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14341331 No.14341331 [Reply] [Original]

The true cause of psychological Depression is absence of faith. This is why so many people convert to Islam or Eastern religions.

Discuss this statement.

>> No.14341346

arabs have one of the lowest suicide rates in the world

>> No.14341351
File: 272 KB, 1123x793, Global_AS_suicide_rates_bothsexes_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.14341354

This implies that Christianity causes depression since Christianity ultimately through its retardation causes people to lose faith.

I can agree with that.

>> No.14341363


yeah thats pretty much me rn. I would have converted to Islam already if it didnt require such a drastic lifestyle change. I probably will eventually though

>> No.14341369

I would like to see Hindu Nats shill the Caste system now

>> No.14341380


>> No.14341381

Right next to Muslim Pakistan lol

>> No.14341554

Statement fails to account for the whole picture. The industrial revolution is the cause of depression, due to the lack of natural purpose and stable communities which we evolved to need. Faith somewhat deals with these issues, providing a stable community of like-minded people and reconnecting to more traditional models of purpose (traditional being any purpose that isn't related to industrial success/being a wagie). Ultimately though widely practiced religions are a cope. The most naturally formed religions (and therefore the most conducive to happiness) such as paganism and any sort of mysticism/spiritualism based off the fetishes (in the spiritual, not sexual meaning) of our ancient ancestors who experienced wonder at nature are the way to go if you really need spiritualism to solve your depression.

>> No.14341566

Based Allah

>> No.14342040

>North Korea has a lower suicide rate than South Korea
What did God mean by this?

>> No.14342053

look a moron

>> No.14342100

Having your faith falter and flicker out caused me some years of depression, but losing it completely restored me. I was like a Nietzschean before I ever read him. A simple faith in my little insignificant self cured my anxiety attacks


>> No.14342298
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they wouldn't convert to hippy satanism is the church would just sack up and start burning people again.

>> No.14342315

But muh higher HDI

>> No.14342410

neo-liberalism meant something by it

>> No.14343072

Depressed fedoras should read Kierkegaard and hopefully get holy ghosted. Failing that they should unironically try to become Buddhists. SSRIs and Cock and Ball Torture have nothing to offer for the fundamental anxiety of existence.

>> No.14343109

Religion can help someone with their depression, but that doesn't mean absence of religion is the cause of depression.

Someone can find community and social support and a feeling of purpose in religion. But they could also get those things out of other practices.

>> No.14343139

No, faith is not necessary. However, a sense of purpose or direction is usually critical to happiness. Read The Denial of Death.

>> No.14343150

NK is honestly doing better than most developed countries, MSM just does a hell of a job demonizing them because they need an enemy after the collapse of the Cold War
It would also help if a genuine intellectual was in charge of the dictatorship rather than a crooked corrupt family regime

>> No.14343673

This statement is right: Islam converts are depressed losers.

>> No.14343699

>a pagan larper expousing his sociological religion

>> No.14343713

No it's absence of belonging due to lack of community and role caused by industrialization, outsourcing, and automation. This is the cause of lack of faith. Bring back the community and the roles (jobs) inside of it and you'll see a return to faith. Not in the form of Christianity, but something different. Maybe something new.

>> No.14343728

Reminder to ignore all pseudointellectual rhetoriticians and instead go and read the complete works of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripedes, Hesiod, Aristophones, Herodotus, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, the Beowulf poet, Chretien de Troyes, Marie de France, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Wyatt, Sidney, Percy Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Bacon, Novalis, Schelling, Schlegal, Hegel, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Goethe, Bunyan, Gibbon, Addison, Smollett, Milton, Johnson, Boswell, Emerson, Quincey, Burke, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Mary Shelley, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Moliere, Montaigne, Browning, Gray, Holderlin, Schiller, Shaw, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Colette, Duras, Dumas, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Walter Scott, Swinburne, Rossetti, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Hawthorne, Twain, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, George Eliot, Williams, Frost, Cummings, Crane, Stevens, Whitman, Plath, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Tagore, Manzoni, Peake, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Leopardi, Faulkner, O'Connor, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno, Bloch, Lukacs, Bakhtin, Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Andreyev, Bely, Bulgakov, Gonchorov, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Bloy, Pirandello, Huysmans, Lautreamont, Schwob, Casares, Bolano, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Carpentjier, Celine, Marquez, Unamuno, Gracq, Gide, Jarry, Camus, Conrad, Wells, Hardy, Salinger, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Bachelard, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Heaney, Auden, Hofmannsthal, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Bachmann, Jelinek, Lessing, Laxness, Simenon,Svevo, Levi, Buzzati, Quasimodo, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Babel, Schulz, Transtromer, Kertesz, Pavic, Andric, Grossmann,Sillanpää, Linna, Mahfouz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Blanchot, Perec, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Barth, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, DeLillo, Pynchon, McElroy, Soseki, Murasaki, Shonagon, Kawabata, Mishima, Akutagawa, Tanizaki, Dazai, Oe, Xinjiang, Yan, Kosztolanyi, Gombrowicz, Ishiguro, Eco, Coetzee, Auerbach, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Lyotard, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Steiner, Munro, Carson, Handke, Theroux, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Elizabeth Bishop, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara

>> No.14343748

Spiteful mutants.

>> No.14343790

Mine was a chemical problem. I just need medicine to regulate my mood.

>> No.14343822

I will not.

>> No.14343887

ah, so i see you chose judaism

>> No.14343894

Nice blog larping faggot

>> No.14343900


>> No.14344127

I walked the first path on the four stages of enlightenment but later had a mental health crisis party for genetic reasons, and partly due to the fact that my faith was so weak integrating the first path was impossible.

>> No.14344142

>my little insignificant self
Well you're right about that

>> No.14345349
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Should have wrote
>Having my faith falter and flicker out caused me some years of depression,

The point being, religion is a CRUTCH. You're wandering around blindfolded and insisting there's there's no such thing as sight when you stay cling to these faiths.

My impermanent insignificant self

>> No.14346109

Religion is the opium of the people.

>> No.14346138

I'll just read the Quran, its better than all those anyway.

>> No.14346141

Its an opportunity to become better than a beast.

>> No.14346197

where should i start with Kierkegaard

>> No.14346336

It's an opportunity to cope with unability to fufill our wishes.

>> No.14346372

it's an opportunity to feel elitist without having achieved anything.

>> No.14346461
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Marxism is the Methamphetamines of the people

>> No.14347020

abr*hamoid are worse than beasts

>> No.14347040

who would've guessed that the dyke trip fag shitting on theism was an anglo theist turned atheist. kek, everyone in fact. typical of the new american atheists. the atheist mass of europe isn't hostile to religions like the nu-atheists of america, for obvious psychological reasons.

>> No.14347046
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Brainlets can't contemplate the situation they're in so they don't have reasons to kill themselves. It's correlation rather than causality.

>> No.14347064

Ah. A “new atheist” propagandist.
This is merely the difference between an antitheist and secular liberal. The latter will take any sort for cheap labor, the former wants what’s best for all minds.

Basement thinking

>> No.14347075

stupid people are primarily religious and instead of directly killing themselves they indirectly do it with drugs, alcohol, and choices that involve them dying

>> No.14347182

Kek, anglos lack so much self-awareness it's frightening.
I'm not a 'new atheist' propagandist, just an european atheist who lived in the US and saw the difference between both atheist groups. But I wouldn't expect an anglo to compute what I just said, since their cultural narrative (liberalism) negates any other perspective, in their minds there is only their point of view (the correct one) and those too backwards to grasp it (incorrect).
>but I'm not a liberal
Yes, yes you are. I won't expand as the explanation will be lost on you, as I said, anglos lack self awareness, it's a fundamental aspect of their ideology. Once their strength, but now their weakness. This isn't a reply to you as much as a reply to all the confused non-anglos browsing the internet, who cannot distinguish content from cultural narrative, therefore at risk of infecting their minds with anglo dialectics. But I have faith that it will come in time, cohabitation cannot exist in the mind. As angloism is imperialistic, it will either colonize your spirit or end in a violent clash over non-integrated concepts vs immanence of original culture. Not surprising that 3rd generation immigrants are at a higher risk of schizophrenia, specifically for this reason.

>> No.14347232

>just an european atheist who lived in the US and saw the difference between both atheist groups
sure, dipshit. did you notice the difference between european christian and the subhuman evangelicals populating america? european christian aren't trying to teach creationism and don't try to instigate rapture by fanatically supporting israel.

insulting the incel alt-right schizo chr*stoid larpers on 4chan is completely natural as they somehow manage to be equal or worse than the evangelical who want to die for israel

>> No.14347286

>Greece has a very low suicide rate
What? I thought they were going through Economic depression or something

>> No.14348820

>teach creationism
So european christians dont even believe scripture. Wow,so based

>> No.14349017

True, believing that there's a god above watching over you, that you can pray to, that you can count on his mercy, that he has a greater plan for you, that no matter where you are you are never alone even in your grave, and that this life is not the end,.. in front of all of this depression is just another paper cut.

>> No.14349027

Butterfly is from some Scandinavian country im pretty sure