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1423108 No.1423108 [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer's essay 'On Women'. Shit is fucking timeless and teaches you why you should whip your dick out and step the fuck up.

The nature of the female

One needs only to see the way she is built to realize that woman is not intended for great mental or for great physical labor. She expiates the guilt of life not through activity but through suffering, through the pains of childbirth, caring for the child and subjection to the man, to whom she should be a patient and cheering companion. Great suffering, joy, exertion, is not for her: her life should flow by more quietly, trivially, gently than the man's without being essentially happier or unhappier.

Women are suited to being the nurses and teachers of our earliest childhood precisely because they themselves are childish, silly and short-sighted, in a word big children, their whole lives long: a kind of intermediate stage between the child and the man, who is the actual human being, ‘man.’ One has only to watch a girl playing with a child, dancing and singing with it the whole day, and then ask oneself what, with the best will in the world, a man could do in her place.

>> No.1423110

Natural weapons

In the girl nature has had in view what could in theatrical terms be called a stage-effect: it has provided her with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years at the expense of the whole remainder of her life, so that during these years she may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking to support her honorably in some form or another for the rest of her life, a step he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations. Thus nature has equipped women, as it has all its creatures, with the tools and weapons she needs for securing her existence, and at just the time she needs them; in doing which nature has acted with its usual economy. For just as the female ant loses its wings after mating, since they are then superfluous, indeed harmful to the business of raising the family, so the woman usually loses her beauty after one or two childbeds, and probably for the same reason.

>> No.1423113

Female truth

The fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflexion but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies: for, as nature has equipped the lion with claws and teeth, the elephant with tusks, the wild boar with fangs, the bull with horns and the cuttlefish with ink, so it has equipped woman with the power of dissimulation as her means of attack and defence, and has transformed into this gift all the strength it has bestowed on man in the form of physical strength and the power of reasoning. Dissimulation is thus inborn in her and consequently to be found in the stupid woman almost as often as in the clever one. To make use of it at every opportunity is as natural to her as it is for an animal to employ its means of defence whenever it is attacked, and when she does so she feels that to some extent she is only exercising her rights. A completely truthful woman who does not practice dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility, which is why women see through the dissimulation of others so easily it is inadvisable to attempt it with them. – But this fundamental defect which I have said they possess, together with all that is associated with it, gives rise to falsity, unfaithfulness, treachery, ingratitude, etc. Women are guilty of perjury far more often than men. It is questionable whether they ought to be allowed to take an oath at all.

>> No.1423114

stupid punditry like this is why noone should read anything written by a German.

>> No.1423115

Feminine charms

Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up. More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor poetry, nor the plastic arts do they possess any real feeling or receptivity: if they affect to do so, it is merely mimicry in service of their effort to please. This comes from the fact that they are incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything whatever, and the reason for this is, I think, as follows. Man strives in everything for a direct domination over things, either by comprehending or by subduing them. But woman is everywhere and always relegated to a merely indirect domination, which is achieved by means of man, who is consequently the only thing she has to dominate directly. Thus it lies in the nature of women to regard everything simply as a means of capturing a man, and their interest in anything else is only simulated, is no more than a detour, i.e. amounts to coquetry and mimicry.

(5 moar)

>> No.1423118

Absence of genius

Nor can one expect anything else from women if one considers that the most eminent heads of the entire sex have proved incapable of a single truly great, genuine and original achievement in art, or indeed of creating anything at all of lasting value: this strikes one most forcibly in regard to painting, since they are just as capable of mastering its technique as we are, and indeed paint very busily, yet cannot point to a single great painting; the reason being precisely that they lack all objectivity of mind, which is what painting demands above all else. Isolated and partial exceptions do not alter the case: women, taken as a whole, are and remain thorough and incurable philistines: so that, with the extremely absurd arrangement by which they share the rank and title of their husband, they are a continual spur to his ignoble ambitions. They are sexus sequior, the inferior second sex in every respect: one should be indulgent toward their weaknesses, but to pay them honour is ridiculous beyond measure and demeans us even in their eyes.

>> No.1423121

Insipid women-veneration

This is how the peoples of antiquity and of the Orient have regarded women; they have recognized what is the proper position for women far better than we have, we with our Old French gallantry and insipid women-veneration, that highest flower of Christian-Germanic stupidity which has served only to make women so rude and arrogant that one is sometimes reminded of the sacred apes of Benares which, conscious of their own sanctity and inviolability, thought themselves at liberty to do whatever they pleased.

>> No.1423123

S.C.U.M. Manifesto

(Society for Cutting Up Men)
by Valerie Solanas
Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.

It is now technically feasible to reproduce without the aid of males (or, for that matter, females) and to produce only females. We must begin immediately to do so. Retaining the mail has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction. The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt -- and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't.

>> No.1423124

Although completely physical, the male is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few men have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he's doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.

Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim through a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a friendly pussy awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses and babies.

Completely egocentric, unable to relate, empathize or identify, and filled with a vast, pervasive, diffuse sexuality, the male is pyschically passive. He hates his passivity, so he projects it onto women, defines the make as active, then sets out to prove that he is (`prove that he is a Man'). His main means of attempting to prove it is screwing (Big Man with a Big Dick tearing off a Big Piece). Since he's attempting to prove an error, he must `prove' it again and again. Screwing, then, is a desperate compulsive, attempt to prove he's not passive, not a woman; but he is passive and does want to be a woman

>> No.1423127

Monogamy and 'filles de joie'

In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one's rights and double one's duties. But when the law conceded women equal rights with men it should at the same time have endowed them with masculine reasoning powers. What is actually the case is that the more those rights and privileges the law accords to women exceed those which are natural to them, the more it reduces the number of women who actually participate in these benefits; and then the remainder are deprived of their natural rights by just the amount these few receive in excess of theirs: for, because of the unnaturally privileged position enjoyed by women as a consequence of monogamy and the marriage laws accompanying it, which regard women as entirely equal to men (which they are in no respect), prudent and cautious men very often hesitate before making so great a sacrifice as is involved in entering into so inequitable a contract; so that while among polygamous peoples every woman gets taken care of, among the monogamous the number of married women is limited and there remains over a quantity of unsupported women who, in the upper classes, vegetate on as useless old maids, and in the lower are obligated to undertake laborious work they are constitutionally unfitted for or become filles de joie, whose lives are as devoid of joie as they are of honour but who, given the prevailing circumstances, are necessary for the gratification of the male sex and therefore come to constitute a recognized class, with the specific task of preserving the virtue of those women more favoured by fate who have found a man to support them or may reasonably hope to find one.

>> No.1423129

Being an incomplete female, the male spends his life attempting to complete himself, to become female. He attempts to do this by constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live through an fuse with the female, and by claiming as his own all female characteristics -- emotional strength and independence, forcefulness, dynamism, decisiveness, coolness, objectivity, assertiveness, courage, integrity, vitality, intensity, depth of character, grooviness, etc -- and projecting onto women all male traits -- vanity, frivolity, triviality, weakness, etc. It should be said, though, that the male has one glaring area of superiority over the female -- public relations. (He has done a brilliant job of convincing millions of women that men are women and women are men). The male claim that females find fulfillment through motherhood and sexuality reflects what males think they'd find fulfilling if they were female.

Women, in other words, don't have penis envy; men have pussy envy. When the male accepts his passivity, defines himself as a woman (males as well as females thing men are women and women are men), and becomes a transvestite he loses his desire to screw (or to do anything else, for that matter; he fulfills himself as a drag queen) and gets his dick chopped off. He then achieves a continuous diffuse sexual feeling from `being a woman'. Screwing is, for a man, a defense against his desire to be female. He is responsible for:

>> No.1423130

There are 80,000 prostitutes in London alone: and what are they if not sacrifices on the altar of monogamy? These poor women are the inevitable counterpart and natural complement to the European lady, with all her arrogance and pretension. For the female sex viewed as a whole polygamy is therefore a real benefit; on the other hand there appears no rational ground why a man whose wife suffers from a chronic illness, or has remained unfruitful, or has gradually grown too old for him, should not take a second.

>> No.1423132

War: The male's normal compensation for not being female, namely, getting his Big Gun off, is grossly inadequate, as he can get it off only a very limited number of times; so he gets it off on a really massive scale, and proves to the entire world that he's a `Man'. Since he has no compassion or ability to empathize or identify, proving his manhood is worth an endless amount of mutilation and suffering and an endless number of lives, including his own -- his own life being worthless, he would rather go out in a blaze of glory than to plod grimly on for fifty more years.

Niceness, Politeness, and `Dignity': Every man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of shit. Overwhelmed by a sense of animalism and deeply ashamed of it; wanting, not to express himself, but to hide from others his total physicality, total egocentricity, the hate and contempt he feels for other men, and to hide from himself the hate and contempt he suspects other men feel for him; having a crudely constructed nervous system that is easily upset by the least display of emotion or feeling, the male tries to enforce a `social' code that ensures perfect blandness, unsullied by the slightest trace or feeling or upsetting opinion. He uses terms like `copulate', `sexual congress', `have relations with' (to men sexual relations is a redundancy), overlaid with stilted manners; the suit on the chimp.

>> No.1423133

No argument about polygamy

There can be no argument about polygamy: it is a fact to be met with everywhere and the only question is how to regulate it. For who is really a monogamist? We all live in polygamy, at least for a time and usually for good. Since every man needs many women, there could be nothing more just than that he should be free, indeed obliged, to support many women. This would also mean the restoration of woman to her rightful and natural position, the subordinate one, and the abolition from the world of the lady, with her ridiculous claims to respect and veneration; there would then be only women, and no longer unhappy women, of which Europe is at present full.

>> No.1423136

Property and inheritance

In India, no woman is ever independent, but in accordance with the law of Manu, she stands under the control of her father, her husband, her brother or her son. It is, to be sure, a revolting thing that a widow should immolate herself upon her husband's funeral pyre; but it is also revolting that she should spend her husband's money with her paramours – the money for which he toiled his whole life long, in the consoling belief that he was providing for his children. Happy are those who have kept the middle course – medium tenuere beati.

In almost all nations, whether of the ancient or the modern world, even amongst the Hottentots, property is inherited by the male descendants alone; it is only in Europe that a departure has taken place; but not amongst the nobility, however.

>> No.1423137

That the property which has cost men long years of toil and effort, and been won with so much difficulty, should afterwards come into the hands of women, who then, in their lack of reason, squander it in a short time, or otherwise fool it away, is a grievance and a wrong as serious as it is common, which should be prevented by limiting the right of women to inherit. In my opinion, the best arrangement would be that by which women, whether widows or daughters, should never receive anything beyond the interest for life on property secured by mortgage, and in no case the property itself, or the capital, except when there cease to be male descendants. The people who make money are men, not women; and it follows from this that women are neither justified in having unconditional possession of it, nor fit persons to be entrusted with its administration. When wealth, in any true sense of the word, that is to say, funds, houses or land, is to go to them as an inheritance they should never be allowed the free disposition of it. In their case a guardian should always be appointed; and hence they should never be given the free control of their own children, wherever it can be avoided.

>> No.1423138

Money, Marriage and Prostitution, Work and Prevention of an Automated Society: There is no human reason for money or for anyone to work more than two or three hours a week at the very most. All non-creative jobs (practically all jobs now being done) could have been automated long ago, and in a moneyless society everyone can have as much of the best of everything as she wants. But there are non-human, male reasons for wanting to maintain the money system:

1. Pussy. Despising his highly inadequate self, overcome with intense anxiety and a deep, profound loneliness when by his empty self, desperate to attach himself to any female in dim hopes of completing himself, in the mystical belief that by touching gold he'll turn to gold, the male craves the continuous companionship of women. The company of the lowest female is preferable to his own or that of other men, who serve only to remind him of his repulsiveness. But females, unless very young or very sick, must be coerced or bribed into male company.

>> No.1423140

so biologist's /lit/ this is true/false like about the less happy/less unhappy & natural weapons stuff?

also i like schopenhauer's essay writing he's pretty clear even translated, funny too :D

>> No.1423141


U wiminz mad? That essay is utter tripe. Schopey speaks truth.

>> No.1423142

*biologists of /lit/.

>> No.1423147

schopenhauer is just one small reason we should have dropped the a-bomb on Germany instead of Japan.

>> No.1423148


Even though she has a fucking horrible grasp on biology and is a fucking idiot the premise itself is fallacious. She's assuming that all mutation is bad and can't be advantageous because of her sollipsism and wanting of order. That cunt needs to be fucked good.

>> No.1423151
File: 318 KB, 500x500, 1290288353988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schopenhauer is just one small reason we should have dropped the a-bomb on Germany instead of Japan

>> No.1423152

Schopenhauer is a genius. Butthurt women and pseudo-male femenist arse lickers want to silence him for speaking the truth.

Suck my cock and eat up my seed.

>> No.1423154
File: 11 KB, 256x312, daniel-mutant-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutations are gud

>> No.1423156

>schopenhauer was beta women who wont talk to me and men who have sex with them need to pay attention to me becaus i am being obnoxious

>> No.1423157
File: 19 KB, 310x353, Kanye-Interrupts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /lit/, quick quiz:
Between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, who would you pick for The Biggest Asshole of All Time?

>> No.1423160


Mutations allow new versions of DNA combinations to occur. These can be harmful, benign or beneficial. If they are harmful, they tend to be self eliminating, unless they only show up after breeding age. If they are benign, they may not influence the species. If they are beneficial, they create improved varieties of the organisms, resulting in greater diversity and therfore greater adaptability in the species.

>> No.1423161
File: 87 KB, 410x500, Bird_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty sexist philosophical ideas are shitty. Both ways. No really, this is just /b/tard bullshit wrapped up in wordier phrases with better grammar. The so-called "philosophers" who wrote this should have their rotting (or still living, depending) carcasses dug out and mixed with manure to be used as fertilizer. That way their existence wouldn't be a total waste.

>> No.1423163

Silly womenz. The 20th century idea of 'equality' will destroy us all. They should be happy just making sammiches.

>> No.1423167

Schopenauer. this thread proves it.

>> No.1423171
File: 42 KB, 434x308, 12215_1213577553669_434_308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm the only one pondering the legitimacy of this & the rest of you are like 'shopenhuey is the best' or 'BETA FGGT' or 'hey shallow people do this & he's just jelly of them', etc

so again anyone biologogogists want to confirm that please.

>> No.1423172

Nice 9th grade biology review, bro..Don't pretend to come in with the high hand of science, when this is a rhetorical debate and you don't even know the parameters

>> No.1423175

10/10 thread

>> No.1423179


How about you provide an argument instead of throwing words about - OH WAIT, YOU'RE A WOMAN, YOU'RE INCAPABLE OF SUCH THOUGHT.

go back to the fucking kitchen or else give your argument and watch it get ripped apart little cunt has been all your life

>> No.1423181

Like Nietzsche said, when the women start to think themselves like men, the men will become like women, and life will be over.

You can't subvert the natural order.

>> No.1423180 [DELETED] 

ur s0 mature bro

>> No.1423184

Schopenhauer would have fit perfectly on /r9k/. Luckily he didn't have internet, so he did something a little more significant than sitting in his basement and whining about not getting laid (though he found time to do that too, as you can see)

>> No.1423188

ur s0 mature bro

how could this happen to me!?

>> No.1423189
File: 15 KB, 243x470, seahorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a seahorse, your argument is invalid

>> No.1423193

again can we get a proper argument please. his stuff at least makes some sense.

>> No.1423194

>You can't subvert the natural order
>he typed on a computer
guess you don't like hospitals or having meat butchered for you either

>> No.1423199


It's true. You can see it happening right now. Men are becoming weaker and the world is paying for it. All becaus of a few lesbians too.

>> No.1423200

If only Schopenhauer was still around to write more delicious copy pasta.

>> No.1423205

"Banished from his home by his social butterfly mother, who disapproved of her son’s seriousness, he wandered lonely and obscure throughout Europe. Having no use at all for women, Schopenhauer never married and spent his life in what he regarded as mellow solitude in the company of his dogs."

What a beautiful man.

>> No.1423208

First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim. West side when we ride come equipped with game. You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife. We bust on Bad Boys, niggas, fuck for Life

>> No.1423209


In no way is that a counter to my argument.

That comment you picked up on was a bit of a throw away remark anyway, the point I was making was women should be women (in the kitchen and with the babies) and men should be men (making the world work).

>> No.1423218

his mother was a phony. i dont like him or anything but nothing in that paragraph makes him out to be a bastard if thats what you were trying to do. maybe you werent being saracastic though.

all you ingenuine socialites with your facebookees need to gtfo off this board.

>> No.1423220


bravo sir. hear hear.

>> No.1423223

arguing for sociall constructed norms which have always been fluid
>how is babby formed
you really need to get out more bros

>> No.1423233

okay lets stop talking about natural order & discuss whether the mental things he says about women are correct FFS you guys are so fucking boring

>> No.1423235


you need to stay in more, hoes

back to the kitchen now toots

>> No.1423239


>> No.1423242


No shit you little fucking brat. Can't you grasp the truth even when it's so abundantly in your face?

>> No.1423246
File: 35 KB, 588x389, sad owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather butthurt female here-- apart from trolls, how much do you guys actually believe this?

>> No.1423248

The problem with modern society is that it insists that everyone is equal when we clearly aren't. From gender to gender, sexuality to sexuality, race to race, person to person, we are unequal and insisting on anything else will only blow up in our faces in the end.

>> No.1423251



Lol, this is the guy who accused me of "misusing buzzwords".

>> No.1423262

oh, god, please don't take this seriously

perhaps some lonely robots do believe this, but it's by no means a universal opinion. personally i think all this stuff is crazy, i just don't want to bother actually arguing about it anymore because it gets really tiresome.

>> No.1423263



I've had the same view for a long time now after much reading and contemplating. It's the truth. It doesn't mean women are below men though (even though it is very funny to say so) you just serve a different purpose.

>> No.1423267


You'll only face the truth again. Don't be a coward.

>> No.1423272

you're the one superimposing an illusory sense of valuation on something qualitative (human identity) rather than quantitative. you are being illogical and butthurt.

>> No.1423273


Guy here who believes it's the case for 99.999% of women. There's an ever so infinitely small number of women who transcend their fragile shell and contribute something worthwhile but the majority of women are destined to be mothers to men and mimicries of their acheivements.

>> No.1423276

This is why shitty parents should not have kids. It creates a bunch of neurotic dickwads who confuse being sexually, socially and emotionally repressed with being smart and intellectual, who then write crappy pseudo-philosophical stuff that boils down to "momy end dadi dun loev me, sos i troll u hol wurld hurp durp" navel pity-fucking. It prevents humanity from advancing because despite being just 1 person's hangups applied to everyone and the large amount of sophistry being used to "rationalise" it, it's usually written well enough to give it the illusion of legitimacy, so people eat it up and start believing it despite it being the mental equivalent of a turd sanwich with dick cheese and vomit dressing.

>> No.1423282

the majority of men are meant to be drones in menial label or worst. the majority of people are meals for the viscious dogs of the earth, or conversely, you should not try to make sweeping generalizations--you aren't good at it and they are stupid anyway--stop being such a babby.

>> No.1423285

*menial labor

>> No.1423289

Listen, I have argued this out exhaustively in the past on 4chan and i still hold these beliefs... another hour or two of pointless bullshit isn't going to change that.

They fuck you up your mom and dad, etc etc etc

>> No.1423297

ITT butthurt lesbians

>> No.1423304


99.9% of men are destined to labour away and confirm to their social conditioning. this is owing to incomplete evolution or the tyranny of society. our pre frontal lobes are too small and our adrenaline glands too big.

those men who do have the minds do transcend and leave their remarkable etch upon the world, as evident in any history book.

A woman, even if she does have the mind, will still be forever burdened because of her nature.

>> No.1423307


Quoting Larkin is nice and all but you're still a woman and your life revolves around cleaning, cooking, pregnancy and child-care. You can read poetry inbetween but don't neglect your duties.

>> No.1423309


ain't that the truth brah

>> No.1423317

1- I'm a dude. This is the Internet, so I don't need to prove it.
2- I specifically mentionned that both Schopey AND the feminazi are sexist douches. So much for your reading comprehension 101 1337 h@xx0r sk1llz.
3- Your own arguments are conspicuously absent from your post. GTFO.

>> No.1423321

So when a woman has left her mark on history she is even greater than the greatest man? That is basically what you have said, and I agree.

>> No.1423322

hey, cool, a misogynist on 4chan calls me a woman because i am not a crazy misogynist. THAT HAS LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE

word up, dude, keep it real

>> No.1423335


Schopenhauer has already provided the argument you unworthy cunt. Saying he's a sexist douche is attacking his identity not his essay. That's not an argument.

You can claim to be a man but you'll always be a beta bitch tongueing my fucking chode. Now grab that wig and mop and suck my dick.

>> No.1423351


Well if you act like a bitch people are going to treat you like a bitch.

>> No.1423355

This essay is errant sophistry..a bunch of words to say hardly anything besides he never gets laid. If you try to seperate the man from his creation you are lying to yourself about what a text is--and really why am i even trying to explain analysis to you when you are a foreveralone highschool neckbeard fatso slob?

>> No.1423360

Eh, I was lucky. One good parent out of two ain't so bad. That said, the kid's personality also counts, it's just that shitty parent help a lot in becoming perma-butthurt later in life.

>> No.1423362

if you treat someone like a bitch, expect to get pissed on.

>> No.1423363

ITT: I sage and don't read the thread.

>> No.1423369

lol @ you for claiming that not being a crazy misogynist is 'acting like a bitch'

well, peace, dudes, i gotta go to class.

>> No.1423374


> Say he reasons unsoundly
> Prove his reasoning unsound

Oh that never happened. The sophist lecturing on sophistry. Good one brah.

>> No.1423375


Enjoy your Home Ec, faggot.

>> No.1423382

So, Schopenhaur said you should fuck children?

>> No.1423387

except the burden of "proof" is on schopenhauer and he provides none, so don't try to make me prove something in the act of disproving something yet unproven. lrn2logic you silly bastard.

>> No.1423389


Fuck off back to class and admire the women who are bound to be the mothers of the children of my species, not your beta male kind. You've never stepped up in your life but on 4chan.

Write a poem about them or something. Perhaps they'll favour you with their superficial charms if only for the slightest of moments.

>> No.1423393

'Behold, just now the world became perfect!’—thus thinks every woman when she obeys out of entire love. And women must obey and find a depth for her surface. Surface is the disposition of woman: a mobile, stormy film over shallow water. Man’s disposition, however, is deep; his river roars in subterranean caves: woman feels his strength but does not comprehend it.

>> No.1423403

>burden of proof
That's quite the meta-epistemological claim, I'd like you to validate it

>> No.1423406

ok well rather than being butthurt answer my first post. the mental thing is right then? you're just being defeatist instead of providing a better counte

>> No.1423413


He depicts almost every womans life from birth to death and all of her acheivements and sorrows exceptionally accurately. There is no more proof needed.

If you say he is a sophist the burden of proof is on you, you fucking dimwit.

I state that every segment depicted of a womans life is utterly accurate. Prove to me that it isn't so.

>> No.1423419
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I like you people.

>> No.1423429
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Why are you guys bitching over just one of Schopenhauer's essays. You can argue back and forth on the merits of this essay, but you have to realize all literature reflects its time. Boo Hoo Schopenhauer don't like wimmenz rights. Deal with it.

His essays are some the greatest and are really well written in a fun writing style.

TL;DR We should be discussing the merits of Schopenhauer's essays instead of shitting on each other over a single one of his essays.

>> No.1423436

This thread is full of lesbians and metrosexuals trying to disprove the basic elements of evolution. This is the way it is.

>> No.1423442


Isn't liking people at a distance rather comfortable? You'll never step up unless the universe favoured you with good looks; then a woman, two at the most, would fuck you because of their desperateness to bare child and the relentless chiming of their social conditioning and upbringing, but you'll never get a say in the matter and will always remain beta.

>> No.1423448

don't get smart with me, boy
Proof? I was making an observation on his lack of proof! he is merely spouting opinions, he is being descriptive and that's all. Accuracy? How can you speak of accuracy when there is no method for determining it presented in this essay. Schopenhauer was making observations, things which are not proven, and I called him on it. Stop being so mad, faggot. I can't possibly "prove" that it isn't accurate, because it is not provable..his statements are merely descriptions which, in their complexity, have mystified you into belief--you have taken a leap of faith into a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.1423457


That's a nice way of calling someone an ugly faggot.

>> No.1423466
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>> No.1423467

>if you try to seperate the man from his creation you are lying to yourself about what a text is
the opposition in this thread summed up in a sentence....

it's like logical argument vs whats 'iys the norm for ppl who r happi!!!!!!!!11'

again actual argument?

>> No.1423471

>Women are guilty of perjury far more often than men. It is questionable whether they ought to be allowed to take an oath at all.

Oh shit, I LOL'D.

>> No.1423476

Marie Curie. Jeanne D'Arc. Aspasia. You lose.
And in philosophy, the burden of proof is always on the philosopher and his supporters, because if you can't back your ideas they're worthless.

>> No.1423477


The proofs are evident in every living woman. Go outside for the merest of hours and you shall see the proof meandering about and reacting to every alpha male.

You can see a reflection of these truths in almost every species in the animal kingdom with a male and a female where it is advantageous for the female to latch onto the male due to his faculty for providing.

Just because it isn't a scientific essay doesn't mean it doesn't hold true. Google evolution you cunt.

>> No.1423490

You are making a lot of statements about things you don't know shit about. You are speaking for your own "experience" as proof of Schopenhauer's observation..you know what that means? Two faggots agree that women are all gay. Big fucking deal. Nothing was proven, this essay is for retards, and so is your face.

>> No.1423493


Evolution. The one word that almost everyone in this thread seems to have forgotton (or knows nothing about).

>> No.1423494
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< also the fact that this shit works & people actually warn you from using it because its that effective & sickening.

>> No.1423504

Are you talking about the evolution of Darwin or of Bergson or contemporary theories of evolution? I haven't forgotten shit, you just don't know what you're talking about. You watch too much national geographic channel. A little knowledge is a stupid thing.

>> No.1423512

You're probably right, but hey, it's the nature of the Internet to foster pointless fights. Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory and all that.

Describing your life and projecting it onme doesn't mean much, hombre.

>> No.1423518


It's nice to see this cunt grasping at straws, asking for the most profound of essays for the most abundantly evident fact.

Continue to live your dillusion darling. Your child bearing and make up means something. Your life isn't entirely worthless.

>> No.1423524

Go back to R9k OP.
(plus, makes you wonder why Schopenhauer never got it wet?)

>> No.1423532


It feels strange to agree with Ty, but here I am. A good point (albeit from a strange source)

>> No.1423536
File: 9 KB, 298x379, RETARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, and
>yfw i was a man all along.

>> No.1423544

>It feels strange to agree with Ty, but here I am
sick of hearing this shit bros but i guess its natural for first impressions to be based off the loud minority.

also still not one counter argument along the lines of what schopenhauer points out. dont you guys remember when i used to play feminist for fun its not like i'm a /r9k/er or anything.

>> No.1423560


I've been seeing your posts for a very long time Tybrax. That's all I'll say on that.

>> No.1423564

Schopenhauer was just pissed because he failed at relationships so he attacked women. thinking you're better than women doesn't make you better. it just makes it more apparent that you don't have the skills to talk to them.

>> No.1423575

If he's right then truly we led lonely life, of course I am referring to heterosexual affairs.

Or maybe dose man in a chess game with probability lost their queens and need to drop weight of this misfortune or rather forge it into something ells, something that has only under taste of previous pain, and flavor of control.

>> No.1423583

again saying he was a sad virgin rather than making a counter-point. we've all called him that before try saying something relevant to this specific essay.

>> No.1423596
File: 97 KB, 380x380, ist2_10341262-happy-laughing-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>If he's right then truly we led lonely life, of course I am referring to heterosexual affairs
>has no control over his dick
< these one of these laughing sluts will make you eat your own words & you'll agree because for 5 years she is 'the one' & other gay phony shit like that. then you'll probably have children since you're such a selfish fucker & they'll be hellspawn fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you piece of shit degenerate.

>> No.1423603

then you'll either divorce her or be really repressed, i forgot that part.

>> No.1423604

>mfw fakebrax is right here

>> No.1423615

His philosophy is nothing more than bitter sentiment and cynicism against the world. His prejudices are not backed up by science. He only wrote the on wimminz essay after his 50 something year old arse got rejected by a 19 yr old.

>> No.1423625


I would appreciate if you tried to be more clear. Only thing I am certain after reading your post is that you are angry. Maybe so was Schopenhauer.

>> No.1423632

(only gonna reply to the decent part of your post here)
>His prejudices are not backed up by science
true, but they dont need to be although it would be a stronger argument. his arguments make sense though so many women just do the same routine he lays out & im not sure if the women's looks having an early peak is true or not but no one will answer since they'd rather attack the author than the essay. its not scientific but at least its something you can consider & note you've seen irl. the game for instance is kind of objective evidence. cynical people can use it to attract women & its pretty notorious for getting enraged responses similar to you guys in this thread (i.e attack the douchebags that use it rather than the fact it works). so again offer one thing as strong as this?

>> No.1423637

>then you'll either divorce her or be really repressed, i forgot that part.

Glad you added this line. It gave me a whole lot of loath. I was trying to think more closely to 'my standards', while yours...

>then you'll either divorce her or be really repressed, i forgot that part.


>> No.1423644

Small example:

>Women are suited to being the nurses and teachers of our earliest childhood precisely because they themselves are childish, silly and short-sighted, in a word big children, their whole lives long...

While you're all so quick to agree that women can only amount to some kind of intermediate stage between a child and fully grown man, nowadays most people are quick to tell you that women are far more mature than men. Women commonly complain about big "manchilds" and society tells them they have to humour it, because males simply don't mature as quickly as females. So obviously times and views are a-changing and Schopenhauer's views on women are not holding up with this progress. Back in his days it was quite the norm to view females as similarly in need of mental and physical protection as children, but nowadays only some physical restrictions remain.

>One has only to watch a girl playing with a child, dancing and singing with it the whole day, and then ask oneself what, with the best will in the world, a man could do in her place.

I'm not lying when I say that almost all men I now do as well as any girl in that regard.

>> No.1423662


The 'manchild' bit. I agree, men are being dominated more and they are fitting into that subservient role quite well, but whereas you seem to be saying this was always the way, I think that this is a result of the society we live in today. The 20th century pretty much took a knife to man's nutsack.

>> No.1423664
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>Too stupid to realise his use of the word "cunt" completely discredits him

>> No.1423666

can you repost this as something intelligible please?

>> No.1423670

it took a whole thread for this?

still not the part i was personally interested in though :(

>> No.1423672

I'm kinda in the habit of using science to form my views about reality, not on the whims of German idealists. And the "game" does not fucking work (though, I personally see the book as more of a post modernist satire on self help).

>> No.1423674

without all the bullshit narratives of glory and manliness that mystified what men have always been, we see all that aggressive shit for what it is "manchild" is a term used to describe these relics who haven't accustomed themselves to new information or cultural developments. Read some Celine, if you want to hear what "manliness" does for someone.

>> No.1423677


The game does work, bro.

>> No.1423678

pics or it never happened

>> No.1423684

>And the "game" does not fucking work (though, I personally see the book as more of a post modernist satire on self help

show me why it doesn't.

>> No.1423688

>but whereas you seem to be saying this was always the way, I think that this is a result of the society we live in today

No, on the contrary. It's social conditioning. What Schopenhauer described in the bit I quoted was and is also a result of social condtioning. We take to our roles.

I picked lazily, what part interests you? I may even be inclined to agree with some parts myself, but most I would certainly account for social conditioning.

>> No.1423690

also to add/help you - all i see from it is that cynical guys read it then they suddenly impress loads of women, mostly the fake tan club-going ugly ones but even normal girls too. yet they still have the cynical attitude so some get depressed/guilty about what they are doing.

it reminds me of people working out for the same effect but im not sure if muscle is also universally attractive to women. i dont think so though im sure women especially nowadays wouldn't be afraid to develop good taste.

>> No.1423707

Try it yourself (or get a friend to, even funnier).

From my experience at clubs, the girls there are already in the mood to fuck, you don't need to do anything special.

Plus, you'll notice Strauss (and his disciples) started getting pussy once he stopped being a social recluse and showered.

>> No.1423711

The thing is, yeah, it works, but it doesn't ALWAYS work. Humans have lost most of their instincts over time, to be replaced with rational thought. The proof that women are above and beyond what you think is that some non-feminazi women reject so-called "alpha males" (which in context seems to be synonymous with caveman and/or douchebag). The fact that many if not most women fall for it due to a combination of nature (remaining impulses from prehistoric times when this was a valid survival strategy) and nurture (social pressures for them to be girly girls who should take either strippers or soccer moms for role models) is less relevant than the fact that some women go beyond that, just like men go beyond violence as the main tool of conflict resolution.

>> No.1423719


Well it's simple: "the marriage stuff" is not an example draw with thick line, it is your stereotypical thinking. I invested my time and effort to banish it from my system. When (if?) you do the same then we talk.

Please don't feel offended. I'm in the mood for conversation, not exorcising cultural toxic hazards.

>> No.1423729

>just like men go beyond violence as the main tool of conflict resolution
you're saying violent men are as common as the girls that this works on?

hmm.. someone else can comment on that.

>I picked lazily, what part interests you?
i kind of forgotten but ill find my post here:

>> No.1423742

>"In the three or four civilized countries of Europe women can through a few centuries of education be made into anything, even into men: not in the sexual sense, to be sure, but in every other sense. Under such a regimen they will one day have acquired all the male strengths and virtues, though they will also of course have had to accept all their weaknesses and vices into the bargain: thus much can, as aforesaid, be extorted. But how shall we endure the intermediate stage, which may itself last a couple of centuries, during which the primeval properties of women, their follies and injustices, are still asserting themselves over what has been newly learned and acquired? This will be the age in which the actual masculine affect will be anger: anger at the fact that all the arts and sciences have been choked and deluged by an unheard-of dilettantism, philosophy talked to death by mind-bewildering babble, politics more fantastic and partisan than ever, society in full dissolution"

- Friedrich Flintstone

>> No.1423745

im not sure what you mean. if you think im blaming the whole fuckup that is marriage on women then im sorry i would blame the church or something. i just bring it up because thats what all you sad fuckers do you bitch about them then you go & marry one against your previous complaints & then have hellspawn & have children with mental health problems. i hate you all.

i dont plan on marrying no. children are probably a no. i cant see it ever being good. unless i went through harsh therapy & moved to sweden :D

>> No.1423746

isn't it self-evident?

>> No.1423752 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 200x150, brunette-uncovers-huge-tits-and-fingering-pussy-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 s0 prophetic...... <3

>> No.1423762

I'm not saying that, but we've had the entire 20th century to serve as a horrifying example as to how violence can be bad. That kinda helps a society realize such things. Examples of why women should strive for a better lot in life are much less spectacular, and some of it is even tainted by feminazis who make all other feminists look bad. So circumstances haven't been quite as favorable. Add to that the fact that most societies have been rather slower to give women the same level of consideration we do, and it's a no-brainer.

>> No.1423772

>Shit is fucking timeless and teaches you why you should whip your dick out and step the fuck up.

Oh, I forgot, OP reminded me of this popular Nietzsche quote: “You are going to women? Do not forget the whip!” He held remarkably similar views to Schopenhauer about women. The funny thing is, they both never whipped their dicks out.

>> No.1423775
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For a guy who talked about taking the whip to women...

>> No.1423776

Considering ol' Friedrich contracted syphilis, I find this unlikely.

>> No.1423781
File: 27 KB, 440x340, femininsm77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was pretty mercilessly whipped himself

>> No.1423785

nietzsche did, he had lots of homosex. thats why died he got an STD

>> No.1423787

the syphilis stuff has been debunked, he was probably a permavirgin foreveralone bitchesandwhores

>> No.1423794

even he wasnt free of christianity yet then?

>> No.1423798

Eh, I still like a lot of his stuff, though of course as with any other philosopher I pick and choose; the stuff his proto-fascist sister "edited" is pretty much garbage.

>> No.1423808

I don't doubt possible odd sexual experiences, just pointing out that these really aren't guidelines written by playas for playas.
To my understanding he just sort of got friendzoned, only that to someone like Nietzsche this surely felt like being whipped by a succubus.

>> No.1423814

And tybrax wonders why he has no friends..

>> No.1423815

yeah, i also like his stuff, he was alpha with men, but sure he was beta with women

>> No.1423816

>>To my understanding he just sort of got friendzoned
wat. gtfo /lit/ socialite

>> No.1423840

why because i want to consider both sides of th argument?

>> No.1423841

In order to become a member of the glorius club of e/lit/ists, one first has to spectacularly fail in social regards. In order to become Nietzsche, one first has to be friendzoned by Lou.

>> No.1423855

so are you ridiculing people for not being phoney?

thats like saying if mersault complained all the ppl that decapitated him were liars then he was wrong simply because society hated him. thats not an argument unlike what half of this thread think.

>> No.1423862

Well shit, that means I'll never be an e/lit/e. I have lots of IRL friends.

>> No.1423863

okay then leave phoney

>> No.1423872

>implying there are two sides
>mfw people think giving equal consideration to "both sides" is a legitimate form of analysis

>> No.1423881

people that agree with shopenhauer/people that dont

anyway i think we came to conclusion some wimmens are like this but not all just go boo-hoo to your mommy or something

>> No.1423883

No, I was saying that just because you "dislike being a phoney", it doesn't change the fact that someone like Nietzsche might have actually been looking for friendship. You may cherish the stereotype of a misanthropic deep thinker, it's however nothing but clichéd requirement you should keep to yourself. I can't even see how being social = not being real. You know, some people might be able to cultivate friendships without lowering themselves, you should give it a shot.

>> No.1423912

> it doesn't change the fact that someone like Nietzsche might have actually been looking for friendship
thats not what you're saying you're saying that he's bitter & making up shit just because he's bitter. was just joking about the no friends thing because he went recluse eventually or something

>> No.1423924

i had no clue who Schopenhauey was, so went and read a bit of his biography, man, that was one dysfunctional family. Daddy kill himself and Mommy went writing books and didn't give a fuck about poor Arthur.

>> No.1423947

what would he rate his life /10

>> No.1423950

>you're saying that he's bitter & making up shit just because he's bitter

Oh, now I get what you're on about, but no. I was only pointing out to Deep&Edgy that while I don't think she really played him that much, because afaik they never had that kind of relationship, I can still imagine that to someone as inexperienced in both platonic and romantic relationships with women, it still must have felt like a terrible burn.

My entire e/lit/ist club and whatnot post was also a joke, but sure he was bitter, you can tell by the way he writes.

>> No.1423962

This post led me to go look him up on Wikipedia, and wow, his life and his ideas are depressing through and through.

However, I also found this quote: "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."

>> No.1424096

>Implying being socially awkward precludes having friends

Maybe in some cases, but not mine. I first started making friends among other outcasts, but I managed to branch out into all sorts of people, though mostly still smart people with at least some geek cred. One of the things my numerous friends appreciate the most about me is precisely that I'm both genuine AND a nice guy at the same time. Not so bad for a major assburger's case.