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File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, weedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13931684 No.13931684 [Reply] [Original]

been thinking this for a while, wanna know what you guys think and what you think it might lead to in the future

>> No.13931690

No. Porn is.

>> No.13931695

TV/internet is

>> No.13931702
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>like hey man. What if drugs represented drugs... in the real world, man!

>> No.13931727

i agree but that's something people do in private, weed is being pushed and i constantly hear about it being healthy for you

>> No.13931994

all this and more!

>> No.13932008
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Mescaline is. Read His Diary Desu

>> No.13932328

Weed is just as much Soma as the internet is. Which is to say: it is for idiots, and an intellectual net-positive for non-idiots.

SSRI's etc are a better modern, real representation of Soma

>> No.13932833
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If you believe the Monarch papers, cannabis is literally an anti-soma. Destroy any kind of programming. Internal and external. It is like a natural neutralizer of behavior.

>> No.13932842


>> No.13932865

I take a hit once every 2 months or so, usually socially, and even if its very strong I am pretty ambivalent about it as a social evil. In 16-22 year old kids trying to lead a weed lifestyle it is cancer, but compared to the alcohol lifestyle of 21+ club kids right up to blue collar guys drinking 12 beers every evening so they dont have to deal with their life, it seems a minor vice.

This far more so, to say nothing of dopamine addiction to phones

>> No.13932871

it isnt ubiquitous

>> No.13932876

In all seriousness frog curse, by the Aldous wrote that, weed had a few thousand years being smoked, but acid and psycilobin combos were just being researched.

>> No.13932939

I think antidepressants are

>> No.13932945

>dude.... is weed...soma?
>oh my god....
This is not a unique thought, OP

>> No.13933013
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>weed bad

>> No.13933426
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I really don't get weed. I love drinking but weed just turns everyone into a fucking idiot. I'm too self-concious of the fact that I'm high to actually enjoy myself. I am unable to actually express my thoughts into words so I just have to be quiet and think about killing myself. People who are otherwise interesting and intelligent turn braindead the second they become high.

>> No.13933440

It reduces intelligence and self control. It also makes you unhappier in the long term. It is bad.

>> No.13933444

soma isn't a psychelelic. it's more like an opioid

>> No.13933452

4chan is.

>> No.13933456

I've smoked weed almost everyday for the last 2 or 3 years. I admit I have a psychological addiction to it, but overall I'm pretty focused person. Please insult me.

>> No.13933463

Can you give me more details on this. I've been doing a lot of weed, and I would like to know about my destruction.

>> No.13933477

by Monarch, are you referring to MK ULTRA?

>> No.13933508

I believe in this. Weed have me uncanny insight into my behavior, and how I interact with the world around me. Of course, this is exemplified by my schizoid personality and having a hyper-sense of self-awareness.

>> No.13933512

>This paper investigates how legal cannabis access affects student performance. Identification comes from an exceptional policy introduced in the city of Maastricht in the Netherlands that discriminated access via licensed cannabis shops based on an individual’s nationality. We apply a difference-in-difference approach using administrative panel data on course grades of local students enrolled at Maastricht University before and during the partial cannabis prohibition. We find that the academic performance of students who are no longer legally permitted to buy cannabis substantially increases. Grade improvements are driven by younger students and the effects are stronger for women and low performers. In line with how cannabis consumption affects cognitive functioning, we find that performance gains are larger for courses that require more numerical/mathematical skills. Our investigation of underlying channels using course evaluations suggests that performance gains are driven by an improved understanding of the material rather than changes in students’ study effort.

>Adolescent marijuana use may alter how neurons function in brain areas engaged in decision-making, planning and self-control, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Bonus1: It harms the brain reward system
>Marijuana abusers show lower positive and higher negative emotionality scores than controls, which is consistent, on one hand, with lower reward sensitivity and motivation and, on the other hand, with increased stress reactivity and irritability. To investigate this aspect of marijuana’s impact on the human brain, we compared the brain’s reactivity in marijuana abusers vs. controls when challenged with methylphenidate (MP). We found that marijuana abusers display attenuated dopamine (DA) responses to MP, including reduced decreases in striatal distribution volumes. These deficits cannot be unambiguously ascribed to reduced DA release (because decreases in nondisplaceable binding potential were not blunted) but could reflect a downstream postsynaptic effect that in the ventral striatum (brain reward region) might contribute to marijuana’s negative emotionality and addictive behaviors.
>...this study provides evidence that severe cannabis dependence—without the confounds of any comorbidity—is associated with a deficit in striatal dopamine release. This deficit extends to other extrastriatal areas and predicts subclinical psychopathology.

>> No.13933517


>> No.13933527
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Congrats, you win the General Ignorance round.

Brave New World was written in 1931. Huxley's inaugural psychedelic voyage (the subject of Doors of Perception) wasn't until 1953. His interest in psychs long predated his experience with them.

>> No.13933534

I really appreciate the information.

>> No.13933856

for sure it's not like mescaline

>> No.13934266

this is only the case with heavy use and dependance. i bet constantly watching fast, blase entertainment is just as bad.

>> No.13934283

You've got a bad haircut

>> No.13934303

Never meet a weed smoker who had much of anything insightful to say. Most of them say it helped them have insight into themselves, but usually it is trite and surface level shit. They always have this vacant look in their eyes.

>> No.13934310

and alcohol doesn't

>> No.13934321

Yes it does, but it has been a part of human society for a millennia so its hard to entangle from culture, why would you want another drug to become "naturalized" and parasitize off of humans as alcohol has?

>> No.13934363

>Yes it does, but it has been a part of human society for a millennia so its hard to entangle from culture
"The history of cannabis and its usage by humans dates back to at least the third millennium BC in written history, and possibly further back by archaeological evidence. For millennia, the plant has been valued for its use for fiber and rope, as food and medicine, and for its psychoactive properties for religious and recreational use."
all you had to do is check wikipedia to realize why your argument is bullshit.

>> No.13934531
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No, soma is an offering from the social domain, whereas cannabis is an offering from the natural. The two domains directly compete with each other for dominance and use a variety of "propagandizing" elements to achieve this (e.g., pharmaceuticals, public schools, consumerism, in the case of society, and natural beauty, psychedelics, arguably some forms of insanity, on nature's side).

So it makes more sense to align soma with any form of social deluding mechanism, which cannabis, in itself, arguably is not (actually, quite the opposite). Now, certain socially encouraged forms of cannabis use *are*, especially in recent times, beginning to fall into this category, which is where the confusion comes from: "Use weed in a recreational, irreverent, lazy fashion!" yells the social mouthpiece, as it begins to realize that it can't suppress this element for much longer and must instead try to make it ineffective by destroying the "proper" (i.e., naturally intended) context of its use.

This is not to say that nature is inherently good and society is inherently bad. That is not at all what I'm getting at.

t. lives in the woods

>> No.13935092

There is an amount you can consume with no noticable long term effects. That said it's a travesty that kids pick up the habit at 12 years old.
One should also be required to take a large dose of DPH before being allowed to take any significantly mind altering drugs.

>> No.13935345
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In case you haven't read what you've written, you just proved your point of low intelligence with your very own words.

>> No.13935485

>One should also be required to take a large dose of DPH before being allowed to take any significantly mind altering drugs.

What in the ever living fuck is wrong with you? There is never a good time to advocate for people to take deliriants. They destroy your memory, even one use is to many for something that actively fucks up a part of your brain

>> No.13935661

>I am unable to actually express my thoughts into words so I just have to be quiet and think about killing myself.

Maybe you are too retarded and your brain can't handle it.

>> No.13935701

What monarch papers?

> People who are otherwise interesting and intelligent turn braindead the second they become high

You're a moron for saying that with any confidence.
Smoke more, and smoke alone, and you'll get past being self conscious.

It's an SSRI or mood stabilizer

This should be taken with a big grain of salt

>> No.13935762

drinking cactus juice doesn't sound like fun how hard is it to reduce it down to mescaline.

>> No.13935806

No. Propaganda is.

>> No.13936132

First I laughed at a butterfly post.

>> No.13936152

I like weed but I prefer to smoke alone, honestly. If I'm a crowded place or in a group of people I start to get a bit paranoid and too self conscious of every little thing I do or say. What I like to do is smoke some and and just chill listening to music. That's the best experience weed can give me. Anyway, I'm going to smoke a joint now and listen to Gabriel Faurés "Pelleas et Melisande".

>> No.13937435

I feel the same way, although I’ve also never met anyone with anything insightful to say in general.

Robert Anton Wilson, Philip K. Dick, Timothy Leary, and Pynchon are definitely not your typical vacant-eyed potheads though. No need to stereotype.

>> No.13937476

>effects are stronger for women and low performers
guess i dont have to worry then

>> No.13937753

Weed is a pleb drug but you're also a faggot

>> No.13937865
File: 61 KB, 640x612, 30706400_1692424100838068_1538499198845736237_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western culture. We can't go out and start LARPing as some arabs smoking hashish in the desert anymore.
Kids these days try to cover up what essentially a drug habit by pretending to be niggers and listening to reggae and all that. Trying to give it some flair

>> No.13938264

I smoked a little more weed some 10 years ago. Two months ago and six days ago I took exactly one puff from an average joint, with the predictable effect of feeling like shit, unmotivated, unable to concentrate, and depressed with a headache, and looking like shit with dark eye circles for 1-2 weeks. I think a lot of the negative effects are mediated by disturbance of sleep architecture (reduction in REM sleep). When I was young I couldn't understand the exaggerated hate some people have for The Weed, now I get it.

>> No.13938411
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lost in the smog

>> No.13938413

Hyperreality in general is soma

>> No.13938424



>> No.13938432

>Ctrl-F "benzo"
>0 results
>Ctrl-F "xan"
>0 results
wtf /lit/

>> No.13938435

Erowid is your friend, even though it's starting to be outdated

>> No.13938503


>> No.13938875

Good thing I'm not a student nor do I severely abuse it otherwise I'd have to pay attention to your post

>> No.13939084

Porn is partly it, yes. I will not go as far as to condemn all non-procreational sexual activity as such, nonetheless the real redpill - let me stay in the local vernacular here - is to realise that what you call 'soma' has incarnated in the shape of the ensemble of all varieties of gamificated, market-rule-subjected sexual activity in general. Think of tinder. Is obsessive use of sexuality-commodifying apps such as tinder really that different from wanking it to pornography? Ruminate on that for a while.

>> No.13939170

Weed be great friends.

>> No.13939182
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Likely any drug can be beneficial when practiced in moderation with responsibility. It is ultimately useful to be able to perceive things from a different pathway in this mind controlling world.

>> No.13939197

brocclasee and her prophecies

>> No.13940227
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Even Jordan Peterson thinks it's cool to do shrooms

>> No.13940580

It is bad. Cue the alcohol whataboutism

>> No.13940902

been high for the past two weeks and i find that my instrumental ability is lessened while under the stupor of the weed. wasn't always so. but the issue around northern east coast smells so tangy that I am suspecting they coat the finished product in chemical. so many different variations of the plant have been engineered, and there are so many different methods to having them grown. This SHIT right here that I am smoking as we speak? This shit will leave you stupid, in a stupefied stupor. Weed has gotten too strong

>> No.13941493
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Same thing happens to me but I don't blame it on the weed. Seems to be an idiosyncratic reaction. I just don't smoke, nothing lost there.