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/lit/ - Literature

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13952180 No.13952180 [Reply] [Original]

School fags, what are your readings this semester and how are you liking them?

1. Class subject
2. A reading
3. Thoughts on the reading

>> No.13952214
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1. Children with autism on a Linguistics spectrum
2. In a liberal Linguistics Uni they will always shove Chomsky down your throat like he's a Linguistics demi-god on Earth. So Chomsky.
3. Very interesting to say the least. It's amazing how language usage and comprehension can change between subjects with linguistic impairment (Not necessarily someone speaking like a stupid ogre, but rather anyone with any sort of mental impairment or condition).

>> No.13952253

This is actually really interesting! I have a speech impediment and when I sense a stutter coming on I search for a synonym of that word.

It forces me to have a pretty wide vocabulary. That said, still sound retarded for using words that are technically correct but sound odd contextually.

>> No.13952405
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I understand you completely. We study how minds like yours have to grasp for synonyms in your ''word pool''.
This is caused by the interruption of connections of concepts in your mind.
Believe me there are some people who can speak perfectly but comprehend about 5% of what you say. Same goes the other way around: I've had a subject who understands optimally (sometimes even better than a ''regular'' human) but cannot utter a single well constructed sentence. It was usually a scheme similar to: ''I... to the garden... picked up some... I went home... and... after eating them'' .

>> No.13952438

>1. Class subject
Eugenics and metaphysical race/gender theory
>2. A reading
Evola and Weininger
>3. Thoughts on the reading
Extremely based and redpilled

>> No.13952659

So in theory I can "cure" myself by training my brain to take a breather and slow down my thoughts?

>> No.13952717

Unfortunately I cannot make a diagoses through an online forum.
But in your case you might be able to do so.
But for the aforementioned subjects, there is no cure but adaptation.

>> No.13952814

1. European civιlization
2. Its history and progression of sciences such as philosophy, maths etc
3. So fucking basic and simplistic all of the aspects described there.

>> No.13952892

Thanks for the replies, I'm gonna look into this

>> No.13953949


>> No.13953956

1. 20th Century Russian Literature
2. The Book of Job
3. Wait I thought this was 20th Century Russian Literature