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13906413 No.13906413 [Reply] [Original]

Any more psued tryhards that made it? By psued I don't necessarily mean not intelligent but people that have retarded opinions/think their smarter than they are.

Prose comes off as a hint of autism with a huge stroke of academia. Books not bad, just plain autistic.

Well known psued but managed to tryhard himself into literary canon history, one of the best russian authors known to man.

Contender for biggest psued in literary history. Born to rich family, overly privelaged, critical of every which author yet can't take criticism himself, majored in Etymology before studying Literature etc etc. Psued, big time.

Was going to exclude philosophy but leaving out Schopenhauer was impossible. Incel with overly drawn out views of women and his position "On Color" is extremely trash and outdated. Yet, he is one of the most readable philosophers and one of Kant's greatest predecessors. Manage to influence many outside of philosophy through the power of his incel.

>John Williams
Prob the most controversial one I put on this list but his single quote of:
>“To read without joy is stupid.”
is the most psued trash ever to have come out of a /lit/ favored author. What seems to be the case is a natural enjoyment of writing and some proper humble academia training that led to his well written novels, yet he remains a psued with psued opinions.

Anyone that has read the Golden Finch can see some of her autistic opinions on some philosophical points. Born to a literary family and went to a community college before transferring to Bennington shows her true intellectual capabilities. BEE would have been here but hes too irrelevant and Tartt's retarded points in Golden Finch marked her place here.

Anyone else?

>> No.13906442

This nigga shooting from the hip

>> No.13906484

Bumping, also just thought of Cioran but he was never insistent on him being a "philosopher" more so a man that just wrote books of his choice.

>> No.13906645


>> No.13906651


>> No.13906676

Never was into him too much besides mild interest. Why so? After some quick research he was a beatnik bohemian poet before giving birth to his first son, never had proper academic training and well, doesen't say much about him in his Wikipedia bio. How are his novels? 2666 was written on his deathbed but never read it.

>> No.13906683

This thread is gold.

>> No.13906711

>i dont like those authors therefore they're pseuds

>> No.13906727

I actually am a fan of everyone listed except Tolstoy and Tartt. Someone being a psued doesn't mean they can't be good writers. You'd understand if you weren't a psued yourself.

>> No.13906738

All famous Russian writers belong in this list.

>> No.13906745

>their smarter than they are.
like you?

>> No.13906748

2666 is one of the best reading experiences you'll have in your life. Ignore the other anon.

>> No.13906750

I like them all. Fucking "psue" me", faggot pseud OP.

>> No.13906756

actually read everything, so I suppose OP made it

>> No.13906765

Yes but obviously OP didn't make it.

>> No.13906771

Nah he was a communist hippie who wrote shit poetry and some decent novels. I think it was publishers and editors the ones who forced him into the mainstream after his death. He damn well knew he wasn't that good judging from interviews. Thought of himself as forgettable and inferior to the peoplr he admired. We probably wouldn't be talking about him had he not died at the relatively young age of 50.

>> No.13906773

Mill the utilitarian. He’s a perfect example of someone who is over educated

>> No.13906778

Never really got into any other russian authors so I decided to leave the rest unlisted.
Many of these individuals have their whole life and views documented by others or themselves and its clear to see which individuals are as capable as they claim to be when one is well read of their books/life. Psued please rethink your positions.
Have it on my list, no worries.
I'm privileged enough to have read everything I personally listed and have my thoughts on each. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.13907133

Is Schop actually readable? Might give him a try. Do I need to have read Kant first though?

>> No.13907149

He's quite lucid and clear.

>> No.13907153

No, you don't but if you haven't ever read any philosophy he will come off as dense as fuck. But super readable if you get into it.

>> No.13907159

You do have to read Kant first but Schopenhauer is a lot easier than Kant

>> No.13908641


>> No.13908666

Tolstoy's opinions weren't retarded though

>> No.13908970

>everyone should be celibate! (but I'm still going to fuck around)
>Shakespeare is overrated I'm way better than him
>I'm going to show how great a Christian I am by getting myself excommunicated and starting a cult

>> No.13908986

Never wrote a string of text worth preserving, but still passes judgement on people far above his capacity

>> No.13908989

>I actually am a fan of everyone listed except Tolstoy

>> No.13908997

>I actually am a fan of everyone listed except Tolstoy
So why would anyone care about your opinion on writers?

>> No.13909005

schopenhauer is the only non pseud on this list, the fact that you think 'incel' is an apt term to describe an 1800s philosopher is proof of ops mental retardation

>> No.13909435

>Kant's greatest predecessors

>> No.13909444

Well, he was an incel.
cringe russian writer psued fans
See here --> >>13906778

>> No.13909621

>cringe russian writer psued fans
>likes Nabokov but not Tolstoy

what did he mean by this?

>> No.13909858

>and one of Kant's greatest predecessors
You are truly retarded

>> No.13910086
File: 79 KB, 674x506, ArthurSchopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psued psued psued
>Schopenhauer predecessor to Kant
please be bait