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14503718 No.14503718 [Reply] [Original]

I'm considering leaving my girlfriend to try and become a catholic priest, is this a bad idea? We were both saving ourselves for marriage but the priesthood is calling for me

Literature that discourages this?
Literature that encourages this?

>> No.14503722

>priesthood is calling
how did you realize it?

>> No.14503737

I suffer from demons, or well sleep paralysis. But a few night ago I was falling asleep and I saw a huge black beast in my room but then appeared a great light that cast him out and someone reached out a hand from the light and I took it and then when I woke up I heard a voice saying "You know what must be done"

>> No.14503767

Did you have lingering thoughts about priesthood before the sleep paralysis?

>> No.14503772

See a doctor.

>> No.14503779

Is this a false-flag to make religious people seem like schizos or do they all really think this way?

>> No.14503780

>Literature that discourages this?
>Literature that encourages this?
1 Corinthians 7

>> No.14503787
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You're either larping or a schizo. Regardless becoming a priest is for faggots and pedophiles, so if you're one of those then I guess go for it.

>> No.14503794

Please take this seriously
Yes I've been talking to my family about considering it for a long time now and I've spoken to my local priest about it, since I wondered his thoughts about it

>> No.14503795

Don't fall for Catholicism. It's a brainwashed cult.

>> No.14503798

don't do it. reproduction and becoming a father is the best thing a man can do

>> No.14503800

Are you already Catholic?

>> No.14503805

more girls for me anon, go ahead.

>> No.14503808

What do you see in priesthood?

>> No.14503812

What did your priest say?

>> No.14503816

>I've spoken to my local priest
If he didn't tell you to see a doctor he should be held responsible for whatever happens when you have a breakdown.

>> No.14503817 [DELETED] 

You should read the gospel sometime. Jesus was exercising demons left and right, and one of the biggest perks of believing in him was the ability to exercise demons.

"Demons" have historically been the Christians' go-to answer to mental illness and other psychological problems.

>> No.14503828

Dont respond to the thread if you're just gonna post offtopic insults
I do so wish to become a father one day but this is also really important to me. I dont know my bible as well as I should but I do think I would make a decent priest
Yes I was born in an atheistic family but converted when I turned 20, I'm now 24

>> No.14503842

You should read the gospel sometime. Jesus was exorcising demons left and right, and one of the biggest perks of believing in him was the ability to exorcise demons.

"Demons" have historically been the Christians' go-to answer to mental illness and other psychological problems.

>> No.14503846

A way for me to spread the wonderous gospel and to help others. I always wanted to help others, thats why I'm starting med school in mid january actually. If I dont change and become a priest instead I'll be a doctor and help people that way.
He said that all great priests have visions that show them to take up priesthood one day but he hasnt had one yet, so he cannot be a great priest.
But he said he helps a lot of people some time before when I talked to him so I believe he's a great priest

>> No.14503847

It's not off topic. The Christian God isn't fucking real and you would be wasting your life on false nonsense. Read about becoming a Buddhist monk.

>> No.14503848

You should never, ever try to exorcise any demon unless you have been given the power of exorcism from a Bishop and he or another superior has given you permission.

>> No.14503853

I'm an atheist, but I think that >>14503798 is right. Today, the best way to please God is to marry and treat your wife as if she was The Holy Mother, and rise your son so that he will become a true Son of God.
As I said, I'm an atheist, so God here represents The Way of Life, a life with balance and virtue.

>> No.14503854

That was me bro. I was only joking.

>> No.14503862

If he said that he is wrong. Almost no great priests have visions. Personal revelation is extremely rare, and frankly, it is illicit for you to be sharing it with us here. How often do you pray?

>> No.14503886

I pray about 3 times a day on average I think, its a very low numbers and I will correct it

>> No.14503889

I agree with the others. Having children with your woman is the best way to honor God. Look into astral projection if you are interested in visions/sleep paralysis, which I'm guessing is what happened here.

>> No.14503897

Read chapter 26 of The Three Musketeers (Dumas). Aramis is thinking of becoming clergy and has a long boring theological discussion with some clerics until he gets a letter from his mistress telling him she still loves him, and he renounces the whole plan and gets debauched with d’Artagnan because they both know love is greater than the church.

>> No.14503898

How do you pray?

>> No.14503915

St. Paul:
>It is a good thing for a man not to touch a woman. [v.1] Indeed, I wish that everyone were like I am [celibate]. [v.7] I should like you to be free from anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord; how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world; how he may please his wife, and he is divided. [v.32] Are you free of a wife? Then do not look for a wife. If you marry, however, you do not sin, nor does an unmarried woman sin if she marries; but such people will experience affliction in their earthly life, and I would like to spare you that." [v.28] (see also Mark 12:18-27, Mtt 19:10-12, 2 Timothy Ch. 2:3)

Council of Trent:
>If anyone saith that the marriage state is to be preferred before the state of virginity, let him be anathema." [...] "writing to the Corinthians, [Paul] says: I would that all men were even as myself; that is, that all embrace the virtue of continence...A life of continence is to be desired by all.

St. Thomas Aquinas:
>Virginity is more excellent than marriage, which can be seen by both faith and reason. Faith sees virginity as imitating the example of Christ and the counsel of St. Paul. Reason sees virginity as rightly ordering goods, preferring a Divine good to human goods, the good of the soul to the good of the body, and the good of the contemapltive life to that of the active life.

>> No.14503916

Do you have a job already? If so then don't leave your girlfriend and start a family with her.
If you have sleep paralysis you might wanna see a doctor, shit like that can seriously fuck up your mental health if don't take care of it

>> No.14503932

Then do as you will. If you already know the answers to your questions then why ask.

>> No.14503937

>The spirit of Kevin Nash saving a man from the demon of 92 (circa 2020, colorized)

>> No.14503952

That is absolute bullshit. That is anti-human, it's complete human genocide propaganda, it's the same thing that the devil wants, it's the Evil for the sake of the Evil. That is not the Word of God.

>> No.14503956

Care to explain why?

>> No.14503959


>> No.14503960

Don't become a priest.

I had sleep paralysis also and fantasized about being a priest. You're just being messed with and will regret going down that path

>> No.14503963

>quotes from the literal Word of God
>That is not the Word of God

Anon demonstrates the breadth of human arrogance

>> No.14503968

Catholicism is the worst way to follow Christianity. Institutionalized religion is bad in general

>> No.14503970

Visions nearly all come from demons, just read about the desert fathers. Whenever you have visions about being a holy priest you know it's prelest. Demons or your ego trying to fool you with false ideas of your own holiness

>> No.14503972

Anon. We are dust. This life is like nothing compared to the life to come. Do not give up your inheritance for stew. Married life is good; Christ blessed the wedding at Cana. But consecrated life is better; this is the way of both Jesus and Mary and all the disciples. Of course, what is best is to do the will of God. If God wills for one to be married, it is better that he be married, even if celibacy is otherwise preferred. St. Paul affirms this in his letter to the Corinthians. Remember, Christ was born of a virgin. If every person were so devout as to consecrate themselves to the lord, do you really think God would punish mankind? Do not hold on so tight to your possessions or your fleshly delights.

>> No.14503973

What is there to explain? If that is true, and everyone decides to follow that bullshit, then no one will reproduce and it will be the end of the race of men.
Being a virgin is supposed to be a sacrifice, but it's way more demanding, hard and a greater sacrifice to have a successful marriage, to make your wife happy and educate your son properly. Being a virgin is not hard at all, you just need to play videogames and post on imageboards all day.

>> No.14503987

This is the most likely answer. While good things are sometimes shared in dreams, the dream itself cannot be taken as sign. One must always look for the fruits of Mary, the fruits of Christ, the seven virtues, and the fruits of the Holy Ghost. In our day, too many people are taught to crave and judge their piety by sensible consolation, but such an approach has been condemned by every mystic father.

>> No.14503988

>What is there to explain? If that is true, and everyone decides to follow that bullshit, then no one will reproduce and it will be the end of the race of men.
Ever heard of resurrection, sweetie?

>> No.14503998

Please take this seriously. Sleep paralysis is just your brain being in between states of function. To orient one's waking life around a singular moment of aberrant brain function is madness. Why would believers want someone like that as a leader? It's analogous to taking psychedelics one time and completely disregarding decades of lived experience for a few hours of aberration. Even christcucks deserve the best caliber of leaders possible. Someone with solid inner conviction rather than an externalized anointed one egotism.

>> No.14503999

Literally all of this is positive. We would all be one with God.

>> No.14504012

Are you saying that the Will of God is that we all stop reproducing and self-exterminate?

>> No.14504045

While significant portions of psychology have some validity, don't say "it is just..." or "it is only..." The altering of brain states would seem to be part of the phenomenon, but it does not explain by itself the particular images seen. Memory and the imagination belong, as ideological things without material properties, primarily to spiritual existence. While there is a strong likelihood that this dream is not a sign of any serious angelic or diabolic activity, it cannot be ruled out only be examining the psychological. The psychological questions must be asked in tandem with spiritual questions to see if this kind of experience is in keeping with supernatural activity.

>> No.14504046

>the dream itself cannot be taken as sign
God can send you dreams.

>> No.14504056
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It is a sign from God, my son.

>> No.14504061

The will of God is to become one with Him, that's why he sent Christ to teach us His ways.

>> No.14504075

Why not study theology studies at a university so you can become a priest. As you study hopefully it will help clear your mind and give you an answer. If you do become a priest and your girlfriend is a true Christian hopefully (while it will still be very sad) she will understand that you’ve been called to a greater purpose

>> No.14504077

ITT: Redditors replying to you.

It is well known that hypnagogic hallucinations, are not the result of delirium. In fact, August Kekule conceived of benzene's symmetrical closed structure under such a state. Neuroscience now reveals hypnogogia is the result of problem solving.

I don't believe in God but your brain is telling you to become a priest. It probably has a good reason. Go for it.

>> No.14504082


Please fuck off Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.

>> No.14504098

If you've been accepted into med school do that. You can always become a priest later in life or serve the church in a lay position. Marriage is a calling as well

>> No.14504107


Just like with cops and police brutality scandals, it literally the worst time to become a catholic priest with the whole pedo scandals going on. The inability of the church to properly deal with the issue has put me off religion.

>> No.14504121

That makes it more important than ever though for good, religious men to become priests. To help stop the poison and to bring back the priest as a trustworthy person. I do agree with you however that the church has not handled this situation well

>> No.14504130

You stating the opposite with equal false assurance of your "truth" is no better than the "redditors" you are mocking. You are one of them.

>> No.14504134

God can send dreams. But so can demons. Believing in the dreams themselves, because they are dreams, is a sin against the second commandment. Believing that God has spoken to you through your dreams requires great spiritual discernment. Given what God has revealed to us in the past, it would seem uncharacteristic for God to speak through dreams in an unclear fashion, or to say something which one could ordinarily discover for themselves, though, of course, it is possible. So, if one has the experience of a dream which seems profound, which seems spiritual in nature, one must carefully examine their conscience--does the dream or vision excite pride, does it lead to Joy in God, or Joy in Self; does it cause one to be more attentive to prayer or the mass; does one go to adoration more; what are the good fruits of the dream or vision? God tells us directly, we discern spirits by their fruits. The mystical fathers teach us that demons will even try to kill someone's faith by first giving false consolation. This is especially true for those who are new in their spiritual practice.

>> No.14504142

>w-what will people think about me? t-they will think im a bad person, so im not going to join wouldnt want anyone to think that
A good person wouldn't care. A bad person, such as yourself, would. It shows where you will lies, and will lead you.

>> No.14504156

I am sorry to hear that anon, but it is very poor reasoning. Either Catholicism is right, or it is wrong. The church has done worse and suffered worse; nothing about this scandal has any bearing on the church's claims of truth. Pray for faith.

>> No.14504165

It's tough. I'm happy to think that people are still interested in the priesthood, but I'm sad at the thought of you hurting your girlfriend. Do you really love her and wish to marry her? How do you think she will feel if you decide to become a priest?

>> No.14504171

Faith=hope=emptiness given weight. Pray for cope.

>> No.14504179

If you've already made a commitment to your gf, I don't know if you should leave her.

>> No.14504239

talk to a spiritual director

i recommend you to start praying the angelus 3x times a day. total of 9 hail marys. also learn the st. michael prayer

>> No.14504244

Faith and hope are distinct theological virtues.

>> No.14504281

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

I thought redefining words was the hobby of post modernists.

What value is there in insincere hope? All hope is certain or it is not worthy of declaration.

>> No.14504339

Why should I care how you try and define it, or what word games you play? The Catholic church has held the three theological virtues as Faith, Hope, and Charity for centuries. It is by the Church's teaching that these ideas came to the western world. Whatever anyone takes by these words that is different is a secular deceit.

>> No.14504505
File: 685 KB, 1200x1880, 1200px-St._Stephen_the_Martyr_(Omaha),_chapel_window_2,_Archangel_Michael,_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also suggest the Chaplet of Saint Michael, I started praying it recently in the mornings when I can and it's a very nice way to begin my day.

>> No.14504524
File: 68 KB, 578x745, El_greco_christ-blessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discern more. It might be a sign, but it might also be an illusion like others have said. I was recently staying with my girlfriends family and her sister has jumped ship into Pentacostalism (they're a Baptist family, I'm Catholic) and one morning she came out and said there had been a demon in her room but it's okay because she cast it out with the name of Jesus. Then the next morning she said 'Turns out that demon was just a pile of clothes on a chair, woops!' God and demons are real, but sometimes we get it wrong. I have also thought about becoming a priest after meeting some Sisters of Life and seeing how truly happy they were. But marriage is also a worthwhile vocation. Discern more ... a lot more.

>> No.14504561

While certainly, if one enters the priesthood God will give you what you need to be sanctified, regardless of your condition when you enter, it is good in the discernment process to seek not what is desirable for yourself, but what is desirable for God. All things should be done for the Glory of God. If one enters a religious vocation for happiness, one will likely be made sad first. Our vocations are not given in order to give us consolation; rather, we ought to take consolation in our vocation, regardless of what it is.

>> No.14504582

>Christcucks being literal cucks

>> No.14505629

I'm genuinely confused. Why can't Catholic priests get married? If they want to be helpful community leaders and champions of traditional family values, why do catholics insist on celibacy as a prerequisite for leadership?

>> No.14505656

Because those "family values" aren't actually all that traditional.

The Church has always encouraged celibacy. The insistence that everyone marry and have children is a pretty recent development, born from a fusion of 20th century American capitalism and Protestantism.

>> No.14505689

Bro, I literally quoted Hebrews 11. The authority of the actual fucking text supersedes your interpretation cult for pedophiles.

>> No.14505703


>> No.14505709

Because his main affection won't be God. Face it, most protestant ministers are just thinking about going home and cooming with their spouse.

>> No.14505712

The Roman Catholic Church is the only major religious group that opposes birth control. And they do this because unlike the Orthodox church, which buckled on this issue as fast as they could, they have a celibate priesthood.

>> No.14505726

Unironically cucked by Jesus. Might as well seek spiritual guidance from a piece of toast bearing the image of christ. At least the toast contains the aesthetic of a man.

>> No.14505729

Because the Catholic church’s focus is on God, not transient social issues.

>> No.14505730

>The Christian God isn't fucking real

Butterfly, please leave.

>> No.14505733

Whether you like it or not, the bible and christianity has been massive influence on western literature.

>> No.14505735

Something tells me letting Catholic priests get married is not going to solve the issue of them sodomizing altar boys.

>> No.14505763

The steam engine was once a massive influence on western culture. Then it got btfo by the internal combustion engine. Information destroys religion which is sustained by ignorance. The less ignorance the less room for religion to exist. Perhaps our ignorance is infinite and religion can coexist with information forever. Perhaps not.

>> No.14505783

I understand wanting to focus on God. That's a reasonable justification, but as long as there are humans there will always be families. It's not a transient phenomenon.

>> No.14505787

>these replies
When did this place become reddit?

>> No.14505788

Can christcucks get any more retarded?

>> No.14505796

It was just your gf trying to get some you fag.

>> No.14505849

Then the laity will start families. The Church has never required that we all become priests. In fact, i think, a small minority of catholics are priests and the rest are just normies. Like me. I am a catholic and also not a priest.

>> No.14505853

>am a catholic and also not a priest

>> No.14505855

Because you’d have to be a fool to want to marry a catholic man.

>> No.14505933

Unrelated but I've felt depressed lately. I don't mean lame ass depression where I don't have enough serotonin or something. I've just somehow managed to calculate 0 from every single meaningful thing in existence. I really hate my job and I hate that I'm hired by usurious entities to help them burden people with debt. I hate that I'm unable to spend any money I earn because of the overwhelming feeling that I'll never have enough money to pursue things that are enjoyable. I'm dating the perfect girl and I may break up with her because I don't want to make her unhappy with my violent temper and inability to access lasting joy. I hate that I can't tap into my capacity for empathy without making myself drunken or high. Suicide calls but I have too much pride to allow the universe to win and I also know that it in itself is a futile act. Recently I've considered quitting my job and trying to find work as a missionary. If I am going to force myself to endure life and all endeavors of the self leave me empty then why not just let someone else benefit? I'd like to think myself a christian but I also maintain plenty of cynicism. I have no idea if there are actually callings for anything but I feel like shit and I'm just not doing anything else with myself. I don't know if I'm past saving and I don't believe I have any use for myself but surely others out there might. Honestly I'm at a loss, fellas.

>> No.14505954
File: 1.60 MB, 1276x1920, 5b0116ad-a507-490f-b9d2-88fbf7c30109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I believe what you say and I believe you may indeed be called to the priesthood. You should speak with a priest to get clarification on your call.

Also, if you're deciding what type of priest to be, I might personally recommend becoming a Dominican. The Dominicans are rad as hell.

>> No.14505963

do you really think you can fix the church? if you can't, i don't see why you'd bother with them. i mean, look at the pope - they're just as much atheists as protestants, or even as people who don't even go to church, rote repetition of traditional rituals notwithstanding
you should go where life is, and if you can't find any then making your own seems a fine alternative

>> No.14505970

The Catholic Church is the only Church that matters, all the rest of them are irrelevant.

>> No.14505973

Which catholic church will you be joining? Paul's church? Post-Vatican II church? Post-Vatican I church?

>> No.14505978

You can probably do more for the world and the faith by having >5 kids desu

>> No.14505996

It's more about getting well-adjusted men into the Priesthood and thus a lower percentage of nonces.

>> No.14505999

if catholicism entails suffering and injustice, the question of its truth does not pertain--it is a hypocritical truth. i believe humanity has no use for catholicism. regardless, i hope you talk to some ex-priests as well as current ones

>> No.14506005

Can I join the church as a priest if I'm married and have a kid already?

>> No.14506013

this thread isn't your diary, kid.

>> No.14506027

It was prelest

>> No.14506073

>Can I join the church as a priest if I'm married and have a kid already?
Not unless your wife dies.

>> No.14506076

Begome orthodox, marry your girl, grow a beard, and begom orthodox priest

>> No.14506080

Become a priest.

>> No.14506099

I'm planning to do something similar to what the early Christians did. baptism was reserved for the deathbed as it washed you clean of all your sins.

I plan to live in this world until my mid 30s, but then enter the priesthood. I wish to get an adequate education before I do, learn Latin, and set my affairs in order.

This has been my plan since 2014, and I have now graduated and have done 2 years of Latin at uni. Right now I took a year off to experience what the wageslave life is like. I will reenter university next year, get my masters, get my PHD after that and see where life takes me. The priesthood has been calling me for a long time, but I'm not yet ready.

>> No.14506126

The church allows married priest from other denominations like Anglicanism and Orthodoxy to retain their families if they wish to convert to Catholicism but you're not a priest so no.

>> No.14506147

There is literally no religion on Earth that hasn't done things as bad as the Catholic Church has done, or worse.

>> No.14506151

based domini canis

>> No.14506176

> Not believing in existence itself

>> No.14506258

why aren't you in seminary anon. they'll handle your postgrad training.

>> No.14506315

are you me?
I thought about that for a while but after reading the thread and seeing what Prelest was I'm afraid it was just vanity from the early stages of spiritual life.
I remember a dream in which I had to asnwer a form with personal info and one of the questions was about my religion and at the time I wasn't in any church (and that still the case) but it was the early stages of me thinking about conversion and I just said: Coptic Christian even though there isn't a coptic church nearby. Since then I flirted with Orthodoxy and I'm still unsure what I should be doing.
I hope we both manage to find solace and take the right decision

>> No.14506330

I was born a Catholic, and I will die a Catholic.

I read Tolstoy's spiritual writings - Father Sergius, The Forged Coupon, Resurrection, Master and Man - and I wanted to truly live what I believed like the characters in these stories.

>> No.14506348

I know man, I'm just not feeling myself.

>> No.14506349

Maybe you're afraid of having sex with her. You need to come to terms with your own insecurities and fears before you commit to something like priesthood or you'll become one of those corrupt depraved faggot priests.

That your brain is even searching for totalizing solutions to "solve this once and for all" should be a red flag for you regarding your emotional state. Start being honest with yourself and with others. Don't keep your feelings inside.
Institutions are the only thing that prevents traditions from going off the rails. Your opinion is uninformed 2007 era Youtube atheist tier.

>> No.14506434

all of those religions are superfluous, just like catholicism

>> No.14506478

Have you talked to your local seminarian? You don't need to be a priest to live a life in service to God. Now more than ever the Church needs lay members to defend it from external and internal threats.

>> No.14506975

The huge black beast was Jamal from blacked.com coming to do missionary work on your wife

>> No.14507672

Basically what this guy said >>14505709
And kind of what these guys said >>14505656 >>14505729
Another reason is that it discourages corruption

>> No.14507674
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>> No.14507898

>Wants to join the Catholic priesthood
Bad idea. I guess you'd be better than the homos, though.

>Everybody who has scary dreams should see a doctor

>> No.14507924
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>> No.14507944

This is a really bad reason to leave your partner as well as become ordained.

>> No.14507949

Some do, but the Catholic church is officially not keen on it since Vatican II and not happy about that shit before because frankly it's very pagan.

>> No.14507957

More like cuckolic haha

>> No.14508062

Does one have to become a priest? Could I be a monk or something? Like what other jobs are available?

>> No.14508088
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>I was falling asleep and I saw a huge black beast in my room but then appeared a great light that cast him out and someone reached out a hand from the light and I took it and then when I woke up I heard a voice saying "You know what must be done"

>> No.14508094

you could always do what my grandfather did and be a deacon and still get married. he was based af and a godly man but still had kids and now Im here thank you granpa!

>> No.14508103
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This thread is awful

>> No.14508120

deacons can't have sex once they're deacons

>> No.14508887

Begone Satan, drink your own poison yourself.

>> No.14508892

>Institutions are the only thing that prevents traditions from going off the rails

Yes, this is why they are bad.

>> No.14508918

>because frankly it's very pagan

>> No.14508930
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Read Confessions. St. Augustine was struggling like you.

>> No.14509024

Ah, yes. The literal word of god, on a piece of paper. Truly divine.

>> No.14509045

I hate science and I still think shit like this is cringe.

>> No.14509285

you don't need to go across the world to do it either
and don't just donate money
go out and help people

>> No.14509289

Getting the local holy man to remove bad juju with mantras and chants is one of the most pagan things out there.

>> No.14509304

TIL: Jesus was a pagan

>> No.14509319

>Leaving your partner

>> No.14509333

He's catholic.

>> No.14509441
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Dominican priests are limited to be diocesan priests, no? A Jesuit can do anything, including study physics and run for office. Hence, they are more based. A traditionalist Jesuit is going to be much more influential than someone tied to a Church. If you want to live an aesthetic lifestyle like the Diary of a Country Priest character, then Dominican is the way to. Jesuit is the way to go if you want to bring the inquisition back.

>> No.14509524

Become orthodox, marry your GF, then switch to the catholic church. There's some procedure where they'll let you keep her.

Or just go for the Eastern Catholic Church. It is catholic organizationally, but it has essentially Orthodox practice, so you can be a married catholic priests without breaking any rules.

>> No.14509559

Celibacy is about loving god over all else, but as a practical matter, disallowing priest to marry and have kids was about avoiding troubles with inheritance laws and corruption - if the priest has kids to leave things to (and nobles usually shipped off a kid to become a priest) you would have the church tied up in all sorts of local politics around land and property etc. Save the church a lot of headaches to disallow marriage at the time, but now the priesthood is full of fags, and we know that religiosity and fertility are partially heritable, so priests should be getting hitched and making a dozen babies.

>> No.14509847

That would suck for your girl.

>> No.14509853

That's literally what jesus did

>> No.14509874

because the pope wanted the riches of priests during the middle ages, so he made them give up marriage. So instead of the land and money of the going to the family it goes back to the church

>> No.14509883

Tell this to any priest and they will tell you you shouldn't become a priest

>> No.14509993

He has deep longing for cock.

>> No.14510007

You should know 7-8 years of education then serving as a deacon for about 6 months is required to become a priest, 4 years of a bachelor's and 3-4 years of an accredited master in divinity (Greek, theology, philosophy, church history, Bible study, etc.). If you want to advance to bishop you'll need to have a PhD.

>> No.14510021

Or just have anus ready when cardinal comes to visit, after that progression is quick

>> No.14510288

Ask your priest for fuck sake

>> No.14510305


>> No.14510318

>We were both saving ourselves for marriage


suppresing your own homosexuality is a bad thing anon. And you were the only one who was saving.

>> No.14510411

There's a book in Lithuanian literature that deals with exactly this sort of thing and it's shoved down our throats in high school.
TL:DR guy becomes priest, even though he loves this chick then he realizes that he doesn't like being a priest and wants to be a poet but the church doesn't let him express himself fully in his writings which he wants to use as an outlet to let out all his suppressed sexual frustration and then he can't stop getting boners over chicks but doesn't want to stop being a priest because he'll disappoint his parents then he meets some rich pseud bitch and talks to her and gets a stiffy and she talks him out of being a priest and then he finds some chick and he fucks her and then quits and becomes a poet lol!

>> No.14510420

>All buddhists are gay

>> No.14510437

>It was not until ecumenical meetings of the Catholic Church at the First and Second Lateran councils in 1123 and 1139 that priests were explicitly forbidden from marrying.
For no reason but (((money))).

>> No.14510446

>divine doctrine changes over time

>> No.14510467

did he say anything about becoming a buddhist monk? Show me where.

if he's in a relationship with a woman and they don't have sex and he wants to leave her and become a catholic priest then only having a dick in your anus is stronger sign of gayism

>> No.14510481 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14510535

cringe materialist

>> No.14510737

I used to think the same thing until recently I met some benedictine monks and they are some of the most honest and open minded people I've ever met, on top of being very well read.

>> No.14510832

Catholicism is a false religion watch this vid or search salvation is easy as abcd on youtube. Dont do it anon theyll teach you work salvation


>> No.14511381

You're a freak and we don't need psychos like you in positions of religious authority

>> No.14511392

don’t listen to redditors, they don’t understand what happens when you tread the narrow path. The dream is concerning and the only person you should be speaking to about it is your priest.

>> No.14511404

>Do not hold on so tight to your possessions or your fleshly delights.
Be honest, do you masturbate?

>> No.14511406

Read John Chrysostom. The best marriages rival the holiness of the holiest monks

>> No.14511420

>then appeared a great light that cast him out and someone reached out a hand from the light and I took it
That was me. Do you want to become my disciple?

>> No.14511520

What the fuck would a doctor do about sleep paralysis?

>> No.14511621

you are a fool an deserve everything bad that will happen to you
>gets message from Christian demon (yes christianity is demonic; that is the biggest lie christianity has ever told that it is against demons)
>follows advice of obvious christian demon
Utter fool

>> No.14511764

If you believe in Jesus, then why don't you believe Him when He says eucharistic bread and wine are His actual body and blood?

>> No.14512127
File: 49 KB, 388x291, 6A9ED2F6-92C9-43AD-B44B-41C117FF04C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he’s smarter than the evangelists.

>> No.14512209

Remember, the devil can take all forms. Watch the passion of the Christ to awaken from your paralysis.