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/lit/ - Literature

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14407315 No.14407315 [Reply] [Original]

How has reading literature or philosophy changed your life?

>> No.14407319

I'm now somehow worse at social situations.

>> No.14407321

It made me realize that I don't want most of what I read as a personal influence.

>> No.14407323

I've found an end that is worthy of pursuit.

>> No.14407328

I have a hobby that the majority of people consider boring as fuck and have an even more difficult time fitting in with everyone.

>> No.14407335

What may that end be?

>> No.14407375


>> No.14407551

Zhuangzi showed me the way towards a better, more full comprehension of life through the equalizing principal of the Dao.

>> No.14407569

It made me a much better person (after reading the Stoics) then it turned me into a pretentious ackchyually fag when I tried to delve into the whole of philosophy.

Lesson learned. Start with the Greeks, end with the Romans.

>> No.14407623

Made me realize there's no such thing as morality and to control my emotions.

>> No.14407635
File: 99 KB, 900x600, 4-moustached-guenon-monkey-gerard-lacz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Guenon unironically made me invincible to almost all sorts of subversive mental attacks.

>> No.14407642

A. E. S. T. H. E. T. I. C. S

you had one job

>> No.14407668

Hegel made me a virgin until 24. Thankfully I read Anti-Oedipus and got laid promptly after

>> No.14407673
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Allah the Most High and Glorified.

>> No.14407695

Is this true or are you joking and can you give me an example if real?

>> No.14407715

like techne? Stiegler
the past? as in history? Hegel
as in semiotics? Derrida
as in the western curriculum? Foucault
as in dualism? Descartes
as in logos>method? Plato
as in flux? Heraclitus
as in my own? Stirner
as if?

>> No.14407719
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It's true. I can now sense subversion just by glancing at it, I'll grant you that I was already decent at doing that, but now my sensible intuition has ascended to absolute certainty. I now constantly hear quotes or things which looks like Gueno quotes whenever dealing with a lot of things, e.g. I'd hear someone saying a piece of true wisdom and it usually finds a way to relate to Guenonian thought (in the broad sense, not necessarily thought "originating" from Guenon). I experience the same thing with other writers (fiction) that touched me deeply, but with him these signals seem to be constant and neverending.
>can you give me an example if real
Most posts in this thread are subversie. Most posts on this board too. Don't know if that helps.

>> No.14407723

retroactively refuted by guenon

>> No.14407731

I became very religious and more inwardly-focused. My family are mostly atheists with a couple of garden variety unaffiliated American Protestants, and they are honestly kind of freaked out by it even though I consciously avoid discussing religion/politics/etc. with them. I was already a quiet sort of person, but now I am more or less a recluse. Sometimes I wonder what I would be like if I was not sterile, because sterility is what made me turn to books.
Also this. Nobody wants to talk about wu wei or Christian theories of atonement at any of the parties that I'm never invited to.

>> No.14407747

Thanks. Which of his works would you recommend starting with?

>> No.14407748

Excess Life and Immanence to the world

>> No.14407751

You're jusr noticing the will to power of others.

>> No.14407752

If you can answer that question, you haven't read enough.

>> No.14407757
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, Guenon_recc_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon. Just start with the standard reading list.

>> No.14407762

You guys just need to learn how to explain things in an interesting way. What is interesting to people is what they consider useful. If you have some kind of philosophy you wish to share, make sure you explain and demonstrate its use value to people.

>> No.14407764

Whenever I have an opinion on something I come off as schizotypal

>> No.14407803

Thanks brother. Good luck out there. It has become time for me to exit stage left the Matrix aka Clown Word aka The Grand Illusion

>> No.14407867


>> No.14407901

By absolutely ruining videogames for me.

>> No.14407914

It's like that gay "nobody" meme that has infected /x/
I can't wait for you pseuds to give up on this muzzie meme

>> No.14407940

Read a lot of literature, Greeks, stoics, philosophy, ethics, etc.

Realized anything outside of Christianity was a massive cope and decided to devote my life to philosophical theology. I’m becoming a catechumen soon. None of this would have happened if I had kept playing vidya and ignored reading.

Advice to all, Christ is the backbone of all moral and RATIONAL language— even nietszche knew this. To be an atheist you must be an absurdist. If you’re ok with that, I’d read sartre. If you want reason, God is the backbone.

>> No.14407973


But that is a load of crap , what sort of reason do you need for you to base it on God? It is fairly obvious that mathematics, logic or natural science do not need a divine causa sui for them to work. Why do you study theology to seek justifications for the rational world of cause and effect rather than as a base for faith in the unknowable , like Kierkegaard did?

>> No.14407983

I've become more tolerating and understanding of other's faults as well as more mentally unhinged

>> No.14407997

>give up on this muzzie meme
Guénonian views are truly timeless. Once you open yourself up to them it is impossible to ignore.

>> No.14407998

>derka derka maymay teehee

>> No.14408008

it ruined mine

>> No.14408059

that's a cool way to say it turned you into a neet

>> No.14408284

whats the name of this meme? the manga girl reading book

>> No.14408288

she's from little witch academia

>> No.14408299

It led me to realise how much bulshit there is in philosophy, which led me to decide to study maths instead.

>> No.14408309

Read culture of critique and shit blew my mind

>> No.14408316

it's a pure and whoelsome meme.those don't follow a predetermined modernistic naming template.

>> No.14408319

Same here. Now you need to wait till you realize how much bullshit there is in maths.

>> No.14408326

Like what? Maths are stringently provable. That's the whole point.

However, after studying maths for a few years I realised I'm too much of a brainlet to make something productive out of it, so I moved on to programming.

>> No.14408335
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>"Maths are stringently provable."
>"That's the whole point"
>I realized I'm too much of a brainlet so I moved to programming
Go figure.

>> No.14408351
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A+ five star quality post. Have an upboat.

>> No.14408437

Can you explain this? Hegel has made me even more attracted to women, and removed ethical barriers around casual sex.
How does anti oedipus help? I am considering reading Deleuze, mainly difference and repetition, but I may read Anti Oedipus also if it is good.

>> No.14408452

>removed ethical barriers around casual sex

>> No.14408457

>Hegel has made me even more attracted to women
>and removed ethical barriers around casual sex.
even cringier

imagine an author making you more attracted to women

>> No.14408466

A lot. Helped me in all areas of life, really.

>> No.14408519

hylic detected.

>> No.14408537

The reason for the dominance of science and the fact there haven't been any more recorded miracles is that the luminous essence that was once trapped in the world has already returned to Pleroma and what remains now is a completely material world and its damned soulless denizens, doomed to never experience the true fullness of existence but a grotesque shadow.

I'll let you put two and two together and what means for you.

>> No.14408560

I had several what you might call nervous breakdowns & the only way I can comfortably exist now is reading and taking in information so it keeps me from going fully crazy I guess. I also feel more of a crank these days.

>> No.14408594

You are a fucking underdeveloped autist if you think my post was a sign of a hylic. Fucking dualsitic idiot. Read Hegel and come back to me, you fucking twink.

>> No.14408599
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philosophy has taught me to become active. which, in essence, includes gaining everything from incredibly little. the tiniest things give me the greatest bliss imaginable, a sense of wonder follows me wherever I go. transcendent criteria is always rejected in favour of immanent modes of existence, and only joy, power, strength, and life matters.

>> No.14408618


>> No.14408670
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>> No.14408684

I'am way more miserable and apathetic and i don't think it will get better

>> No.14408702

>my post was a sign of a hylic
i didn't say anything about the text data in your post, kid. i sense the mark of a hylic whenever i read ANTHIGN he writes. you are marked.

>> No.14408832

Dont listen to him. Guenon is a meme of the month writer

>> No.14408838

It really puts life in perspective. You never realize how transient and fleeting everything is.

>> No.14408881

this must be one of those subversive posts he was talking about.

>> No.14408898
File: 199 KB, 820x657, 404-4049868_upside-down-question-mark-misaka-mikoto-sad-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is being more introverted leads you to reading more books or reading more books lead you to being more introverted?

>> No.14408913

Being more introverted leads you to reading more books.

>> No.14408922

I must say, Monkey man and his gang of Neo-Fascist mystics are really the only modern Philosophers worth reading. He was the Karl Marx of Traditionalism

>> No.14409271

Fits like a glove.

>> No.14409873

It made me appreciate aesthetics in every day life and made me have better relationships with family and friends :)

>> No.14410017
File: 398 KB, 989x576, ideology1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people just say what they read in their online news reader. Many people should probably not vote, even my friends. I can't really make a case though, unless I'd had them read up a bit.

>> No.14410156

I now have much more respect for those who have never picked up a book in their life.

>> No.14410168

It has helped me identify that which is constant in myself throughout time
Thus it has allowed me to achieve a closer relationship to immediacy and live a more actualized life

>> No.14410383


>> No.14410393

you’re an idiot and what you said makes no sense

>> No.14410442

Made my testicles smaller and hips wider.

>> No.14410629

Read David Bentley hart. To believe that the world is intelligible at all is not something that can be proven using a naturalist framework, it requires the world to be structured rationally.

>> No.14410678

Reading philosophy has made me a lot happier since it has given me answers to stuff i wouldn't otherwise had gotten and when it didn't give me any answers it gave me the way to make up my own

>> No.14410761

it's made it more interesting, sometimes
nice post

>> No.14411599

are you me? this is the conclusion i came to too.

>> No.14411622

Philosophy has given me no answer and only made everything more confusing.

Same with politics and economics. The more political books I read the less I know what my own position is.

And I'm constantly tormented by questions of morality.

>> No.14411636

There are things of value outside of dehumanized practicalism.

>> No.14411643
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Purpose, chance or burden?

>> No.14411669

Just be a classic Greek Skeptic with American Pragmatism flavorings

>> No.14411844

If you can't derive practice from something it's worthless. Even meditation and prayer which are the most spiritual and intellectual things outside of the material world are still practices.

>> No.14411850

it made me understand you are a weeb fag and need to be shot

>> No.14412028

I used to have actual beliefs and values, and now I don't.

>> No.14412433

I'm Catholic now.

>> No.14412978

not him but this seems to be where I'm getting to

>> No.14413036
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Reading philosophy made me realize philosophy is a gigantic, massively subversive time-sink for deviants. Healthy cultures have neither philosophy nor philosopher. Read some Guenon, some Evola, some Spengler.

>> No.14413078

My bullshit detector is stronger.

I'm more skeptical when claims are made (I've had to tone this down as to not come off as a pompous shit. "And how exactly can you know that?").

I like my alone time more.

The more I read, the less I understand.

>> No.14413110

>The more I read, the less I understand.
you're reading subversivse non-sense then. see >>14413036 and >>14407635

>> No.14413121

It's granted me more depth to internalize my experiences and life (consequently improving those experiences, like a more developed palate for taste), and I find isomorphisms across fields, domains, whatever more frequently with the more I read.

>> No.14413128
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Caveat being I primarily read fiction in the western canon and have a very rudimentary understanding of philosophy, so take that as you will.

>> No.14413179

This. I just watch and listen now rather than try to interact. Observing and thinking but not completely distant.

>> No.14413294

>I primarily read fiction in the western canon
My condolences...

>> No.14413304

And just how are those authors going to help me?

>> No.14413339

you'll realize that what you're reading is fedora-tier garbage.

>> No.14413347

>My bullshit detector is stronger.
Evidently not strong enough to realize your own pseudointellectuall-ness.

>> No.14413367


>> No.14413380

>I primarily read fiction in the western canon
literally why would one do this?

>> No.14413413

>Anything outside of Christianity is a massive cope

>> No.14413913

Lost all interest in what most people talk about.

>> No.14413947

Stopped being a retarded protestant and converted to Catholicism after reading aquinas, eusibus, dietroceteesus, and Geller

>> No.14413953

Christianity is the ultimate cope though?