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14756374 No.14756374 [Reply] [Original]

What are some anti-consumerism books?

>> No.14756381

White Noise by Don Delillo

>> No.14756402

Pelevin - Generation P

>> No.14756483

Ivan Illich - tools for convivalty

>> No.14756484

What are some pro-consumerism books?

>> No.14756498
File: 21 KB, 338x450, No_Logo_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No Logo" by Naomi Klein.

>> No.14756502

Basically: any leftist book.

>> No.14756534

Interesting. Added to my pile.

>> No.14756544

Basically: any rightwing book.

>> No.14756550

you should read some 19th century reactionaries, they were not at all into the obscene Liberal fest of cheap consumption going on

>> No.14756560

"Technological Slavery"

>> No.14756606

Nowadays leftists are for consumerism and corporate power

>> No.14756610


>> No.14756612

Look everyone, this anon is retarded!

>> No.14756616

If leftists were legit, they'd go after gays and trannies seeing all the corporations support them

>> No.14756621

Why not the corporations?

>> No.14756627

>Nowadays leftists are for consumerism and corporate power
Lol. Even you don't believe that.

>> No.14756640

Name one right-wing person who is in favour of consumerism.

>> No.14756677

Why do they support big tech companies raping the shit out of the flow of information?

>> No.14756707


the fucking president? mate literally every single right winger in the west believes that the permanent economic growth is not only achievable but desirable, and that we should all have faith that capitalism's tendency towards efficiency is going to make this an ecological possibility at all. even people like goddamn paul krugman argue for this

>> No.14756713

Capitalism is super gay

>> No.14756725

Help me out here... Do you believe private ownership of the means of production is somehow a form of leftism?

>> No.14756726

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.14756751

Do you recognize what politicians that are on the left actually do?
Or are you too busy playing 'no true Scotsman'?

>> No.14756767

The subtle art of not giving a f*ck

Not because the book has pro-consumerism messages, but because the act of buying such worthless drivel is in itself consumerism. Why read about it when you could experience the real deal for yourself anon?

>> No.14756794

the american political left is only tangentially related to what intellectuals mean when they say the left. identitarian neoliberals and legit, economic leftists are as similar as crest whitening strips and amphibians

>> No.14756825

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air

>> No.14756826

Dick-holding trannies claim to be women. By your idiotic logic, they should be counted as true women.

>> No.14756860

Trump isn't right-wing, he is just an establishment neo-liberal, just like Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush etc.
>every single right winger in the west
If you are going to point to Borris Johnson or some ridiculous example like Scott Morrison, then you are completely brain-dead to buy into party partisan politics to believe these people are 'right-wing' because of the name of their party, as opposed to their actual policies.
The closest examples of right-wingers one can point to are Viktor Orban, Salvini, Putin, the Law and Justice Party in Poland—which are not promoting 'consumerism'.

>> No.14757204

Most "anti-consumerism" just expands consumerism to engulf things not even it wants to engulf, much like opposing plutocracy just means replacing money with networking, social plutocracy being twice as infernal.

>> No.14757210

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.14757235

Mark Fisher
Christopher Bollas (even though he's an idiot (actually pretty much all psychoanalytical cultural criticism))

>> No.14757284

The big tech companies are run by biased leftists who support trannies, censorship and disingenuous things like political correctness and history revisionism to appease their disgruntled voters. Are you even serious?

>> No.14757296

"The Matter with Soul" by Darius Jordan is a great exposition of the ways in which the material prosperity of the western world following the second world war, coupled with a pervasive and insidiously progressive form of Capitalist ideology, gradually eroded our deep connections to family, community, and the soul. Using basketball references to illustrate his more nuanced dialectical points, Jordan charts the isolated development, metastasization, and spread of this ideology, much how one might laboriously chart the zigs, zags, ups, downs, fieldgoals, and layups of a basketball in an NBA game. He explores the growth of american consumer culture as it pertains to food, clothing, television, and music without outright demonizing it, recognizing that some corporate manifestations of late capitalism are as rootedly american and integral to pre-capitalist western identity as the very lands we inhabit, respectively: KFC, Nike, Roots, and hip-hop, for instance. The problem isn't global capitalism as a general system that leads to a population of vapid, soulless consumers, simultaneously narcissistic and self-hating, constantly striving to acquire and accumulate more wealth, goods, services, and Yeezys. The problem is that america is still plagued by the unresolved legacy of slavery, which, as he compellingly demonstrates, will remain unresolved until proper reparations are made to the black community. The final chapters are less compelling than the first three quarters of the book, but his prolonged deconstructions and analyses there of the lyrics of modern icons like Kendrick Lamar, Nipsey Hustle, and Birdman are nevertheless interesting and insightful, as Jordan demonstrates through his analyses that such luminaries have actually outlined a blueprint for how america can free from the talons of rampant materialism and once again flourish, if only we have the courage to begin listening, accepting, and holding ourselves accountable for the mess we inherited, but also, created.

>> No.14757362

>actually wrote up a well done, fake book summary

Why didn't I begin using this board earlier...

>> No.14757369

Fucking mass graves.

>> No.14757414

Now you mention it, even transexualism is another "product" of consumerism: you can now "buy" your gender identity.

>> No.14757418
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>> No.14757448

lgbt as a whole has become a product, consumerism consumes all, even concepts.
Christmas was the biggest thing to succumb to consumerism, a plagiarised 'tradition' which was canonised by various churches and now we have some Dickensian monster sold back to us. If consumerism can consume christmas then it can consume anything

>> No.14757648

omg this is so true
*goes back to living*

>> No.14757778

*goes back to consooming*

>> No.14757783

Chronos was always a consumerist.

>> No.14757805

Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I can't remember the author. It's basically an how to practise austerity handbook.

>> No.14757856


>> No.14757963
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>Implying you could afford a book :^)

>> No.14757977

Reminder Marx wasnt anti-consumerism

>> No.14758007


>> No.14758053

Red Star, The Space Merchants, Jennifer Government

>> No.14758091

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.14758269


>> No.14758875

great, another "muh evil straight white man" book. what does the history of slavery have to do with the problems we are facing with modern capitalism? and how are kfc, nike, or hip hop not some of the worst offenders, i would really like to hear his logic on this.

>> No.14759061

I agree with Mr. Jordan

>> No.14759175

Dont we all?

>> No.14759436

The Holy Bible

>> No.14760759

Any other thread about the right ot the Capital vs the left of the Capital.

>> No.14760775

What's so funny?

>> No.14760802

This is a fact.
Just wait until after Trump. Ha ha..

>> No.14760914

There is no real left in America.

>> No.14760921

excuse, the democrats are practically communists and sanders is literally further left than hitler

>> No.14760927


>> No.14760943


>> No.14760946
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>> No.14760967

All of them?