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File: 135 KB, 1280x720, bambap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14554430 No.14554430 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14554465

if women like it it must be good

>> No.14554496

Pseud-tier self-help for social rejects with masculinity issues

>> No.14554578

Read the book few months ago. I can hardly recall anything substantial from the book. The last chapter where he urges the reader to join and inflitrate the military is laughable.

>> No.14554584

Stop shilling this garbage.
Find some other garbage to read

>> No.14554633

Is this another book by a comfortably middle class guy extolling the hardships of primitive life?

>> No.14555149

the cover of the book has a giant turd

>> No.14555162

BAP sucks. The aesthetic is a just too forced from him and his ilk. There’s so much performance on how Slavic/athletic/intelligent/artistic they are, yet most of it is just insistence and nothing of substance. If you were actually intelligent or cultural or adventurous you wouldnt have to pathologically keep loudly insisting you were to legions of frog followers and insecure anons

>> No.14555172

Midwit filter. Intelligent types agree with his assessment of Western society and how it has to die, dumbasses want to beat up vermin in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Midwits recoil in terror at the prospect of not doing what CNN/WaPo/Chapo tell them is popular.

>> No.14555173

Her skin seems really soft, probably salty. Fuck Im lonely

>> No.14556237

Can someone explain to me not the subject of the book, but the story behind it? Is it a self-publishing success story that blew up on 4chan because it validates young male discontent?

>> No.14556277 [DELETED] 

Why is that woman reading it? Is it a YA novel or something?

>> No.14556288

t. hasn't read the book

>> No.14556297

It really looks like a fucking cheap magazine.

>> No.14556303

psst kid... check out this contraband masculinity
in this book you're gonna read about cool things like 1) taming the pussy 2) might is right 3) and the jews, what are they hiding?

>> No.14556304

you sound like you don't like reading

>> No.14556307

Self-publish some mothshit for /lit/ to seethe over.

>> No.14556314

not even a BAPtist but this is the case

>> No.14556322

I don't like reading rubbish is all m8

>> No.14556331

u sound rly smrt nyaaa

>> No.14556412
File: 107 KB, 591x480, 1579144687182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booklength shitpost by an erudite /fit/izen repulsed by the modern world. An exhortation to male beauty and vitality.

>> No.14556960

The „We wuz kangs n shit for practitioners of the unintentional celibate „

>> No.14556966

Fucking kek

>> No.14557091

I'm just a run of the mill libtard but from what I read I found it kind of enjoyable. It's nothing sophisticated, just a thoughtful person sharing their thoughts, authentically. I didn't agree with a lot but on account of the authenticity it still felt like substance, and an interesting perspective. It's good to read people with different views from your own, compare it to a conversation with an interesting person.

>> No.14557172

not an argument

>> No.14557176

far from it
its an upper class chad extolling the virtues of running around being a total chad with impunity

>> No.14557187

way to fucking comment my guy
when will you understand that celebrating your factually real ancestry is not wewuzzing?
west african american negro hybrids saying they are the sons of pharaohs is wewuzzing

>> No.14557205 [DELETED] 

this is probably the most depressing part of the "alt-right" or whatever you want to call it, this obsession with conscious representation of things and lack of emphasis on actual lived reality
there are exceptions of course, like your typical mosque shooter a la brenton tarrant or smaller-scale variants, but they're pretty rare compared to people who post pictures of random european sculptures and fashwave shit on /pol/ all day

>> No.14557231 [DELETED] 

Does it say anything racist?

>> No.14557241

Stop being a tranny faggot

>> No.14557257

I wouldn't want these people living out this 'reality' anyway. It's impotent in this ridiculous aestheticised form. Effete moodboards for people who enjoy shitting on ""toxic masculinity""

>> No.14557274

This. Only insecure midwits strut their stuff like that like an aged woman past her prime.

>> No.14557282

you can say that about any group

>> No.14557289

>The last chapter where he urges the reader to join and inflitrate the military is laughable.
What? How does he think that's possible?

>> No.14557296
File: 74 KB, 500x625, Dl1PwQ6U4AAAuDK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude is fit

>> No.14557306

he's on the juice

>> No.14557310

Don't shoot up your school, please.

>> No.14557314
File: 46 KB, 567x394, Amy Nekrotique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a tan
i hope she has fun when she has wrinkles in her 20's

pic related is like 37 but looks 18-20's because she never tans

>roid veins

>> No.14557315

You think it's difficult to join, and be promoted in, the US military?

>> No.14557321

That woman is your proof that staying indoors all day preserves beauty?

>> No.14557335

Wait so what are you saying, they need to "enact their will" for them to be successful/taken seriously? Also why are you talking about Tarrant? Would a bunch of "right wing" terrorists going around shooting people be better then these kids/introverted adults posting fashwave in this shithole? Why don't you talk about actually successful people like Orban or that other guy from Hungary for example? But why would it matter honestly? Tis but a dream within a dream after all

>> No.14557338

i don't think that's true - the left practically worships hedonism, which is by definition a lived experience
the right's ethos is all about striving towards some lofty goal (get fit, read theory, become the next hitler, save europe, etc), but everything done in pursuit of that is second-order, the desire to do them is born from conscious desire, not unconscious drive
the left's ethos on the other hand is all about finding little twisted desires and fetishes and base urges that everyone has the potential to develop and growing them into full-blown lifestyles and "identities" and political demographics, like fungus in some kind of vile petri dish. that people actually live this out is critical to the power the people who enable and encourage these desires derive from it and the continued desire to indulge further in it
the left's experiences are things unto themselves, while they're certainly not born of the good or even innate parts of the human psyche, they're at least "genuine" in the sense that they didn't sit down and decide for completely conscious political reasons to do them like some sort of political lesbian
the right has first-order experiences too, mind you, but they're quite rare, and tend to result in lengthy prison sentences or death

>> No.14557392
File: 107 KB, 712x1024, Victorian Goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not saying that can't leave the house, just that they should avoid tanning.

>> No.14557434

Modern leftist support for hedonism is a species of antiracism. It accepts "gay" for example as essentially equivalent politically to "black" or "Jewish", so if you hold negative attitudes towards gay people, what does that say about what you think must about blacks? How dare you?

>> No.14557471

it's probably where their aggressive ideological confidence comes from: the dysfunctional split from knowing that media representation is misleading, while also having knowledge of the modern world only through said media. People acting under that sort of dissonance end up with a blind vigor, like a narcissist who gets crazier as they accumulate bad experiences on account of their narcissism that should contradict their elevated self image, and they push through with new force instead of going back on it all - the window for the latter being narrower each time.
So the alt-right snowballs into isolation and confusion, believing it to be growth, but in reality burrowing further and further away from society, mistaking labor for progress.

>> No.14557485

If it's written in the last 30 years it's very likely garbage. Wait till the thrash gets cleaned up and see what survives. Otherwise you're just reading political propaganda and worthless trendy shit

>> No.14557488
File: 163 KB, 640x400, ENjYnBzWwAY-RBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this obsession with conscious representation of things and lack of emphasis on actual lived reality
Valid point, there definitely is a LARPyness to BAPism, but Jesus dude, maybe a little LARPyness is inevitable if you want to break against this feminized era of anti-excellence. What's the harm in listening to a little Wagner in the gym to eke out a new personal record? BAM is all about subverting the overseriousness, the dourness, of the times. Of not being cringe and gay in public but rather attractive, bold, playful and fun. You know, the story of Hippocleides and all that. And even if this all seems LARPy now, the later sections of BAM underscore the need for men to take those ideals of strength, beauty, and vitality into the real world. Maybe the examples are too lofty for now--i don't see zoomers becoming mercenaries in Africa any time soon--but why not start building the ethos?

>> No.14557496

Every side has it's ups and downs, but the left is not without "get fit/read theory" shit at all. Anything but. It's the internet right that concerns themselves with this as an ethos, but it's mainly theoretical for them, they're rarely actually getting fit. On the whole, liberals are far more fit and skilled than conservatives. It goes along with the whole participating in society thing.
As far as the internet goes, there are definitely more theory-reading conservatives, but I don't think that's a virtue of conservatism, I think it's a consequence of social isolation. Socializing pulls your attention away from all that, now more than ever.

>> No.14557499
File: 157 KB, 1242x1842, 1579249508860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut Walks for Manlarpers.

>> No.14557563
File: 386 KB, 2048x1536, ENJNHHIUUAUrQBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds BTFO

>> No.14557603

post pdf

>> No.14557678
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, The final boss of porn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hot

>> No.14557888

how about you climb a mountain then take a picture with it at the peak. i can drive 15min from where i live, sit on a beach, and take a selfie; takes no fucking effort whatsoever.

she is indeed a qt, and has a good personality. 10/10 wife material.

beach thots, on the other hand, are trash and age like grapes.

>> No.14557905

I feel dumb because I always thought the "bronze age pervert" was a photo shopped meme

>> No.14557926

quirky pseudonyms seem to be the new fad

>> No.14557935

Oh yeah. You’d seethe over it alright.

And cakes on a pound of foundation.
True not tanning can help save white breads skin though.

>> No.14557956

>And cakes on a pound of foundation.
im like 90% sure that she did a video without makeup before and she looked the same.

>True not tanning can help save white breads skin though.
we white breads have the nicest skin. our skin looks clean and elegant, like porcelain. pooskins look like, well... poo.

>> No.14557961

I liked this essay by BAP better than the book:


>> No.14557965


>> No.14557979

wtf is this book about, and should i buy it or not?

>> No.14558076

It is about everything, and yes you should buy it. It is much better than I expected it to be.

>> No.14558086
File: 1.67 MB, 1600x1200, 1579311199304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is superior.

>> No.14558103

So BAP does post here.

>> No.14558109

Lol :3

>> No.14558154

I'm not BAP. Can't your hear my accent? BAP has way different accent.

>> No.14558212

That's not BAP. He just regularly posts jacked dudes on his twitter timeline. No one knows what BAP looks like or if he even lifts

>> No.14558226


you can find the download here. Just scroll down and there's an adobe download of the book

>> No.14558236
File: 53 KB, 1172x675, Apu Sips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty famalam. is it really written by (((moldbug))) though? i dont feel like wasting my time with NRx garbage.

>> No.14558347

Idk it's written by this slavic guy. I don't think anyone knows who he truly is

>> No.14558550

stop evading my filter

>> No.14558620
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200109-223041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how pronounce "doge"

>> No.14558664


>> No.14558675
File: 1.05 MB, 927x1180, DD0D1E56-ED32-45DD-9BB0-CC4A50094842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14558681

>not an argument
That's not a argument ether

>> No.14558685

But Butterfly, its more of a phonetic representation. The original ‘pige’ post was spelled:

pig e.

I’m sure something similar was intended for doge. :3

>> No.14558707
File: 316 KB, 1280x862, 04C6ACC3-133B-48AD-8E1D-702FFFF851D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is simply “doje” to me

>> No.14559299
File: 79 KB, 1024x762, EAE2Nq_XkAAtXvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14559304

dumbasses are as usual the most based

>> No.14559318

>keep in mind Yarvin is a poet
ive read Age of Adidas and the second hand embrassment i got is matched only by Ernest Clines attempts at slam poetry

>> No.14559325

you cannot even muster the dignity to capitalise "I", toad

>> No.14559341
File: 6 KB, 250x223, 4A462E04-0E26-4ECE-BBDB-88ACEBE95114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of beta lefties on this board that feel threatened, almost alerted, immediately when a non-Marxist book is posted in a thread is beyond comedy. Not only are you fags afraid to leave your home because of the next potential white shooter, or the local chad beating you up at a bar or gym, but you’re also afraid of people sharing their opinions anonymously.

You MUST have your echo chambers. It’s fucking cringe is what it is.

>> No.14559396

Is this thread all satire? Because that's all the book was..

>> No.14559537

god is serbia stpid albania dog

>> No.14559556

>haha people can't really believe this stuff, right? RIGHT??

>> No.14559719

Seething is love, seething is life!

>> No.14559722

I still don't get if I should take this book as an sincere approach or one big shitpost with critique of the current system in between the lines.
Because some say others got "filtered" when this meta-layer isn't directly addressed in a critique on the book. But then there are people like >>14559556 who say the tales in the book are to be believed at face value.

I suppose that the lot who consider this book high-brow and witty are proud of the fact that they figured out this rather obvious style-element used by BAP.
If so then that is pretty embarrassing.

>> No.14559733

Nietzche throught right-wing lens. BAP is a well read man so you should keep in mind that every mistake in the book is actually intentional. They serve aesthetic purposes and work in your mind without you knowing it. You are constantly reading what seems to be inane shit before you are hit with a genuine interesting perspective on the classics, Nietzche, Shopenhauer and modern american politics. This is intentional. I believe that without his "mistakes" and odd wordings this book wouldn't be nearly as interesting as it is.

>> No.14559764

You are missing the point.
Read this:>>14559733
The book is both an honest right wing nietzchean perspective applied to a pletora of topics and a giant shitpost. I am a left-wing christian and couldn't be more delighted by a book.
His perpective on Homer's Illiad for example is the exact opposite of mine. I was convinced by Simone Weil's "the greek fountain" to see it as a tragic tale of war and the cyclical nature of violance. BAP gave me the opposite.

>> No.14559781
File: 208 KB, 576x541, 1553153049991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty girls are nice
hot girls are snotty cunts
girls with nice faces are nice
girls with nice bodies are human garbage on the inside

>> No.14559808

Transcendental Homoeroticism
>It is only through a lot of unnatural cosmetics (which includes not only makeup, but plastic surgery, fancy clothes, hair removal, tanning, and so on) plus extreme efforts that go beyond nature (extreme dieting, physical exercise far more than is normal, and so on) that woman can be considered sexually appealing in anything but a prehistoric, grotesque sense. The "stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race" is also hairy and immensely grotesque-smelling in the state of nature such as women existed throughout most history...men were only attracted to this in order to satisfy an animal and brute impulse, and in order to make children that would support one in old age.

>> No.14559818

kinda true though

>> No.14560015
File: 45 KB, 582x406, bap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does BAP manage to get so many people who haven't even read him buttmad enough to pretend they know what his book is about?

>> No.14560023

>the tip revolution

>> No.14560040

So...he's just a pickup artist?

>> No.14560102
File: 408 KB, 498x644, rg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, women simply throw themselves at him because he is /fitlit/ and /hmpol/

>> No.14560610


>> No.14560623

Holy cringe

>> No.14560641

Jesus. Imagine wasting an entire decade on PUA theory.

>> No.14560707

I think the point is that he evolved far beyond that through the decade

>> No.14560878

He's still posting about "shit-tests" and his half-baked political/philosophical ideas on muscular men and stupid women. I really don't see any difference.

>> No.14560884

>Find some other garbage to read
show tits

>> No.14560889

>roastie posts something
>always have to plug her face in
Women are such simple, predictable tools.

>> No.14560926

Shit-tests are real, though they are done by both men and women to evaluate your social status and you wit

>> No.14561165

Yes. I love all the centuries-old philosophers and politicians who were crying about being shit-tested by a roastie.

>> No.14561385

yeap just like montaigne, schopenhauer, nietzsche and freud

>> No.14561499

I’m having a hard time getting through it.
I get nothing out of him talking about demons etc and then he goes on to say things that are flat out wrong and Luddite

I just want a castle tended to by busty women and eunuchs, where I can ride out on my Cybertruck and pillage, kill, and rape indiscriminately

>> No.14561522

>and eunuchs
What would you do to them? What would their other responsibilities be? How would you keep them in line if they outnumbered you?

>> No.14561558

Original 4chan coomer

>> No.14561874

>If you were actually intelligent or cultural or adventurous you wouldnt have to pathologically keep loudly insisting you were to legions of frog followers and insecure anons

They aren't doing that. There is a reason that frog twitter values anonymity.

>> No.14562482

the problem with the right is it's decadent desire to go back to the past and destroy technological advancement. That is also the problem with Bronze Age Mindset.

>> No.14562558

>Insofar as my book is representative of this phenomenon, it is only in the sense that unvarnished, unedited Nietzscheanism, “right wing nihilism,” has been one of the opinions absolutely forbidden by the postwar liberal world order. It has resurfaced in the space of freedom provided recently by the internet, and has spread there with some speed, the way it always will when it is not repressed. But it is hardly the only view present in this world, or even the dominant view. Nor, as I keep repeating, is this phenomenon—I lack a better word to call it—reducible to any view or set of views, but it represents rather a youth counterculture that has rejected the controlled, staged, edited and therefore mendacious form of public discourse that dominates America and the West right now.

He calls his retrogressive horsecrap "Nietzschean", but Nietzsche wouldn't even spit on this decadent philosophy. "Yeah guys! Let's wind back the clocks 2000 years and destroy civilization!" The only person who wants to be free of civilization and technology and return to "the past" are those decaying in it, a healthy and intelligent person would want to drive civilization and technology forward, even if they did want to destroy it (but only to pass beyond it into more advanced technology and civilization). And his philosophy being represented by the "youth counterculture" should not ennoble him: it is like he is licking up whatever scraps will fall off the table. It is pathetic.

>> No.14562563

Can we get a BAP reading chart?

>> No.14562570

Terrible opinion by a terrible tripfag. Filtered.

>> No.14562574

>it’s the TRUTH I swear bro
no thanks

>> No.14562580

Name one thing he said was wrong

>> No.14562588

>Midwit filter. Intelligent types agree with his assessment of Western society and how it has to die
this is probably a joke, but I'll have fun with it anyway.
An intelligent person would not want to destroy "Western society" (I believe you meant civilization), because of the massive increase in complexity in all fields it incites that weren't available in the past.
It is precisely the dumbass retard who wants to go back into "simpler times": because he/she is too stupid to benefit and use the massive complexity increase (in fact, they are actually harmed by it).

>> No.14562632

>disagree with the book
>reeeeee you got filtered lmao
100% sure sign of a failed pseud book that only groups literal retards behind it.

>> No.14562656

i am not an anti-technologist but i think your position is misguided, civilization and technology are not synonymous. the real civilization is not in what kind of cool gadgets you can make or how small your lithography process is, it's your culture and corresponding institutions, the understanding at the heart of the people in it about what it means to be a part of it. technology has advanced alongside the decline of our own culture, and so people find it easy to blame technology for it, but this doesn't come out of any personal failing of the anti-technologist other than short-sightedness (and not that they are "decaying" in decadence)
that they don't want to go forward only means that they see this cultural decay as being so advanced that the only appropriate way forward at all is go back to the original conditions that precipitated the culture they feel is already lost, which is certainly a view that could be held by a "healthy and intelligent" person

>> No.14562657

>Things are either right or their wrong

>> No.14563184

I really liked his bit on biological science, it is not so ridiculous as it might seem.Goethe said similar things and Lamarck has been somewhat vindicated by recent epigenetic and behavioral research, only few care because science is so gripped by convention

>> No.14563189

imagine getting filtered by aphorism lmao

>> No.14564009

There's a big difference between Schopenhauer writing one essay on women, and someone dedicating their whole life obsessed with "shit-tests." Please, obsess over shit-tests though. It just means I have less serious competition.

>> No.14564078

>idk what's masculinity nor do i care but let me tell you about masculinity
do pseuds really?

>> No.14564086

For some reason BAM reminded me of Victor Davis Hansen's books on farming (fields without dreams, the land was everything, et al).

>> No.14564089


>> No.14564478

Hello there, I see you didn’t read the book.

>> No.14565076

believe what? the book is just funny as hell

>> No.14565526

I think that's that girl from MDE videos
she was always kind of attention seeking right wing

>> No.14565574
File: 96 KB, 1240x1755, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been done already

>> No.14565966
File: 2.08 MB, 696x9999, 1535224846124-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a book of love.
>love yourself
>love your mom, dad, brother and sister
>love your true friends, because those who call you gay for supporting your bros are themselves g*y
>love women for what they are not the fake and gay modern representation and projection
>love animolz
>love beauty
>love hardship and pain
>love life