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14520979 No.14520979 [Reply] [Original]

Three most popular "philosophers" alive:
1) Claims he is Marxist and has a Stalin image in his room despite Stalin having nothing to do with Marxism (Zizek)
2) Claims he is philosopher and calls all post-modern philosophy being marxist in disguise. All marxist literature he had read was the communist manifesto (Peterson)
3) Promotes accelerationism and is transhumanist, which speaks for itself (Land)

At this point is it possible for the world to get someone as talented as, say, Foucalt, Deleuze or Baudrillard?

>> No.14521000

I know Zizek says the Stalin poster is just to annoy people

and is Land really that popular outside of niche internet circles?

>> No.14521002

byung chul han

>> No.14521021

Haven't heard of the last guy, but I think Zizek and Peterson are well-known mainly because they know how to use the media to their advantage, they have tons of material on YouTube, they utilize the mass media to constantly project an image of themselves. Right now there are probably a few philsophers around as clever as Foucault, but nobody has head of them. Nobody had heard of Wittgenstein while he was alive expect a few autists at Cambdridge

>> No.14521040
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I still chain myself to Nietzsche up to this day. No more, no less.

>> No.14521041

land isnt that famous outside of edgy peopole circles

>> No.14521050

like the only people who know of land are far right super nerds and far left super nerds. and half of them think that he is a nutter

>> No.14521079

I never saw Jordan Peterson saying that he is a philosopher.

>> No.14521391

To be fair, Zizek is more of a Marxist than Deleuze, even if Zizek is shit tier.
Deleuze claims to be a "Nietzschean Socialist", which speaks for itself

Jreg and Quentin are unironically the best philosophers alive at the moment

>> No.14521397

What about Peter Sloterdijk?

>> No.14521478

Dude you literally completely wrong on all of them, Land is obviously not a transhumanist (or any other form of -humanist), Peterson never said any of it, Stalin is just as Marxian as Zizek is Lacanian.

>> No.14521490

Post Modern Philosophy IS Neo Marxism, but its not in disguise. The only thing peterson got wrong about that was thinking that Postmodernists arent openly Marxists.

>> No.14521514

Nihilism killed "philosophy" many many years ago. Stop being weak and embrace the void.

>> No.14521666

wrong, neo marxism core values are totally opposite to the post-modern philosophy core values. At the very first, post-modern philosophy denies historical materialism while marxism is being constructed on it.

>> No.14521723

Deleuze, a self-proclaimed Marxist, is a Postmodernist.

You are correct with saying they reject historical materialism, thats why I separate the terms "Neo" Marxist from regular "Orthodox" Marxist, like Zizek.

But Deleuze, the most well known Postmodernist, DOES claim to be a Marxist.

>> No.14521725

>I know Zizek says the Stalin poster is just to annoy people
based or cringe?

>> No.14521753

Zizek would be Based if he wasnt in denial about being an unironic Stalinist

>> No.14521965
File: 574 KB, 446x564, Joe_Rogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the greatest mediator and catalyst of idea in all of the internet.

>> No.14521968

Wow, you have absolutely no idea what philosophy is, do you?

>> No.14522313

anon is so fucking right all you fuckers can't even imagine

>> No.14522940

>He doesn't know about Luciano Floridi, Massimo Pigliucci, Markus Gabriel, Ray Brassier, Reza Negerastani, Nick Srniceck, Pete Wolfendale, Ian Halmiton Grant, Suhail Malik, Helen Hester, Peter Sloterdijk, Phillip Goff, or Hilary Lawson.

You're such a neophyte.

>> No.14522948
File: 103 KB, 500x500, jason-reza-jorjani-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is dead

>> No.14523003

Here is the true mind blowing realization:

Foucalt, Deleuze and Baudrillard were the Zizeks, Petersons and Lands of their generation. You only value them differently because of some vague notion that the older things were more cult.

If Foucalt, Deleuze and Baudrillard were permanently scrutinized, 24/7, on TV, twitter, youtube and whatnot, for every little thing they said on every topic, being forced to debate students in college campuses and shit like this, you would quickly realize they are all as dumb as a door as well.

If you exclusively knew Zizek/Peterson/Land from their best written ideas, devoid of this image you have from constantly seeing them make idiots of themselves in media, you would surely have them in higher regards.

If Plato existed in this current ultra connected word of constant vigilation it is likely he would end up saying some wrongthink and getting #cancelled, being forced to then defend himself publicly against things that didn't even matter to him in the first place, at which point he might say all kinds of nonsense.

>> No.14523025

>Stalin... having nothing to do with Marxism
You do realize that Hitler's not the only dictator to write books right? Stalin may or may not have been genocidal but more importantly he was also a Marxist theorist. As was Mao.

>> No.14523173

Deleuze was a Marxist in the same sense he was any -ist, which mean he fucked Marx in the ass and produced a monstrous baby that Marx would be horrified with. he is against dialectics as a whole

>> No.14523221

most of those people are commies m8

>> No.14523324

We would have Foucault coomer memes and both he and Deleuze would be considered nonces for signing that Age of Consent petition in France.

>> No.14523339

>Stalin having nothing to do with Marxism

>> No.14523345

Nice cope for your daddy Peterson getting exposed.

>> No.14523459

>Foucalt, Deleuze and Baudrillard were the Zizeks, Petersons and Lands of their generation.
None of these people are philosophers.

>> No.14523786

name literally one original thing he has said

>> No.14524593
File: 35 KB, 388x388, comfy boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the oogaboogapill

>> No.14524649

>At this point is it possible for the world to get someone as talented as, say, Foucalt, Deleuze or Baudrillard?

Read Nietzsche beyond good and evil's chapter "To us the scholared"

He explains perfectly why no one can reach that lever anymore on the first couple of pages.

>> No.14524662

>If Plato existed in this current ultra connected word of constant vigilation
but we already have stories of diogenes making fun of him, he was a retard.

>> No.14524686

And that would be an entirely correct appraisal of them

>> No.14524702

Stalin’s theoretical contributions amount to a mediocre textbook on Leninism (useless, there is no need to read it when one can just read Lenin) and a very very stupid polemic against anarchism.

>> No.14524808

he is neo-marxist if being neo-marxist means having read marx and critiquing society. Which would include every philisopher and intellectual that came after marx. Of course, only beterson-braincels believe in cultural postmodern neo-marxist meme. I am self-proclaimed postmodern accelarationist with influence from pre-marxian hegelian dialetical sissy-materialism.

>> No.14524815

not polemic could be more stupider then actual anarchism.

>> No.14524886

if you want to learn philosophy read
>plato or nietzsche
>max stirner - the ego and its own
>rene descartes
these are pretty basic to get the ball rolling, after that you can either dive deeper into western ego based philosophy or branch out to eastern texts with stuff like sun tzu, dao do ching or some zen stuff
rene descartes gives you solid foundation with ergo cogito sum, max stirner releases you from spooks and plato / nietzsche should get your nogging joggin