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14150888 No.14150888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Culturally speaking, what do you think will happen to the US in the future? Hispanic Americans becoming the majority of people is a demographic inevitability. Will future Spanish speaking Americans identify with the English speaking American tradition, or will they see it as an alien ruin of an earlier civilization they have nothing in common with? Will white Americans fading out of existence decrease the racial divide between black Americans and the rest of the country, or will they retain their own unique African-American tradition?
>inb4 /int/ memes
>inb4 /pol/ shitposting
>inb4 OP can't inb4

>> No.14150906

usa is going to collapse and balkanise within the next 30 years

>> No.14150935

What American tradition are you talking about?
I believe America is an individual country, everybody sticks to their own. In terms of language it will be like Switzerland, people will speak Spanish, English and maybe an Asian language.

>> No.14150957

America has always been land of the mutts, the 'white' identity is pretty recent. It wasn't so long ago they were all split up into Irish and Italians and Jews and poles etc.
You have absolutely nothing in common with the founding fathers, or Melville or Henry James, but you don't see them as 'other', no reason to believe future Americans with as much in common with them as you will think of them differently

>> No.14150961

Everything will be fine. Countries aren't real, national identity is a myth, and change is something that happens. Just turn on the radio, and enjoy the ride.

>> No.14150963

what? that’s what switzerland is like?

>> No.14150964

except the fact future Americans will not speak English at all?

>> No.14150966

Le 56% face

>> No.14150979

This is bullshit since every single American zoomer speaks English.

>> No.14150986

It's not like modern Americans speak the language of Whitman and Benjamin Franklin, you feel me?

>> No.14151012

any major American democrat has to learn Spanish to stand a chance in any election. non-Hispanic Americans have pathetic birth rates, while Hispanic families often have 3+ children. the democrat party will be uncontested in the immediate future and will open immigration to more Hispanic people for good, meaning that the English language is done for in the USA. as a whole, the English language is doomed because Chinese will become the language of international trade and science by the end of the century.

it's still *English*, so English speaking Americans still, on some level, feel they have a root in them.

>> No.14151019

who cares
nuke the planet already fuck

>> No.14151060
File: 23 KB, 346x300, azrael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, you have to remember that within a hundred years, Latin America will probably fully industrialize, and it will probably develop a lot of culturally-significant work (as it already did a bit of in the 20th century). Spanish is set to become the next language of the world (because the Chinese government fucks its people over, so they lack culturally-significant exports). In the USA Spanish is already the language taught a second language in schools. With the rise in importance of Latin America, and greater Hispanic presence in the USA, the rest of the non-Hispanics are probably going to be more pressured to become bilingual Spanish speakers. It all just happens naturally: USA becomes bilingual, and integrates with Latin America, joining to its new cultural boom its own long tradition of cultural exports. The sum total is practically an entire hemisphere speaking the same language. The rest of the world has never known something like that. It's going to be an entire civilization of USA + Latin America, a new Pax Hispanica. Religiously, as Europe becomes more secular or Muslim, the Americas will become the center of worldwide Christianity (Latin America for the Catholics, USA for the Protestants). There's also post-apocalyptic scenarios that would make it really easy for the Mormons to take over culturally and politically, since they have prepper infrastructure in case of country-wide disaster. Said Mormonism has a theology about how the Americas are a promised land and how both the European immigrants and the native Americans are a chosen people of sorts, so actually their religion is probably most fit for a fully-integrated highly-culturized world-dominating Pan-American civilization of the 22nd+ centuries.

>> No.14151068

Even if nobody speaks English in America (extremely unlikely) English will still be the lingua franca. All those Indians and Africans and Europeans aren't going to start learning mandarin when they already all speak english

>> No.14151098

Why do politicians ignore the fact that immigration is obviously an economic problem mainly stemming from the contradiction that it is very beneficial to US GDP/business to have significant immigration yet very detrimental to the average American?

>> No.14151125

Usually they are smart enough to know it isn't really detrimental to the 'average american'

>> No.14151145

Alright lads, it’s been real but I’m out on this Western Civilization thing. I’m moving to Russia to find my qt Finno-Ugric wife and live out my days reading and writing in our village in Mari-El

>> No.14151159 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 2399x3000, Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh actually sweety immigration is good for the average American. If the free market pulls them over than that's just what the economy wants. We should really get rid of all immigration laws for the economy to work efficiently

>> No.14151168
File: 1.22 MB, 2399x3000, Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh actually sweety immigration is good for the average American. If the free market pulls them over than that's just what the economy wants. We should really get rid of all immigration laws for the economy to work efficiently

>> No.14151218

I can't speak for other latinos, but I seem to identify with canonical works more than most of my white friends. Although for some latinos the allure of identity politics as a path for career advancement is too rich to give up.

I do also see some who view acculturation as a form of capital, and want their children reading Shakespeare and Milton. And you have Latin American writers like Bolaño and Borges breathing that tradition as much as any European writer

>> No.14151224

>Culturally speaking, what do you think will happen to the US in the future?
First off, we must answer the preliminary question this posits; culturally, what do you think happened to the US in the past?


>> No.14151230

>Although for some latinos the allure of identity politics as a path for career advancement is too rich to give up.

for most lol stop

>> No.14151231

based and /lit/pilled

>> No.14151242

It's free money and attention. Blame the gringos who created this system, not the ambitious people who exploit it

>> No.14151247


>> No.14151274

You're telling me that this situation wasn't created by white women?

>> No.14151294

Ehh White Hispanics will eventually just be considered white and assimilate. Happened with the non-northern Europeans, sure as hell can happen with them. Fundamentally this country is obsessed with the concept of whiteness and maintaining a white majority that the definition will change to suit that. Hispanics will assimilate, their children learn English and eventually their family sizes reduce as culture is consumed by media. Catholic identity, for example, isn’t as prominent as you would think as the youth tend to grow areligious and older folks get swept in by evangelical preachers. Not certainly the majority or plurality will remain Catholic, but not dominantly so.

Plus you can’t assume that this wave of immigration will continue on forever. It’s already low compared to decades prior as Latin America changes. Eventually Latin America will reach Europe levels of immigration, possibly lower.

>> No.14151298

Latinos and white proles are essentially the same people. Average Joe drumpter has way more in common with the Latinos working in the chicken processing plant than the wealthy white people that have most of the power. The white upper class shows no signs of losing their power besides what the tokenism of posturing corporations and racist media personalities pushing the replacement narrative lead foolish people to believe. English isn't going anywhere. Black culture still isn't actually included in America, only more media representation. It looks like America is going to take a progressive turn after we get over this cringe nationalist phase, so the outlook for black inclusion looks better.

>> No.14151431

No I’m laughing at you for using the term gringo like a LARPing faggot

>> No.14151615

no me hables, gringo pendejo

>> No.14151728

why do so many white americans think their 'race' is 'fading out of existence'? it really stinks of white guilt if you ask me

>> No.14152150

its literally impossible for the core of a nuclear power nation to balkanize. The best that might happen is various states breaking off but that military will not crumble even if the entire nation does.
>not saying this is good by the way.

>> No.14152192

latinos are being ground into the same pink haired queer consumer sludge by the cultural marxism leviathan. The only hope for western literate culture is white nationalism

>> No.14152199

Bro this isn't the cringe board, you're embarrassing us.

>> No.14152237

Ideally America would experience a collapse or downsizing of its military empire, forcing it to slash military discretionary spending. The trillions that are funneled into futile wars could then be reinvested in infrastructure and other sorely needed improvements. The military should be repurposed for home defense .