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File: 74 KB, 564x719, Diwi2ypX4AELDgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13905888 No.13905888 [Reply] [Original]

I like the "pro-life" sentiments of Catholicism (not strictly or even mainly abortion) but find it disquieting how this only extends to human life. With vacant eyes the theological competents on the Catholic subreddit will cheerfully explain that there is nothing wrong with aborting, castrating and killing every other kind of creature on God's green earth. Just when you thought you'd found an alternative to the devaluation of life endemic to capitalist modernity, the Christian reveals his image of creation as a grey slaughterhouse, a divinely ordained industrial feast where "rational souls" can harvest billions of "sensitive souls" for their own gastrological pleasure without scruple.

>> No.13905899
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Most Catholics are personally pro life, but politically pro choice.

>> No.13905933

Why do you require a theological argument against factory farming to be personally against it?

>> No.13906071

Read Chesterton to begin to get a sense of the Catholic attitude towards one's proper relationship to the earth.

>> No.13906086
File: 35 KB, 333x499, scripture culture and agriculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not acquainted with what memers on Catholic subreddits say, but pic related is a good introduction to more environmentally conscious Christian theology that remains authentically Christian. The tension with any approach to theology that emphasizes some issue (animal welfare, ecology, feminism, etc) is that it will end up focusing more on the particular issue and will lose the distinctiveness of the Gospel, but Davis does not. She doesn't advocate veganism or anything that like, so you may not be interested, but she certainly is arguing against factory farming, environmental destruction, and the like from a Biblically grounded and orthodox perspective

>> No.13906101

A christian is still human, humans need animal products to urvive (outside your cappitalist megacities producing shit tier replacement).

Animals should be treated with respect but are still our food. I'm a Catholic and buy my dairy and meat from a farmer online which delivers it once a month. It is grass feed, non-medicated and professionally slaughtered.

Animals further aren't our equals, unlike what antispeciesist would like. If you put yourself on the sam elevel as a maggot or goat you're insulting god.

TLDR: Shut the fuck up, globohomo retard nd read the actual science on it:

>> No.13906220

Gluttony is a sin anon. The devout Catholic abstains from meat as much as possible.