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13976135 No.13976135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any real argument against the idea that this society isn't worth contributing to and wasting the rest of your days slaving for? I'm starting to think there's a better happier life in being a failure that learns to live on little.

>> No.13976146

Learning to live on little is not failing nor existing outside of society, unless you mean like being a self-sufficient farmer or something. If you want to just have a basic life and focus on stuff other than career go for it.

It seems people like this often do like contributing to society anyway, in terms of like local community and whatnot.

>> No.13976509
File: 38 KB, 389x499, Win your SSDI case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the SSDI pill, move to rural VE or ME, and buy all your shit in sales tax free NH where you keep your P.O box, so you don't pay tax. Live in the woods. Avoid modern literature. Only worry about cultivating virtue and avoiding vice.

>> No.13976515

>Is there any real argument against the idea that this society isn't worth contributing to and wasting the rest of your days slaving for?
There was an Austrian man with a moustache who made some solid arguments but christcucks couldn't handle them so they consolidated powers to annihilate his empire.

>> No.13976533

Adolf Hitler was a faithful Roman Catholic until death. He held the contemporary post-WWI society in contempt and did not seek to gain respect in it but to expose it for the vile rotten pile of horse manure that it was. Then he took over. Not because he had an impressive background, no. Because he spoke the truth.

>> No.13976543

If you don't focus on working while you're young you probably won't be able to retire or ever support family. You're only young once so if you make the decision to not work, once you reach a certain point you're stuck with that decision. It's not the sort of path for people who get lonely or embarrassed easily.

>> No.13976548

Hitler couldn't fathom Christians.

>> No.13976559
File: 34 KB, 500x376, 05nrmdbzcxo11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here take advantage of government programs?

>> No.13976560

t. Allied propaganda.

>> No.13976561

>It's not the sort of path for people who get lonely or embarrassed easily.
Imagine actually rationalizing settling down with a fat cow and supporting two drooling autistic retards that hate you

>> No.13976574

You get $200 in SNAP per month for each additional kid and they get free medical care through CHIP. They are better off than most children. Plus you can get one diagnosed as autistic and, poof, you get an extra $750 cash a month.

>> No.13976594

>already 26 soon
>never worked
Hah, I still have time eh?

>> No.13976597

Can I do this if I'm not a literal boomer? Isn't social security age locked?

>> No.13976602
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1383484905565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying retirement will still be a thing in 40 years
I say this as a wagekek

>> No.13976605

Just claim asylum in a first world country

>> No.13976615

It's getting late but you still have time. If you're going to do something, do it now.

>> No.13976626

Imagine being this stupid. Imagine not knowing what SSDI is. Imagine not knowing about disability.

>> No.13976631

I don't have to imagine, I live that reality every day.

>> No.13976636

the perfect candidate for SSDI!

>> No.13976637

SSDI benefits disperse a cash (via check/direct deposit) sum on various frequencies, typically totaling between $700 to $2850 a month depending on what your lifetime earnings were. Look into it. You probably qualify if you're that stupid. You also get free medical care.

>> No.13976659

2800 a month is absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.13976671

t. Avaricious worldling.

$2800 a month is more than enough to live on happily.

>> No.13976678

2800 is the wages of three men in full time job in my country in skilled labor

>> No.13976697

It depends on what elicits happiness in you. Only a underdeveloped, self-absorbed schizoid believes that poverty is virtuous or desirable for all; worse yet if it's accompanied by a delusion that rejecting material desire is an endeavor any less shallow than becoming absorbed in it.

>> No.13976725

33.5k a year isn't poverty though, is it. It's above average in US. Poverty is under 13k.

>> No.13976726

how is 2800 a month poverty

>> No.13976768

>This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater

>> No.13976813

Getting disability is actually hard, even if you actually have a disability that directly affects your ability to work and function in general.

You have to go through lawyers if you even want a shot, have to pay to have all your medical records collected as evidence, and in the end they can tell you "yes you are disabled, but not THAT disabled."

Autismbux is pretty much a myth; the government isn't looking to subsidize a 20/30-something for however many years you may need it.

>> No.13976815

It's actually easy. You've just had shitty doctors and lawyers.

>> No.13976818

>imagine getting ascetism this wrong

>> No.13976847

You're probably replying at a fat slob with zero introspection and personal development whatsoever, his affluency is a crutch for his cognitive deficiencies and non-existent spirituality.

>> No.13976882

If you think $2,800 a month is poverty you have lived a very sheltered existence.

>> No.13976921
File: 1.68 MB, 1000x1000, 1566359815873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The degree of pathetic futility in this post that only logically exists for self-affirmation is completely disgusting. I would normally wave such a specific image, so completely off-mark and left-field as mere projection of some fearful fate you believe yourself to become, but I think I'll sanitize that from my head. Whatever the odds the truth of that is, I will live a better life not having believed it to be the truth, despite not remembering anything about this exchange in an hour.

>> No.13976946

All that shit just to say
>haha big werds i smart
>haha need more monee pls shove consumerist cock in throat

Needing too much is weakness, relying on externalities and banalities for happiness or contentness is cucked in itself. Now go tell alexa how you owned poor people on the internet.

>> No.13977025
File: 237 KB, 474x474, 1567571358809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The argument that needing too much is a weakness is a silly, suggestive argument to try and provoke, is that truthfully the best you can do? Perhaps I'm playing with your bait too easily, you aren't having to actually feel you need to work for it?

That's besides the point, just like all who think an ideology of minimalist living is virtuous, criticism of your virtues has led you into an explosive fit of anger where you reveal you can only think in extremes. If your ideology is being criticized, it must be by someone holding the exact opposite extreme. Rejecting the material for the emotional is shallow. Your immature temper and inability to address a single thing I propose (while simultaneously constructing strawmen that nibody, even yourself believes) is evidence enough of this, you lack the depth of mind to grasp conflicting information calmly. When presented with something that goes against your beliefs, you holler and throw your shit like a chimpanzee. My point practically makes itself.

>> No.13977045

>>13976135 have you said that your plan to transcend society is to be in poverty?

>> No.13977050
File: 194 KB, 448x468, 1493919661279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookee here boys, we got ourselves a jinuwine intellectual

>> No.13977052

$1200 a month and zero expenses isn't poverty. It's freedom. It is much better to be impoverished with material goods, than to be impoverished with the most precious gift of all, and that is time.

>> No.13977073

>zero expenses
Friend, I don't believe you need 1200 a month if you have no expenses.

>> No.13977126

>writes an entire blogpost
>no U mad!

>> No.13977168

This didn't even need to be stated, as that was what he was looking for anyway. Either that or samefag.

It takes a lot of work to look like a pseud

>> No.13977217

Indeed, friend, I do not.

>> No.13977225

How about that you're a useless retard without all its bits and bobs? That's not living on little.

>> No.13977238

Nope, because 'this society', 'contributing', 'slaving' are all nonsense

>> No.13977254

Being useless is a good thing when it works against a decadent, filthy, and dysgenic society that deserves to go away.

>> No.13977258

They aren't nonsense. It's true. It's just that this society deserves to fail.

>> No.13977275

"Whereupon I mayhappen to pay taxes, a nigger will profit.

Therefore wherefore should meself pay taxes? Neet or go home."


>> No.13977283

Not really, but I'd feel unvirtuous living on charity so I couldn't do it.

>> No.13977285

Based featherless biped.

>> No.13977292

They're meaningless to anyone other than yourself.

>> No.13977305

I agree but you're part of that society. All the little technologies, conveniences, medicine, and so forth. Don't pretend to act as though you've given anything to it and haven't received much more than your due.