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14686123 No.14686123 [Reply] [Original]

What, exactly, are the characteristics of a midwit?

>> No.14686133

he questions his own mental prowess and seeks to correlate it with other samples

>> No.14686139

They have beliefs and tastes I don't like

>> No.14686151

Materialism and seeing necessity in causal relations

>> No.14686155

midwit projections

>> No.14686156

He knows just enough to think he's informed but hasn't figured out how much he doesn't know.

>> No.14686159


>> No.14686345

anyone who doesn't hate niggers.

>> No.14686358


>> No.14686371

Smart enough for secondary education but too dumb for STEM.

>> No.14686391

anyone who posts on this board

>> No.14686393

hasnt read Guenon

>> No.14686412

He hasn't figured out how much he doesn't know because he sees the unknown as something to fear, to be extinguished, replaced by reliably effective understanding. The true intellectual feels joy at the disclosure of their own ignorance to themselves, as they intimately know that such occasions are the only ones that involve learning, they see the vastness and omnipresence of their ignorance as a field of opportunity and discovery.
The exact characteristic of a midwit is a failure to properly celebrate one's own errors and to enthusiastically pursue self-accountability.

>> No.14686420

TBF some of the biggest midwits I've encountered were stemlords

>> No.14686425

thats such a midwit take.

>> No.14686451
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Austrian School.
Many-World's Interpretation.
Ham Sarris.
Pop-anthropology (Homo Deus, Diamond, Jay Gould etc). Pop-sci isn't automatically bad, if it isn't in your field.
JR, that Norwegian guy in France, and the rest except the guy with a teenage voice that makes 3 hour videos.
Retarded Perennialists/trads (Guenon, Schuon, Huxley).
A People's History of X and the like books.

Keep in mind that some things not mention aren't mentioned because they're already low brow.

>> No.14686466

see >>14681270

>> No.14686471
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The high brow position is the kneeling through the realization of the limits of knowledge before the Ineffable roots of reality.

>> No.14686599


>> No.14686634

He knows only one language and reads a shitload of translations, totally ignorant of how different translations are from original works.

>> No.14686637

OP here, it's true

>> No.14686646

Thinks that being "intelligent" is a reason to be unhappy.

>> No.14686683

Posting on /lit/

>> No.14686684

being bilingual is peak midwit. there's literally no point unless you want to inflate your own ego, unless you learn latin or ancient greek. but learning french for example is just total midwit. the only instance where transltions really differ is in poetry, which is purely an aesthetic difference. you're not going to miss out on any profound message just because its translated. at most you'll miss an idiom here and there.

>> No.14686790

There's more ancient Greek and Latin texts translated into French (pretty much all of them). You get three birds with one stone by learning French. Likely German works too.

>> No.14686797


>> No.14686869

This. Everybody should read at least English and Japanese.

>> No.14686937


"I fucking love Science"-types who did well in school, unironically love Rick & Morty, choke down every droplet of leftist propaganda, regurgitate every leftist "feel-good politics" talking point, etc... They are generally afraid of engaging people in good-faith debates because they are not capable of thinking for themselves. They are not physically fit. They fit into the hipster stereotype because, while they fancy themselves to be intellectually superior to members of the working-class right wing (they often are better educated,) they have weak wills and find comfort in the conformism of "non-conformity."

Brings to mind that one line from the song about emo kids. "I'm an emo kid, nonconforming as can be; you'd be nonconforming too if you dressed just like me." This line essentially describes the sociocultural construct of the postmodernist hipster midwit.

Incidentally, while they are better educated than their poorer, right-wing counterparts (red necks)... They are so averse to critically thinking through any of the positions that they are socially required to espouse, that it is extremely easy for them to be caught off-guard during a conversation. As a result, you get figures like "Carl the Cuck" emerging from the left. Carl the Cuck is undeniably a midwit, yet, he was completely overcome in debate by people that he would undeniably consider to be his intellectual lessers. You might therefore say that the midwit is a credentialocrat (ie: they derive self-confidence from their credentials/ pedigree,) whereas a proper genius would tend more towards meritocracy and have few difficulties with confidence because they are properly self-actualized.

>> No.14686971
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He talks about projection

>> No.14686973

Every in this thread, except for me :)

>> No.14687018

People who "fucking love science" but only read about science on Reddit or popsci publications and use this to form opinions on current research and argue with actual experts who have dedicated their lives to study.
The midwit does not dedicate himself to anything and learns only to make himself appear much smarter than he is.

>> No.14687349

post excerpts of your work

>> No.14687385

peepeee poopoo *frrrrrt* be like ploop pliip *brrrrrppppp* hahaha make stinnky poopoo

>> No.14687420


>> No.14687429

They post threads on /lit/

>> No.14688016

Despising people yet still craving for social interaction.

>> No.14688548
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I don't know nor do I care. Trivial squabbles between humans is of no concern to me any longer. I got my eyes set on a goal and my hands stretched out to reach it.

>> No.14689085


>> No.14689109

Midwit Op BTFO

>> No.14689129

-They think the more complicated a belief is the more likely it is to be correct
-They will make arguments they heard in high school as if they're holding 4 aces
- they think specific knowledge = intelligence (i.e anyone who doesn't know a specific piece of trivia must automatically be unintelligent)
- they have never questioned whether or not they are a midwit.

Michael Malice just did a troll on Twitter where he claimed Hitler built the berlin wall. It's obvious a joke but holy shit he basically founded a midwit zoo.

>> No.14689322

Midwits fall for the reification fallacy, mistaking the map for the territory. Because midwits lack the awareness necessary for the ability to dissociate thought from action, they believe objective communication and thus truth is possible, neglecting the fact that the world they live in is subjectively experienced by each and every constituent of matter, and that this is proven by the fact that if any two constituents experienced the exact same reality as one another, its own existence would have to be identical to that of its clone, in other words it would be perceived as a single event action with no discernible difference, and it would then be itself rather than a separate entity. Therefore, through the mental substanivization of its own abstractions, midwits neglect to respect the thoughts and actions of other midwits, neglecting to realize that reality is not a single knowable thing, but rather a shared experience expressed in infinitely different forms, of which one is language, each as valid as any other. Furthermore, because it is this ability to differentiate between experiences, that the conscious midwit itself owes its existence to, not only to itself but to each other, and this shared collective experience manifesting as organic or celestial bodies regardless thus signify greater strength as a function of “might make right” morality to which the lonely midwit does not feel a part of and hence his own existence feels disenfranchised, and thus rewards himself and others who share his affectedly contrarian pov to protect his own threatened existence via the same morality as that which threatens it.

>> No.14689329


Do you watch Jay Dyer?

>> No.14689640

... No u.

>> No.14689643

They are me

>> No.14689650

Reading translated books is like watching dubbed movies.

>> No.14689658

Are you kidding me?

>> No.14689666

High IQ post

>> No.14689701

They take phrases like "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" very literally. They always have something to say, but never seem to get around to saying anything. They place value in college degrees. They can only see things in black and white, so if they disagree with something they'll point out a single flaw and act like that invalidates the whole thing. They care more about things people have and haven't read than the actual topic those books are about. They have this peculiar insistence that everything they believe in is inevitable, especially when it comes to politics; and they aren't doing it for image reasons like politicians do when they say "When we win in November, we're going to X" even though they don't actually think they're going to win the election.

Basically they see everything as symbols "charged" with certain attributes through some sort of fetishistic energy. They associate good, bad, smart, dumb, etc with things. The associations made with certain objects are what determines whether it's accepted or rejected. These people are very bad at having rational discussions because of this sort of reasoning. Stupid people can do similar things, especially when they believe things on "faith" or "just my opinion." But they're often incapable of expanding this process to everything, and it's typically restricted to religious matters.

The ability to think critically and have a conversation in good faith is extremely rare.

>> No.14689735

Midwits think that making an argument alone, or the capacity to make an argument, makes someone correct.

>> No.14689768

he just sucks lol

>> No.14689793


And this is why 4chan has the cringe-inducing tier system and new/oldfag (or reddit vs 4chan) dichotomy. Every board has its “entry level” it’s idols, it’s nomenclature, and any divergence or disagreement is met with hostility because it doesn’t meet the supposed-objective tastes of the board.

Anyone who says go back to /pol/ or reddit or wherever when faced with something they don’t agree with, is a midwit coping.

>> No.14690176


>> No.14690359

Stupid but educated. Idiot with a degree. Has read a lot, not necessarily anything useful for him.

>> No.14690381

They use dumb terms like ‘midwit’

>> No.14690425
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>> No.14690430

How does one escape midwitism? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14690568
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a sensor who has been to college

>> No.14691640
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please don't lump ISTP's in with the normalniggers.

>> No.14691669
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>> No.14691670

STEM is full of tards

>> No.14691688

This is hilarious and very accurate.

>> No.14691696

FYI, most on /pol/ are definitely Sensors IE easily impressionable low-IQ retards. Self-testing yourself when some of the questions are thinly-veiled versions of "Are you fucking retarded or not?" is bound to result in falsehood.

/pol/ is most certainly THE midwit/bored normie board.

>> No.14691726

What a stupid post, the reason why people can explicate complex systems because they've spent years researching them, not because they intuitively grasp Hegelian Idealism or something of that sort.

The great question is of course why people commit themselves to systems which will always to a certain degree beg their own question. One response would be the type that ensures you that their system is actually not begging their own question or, the Nietzschean route, affirm the fact that their foundation is inherently irrational.

What this anon figured out is that most people believe stuff they want to believe, this is an insight that has been debated to death within philosophy.

>> No.14691754


>> No.14691758

This sort of attitude is essentially normalcy-seeking cope. What you should instead realize is that the more mundane personality types exist for a reason, which is that they aren't fucking autistic and thus are capable of creating functioning societies.

/pol/ is legitimately what a board that is actually made up of atypical people without filters would look like, and it is why in the real world we bully nerds and establish what to you seem like arbitrary social norms, but to well-adjusted (see, NORMAL) people, are actually lubricants that allow society to function despite its contradictions.

>It's the Jews!
YES. It is the fucking Jews. This is not a big enough problem to start a civil war over.

>Niggers are violent!
YES. Niggers are violent. This is not a big enough problem to start a civil war over.

Repeat ad-infinitum. Impressionable middling IQ normies are the mortar that holds society together, they are not people to be derided by comparing them to insane conspiracy theorists, you should instead thank God that we have so many of them to totally dwarf the class of people who overthink everything instead of simply living, because whether you like it or not, when you strip away the conservative and complacent masses, what you have left are autistic manic-depressives whatever their political stripe who would rather slit the world's throat in its crib than compromise a centimeter of the miasmatic field of ideology that they project around themselves to cope with their own crippling inability to filter out the overstimulating waves of confirmation bias that crash against their mental shores every waking moment.

>> No.14691768

midwit: the post

>> No.14691819

This is ridiculous, normal people are capable of the most crass deviancies if the paramters are set. 4chan obviously isn't full of Chads, it's neither full of autistic sociopaths or anything of that sort.

The reason why 4chan out of all places exhibits behavior that you can find on /pol/ is because it's a community primarily made up of young males who are fully anonymous, the implications are severe. If you took average boys from the west and put them in an anonymous echo chamber, they definitely would start exchanging porn and pro-male ideologies. All 4chan does is give you a free space to say whatever you want, combine that with an increasingly politically polarized society and you have phenomena like /pol/.

The Germans didn't start gassing Jews because everyone was radicalized, the Hutu didn't behead the Tutsi because suddenly everyone become neuro-atypical, Islamism didn't occur because a bunch of schizos took over the theological schools in Saudi Arabia. Your sociology is at best trite.

The easiest way to determine whether a community is pestered with Sensors is to see how they back up their arguments, in the case of /pol/ they mostly don't care about their arguments. They are just chimping out ideologically.

>> No.14691826

>/po/ is full of retards
>no wait! /pol/ is actually full of midwits!!! i changed my mind!!

>> No.14691857

He browses 4chan for one

>> No.14691864

>i can't understand the concept of multiple posters in a thread

>> No.14691866

Is GK Chesterton a midwit writer?

>> No.14691945

you're a midwit for caring

>> No.14691964

>ITT a bunch of insecure troglodytes accuse others of being midwits and justify why they don't qualify as such so they can impress some Anons they'll never know

>> No.14691976

yourea midwit for avoiding the question

>> No.14692006

uh actually you're a midwit because

>> No.14692008

takes their opinions from /lit/

>> No.14692076

Yes,Ryan Faulk od based

>> No.14692124


>> No.14692777

Statistically all of us in this thread are midwits. With the exception of me obviously.
t. 143 IQ.