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13944334 No.13944334 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Times you acted like the Prince

>> No.13944378

im an asshole to everyone who's not my gf. they aint fucking me why should i care

>> No.13944381

I did not build any fortresses nor do I rely on mercenaries.

>> No.13944484

>they aint fucking me why should i care
because at least you know for certain they ain't fuckin' no one else besides you. the same can't be said about your gf, can it

>> No.13944508

I successfully occupied a state because I focused on centering my powers around key cities like the turks dod in greece

>> No.13944769

while i admire you trying to roast him, i have to ask, if you could elaborate on how he is supposed to know that other people aren't breeding with each other, even if they are not breeding with him?

>> No.13944805

last night a homeless man asked me for some spare change. i told him to fuck off and that i must maintain my income so that i can defend myself, and himself, sufficiently on those who would make war on us.

>> No.13945521


>> No.13945797 [DELETED] 

I cry every night

>> No.13945816


>> No.13945914
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a nogg bullied my retarded friend from my class, he was holding his arms tightly and laughed in his face. People usually bully him by whistling and then he starts yelling and I can't beat up the whole school yet, but in that moment I pushed him with my body in the wall and said "why are you such a nigg" he then made a face like he shit his pants, few days later I came to him in the gym gave him a few tips he was really okay since there was no fight or something I basically just intimidated him. He even stopped bullying him in any way and I can feel his respect.

>> No.13945926

People usually bully him by whistling and I can't do anything to stop that since I would have to beat up the whole school but I got really pissed the way he laughed in his face and that it got physical*

>> No.13945940

"Be Kind, for everyone is fighting a great battle."
If everyone in society acted like you, then everyone in society would hate each other and nothing would be achieved, ever. You may not the be end all of assholes, but contribute to immorality as a whole and therefor are not inwardly moral and not moral at all

>> No.13945948

Just did a debate in my Roman political history seminar where it was Mac’s vs Augustine’s ideal city. Went full prince and won the debate.

>> No.13945959

this morning on the toilet

>> No.13945978
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My people hated me so I killed 10% of then. Now they fear me instead.

>> No.13945982

I assure you nobody dislikes me more than I do

>> No.13946158

based middle schooler but only if you actually do it and stop fantasizing about it

>> No.13947067

i drove a little red corvette once
and i partied like it was 1999

>> No.13947228

It's the other way around for me. Needless to say, I'm drowning in pussy.

>> No.13947267

Why have you made this weird thread multiple times? I will repeat my honest answer from the last time this was posted: I acted like the Prince when I took a royal shit in your mom's mouth

>> No.13947496
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Due to my severe Bipolar Disorder, I am able to command both fear and love from those around me.

>> No.13947630
File: 238 KB, 750x1334, BTFO (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked her up online and got nudes from her. When she realized I was using her she ghosted me so I got mad and wanted revenge. I started acting suicidal and faked my death. I posted funeral info on my snapchat story and pretended to be my sister and told her my death was all her fault. Eventually I felt bad and revealed to her that I am alive. The pic here is when I tried to reconcile after a few months

>> No.13947661

she wants you to eat her ass. go for it.

>> No.13947680

that’s really messed up

>> No.13947720

you misspelled based

>> No.13947731
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What's more messed up is how ghosted me. She kinda deserved this

>> No.13947744

tell her you'll kys yourself if she doesn't marry you. just to see what she says haha

>> No.13947793

Have you met this girl face to face?

>> No.13947799

>sends you nudes
>’it wasn’t a serious thing’
>develops ptsd

>> No.13947809

Shit, I read it as they were not the person that is >>13944378.

>> No.13947828
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No, it was just online. We traded pics and she found me hot so she sent me nudes upon request and flirted with me a lot

>> No.13947842

Indeed, if one takes this view surely the girlfriend is still preferable as she at least fucks op as well as hypothetical others, whereas everyone else is just fucking people but not op

>> No.13947844

Well then damn. You really played this girl. Telling you she loves you and sending you nudes.

>> No.13947859

lol you're not a prince, more like the KING of insecurity

>> No.13947863

Seek help lad

>> No.13947876

Real prince would be also upload her nudes on this board, as maciaveli told, for sure

>> No.13947886
File: 270 KB, 750x1334, BTFO (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda illegal lol

>> No.13947896

Just one single leg, beg you, good sir!

>> No.13947928

anon, are you literally insane? why would you do this?

>> No.13947957


This is not how you communicate with people, not how you get your point across, this is not how you settle things or set the record straight. There’s obviously more to the story you’re telling, you obviously clicked deep or else it would still be something going on.

Tell her

I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart for ever doing anything to hurt you. I never wanted that. You must know that inside yourself. I’m sorry for being such an insecure bastard, I am still trying to figure out how to be a human being and honest with myself about myself. What’s more is that you are someone very important to me, hence why Im still here and reaching out, and as far as I it is possible I promise to never behave in such a way ever again. I didn’t want it to turn out this way, I am not good with myself. I’m not at peace if you aren’t at peace. I care about you and I am sorry

As somebody who cared about you enough to reach back out after everything that happens you owe it to them to at least make sure they are ok, with or without you. It will weigh heavy on your heart and they will know that. If can fix this you should so that you’re not carrying around this shit for the rest of your life. You seem just as distraught as they do about what happened. Do the right thing and take the necessary steps to make it better. All that petty revenge stuff is very unbecoming. A happy ending is not only possible but necessary.

>> No.13947961
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Don't have many pics of her legs. It's mostly her chest, pussy, and ass. Man they are the best pics I have

>> No.13947968
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You can't say all this shit if you haven't even met.
>Zoomer dating

>> No.13947988

This all reads like someone who thinks he's pulling some amazing ruse, but just comes off as some arrogant ass who's only interest is sex. It's one thing to take influence from the Prince, but it's another to flounder around trying to be him.

>> No.13947992

Lmao, these are hilarious. She's taking it so seriously. Some guy said he loves her to the point of wanting to kill himself if he can't have her after interacting with her once online and she's taking it seriously. S

>> No.13947994
File: 139 KB, 687x1211, BTFO (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did try apologizing and told her how bad I felt but she just tried doing what I did as you can see in this pic. I did try again after a while but she had her male friend send a pic of his butthole so.

>> No.13948008


>> No.13948010

why hasn't she just blocked you at this point? does she love the attention of it or something?

>> No.13948014

Apparently, she's in high school. The answer is yes.

>> No.13948019

you've never had a gf, have you?

>> No.13948023

So then could you please write to her again, and tell her that somebody from lit wants small single picture of her most diserbale part of body, and if she refute to do this tell her that's it could have some consequences, suicide attempt even. I believe she will fall for this, girls often have goldfish memory, you know

>> No.13948029

Tell her that we also love her, all anons from here

>> No.13948046
File: 253 KB, 750x1334, BTFO (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but she blocked me about a month ago when I tried to talk to her again. I don't have her number anymore so I have no way to contact her.

>> No.13948060

were you laughing when you write this cuz this is a1 funny

>> No.13948072
File: 6 KB, 205x246, 1569844539075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much. evil for the sake of evil doesn't appeal to me, and necessary evils are all too petty.
> dumped e-gf of two years as a teen because i lost interest, claimed to stay forever with her many times
> lied about being religious to talk to a nice priest i simply liked
> regularily lie to people who stay overnight so that they leave earlier in the morning

>> No.13948074

please tell me this was after the first fake suicide ruse

>> No.13948131

When I BTFO'd machiavelli

>> No.13948133

>"Can I see your tits one more time please?"
>The ensuing tirade

Pure, unadulterated levels of basedness.

>> No.13948182

I was (face to face) arguing with some guy and he started his argument by steps
When he was saying the second step of his argument i simply started a 5 minutes argument about how he was wrong right in the first step
I knew what he was going to say later and what I was going to say.
He didn't even finished his steps
Thank you romans!

>> No.13948212

>dumped e-gf of two years as a teen because i lost interest, claimed to stay forever with her many times
My e-gf did this to me

>> No.13948263


>> No.13948276

what in the fuck are you waiting for nigger? post the goods, we will all thank you for it

>> No.13948291

because this is fake m7+1

>> No.13949539


>> No.13949658

well, i was 13 and just realised she became dumb as fuck. before that, i had the best conversations with her and loved discussing each other's half assed edgy teen stories.
i've lost another great friend to Things i dont like

>> No.13949687
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Very very based
*gives reddit upvote* uwu

>> No.13949968

Oh yeah I laughing hard. Not like a normal laugh but if youve watched Naruto its like Sasukes laugh. Ive always thought his laugh is unrealistic but after faking my suicide and watching her reaction I couldnt help to laugh just like him

>> No.13950042
File: 46 KB, 850x440, men-are-by-nature-merely-indifferent-to-one-another-but-women-are-by-nature-enemies-345341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. woman

>> No.13950159

Anon you'll ruin your state on account of women.

>> No.13950177
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>be me
>just got crowned king
>hired a bunch of mercenaries and high ranking family members to celebrate
>kill all the mercenaries
>kill all my family members
>massacre 50% of my population (only once though so they don't get too mad)
>destroy every fortress in my territory since I know my people love me
>call in a bunch of auxiliaries to help with all this
>kill them at the end to
>fuck one new whore everyday so I don't no ruin my State on account of women
>expel all my minorities
>thanks Niccolo

>> No.13950193

I’ve never read The Prince and live a mundane life, so the nearest I think I’ve come to that attitude is this: I used to work a part-time job where for months I’d been promised I was going to be hired full-time. But it just stalled and I remained part-time. I got an interview with another department in the same company, not because I was interested in the job, but because I wanted to force their hand on hiring me for my current position. Interview went well and had a follow-up two days later where I was told they want to bring me over but they can’t because my department needed me and I was getting a full-time job with them.

>> No.13950204


>> No.13950241

I once shat on a girl so hard in an argument. So hard I reduced her to tears. A week or so later she cam back and apologised to ME! She kept saying I was her greatest friend or something. After I read her text I had the heartiest laugh I have ever head. Ironically I was crying with mirth. I pulled some shit out my ass about anger issues. She still tries to be close to me but I just act apathetic towards her.

>> No.13950275

I-is she hot

>> No.13950347

Machiavelli fucked a hag at a whore house and he wrote about it.

>> No.13950412

In AoE2 I marched my entire army into my allys gates and then switched him to enemy and destroyed his city and forced him to resign.

>> No.13950449

She's alright. Nice body but the face is a bit meh due to a strange looking chin

>> No.13950471

You should see how that chin feels smacking your balls anon

>> No.13950484

You should have hired somebody else to do it so they would hate and fear that guy, then you should have dropped in and had him drawn and quartered in the public square so that the people hate that guy and fear your potential ability to fuck up their lives, but love you more because you killed a guy who fucked up their lives. In that way you remove a piece of shit from your kingdom but not before both winning the love of your people and using that piece of shit to get something useful done.

>> No.13950491

this is the most based and princely thing in this thread.

>> No.13950509

Agreed. Everyone who played any games of the AoE franchise did this at least once.

>> No.13950838

So does anyone have an epub of the penguin edition ? I can't find it anywhere.