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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 340x162, Meme_trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14465378 No.14465378 [Reply] [Original]

>/mu/ has ITAOTS
>/a/ has Evangelion
>/tv/ has TDKR and Sopranos
>we have three big pretentious bricks that nobody here has actually read
Why is /lit/ culture so shit?

>> No.14465380

ITAOTS is shit

>> No.14465391

And yet most /mu/tards have listened to it. Nobody reads anything here, this board has no culture

>> No.14465433

How dare you

>> No.14465468

>>/tv/ has TDKR and Sopranos
And youre saying /lit/s culture is shit? Thats an alright movie and a pretty decent tv show, very reasonable to be favorites if you arent super versed in the medium. For people whos hobby is apparently watching shit, /tv/ people have some of the most white bread taste I have ever seen

>> No.14465470

Also Blade Runner 2049 and Twin Peaks

>> No.14465472


>> No.14465477

Youve now gotten it to another fine movie and a pretty great TV show

>> No.14465500

Better than /lit/

>> No.14465508

>Why is /lit/ culture so shit?
because philosophy has overtaken literature as the primary topic of most threads. Discussing the more artistic side of literature rather than the substantive is seen as lesser.

>> No.14465513


>> No.14465519

Im not even saying /lit/ is that great, but if you think sopranos, twin peaks, tdkr, and bladerunner are superior to the usual conversation pieces here you are out of your mind. At best those could be on par with some of the better than average scifi people talk about here

>> No.14465542

Sopranos, Twin Peaks and Blade Runner are all on par with contemporary middlebrow-tier literature like Franzen, DFW, McCarthy, Ian McEwan, DeLillo etc. They're not high art but still have depth to them.

>> No.14465543

>conversation pieces
You mean talking /pol/tard shit and pretending to read books they haven't read LOL

>> No.14465546

What about The Dark Knight Rises?

>> No.14465553

Nolan is dark capeshit, on par with say Watchmen comic, niche audience appeal and not literature but can be fun for what it is.
TDKR is the worst of the trilogy though and only good for plane scene.

>> No.14465558

See, that's where you're wrong because

>> No.14465590

Haven't read them, never will.

>> No.14465593
File: 37 KB, 400x300, harry-potter-book-set-7-k-rowling_1_97204e1f43319bf45d8fe80061c85aa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/'s lowest common denominator

>> No.14465598

The /pol/ shit is where I will completely cede all argument, the amou t of pseudo philosophy and batshit politics on here is the biggest problem, but that shit pretty much exists on every board, /tv/ being a major cesspool of it

>> No.14465614

presumably because /lit/ cares about their shit, it's hard to meme a book because it's text, there's no prescribed audio/visual association, easiest thing to do is slam a great big book on the table and say, 'this motherfucker literally carved this all out on wood, he may have gone insane doing it, got nothing in return, let's see what he had to say...'

>> No.14465625

We have the Bible

>> No.14465627

>/lit/ cares about their shit,
Lurk more

>> No.14465630

Complexity is assumed to be proportionate to quality, because you supposedly need to have a sufficiently high IQ and degree of high-functioning autism to craft an obtusely convoluted postmodern novel. These novels are more complex than others, thus they're the "pinnacle of literature" since they're more "literaturey" than the competition.

>> No.14465650

Give me time gramps. I haven't finished the greeks yet you want me to be well read?

>> No.14465669

The literal only reason is because it's hard to read a book. Especially a book like these three. They aren't accessable by any means, certainly not compared to an album or tv show.
I doubt 10% of people here have read Gravity's Rainbow, maybe not even 1%. I haven't. Compare that to /mu/, where probably 90% of people have listened to ITAOTS. That's what makes it memeable, because everyone can/has listened to the album.
A better meme is unironically The Bible, because even if you haven't actually read it, you probably still know enough stories to meme it, not to mention the availability of passages being much higher and accessable.

>> No.14465679

The Bible is normalfag shit though, it's a 9gag tier "meme".

>> No.14465688

Nice try Christcuck

>> No.14465689

What about Dune or BOTNS

>> No.14465703

Not a Christian at all. In some regards I even actively hate Christians. I'm just observing it's utility as a viable meme.
Yeah it's not usually that funny. I wouldn't say it's normalfag, but you're right that it's shit tier. However as a viable meme it makes more sense than any of the three books in the OP, simply because of how ubiquitous it is.

>> No.14465717

If it's ubiquitous, it isn't a meme. Is Kendrick Lamar a meme?

>> No.14465718

how do you know about all these shit boards? leave now

>> No.14465725

Based, fuck hipsters

>> No.14465726
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>> No.14465751

You don't understand and you are a retard. I'm comparing something that is commonly known (the Bible) to something that is relatively obscure (Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest)
The Bible is easy to meme because people generally get the references, understand the joke and can generally relate. Other literature, such as the ones in the OP, are hard to meme effectively, because relatively few people will understand the meme or be able to relate, and more people won't buy into it because they haven't read it and don't get it.

>> No.14465758

The meme trilogy haven't been memes in a long time. Nobody talks about Ulysses and Infinite Jest here anymore, if they ever did. Joyce's fart letters get more airtime than his actual books. Gravity's Rainbow gets mentioned a lot more than the others but as the other anon said it's pretty inaccessible so there is a limit to how memable it is.
As far as actual literature goes Houellebecq feels far more central to current /lit/ culture than anyone else. If we're looking for a more rarified choice then Nabokov seems to fit nicely. In terms of poetry, I've seen a push to turn Pope and Dickinson into memes lately but I am not sure how successful that has been.

>> No.14465768

4chan memes aren't defined by being commonly known though. They're in-joks that are supposed to dab on the normalfags, the exact sort of people that would call the Bible the "good book" without any hint of irony.

>> No.14465804

The point he's making is that a community can't meme a book that the bulk of the community have not and will not read

>> No.14465824

I've read two of those books. Speak for yourself

>> No.14465840


>> No.14465848

>nobody here has actually read
i have, so fuck off

>> No.14465863

>Nobody talks about Ulysses and Infinite Jest here anymore
right, because the ones that like those books either gave up or left.
>create ulysses thread
>retards that never read it call it shit, and call OP pretentious
>with any luck, there's one serious reply in the entire thread
>but as the other anon said (GR) it's pretty inaccessible so there is a limit to how memable it is.
that's part of what makes him the book a meme, retard. It is supposed to be exit level books that best represent the culture of this board, and the trilogy did it perfectly, no other books could capture the essence of what this board once was.
no wonder the good ones all left.

>> No.14465882

>that's part of what makes him the book a meme, retard.
A book cannot be memed if nobody has read it, I don't know why you are incapable of getting this through your thick head. GR threads die a death very quickly. It is essentially a dead meme.

>> No.14465899
File: 179 KB, 504x756, joyce_pynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, I'll break it for you, newfags.
Those 3 books are memes because of the following facts:
1. they are long as fuck
2. they are complex, and this, coupled with the first fact, will put off any weak-willed, pretentious retards seeking attention and/or approval in here
3. they represent /lit/ perfectly. GR has drugs, degeneracy like scat, sex, autism; IJ has drugs, addiction, autism, suicide; Ulysses has jokes, humor with jews, discussions about hamlet, cuckoldry...
4. they are all excellent books.
True /lit/izens that say those books are memes have read them, and likely really enjoyed them, while the retarded "/lit/ards" are the ones that think those books are incomprehensible and pseud, and likely have not even tried reading them honestly.

did you even read the entire post?
>right, because the ones that like those books either gave up or left.

every chan was always a "secret club", every meme in every board is exit-level stuff, the memes are, on purpose, things that retarded newfags won't be able to appreciate. It's the essence of ANY and EVERY chan.

>> No.14465912

>sperging out and acting superior over books he has never read
The essence of /lit/ culture

>> No.14465937
File: 25 KB, 294x329, 1577818259642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pseuds set up meme trilogy as barrier to plebs
>plebs take over /lit/ anyway
>pseuds driven out
Nice one geniuses.

>> No.14465971

Blame the trumptards that raided this site.

>> No.14466163

/tv/ doesn't like TDKR, it is just constantly being memed

>> No.14466180

>le /pol/ boogeyman strikes again

>> No.14466191

Satantango is the only film worth watching.

>> No.14466198

wrong. there are plenty of films worth watching.

>> No.14466205

Satantango has some great shots, but a lot of the scenes drag on for too long (5-8 minutes)

>> No.14466210

But I have read them
They’re ok

>> No.14466221

Should I read V before Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.14466223

I got through IJ and GR without much trouble, but Ulysses is on a whole other level

>> No.14466230

It's not bad, but Avery Island is u ironically much better.

>> No.14466269

Yeah? Name one.
Wouldn't know, haven't seen it, just thought I would toss a really radical remark

>> No.14466293

It’s funny seeing pseuds say this shit and knowing full well they haven’t read anything they are criticising

>> No.14466301


>> No.14466324

Whenever I see some pic I don't recognize on here and I google image search it's always a bunch of /pol/ threads, a few /lit/ threads and then sometimes somewhere like /biz/, it's a real obvious problem and you should go back.

>> No.14466357

No such movie

>> No.14466416

How dare you call McCarthy middlebrow? Post your favorite authors.

>> No.14466420


>> No.14466428

>OP admits to being a pleb who hasn't read the basic memes of the board...
We had had Ulysses and GR read-along threads in 2019
Get a load of this guy

>> No.14466431

I finished V in my first try. I was a typical meme reader who took 2 tries to finish GR.

>> No.14466442

Can we update the trilogy and add The Recognitions instead of IJ? That way more people will read it hopefully.

>> No.14466444

V. is a lot easier and shorter than GR so it's a good idea if you're not an experienced reader. GR is also kind of a sequel to V. so there's that too.

>> No.14466456
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Fucking this right fucking here.

>> No.14466472
File: 134 KB, 812x852, 1516549371126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva is literally weeb GR

>> No.14466485

>I doubt 10% of people here have read Gravity's Rainbow, maybe not even 1%

Talk about irony lmao

>> No.14466502

you don't have to finish it, but you can try. You SHOULD read lot49 before though

>> No.14466507

get a load of this brainlet

>> No.14466598

Broke Trilogy: GR, Ulysses, IJ
Woke Trilogy: 2666, Blood Meridian, KJV

>> No.14466657

Does Woke mean shit now?

>> No.14466669
File: 33 KB, 470x252, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, replace those three with Horcynus Orca. It's better and it's one.

>> No.14466671

>Blood Meridian
Literal mutt-tier garbage. Read more.

>> No.14467050

>had had
Is this the power of pretending to read dead memes?

>> No.14467064

Thanks for that tedious excursion into your narrow preoccupations

>> No.14467070

>nobody here has actually read
Speak for yourself, faggot.

>> No.14467103

Heh, gottem.

>> No.14467128

Even weaker than his desu

>> No.14467142

He speaks for you too

>> No.14467233

That's why I told him to speak for himself. He's misrepresenting me.

>> No.14467271

From the wiki:
>The meme trilogy is ironically suggested to normies, newfags, redditor refugees, and /lit/izens in general whenever one of them asks for reading suggestions. While the works themselves should most certainly be read for their own merits, their complex structure, intricate use of advanced literary techniques, and meta-textual nature make them nearly inaccessible to the untrained or uninitiated reader. The suggestion of reading the meme trilogy is simultaneously serious and sarcastic, as it serves as a barrier of entry for readers who genuinely love the craft of literature and those who simply read as a time-killing hobby or in hopes of achieving pseud status. For this reason, the trilogy is held in high regard by /lit/ for both their literary artistry as well as their meme and shitposting potential.

>> No.14467402

God, the pseudry is nauseating

>> No.14467419

Not as much as your anti-intellectualism.

>> No.14467428

based, at least someone itt gets it

>> No.14467443

>GR threads die a death very quickly.
You obviously don't lurk enough. There are GR threads often, probably more often than the other two, and they actually get some good discussion occasionally.

>> No.14467454

because you have to dedicate less than an hour to listening to it, you have to dedicate a month or more to read one of these big boys, it's much easier to have watched most important movies than to read the whole canon

>> No.14467460

On /a/ nobody watches Eva anymore either.
If /lit/ has a posterchild book that everyone's read, surely it's the Bible, right?

>> No.14467467


>> No.14467476

>hasn't read the only good book that humanity has produced
oh no, /lit/ DOES lack culture

>> No.14467482

I didn't mean nobody's read it, I meant it isn't the "posterchild" book.

>> No.14467524

I pushed for this pretty hard back in 2014

But I wanted to replace Ulysses.

>> No.14467595

Since it's a mid 20th century postmodern novel it really should replace Gravity's Rainbow, but Gravity's Rainbow is my favorite so I don't want it replaced

>> No.14467602
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>pseuds unsuccessfully trying to use books they haven't read as pleb filter is intellectualism

>> No.14467609

>let's be like the others
DO IT....JUST....

>> No.14467625

>same 2 people post the same GR thread once a month which is lucky to get over 20 replies
What culture

>> No.14467640

Without no cornerstones there can be no consensus, without consensus there can be no culture

>> No.14467678
File: 2.40 MB, 2300x7450, TDKR LIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TDKR as told by /lit/

>> No.14467686

Isn’t part of the /Meme Trilogy/‘s memeability that nobody here has actually bothered reading them?

>> No.14467697

>they haven't read
Again, speak for yourself.

>> No.14467704

lurk more

>> No.14467720

>lucky to get over 20 replies
The best threads are the ones screenshots of some author's twitter talking about random politics that get 200 replies in an hour.

>> No.14467854

Well, complexity just describes the ceiling for how good something can be. A simple work will cap out in its quality sooner than a complex one will. Take for example how good any one line can be, vs an entire paragraph, vs an entire page. It doesn't matter which metrics you use to define good, the limits of a page are inherently much more far away than the limits of a single line. Likewise, the limits of what you can say in an 800 page book are much farther away than the limits of a 100 page book

>> No.14467872

Then start by reading them you annoying newfag.

>> No.14467894

No that’s just you my dude. Literally everyone else here has read them

>> No.14467946

hey m8 ulysses also has scat and sissy hypno femdom

>> No.14467979

I've read 2/3 of those books. I haven't read Ulysses but I have a copy and fully plan on reading it in 2020.

These books aren't difficult to read and Infinite Jest was one of the best books I've ever read. GR was good too but the prose made it hard to follow the plot.

>> No.14467986


>> No.14468134

I’ve read all 3. The Recognitions too. project harder nignogger.

>> No.14468423

>Sissy Hypno Femdom
Picked up.

>> No.14468444

Sure thing retard, be a bit more vague next time

>> No.14468457

McCarthy is peak middlebrow bro

>> No.14468458

Way to refute your own point lad

>> No.14468462
File: 22 KB, 241x400, les miserables cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin modernist/postmodernist trilogy of Ulysses/Gravity's Rainbow/Infinite Jest
>experimental for the sake of being experimental
>not enjoyable to actually read
>few people have actually read them
the chad 19th century trilogy of Moby-Dick/Les Miserables/War and Peace
>elevated prose that is still readable to the majority of the population
>timeless classics most people have read
>endearing characters, memorable scenes, and moments that are truly emotionally moving

>> No.14468466

totally based. Worst album I ever listened

>> No.14468484

It's safe to say that all slow cinema is for faggots who don't know the meaning of misery.
Just like the director in this case, who is constantly sucking suck about right wing politics and refugees but torturing a cat is apparently ok.

>> No.14468522

It's like 400 pages so not many people bring it up but it's fucking there

>> No.14468592

Pretty niggerlicious of you to say

>> No.14468593

so what is it? or who is a posterchild author almost everyone here has read?

>> No.14468603

Start from the beginning

>> No.14468619

but the meme trilogy is better than all this shit

>> No.14468649


>> No.14469151

Now this is new

>> No.14469274

fuck Jeff Mangum and fuck Anne Frank

>> No.14469300

Thanks for the mindless fluff.

>> No.14469304

I actually plan on reading each of these over the next few years for the challenge.

>> No.14469400

>Not the most pretentious anime there is.

>> No.14470093

I'm on a cross country trip listening to Infinite Jest.

My favorite part so far is the drunk dad in the garage monologue to his 10 year old 'going to be good at tennis' kid.

Half way through, but I'm pretty sure the book is about a tennis academy/school where something happens so everyone becomes addicted to... everything in some horrible nightmare.

I feel like... the number one player has to blow his brains out in front of everyone or something after killing the instructors.

>> No.14470135

Lain is probably more pretentious. Most Eva discussion is just Red vs. Blue Blue clearly being the correct choice and other such nonsense.

>> No.14471035
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>> No.14471172

not finnegan's wake

fucking newfag/

>> No.14471176

Watch your back.

>> No.14471363

i've read all three

twice, twice, and three times respectively

>> No.14471407

/tv/ is easily the most retarded of the blue boards. All they do is cheer the infantilization of manhood that's being pushed by the film industry.

>> No.14471442


>> No.14471444

At least they watch and discuss their memes

>> No.14471482

Lain is def the most pretentious, but also the best piece of non-literary media ever produced. Bladee's discog being a close second

>> No.14471529

I've been spending more time there lately. It's strange because I'm starting to really get into cinema but it's as if they don't even watch it. Literally the whole board is just
>Cast this actor without thinking
>Quick! Make up a movie plot in 1 sentence!
>The same goddamn Star Wars threads 24/7
>Lmao they replaced this franchise with a girl! U mad whiteboi???