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14416876 No.14416876 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is the "Logos"?

>> No.14416884

they're like Legos but they have magnets so that special needs kids can play with them

>> No.14416886

The word that extracts order out of chaos and eternally sets things right.

>> No.14416889

the pathos of reason

>> No.14416890

>the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.
>(in Jungian psychology) the principle of reason and judgment, associated with the animus.

>> No.14416900

He looks exhausted

>> No.14416932

Logos means word in Attic Greek

>> No.14416970

I don't hate jp but he's not even Christian idk what's the purpose of posting this. And if he is truly Christian he shouldn't hide behind thin veils to conceal it

>> No.14417021

Before Plato, it was a mix of chaos and order. After Plato, it was just order. Plato fucked everything up.

>> No.14417026

Saying you're Christian in the current intellectual climate is basically suicide. Plus it would also limit who he can reach because people would turn their brains off as soon as they hear that he's a christfag

>> No.14417035

It's basically like Karma for Christians right?

>> No.14417044


>> No.14417104

>Saying you're Christian in the current intellectual climate is basically suicide
Not even remotely true.

Peterson's reticent about considering himself a Christian because he knows that his weird Jungian interpretation of Christianity would be considered unorthodox by any major denomination.

>> No.14417107

Words and the ideas attached to them making a coherent whole you use to communicate. It's not exactly anything.

>> No.14417178

Suicide when?

>> No.14417199

>Saying you're Christian in the current intellectual climate is basically suicide.
Unfortunately, this isn't true. Academic "intellectuals" are almost all pseuds who still follow the desert cult bullshit because of social pressures.

>> No.14417210

The Hero
Is he talking about himself?
Anti-psychiatry arc incoming

>> No.14417217

You either know it or you don't I'm afraid.

>> No.14417247

A couple of possibilities come to mind:
>trying to save face and “redeem” himself
>is using this as a pander to a new audience
>is part of a new narrative emerging from the bourgeoise elite which attempts to corral, divide, and conquer certain political groups

>> No.14417261

"logos" is the new buzzword for the materialist alt-right christians that are too good for real christianity or the alt-right. another fad

>> No.14417266

He's more Christian than most Gen Xers who grew up with rock and roll and the American radical atheist movement.

>> No.14417271

His target was and still is athiest nihilists who had shitty upbringings and to show them that life has meaning.
This is good because he clearly enjoys the stories of the ot/nt but is hesitant to BE religious. Which is strange because you're not supposed to read into scripture the way he does, it is considered sort of heretical.
This too. Edgy bugman athiests are more in vogue but it's not like jp is one to hold tepid beliefs anyways.

>> No.14417276

Tangerine Dream album

Now stop spamming this shill, ya shill.

>> No.14417279

Fuck off degenerate tranny

>> No.14417307
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But what do you think of lesbians? Is it really that scary to you, that you have to pretend that I’m a man?

>> No.14417390

You were born with a cock, my guy.
Take your salacious acts elsewhere and stop shitting up the board. You were born with a moral compass, use it wisely

>> No.14417411
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>catatonically scared that lesbians are real.

>> No.14417429

According to Schoppy it's the mathematical relation of everything and comes from Pythagoras.

>... one might be led to the supposition, that the use of the word λόγος in the introduction to the gospel ascribed to John, so strange and mysterious and verging on the absurd, as also the earlier and analogous passages in Philo, originate in the Pythagorean philosophy of numbers, from the signification, that is, of the word λόγος in the arithmetical sense, as numerical relation, ratio numerical. Such a relation constitutes, with the Pythagoreans, the innermost and indestructible essence of every being ; in other words, its first and original principle whence of everything might be said.

>> No.14417438

We've all seen the screenshot, guy

>> No.14417446
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>> No.14417459

>Edgy bugman athiests
I've got news for you: almost everyone is part of the herd, or "bugman race" as you new kids put it. Whether they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, pantheist, or whatever, the vast majority of humans are herd animals.

>> No.14417466

>it is considered sort of heretical
What and by whom?

>> No.14417471

>this shill
Shill for what? And how does it differ from what you're doing (constantly spamming the board and seeking attention for yourself)?

>> No.14417524
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>> No.14417543
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>jesus was a hero
oh no no no

>> No.14417583
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>> No.14417591


good lookin out

>> No.14417707

my good news will be your untimely death

>> No.14417725

It's Gnostic terminology. Logos means word, reason, and argument in different contexts.

Gnosticism of the non-Hermetic variety is extremely dark, the ultimate black pill. Basically the world is a soul prison controlled by malevolent supernatural forces. No surprise pathologically angry and unhappy Peterson would gravitate towards this worldview.

>> No.14417751
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>Hah, I'd never read those obscurantist post-modernists; I only read real straight-shooters like Jung

>> No.14417756

Why does he have to post a picture of himself with this sentiment. Super pose and cringe pilled peto.

Roman shill

>> No.14417769

Logos is autism and the imposition of order.

>> No.14417772
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woah man, this is deep

>> No.14417871

>weird Jungian
He's quotes Jung when he's selling something,
but he's a behaviorist.

>> No.14417886

it's a toy for kids.

>> No.14417903

>His target was and still is athiest nihilists who had shitty upbringings and to show them that life has meaning.

His target is low-skill, chronic masturbaters who can afford self help books and tickets to lectures.

He and Belle Delphine literally compete for the same market.

>> No.14417930

Why can't he into post modern thought
Why does he believe that everyone after Nietzsche is wrong

>> No.14417960

Oil princes and STEM nerds with a lot of money and nothing to do with it?

>> No.14417983

Naw doggie, people who only have disposable income because they are single, friendless homebodies that live in shithole apartments.

>> No.14418038

It's a cringe thing half-assed and/or delusional Christians say when they want to intellectualize a cope about the pozz of modernity.

>Why does he believe that everyone after Nietzsche is wrong
Peterson is not wrong about this tho

>> No.14418069

He never talks about post modern ideas
He only ever really references Derrida and Foucault, but never mentions the postmodern psychiatrists, the people he is most qualified to critique

>> No.14418096

This. His Jungian interpretation of Christianity is fascinating and I think correct though.

>> No.14418115

>but never mentions the postmodern psychiatrists, the people he is most qualified to critique
Peterson has publicly disavowed and castigated antisemitism on multiple occasions so how do you expect him to even pull such a thing off wise guy? For real though he is a mild mannered classical liberal. His intellectual merits can, at best, educate and provide occasional entertainment to some.

>> No.14418273

>Peterson has publicly disavowed and castigated antisemitism

>> No.14418347 [DELETED] 

His whole short lived career is based solely on an advertising campaign funded by Koch Industries. The guy didn't want to debate anyone, but they pushed him into it. He's as fake as the "Tea Party Movement"

>> No.14418354

His whole short lived career is based solely on an advertising campaign funded by Koch Industries. The guy didn't want to debate anyone, but they pushed him into it. He's as fake as the "Tea Party Movement"
>how does it differ from what you're doing
I'm not paid

>> No.14418373

He described himself as a Christian Scientist, why are you trying to sekrit club him? He connects deeply with christian theology, so in what sense is he not a christian?

>> No.14418377

He doesn't believe in God

>> No.14418384

Maybe not in the same way that you do but judging from the things I've heard him talk about, he definitely does. God is a psychometaphysical construct that self-evidently real by the mere virtue that His concept exists in the human mind. He does not exist within the collective unconcious, He IS the collective unconcious.

>> No.14418406

He doesn't seem to believe in the Resurrection so he can't credibly be called a Christian no matter how important he thinks the tenants of the faith are. He's similar to Peter Hitchens in that they both make appeals to save Christianity for aesthetic and cultural reasons but don't actually believe.

>> No.14418415

So G-d's a social construct?

>> No.14418433

In the Harris conversation he said he's not of any religion but that he believes in a God. So the fact he's choosing Christianity says a lot

>> No.14418452

No He's a psychological contruct. Granted this is more my understanding of it; I'm not an expert on Peterson, but he seems to hold largely the same view on it. It's slightly hard to tell since he focuses more on the stories in the Bible and the virtues of engaging with religion, rather than the concept of God itself. But he has said that although the stories told in the bible are largely probably untrue, they are still "metaphorically true", which is to say that they carry a meta truth within them, so that someone who follows their morals/messages will produce a successful life, even if the imminent details involved in the stories are not literal/true.

>> No.14418461

he's a self hating atheist or a faithless christian. That's why all this autism about justifying christian doctrine with biology.

>> No.14418492

>with biology

>> No.14418524


>> No.14418534

yeah reductionism and lobsters.

>> No.14418540

If anyone has any idea what this guy is talking about can you let me know?

>> No.14418562

Jordan Peterson thinks the caduceus, as well as some Egyptian and abbo symbols depict the double helix of DNA.

I'm guessing he said some similarly dumb shit about Christian symbols.

>> No.14418589

>I'm guessing
Cool argument, nice talking to you.

>> No.14418789

Confirmed for someone that didn't start with the Greeks.

>> No.14418801

He's a Lacan wannabe

>> No.14418805

The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Begotten of the Father from all Eternity

>> No.14418815

Ah, the fruits of psychologism.

>> No.14418816

he points out the similarity, but nothing more than that

>> No.14418832
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>Only 1 result for "Koch"
This needs to be known. The entire alt-right movement is fueled by paid propaganda.

>> No.14419193


Everything he says about God sounds bestial, without Reason, without love. A Pharisee at most.

>> No.14419219

laughable piece

>> No.14419225

I’d love to see one with the same background but with some matter of fact quote from Aristotle where he talks about the mean of virtue instead.

>> No.14419251

Has a lot of definitions, depends on context.

>> No.14419272

holy smokes, the only correct answer.
OP, just google logos. You will see that it is something completely different in christianity than in greek philosophy for example.
in christianity logos is the word that turned into flesh.
for the old greeks logos is the harmony, the logic of the cosmos.
Logos is a very important term and a very broad one too.

>> No.14419397


>> No.14419404

Peterson just exudes neurosis
I feel bad for the guy

>> No.14419467

Kel. Yeah I was obsessed with etymology and symbollism, especially the logos when I was crazy too.

>> No.14419530

Logos is that which makes the world ultimately understandable to us. It's what explains how our words and mathematics can accurately represent the state of the world, it's the condition for knowledge. In a theological sense, it reaffirms God (and Christ) as the metaphysical Grund of reality.

>> No.14419535

This quote is not obscure at all if you have even the slightest idea of what Kundalini is. I'm sure you can find more egregious examples in Jung. The postmodernists on the other hand mostly just vomit out word salads.

>> No.14419674

That's not how an intellectual talks

>> No.14419760

To sell more books to alt-right retards

>> No.14419765

Don't like his philosophy that Order = Good and Chaos = Bad.

>> No.14419773


i know what logos actually means ya brainlet, i'm saying that in the context of this political movement, it is certainly a fad

>> No.14419859

I am a little world made cunningly
Of elements and an angelic sprite,
But black sin hath betray'd to endless night
My world's both parts, and oh both parts must die.
You which beyond that heaven which was most high
Have found new spheres, and of new lands can write,
Pour new seas in mine eyes, that so I might
Drown my world with my weeping earnestly,
Or wash it, if it must be drown'd no more.
But oh it must be burnt; alas the fire
Of lust and envy have burnt it heretofore,
And made it fouler; let their flames retire,
And burn me O Lord, with a fiery zeal
Of thee and thy house, which doth in eating heal.

>> No.14419946

anon pls

>> No.14419973

He has repeatedly done the thing about Adam & Eve. Something something evolved with snakes as predators, thus the image of a snake giving humans the ability to "see."

He tries to work in a little evolutionary biology, since it makes his points ostensibly more legitimate.

As for the general topic: he straddles the line because it improves book sales. Religious enough, yet not so much so that it alienates his target demo of /r/atheists

>> No.14419986

Why can't you write down the letter in the middle? Genetic flaw or something else preventing you?

>> No.14420016

Why do i get the feeling he´s always paling the matyr no one is asking for.
First that stupid Law in Canada, then his own weird platform for freeze peach.
Cant they act like normal people who just want stuff without making a hero narrative out of everything??

>> No.14420043

No, he can't.

Originally used by Heraclitus to refer to a cosmic plan ordained by Zeus (it's actually more complicated, but that's good enough), it was later adopted by various other Greek philosophers to refer to some form of cosmic order. Christians adopted it, and stripped it of any meaning it once had. It's a meaningless buzzword within Christianity now. Individual Christian thinkers give it meaning, however, but that's only within their individual works (the Logos of Aquinas =/= the Logos of Augustine).

>> No.14420067
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Stop asking silly questions, anon. It is perfectly normal for people to do that.

>> No.14420071

Yeah, just like b-by torture rituals.

>> No.14420139

Peterstein is a meth addict and a charlatan.
Just look at this wormtongue language he's using.

>>Rebirth of the hero
He's talking about himself here
>>Birth of Christ
Always pay attention when people abbreviated Jesus Christ's name.
It's simply the word of God, yet he's trying to redefine the word because he's bending the knee to moloch.
>>Welcome that rebirth
again he's asking you to welcome him into your heart and into your family.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was not and has never been reborn, he has risen.

>> No.14420166

>He's talking about himself here
I think he sees himself more as the mentor / the person who makes the call for the hero more.

>> No.14420174

>It's simply the word of God
>The Word of God doesn't mean anything, just ignore it goy
God created the World through his Word. Islam even names Christ the Word of God.

>> No.14420191

He doesn’t even believe in God, he isn’t even a Christian. He’s responsible for all the cringey larper “cultural” christians and shit. I have zero problem with actual religious people but there’s something annoying about manipulating spirituality for utilitarian ends

>> No.14420250

He's a desperate man. He guides people to Jung and psychedelics, perhaps gnosticism as well.
He doesn't have the courage to have faith in God - but he doesn't seem to blaspheme, either. If we're to start the blame game, I wouldn't start from him, or that portion of his - but him being controlled opposition.

>> No.14420361

based observations anon, but did you notice their missing Adam's apple!?!

>> No.14420412

He has depression

>> No.14420863

I think you should be worried about people like him. It will transform religion from something transcendent into just another ideological badge for materialists it left unchecked. So then we won’t have atheism and religion, we will have atheism and repackaged atheism

>> No.14421055

He's suddenly living a life he never asked for. Gotta be exhausting.

>> No.14421190

You can talk about the esoteric and mystical meaning behind some of this stuff without associating yourself with the people who don't get any of it.

>> No.14421242

That said, he still has a lot to learn about it all. A big problem is that the interpretations he uses are still linked to standard Christian doctrine, and not completely off in esoteric/mystic territory. But he does touch on it sometimes.

>> No.14421247
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> Implying alt-right groypers like the guy
The intellectual dork web are approved gatekeepers. They would have been deplatformed a long time ago if they weren't.

>> No.14421350

Implying peterstein understands anything profound. Religion is a social tool to him, which is the outlook that destroyed religion in the modern world.

>> No.14421450
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kind of like this but not

>> No.14421496

>that cringe message
way to take any religious connotation out of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, you canadian fraud

>> No.14421533

something peterson knows nothing about lmao

>> No.14421544

Are you an idiot? This life is his best case scenario, don't act like he's making any kind of dutiful sacrifice. He looks tired cause he's coming off of a mean benzo habit.

>> No.14421563

I feel as if he's staked his entire public career on the most divisive misunderstanding of that law imaginable. And he's yet to convincingly define his idea of postmodernism in a way that doesn't appeal with a wink and a nod to some pre-held notion I might have of the libruls.

It's like Ben Shapiro. How he manages to draw the conclusions he does about intersectionality is beyond me.

>> No.14421604

A real Christian wouldnt care. A real christian would actually be happy to proudly announce his belief in Christ and suffer in His name

>> No.14421614

>atheism with extra steps

>> No.14421670


>> No.14422094

It's akin to Nous, in that if you have to ask, you will never attain it.

>> No.14422971

peterson, like shapiro, is coasting on beliefs he
developed when he was 18. they are the
absolute last people you should turn to
when help is needed.

>> No.14423001


The force that speaks reality into being now and in the future (man).
The force that speaks reality into being at the beginning of time (God)

You all are midwits.

>> No.14423022



>> No.14423033


Hence the literal translation of John 1:1 from the greek

>> No.14423045


Meh anyone sticking up for Christianity in any way shouldn't really be criticised

There may be a time in the future where Christians are slaughtered and then this kind of thing will be missed regardless if he "believes"

>> No.14423101



Not "see", see the future, because you have to see the snake striking you before actually seeing the snake (if you've ever been punched in the face you will know), and therefore know of mortality, therefore know of suffering, and therefore know of good and evil (hence Adam and Eve). It all makes a lot more sense than you make it out to.

>> No.14423574

a Judeo-linguistic interpretation of the Will to Power

Jordan Peterson was actually an interesting philosopher before he became an epic anti JSW gentleman

Hoping his next work is more Maps of Meaning than 12 Rules for Life although he clearly has no financial need to continue innovating any longer

>> No.14423627

Why is /lit/ still seething at this dude? He's had his five minutes; move on with your lives, you pseuds.

>> No.14423700

As soon as he answers the question about the Holodomor.

>> No.14423886

Wooden fuckin' doors, Tone.

>> No.14424281

Seething would entail us posting a thread against him. Just ragging on him is pretty casual.

>> No.14424796


>> No.14424811
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>> No.14424819

You could kill yourself and nobody would give a shit.

>> No.14424836

The resurrection doesn't matter. What matters is that our eternal souls can be redeemed. The physical resurrection is the cherry on top.

>> No.14425184

It is the mechanism by which a charlatan finds themselves in rehab with a remarkably clean penis.

>> No.14425190

Logos is trendy and used more nebulously. This is how language dies. Hopefully Dharma doesn't follow it.

>> No.14425283


jesus's complete dominion over matter certainly DOES matter

>> No.14425290

iz muh rap bars