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14268842 No.14268842 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only place where I can get a coherent and thoughtful answer. The other board that can be relevant, /sci/, is completely retarded in that regard. I just want to find books that talk about physically or even mentally(?) improving our brain. Its well known that philosophy and math are more than vital in the mental category but what about the physical. Its really difficult to determine what is the physicality of really intelligent people. In general, great posture and good musculature makes you dumber by the virtue that it uplifts your mood and makes you proud and thoughtless, increase your test and in general makes your features more rugged which are especially anti-intelligence, its why they are called lowbrow. This topic is of extreme importance and I don't understand why people neglect it so much. Highly paid manual workers take care of their body and mind since they realize it affects their work, yet intellectuals can't comprehend that their body can affect their view and so thought patterns. Please refrain from midwit books like slow and fast thinking.

>> No.14268872

Never had I read anything equally pedantic as poorly written

>> No.14268880

You write like shit.

But —

Socrates: "“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Plato, The Republic:

>> No.14268945

You clearly didn't even realize what the topic is about.

>> No.14268997

spinoza is the ultimate thinkers on this

he espouses a mind-body parallelism, mind and body are two different expressions of the same thing. no one knows what a body can do in advance! and similarly no one knows what a mind can do in advance. by furthering what we know about the body, experimenting with it, increasing its power of activity, we thereby also know more about our mind, increasing its power of activity also. there's no primacy of the one over the other. mishima also talks about this kind of thing in sun and steel

>> No.14269167

greeks were all jacked and way smarter than you. thus proving no correlation either way

>> No.14269190

Most were brainlets but how would you know when you don't even know basic history.

>> No.14269203

>Most were brainlets
Every study on the matter suggests they had much higher average IQs than we do, and certainly higher than you do.

>> No.14269211

Yep, you're already lobotomized, its too late to be saved. Not going to mention the fact that most of the thinkers who created philosophy were exiled, huh?
How did you made that calculation, especially when you yourself is clearly a lower being. Get off my thread and don't shit it up anymore.

>> No.14269227

>created philosophy
jesus CRINGING christ

>> No.14269230

I don't know if this is what you're after, but Maurice Merleau-Ponty could be of interest. His phenomenology was directed towards the importance of the body in thinking. There's been a bit of overlap in neurology and his phenomenology recently. but yeah, look up his page on plato.stanford to get a sense if you're interested.

>> No.14269231

Ayo bruda, betta get outta here befo yo eat tha lead.

>> No.14269237

Thanks for your reply, I appreciate every single post as long as its not trolling. I will look him up.

>> No.14269253

"In general, great posture and good musculature makes you dumber by the virtue that it uplifts your mood and makes you proud and thoughtless..."

Jesus Christ mate. You been smoking crack?

>> No.14269277

Extroversion rarely leads to intellectualism, even less such that is profound. You can't have best of both worlds. Its hard to be good at one of them already.

>> No.14269328

Not that guy but you can be an intellectual and strengthen yourself at the same time, don't be lazy when you're already so dumb.

>> No.14269364

You can't. Feel free to show me a single philosopher who is not a midwit and strong. Philosophy is an aristocratic tradition. Unless you have a superhuman body you will either destroy yourself from the stress and deny both or do neither correctly. I don't necessary deny that you should not exercise, just that don't think you will ever be fit.

>> No.14269367

Who is talking about extroversion?

You're getting very confused. I assume you are trolling.

But if you're not... nerds who aren't good at sport will be attracted to intellectual pursuits. Muscled jocks won't be.

You can't really be tripping up on causation/ correlation? You must have FANTASTIC posture.

>> No.14269402

>about extroversion
If you had basic knowledge you will know much posture affects your behavior, its all there, you can google it now!

>> No.14269424

It is not a lack muscle that causes introversion to lead to insight, it is years on end of self reflection.

>> No.14269447

Its not simply muscle, like I said it can affect the behavior and probably other things as well that we yet cannot see.
>self reflection
Which you won't have if you feel prideful and great. Its why older people try to act like they are wiser, their testosterone and muscularity is gone. Also slope head is caused by testosterone.

>> No.14269737

Again. Causation and correlation. Please. This is hurting me.

>> No.14269743

Its hurting you because you know its true. But its okay, people like you are meant to be mental slaves. If you don't have basic idea of biology it talks more about you.

>> No.14269771

So, by your reasoning, it would be a good idea to eat lots of fast food, shower rarely and slouch? Forget excerise.

Perhaps being unkind to loved ones would help harbour more introspection?

Or the physical trauma of withdrawing from drugs? Maybe being disabled might help?

I have this horrible fear that you're not trolling...

>> No.14269783

Although perhaps you are approaching something like wisdom. There is value in being overweight, or poor, or unpopular, at various points in your life.

But again, causation and correlation. Weedy little faggots at school sometimes grow up to be rocket scientists. But sometimes they grow up to be weedy little faggots.

Being a weedy little faggot does not enhance your chances of success, any more than drinking water increases your odds of being a serial killer.

>> No.14269785
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>This is the only place where I can get a coherent and thoughtful answer.

>> No.14269805

I have this horrible feeling that you have a reading disability and even more infantile thought. I don't claim being disabled will make that. Almost all actual intellectuals are skinny fat or simply skinny or fat. I'm talking about physicality and its natural ways, you dumb moron.
Nice cope, you have the thought process of a small kid. When you remove your emotions you might begin to form a reasonable thought. I can see your butthurt from here.
I know but here are the outliners of the outliners board. Its way worse in any other board, I have learned it the hard way.

>> No.14269823

I was taking your claim to the extreme. That being in poor physical shape correlates with intellectualism so being in good shape makes you dumber. This is a genuinely stupid thing to say.

But assuming that claim is true, then it would surely follow that having REALLY bad posture, on the verge of disability, would enhance your intellectualism. The more fucked up your body, the better your brain.

Though if you're trolling then it's very good work, well done.

>> No.14269843
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Jokes on you, I'm both fat and retarded

>> No.14269849

I'm pretty sure OP is too... Trying to find comfort in the strangest of places...

>> No.14269851

>was taking your claim to the extreme
Which is childish. Once again I don't claim absolutely terrible posture and disabling yourself is. Its the opposite I'm looking for the truth. For an example, there is a study that shows mouth breathing helps you inhale more than nose breathing which is needed for the brain yet it makes you tired etc.

>> No.14269890
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>> No.14269895

It's childish to think that because good posture makes you feel confident (which is true), and confidence makes you less reflective (might be true?), then good posture makes you dumber. You're already taking absurd, mad leaps so why not keep doing it?

To be crystal clear. Having a healthy body will increase the odds of having a healthy mind. There are no benefits to being unhealthy, nothing positive about hunching over. And so there aren't down sides to sitting up straight.

You seem like someone who is in bad shape and instead of changing it you're taking solace in the fact you're smarter than average.

Like a fat woman saying "OH SISTA I'M HAPPY WITH MA BODY MMMHMMM" because she's too fucking lazy to lose weight.

>> No.14269898

Read Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima. He clarifies your doubt and explains why you are wrong from a guy who lived both worlds.

>> No.14269899
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im just gonna vomit my two cents on "enhancing mental acuity"
hearsay tells me the brain is similar to any other muscle; you can give it "work outs"
>see, doctors recommending crosswords to Alzheimer patients to slow down the process
im not sure what would qualify as as a mental workout though. doing complex math problems (or puzzles) certainly seems to qualify. im not sure sure about reading unless its tough material. but everyone knows that reading "tough material" is not fun - there's nothing quite as frustrating as reading 3 pages in an hour, and then having to re-read a paragraph here and there.

physical health seems to be correlated with a "sharp mind." this would cover moderate exercise (prob 3 times a week), a healthy diet, and probably some supplements. healthy diet depends on how far the rabbit hole you want to go. a deeper dive would have you avoiding processed foods. a shallower dive would have you just doing the basics: attain the necessary calories (TDEE), and hit your desired macros (carbs, fat, protein), all within the umbrella of "healthy eating"
>healthy eating: carbs = rice/veggies, not twinkies. fats = animal fat/peanut butter, not chips. protein = meat/yogurt, not just milk/slim jims.
supplements would include items that have, by and large, been accepted as demonstrating actual value. the easiest example being fish oil. you may choose to try supplements where the literature is more iffy if you find it worth it.

sleep is most likely important to brain function. adequate sleep will vary by individual, but the old wives tale of 8 hours seems to be "relatively on point." there is literature that you sleep in cycles. you can use a sleep cycle calculator to figure out when you should sleep/wake, and how long you want to sleep.
>you want to wake up at 0700. you should probably be asleep by 23:30.
other stuff you can do to tweak your sleep is to refrain from blue lights 3 (or 4?) hours before sleep - aka no computer/smart phone. you should adjust the temp so that its slightly chilly enough to warrant a blanket. there should be "fresh air" flow (you dont want all windows closed). and ideally, you want to wake up not with an audio alarm, but via a visual alarm (something that simulates sunlight or perhaps a curtains/blinds timer).
ideally you want a strict sleep schedule, but if you must compromise, its more important to wake up at the same time (even if it means sleeping only 3 hours) than getting more sleep (and disrupting your wake time schedule).

posture can affect mood, which then indirectly influences your mental acuity. there are simple exercises to counter the dreaded "computer neck." you can take it further with yoga. but i would throw posture under the umbrella category of "mental health."
theres literature that meditation can improve mental health. professional treatment can help as well. a solid social circle (aka frens) most def helps. and as cliche as it is, having secks helps as well.

>> No.14269903

The extreme is the body evolving in a different way, the topic of my thread. Not destroying it and dying.
I'm just trying to say that intense thinking like the one we have today, using our prefrontal cortex is alien to us and we didn't have enough time to evolve, only aristocrats had the privilege. The only such group is the jewish even if they are not the most intelligent. Just look at them and you will see the difference.

>> No.14269909

Jewish intelligence is a myth.
In actuality they have a lower iq on average.

>> No.14269913

Thank you for your effort but this is obvious. Sleep is the most important of all of these in my opinion. You become inadequate without proper sleep and become intensely emotional.
Like I said, I don't claim they are intelligent. Just that they are the only race who abstains from manual labor and live of off white collar work.

>> No.14269921

Read sun and steel

>> No.14269923

its obvious because there arent any other literature or studies out there that can confidently purport anything different.
and if youre the OP of the thread, then pointing out the obvious was necessary as evidenced in something as dumb and asinine as this:
>"In general, great posture and good musculature makes you dumber by the virtue that it uplifts your mood and makes you proud and thoughtless, increase your test and in general makes your features more rugged which are especially anti-intelligence, its why they are called lowbrow."
most people would said it gives you the confidence and mental well-being to engage your tasks effectively. only brainlets would jump to the most extreme of examples.
>"this guy works out. working out leads to healthier test levels. increased test can lead to more confidence. more confidence is often associated with aggressiveness. extremely aggressive people tend to also be psychopaths. DONT WORKOUT GUYS, YOU WILL BECOME A SERIAL KILLER."

>> No.14269946

Lowbrow read. Everyone that posts here knows about him.
That is not extreme, that is the literal outcome of the activity. As for sleep, its an activity that regenerates so its makes sense.

>> No.14269962

Ashkenazi Jews IQ is 115 is relation to our 100. So their smartest people at the high end of the normal distribution are smarter than our smartest. Which is why they produce more nobel prize winners than any other group.

>> No.14269963

this brainlet is beyond hope.
anyone not as dumb would have tried an argument akin to:
>working out and building muscles requires calories.
>intense mental exercises requires calories (see caloric intake by chess players during tournament)
>investing calories into bodybuilding may come at the cost of mental "power"
but then anyone not retarded would just say: "unless youre so poor you cannot afford more food, just eat more food you dumb fuck"

abandon this thread. OP is not only retarded, but probably a troll, or at the very least, disingenuous.
>unironically go outside you virgin sperg

>> No.14269973

Man stop derailing my thread. Their best are chosen for the test just like asians. Now fuck off.
You can't comprehend basic logic and you want me to talk CICO? You're the brainlet here.

>> No.14269974

Jewish iq is lower than 100.
The ashkenazi 115 iq is literally a scam, I'm sorry you fell for it

>> No.14269977

its funny how retards like OP will agree on what most measures of "intelligence" would be, whether it be IQ test, real world achievement (sometimes reflected by awards such as the Nobel Prize), or real life occupations (doctors, lawyers, professors, etc).
and then suddenly when the Juden have demonstrated intellectual value in the above categories, they have to twist and turn in order to continue their claim that "Juden intelligence is a myth"

just look at the back-and-forth OP has had with other posters throughout this thread. OP is clearly mentally challenged. any further dialogue will be fruitless at best, and frustrating at worst.

>> No.14269979

Stop derailing, faggot.

>> No.14269989

cry more, brainlet.
>"let me advance my arguments by only saying stuff like "you cant comprehend logic" or by term dropping something hardly relevant like CICO"
nigga you retarded, and you know it. i wish you the best of luck, because youre gonna need it.

>> No.14269992

Bye, just don't forget that you will beg in a few years to have the knowledge you would have gotten for free now, if you were acting like a human that is.

>> No.14270012

I am not OP, retard
The jews are literally low iq, every time they were tested for it their average iq was lower than 100
Every single time
Let me repeat
Not one single exception
Not one
There's not even 0.0000001% of possibility that ashkenazi jew iq is higher or even equal than 100

>> No.14270076

Ah so a group of retards somehow manages to rule the world from behind the curtain? Makes perfect sense.

Also, consider the work on neural group selection by Nobel prize winning neurophysiologist (an incidentally a Jew). Particularly the revolutionary book Neural Darwinism.

>> No.14270500


>> No.14271167

I agree with OP.

I'd been studying Reichian style body-mind dynamics and kind of burned out on it after a subconscious realization that it's just cope, for things that perhaps are not worth coping with (abrasive aspects of life).

I think that sort of Reichian bodywork (dearmoring, realignment) is downstream from... well for now, I'll just say "something else". The channel Meta Intent will point the curious in the right direction.

That said, still looking forward to >>14269890

>> No.14271872

squat bench and deadlift. do reps until your body tells you to stop then push through it.