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14013499 No.14013499 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute STATE of the left

>> No.14013517


>Imagine being this salty at Slavoj

>> No.14013528

Zizek being suspected of being a crypto-fascist isn't new.

>> No.14013533
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>that marx statue

>> No.14013537

Leftism and purity spiraling have always gone hand in hand

>> No.14013548

Enemy of every communist is another communist.

>> No.14013563

Racism is bad for commerce. It fragments the market. That's why neoliberals are against it.

Kinda, but it reached its peak with the autistic Anglo-Protestant virtue signaling.

>> No.14013571

Pretty much, people like Zizek are pretty good and obviously there a good activists, but the C Team of the Left like OP-ed writers are all just Libs who call anyone harder than Chomsky a NazBol.

>> No.14013651

Circular firing squad

>> No.14013673 [DELETED] 

The author of the article is a BLACKED poster

>> No.14013679

>The Left should
Tribalizing and moralizing thought. Not only intellectually deficient but anti-intellect as a whole. Insignificant and irritating. Not to be thought upon hereonafter.

>> No.14013681

The left won generations ago. With winning comes the scheming for who gets to divvy up the spoils, and the getting drunk in the back room
While the losers are busy co-opting their tactics and building a bonfire beneath the church
Humans never change, and history will never change

>> No.14013700
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Westerners have such a dogshit understanding of power. All they can do when someone criticizes their program is take it as a personal attack
Zizek is one of the last real ones holding it down for radical materialism

>> No.14013718

How exactly is Zizkek raycis

>> No.14013726

wtf I *sniffs* love *spazzes out* Zhee zhek *does some weird shit* now

>> No.14013732

Same way everyone is: you see different groups of people and you notice that they're different.

>> No.14013741

I think it is the 'radical' materialists who dont want to really confront their complicity in patriarchy and white supremacy.

>> No.14013744

Groups are imaginary

>> No.14013750

Im proud to be a Virtue signalling sjw or as normal people without hang ups call it a decent empathetic human being

>> No.14013753

It doesn't matter, as long as we perceive them as groups it works.

>> No.14013757

The American "Left" is nothing but a bunch whiny liberals who vote Democrat. They aren't truly left.

>> No.14013772

Lol name 3

>> No.14013780

He's being attacked by liberal media. Liberalism is a right wing ideology that pre-supposes the maintenance of capitalism. The right attacks the left, and Americans mistake everything non-fascist as left.

>> No.14013787

Apparently, he has suggested that ISIS fighters will be difficult to integrate into European society.

>> No.14013792

He made a materialist socialist analysis of immigration. This infuriates liberals.

>> No.14013797

I know next to nothing about Zizek, but the author of this essay sounds like an edgy Anglo (idiotic and disgusting).

>> No.14013801

If you dont romanticize immigrants youre a racist in most liberals eyes nowadays

>> No.14013806

Anyone who supports democracy (Dems, Reps, every western political party) is a leftist. Especially democracy in its current state, where everyone, even mentally challenged people have the right to vote.

Trump is arguably the most leftist American president in recent history. For a while it even seemed he represented the will of a segment of the population. Most other presidents don't even go that far, they're are shameless corporate stooges. Of course, as it turns out now, Trump is just like them.

>> No.14013811
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This thread: (timestamp 9:10)

>> No.14013813

God you faggots are delusional

>> No.14013816

He's an overweight drug addict who is taken as an authority on the USSR because he was a line-cook for the army in the Ukraine. That's also where he did so much coke that he gave himself a speech impediment, gland problems, and a host of nervous tics. /lit/ memed him as this big brain intellectual, Reddit bought it, and now he travels the globe giving lectures on MARKSHEESHM to braindead yuppies and liberals looking for new and exciting forms of ethnomasochist autoflagellation. He makes a handsome living off of this.

>> No.14013818
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>> No.14013823

>Trump is arguably the most leftist American president in recent history

Rangeban Americans

>> No.14013830
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Pride is a sin, repent.

>> No.14013837

He spent the entire time shitting on the left in that peterson debate but the audience was too stupid to realize.

>> No.14013841

Zizek is a degenerate coke head

>> No.14013842

>Anyone who supports democracy (Dems, Reps, every western political party) is a leftist.
Nah, you're thinking in radical terms, and how right-wing only means reactionary.

>> No.14013848

Okay, but the author is even worse than that since he just sounds like a whiny, unacomplished (and most likely jealous) bitch.

>> No.14013855
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My bad, it turns out Obama was more leftist. Trump prefers to import cheap labor.

I'm thinking how the left-right distinction came to be in the first place. The MSM left-right definition is nonsensical and contradictory. They think nationalism is right wing, for god's sake.

>> No.14013857

>I'm proud to support the effort to distract workers from class solidarity by endorsing divisive identity politics

>> No.14013859

The absolute state of your mother

>> No.14013875

we need a leftypol to move these mentally ill leftards to.

>> No.14013877

where will the memers run to now? truly catastropik

>> No.14013892

I miss Umberto Eco....

>> No.14013905

The historical and I would say true left-right distinction is between democracy and autocracy. You are correct that nationalism is neither left or right wing.

>> No.14013923

Nationalism is left wing. There's hardly a more leftist cause than to give power to the people as opposed to the (corporate) elites. Nationalism and democracy go hand in hand.

>> No.14013929

Lmao nigger, you lot sound like the worst type of stormniggers when talking about the jews.

>> No.14013932

He's white

>> No.14013958

Right, except in all those countries which irrefutably represent nationalist governance, like Franco's Spain, Mussolini's Italy, Salazar's Portugal, etc...

>> No.14013968


>This, however, still leaves several puzzles unsolved. Why, for instance, does Penguin—one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the world—continue to to publish Žižek books, and to market them as misleadingly as they do?


>> No.14013970

>In other words, we understand (pretty much)what Žižek is sayingwhen he’s talking about episodes ofSex in the City, or Robert E. Lee, or hardcore pornography—even if we don’t understand why he is saying it.

>Yes, it really is this bad: further Žižekian ruminations on sex—on this occasion, animal sex—are supposed to illuminate the nature and philosophical implications of the quantum world. This would of course be amusing—if it wasn’t also an intellectual travesty.

What are some high brow relevant topic for academic left?

>> No.14013984

Nazis were left wing? I can tell you’re a leftist moron with what you said. Corporitism isn’t “right wing” you fucking idiot. If democracy goes hand and hand with nationalism, why the fuck are the modern political parties globalist you midwit.

>> No.14013985

I don’t have a brainlet wojak big enough for this post

>> No.14013989

Modern parties aren't democractic lmaooo. They're oligarchs pretending to care about people by throwing bones to some random minority groups.

>> No.14013995

>fragments the market
whites are the only people with money

>> No.14013996

Racism is bad because homogeneous groups create strong labor unions and high trust societies which are resilient to union busting and advertising.

Multiculturalism is a bourgeois fantasy which serves to grant global capital access to an unlimited labor supply

>> No.14014001

You're imaginary.

>> No.14014007

this is nothing new. the early labor movement was fiercely anti-immigrant, but you know that.

>> No.14014044
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What a sad article. I agree, a lot of Zizek's takes are pretty retarded, especially that on supporting Trump. I don't think he understood how awful Trump would be and probably doesn't follow American politics closely enough to care. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that whoever wrote this trash doesn't know anything about continental philosophy, so why even bother to talk about it? Frankly, it's embarrassing. Oh, and they actually have the audacity to fucking say that Zizek is a racist but then mention Steven Pinker ayyyyymao. Rat fucks. I'm surprised they didn't also add that he's a bad person because he downloads off PirateBay. Not to mention the countless omissions, like how they talk about his debate with Jordan but not the fact that Slavoj donated his earnings to charity. HMMMMM, I WONDER WHY YOU WOULD LEAVE THAT OUT.
Posting the official /lit/ waifu in protest to this garbage.

>> No.14014068

>I don't think he understood how awful Trump would be
What are your major objections to Trump?

>> No.14014096

One thing you'll learn quick about the online left (by left Iran socialists and marxists, not liberals/democrats) is that they'd much rather spend time "canceling" other leftists as opposed to actually fighting conservatives/reactionaries. Let's face it, most these people are intillectual lightweights

>> No.14014114

>OP posts headline and not story
This is /lit/ not /pol/

>> No.14014118


Radical materialists have demonstrably shown that racism, especially the vitriolic kind found in America, is a direct consequence of the exploitation and expropriation of labour.

Source: The invention of the White Race by Theodore Allen, volumes one and two.

>> No.14014120
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Lol criticizing Zizek without even engaging his ontology, it's like they want to be memes.

Guy's a hardcore dialectical materialist theologian, he doesn't fit into a neat ideological box so he gives American pundits who don't read the sharts (more than usual)

>> No.14014135

Leaving aside the fact that he supports the usual Republican trash policies, he's turned out to be a complete fucking cuck. He's being puppeteered by the same people he was supposed to remove from power, and he completely fails each time he has to act on the world stage. Everyone knew that the Saudis killed by Khashoggi, and what did Trump do? Jack fucking shit, and he continues to suck their cock. Or now with the Turks - he's the leader of the United States, the most powerful country that has ever existed, yet he fucking grovels for Erdogan to stop doing something only to get a shitty deal that turns out Erdogan isn't even following if we're going by today's reporting so far.
It's absolutely hilarious reading all these articles from the demented lamestream media about how Trump is going to start WW3, because he's probably the weakest president we've ever had when it comes to standing up for Americans on the global stage and bringing justice. He's all rhetoric and no action. Teddy would be rolling in his grave at the sight of this spineless cocksucker.

>> No.14014149


Replace racism for white supremacy.

>> No.14014154

>Nazis were left wing?
They were left wing in their rhetoric, they claimed to represent and work for the benefit of the German people. To a certain extent, they did.
They were not left wing in their authoritarian way of governing, though.
It's complicated.

>If democracy goes hand and hand with nationalism, why the fuck are the modern political parties globalist you midwit.
Because they're effectively not democratic. People are being mislead into thinking they live in democracies, but they actually have little influence over what the government does.
There is no meaningful policy distinction between Democrats and Republicans, for example. All the disagree on is trivial shit like gun control. They don't disagree over continuing mass immigration (look at the facts) or whether we should invade countries in the Middle East.

>> No.14014155

Nationalism is literally the result of the French Revolution, the Revolutionaries (lefties) called themselves Patriots to denote that they were loyal to the nation of France not the King.

>> No.14014158

Ok you hate him for the right reasons, this place attracts some of them neoliberal types and their understanding of Trump is retarded

>> No.14014178

the expropriation of labour was banned in America a long time ago and yet we still have racism.
Source: The Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

>> No.14014187

I agree. The United States should fight more wars. What are we paying those lazy solders for anyway.

>> No.14014188

>They were left wing in their rhetoric, they claimed to represent and work for the benefit of the German people.
That isn't leftwing, and you're wrong.
As for the rest of what you wrote to this guy
>Because they're effectively not democratic.
Debatable - it's a representative democracy.
>People are being mislead into thinking they live in democracies
They aren't; they do.
>but they actually have little influence over what the government does.
Well, people may not be able to choose what the government does, that's true, but that doesn't mean they can't influence what it does. We have plenty of historical examples that show the opposite. But you need a mass movement for it, and unfortunately Americans today are bigger bugmen than the Chinese can even dream of being. There's barely any consciousness left in most of these #MAGA or #RESISTANCE brainlets.
>There is no meaningful policy distinction between Democrats and Republicans
That's just false on so many levels, lol. I mean, yes, the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans. But to say there is no meaningful difference between, say, being for or against abortion is just ludicrous. Or whether or not we should deal seriously with the threat of climate change. Now, the Democrats aren't nearly as far away in that spectrum from the Republicans, but they're certainly not at fucking "lol it's a chinese scam bro"
>All the disagree on is trivial shit like gun control
Ah, yes, debating whether or not the citizenry should be able to arm themselves is truly a trivial point (by the way, I'm a hardcore leftist but I side with the Republicans on this one).
>They don't disagree over continuing mass immigration (look at the facts) or whether we should invade countries in the Middle East.
True, but that's because they're all beholden to corporations.

>> No.14014190

I think it is deeply offensive to try to reduce racism to a mere product of capitalism, or to suggest it can be fixed by purely economic means. I think many white guy college marxists are merely trying to postpone the inevitable moral and cultural reckoning with their own whiteness

>> No.14014198

"the left" you refer to are limp wristed liberals who stan for corporate overlords and government tyrants as long as they check boxes on the oppression meter, it's the late night talk-show host "leftist" you only really see in america or other anglo influenced countries. I'm fairly convined the writer is some sort of unthinking ooze or analytic philosopher because no respectable human being would like steven pinker. Hope your stupid country can stop exporting identity politics and dumb-down the rest of us

>> No.14014207

I never said it should fight more wars, and you don't need to fight them to show leadership. Are you seriously implying the only choices in dealing with an enemy is either appeasement or invasion? That kind of black and white attitude is exactly what got us in this place to begin with. I mean, Jesus, you don't even have to invade the Saudis, just not working with them is a start. Same with Israel. Cut the umbilical cord and let it loose. It's been sucking on America and Europe like a vampire for the last half a century and using our funds to commit atrocities in support of a state that will NEVER ever ever ever have a longterm future in the Middle-East without heavy Western support.

>> No.14014212

I don't think you understand the difference between racism and prejudice. Prejudice is as old as time immemoral, but racism is a product of American society (and others that have treated populations in a similar way).

>> No.14014216

Cutting off Israel will just get you labeled an antisemite and you can't do anything.

Though, it is remarkably stupid however many billions of taxpayer money is guaranteed to Israel every year -- I don't seem to recall the populace voting to approve that over, say, improved infrastructure.

>> No.14014217


>> No.14014218

>People are being mislead into thinking they live in democracies, but they actually have little influence over what the government does.
And even if you make a case that they do, the end result is that the policies will be the lowest common denominator.
In other words, Joe Sixpack or Cody the Starbucks cvck don't give a shit about killing some Ahmeds or destroying the environment, if it means they get cheaper gas and iPhones.
Most people are fundamentally dumb, selfish and short sighted and democracies make this fact apparent.
If you want true progress you need at the very least restrict voting rights to a smaller segment of the population and/or privatize everything as libertarians want. Otherwise we'll just descend into worse and worse societies, where people give power to whoever promises more gibs.

>> No.14014221

The working class is increasingly diverse, if anything we need way more identity politics and more political correctness. Social Justice isnt divisive, racism misogyny and queerphobia are divisive.

>> No.14014225

>Cutting off Israel will just get you labeled an antisemite
To give a laconic one word reply: So?

>> No.14014227

like trump could even do that. your a fool.

>> No.14014229

>just constantly harangue the working class for their ideological biases while my masters consume with abandon

>> No.14014232

>racism is a product of American society
It's a product of inter-continental migration. America is just the most obvious example.

>> No.14014233

In other words, your virtue-signalling gives you a sense of self-worth that would otherwise be lacking.
Worthy people don't signal virtues, they cultivate them.

>> No.14014234

He also praise Merkel for taking refugees despite the fact that a pro refugee stance is a political suicide

>> No.14014237

I’m not a huge fan of Zizek, but I find him amusing and he says a lot of things I agree with.

This guy makes a good point about Indonesia’s seemingly progressive gender balance in politics. However, Indonesia, like Saudi Arabia, is a rogue state that just happens to be allies to many in the “West” They committed the second worst genocide in the 20th century in the 1970s based on percentage of population eliminated (the East Timorese), they still occupy Irian Jaya against the wishes of the people there, and they still flog homosexuals in public.

Pointing to them as some progressive beacon is ridiculous.

The countries with the highest participation of women in politics are Rwanda and Cuba.

>> No.14014241

>a pro refugee stance is a political suicide
Not if you first brainwash the population and fill it with guilt. So, not in Germany.

>> No.14014242

You must have a remarkably dim view of the working class, seeing you dont consider them capable of becoming decent human beings. As leftist our priority should be to get the working class woke and help them become sjws

>> No.14014245


That’s nice sweetie. How about you read the book and then come back and chat. K?

>> No.14014247

>You must have a remarkably dim view of the working class, seeing you dont consider them capable of becoming decent human beings.

Masterful bait imo

>> No.14014250

you guys just got BONGED. its over for your marxist daddy ahahahahha

>> No.14014262

brown and black people spend money all damn day long. go to any mall

>> No.14014271

no. those people are hired to walk around to make the place look diverse and urban.

>> No.14014284

>In other words, Joe Sixpack or Cody the Starbucks cvck don't give a shit about killing some Ahmeds or destroying the environment, if it means they get cheaper gas and iPhones.
Not really, that's just the result of purposeful indoctrination to neutralize people having a voice.
>Most people are fundamentally dumb, selfish and short sighted and democracies make this fact apparent
Nice one, incel, and let me guess, you just happen to be one of the enlightened ones that's going to lead us to a better state. Just shut the fuck up, we thousands of years of history to prove the fact that a few people can make as bad if not worse decisions than a great number of people. For every great man you can name, there are twenty other cucks that followed that brought everything to ruins or had to be forcefully removed.
>Most people are fundamentally dumb, selfish and short sighted and democracies make this fact apparent.
If they live in a system where their daily needs aren't met and they have to stress over monthly bills and so on, yes, their prospects are going to radically shift to the short term rather than the long term. Again, capitalism is the main problem.
>If you want true progress you need at the very least restrict voting rights to a smaller segment of the population and/or privatize everything as libertarians want.
Ah, yes, if you want true progress you should go back in time to something that will never exist anymore and put in place a system that's even more phantasmagorical than what twitter commies talk about.
>Otherwise we'll just descend into worse and worse societies, where people give power to whoever promises more gibs.
Except that the two don't need to be mutually exclusive. This would be a nice theory if it held any kind of historical truth, but unfortunately it doesn't, because you're a fucking drooling retard. If this were true, fuckface, why is it that people aren't given shit? Why is that rightwing propaganda is always based on shitting on others (immigrants, neighbors, elites, whatever) and not giving people any actual stuff? It's almost like that's how power works, and the ones that are willing to give free shit tend to be revolutionaries that want to take down the real elites: Caesar, for example.

>> No.14014291

You don't understand what the word racism means, do you? Pro-tip: it's not just disliking a group of people. For example, some random Kazakh might have a prejudice against Somalis, maybe even a deep-seated revulsion, but that doesn't make it racism.

>> No.14014298

>specialising in the philosophy of physics, the philosophy of science, and logic - I believe I can offer a unique set of analytical and critical skills for a variety of prospective employers.
Hahahahaha, what a fucking brainlet.

>> No.14014302


>> No.14014304

Imagine being fucking stupid enough to write this garbage after watching SocJus sociopaths sabotage the 2016 election and try to do the same for 2020. Non-whites support Bernie's class-first rhetoric BY A HUGE MARGIN over identity-driven neoliberalism like Clinton and Warren, the only people who think white guilt and virtue signaling are preferable to uniting the working class against the bosses (NOT abstract fabrications like "whiteness" and "patriarchy") are WASP cuckboy retards like you.

>> No.14014309

Have you even met any marginalised people? I think you might be suffering from a sense of fragility that keeps you from acknowledging your privileges

>> No.14014316

>If they live in a system where their daily needs aren't met and they have to stress over monthly bills and so on, yes, their prospects are going to radically shift to the short term rather than the long term. Again, capitalism is the main problem.
The poorest US citizens now live on much higher standards than rich people 100 years ago and with more social safety nets, yet their time preference is higher. Don't be retarded.

>but that doesn't make it racism
Yes it does. Nobody else agrees with your special snowflake definition of racism.

>> No.14014323
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I will not allow the left making the same things that they did to my nigger Mark Fischer, ever again.

This is a threat.

>> No.14014325

i hear sjw's say this a lot but i don't understand it. is this just some sort of passive aggressive insult or is there some theory behind it?

>> No.14014336

It doesnt matter, unless you grovel over the fact that youre white youre fragile. Its basically their "GOTCHA"

>> No.14014355

>The poorest US citizens now live on much higher standards than rich people 100 years ago
LOL. The shit for brains subhuman incel actually has the balls to write this as if people a hundred years ago were fighting for their lives. Really, you fucking ape, you think people today that can't even afford food or a home live better than rich people that lived in their private villas with servants a hundred years ago, in the fucking 1920s? Are you this retarded? Is this preposterous statement that literally anyone that's left their mother's basement knows to be untrue your final argument you stupid little shit?
>more social safety nets
Such as? You want to talk about safety nets in America, a country that's overrun with homeless people and lower-class workers without health insurance? Not to mention that you are the one that selected this framing.
>yet their time preference is higher.
It's almost like technology and the role it plays is essential in this as well, as described in, you know, almost any literature that deals with the issue (not that you read, lmao).
>Don't be retarded.
Fucking kill yourself today, incel. You are stupid as fuck and deeply uneducated, to the point that you can't even make good arguments for your outlandish ideas. Keep thinking you're a special snowflake that understands how things REALLY are when you're actually a fucking loser that doesn't even have a basic education hanging from a thread. Really, sincerely, please kill yourself.

>> No.14014367
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>implying real leftists exist today
the successor of leftism today is the depressed post-left. everything else is radlibs, humanists and cringe trend hopping w*stern teenagers who post memes about stalin.
zizek has some elements of post-left but he also has radlib and pop-eurocentrism takes. he also wanks the academic cock every while and then

>> No.14014370

I might have made a mistake there when I suggested rich people such as, as you say, people in villas with servants.
But poor Westerners now are indeed better off than many of the upper classes of the past.
So no, material standards alone do not explain the high time preference.
I'm afraid you socialists will have to grow some extra brain cells if you actually want to figure out what's going on.

>> No.14014377
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>Groups are imaginary

>> No.14014435

>What are some high brow relevant topic for academic left?

cum cocktails and the intersectional dynamics of anal sex

>> No.14014461

>the inevitable moral and cultural reckoning

ah yes, the day of the rope

>> No.14014465
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>mfw bernie dying during the democratic primaries and trump winning 2020 will purge the internet of champagne socialists and trankies for good

>> No.14014474

>The poorest US citizens now live on much higher standards than rich people 100 years ago and with more social safety nets, yet their time preference is higher. Don't be retarded.


>> No.14014480

You cant end racism without raising racial consciousness amongst whites. A moral reckoning is about more than politics and economics

>> No.14014491

>You cant end racism without raising racial consciousness amongst whites
You can. Ship the n-words back to Africa and it's pretty much ended.

>> No.14014500
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A friendly and underrated post.
>"Why is Zizek so popular REEEEEEEE"
Twitter-tier ramblings of a nobody.
>philosophy of science
Thousand kekau. All opinions discarded.

>> No.14014526

they still have AOC and liz warren.

>> No.14014535

from the thumbnail i thought this was an asian chick in a black miniskirt and white dress shirt bending over

>> No.14014537


>> No.14014572


Because you said so?

Nah, you can shove your divisive race consciousness up your ass while I struggle with my black comrades against the system that required free labour for acceptable profit margins.

>> No.14014576

>b-back in my days
Fuck off grandpa. Words change in meaning.

>> No.14014577

>You cant end racism without raising racial consciousness amongst whites
Sure, but it's going to be an impossible task to raise the racial conciousness of people whose livelihoods are, percieved at least, to be easily improved by "not getting it".
The market is a ruthless, totally amoral system. You won't overcome the profit motives driving people against each other by insisting that literally everyone has to be moral and humanist about it, the system needs losers to function, and people have to justify that to themselves.
The idea that moralizing would accomplish anything, that politics is downstream from culture, is fundamentally a reactionary idea.

>> No.14014590
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As someone who's read Zizek's articles frequently and watched The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, but never read any of his literature, where should I start?

>> No.14014636
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Just read the article. The writer is a leftist shill who doesn't understand hegal nor can admit the truth about refugees in europe. A waste of flesh, scum of scum.

>> No.14014643
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>As leftist our priority should be to get the working class woke
That's a little on the nose

>> No.14014652

You guys have totally and forever ruined any chance of Marxist class revolution in the US by making working class whites into some kind of bogeyman so ty very much

>> No.14014662

Didn't know the left was this dude who made the article

>> No.14014664

If you can't hear his accent there's no point

>> No.14014674

The Greeks

>> No.14014682

>Oh no, some dude died better stop using the internet

>> No.14014690

In post-communist world no one cares about race.

>> No.14014692

Treating the left as an identity group is the big problem in the first place

>> No.14014711

Depends on how comfortable you feel with philosophy in general.

Just the tip: Absolute Recoil, Sublime Object of Ideology, The Failed Absolute (this is like Zizek's ontological "manifesto" so I'd save this for last actually)

OOO MASSA IM GON SQUIRT: Less Than Nothing, Parallax Effect

>> No.14014766

Self labeling as MUH POLITICAL TEAM is fucking cringe and gaypilled

>> No.14014799

Is "reactionary" the new "problematic"?

I see this word thrown around as if people know exactly what it means.

>> No.14014877

Reactionary in this context is significantly older, like 19th century old

>> No.14014882

The problem with Zizek is he's an arch-leftcom. All he does is criticize while not offering anything meaningful. In this sense, he is right wing, because left wing "communism" is the right wing upside down.

>> No.14014897

>raising racial consciousness amongst whites
That is going to backfire massively lmao

>> No.14014913

>el creatura!

Thats woman is part negro. You can see it by looking at her hair, her pose and her ears. Absolute defilement of the European ideal.

>> No.14014932
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>Racism is bad for commerce. It fragments the market.
Peak rationalism

>> No.14014941

Read Hegel

>> No.14014947

Zizek has always been right wing and the left is so slow that only now are they starting to realize

>> No.14014956

You read Hegel and Mao. Things can become their opposite.

>> No.14014988

its funny cause double blackmail made me much more pro-refugee than i had been before. convincing book. cancel culture has zizek fucked up lol

>> No.14014991

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.14014993

>You can tell this woman is black by looking at her fashion and the way she poses
And wouldn't it be "la creatura"?

>> No.14015000

criticisms aren't meaningful?

>> No.14015005

I never paid any attention to him but I saw the Distributist talking about how he essentially took some right wing positions in his debate with Peterson and it got me interested. Has he written anything good?

>> No.14015010

They are meaningful, but there's a difference between criticism and criticism for the sake of it. Leftcoms usually deride everyone else's attempts to create communism, but never offer a line of their own. In that way, they become the inverse right wing.

>> No.14015016

Not if they don't offer an alternative. It's super easy to criticize something

>> No.14015025

Zizek isn't a leftcom, he's a conservative right wing

>> No.14015037

And besides leftcoms all happen to be autistic weebs for some reason

>> No.14015069

Like I said, leftcoms often become the inverse of the right wing. From what I've seen, leftcoms usually become that way because they are tailists. By that I mean, the masses are often far more progressive and revolutionary than intellectuals can keep up with, because the masses are on the ground experiencing exploitation everyday. Intellectuals often fall into the trap of tailing behind the masses, and up only following the most reactionary elements of the working class, which, like I said, makes them an inverse right. You can see this in how Zizek doesn't like marxist-feminism or talking about race issues, and Zizek fetishizes the "white working class". This is because Zizek isn't, for example, one of the 30% of homeless people who are LGBT+ who are forced into prostitution, get kicked out of their homes by their parents or get abuse in the streets. In this respect, that section of the masses is more advanced and have outrun him, so he sides with the parts of the working class that are most reactionary, which makes him act like a right winger.

>> No.14015079

>By that I mean, the masses are often far more progressive and revolutionary than intellectuals can keep up with
>The masses
Mass immigration would never have passed anywhere if it were subjected to a referendum.

>> No.14015081

How come the vast majority of memes lefties use are just less funny versions of shit from places like /pol/?

They say Rightwingers are intellectually bankrupt while not being able to express themselves without copying

>> No.14015092

Neither would half the wars that cause refugees in the first place. There's a reason the capitalists have to bombard the masses with none stop propaganda through the media.

>> No.14015114
File: 37 KB, 460x460, 18658078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you hook a brother up with some post-left lit? never heard of it before

>> No.14015126

>he actually believes refugees make up a significant part of immigrants from mass immigration
Good god and you talk about propaganda lol

>> No.14015127

Thats because memes are a fundamentally brainlet way of communication. Anybody who think whether you can meme has aby bearing on anything else is a brainlet and deserve they self-inflicted cultural lobotomy.

>> No.14015135
File: 47 KB, 639x480, D95kV8oVAAA7q5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come the vast majority of memes lefties use are just less funny versions of shit from places like /pol/?
Because when your ideas are in line with the establishment and corporations it just comes off as cringe.

>> No.14015136

Wtf? Why is there just a naked Marx next to him?

>> No.14015144

What are working class interests in your mind? Is it pro-working class to continually support their wages being suppressed by mass immigration and efforts to literally replace and homogenize working class white people?

>> No.14015157

They’re clearly an effective way to spread ideas, I agree they don’t have a lot of depth usually. If there wasn’t a solid reason to meme then you wouldn’t see them trying to co-opt the much more organic and funny things coming from the right

>> No.14015164

They are all refugees. People don't willingly leave their homes in masses for no reason. These people are forced to move into the developed western world because the west keeps the third world undeveloped.

>> No.14015174

The people who make the funny memes on /pol/ don't actually care very much about politics, they are in this for the lulz. Youll notice that moralizing Neonazis are as deeply unfunny as the left is.

>> No.14015181

How is Žižek a racist?

>> No.14015183

Definitely agree with you on the last bit.

>> No.14015184
File: 19 KB, 307x469, 1566902081550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm proud to be a slave moralist or as others call it a ginormous fucking faggot

>> No.14015185

There's a spigot on the cock so he can drink from it. It's a brilliant drawing, I unironically love it.

>> No.14015197

>They are all refugees
>These people are forced to move
hahahahahahhaah. What about those who stay in their own countries? Are those not forced? Why? Is it a lottery? jesus christ leftists are truly brainlets.

>> No.14015202

>Neither would half the wars that cause refugees in the first place

im really not so sure about that. am*ricans are bloodthirsty animals

>> No.14015205

Go actually spend some time living with these "refugees" if you genuinely believe that. They're coming here for easier access to Buffalo wild wings and Amazon prime 2day delivery on the white man's dollar. The only thing they are running from is the inability of their own people to flourish into the waiting arms of global techno-capitalism

>> No.14015217

Because they can't or don't want to all move?

Well the US proletariat were strongly against Vietnam.

Well yeah there is a material benefit from coming to the third world from the third. Why do right wingers always try and do these "gotchas" that are just non-sequiturs.

>> No.14015220

Nice world wars ya got there yurop

>> No.14015229

>there is a material benefit from coming to the third world from the third.
because third worlders are retarded and their countries suck

>> No.14015266

Well if you're NrX then Trump is leftist to you.

>> No.14015269

Chapo check

>> No.14015282

Third worlders are smarter than you. The NPA have been carrying out revolution since before you were born.

>> No.14015292


>> No.14015298

if you'd read any history you would know its the ''white working class'' which has repeatedly undermined all attempts at class solidarity in america.

>> No.14015300

Yeah, and just look how great the flips are doing lmao

>> No.14015308

They're doing pretty good actually.

>> No.14015327

I don't know if I'd go as far as that other guy who responded to you, but I would say that if you don't understand that the left is being played by techno-capitalism into supporting things that directly harm the interests of the working class, then you're either deeply delusional or lying to yourself. Strong labor movements and unlimited immigration are mutually exclusive concepts regardless of how much you blame the west for the failings of the third world.

>> No.14015329

>Third worlders are smarter than you.
Do you honestly believe this? If you do why do you tihnk they're smarter, genetics? And what metric are you using to gauge intelligence?

>> No.14015347

How is the NPA a measure of intelligence?

>> No.14015376

What you're falling into is workerism. You can't just listen to what one section of the proletariat has to say. Immigrants are workers as well. Yes, mass immigration is bad, but its not the immigrant's fault, its the capitalist classes fault. You have to practice proletarian internationalism, it can't just be worker's rights for this group, but fuck this other group of workers. This is why we need a vanguard party, because without one everyone is just doing their own individual thing with no cohesion and its like throwing water at a brick wall. We don't need water, we need a sledgehammer.

Because they're experiencing and learning from struggle first hand. Learn from them. Learn from the forth world as well, the oppressed inside the first world, if you're British, talk to the traveler community. Settled British leftists talk about how they're going to overthrow the government all the time, traveler's have been resisting the government's attempts to genocide them for hundreds of years. They know more than the average college kid about how to fight the government. This is something that is sorely lacking from the left wing, they come up with an idea in their heads and then try to act on it, instead of looking at real world examples, even if they don't come from marxists, and adapting them for marxist use.

>> No.14015379

strong labour movements are bound to disappear once you move from a fordist model into a post industrial information/services economy. This is true even in the most ethnically homogenous countries. 'identity politics' are not divisive but actually a highly efficient mechanism of integration. Post industrial Capitalism is less about the physical production of comodities and more about the production of social reality and social governance at a planetary scale. Both right wingers and neomarxists are hopeless nostalgics for the fordist model. You are not actually afraid of brown people, you just use the brown threat as a stand in for the incomprehensible changes that are being wrought by globalisation and technology.

>> No.14015380

God, this is the gayest, dumbest fucking thing I have ever read here. Kill yourself, Chapo cuck. Engels was right about you faggots.

>> No.14015393

This is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, what the fuck are you talking about?

>Tailism in any type of work is also wrong, because in falling below the level of political consciousness of the masses and violating the principle of leading the masses forward it reflects the disease of dilatoriness. Our comrades must not assume that the masses have no understanding of what they do not yet understand. It often happens that the masses outstrip us and are eager to advance a step and that nevertheless our comrades fail to act as leaders of the masses and tail behind certain backward elements, reflecting their views and, moreover, mistaking them for those of the broad masses.

>> No.14015398

>the left isn't the establish
where the fuck have you been lmao

>> No.14015405

It is also stupid and retarded and Zizek is right once again. It is irrelevant whether the disgusting faggots die when their entire lifestyle is reactionary as put forward by Engels.

>> No.14015407

socialists consider only socialism/commiunism 'leftist'
better to call the establishment progressive just to avoid these semantics

>> No.14015411

>It is irrelevant whether the disgusting faggots die
truly the workers' movement lmao

>> No.14015415

Then why is society so hyper-capitalistic. Doesn't seem like leftism to me

>> No.14015422

I don't think Engles ever said that. But even if he did, Engles died over 100 years ago, things change and so does Marxism.

>> No.14015424

Masters pit white indentured servants against black slaves in the 17th century.


Fucking ideologue cunt.

>> No.14015427

>being racist is bad

Why are modern "leftists" so keen on forcing other people on you?
Why don't they let you discriminate freely and associate with whoever you want?
Sounds very authoritarian, like something dictators or monarchs would do. Explain yourselves.

>> No.14015433

Yeah, he did. He said the faggots wanted "war against pussies and peace on the buttholes" and that they should not under any circumstances win.

"Things change lol"

May as well throw all of Marx and Engels out then.

>> No.14015447

The left is inherently capitalist

>> No.14015448

I used to doubt the whole "it's just a nervous tic" excuse until I've heard him talk in a small lecture in Slovenian. He can absolutely repress those tics as long as he doesn't have to speak in English in front of other people. Now my theory is that he fakes it for recognition: everyone can remember that ridicolous and funny voice in that botched accent, and being remembered is enough to have a place in the current media paradigm. No wonder that he, Habermas (another very weird figure who debates with important figures quite often) and Singer (the contemporary master of philosophical controversy) are the only famous philosophers in these wretched times

>> No.14015453


>May as well throw all of Marx and Engels out then.
No, that's not how it works.

>> No.14015456

>Everyone knew that the Saudis killed by Khashoggi, and what did Trump do? Jack fucking shit
wasn't this guy not even American and some useless retard?

Trump is withdrawing troops from the middle east, fighting China on trade, has successfully brought back some manufactoring, and is cutting legal and illegal immigration down. This is what he said he would do

>Teddy would be rolling in his grave
Teddy and Trump's presidency was nothing alike and Teddy faced little to no internal resistance. He was the president when angloids were still the elites

>> No.14015458

these rubes have no idea, for them politics is getting angry at the people their internet daddies tell them to

>> No.14015463

Yeah nobody on 4chan knows that socialists are obsessed with the word leftist and will throw a tantrum about it as if anyone thinks liberals and socialists are the same thing. Epic gotcha, christ you guys are tedious

>> No.14015467


Engels and Stalin were spot on about those perverts.

>> No.14015491

A wikipedia article isn't a source. Also, fuck this "old left new left" shit, most of the "new" left aren't left wing, they're just liberals. There is no "old or new" left, there's the revolutionary science of marxism and wherever its investigations take it, the left wing isn't some metaphysical ideal.

>> No.14015528

durr iM so Drumber me no wanT tak3 money from rich man Me hate slobbering Slav insted aHEHEHE

>> No.14015537

The source is at the bottom...
You're intentionally obtuse because your pervy lifestyle was called out by Engels.

>> No.14015556
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the global managerial elite, the resentful nostalgists in the left and right are all petty bourgeoisie in the worst possible way. Where is the transcendental drive? the will to unleash these vast technological forces and dissolve the obsolescent bourgeoisie social order into a total work of art?

>> No.14015569

The left pretends to be chaos.

>> No.14015583

Well then why not just post the source directly? He's clearly joking and he's referring to pedophiles, not homosexuals exclusively. I don't doubt Engles was latently homophobic, after all he was born in the 19th century, but this is pretty weak shit. You don't base an ideology on private off handed comments. Also, that article on the "old left" is fucking awful and was written by a liberal most likely. Old Jimbo "I'm a Randroid" Wales probably had a hand in it himself.

>> No.14015586

Thanks, Jordan Peterson

>> No.14015634

The left is a tyrannical mind fixated on 'breaking boundaries' and deconstructing everything.

>> No.14015682

Mainstream liberalism is heavily capitalistic. It's almost as if the political dichotomy is a misleading way to in-group and out-group stances

>> No.14015699

>Grug think rain caused by osmosis, not sky father

>> No.14015702

Mainstream liberalism also spends a lot of time on hating white men, which the socialists seem to be mostly on board with, hence the right lumping the two together, seeing as they are basically the WhiteMale party at this point. Socialists also don't seem on board with workers owning guns, something which makes absolutely no sense to me, but is another reason those people are going to vote right.

>> No.14015705

>reddit spacing
>completely misunderstands the post
I'm thinking this post came from a continent without 7 unis in the top 10

>> No.14015712

>Well yeah there is a material benefit from coming to the third world from the third
Especially for businessmen

>> No.14015730

So are chairs

>> No.14015737

I was initially referring to the art. It's merely an amalgam of various factors - woman, faucet, penis, marx.
There is nothing particularly scientific about combining those.

>> No.14015754

all politics is identity politics, if you are not into HR rule, guilt driven consumerism and globohomo aesthetics, you are not going to join the left, which by this point is just another daycare for polyamorous soja-fed urbanites, the sort of people who are just as revolting wheter they call themselves liberals communists or libertarians you are going to join the radical right and its promise of regeneration through violence, because politics is not as liberals and communist would have it about rational interests, it is about struggle and a sense of purpose.

>> No.14015780

>all politics is identity politics
What about Socrates, though? It seems like he was just right and his detractors; the 'identity politic' bloc, were wrong.
Because of the nature of Daemon, this cannot be an identity. It's a meaningful, factual distinction.

>> No.14015786

Imagination doesn't exist.

>> No.14015870

Socrates was a degenerate and his death was completely justified, he was the first rationalist and the first liberal, the man who brought the plague of the rational Spirit to the lands of the west, a criminal against animal instinct. Socrates, just like Jesus Christ had it coming. The SJW globalist liberals and their leftist lackeys have taken socrates beyond socrates and marx beyond marx, again it all resolves in sheer animal struggle and muh friend enemy distinctions, you can rise above like a god or perish like an animal.

>> No.14015875

nietzsche was a mistake

>> No.14015889

>Socrates, just like Jesus Christ had it coming.
Jew pls. Just accept you are scum born out of baby torture and let us live our lives without your filth.

>> No.14015912

You don't seem to understand. There is no proletarian internationalism. The only successful instances of "leftist" governments that have ever existed were highly nationalistic and the only thing you're getting now is global tech capital offering lip service to the "liberation from social hierarchy" (which is actually just making an easier ground for the promotion of consumer identity). The only proletariat is one that is fundamentally nationalistic and exclusive (as the excess required to be inclusive is generally only open to the bourgeois).

If you don't believe me, take a look at just how "inclusive" the proletariat that Europe and America are importing. They're incredibly nationalistic and prideful and almost all come from cultures with significant value placed upon blood.

>> No.14015931

It’s a two pronged issue. The white working class was actually on a decent trajectory in the immediate aftermath of the new deal, but were ultimately pitted against the black boogeyman in issues like bussing. The white working class took its own poison. They couldn’t effectively combat the bourgeoisie class and were more interested in maintaining their own neo-yeoman existence in suburbs than advancing class conflicts. Good example is working class whites endorsing red-lining. The bourgeoisie class intentionally inflames these tendencies.

>> No.14015942
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I try my best to sympathize with Marx, but Marxists can't shut up about the working class and internationalism. It's a huge put off.

>> No.14015958

This is bullshit since nearly all of these negative effects would have occurred without le racism boogieman. Infinite scab labor was imported to suppress worker's rights and wages, industry was removed to foreign places, etc

>> No.14015968


I like Pete Hamill’s attention to the role technology plays in race poltiking in america. The anglosphere’s been worshipping technology since the enlightenment, and it’s come back to haunt our domestic politics as runaway processes like television take control of our entire lives. Like heidegger constantly rambles about, technology doesn’t decrease the real distance between people.

>> No.14015981

>infinite scab labor

The US has actually had pretty strict immigration controls since the end of third wave immigration. We used to talk about eastern europeans and serbs like how le 56%ers talk about sandniggers nowadays.

>> No.14015983

There were kind of valid reasons for them to not want racial integration. Several large American cities were burned by race riots and never recovered, and that's just the most extreme manifestation of a pattern that exhibited itself in many other ways.

>> No.14015996

>The US has actually had pretty strict immigration controls since the end of third wave immigration.
You're fucking delusional if you think we've had strict immigration since the bussing incidents

>> No.14016000


>> No.14016003

Great, yet another philosopher the right can claim for their side.

>> No.14016006

>I gotta show people how virtuous I am out of a sad sense of narcissism and vast amounts of white guilt
If you were an empathetic human being you'd stop talking as if everything's a fucking war. Yes, I get it, the "liberals" have to beat the "fascists" in the neverending shit show that is Amercian politics. Congrat.

>> No.14016011

industry has been automated away and globally segmented as much as possible, substituted by a services/information economy. Immigration is probably more about creating a consumer voter base than about cheap labour. Fordist nostalgia is cattle tier. neoreactionary transhumanism is the way to go

>> No.14016016

It’s not incredibly strict but yeah, the percent of American population that is immigrant has remained relatively stable since the 1820’s with an exception of a period in the 1920s-1960s where it was historically at a low point.

>> No.14016025
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>Marxists like to talk about their philosophy so this is bad

>> No.14016035

And before you start screaming about how immigration and open borders are on the horizon, that’s capitals fault, not marxism. Neoliberal housewife politics and the big boss have united, any resistance to it needs to not fall into racial infighting.

>> No.14016037
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It was actually from 1924-1970 where the US was relatively closed, in terms of immigration.

>> No.14016040
File: 103 KB, 800x600, 1570309308643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our philosophy revolves around 24/7 fellation of the working class
How profound

>> No.14016045

what is the working class but the eternal cuckold of history? A true revolutionary politics should reject both the bourgeoisie and the proletarian for the Aristocratic.

>> No.14016046

>The only successful instances of "leftist" governments that have ever existed were highly nationalistic
This is the most backward thing I've ever heard. The proletariat aren't bourgeoisie nationalist, if you are a worker and you support your own bourgeoisie over workers from other countries because you mistakenly think they'll reward you, you are a fascist, not a worker.

>> No.14016047

>our philosophy revolves around 24/7 fellation of the financial class
How profound. If you were an actual litizen you’d be like Tolstoy and jerking off the working class too.

>> No.14016050

It seems to revolve more around calling the working class retards who have to be shown how to act by an enlightened vanguard. The only difference between this and paternalistic reactionaries is that they want to centralize the economy and they pretend that eventually one day the workers will be in charge.

>> No.14016058

>what is the working class but the eternal cuckold of history?
The working class is a 19th invention projected onto history with arbitrary definitions.

>> No.14016059

leftists talk about the working class in far too idealistic terms, not as actual human beings but as mere incarnations of their acrid middle class liberal crypto christian values, that's why leftists can't help but feel the utmost contempt and condescention towards actual working class people, they will always fall short of the abstract ideal

>> No.14016062

>the workers will one day be in charge
*laughs in chinese*
You could at least keep up with contemporary “marxist” theory

>> No.14016070

leftists these days are subservient to capital, their entire ideology is capitalist at this point. the only authentic leftists these days only exist on the internet and they're not as easy to find as you think. most "leftists" are droning about how progressive comic book movies are and agreeing with pretty much every social policy of the liberal establishment. they're just liberals larping as leftists

>> No.14016097

>You could at least keep up with contemporary “marxist” theory
Why would I do that. Socialism if it means anything at all is about the workers being empowered right? If your state doesn't have that it has to at least be going towards that, or saying it is.

I dont understand why socialists/communists act this way about their terms, it just makes conversations impenetrable. One second we are talking strictly about a classless, stateless society, the next second Stalin is still definitely a socialist. Would honestly be a lot clearer if instead of using these words people just took half a sentence to explain precisely what they're talking about.

>> No.14016102

Nah, its rightists who hate the working class. The working class don't side with rightists, sometimes incorrect ideas spread among them just like they do with intellectuals, but the line of the masses is always the line to follow, just sharpened by the party. The fact is, this fascist "nationalist working class" nonsense is cooked up by people like Richard Spencer, who isn't working class, he's the incredibly wealthy descendant of plantation owners, or Tommy Robinson, who isn't working class and is on the pay roll of Mossad. Its a smoke screen.

>> No.14016110

It would help if you actually knew anything about marxism. Marxism isn't just "do whatever the workers say at any particular time", its a revolutionary science.

>> No.14016111

>its rightists who hate the working class
*laughs in distrubutism, high toryism, prussian socialism and the social credit movement*

>> No.14016125

>bismarck caves to popular movements once so that he can destroy genuine socialism in germany
Truly the ideology of the working man

>> No.14016147

>do whatever the workers say at any particular time
Didn't Marx predict an eventual classless, stateless society in which the workers were in control? Wasn't this what communism was supposed to be

>> No.14016154

That is supposed to be the far future though.

>> No.14016164

That's what I said though
>t eventually one day the workers will be in charge.

>> No.14016172 [DELETED] 

Shut up

>> No.14016173

>strawmans idealist communism
>strawmans practical communism
How much is mossad giving you for this one, 56%er?

>> No.14016181

It's not a strawman. The ideological justification given to the masses is that the socialist state will eventually lead to their emancipation. From the ground this appears like cynical power-grabbing

>> No.14016200


>> No.14016250
File: 59 KB, 736x687, REPENTDAZOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homogeneous groups create strong labor unions

Only 18 percent of Japanese are in labor unions now, compared to 55 percent in the 1950s bruh. The "Spring offensive" is now virtually unknown to the new working public. You can't socially harmony yourself out of Post-Fordism Kapital.

>> No.14016277

So are genocides.

>> No.14016296

>Racism is bad for commerce. It fragments the market. That's why neoliberals are against it.
Not if it's marketable. You could call it racialism.

>> No.14016298

A1 Capitalism will unavoidably lead to complete climate collapse and my childrens children eating crickets in underground bunkers
C1 Capitalism will not solve itself within its own system
C2 A critique of Capitalism is needed
A2 The west is completely consumed by the spectacle and incapable of defeating Capitalism within their current constitutions
C3 A violent revolutionary vanguard is therefor needed to change the west outside of its constitutions
A3 It is morally acceptable to kill people because the Being of humanity is actually singular and each human being is discardable Dasein
C4 A revolutionary vanguard should forcibly seize power and attempt to stop climate change no matter the cost, even if it requires flying B-52s over every god damn capital in the world until Capital is thoroughly defeated
A4 If this vanguard succeeds, they are free to construct a classless society in line with humanity's telos
P1 this is the "classless" utopia you hear commies talk about

>> No.14016320

Climate change wasn't even a thing when Marx was writing, so this is clearly a tacked on justification to an older movement.

Even giving you this though, it still seems absurd to just trust this vanguard with this practically dictatorial power because they promise they're going to empower the lower classes when they're n charge.

>> No.14016333

In a communist society, the workers aren't in control, because there won't be any proletarians or bourgeoisie. Its a classless society. The complete annihilation of the bourgeoisie also means the complete annihilation of proletarians.

>> No.14016337

People are still going to have to work, and decisions will have to be made by some process(im guessing voting or something?)

>> No.14016339

what does it means for the workers to be in control?

>> No.14016347

People will work obviously, in fact everyone will work. But the categories of "worker" and "capitalist" won't exist anymore.

In socialism, it means the dictatorship of the proletarians over the bourgeoisie. In communism, the bourgeoisie, and the proletarians, cease to exist, all that's left is a classless humanity.

>> No.14016348

>wasn't a thing when Marx was writing
Doesn't matter. Marxism evolves, just like Capital.

>it seems absurd to trust this vanguard
It absolutely is, and in an ideal world the vanguard wouldn't have to trust itself to function. But drastic, unitary action is needed in the next decades for there to be any winning moves for our descendants whatsoever. Housewives and redditors aren't gonna ever give a fuck about what's not in front of their faces.

We owe it to our descendants to kill our greed before it rapes the entirety of current and future human history. As it is, nature is dying so that redditors can their vidya and """""chads""""" can have their mustangs.

>> No.14016349

That just sounds like everyone will be workers, which is the same thing as the workers being in control of large decisions.

>> No.14016365

Well, from your angle of "workers" sure. For me a worker means a specific thing,but form your perspective, sure. Everyone will be a worker. "Workers" won't be in charge of large decisions. For there to be a "worker*S*", there has to be a class outside them. There won't be, so the term "worker*s*" won't mean anything, because everyone will be a worker.

>> No.14016374

Ok sure, we're saying the same thing then. And these decisions will be carried out by a voting mechanism or what?

>> No.14016404

Asking about the specifics of communism is hazy territory. Communism won't happen in our lifetimes for certain. That's to be decided in socialism. But yes, certainly democratic.

>> No.14016419

I'd say the opposite, start with Sex and The Failed Absolute, because it does a great job at exactly laying out the big point he's trying to get across. then if you're still interested you can go back and read the previous stuff.

but the important philosophical point is all there in that one big and its laid out in very simple terms, no need to familiarize yourself with anything beforehand.

>> No.14016421


>> No.14016425

>The absolute STATE of the left
critical inquiry and self assessment?
the right really cant comprehend that everyone else doesn't engage in the monolithic group think it has

>> No.14016432
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>the right really cant comprehend that everyone else doesn't engage in the monolithic group think it has
Would you like to talk about 'racism'

>> No.14016758

Current Affairs is interesting, they make being dumb a part of their schtick. Lots of journos and think-piece writers are dumb but CA writers be like "WHAT does this even MEAN???? I DON'T GET IT??!?!" and this is supposed to bring you over to their side somehow.

>> No.14016903

>the right really cant comprehend that everyone else doesn't engage in the monolithic group think it has

You know that Zizek has been blacklisted from every publication except The Spectator, a conservative rag, as their "token lefty," right?

>> No.14016921
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Anyone listen to the Chapo Trap House interview with Zizek this week?


>> No.14016967
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Lmao at this incredible lack of self-awareness

>> No.14017042
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>> No.14017067
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>> No.14017071
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>> No.14017080
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>> No.14017097

>he supports the usual policies but he isn't a neocon

I don't even like him but leftists attacking him for not being a neocon make me sick

>> No.14017359

>nt of American population that is immigrant has remained relatively stable since the 1820’s
The percent of foreign born people is like 14 and that's not taking into account fertility rates. In 1830 it was 1.6 with pretty even fertility.

>> No.14017367

>And before you start screaming about how immigration and open borders are on the horizon, that’s capitals fault, not marxism.
It's as much your fault for being so easily fooled and deluded that you won't do anything about it

>> No.14017634

>fucking brit accusing a slovenian of racism
jesus christ it’s all so tiresome

>> No.14017697


>> No.14017749

They tax the white man so they can give to the black man so he can spend the white mans money on garbage the white man would never buy.

>> No.14017755
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>> No.14017766

there are some interesting points here, mostly near the end(the comparison between peterson and contra as two sides of a "deradicalization" coin seems like an insight that could be useful), but some conclusions that don't make sense. First is this idea that one of todays left ideological message is "don't be a man, its not worth it". And to push this point he uses the example of a couple of non-binary supposed lefttubers. Now I agree that this self identification of nonbinary is probably opportunistic, especially at least in the case of peter coffin, well known grifter and the definition of a sleazebag. But that's just it, its only done to make one more marketable.

Like i'd ask the author of the vid, what exactly do they think peter coffin is rejecting to not be a man? he's a laughing stock sure, but he has a (way out of his league)hot wife, a kid, a home, and his hobby politics. He seems to fit the label of man perfectly, that's why his embrace of the "non-binary" identifier seems so fake. He's just a typical schluby loser that 99% of men are. He's only saying non-binary precisely to escape sjw attacks of being too privileged.

So I would think that a conservative like the one that made this video, would be in celebration of such a solution. Like he shows this image of an sjw holding a sign "men just sit down and let us abolish you". Okay as a man i say perfect. I sit down, all sjws convene a council, vote to abolish "men". Then the next day I am am free to go back to being a racist misogynist gamer, but with no consequences because im no longer a man.

>> No.14017820

can you define "radical materialism" for me
I'm not tryin to attack you, I'm just trying to understand the conversation

>> No.14017821

So todays left(liberal i'd argue) message by people like contra and those other youtubers is more like "don't be a man, its worth it. just put a couple of signifies in your social media profile and you can have mental tranquility that you're fighting society, while of course continuing to benefit from this capitalist consumer society"
Of course i support people doing what they want, but there's not anything subversive in that. There has to be something more. A step further that would actually disturb the rhythm of people's daily lives instead of just their social feeds.

>> No.14017825

>Socrates was a degenerate and his death was completely justified

>> No.14017836

Zizek is like Camille Paglia, who basically says conservative things about men and women that have been known for millennia but adds a feminism tinge (which made her popular in the 90s but then people saw through it). Zizek is able to get street feed for referencing all the philosophers popular in the field now - Marx, HEGEL, Lacan, etc., but say conservative things.

>> No.14017837
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>tfw too intelligent to meme

>> No.14017839

Kek seething

>> No.14017844

Literally sacrificed himself for maintenation of the the Athens state. Man was beyond sjw; you're thinking of Plato who fucking put his own shit in Phaedus

>> No.14017853

thats how he always sounds

>> No.14017912

>decent empathetic human being
those sound like hang ups

>"A man of the highest virtue does not keep to virtue and that is why he has virtue. A man of the lowest virtue never strays from virtue and that is why he is without virtue."

>> No.14017930

Lmao, sure they are. Their quasi-functional states and prodigous cultural and scientfic output are proof.

>> No.14018113
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>> No.14018260

>double last name
That tells you all you need to know about how this boy was raised.

>> No.14018281

Calling Richard Spencer a rightist is quite silly, when the guy adores Bernie and Yang and promotes nationalism.

But more importantly, nobody actually loves the working class.
Name one leftist leader that lives in a working class neighborhood. Even if they were born poor, they move out and buy a mansion as soon as they make enough money.

>> No.14018282

>Humans never change
Maybe after we force brain chemistry altering substance dispensers into evebodies brain things will be better.

>> No.14018373

>complete climate collapse
Take a good look at communist and former communist ecologies. Communism inherited the hatred of nature from their jewish thought-bearers.

>> No.14018379

>Racism is bad for commerce. It fragments the market.
On one hand, yes. On the other, 'inclusivity' is good for capitalism because they can drop the quality of their products because the quality of their consumerbase goes down. Video games and movies became industrial products with the occasional sacrificial lamb to ideology.

>> No.14019014

I like when he goes PBBBBT like Roger Rabbit.

>> No.14019099

Is this what they call pyoor idealojee?