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File: 12 KB, 474x355, 1570271705750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14335846 No.14335846 [Reply] [Original]

kant, hegel, marx...
how bout i'm reading none of them

>> No.14335903
File: 75 KB, 500x500, Sam Hyde and Charles Carroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Sam Hyde arrives stealing attention from your crowd gathered leading to an angry mob coming this way from him*

>> No.14335917

Charls embodies everyone on this board

>> No.14336069
File: 164 KB, 640x1136, Crippling Depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are Charls true beliefs? He's mentioned:
>a war between good and evil forces
>hope being worthless
>how easily material possessions can be lost
>faith being the only thing that can't be taken away
>modern politics being an information war where you can never win and when you fail, not matter how hard you tried people will mock you
>the criticism of 'nobodies' being completely meaning less
>the west has already fallen and did so decades ago
>technology being objectively worse now
>disregarding science and space travel
>hating people like Carl Sagan and Niel Tyson
>a life goal of his is to avoid reincarnation
>believing any wars outside our borders are wrong
>being a purist when it comes to things like movies, games, and music
>believing that things like depression and anxiety are spiritual pains

>> No.14336111
File: 2.01 MB, 1263x4404, DaggerMag - GunsmokeCharlie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an interview from DaggerMagazine (now defunct, check out Don Jolly) with Charls.

>> No.14336120

Chalrs is on too many drugs to even understand

>> No.14336179

I know he reads a lot of Chesterton though watching his streams he’s clearly not an explicit Christian

>> No.14336550

Charles is clearly the smartest out of all that scene. Which is probably why he's gone kinda insane of late.

>> No.14336570


>> No.14336841

where does he disgregard space travel? thats like the only hope i have left to keep myself going, could use some perspective on that

>> No.14338229

I mean, that puts you in the same boat as pretty much every Marxist

>> No.14338273

it's called being clinically redpilled
>>believing any wars outside our borders are wrong
this is perhaps the most redpilled take of all. i am anti-war in all cases except with regards to the US government. i fully condone a war on the sociopaths in DC and i will support anyone who decides to take the first shot, regardless of nationality.

>> No.14338295



>> No.14338299


>> No.14338351


You know, there is a reason it's not funny.

Post-irony is just another name for satirizing the weak which is just another name for cruelty.

There comes a point where simply being wrong is no longer an excuse.

"We wuz jes jokin..." Sure you were....
Stick to your outrage. Now that's something that makes us laugh....

>> No.14338358

you need to learn a thing or two about /s4s/

>> No.14338468

very nice post indeed my're good sir indeed yes mhmm, cud i trubble u to eat ur shit? as in, fece

>> No.14338482

I don’t think you have to be. I enjoy Kierkegaard and I’m not a Christian, and the belief that faith is the only certainty is a major part of both mainstream Christianity and Christian influenced philoz

>> No.14338484

cruelty can be funny when directed towards people who genuinely deserve it, like trannies and americans

>> No.14338501

if you freezeframe the intro to dr.Manchild they express their support for Ron Paul. You can decipher some other hidden messages, I haven't got the time to bother.

>> No.14338507

Wow imagine going into your profs office to share and MDE vid. What a dick sucker.

>> No.14338571


>> No.14338673

>a life goal of his is to avoid reincarnation
I like this one.

>> No.14338742

>thats like the only hope i have left to keep myself going,
bruh, you're a retard.

>> No.14338747

>imagine thinking it isn't Sam

>> No.14339306


>> No.14339324


>> No.14339351

Because space is fake, catch up on the flat earth.

>> No.14339368


>> No.14339663


>bro he's so crazy he doesn't even make sense

i see this sentiment all over his youtube clips, and maybe it's just the average retardation of the yt comment section, but i've never been able to relate to it. even if i might ultimately disagree with something, i've always been able to understand everything he says. maybe it's wrapped up in slang and esoteric code to avoid the twitch censors, and the political spergs looking to fit everyone into one party stable or another, but it's always made perfect sense.

anyone that thinks he's just recently 'gone crazy' clearly hasn't followed him since even the tissue box 'plan s' days - he's always been a potential insurrectionist, the only difference is nowadays blackpill/SIEGE talk is the norm, and as he himself says, blackpill talk without action is just doom parroting, and only serves to demoralize people and degenerate society. the difference is now there are so many people ready and screaming for revolution and collapse, i feel like charls, as i do myself, would rather be one of those people with the solutions for the days *after* the 'revolution'.

as for the spergs that still desperately wanna put a title on his personal philosophy, he basically starts from a gnostic viewpoint, but sometimes has his own conclusions from that starting point.

>> No.14341049


>> No.14341063

The problem is telling what he means and what he doesn't, is he mocking what he is saying or endorsing it, is he being ironic or not, or more likely where does it begin and end?

>> No.14341104

Based as fuck boi

>> No.14341340


see i don't understand this either, unless you're an autist who can't recognise emotions in people's faces and voices, it's pretty simple to understand when someone's being ironic or not, especially if you're used to mde's humour. most of the time he's not being ironic at all, just exaggerated if anything.

>> No.14341582
File: 3.32 MB, 500x288, CheerfulMemorableAnophelesmosquito-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my absolute favorite sketch from world peace and one of the most brilliant things ever to air on cable television you know it was all of Charls' passion spilled onto the screen

>> No.14341611

Bruh,you've tricked yourself into thinking you understand. Charles is not Sam, and Charles is not MDE.

Sometimes, especially his streams, youjust can't tell if he's satirising something or not.

>> No.14341641


I'd love for someone to give andy ruse a huge cash sum to make whatever he wants because it's clear from world peace and bombstrap the guy is insanely talented & when him and Charls hit a home run it's truly something.

>> No.14341650


>Charles is not Sam, and Charles is not MDE

never said that, i'm just saying if you can understand when sam's being ironic i don't know how you can't understand when charls is.

you honestly just sound smolbrain m8, give me at least one example of wtf you're talking about

>> No.14342750

>faith being the only thing that can't be taken away
>Someone walks up to you and shoots you in the head

>> No.14342756

Zizek: Malcolm X is a genius.

Malcolms X: Kant and Hegel are ass.

>> No.14342775

based. fuck those german hacks

>> No.14342869

Honestly MDE was the best art project of the decade
>teacher bit
>office skit
>Hi I'm Joe Corzine, please don't stab me where I live.

>> No.14343201

If you were a good boy sky daddy will put you in good boy land and give you as many tendies and e-thots as you want.

>> No.14344396
File: 23 KB, 300x300, v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say OP, if youre still around, I had to go to a Christmas celebration at a restaurant with my co-workers and because I don't find their normie humour to be even slightly amusing I just reminded myself of your thread when they all laughed at a joke so I would appear to be laughing along with them
Did this several times lmao

>> No.14344406

lol this poster

>> No.14344526


True faith is detachment from this world, and an embrace of the eternal kingdom outside of this lifespan

>> No.14346155

dude you arent getting sex in heaven...

>> No.14346162

You have to take such a leap of faith that there is a eternal kingdom waiting for you, I guess that is where the "true faith" comes in.

>> No.14347438


>> No.14347499

He's severely mentally ill and also a drug user, so some kind of highly syncretic blend of the ridiculous conspiracy and magical garbage those kinds of people tend to believe.

>> No.14347517
File: 600 KB, 887x837, HegelianTerchnologist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He believes the west is at a spiritual war with Satan (in a Faustian view). His main beef with Sam is going off about the jq and doing secular reactionary clapbacks. When he went on on a twitter rant against Molymeme for dogwhitsling the JQ that quite solidified the divide.

>> No.14347657


>implying drugs & madness are not the modern age's religious revelation

take the pkd pill

>> No.14347718

he likes CS lewis and chesterson. hes basically a schizotrad christian larper

>> No.14347727

No the other guy is the smartest. not sam but rochford or whatever his name is. He's the only one that is legitimately successful and socially intelligent enough to make it in the real world.

>> No.14347764

It's called LARPing you muppet, check his Instagram he's currently on a five star Caribbean cruise with his childhood friends and his 21 year old Arab gf enjoying his life

>> No.14347902

Can I please hear your take on why american deserve it you sadist? Its mostly the elite IMO I don't think you can blame them what the media feeds them.

>> No.14347906


>> No.14349355

yep just another grifter