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/lit/ - Literature

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14173962 No.14173962 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know which of these are actually good? I read Notes(good), My Twisted World(really good, kill yourself if you think otherwise) and that's it. I started reading Suicide, but it's ramblings of an actual insane moron without any plot(or I thought so after reading 10 out of 100 pages). So, what should I read out of these?

>> No.14173966
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Read the Bible, get a Christian black qween gf, and watch your depression wither away.

>> No.14173967

Catcher in The rye and the metamorphosis are genuinely good

>> No.14173972

Most of the people I know, say that CITR is shit. Are they plebs?

>> No.14174030

its not perfect but most people I know when I asked why they didnt like it came from a complete lack of understanding of the book rather than any specific critique of prose or style

>> No.14174089

Look, this CITR is maybe great, but I'm looking for depressing books about loneliness and stuff. I started listening to audiobook of CITR and the narrator was saying some dumb shit about Hollywood

>> No.14174106


>> No.14174199

Doktor Glas good, tho it can be argued how r9k it really is.

>> No.14174222
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Welcome to the NHK is good if you've watched the anime and are craving for more NHK related material

other than that, the novel itself isnt spectacular. its strongest point is that it offers a glimpse into the mind and life of a NEET slowly going insane. for those that are unaware, it show cases one life of a severely mentally unwell person. for those that are aware, it serves to function as a "OMG, FINALLY A BOOK/ANIME/MANGA/FILM THAT GETS ME. THATS LIKE, SO ME."

but the writing itself isnt anything to rave about. and it doesnt follow the common trajectory of many forms of literature. so if that turns you off, beware.
>insert Kurt Vonnegut graph about the trajectory of most stories

it instead, exemplifies one of the most poignant quotes of the anime
>"A drama has a progressive thought, an emotional climax and a resolution, but our lives aren't like that. All we get day after day, are a bunch of vague anxieties that are never really resolved."
and so the novel ends with nothing being resolved in a nice little bow tie. even more so, the novel doesnt offer any solutions to the problems plaguing the main character, and by extension, people that are hikkis, NEETs, etc
if that doesnt bother you, then go right ahead

it fulfills a niche craving/topic/corner of life. i wouldnt go in expecting a hidden literary masterpiece.

this shitty review has been brought to you by a faggot that read the novel years ago, and hasn't reread it since.

>> No.14174367

Welcome to the NHK is actually pretty good.

Everything by Thomas Ligotti is fucking amazing. God-tier author.

From what I understand, the reason most people today think it's shit is because, when it came out, it was shocking. It was even considered transgressive. A novel about some kid bucking authority and saying "fuck" was pretty ballsy in an era where homosexuals were sterilized and "damn" wasn't allowed on TV. These days, it comes off as what South Park boils it down to "just some whiny annoying teenager talking about how lame he is".

With historical perspective, it might be interesting, but not to me. If you want transgressive lit, there are a thousand better novels today.

>> No.14174381

I'm going to have to disagree with you, anon. The novel is better than the anime or the manga. It's darker an doesn't pull as many punches.

> i wouldnt go in expecting a hidden literary masterpiece

I would. It is.

>> No.14174422

i would also rank the novel as better than the anime. the manga is probably the worst of the three. i think the anime falls short in comparison to the manga, though, is mostly because it isnt as dark and doesnt delve as much into the more sinister motivations of Misaki. but like i said, i havent digested these three works in a while, and im just relying on faulty memory and faded impressions.

i would like to stress this again
>im just relying on faulty memory and faded impressions
i liked NHK a lot, and would def recommend it to someone who seems like they would enjoy it. im just wary of letting my rose-tinted glasses get in the way of giving it a more honest review.
>me, dweeb NEET

daily reminder that anime Misaki is a dumb whore
>please pronounce it as hoo-ah.

>> No.14174477
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>Poor people, the testicles from which we were born are still our substance. Immensely happier is the idiot, the poor, the wicked, whose penis functions, than the genius, the rich, the evangelical, who is abnormal down there.
For the love of God, take off one of those literally whos and add Cesare Pavese. That chart is ridiculous.

>> No.14174582

That quote is terrible, and if that's the one you chose to represent his work, I'm probably not going to give it a try.

>> No.14174793

Brainlet alert

>> No.14175180

The quote is terrible probably because I translated it myself. The book is a classic of 20th century literature, and you have to grow the fuck up if you think you need someone on 4chan to convince you. Google the title and read the fucking synopsis you shithead.

>> No.14175207
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>My Twisted World(really good, kill yourself if you think otherwise)
You're beyond retarded.
I read it because I actually wanted to, and it was painfully shit. I had to forced myself to go beyond 20%.

He literally starts year by year, starting at 5, and explains how exquisite each restaurant is, and how much WoW makes new extension.

He was retarded just like you. There was nothing juicy to read. kys

>> No.14175223

Nice dubs, I used to have a christian black GF, I miss her. I wonder how she is...

>> No.14175333
File: 529 KB, 1080x1350, diletta leotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'My twisted world' is not really good, but there are a few moments in which the depth of Rodgers' insanity are demonstrated with startling clarity.
It is very interesting to read PARTS of the book, but it's so short I say just read it.
Highlights being:
>throwing the latte on the happy couples
>the ending segment where he talks about his plans to usher in a world without sex, where all women are in concentration camps
"for the crime of living a better life than me"

>> No.14175523

Why are you defiling my anime?

>> No.14176471

What a fucking brainlet retard

>> No.14176478

I literally said that I read MTW. God, how can you be this illiterate

>> No.14176490

/r9k/-type literature is god tier literature. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14176492

people can make posts for reason other than to serve you

>> No.14176517

Notes from Underground is incredible. absolutely worth a read

>> No.14176540

I'm not saying that you should serve me, but when you reply to a thread, you should at least read the op.
The same

>> No.14176551

I like it the more I think about it, but I don't like it that much. Maybe it was because I was going through it right after the death of ivan ilyich, but I was incredibly tired of the depressed tone by the end of the book.

>> No.14176716

you said you liked the book, I posted my thoughts on the book in my post here: >>14175333
and frankly, I think my thoughts on the book are better than yours

>> No.14176726

Most christians are black

>> No.14176743

Add White Nights to the list.

>> No.14177622

No, I just think that thought itself is terrible.

A lot of "works of classic literature" are fucking garbage. I don't need someone on 4chan to convince me, but if the best thing you can come up with is just plain bad, why should I put himn anywhere near the top of my to-read list, which already has literally thousands of books on it?

> Google the title and read the fucking synopsis you shithead.
What makes you think I didn't? He has a punchable face and his ideas are stupid. I'll spend my time reading something else.

>> No.14177703

No crime and punishment, neuromancer, mein kampf, siege, turner diaries, bill cooper, state of fear, the stranger, I Claudius Art Of War or the Prince cringe

>> No.14177739

I guess you don't like /r9k/ literature then. Pavese is more /r9k/ than a lot of those authors listed in the chart. He was an incel, he felt insecure around women, he was paranoid, he hated his job, he eventually killed himself, but he left beautiful pages about love and its sorrows. This business of living has been compared to The book of disquiet by Pessoa. The fact that your country doesn't have a proper edition of it is not a sufficient reason to discard it.

The sentence I chose is extremely /r9k/, that's all. Of course the book is not all like that you fucking retard. Why are you even in this thread?

>> No.14177751

I'm reading Solitude by Anthony Storr right now (which by the way was published in 1988, not 2005 as it says in the r9k image). It's not terrible but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.14177801

How does Art of War connects to loneliness and depression?

>> No.14177817

My Twisted World is one of the best works of art in the history of mankind. Saying otherwise means that you are an EXTREME reddittier pleb

>> No.14178283


>> No.14178546


>> No.14178873

yes that is true for most people but I trust OP can put things in a historical context for contemporary enjoyment

>> No.14178887

Imagine getting pleb filtered by fucking MTW lmao, weak shit man

>> No.14179286

Notes got a "good" and my twisted world got a "really good"

Think before you type

>> No.14179329

>had affair with Hollywood actress

>> No.14179495

I know that you are trying to be INTELLIGENT, but let's face it: MTW is Notes, but better. That's simply the truth.
You just got plebfiltered by The Supreme Gentleman himself

>> No.14179545

A Confederacy of Dunces sticks out on that list because it's a farce, while the others play the isolation angle much straighter. Still worth a read though.

The anime is one of the most overrated things on this site.

>> No.14179597

That is the problem, I want depressing shit about loneliness, but some of these are clearly about Rick and Morty tier

>> No.14179598

>This business of living has been compared to The book of disquiet by Pessoa.
It's definitely in my to-read list now. Thanks anon

>> No.14180035

eat da poopoo