special place until hitherto.